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Volume 5 Issue 12

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04A majority of funding that may be requestedfrom the state legislature of New Mexicowould go to newly constructed units tohouse Burqueños. Friday the Middle Rio Grande HousingCollaborative (MRGHC) approved aresolution requesting $100 million toconstruct, upgrade and rehabilitateapartments. The resolution outlines $261,733,675 in gapfunding needed to build 2078 new units andrenovate 820 existing units within 24different projects across Albuquerque. 87% of the units outlined in the resolutionwould be newly constructed. This makes up59% of the total gap funding with $155million.The second largest chunk of those funds, at$50 million, would go to two projectsconverting existing structures into 260units: the Gateway Permeant SupportiveHousing and the Motel Acquisition andRehab. Data from the quasi-governmental agency,Housing New Mexico or the New MexicoFinance Authority (NMFA), is cited in the JOINT RESOLUTION CALLS FOR MOSTLYNEW CONSTRUCTION OF APARTMENTS ASRESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION DROPSBy Dane Vaughn, The Built Environment10/02/2024BUILTENVIRONMENTNot an actual rendering. Image generated using text to image AI

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05resolution  which is  scheduled to  go  beforethe Albuquerque city council in October.BUILTENVIRONMENT“By  2035  Bernalillo  County  will  needaround 28,000 housing units; approximately4,900  of  them  should  be  affordable  tohouseholds  with  income  below  30%  AreaMedian Income (AMI) and 8,700 below 50%AMI,” cites the resolution.If  the  state  approves  the  resolution,taxpayer  funding  will  contribute  to  amultifamily  inventory  which,  according  torecent NMFA  data , had  seen a  16.7% rentincrease from 2016 to 2022.Data suggests that as rents were on the riseso  too  were  residential  constructionprojects until 2023.Residential  building  permits  had  alsodecreased  for  the  first  time  since  2019,according to the NMFA’s 2024 report titledKey Findings.MRGHC Chair Talia Freedman, who helpeddraft  the  resolution  and  who  runs  anAlbuquerque-based  real  estate  brokerage,said in a release: “The resolution supportinga  joint  request  for  $100  million  in  statefunding for housing in the largest urban areais vital to addressing the massive shortfall inhousing of all types.”Single family homes  or  residential units arenot included in the 24 projects split betweenCopyright: The Built Environmentthe  city  and the  county in  Exhibit  A of  theresolution.Public land from large to small in acreage ispinpointed for potential development by theMRGHC.The  largest  site  located  at  704  WyomingBoulevard  in  northeast  Albuquerque  is3.18 acres  which appears to  be combinedacross blocks bordering the  Los  Altos  GolfCourse. (depicted below)Copyright: Google Maps, Imagery 2024 Airbus, Maxar Technologies Map data 2024The  second  largest  site  located  at  theintersection  of  Churchill  Road  and  BataanDrive  in  southwest  Albuquerque  is  2.16acres  and  borders  a  church,  childcarecenter, and gym. (depicted below)Copyright: Google Maps, Imagery 2024 Airbus, Maxar Technologies Map data 2024The  smallest  lot  on  the  potentialdevelopment  list  with  .4  acres  was  oncehome to a half-century old railroad boardinghouse that was demolished in 2021.According to KRQE, no one was living therefor the past 20 years, and the county wasplanning  to  build  a  facility  there  to  houseand therapize veterans and the mentally ill.

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Steve AdamsJoshua CutlerManaging EditorDane Vaughn06MEET OUR TEAMWhat’s our favorite kind of taco?Sarah Motsingersarahm@constructionreporter.comOwner & Managing Partnersteve@constructionreporter.comsteve@thebuiltenvironment.comOwner & Managing Partnerjcutler@constructionreporter.comjcutler@thebuiltenvironment.comCarrie Bagleycarrie@constructionreporter.comReporterRebecca Taylorrebecca@constructionreporter.comReporterShannon Ryanshannon@constructionreporter.comReporterdvaughn@constructionreporter.comdvaughn@thebuiltenvironment.comCommunications Director &General ManagementGarry BoulardBIO: Garry Boulard is a reporterand author whose work hasappeared in the New York Times,Los Angeles Times, ChristianScience Monitor, Chicago Tribuneand Times-Picayune, among otherpublications. Continue reading >Writer4901 Mcleod NE, STE 200A, Albuquerque, NM 243-9793news@thebuiltenvironment.comBUILTENVIRONMENT

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MOBILE MAPPING EXTRACTIONDavid P. Acosta, SAM - Department Operations ManagerVery impressive results from our Mobile Mapping and UAV systems. Kudos to theacquisition team for excellent planning and execution! The extraction team did a greatjob as well of making these deliverables look clean!!Let me know how we can assist you with your future Transportation survey andmapping needs!! View post >07INDUSTRY BRIEFINGBUILTENVIRONMENTMETALCON OFFERS ROUNDTABLES TO COLLABORATE ONBUSINESS STRATEGIESStaff, Metal Construction NewsCopyright: David P. AcostaMETALCON will host a series of roundtable discussions. Each discussion will befacilitated by a member of the Metal Construction Association (MCA)... View post >LOCAL ROOFING PROJECTRMC RoofingNEW CONSTRUCTION in an old spot! View post >Copyright: RMC Roofing

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08EVENTCALENDAROCTOBER 2024BUILTENVIRONMENTRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR3:00 PM - 3:30 PM: Ribbon Cutting - Sergio'sHair Studio - CLICK HERE SANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR8:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Independent ContractorMastery Course - CLICK HERE 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM: Ribbon Cutting - KeepSanta Fe Beautiful Mural - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR6:00 PM: Planning Commission - CLICK HERE CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE - VIEW CALENDAR10:30 AM - 11:30 AM: The Estates at LaCuentista Public Improvement District Board ofDirectors Meeting - CLICK HERE 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Join Councilor NicholeRogers for District 6 Community Office Hours atthe Children's Promise Center - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 5:00 PM: 2024 AlbuquerqueAmerican Arts Festival - CLICK HERE 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM: Balloon Fiesta Week at theIndian Pueblo Cultural Center - CLICK HERE 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Women in BusinessProgram Monthly Meeting - CLICK HERE 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Kairos Power - CLICK HERE 5:30 PM - 10:00 PM: Nuclear After Dark 2024 - CLICK HERETHURSDAY OCTOBER 3RDGREATER LAS CRUCES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE- VIEW CALENDAR6:00 PM - 9:00 PM: 2024 Annual ChamberCelebration & Choice Awards Ceremony - CLICK HERE RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR6:00 PM - 8:00 PM: WFG Corporate Overview - CLICK HERE 7:00 PM: Disney on Ice Mickey’s Search Party - CLICK HERE 7:00 PM: Foreigner with LoverBoy - CLICK HERE CITY OF ALBQUERQUE - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: District 7 CouncilorConnect - CLICK HERE SANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR3:00 PM - 3:30 PM: Ribbon Cutting - TeenCenter - One Year Anniversary Celebration - CLICK HEREFRIDAY OCTOBER 4THRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR5:00 PM - 6:30 PM: Business After Hours - CLICK HERE 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM: Foreigner with LoverBoy - CLICK HERE TUESDAY OCTOBER 8TH

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09BUILTENVIRONMENTCITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR5:30 PM: Historic Districts Review Board - CLICK HERE TUESDAY OCTOBER 8THRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: Women in LeadershipLuncheon - CLICK HERE SANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR8:30 AM - 9:30 AM: A Path to Success -Chamber Orientation - CLICK HERE 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Women Empower—Afternoon Tea: Inspiring Conversations andConnections - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Employer ConnectionHiring Event - CLICK HERE 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Albuquerque Fisher House -5th Anniversary - CLICK HERE 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Ambassador ProgramMonthly Meeting - CLICK HEREWEDNESDAY OCTOBER 9THCARNM - VIEW CALENDAR7:30 AM - 7:00 PM: Intersections 2024 - CLICK HERE RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Local Social - IronwoodKitchen - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR5:30 PM: Bicycle and Pedestrian AdvisoryCommittee - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR5:30 PM - 9:30 PM: The Hispanic HeritageAwards - CLICK HERETHURSDAY OCTOBER 10THALBUQUERQUE BUSINESS FIRST - VIEW CALENDAR4:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Elevate: Women's BusinessSummit Santa Fe - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR1:00 PM - 7:00 PM: TECHFEST 2024 - CLICK HEREFRIDAY OCTOBER 11THMONDAY OCTOBER 14THCITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR5:00 PM: Veterans Advisory Board - CLICK HERETUESDAY OCTOBER 15TH

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10BUILTENVIRONMENTCARNM - VIEW CALENDAR8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: LIN Marketing Meeting - CLICK HERE RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Nonprofit Alliance Meeting- CLICK HERE SANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Women Empower—CocktailHour: Networking with Santa Fe’s LeadingWomen - CLICK HEREWEDNESDAY OCTOBER 16THBERNALILLO COUNTYOCTOBER 8TH3:00 PM: Board of County Commissioners ZoningMeeting - CLICK HERE 5:00 PM: Board of County CommissionersAdministrative Meeting - CLICK HERE OCTOBER 9TH9:00 AM: Zoning Administrator Public Hearing - CLICK HERELOS ALAMOS COUNTYOCTOBER 3RD 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Los Alamos County HealthCouncil - CLICK HERE 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Transportation Board - CLICK HERE OCTOBER 9TH5:30 PM - 7:00 PM: Planning and ZoningCommission - CLICK HERE OCTOBER 10TH5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Park and Recreation Board - CLICK HERE OCTOBER 15TH12:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Lodgers' Tax Advisory Board - CLICK HERE OCTOBER 16TH5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Board of Public Utilities -Regular Session - CLICK HERELUNA COUNTYOCTOBER 10TH9:30 AM - 10:00 AM: Public Input Work Session - CLICK HEREOTERO COUNTYOCTOBER 10TH9:00 AM - 5:00 PM: County Commission RegularMeeting - CLICK HERESANTA FE COUNTYOCTOBER 8TH2:00 PM - 7:00 PM: BOARD OF COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS (BCC) MEETING - CLICK HERE OCTOBER 10TH10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: LOCAL EMERGENCYPLANNING COMMITTEE (LEPC) MEETING: OCTOBER10, 2024 - CLICK HERE 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM: SLDC HEARING OFFICERMEETING - CLICK HERE 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM: WATER POLICY ADVISORYCOMMITTEE (WPAC) MEETING - CLICK HERE OCTOBER 15TH6:00 PM - 8:00 PM: FAIR BOARD MEETING - CLICK HERETORRANCE COUNTYOCTOBER 8TH 6:30 PM: Torrance County Fair Board RegularMeeting - CLICK HERE

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16BUILTENVIRONMENTASA NEW MEXICOANNUAL SPONSORSRED LEVEL Albuquerque Pipe & Pump Supply Co. American Fire Protection Group, Inc.American National Insulation & Sealants Construction Reporter/ The Built Environment Crane Service, Inc. Enterprise Builders Corporation Equipment Share Fairway, Inc.Ideal Plumbing & Heating, LLC National Roofing Company, Inc. Prime Electric, Inc. United RentalsWestern Partitions, Inc. Wagner Equipment, Co.Western States Fire Protection Yearout Mechanical, Inc.WHITE LEVELBELFOR Property Restoration Bradbury Stamm ConstructionDekker Perich Sabatini Jack’s Mechanical Solutions, Inc.Jaynes Structures Menicucci Insurance Agency, LLCRay’s Flooring Specialists REDW Advisors & CPAs BLUE LEVELBohannan Huston, Inc. G & H Construction Company, Inc.JTC, Inc. Klinger Constructors, LLCRisk Strategies– Burke Insurance Group The Specialists Electrical ContractorStudio Southwest Architects4Rivers Equipment2024 Annual Golf Tournament Title SponsorHUB InternationalThank you for your continued support!DOWNLOAD THE ASA NMNEWSLETTERVIEW THE ASA NMMEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY 2023-2024 >SAVE THE DATE: 2024 ASANM EVENTSOctober 4, 2024 Annual Golf TournamentOctober 23, 2024 Beer & Business CardsHappy HourNovember 7, 2024 NM Construction SafetyCoalition MeetingNovember 14, 2024 Luncheon Presentation–Insurance Panel DiscussionNovember 20, 2024 Beer & Business CardsHappy HourCopyright: Canva pro

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17BUILTENVIRONMENTAGC NEW MEXICOEVENT CALENDARAGC CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MODELAGC has partnered with a leading regional economist, BrianLewandowski of the University of Colorado Boulder, to create AGC'sConstruction Impact Model. The model is a tool that can be used bymembers, chapters, policy makers and researchers to understand theeconomic impact of infrastructure investment by state.VIEW VOLUME 2 ISSUE 41 TO LEARN MORE >AGC NM MEETSINWASHINGTON,D.C. TO DISCUSSCONSTRUCTIONINDUSTRYPRIORITIESAGC New Mexico’s 2024 President David Langley(LLR Construction), Immediate Past President JohnStroud (JB Henderson Construction),Secretary/Treasurer Patrick Thomas (SummitConstruction), and AGC NM CEO Kelly Roepke-Orthattended the AGC America National ChapterLeadership Conference in Washington, D.C. Duringthe visit, the team took the opportunity to meetwith members of New Mexico’s Congressionaldelegation to highlight the chapter's critical work,particularly in workforce development and safety.We proudly shared the accomplishments of ourmember companies, emphasizing the number ofpeople they employ and our significant youthoutreach efforts. Additionally, we discussed keyissues affecting the construction industry in NewMexico and how federal policies impact our state.CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva proOCTOBER 2024OCTOBER 4TH 8:00 AM - 5:00 PMSTP Unit 1 - Leadership and Motivation - CLICK HERENOVEMBER 2024NOVEMBER 6TH 8:00 AM - 12:00 PMFall Protection - CLICK HEREDECEMBER 2024DECEMBER 12TH 8:00 AM - 12:00 PMCLC Trifecta - CLICK HERE

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18BUILTENVIRONMENTANNUAL FALL SCHOLARSHIPAnnual Fall ScholarshipApplication Available Mid Spring 2025COLLEGE OF ENGINEERINGCivil EngineeringCivil Engineering TechnologyGeomatics & Surveying EngineeringUNM APPLICATIONAnnual Spring ScholarshipApplication Available Late Fall 2024SCHOOL OF ENGINEERINGCivil Engineering,Construction Engineeringor Construction ManagementCLICK HERE TO LEARN MORESCHOLARSHIPSACNM SEPTEMBER2024 NEWSLETTER READ THE NEWSLETTER >A MESSAGE FROM ACNM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JIM GARCIACopyright: ACNMs summer breezes turn to autumn whispers here in New Mexico, ACNM is gearing up for an action-packedfall season. Let's dive into what's coming up! Durango State Convention Recap: A hearty thank you to everyone who joined us in Durango for our StateConvention. The extended schedule was a hit, bringing us back to our pre-Covid groove. Family-friendlyactivities kept everyone entertained, while our auctions were both entertaining and productive – weraised record amounts for our PAC and the ACNM Hasse scholarship fund. Thanks to all who donated andassisted! “Great times.”Now, let's look at what's on the horizon...Copyright: ACNM

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19BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva ProAIA FURTHERSCLIMATE ACTIONEFFORTS, RELEASESNEW DATA ONCARBON NEUTRALFUTURE ANDATTENDS CLIMATEWEEK NYCWASHINGTON – September 24, 2024 –The American Institute of Architects (AIA)continues to advance climate actionwithin the built environment...CONTINUE READING >AIA ALBUQUERQUEEVENT CALENDAROCTOBER 2024OCTOBER 15TH 12:00 PM - 1:30 PMValle de Oro Visitor Center Tour - CLICK HERE OCTOBER 22ND 10:00 AM - 12:30 PMSWCRC Tour @ SNL & Design for Circularity +Sustainability - CLICK HERE OCTOBER 25TH 6:00 PM - 8:30 PMMODERNISM, INC.: The Eliot Noyes Design Story -FREE 2 .5 HSW - CLICK HERE

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20BUILTENVIRONMENTABC NEW MEXICO EVENT CALENDAROCTOBER - DECEMBER 2024WASHINGTON, Sep. 12—Construction inputprices increased 0.1% in August compared tothe previous month, according to anAssociated Builders and Contractors analysisof U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ ProducerPrice Index data released today.Nonresidential construction input pricesincreased 0.2% for the month.Prices decreased in all three energysubcategories last month. Natural gas pricesfell by 29.8%, while unprocessed energymaterials and crude petroleum pricesdeclined by 7.5% and 4.2%, respectively.Overall construction input prices are 0.7%lower than a year ago, while nonresidentialconstruction input prices are down by 0.9%.CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva ProABC: CONSTRUCTIONINPUT PRICES INCH UPIN AUGUST, BUT LOWERTHAN 1 YEAR AGOWEDNESDAY OCTOBER 30TH, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM - CLICK HERESATURDAY NOVEMBER 23RD - CLICK HEREABC NEW MEXICO CRAFTCOMPETITIONEXCELLENCE IN CONSTRUCTIONAWARDSTHURSDAY DECEMBER 12TH, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM - CLICK HEREANNUAL AWARDS LUNCHEONSUNDAY OCTOBER 18TH, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM - CLICK HERECHILI COOKOFF AND CAR SHOW

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21BUILTENVIRONMENTYOUR 2024 NMUCABOARD OF DIRECTORS &STAFFPRESIDENT, DALE ARMSTRONG, TLCPLUMBING & UTILITY 505 761 9696VICE-PRESIDENT, DAMON WICKETTS,4RIVERS EQUIPMENT 505 884 2900SECRETARY/TREASURER, JENICE GALLEGOS,GROUNDWATER PARTNERSPAST PRESIDENT, CLAY BLAIR, RMCI 505 345 0008TROY OTERO, GROUNDHOG CONSTRUCTIONSERVICES 505 243 2133DIRECTOR DARRIN HOWELLS, AUI INC. 505 242 4848DIRECTOR JOE MENICUCCI, DOWNEY &COMPANY 881 0300DIRECTOR REINEE PEACHER, DUCROSSCONSTRUCTION 575 636 3023DIRECTOR KELLEY FETTER, E2RC 505 867 4040 DIRECTOR JOHN THEILER, DH UNDERGROUNDTERRI BAKER, CORE AND MAIN 505 344 0223EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, JANE JERNIGAN 505 888 0752FROM THEEXECUTIVEDIRECTOR’SDESKHello Members,I hope you will join us this year for our End ofYear Social. A gathering to celebrate the yearand have some fun. This event is casual andthe only business at hand is the introduction ofthe 2025 Board of Directors. This is our lastevent for 2025. Details Below.The City of Albuquerque has introduced anordinance that would require 15% of your laborto be "registered Apprentices" to be able to bidon City projects of $1 million or more. See moredetails and a link to the ordinance below.You'll receive the NMUCA 2025 Board ofDirectors' Ballot soon; don't forget to fill it outand send it in.Jane JerniganUPCOMING EVENTSOctober 9th: Safety CommitteeOctober 10th: Planning October 11th: Tinnin Clay Shoot for turkeys October 17th: Board Meeting

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22BUILTENVIRONMENTWICNM NEWSLETTERAUGUST 2024 >2024 DATESHello Friends,Today is National Women’s Equality Day, this daymarks the adoption of the 19th Amendment in 1920,which granted women the right to vote. Wow, 104years! We are down to a short 70 days before ournext election and voting is one of the most powerfulways, we can express our values and have a directimpact on our community and our country.Every election is a chance for us to have a say in theissues that matter most to us—whether it’seducation, healthcare, the environment, oreconomic policies. I know that we all have our ownunique perspectives and concerns, and this is ouropportunity to make our voices heard.It’s easy to feel like our individual votes might notmake a difference, but history has shown us thatevery vote counts. Elections are often decided by aremarkably small number of votes, and ourcollective participation is what drives meaningfulchange. By voting, we not only influence thedirection of our nation but also stand up for ourcommunities and the issues we care about. Iencourage you to exercise your right to vote andencourage others around you as well. On another note, I want to thank the PlanningCommittee for all their hard work this year inplanning all our events. They are doing an amazingjob! We are down to the last two events of the year:the 3rd Annual Scholarship Bowling Event onSeptember 12th and the Women in Construction NMGala on November 9th. Sign up soon for the bowlingevent, space is limited, and more informationregarding the Gala will be out soon.Stephanie L. Peña - TLC Company, Inc.WICNM President 2024 NOVEMBER 23RD - WIC GALALOCKER #505 SCHOOL SUPPLYMONETARYDONATIONSSCAN QR CODEBELOW TO MAKEMONETARYDONATIONS TOLOCKER #505MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

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23BUILTENVIRONMENTCONTINUE READING >Ronda Gilliland-Lopez currently serves as thePresident of the Governing Board, whichrepresents a cross-section of highly valuableprofessional knowledge (legal, financial,strategic planning, education, and industryrelations).ACE LEADERSHIP HIGH SCHOOLMISSION OF MCA NMThe Mechanical Contractors Association of NewMexico is an industry trade associationdedicated to the advancement of membercontractors through training, advocacy, andpartnership.MISSION OF SMACNA NMAt the Sheet Metal and Air ConditioningContractors’ Association of New Mexico ourmission is to create a competitive advantage forour members through industry education, laborrelations, standards development, industryrepresentation, and business studies. The New Mexico Bid Depository System (NMBDS)strives to build partnerships through bidding. Thepurpose of the Bid Depository is to improve thebidding process by helping ensure the quality andequity of sub-bid scopes, and to provide adequatetime for review of the sub-bids by the generalcontractors so that they may more accuratelycomplete their bids.This system has been developed for the good ofthe contracting industry and the public as a whole.It is not a law - it is purely voluntary. Please feelfree to call this office for any additionalinformation - 505-341-9033NEW MEXICOBID DEPOSITORYCopyright: MCA/SMACNA NMMCA/SMACNA of New Mexico is a strongpartner of ACE Leadership High School. VIEW >INDUSTRY ESSENTIALSIndustry Essentials is an exclusive member-onlymonthly education series designed to providemembers a private venue to learn about anddiscuss important policy issues, industry trends,and other important professional developmenttopics.Programming will include prominent speakers todiscuss business, economic, and policy issuescritical to the construction industry and ourmembers.Topics in 2021 will include conversations withleaders to discuss cannabis safety andregulations, public procurement, tax policychanges, paid time off legislation, cyber security,the construction industries division and more!

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26BUILTENVIRONMENTPublic input is expected to be received untillater this month on a project that will seethe building of a new bridge in northernNew Mexico.The Canjilon Bridge, which is a part of U.S.Route 84 in Rio Arriba County, was built in1960 and has long been thought to be inneed of an upgrade.The structure, located just to the west of theCOMMENT STAGEUNDERWAY FORPROPOSED NEW BRIDGEIN RIO ARRIBA COUNTYBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter10/01/2024Copyright: Courtesy of New Mexico Department of Transportationpopular Ghost Ranch retreat and educationcenter, serves nearly 1,800 vehicles a dayand has seen some substructuraldeterioration through the years.The New Mexico Department ofTransportation has issued a Request forInput regarding the replacement of thebridge, which spans the Canjilon Creek. In sodoing, the state DOT noted in a pressrelease that the purpose of the bridgereplacement project would be to addressstructural inadequacies and "correctcurrent substandard bridge thickness andwidth."If built, the new bridge will have 12-footdriving lanes, with 6-foot shoulders on eachside. Continues >CONSTRUCTION NEWSNEW MEXICO

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The DOT notice additionally states that atemporary bridge will be built to servetraffic during the construction of a newCanjilon Bridge.Public comment on the project will beaccepted online until October 21.“In short,” the Governor continued, “theyare demanding climate-readyinfrastructure.”Grisham’s move is part of a larger nationaleffort under the banner of the Governors’Climate-Ready Workforce Initiativeemphasizing projects that will be eligible forsignificant federal funding via theInfrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.In announcing the national initiative, NewYork Democrat Governor Kathy Hochulemphasized a collaborative effort withindustry, labor unions, and institutions ofhigher learning, among other partners, thatwill help to build a “clean, equitable, andresilient economy.”One of parameters of the initiative, which isa part of the U.S. Climate Alliance, will seethe training of workers for specificinfrastructure jobs.In New Mexico, said Grisham, that will meanthe building of roads, bridges, dams, watersystems, broadband networks, andaffordable housing, with a $2 million granteffort managed by the Energy, Minerals, andNatural Resources Department to trainbuilding code workers and specialists forconducting energy audits of commercial andresidential buildings.Established in 2017, the U.S. ClimateAlliance to date has a membership of 23states and a public goal of reducinggreenhouse gas emissions by 28% by nextyear.27BUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICOEMBRACING FUNDINGOPPORTUNITIES FORCLIMATEINFRASTRUCTUREPROJECTSBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter09/26/2024In an effort to reduce the cost of buildingany number of public infrastructure projectsacross the state, New Mexico DemocratGovernor Michelle Lujan Grisham hasissued an Executive Order required toaccess federal funding for that work.“Communities that have been devastated bynatural disasters are wisely demanding thatwe sustainably manage the forests, buildbridges that withstand flooding, and hardenour telecommunications infrastructureagainst the threat of fire,” said Grisham inannouncing the order.Copyright: Canva Pro Copyright: Canva Pro

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Westside Starbucks undergoes remodel The Starbucks at 8201 Golf Course RoadNW received a permit Sept. 23 forrenovations. The coffee shop shut down the same day forthose renovations, and it’s expected toreopen Nov. 6, according to a Starbucksspokesperson. The Starbucks spokespersondescribed the renovations as standard butdid not disclose further details, such as thecost or description of the renovations. Continue reading >ROUNDUP: PAIR OFWESTSIDERESTAURANTS, SMITH'SIN THE NORTHEASTHEIGHTS TO BERENOVATEDBy Cooper Metts, Albuquerque Business First10/02/2024Copyright: Canva ProAt the Sept. 9 Bayard City Council meeting,Carney Foy offered a large piece of hisfamily’s land to the city — an offer madeexclusively to Bayard before opening it upto other buyers. The council jumped on theopportunity, voting unanimously to moveforward with the purchase.When completed, the $1.9 million deal willadd another 675 acres to the city, spanningU.S. 180 between Bayard and Santa Clara,and has the potential to open up newoptions for housing and economicdevelopment. Continue reading >28BUILTENVIRONMENTYEARS OF WORK TOFOLLOW FOY RANCHPURCHASEBy Hallie Harris, Silver City Daily Press10/01/2024FIRST DENTAL TRAININGCOLLEGE TO OPEN ASSTATE GRAPPLES WITHSEVERE SHORTAGESBy Staff, KUNM10/01/2024Touro University, a New York-basednonprofit education institution, will expandits dental medicine program to Albuquerquenext year. This comes as New Mexicoexperiences severe shortages in dentalprofessionals, especially in ruralcommunities.Almost 1 million New Mexicans live in areasthat lack dental health professionals with 32of our 33 counties designated as shortageareas.Touro University has... Continue reading >

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – The cityhoped it would be ready in time forthousands of people to come to town forBalloon Fiesta, but now, the Sunport said itsbig new food court is still weeks away fromopening up. “We’re just racing to the finishline,” said Leah Black, Outreach andMarketing Manager for the AlbuquerqueInternational Sunport.Busy is just one way to describe a year full ofoverhauls at the Sunport as the city worksto finish one of its most important multi-million-dollar projects. That project is abrand-new food hall... Continue reading >NEW SUNPORT FOODVENDOR AREA DELAYEDDUE TO CONSTRUCTIONSETBACKSBy Chandler Farnsworth, KRQE10/01/2024New Mexico can do it.The state can incentivize and create policiesthat allow for development-ready sites andmajorly support economic development inNew Mexico.These are the sentiments of Danielle Casey,president and CEO of the AlbuquerqueRegional Economic Alliance, or AREA. Formonths, she’s voiced concern over the lackof development-ready... Continue reading > 29BUILTENVIRONMENTCONE ZONE: WEEK OFSEPT. 30, 2024By Carol A. Clark, Los Alamos Daily Post09/30/2024Public Works Projects:Los Alamos County Public Works’ staffmanages the projects listed in this sectionthrough contractors.For more information, please, call 505.662.8150, or visitthe “County Projects” link and select “PublicWorks” at t slow down and use caution withinthe construction work zones. Continue reading >HOW CAN NM ATTRACTDEVELOPERS? BUSINESSLEADERS SAY SITEREADINESS IS THEANSWER.By Megan Gleason, Albuquerque Journal09/27/2024INTERIOR RELEASESGUIDELINES FORORPHANED WELLCLEANUP GRANTSBy Hannah Grover, New Mexico Political Report10/01/2024The U.S. Department of the Interiorreleased guidelines this week for how statescan access funding from the BipartisanInfrastructure Law to clean up orphanedand abandoned oil and gas wells.There’s a total of $1.5... Continue reading >Copyright: Canva Pro

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New Mexico State University is looking atthe next steps to restore and rebuild itsAlumni Pond, which was closed last Augustafter losing a significant amount of water ina short period of time. NMSU engaged with Molzen Corbin, anational engineering firm based in NewMexico with significant expertise in waterresource engineering, to conduct anevaluation of the pond. The completedreport was provided to NMSU in December2023. Continue reading >NMSU EVALUATESPLANS FOR COMPLETEALUMNI POND REBUILDBy Staff, NMSU Newsroom09/30/2024The University of New Mexico is set toembark on an innovative journey with thegroundbreaking of the Center forCollaborative Arts & Technology (CCAT) onTuesday, Oct. 15.Designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro (DS+R),this new 60,000 square-foot facility for theUNM College of Fine Arts (CFA), CCAT willserve as a central hub for innovation,creativity, and collaboration—where everystudent is exposed... Continue reading >30BUILTENVIRONMENTA NEW ERA FOR FINEARTS EDUCATION: UNMSET TO BREAK GROUNDON LANDMARK CENTERFOR COLLABORATIVEARTS & TECHNOLOGYBy Lydia Thomas, UNM Newsroom09/25/2024While some local municipalities seem to beadding new businesses and houses on a dailybasis, growth and development in theunincorporated communities of ValenciaCounty could best be described as slow butsteady.The unincorporated areas — those outsidethe limits of the five... Continue reading >FOCUSING ON THEFUTURE IN VALENCIACOUNTYBy Julia M. Dendinger, Valencia County News Bulletin09/26/2024Copyright: Canva ProTSV INC. INSTALLS $1MIN UPGRADES AHEAD OF2024-25 SEASONBy Olivia Lewis, Taos News09/25/2024This Thanksgiving (Nov. 28), Taos Ski Valleywill kick off the winter season with $1million in snowmaking and lift maintenanceupgrades, along with early ticket-purchasediscounts and new snowsports packages,like Teen Ski Weeks.According to a press release issued by ErinDolin, a spokesperson... Continue reading >Copyright: Canva Pro

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31BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSSOUTHWESTMembers of the Texas State Legislature willbe tasked early next year with approving theconstruction of a new student unionbuilding that will go up on the El Pasocampus of the University of Texas.The project, which will include thedemolition of a structure housing theschool’s Dinner Theater, has taken asignificant step forward with a campus-widestudent vote of approval.UNIVERSITY OF TEXASAT EL PASO STUDENTRECREATION PROJECTSET TO GO TO STATELEGISLATURE FORAPPROVAL By Garry Boulard, The Built Environment10/02/2024Copyright: Canva ProThat vote saw 1,171 students voting infavor of a referendum that will increasestudent fees to help pay for the project, with1,098 voting in opposition.As proposed, the project will see theconstruction of a new Union West buildinghousing such amenities as lounge, study, andcollaborative space, along with a ballroomcapable of hosting up to 800 people.The vote came on the heels of an ongoingoutreach to UTEP students asking for theirinput on the project. In a statement, EdgarLoya, president of the UTEP StudentGovernment Association, said the newStudent Union West will be “built on theprinciple that every student’s voicematters.”According to UTEP sources, the newbuilding will also include meeting spaces anda shared outdoor plaza area. In line with the

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school’s emphasis on sustainability, theproject will also feature the use of solarpanels, LED lighting, and water efficiencymeasures.The demolition aspect of the project will seethe leveling of two structures making up thecurrent Union West, one of which was builtin 1949, with a second wing added a decadelater.The demolition has sparked opposition, withthe site noting that bothwings were designed in the BhutaneseRevival architectural style employed bywell-known southwestern architect HenryTrost.projects to be funded by the bond werechosen earlier this spring by a citizens'advisory committee. As proposed, the bond will also fund $15.5million in safety and security upgrades in all44 of the district's school buildings as wellas the main administrative office building inGlendale. Exactly $57.2 million will target renovationwork and upgrades to Peoria's elementaryand high schools. That work will includeimproved heating, air conditioning,electrical, and plumbing systems.The new elementary school is in response toPeoria's growing enrollment and will bebuilt on land already owned by the district. 32BUILTENVIRONMENTSOUTHERN ARIZONASCHOOL DISTRICTASKING VOTERS FOR$120 MILLION BOND FORVARIETY OF FACILITYPROJECTSBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment10/02/2024Planning may be underway within the nextyear for the construction of a new $21million elementary school in Peoria, Arizona.The facility will belong to the Peoria UnifiedSchool District, one of the oldest suchdistricts in the West, with a currentenrollment of around 36,000 students, upfrom just over 33,000 two decades ago.The district encompasses nearly 50 squaremiles and includes the cities of Peoria, aswell as sections of Glendale and Youngtown. Construction of the new school will be paid,if approved by voters, out of a $120 millionbond set for the November ballot. Individual COLORADO SPRINGS TOSEE CONSTRUCTION OFNEW 7-STORY HOTELBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter10/01/2024Plans have been announced for theconstruction of a new extended-stay 180-room hotel in downtown Colorado Springs.The project belongs to the Sage HospitalityGroup, which is based in Denver, and willalso include dining and meeting space. To becalled the Catbird Hotel, the project is partof a series developed by Sage that includesthe similarly named Catbird Hotel in Copyright: Canva Pro

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Denver, which was competed and opened in2021.The project, done in conjunction with theColorado Springs-based NorwoodDevelopment Group, is a piece of a largerpicture seeing the building of a handful ofnew hotels in the Olympic City.Altogether, according to the site VisitColorado Springs, at least five major hotelshave seen construction as of this summer,responding to a tourism demand that is nowongoing throughout the year.If all goes as planned, work on the newColorado Springs Catbird Hotel will beginsometime next spring, with an anticipatedcompletion schedule in the final quarter of2027.33BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva ProOn top of that, notes the Denver Gazette, aprevious ten new hotels were built inColorado Springs between 2021 and thisyear.Two architectural firms, OMFGCo ofPortland and Denver’s JNS Architecture +Interior Design, have been brought in totake on the design details of the new hotel.In a statement, Dennis del Olmo, Sagepresident, remarked: “We see tremendouspotential in Colorado Springs as a dynamicdestination that is welcoming business andleisure travelers.”Founded in 1984, the Sage HospitalityGroup has a current stable of around 60hotels nationally, with an emphasis on theindependent and lifestyle model.NEW EL PASO CITYFUNDING SECURED FORINNOVATIVE DECKPARK PROPOSALBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter09/30/2024Matters are moving forward for the buildingof a unique deck park that would spanInterstate 10 in downtown El Paso.Members of the El Paso City Council havenow voted to approve some $750,000 inpre-development funding for the project;funding that comes in the wake of anadditional $1 million in county fundsapproved in August by the El Paso CountyCommissioners Court.Also lining up for support: the Paseo delNorte Community Foundation, which hasthus far raised $250,000 in private givingfor the project. Continues >

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Additional funding may becoming through an applicationsubmitted to the federalDepartment of Transportationfor a $5 million grant by the ElPaso Metropolitan PlanningOrganization. That grant, ifapproved, would be specificallyused to fund the design work onthe project.The project has been talkedabout and studied for the last 5years and won the support ofboth planners and residents wholike the idea of repurposing andusing a one-time vehicularoverpass for green purposesrather than just demolishing it.Referenced as the I-10 UpperDeck Project, the effort wouldsee the creation of a park withgardens, benches, trails, anddifferent outdoor facilities.Published reports have alsoindicated that the park could seethe building of a dog park,outdoor theater, and perhapseven an El Paso PoliceDepartment substation.As envisioned, the deck parkwould span some five blocks,from Santa Fe Street to KansasStreet, and could ultimately costas much as $207 million tocomplete."Construction costs for deckparks can be wincingly high, butthere is also an upside—the landitself is generally free," notes theauthor Peter Hamik in his bookUrban Green--Innovative Parks forResurgent Cities.34BUILTENVIRONMENTApproval has now been secured for the rezoning of asite in West El Paso that will see the construction of anapartment complex with just over 100 residential units.The project belongs to the Housing Authority of theCity of El Paso and will see construction near theintersection of Bluff Trail Lane and S. Mesa Hills Drive.In a 6 to 2 vote, members of the El Paso City Councilhave now given their approval to a rezoning designationfor a project designed to provide housing for individualsand families earning up to 80% of Area Median Income.The zoning change is taking the 6.2-acre site from an R-3 Residential to an A-3 Apartment designation.The property in question was purchased 5 years agofrom the utility company El Paso Water by the HousingAuthority.Residents in the surrounding Mesa Hill neighborhoodattended several public input meetings on the project,saying that the proposed complex was too large for thearea.But those assertions were to a degree balanced by areport completed in April for the city's PlanCommission saying that the proposal was "in characterwith the residential and apartment development in thesurrounding area."The Housing Authority last month received $16 millionin the form of housing tax credits awarded by the TexasDepartment of Housing and Community Affairs to spurconstruction of the project.NEW EL PASO AFFORDABLEHOUSING COMPLEX SECURESAPPROVAL; CONSTRUCTIONSET TO BEGIN SOONBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 09/26/2024

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35BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSNATIONALThe country’s economic fundamentalsappear strong heading into the final quarterof this year, with spending showingincreases across the board, says a newreport just issued by the Deloitte GlobalEconomics Research Center.Noting a year-long increase in domesticproduct growth, along with a decline ininflation and increase in construction, thereport offers a pleasing assessment for theduration of 2024: “Coupled with elevatedgovernment consumption, we expect the USeconomy to grow by 2.7% this year.”DELOITTE CRUNCHESNATIONAL ECONOMY’SNUMBERS IN NEWREPORT; LIKES HOW THEREST OF THE YEARLOOKSBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment 10/02/2024Copyright: Canva proTaking particular note of the FederalReserve Board’s recent decision to lowerinterest rates, the report, United StatesEconomic Forecast, says: “All availableevidence suggests policymakers may havemanaged to bring inflation under controlwithout causing a recession”The report also forecasts a possible scenariowhere “structural changes to the labormarket occur in the long run and laborproductivity exceed our baseline forecast.”Factors mitigating against a vibranteconomy include conflicts in both theMiddle East and Ukraine, and overall tradepolicy, “which could combine to yieldpersistent inflation.”Overall, the country’s labor market isvibrant, even as a large number ofcompanies are investing in technology andsoftware, including AI. Such technologyholds the potential of transforming sometypes of work, with “productivity growing byan average of 1.8% per year from 2024 to2028.”A population increase, some 1.1 millionlarger than earlier forecasts, is contributingto a vibrant labor force, especially as“workers continue to delay retirement.”Consumer spending, meanwhile, “continuesto exceed expectations.” Continues>

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Real personal consumption expenditure was up by 0.5% at the end of the summer, growing atan annual rate of 2.9%. Spending on durable goods, at the same time, has seen a healthyincrease of nearly 5%, with the report noting: “Increased spending on durables is often seenas a signal of rising consumer confidence.”The overall Deloitte numbers represent the firm’s most positive take on the country’seconomic future since the pre-pandemic growth days of late 2019.The Deloitte Global Economics Research Center is a part of the larger Deloitte ToucheTohmatsu firm and is the largest professional services network in the world.36BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva pro

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New grant funding out of Washington to thetune of $232 million is being made availablefor brownfield cleanup projects across thecountry.In announcing the funding, a press releasefor the Environmental Protection Agencynoted that the support is designed to “helptransform once-polluted, vacant, andabandoned properties into communityassets while spurring economicrevitalization in underserved communities.”NEW FEDERAL FUNDINGFOR STATEBROWNFIELDERADICATION EFFORTSANNOUNCEDBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 09/26/2024Copyright: Canva proThe funding more specifically is coming outof the agency’s Brownfields Assessment,Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup program,and is expected to see the awarding ofgrants for what could be up to 200individual cleanup programs across thecountry.The dollar worth of the various grants willlikely range anywhere from $500,000 to asmuch as $4 million.As defined by the EPA, which launched theBrownfields Program in 1995, a brownfieldsite is typically property that is abandonedand was formerly the home of a gas station,warehouse, factory, or even dry-cleaningestablishment.Such sites are often contaminated witheverything from lead, asbestos, solvents,and hydrocarbon spillages. This year’sgrants are designed to specifically targetbuildings with lead-based paintcontamination as well as structurescontaminated by such potentially toxicbuilding materials as caulking, flooring, andinsulation.To date, just under $2.7 billion in EPAcleanup grants have been awarded forprojects nationally.Applications for funding for this round ofbrownfield grants must be submitted to theEPA by November 12.According to EPA records, previousbrownfield grant awards have seen theclean-up and restoration of the Old FortLowell Army supply base into a museum inTucson; the repurposing of the formerHillcrest General Hospital in Silver City intohousing for seniors; and the transformationof one-time Stanley Aviation factory into amixed-use community hub.37BUILTENVIRONMENT

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OSLO, Norway - Sept. 30, 2024 - PRLog --The ResC4EU consortium proudlyannounces the grand opening of itsResC4EU platform, designed to supportcompanies in making their supply chainsmore resilient and sustainable at this year'sKOMPOZYT-EXPO®, the 13thInternational Trade Fair for CompositeMaterials, Technologies and Products,taking place from October 16-17, 2024, inKrakow, Poland. Continue reading >GRAND OPENING OF THERESC4EU PLATFORM TOSUPPORT COMPANIESWITHSTANDING SUPPLYCHAIN DISRUPTIONSBy Scaberia AS, PRLOG09/30/202438BUILTENVIRONMENTHandCraft Services, a provider of medicallinen and apparel products, plans toestablish operations in Berkeley County,West Virginia. The $59 million project isexpected to create 220 jobs. The investment includes the construction oftwo new manufacturing facilities scheduledfor operations in 2025 and in 2026.Continue reading >HANDCRAFT SERVICESPLANS BERKELEYCOUNTY, WESTVIRGINIA, PRODUCTIONOPERATIONSBy Staff, Area Development News Desk10/01/2024The General Services Administration pickedHensel Phelps for a $274.7 million design-build contract to expand a border station inDouglas, Arizona, according to a Sept. 24award notice.Continue reading >HENSEL PHELPSSECURES MORE BORDERSTATION WORKBy Julie Strupp, ConstructionDive10/01/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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Receding floodwaters began to reveal theextent of damage from Hurricane Helene asstates across the Southeast begin to focuson repairs to critical infrastructure. Continue reading >HURRICANE HELENEDAMAGE COMES INTOFOCUS WITH LONGREBUILD EFFORTEXPECTEDBy Derek Lacey, ENRCopyright: Canva pro39BUILTENVIRONMENTWhile most of the news this week aboutSam Altman has been centered around thenearly $10 billion in equity he could bereceiving in OpenAI, another headlineslipped through the cracks mid-week:OpenAI has pitched the Bidenadministration on a build-out of massivedata centers.Continue reading >SAM ALTMAN JUSTPITCHED THE BIDENADMINISTRATION ON AMASSIVE BUILD OUT OFAI DATA CENTERSBy Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge09/28/2024There is near universal consensus that thedata center market is growing rapidly. Inthe next five years alone, twice as much datawill be generated as created in the pastdecade, according to Jennifer DiMambro,Global and Americas Science, Industry andTechnology Leader, Arup.Continue reading >10 BIGGEST IMPACTS TOTHE DATA CENTERMARKET IN 2024–2025By Quinn Purcell, Building Design + Construction 10/01/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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40BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSTRENDSAll signs are pointing to a labor strikeimpacting port operations along the EastCoast and in the Gulf of Mexico.After months of talks, representatives withthe International Longshoreman’sAssociation, with a membership of some85,000 dock workers, and the United StatesMaritime Alliance, have not been able tocome to terms that would prevent a walk-out.PORT STRIKE APPEARSCERTAIN ASNEGOTIATIONS BREAKDOWNBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 10/01/2024Copyright: Canva proOn Sunday, President Biden announced thathe would not intervene in the matter,referencing his respect for the collectivebargaining process. In a statement, WhiteHouse spokesperson Robyn Pattersonremarked: “We continue to encourage theparties to continue negotiating towards anagreement that benefits all sides andprevents any disruptions.”At issue is a labor demand for increased pay,but also stronger guarantees on the part ofmanagement that automated systems onthe docks in question will be not used toreplace workers.In public comments, ILA President HaroldDaggett remarked: “We have to fight forwhat we rightfully deserve. Let’s get acontract, and let’s move on with the world.”In a statement issued last week, the UnitedStates Maritime Alliance said it had greatrespect for the ILA workers: “We have ashared history of working together and arecommitted to bargaining.”But the alliance blamed the union for thecurrent negotiation impasse, attacking ILArepresentatives for a “repeated refusal tocome to the table and bargain on a newmaster contract.”Continues >

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Should the ILA decide to strike, notes theWashington Post, it would result in “freezingcommercial shipping on a massive scale anddisrupting the national economy weeksbefore the presidential election.”With the ILA workers handling cargo thatincludes everything from building materialsto electronics, cars, and food, the strike hasthe potential of costing the U.S. economyupwards of $1 billion.Altogether 36 ports, handling more thanhalf of all U.S. container imports, would beimpacted by the job action.The last time the ILA went on strike was inthe fall of 1977. That action lasted for justover two months until the end of November,with the ILA ultimately securing new wageand fringe benefit increases.41BUILTENVIRONMENTEngineering and construction costsincreased in August, according to theEngineering and Construction CostIndicator from PEG and S&P Global MarketIntelligence. The headline Engineering andConstruction Cost Indicator, a leadingindicator measuring wage and materialinflation for the engineering, procurement,and construction sector, declined 4.6 pointsto 60.7 in August. The sub-indicator formaterials and equipment costs fell 3.8points to 59.8 while the sub-indicator forsubcontractor labor costs moved down to62.9 in August from 69.3 in July.Continue reading >CONSTRUCTION COSTINDICATOR SHOWSMIXED SIGNALS FORCONTRACTORSBy Staff, Metal Construction News09/25/2024Dive Brief:Nonresidential construction spendingticked up 0.1% in August to a seasonallyadjusted annual rate of $1.22 trillion,according to Associated Builders andContractors’ analysis of U.S. CensusBureau data released Tuesday.Continue reading >PUBLIC PROJECTS KEEPNONRESIDENTIALCONSTRUCTIONAFLOATBy Sebastian Obando, ConstructionDive10/01/2024Copyright: Canva proWASHINGTON, D.C.: The U.S. Departmentof Labor reported this week that thenumber of Americans applying forunemployment benefits last week fell...Continuer reading >APPLICATIONS FOR USJOBLESS CLAIMS FALLTO LOWEST IN 4MONTHSBy Robert Besser, New Mexico State News.Net09/30/2024

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Lately, securing financing for large-scaledevelopment projects has becomeincreasingly complicated and nuanced.Executives looking to expand facilities orselect new locations must navigate myriadchallenges, from volatile capital markets tostringent investor expectations.Continue reading >LARGE-SCALEPROJECTS FACEFINANCINGCHALLENGESBy Adam Glatz, Area Development Q4 2024Copyright: Canva pro42BUILTENVIRONMENTThe construction industry continues tothrive, with employment increasing in 39states from August 2023 to August 2024,according to a recent analysis by theAssociated General Contractors of America(AGC). Between July and August 2024alone, 27 states and the District of Columbiasaw a rise in construction jobs, reflecting theongoing demand for skilled workers in thisbooming sector.Continue reading >CONSTRUCTIONEMPLOYMENT SEESSTRONG GROWTHACROSS 39 STATESBy Staff, Design Cost DataCopyright: Canva pro

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44VIEW >NOT AVAILABLEESTIMATED COSTPROJECT INFOSCOPE:APS Holloman Pre K-8 Campus - Phase 2 HollomanMiddle SchoolThe following scopes are already contracted and arenot available to bid.Site DemolitionUnderground Utilities and InfrastructureCivil Grading Package and FoundationPreparationOWNER:Albuquerque Public Schools - ProcurementDepartment PO Box 25704 6400Uptown Blvd NE Ste 500EAlbuquerque, NM 87110-4253Bid Date/Time: 10/8/2024 - 02:00pm MSTAddenda Count: 5Memo Count: 0Phase: BiddingStage: ActiveStatus:Addenda ReceivedProject Type: New ConstructionCategory: EducationPublic Funding: YesBid Security: Bonds may be required.APS HOLLOMANMIDDLE SCHOOL(SUBBID)APS HOLLOMANMIDDLE SCHOOL(SUBBID)(505) 878-6126BUILTENVIRONMENT

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45$68,000,000ESTIMATED COSTCM@RMADISONE ROSELANEELEMENTARYSCHOOLCM@RMADISONE ROSELANEELEMENTARYSCHOOLVIEW PROJECT >OWNER:Madison School District No. 38 (602) 664-79905601 N 16th StreetPhoenix AZ 85016PROJECT INFO:Bid Date/Time: 10/8/2024 - 11:00am PSTPhase: BiddingStage: ActiveProject Type: Vendor / Professional ServicesCategory: EducationPublic Funding: YesSCOPE:Provide Construction Manager At Riskservices for Madison Rose LaneElementary School Campus replacement.Demolition will be approximately 93,000sfand includes administration, classrooms,restrooms, and cafeteria. Construction ofnew buildings housing classrooms,administration, cafeteria and elementarylevel athletic facility. Additionally, we willadd a new Early Childhood LearningCenter which will include Administrationand classrooms. This will be an occupiedcampus.Address: 1155 E. Rose Lane. Phoenix, AZ85014Schedule: Construction to be completedby June, 2027.Tentative Projected Construction Budget: $68,000,000 which includes architectservices, construction and FF&E.BUILTENVIRONMENT

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46FEATUREDPRE-BID PROJECTPlans are now in place for the facilityexpansion of a fast-growing clean energycompany based in Alameda, California.With facilities also located in NorthCarolina and Tennessee, Kairos Powerdescribes itself as advancing “mission-driven nuclear technology” that can...CONTINUE READING >RAPIDLY ADVANCINGKAIROS POWERANNOUNCES NEWALBUQUERQUEFACILITY PLANSBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 09/20/2024PROJECT INFORMATION:Stage: Conceptual / No DesignStatus: New Project / First ReportProject Type: New ConstructionCategory: Utility / EnergyPublic Funding: YesVIEW >BUILTENVIRONMENT

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48ADDITIONS/RENOVATIONS /UPGRADELUNA COUNTYDISPATCH/EOCRENOVATIONVIEW PROJECT >JICARILLA SERVICE UNIT APPOINTMENT DESKRENOVATIONSCOPE OF WORK: The project aims to reconfigure the appointment desk area at Jicarilla Service Unit. The deskreconfiguration needs to accommodate two appointment desk clerks while prioritizing patient privacy andaddressing respiratory concerns due to increased COVID and other respiratory illnesses. The designshould be permanent, functional and aesthetically pleasing, ensuring comfortable and safe environmentfor staff and patients.VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Existing building to receive exterior and interiorrenovations. Exterior renovations to include additionof new entry doors and entry canopies. Re striping ofexisting parking lot. Interior renovations to includeremoval of existing walls, HVAC...BUILTENVIRONMENT

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49DEMOLITION /ABATEMENTON-CALL FOR ENVIRONMENTALABATEMENT, CPN 587895VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Perform Environmental cleanup services removing pollutants, contaminates, and hazardous material fromcontaminated areas. Services to include, but not limited to environmental remediation of mold, asbestos,and hazardous waste.BUILTENVIRONMENT

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50MATERIAL /EQUIP / SERVICE /INSTALLELEVATORMAINTENANCESERVICES FOR 2025VIEW PROJECT >ON-CALL SERVICESFOR MAINTENANCE& EMERGENCYREPAIRS TO THECITY'S NATURALGAS SYSTEMSSCOPE OF WORK: The Offeror shall perform On-Call Services for Maintenance &Emergency Repairs to the City'sNatural Gas Systems on an asneeded basis, as hereafterstated, for customary andincidental services for the Cityof Las Vegas....VIEW PROJECT >ELECTRIC MOTORS,PARTS, ANDSERVICESSCOPE OF WORK: This RFB is to provide electricmotors, parts, equipment,repairs, and services. Pleaserefer to the specifications forbid details.VIEW PROJECT >OPERATION ANDMAINTENANCE OFCITY OF EL PASOPOLICEDEPARTMENTMUNICIPALVEHICLE STORAGEFACILITYSCOPE OF WORK: The City Facility is located at11615 Railroad Drive, El Paso,Texas. The City’s Facility is onapproximately 10 acres...VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Elevator Maintenance Services for 2025BUILTENVIRONMENT

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51NEWCONSTRUCTIONBUILTENVIRONMENTLOVINGTONCONVENIENCE CENTERVIEW PROJECT >SHERIFF’S DEFENSE FORCE OPTION FACILITYSCOPE OF WORK: Adams County is seeking proposals for design and construction of a turnkey steel building at theFLATROCK Regional Training Center, located at 23600 E 128th Ave, Commerce City, CO 80022.VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: 500 sf building, slab on grade with spread concretefooting, metal stud wall construction with EFISstucco finish, TPO roof system, hollow metal doors,interior finishes, mechanical/electrical systems.

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52SITE WORK /NON-BUILDINGWESTSIDE MEDIANSROADWAY LIGHTING &LANDSCAPINGIMPROVEMENTSVIEW PROJECT >EAST 16TH AVENUESTORM PHASE 2PACKAGE ASCOPE OF WORK: The East 16th Avenue StormPhase 2 project is the secondphase of an effort to extend andupsize the storm system in theMontclair Basin to relievefrequent and significantflooding in the neighborhood.The downstream end of theproject will tie into an existingbox in Albion Street just south ofEast 17th Avenue that crossesColorado Boulevard and outfallsinto Ferril Lake. The new stormdrain will extend east in Bataviavia an elliptical Hobas pipe.Work will also include fullroadway reconstruction...VIEW PROJECT >SANDOVALCOUNTY ANIMALSHELTERSUBDIVISIONSCOPE OF WORK: Excavation and grading preparethe land for the structure, siteclearing and installation of siteutilities for the future AnimalResource Center Building.VIEW PROJECT >CITY OF SANTAROSA 5TH STREET,WATER AND SEWERIMPROVEMENTSSCOPE OF WORK: The installation of approx. 1300LF of 8" sewer main withmanholes and sewer servicelaterals and the installation ofapprox. 1600 LF of 8" water line,fire hydrants and water servicelaterals. Project includestrenching, backfill andpavement repair of trenches.VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Base Proposal I – Executive Center from Paisano I-10...BUILTENVIRONMENT

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55MATERIAL /EQUIP / SERVICE /INSTALLBARRICADE SERVICESVIEW PROJECT >WAREHOUSE RFQ AUGUST 28, 2024VIEW PROJECT >ALL CITY OFALBUQUERQUEPARKS IRRIGATIONSYSTEMS,SUPPLIES, PARTS,AND ACCESSORIESVIEW PROJECT >CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $21,080.002 Low | $28,290.003 Low |$29,035.00*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award details*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $1,328.002 Low | $1,744.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDED: Award | dollar amount notavailable Award | dollar amount notavailable BUILTENVIRONMENT

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61BUILTENVIRONMENTWHAT’S NEXT FOR THEMANUFACTURING‘SUPERCYCLE’?The North American industrial manufacturingsector faces a dynamic landscape ofchallenges and opportunities. Globalization isshifting, with companies reevaluating theirstrategies due to geopolitical risks and thelessons of the pandemic. Reshoring andonshoring are on the rise, which has usheredin a new manufacturing ‘Supercycle’ that couldshield North American manufacturers fromglobal uncertainties.Technological advancements, like automationand AI, offer promise but also raise questionsabout their impact on industrial operations.And supply chain disruptions and energychallenges persist, requiring manufacturers toadapt strategically to remain competitive.Against this volatile backdrop, four SIORindustry leaders hailing from the U.S., Canada,and Mexico, recently shared their insights onthese transformative trends and the future ofthe Supercycle.The Shifting Dynamics of GlobalizationLong celebrated as the unstoppable force ofeconomic integration, globalization is now...Continue reading >Copyright: Canva Pro

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63BUILTENVIRONMENTPERMITTINGAND ECONOMICFACTORSCONTINUE TOIMPACTMULTIFAMILYPROJECTTIMELINESA new report from the National MultifamilyHousing Council presents a mixed report on thestate of multifamily construction in the U.S. Onthe one hand, fewer delays are beingexperienced on the projects that are underway.On the other hand, fewer projects are beingundertaken, with 37% fewer starts between 2Q2023 and 2Q 2024, according to the CensusBureau.The NMHC’s just released quarterly survey ofconstruction and development activity for 3Q2024 was conducted from September 3-17 andreceived responses from 29 leadingcompanies...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro

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64BUILTENVIRONMENTTHE IMPACT OFTHE FEDERALRESERVE RATECUTS ONCOMMERCIALREAL ESTATEMARKETSCiting progress on inflation and the balanceof risks, last week the Federal Reserveannounced rate cuts of 0.5%, to 4.75% to 5%.Can we expect additional cuts from theFederal Reserve and when, and how wouldthese cuts impact commercial real estatemarkets?How deep are the cuts? According to data from the Fed, on Sept. 20,Treasuries were trading as follows: 1-month Treasury 4.87%3-month Treasury 4.75%6-month Treasury 4.43%1-year Treasury 3.92%After some math, we can use these yields tocompute market participants’ beliefs onfuture Fed actions as follows: 25bp rate cuton Nov. 7, 50bp rate cut on Dec 18. and 75bprate cut on March 19. In sum, markets areexpecting the Fed to cut rates by 1.5% overthe next 6 months, and if that occurs, the Fedfunds rate will fall from 4.75% to 3.25%.CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro

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65BUILTENVIRONMENTU.S. SMALLBUSINESSADMINISTRATIONTO HOST 11THANNUALNATIONALVETERANS SMALLBUSINESS WEEKNOV. 11-15WASHINGTON ─ Today, Administrator IsabelCasillas Guzman, head of the U.S. Small BusinessAdministration (SBA) and the voice in PresidentBiden’s Cabinet for America’s more than 34 millionsmall businesses, announced that the SBA willcelebrate National Veterans Small Business Week(NVSBW) from Nov. 11 to Nov. 15. The 11th annualweeklong celebration will offer both in-person andvirtual events across the nation.“Under the Biden-Harris Administration, the SBAhas expanded its entrepreneurial resources forveterans, service members, and military familiesto strengthen their paths to the American dreamof business ownership,” said SBA AdministratorGuzman. “With nearly two million veteran-ownedbusinesses in the United States, the SBA’s supporthelps these establishments innovate, create jobs,and strengthen communities...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro

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67BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSNEW MEXICONew Mexico has an opportunity to invest inThe University of New Mexico College ofPharmacy, other UNM capital projects, andseveral other higher education institutionsacross the state. Continue reading >VOTERS TO DECIDEFUTURE OF UNMCOLLEGE OF PHARMACYBUILDINGBy Chris Ramirez, UNM Newsroom09/26/2024Copyright: Canva proU.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-New Mexico,introduced legislation in the Senate onMonday that would provide tax credits toincentivize new investments and additionalresources for single-family homeconstruction and renovations. Continue reading >HEINRICH INTRODUCESLEGISLATION TOADDRESS AFFORDABLEHOUSINGBy Susan Dunlap, New Mexico Political Report09/30/2024NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – The National ParkService has prepared a fire managementplan for the Valles Caldera NationalPreserve. Officials are seeking public inputon the environmental assessment of plan. Public input is open from October 1 –November 3. The environmentalassessment involves two options... Continue reading >OFFICIALS SEEK PUBLICCOMMENT ON VALLESCALDERA FIREMANAGEMENT PLANBy Issac Cruz, KRQE News10/01/2024

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RUIDOSO, N.M. – It’s been over threemonths since the South Fork and Salt Firesdevastated Ruidoso area, causing more than$29 million in damage.Continue reading >RUIDOSO FIRE ANDFLOODING VICTIMSFRUSTRATED WITHFEMABy Monica Logrono, KOB 409/29/202468BUILTENVIRONMENTIt’s been a long and frustrating quest for thecity to find a new operator for GatewayWest, formerly the Westside EmergencyHousing Center. After eight months ofsearching — and about 90 days until anemergency contract expires — it’s stillunclear who is willing or able to take on thetask.Continue reading >GATEWAY WEST’S$2.1M EMERGENCYCONTRACT EXPIRES IN90 DAYSBy Damon Scott, City Desk ABQ10/01/2024A coffee shop with big dreams for the futurehas plans to open its latest New Mexicorestaurant.This week, on the corner of Coors...Continue reading >7 BREW READY TOEXPAND IN ABQBy Allison Carpenter, Albuquerque Journal 09/30/2024The U.S. is struggling to replant forestsdestroyed by increasingly intense wildfires,with many areas unlikely to recover on theirown.Continue reading >TAKEAWAYS ON AP’SSTORY ABOUTCHALLENGES TO FORESTRECOVERY ANDREPLANTING AFTERWILDFIRESBy Tammy Webber, AP09/27/2024Copyright: Canva proLast week was a busy one for Ron O’Connoras he dismantled the offset printing businesshe ran for 41 years.Continue reading >ONE OF SANTA FE'SLAST OLD-SCHOOLPRINTERS CLOSES SHOPBy Kylie Garcia, Santa Fe New Mexican09/30/2024

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Las Cruces is preparing this month for policeenforcement of an ordinance that primarilybars people without shelter from usingshopping carts to move or store theirbelongings. Continue reading >LAS CRUCES POLICE TOCOLLECT SHOPPINGCARTS AHEAD OFORDINANCEENFORCEMENTBy Leah Romero, Source NM10/01/2024Copyright: Canva pro69BUILTENVIRONMENTAfter an alert concerning pro-RussiaHacktivist Activity at water systems wasreleased last week, officials at the LosAlamos Department of Public Utilities(DPU) wish to reassure customers...Continue reading >COUNTY: LOCAL WATERINFRASTRUCTURESECURE FROMHACKTIVISTSBy Carol A. Clark, Los Alamos Daily Post09/30/2024The Local Emergency Planning Committeeof Socorro County voted to create an activeshooter drill committee that would includerepresentatives from Socorro schools, thehospital, local law enforcement, firedepartments and other stakeholders.Continue reading >EMERGENCYMANAGEMENT OFFICEMOVES INTO NEW DIGSBy Jessica Carranza Pino, El Defensor Chieftain 09/27/2024The third estate appears ready to revolt inTaos, where the unpopular new paid parkingscheme launched by the town hasmerchants up in arms.Continue reading >TAOS MERCHANTSURGE TOWN OFFICIALSTO PAUSE PARKINGMETERSBy Geoffrey Plant, Taos News09/25/2024A lot more money is needed to help preparesites across New Mexico for futuredevelopment, state leaders said as part of atwo-day economic developmentconference, with $100 million floated...Continue reading >LEADERS SAY $100MNEEDED TO PREPARESITES IN NM FORDEVELOPMENTBy Jacob Maranda, Albuquerque Business First 09/29/2024

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The U.S. Chemical Safety and HazardInvestigation Board (CSB) announced onSeptember 30 that is sending investigatorsto look in the major chemical fire thatoccurred on September 29th at the Bio-Labfacility in Conyers, Ga... Continue reading >CHEMICAL SAFETYBOARD INVESTIGATESFIRE AT GEORGIA BIO-LABBy Staff, EHS Today10/01/2024Copyright: Canva pro70BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSNATIONALLed by Senthil Sankaran, the AmazonHousing Equity Fund supports the creationand preservation of multigenerationalaffordable housing for moderate- and low-income families...Continue reading >Q&A WITH SENTHILSANKARAN,MANAGING PRINCIPAL,AMAZON HOUSINGEQUITY FUNDBy Sibley Fleming, Urban Land10/01/2024New rules on buying and selling homes arein play, now that a settlement from a class-action lawsuit has taken effect.Continue reading >REAL ESTATE FEESSETTLEMENT CREATED‘A NEW COMPETITIVEBALLGAME,’ EXPERTSAYS. HERE’S WHATBUYERS, SELLERS NEEDTO KNOWBy Ana Teressa Sola, CNBC10/01/2024

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A nearly 75,000-square-foot building that until recentlyhoused the printing operations of the Pueblo Chieftainnewspaper is set to go to auction in late October.Located at 825 W. 6th Street, the three-story buildingwas constructed in 1960 and sits on a 4.6-acre site indowntown Pueblo.The commercial printing services for the Chieftain wereended in the summer of 2023, with parent companyGannett Incorporated listing the property for saleseveral weeks later.The decision to cease the newspaper’s location printingoperation came as Gannett announced plans tooutsource that work to the Denver Post.The oldest newspaper in Colorado and one of the oldestpapers in the entire West, the Chieftain was founded in1868 and purchased by GateHouse Media in 2018,before that company a year later acquired Gannett.The paper’s former printing facilities include a frontlobby, spacious warehouse and workspace, two dockdoors, and three drive-in doors. The building wassubstantially renovated in 1974.Offered by the listing agent BellCornerstone of Manlius,New York, the building’s two-day auction is set to beginon October 21, with a starting bid of $500,000.FORMER PRINTINGFACILITIES FOR HISTORICPUEBLO NEWSPAPERSCHEDULED FOR NEXTMONTH AUCTIONBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 09/30/202471FEATURED COMMERCIAL PROPERTY BUILTENVIRONMENT0504030201BUILDING CLASSLOT SIZERENTABLE AREANO. STORIESYEAR BUILTC4.9 7 A C74, 835 SF1196 0Copyright: 2024 Google

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72BUILTENVIRONMENTPROPERTY FOR SALENEW MEXICOUnless otherwise stated, all images on this page are copyrighted to Google Inc.111 WYOMING BLVD NE | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $160,000 BUILDING SIZE: 4,756 SFSale Type: Investment or Owner UserProperty Type: OfficeBuilding Size: 4,756 SF...VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE12760 SAN RAFAEL AVE NE | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $875,000 BUILDING SIZE: 5,800 SFPresenting a prime 5,800 SF building in Albuquerque, ideal for office or medical use. Built in 1986 and zonedMX-M, this property offers versatility for savvy investors. Located in the bustling Albuquerque area, it's astrategic investment with ample potential for discerning tenants.VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE555 BROADWAY BLVD NE | ALBUQUERQUEBUILDING SIZE: 62,078 SFRecently renewed 7-year / 5-firm (SSA) and 7-year (total w/options) / 5-year firm (BoR) leasesTwo Mission Critical Facilities With Significant Tenant Improvement and Building Security SystemsInvestedWell Maintained Masonry and Stucco ConstructionVIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE3820 COMMONS AVE NE | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $1,752,000 BUILDING SIZE: 8,902 SFNNN Lease3.5+ years on term with 5 year optionRegional credit tenantGated access to warehouse with secured parking...VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE

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73BUILTENVIRONMENTUnless otherwise stated, all images on this page are copyrighted to Google Inc.300 E FOSTER RD | LAS CRUCESOFFERED PRICE: $1,650,000 BUILDING SIZE: 7,367 SFCBC Lewis Realty Group in conjunction with CBC Las Colinas (Qualified New Mexico Broker) proudlyintroduces a prime opportunity for office building investors and business owners in the Las Cruces area. Thebuilding is currently owned and occupied by First Light Federal Credit Union who will vacate the building...VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE3500 F COMANCHE RD NE | ALBUQUERQUEBUILDING SIZE: 4,100 SFSecured controlled access | Perimeter vehicle gates insures privacy and securityOpen floor plans | Masonary exterior constructionNew HVAC unitsVIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE7 CASA DEL ORO LN | SANTA FEOFFERED PRICE: $729,000 BUILDING SIZE: 2,186 SFCasitaAcreageBalconyGarage ParkingVIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE

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*click document number than click public login to view transaction. 74COMMERCIALREAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS BERNALILLO COUNTYTRANSACTIONNUMBERSUBDIVISIONRECORDEDDATEOWNERBUYER2024067102Subdivision NURSERY Lot 22 09/23/202403:49:17 PMTRAIL HOUSE LLCGENESIS CAPITAL HOLDINGS LLC2024066681Subdivision SUN VALLEY Lot 6509/23/202411:35:27 AM20231 HPABQ LLC117 PUEBLO SOLANO LLC2024066671Subdivision LOMA LINDA Lot 7 Block 10 09/23/202411:28:00 AMDEJOUGH KIMBERLYRCA INV LLCBUILTENVIRONMENT

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On Monday morning, a new era in spacetraffic coordination began with all the pompand circumstance of… a press release.Continue reading >GETTING SPACETRAFFICCOORDINATION ONTRACKBy Jeff Foust, The Space Review 09/30/202477SPACE NEWSBUILTENVIRONMENTThe Pentagon has long been closed-mouthed about a family of U.S. spy satellitesthat since 2014 have kept an eye on foreignspacecraft in geosynchronous orbits. Thathasn't stopped Chinese satellites fromdodging them.Continue reading >CHINA'S SATELLITESARE DODGING US EYESIN SPACEBy Mike Gruss, Defense One09/25/2024Copyright: Canv proWASHINGTON — Software startup Andurilis hammering down pegs in its new strategyContinue reading >SPACE MOVES: ANDURILSOLIDIFIES DOD-FOCUSED MARKETSTRATEGYBy Theresa Hitchens, Breaking Defense 10/01/2024The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) is requiring an investigation of theanomaly a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocketexperienced during the Crew-9 astronautlaunch on Sept. 28.Continue reading >FAA REQUIRESINVESTIGATION OFANOMALY ON SPACEX'SCREW-9 ASTRONAUTLAUNCHBy Mike Wall, Space.com10/01/2024Copyright: Canv pro

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79BUILTENVIRONMENTNEWSPACEALLIANCEJoin hundreds of organizations in the national NewSpaceAlliance! Build your knowledge and strengthen yournetwork by participating in ongoing opportunities tolearn, share and engage with space professionals acrossindustry, government and academia. Free to join,NewSpace Alliance members can attend monthly techtalks, industry webinars, networking events, industryforums and our nationally-recognized State of the SpaceIndustrial Base conference. Membership is free.Continue reading >NEWSPACEIGNITORGROW FASTER FROM CONCEPT TO PRODUCT TOSALESContinue reading >CO-INNOVATIONWORKSPACESENewSpace Co-Innovation, or collaborative innovation, iswhen newspace stakeholders work together to discovernew partnerships, explore new approaches, solveproblems, and accelerate growth.Continue reading >PATHWAYS TOTHE STARSACCESS TO WORKFORCE WILL BECOMEEASIER WITH A LARGER, MORE DIVERSESPACE-READY TALENT POOL.Coming next year!Pathways to the Stars will grow the spaceindustry talent pipeline with programming,mentoring, experiential learning and careerconnection services spanning K-12 to earlycareer, with industry involvement and specialattention given to reaching minority populations.Multiple educational partners will providelearning and curriculum, and connection serviceswill connect students to jobs and careers. Weinvite you to participate and inspire students tobecome part of the space workforce of thefuture!Continue reading >ABOUT USWHO WE ARE & WHATWE DOFounded October 2019, NewSpace Nexus is a501(c)(3) non-profit accelerating the pace ofspace innovation by uniting and igniting theindustry. Through the NewSpace Launchpad, afirst-of-its-kind co-innovation hub, stakeholdersgain access to workspaces, equipment,programming, rapid prototyping anddemonstration, and resources needed forinnovation and rapid progress. Services includeaccess to space ecosystem knowledge, publicevents, and networking; navigation services thatprovide tailored guidance and direct assistanceto fast-track business growth; and collaborativeinnovation services...Continue reading >

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00QUICK NEWS LINKS80CONSTRUCTION26Comment Stage Underway for ProposedNew Bridge in Rio Arriba County >NEW MEXICONew Mexico Embracing FundingOpportunities for Climate InfrastructureProjects >Years of work to follow Foy Ranch purchase >Roundup: Pair of Westside restaurants,Smith's in the Northeast Heights to berenovated >First dental training college to open asstate grapples with severe shortages >New Sunport food vendor area delayeddue to construction setbacks >How can NM attract developers? Businessleaders say site readiness is the answer. >Cone Zone: Week Of Sept. 30, 2024 >Interior releases guidelines for orphanedwell cleanup grants >NMSU evaluates plans for complete AlumniPond rebuild >UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL PASO STUDENTRECREATION PROJECT SET TO GO TO STATELEGISLATURE FOR APPROVAL >SOUTHWESTSOUTHERN ARIZONA SCHOOL DISTRICT ASKINGVOTERS FOR $120 MILLION BOND FOR VARIETY OFFACILITY PROJECTS >Colorado Springs To See Construction of New 7-Story Hotel >New El Paso City Funding Secured for InnovativeDeck Park Proposal >New El Paso Affordable Housing ComplexSecures Approval; Construction Set to BeginSoon >BUILTENVIRONMENTA new era for Fine Arts education: UNM setto break ground on landmark Center forCollaborative Arts & Technology >Focusing on the future in Valencia County >TSV Inc. installs $1M in upgrades ahead of2024-25 season >DELOITTE CRUNCHES NATIONAL ECONOMY’SNUMBERS IN NEW REPORT; LIKES HOW THE REST OFTHE YEAR LOOKS >NATIONALNew Federal Funding for State BrownfieldEradication Efforts Announced >Grand opening of the ResC4EU platform tosupport companies withstanding supply chaindisruptions >HandCraft Services Plans Berkeley County, WestVirginia, Production Operations >Hensel Phelps secures more border station work >Sam Altman Just Pitched The BidenAdministration On A Massive Build Out Of AI DataCenters >10 biggest impacts to the data center market in2024–2025 >Hurricane Helene Damage Comes Into FocusWith Long Rebuild Effort ExpecteD >

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0081BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION40Port Strike Appears Certain as NegotiationsBreak Down >TRENDSPublic projects keep nonresidentialconstruction afloat >Construction cost indicator shows mixedsignals for contractors >Applications for US jobless claims fall tolowest in 4 months >Construction Employment Sees StrongGrowth Across 39 States >Large-Scale Projects Face FinancingChallenges >REAL ESTATE67Heinrich introduces legislation to addressaffordable housing >NEW MEXICOOfficials seek public comment on VallesCaldera fire management plan >Voters to decide future of UNM College ofPharmacy building >Ruidoso fire and flooding victims frustratedwith FEMA >Gateway West’s $2.1M emergency contractexpires in 90 days >7 Brew ready to expand in ABQ >Takeaways on AP’s story about challengesto forest recovery and replanting afterwildfires >One of Santa Fe's last old-school printerscloses shop >Emergency Management office moves intonew digs >Las Cruces police to collect shopping cartsahead of ordinance enforcement >Taos merchants urge town officials topause parking meters >County: Local Water Infrastructure SecureFrom Hacktivists >Leaders say $100M needed to prepare sitesin NM for development >REAL ESTATE70Q&A with Senthil Sankaran, Managing Principal,Amazon Housing Equity Fund >NATIONALChemical Safety Board Investigates Fire atGeorgia Bio-Lab >Real estate fees settlement created ‘a newcompetitive ballgame,’ expert says. Here’s whatbuyers, sellers need to know >SPACE77Getting space traffic coordination on track >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALSpace Moves: Anduril solidifies DoD-focusedmarket strategy >China's satellites are dodging US eyes in space >FAA requires investigation of anomaly onSpaceX's Crew-9 astronaut launch >WEEDFEED83Republican Senator Introduces Bill to RedefineHemp to 1% THC >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALThe Growing Black Market Inside New Mexico’sCannabis Industry >New Hampshire GOP Governor CandidateAttacks Opponent For Saying MarijuanaLegalization Can Fund Housing And Schools >LEGISLATION84New Mexico Environment Department to holdpublic meeting about Santa Fe soilcontamination >NEW MEXICO‘Standing on the shoulders of giants’: AI makesleaps, legislation falls behind >County touts center with new regional adcampaign >

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0082BUILTENVIRONMENTLEGISLATION85Congress Approves Late ContinuingResolutions, Putting Off GovernmentShutdown Debate for Another ThreeMonths >NATIONALNJ contractor to pay $950K for allegedlyfalse DBE claims >How the Nov. 5 Election Outcome CouldImpact Critical Construction Issues >ARCHITECTS / ENGINEERS / DESIGN87Consigli breaks ground on $500M Mainehigher-ed campus >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALGlobal entertainment design firm WATGacquires SOSH Architects >Architecture Firm Billings RemainedSluggish in August >SCAPE and BIG to transform Connecticutbrownfield into public park >Finalists Revealed for ENR Midwest Projectof the Year >VENDORS / SUPPLIERS88How Will the Dockworkers Strike ImpactConstruction Supply Chains? >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALDockworkers’ strike could lead to materialdelays >The importance of selecting healthymaterials for K-12 projects >Layoffs mount amid low manufacturingdemand: September PMI >Arbitration board rules in favor of U.S. Steelsale to Nippon Steel >Exclusive: LeeBoy Relaunches CompactionLine With 3 New Rollers >ENERGY90Thermal Management Advancements for Off-Highway EVs >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALGovernor Lujan Grisham travels to Mexico City >Hydrogen Industry in Canada: A Global Leader inthe Clean Energy Revolution >8885

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NEW MEXICO WEEDFEED83BUILTENVIRONMENTALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – It has been29 months since New Mexico opened legalrecreational cannabis sales and since then,the state has recorded more than $1 billionin adult-use and medical sales. While stateleaders have celebrated the “billion dollarindustry” as a “milestone” for New Mexico,there’s growing concern about theregulatory apparatus the state has taskedwith monitoring thousands of licensedcannabis facilities.Continue reading >THE GROWING BLACKMARKET INSIDE NEWMEXICO’S CANNABISINDUSTRYBy Chris McKee, Gabrielle Burkhart, KRQE10/01/2024Copyright: Canva proWhen a hemp plant crosses the 0.3% THCthreshold, it magically turns into cannabis,according to U.S. regulations. Despite nearly80 years of precedence, one senator ishoping to change that THC limit by morethan tripling it.Continue reading >REPUBLICAN SENATORINTRODUCES BILL TOREDEFINE HEMP TO 1%THCBy Tony Lange, Cannabis Business Times10/27/2024Little more than a month ahead of theelection that will decide New Hampshire’snext governor, the two major partycandidates are starkly divided on the issueof marijuana legalization. Democrat JoyceCraig has said she’d support the reform,pointing to potential revenue that couldfund housing and schools...Continue reading >NEW HAMPSHIRE GOPGOVERNOR CANDIDATEATTACKS OPPONENTFOR SAYINGMARIJUANALEGALIZATION CANFUND HOUSING ANDSCHOOLSBy Ben Adlin, Marijuna Moment 10/01/2024

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84Only one piece of legislation related toartificial intelligence became law in NewMexico after this year’s legislative session:HB 182 which requires campaigns toprovide a disclaimer on any advertisementsor other campaign materials to disclose ifartificial intelligence or deep fakes wereused to make them.Continue reading >‘STANDING ON THESHOULDERS OFGIANTS’: AI MAKESLEAPS, LEGISLATIONFALLS BEHINDBy Nicole Maxwell, New Mexico Political Report 09/30/2024Copyright: Canva proNEW MEXICOLEGISLATIONBUILTENVIRONMENTSANTA FE, N.M. (KRQE) – The New MexicoEnvironment Department (NMED) ishosting a public meeting about a decades-long effort to clean up contamination inSanta Fe. According to officials, the PublicService Company of New Mexico (PNM)operated a power plant between...Continue reading >NEW MEXICOENVIRONMENTDEPARTMENT TO HOLDPUBLIC MEETING ABOUTSANTA FE SOILCONTAMINATIONBy Audrey Claire Davis, KRQE News09/30/2024At Tuesday’s work session of the GrantCounty Commission, SkyWest Mediaexecutives presented a marketing initiativefor the county-owned Grant CountyVeterans Memorial Business andConference Center.Continue reading >COUNTY TOUTS CENTERWITH NEW REGIONALAD CAMPAIGNBy Jo Lutz, Silver City Daily Press09/26/2024

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85BUILTENVIRONMENTNATIONALLEGISLATIONOnce again, the prospect of a partial federalgovernment shutdown has been forestalledwith passage of a continuing resolution inthe U.S. Senate, putting off a final budgetvote until late December. In a 78 to 18 ballot approving continuingappropriations and extensions for fiscal year2025, the U.S. Senate ducked a September30 deadline cut off that could have put animmediate halt to a number ofinfrastructure and military baseconstruction projects.CONGRESS APPROVESLATE CONTINUINGRESOLUTIONS, PUTTINGOFF GOVERNMENTSHUTDOWN DEBATEFOR ANOTHER THREEMONTHSBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 09/30/2024Copyright: Canva proThe continuing resolution was supported byArizona Democrat Mark Kelly and ArizonaIndependent Krysten Sinema; ColoradoDemocrats Michael Bennet and JohnHickenlooper; and both Democrat MartinHeinrich and Ben Ray Lujan of New Mexico.Of the 18 voting in opposition, tworepresent Western states: Republican MikeCrapo of Idaho and Mike Lee of Utah.Surveying the continuing resolution vote,New York Democrat and Senate MajorityLeader Charles Schumer said it was a "goodoutcome for the country. There will be noshutdown."The Senate vote came after the House ofRepresentatives, in a 341 to 82 voteapproved what has been described as a"clean, shorter stopgap measure" that wonsupport on both sides of the aisle.Rarely in agreement with Schumer on mostissues, House Republican Speaker MikeJohnson of Louisiana remarked that it wouldbe "political malpractice to shut thegovernment down."But the Speaker noted that in the last hoursof the vote in both chambers thereremained no agreement on the largestspending issues, meaning that both theHouse and Senate will be forced to take upthose issues again after the Novemberelection, but before the end-of-Decembergovernment shutdown date.

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86As construction groups and leaders lookahead to the Nov. 5 elections, they seequestions and uncertainty...Continue reading >HOW THE NOV. 5ELECTION OUTCOMECOULD IMPACTCRITICALCONSTRUCTION ISSUESBy Pam McFarland, Tom Ichniowski, James Leggate, ENRCopyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTDive Brief:A Rahway, New Jersey-based highwaycontractor has agreed to pay $950,000to settle claims that it misrepresenteditself as disadvantaged in order to snarefederal jobs, the Department of Justiceannounced in a news release last week.Continue reading >NJ CONTRACTOR TOPAY $950K FORALLEGEDLY FALSE DBECLAIMSBy Joe Bousquin, ConstructionDrive10/01/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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87Architecture firm billings saw a dip inAugust, with the AIA/Deltek ArchitectureBillings Index (ABI) score landing at 45.7...Continue reading ARCHITECTURE FIRMBILLINGS REMAINEDSLUGGISH IN AUGUSTBy Staff, Design Cost DataCopyright: Canva proNEW MEXICO & NATIONALARCHITECTS / ENGINEERS / DESIGNBUILTENVIRONMENTNorwalk, Connecticut, is a city of almost100,000 people on the Long Island Sound...Continue reading >SCAPE AND BIG TOTRANSFORMCONNECTICUTBROWNFIELD INTOPUBLIC PARKBy Daniel Jonas Roche, The Architect’s Newspaper 10/01/2024Consigli Construction broke ground on anew campus for Boston-based...Continue reading >CONSIGLI BREAKSGROUND ON $500MMAINE HIGHER-EDCAMPUSBy Matthew Thibault, ConstructionDive10/01/2024Entertainment design firm WATG hasacquired SOSH Architects... Continue reading >GLOBALENTERTAINMENTDESIGN FIRM WATGACQUIRES SOSHARCHITECTSBy Quinn Purcell, Building Design + Construction10/01/2024ENR Midwest announced in mid-Augustcategory winners for its Best Projectscompetition, recognizing the best in designand construction in the 11-state region...Continue reading >FINALISTS REVEALEDFOR ENR MIDWESTPROJECT OF THE YEARBy Annemarie Mannion, ENR

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88As the International Longshoremen’sAssociation went on strike this morningover a new master contract, constructionpros across the country are waiting to seehow the walkout, which affects ports fromTexas to Maine, will impact their businesses.Continue reading >DOCKWORKERS’STRIKE COULD LEAD TOMATERIAL DELAYSBy Matthew Thibault, ConstructionDive10/01/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO & NATIONALVENDORS / SUPPLIERSThousands of dockworkers at East and Gulfcoast ports went on strike Oct. 1, a movewith potential to have far-reaching supplychain impacts. But its effect on theconstruction industry remains to be seen.Continue reading >HOW WILL THEDOCKWORKERS STRIKEIMPACTCONSTRUCTIONSUPPLY CHAINS?By James Leggate, ENR10/01/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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89According to the U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency, the average personspends about 90% of their lifetime inside abuilt environment. As a multi-disciplinaryfirm, we strive to design environments thatpositively impact on the health, safety, andwelfare of all users, especially our youngerclientele in the K-12 market sector.Continue reading >THE IMPORTANCE OFSELECTING HEALTHYMATERIALS FOR K-12PROJECTSBy Clark Nexsen, Building Design + Construction 09/30/2024BUILTENVIRONMENTPITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania: U.S. Steel canmove forward with its proposed acquisitionby Nippon Steel after an arbitration boardruled in its favor, rejecting opposition fromthe United Steelworkers (USW).Continue reading >ARBITRATION BOARDRULES IN FAVOR OF U.S.STEEL SALE TO NIPPONSTEELBy Robert Besser, New Mexico State News.Net09/30/2024Copyright: Canva proDemand remained elusive in themanufacturing industry for another month,as customers hold off on new orders in theweeks before the presidential election. Continue reading >LAYOFFS MOUNT AMIDLOW MANUFACTURINGDEMAND: SEPTEMBERPMIBy Kate Magill, SupplyChainDive10/01/2024Copyright: Canva proEarlier this year at the first PAVE/X in SanAntonio, TX, LeeBoy unveiled its brand newasphalt hot box the HB4T. Alongside thatcame their LB5013 plate compactor, whichenabled the company to sell the asphaltrepair trailer as a single package for potholework. About six weeks later... Continue reading >EXCLUSIVE: LEEBOYRELAUNCHESCOMPACTION LINEWITH 3 NEW ROLLERSBy Brandon Noel, For Construction Pros09/27/2024

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90SANTA FE – Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham istraveling to Mexico City, Mexico, toparticipate in a Clean Energy and EnergySecurity Collaboration Roundtable and areception with U.S. Ambassador to Mexico,Ken Salazar, on September 30.Continue reading >GOVERNOR LUJANGRISHAM TRAVELS TOMEXICO CITYBy Office of the Governor, Michelle Lujan Grishman09/30/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO & NATIONALENERGY INDUSTRYThe rise of electric vehicles (EVs) on ourroads is undeniable, yet their off-highwaycounterparts remain a rarity. These ruggedworkhorses, indispensable in constructionand agriculture, face unique challenges intheir electrification journey. The demandingworkloads, intense duty cycles, confinedvehicle spaces, and harsh environments ofoff-highway vehicles require more than justscaled-up passenger EV technology; theydemand innovative, purpose-built solutions.Continue reading >THERMALMANAGEMENTADVANCEMENTS FOROFF-HIGHWAY EVSBy Gina Bonini, For Construction Pros10/01/2024In the global race to achieve net-zeroemissions, hydrogen has emerged as apivotal player. As a versatile and cleanenergy carrier, hydrogen holds the potentialto revolutionize various sectors...Continue reading >HYDROGEN INDUSTRYIN CANADA: A GLOBALLEADER IN THE CLEANENERGY REVOLUTIONBy Marc Beauchamp, Area Development Q3 2024

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Albuquerque, New MexicoMANUFACTURING COMPANYIN LANDSCAPING INDUSTRYASKING PRICE: $234,900GROSS REVENUE: $100,000CASH FLOW: $43,000EBITDA: NOT DISCLOSEDINVENTORY: $215,000FF&E: $210,000Business DescriptionStarted in 2012, this company specializes in themanufacturing, installation and distribution of one-of-a-kindrock replications. The products are high-qualify GFRC andhand-made in the USA. The products are made byimplementing stunningly innovative manufacturingtechniques. The decorative boulders, water features, patiostones, and retaining wall panels are 80% lighter than realrocks which makes installation easier, quicker and moreaffordable than real rock.Lots of opportunity to expand and grow. Seller believes thatthe next generation of concrete stone, fire logs, fire placelogs and larger waterfalls gives the company a lot ofexpansion possibilities.The perfect buyer is someone already in the landscapingbusiness who understands the value of a lighter weightproduct for waterfalls, stone walls, patios, etc.92BUSINESS FOR SALEVIEW BUSINESS LISTING >BUILTENVIRONMENT

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93PERMITNUMBER(CLICK TO VIEW)PERMIT LOCATIONISSUE &EXPIRATION DATEPERMITOWNERTOTALSQ. FEETBUILDINGCONTRACTORBP-2024-335292200 LOUISIANA BLVD NE09/24/2024 - 03/24/2025ABQ Uptown - LLC SimonProperty Tax Dept2,500POWERHOUSE RETAILSERVICES, LLCWORK DESCRIPTION: The scope of work includes transitioning seven existing parking stalls into six EV charging stalls. Additionally, electrical poweringequipment required to support the charging units will be implemented nearby which will require the removal of two spaces from the existing parking lot. Theelectrical equipment that is proposed to be installed includes a switchboard, meter, EV power units, and dispensers. Transformer and underground work forconduit. All work to be done within the existing parking lot. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK TO BE PERMITTED SEPARATELY (EP-2023-43286), refering to previousexpired BP-2023-43045BP-2024-30626105 HARVARD DR SE03/27/2024 - 03/27/2025Fuego Enterprises LLC2,452MULLEN HELLERARCHITECTUREPENN ENTERPRISE LLCWORK DESCRIPTION: FASTRAX - This project is an interior renovation of a former restaurant, with the proposed project being a new restaurant. The existingkitchen and hood will remain 'as-is' with minor equipment reconfiguration. The existing rooftop equipment and electrical service are to remain. The scope of thisrenovation includes a new accessible ramp into the space, new finishes, new plumbing fixtures, new electrical devices, new lighting, and new kitchen equipment.The two existing restrooms are to remain, with new fixtures and finishes. There is no change in occupancy as part of this project nor is egress affected. This projectis considered an IEBC level 3 alteration.ALBUQUERQUE BUILDING PERMITSFEBRUARY 5TH - 9TH 2024BUILTENVIRONMENTBP-2024-303104760 MCMAHON BLVD NW09/25/2024 - 03/25/2025Tom McCollum2,150P.J. DEVELOPMENT, INC.SIMONS ARCHITECTURE PCWORK DESCRIPTION: IEBC Level 1 remodel Image updatedouble drive-thru remodel from single drive-thruBP-2024-2516910000 COORS BLVDBYPASS NW09/26/2024 - 03/26/2025JD Sports/Finish Line5,336MARCOCONTRACTORS, INC.WORK DESCRIPTION: FastTrack -Tenant improvement project, designated as group M (Mercantile). Work to include, but not limited to; Demolition of exsitingnon-structural tenant improvements; Modified existing storefront; New interior partition walls, ceilings, finishes; New illuminated channel; new electricaldistribution and lighting; New distribution, one modified restroom, one new sink in staff room;Separate Permit1. Fire Sprinkler2. Fire Alarm3. Signage4. RackingBP-2024-226184700 TRAMWAY BLVD NE09/26/2024 - 03/26/2025Smith's Food and DrugCenters Inc.74,756CHENEY BROTHERSCONSTRUCTION, INC.PRESCOTT MUIRARCHITECTSWORK DESCRIPTION: FastTrack -Tenant improvement project, designated as group M (Mercantile). Work to include, but not limited to; Demolition of exsitingnon-structural tenant improvements; Modified existing storefront; New interior partition walls, ceilings, finishes; New illuminated channel; new electricaldistribution and lighting; New distribution, one modified restroom, one new sink in staff room;Separate Permit1. Fire Sprinkler2. Fire Alarm3. Signage4. Racking

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94BUILTENVIRONMENTBP-2024-226126214 CENTRAL AV SW09/27/2024 - 03/27/2025Fidencio Villalobos7,691Baker Architecture &DesignDMS SERVICESWORK DESCRIPTION: Change of use from a R1 Motel to A2/B/M mixed-use food court development to include kitchens/dining, indoor/outdoor seating, andtenant spaces.BP-2024-189778201 GOLF COURSE RD NW09/23/2024 - 03/23/2025Katie Kahler2,000REZ MANAGEMENT LLCSCM Solutions, LLC dbaSCM Solutions, LLCWORK DESCRIPTION: Renovation of an existing Starbucks coffee shop.LAS CRUCES COMMERCIAL PERMITSElectricalPlumbingAlterationMechanicalRe-roofCommercial NewAdditionsPERMIT NUMBER(CLICK TO VIEW)PERMIT LOCATIONISSUE DATEPERMIT OWNERBUILDINGCONTRACTOR24OC55056963025 TERRACE Dr09/25/2024EVANGELICAL LUTHERANGOOD SAMARITANSOCIETYMADDOX PLUMBING, INC.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Gas pressure test Garden apartments 13 apartments are without water heaters at the moment somebody hit their gas meter. City is requiring a gas pressure testunsure if there is any gas leaks Good Sam Maintenance Manager: Tom 575-649-682224OC5505743901 MAIN St09/26/2024ESTRADA LEO FJUNIOR'S PLUMBING ANDHEATINGPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Pressure test gas line. Take out permit.24OC55057661019 PUEBLO St09/27/2024BP MANAGEMENT LLCAFFORDABLE PLUMBING COPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Gas pressure test24OC55057711019 PUEBLO St09/27/2024BP MANAGEMENT LLCAFFORDABLE PLUMBING COPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Gas pressure test24CB05057631646 MAHANEY Dr09/27/2024D.P.D. CONSTRUCTION INC.KAREN KENDALLPROJECT DESCRIPTION:New building for additional Dog Kennel24OC60057362450 TELSHOR Blvd09/26/2024CITY OF LAS CRUCES &COUNTY OF DONA ANAB & H MECANICAL INCPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Replace existing fan coil unit and electric terminal unit in the CT area24OC6505721180 THREE CROSSES Ave09/25/2024NSC ENTERPRISES II LLC L & L ELECTRICPROJECT DESCRIPTION:temp

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