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Volume 5 Issue 16

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04Expanding the means of apprenticeship toreplenish the workforce remains inconsensus among constructionprofessionals. However, mandating the use of apprenticesis a topic of debate within the local industryas the state moves into its next generalelection. One new candidate who has recently metwith the Associated General Contractors ofNew Mexico, Sheet Metal and AirConditioning Contractor’s Association andthe Mechanical Contractors Association ofNew Mexico (SMACNA,MCA), shared theirstance on apprenticeship with The BuiltEnvironment. Phil Ramirez is both running for the statesenate seat in New Mexico’s District 12 andis the Operations Officer for a local generalcontractor, HDL&M Construction ServicesInc.Ramirez comes from more than two decadesof industry experience in generalconstruction, sheet metal, and mechanical.Several union organizations such as theSheet Metal Workers Local Union 49, theInternational Brotherhood of ElectricalWorkers 611, and Pipefitters and PlumbersLocal Union 412, endorse Ramirez. When asked if Ramirez would support statelegislation mandating the use ofapprentices, Ramirez said he would beinclined to support it. Ramirez initially told The Built Environmentthat, “well no I would support it,” andfollowed by stating, “without having theinformation it’s hard for me to give a ‘Isupport one thing or another’ because Idon’t know what each group’s argumentsare.”A NEW FACE IN CONSTRUCTION POLITICSAND THE APPRENTICESHIP ARGUMENT By Dane Vaughn, The Built Environment10/30/2024BUILTENVIRONMENTPhil Ramirez, running for New Mexico State Senate inDistrict 12 and who is also the Operations Officer atHDL&M Construction Services Inc. Copyright: Courtesy of Phil RamirezHDL&M has been contracted for stateprojects such as Jackson Middle School andis in a partner contract with Sandia NationalLaboratories, according to Ramirez.Ramirez said their company has not workedany projects for the City of Albuquerqueand that meeting requirements within therecently proposed and substituted“Apprenticeship Empowerment Ordinance”is difficult for Ramirez to extrapolate.

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05This is because HDL&M is using a one-to-one ratio, meaning one apprentice perjourneyman, on their projects because of acollective bargaining agreement with theunion, according to Ramirez. “I just don’t understand how someone wouldbe able to have all journeyman. I wish I couldbe in that position where I would have morejourneyman on staff,” said Ramirez. Later in an email to The Built Environment,Ramirez said, “as this is being brought up bythe City Council, I directly don’t have anopinion on this.”BUILTENVIRONMENTRamirez said that he won’t be drafting anylegislation prior to election results but isfocused on expanding the means forapprenticeship in New Mexico. “One of the big things that I’m going tobe{drafting}, when I win, is apprenticeshipeducation,” said Ramirez.Ramirez said that this would involvecreating additional funding forapprenticeship programs to streamline intoindividual schools for a period of two years. Copyright: Canva proAssociated General Contractor’s NewMexico chapter, based in Albuquerque,made statements in an email to The BuiltEnvironment in support of furtherapprenticeship legislation. “We advocate for increased investments inboth apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeshipprograms, as well as expanded funding forCareer & Technical Education,” said KellyRoepke-Orth, CEO of AGC NM. Roepke-Orth in the same response notedAGC NM’s opposition to city apprenticeshipmandates stating: “AGC NM Opposes theApprenticeship Empowerment Ordinance inits current draft; While we understand andrespect the intentions behind the ProposedApprenticeship Ordinance, we stronglybelieve that we cannot support a mandatefor contractors.”Copyright: The Built EnvironmentAGC NM is also focused on inviting newlyappointed state legislators to jobsite toursand the Heavy Equipment Rodeo, aworkforce outreach event involvingeducational institutions, said Roepke-Orth. Other local associations includingAssociated Builders and Contractors of NewMexico, and the New Mexico UtilityContractor Association (NMUCA) haveopposed the proposed apprenticeshipordinance. Continues >

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Copyright: The Built Environment06BUILTENVIRONMENTIn an internal email to its members Monday, NMUCA Executive Director, Jane Jerniganstated a concern over the availability of apprentices to comply and that the ordinance wouldbe “terrible” for competitive bidding by creating market restrictions, among other reasons.A substituted version of the ordinance will go before the Albuquerque City Council a daybefore the general election on November 4th, 2024.A lobbyist and political consultant for both AGC NM and SMACNA & MCA NM, JasonEspinoza said that the upcoming election presents the industry with opportunities. “I think the biggest opportunity is in the turnover and so when we’re looking at already, priorto the general election with about a third of the senate being new and about 18-19% of thehouse being new; those new faces in the legislature present an opportunity for education bythe industry on the issues that they face and to educate them on how the industry works,”said Espinoza.Copyright: Canva Pro

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07Steve AdamsJoshua CutlerManaging EditorDane VaughnMEET OUR TEAMWhat’s our favorite candy?Sarah Motsingersarahm@constructionreporter.comOwner & Managing Partnersteve@constructionreporter.comsteve@thebuiltenvironment.comOwner & Managing Partnerjcutler@constructionreporter.comjcutler@thebuiltenvironment.comCarrie Bagleycarrie@constructionreporter.comReporterRebecca Taylorrebecca@constructionreporter.comReporterShannon Ryanshannon@constructionreporter.comReporterdvaughn@constructionreporter.comdvaughn@thebuiltenvironment.comCommunications Director &General ManagementGarry BoulardBIO: Garry Boulard is a reporterand author whose work hasappeared in the New York Times,Los Angeles Times, ChristianScience Monitor, Chicago Tribuneand Times-Picayune, among otherpublications. Continue reading >Writer4901 Mcleod NE, STE 200A, Albuquerque, NM 243-9793news@thebuiltenvironment.comBUILTENVIRONMENT

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CHILDREN’S PSYCHIATRIC CENTERUNM HospitalToday marks a historic stepforward as we break ground onthe new UNM Hospital Children’sPsychiatric Center (CPC) – astate-of-the-art facility designedto provide specialized care forNew Mexico’s children andadolescents in need of mentalhealth support. View post >08INDUSTRY BRIEFINGBUILTENVIRONMENTANNUAL STATE OF THE CITYNAIOP NMJoin us on November 7th from 7:30 AM - 9:00AM for the Annual State of the City at the RioRancho Roundtable with Mayor Gregg Hull! Mayor Hull will provide insights into the city’sprogress, highlighting key developments thatimpact both its citizens and the commercial realestate sector. Don’t miss this opportunity to hearabout Rio Rancho’s growth and... View post >Copyright: UNM HospitalCopyright: NAIOP NMLOCAL CRAFT COMPETITIONABC NM Get ready to cheer on the best of NewMexico's skilled trades!Join us for the NM Craft Competition onSaturday, November 23, 2024, from 12:00 PM to3:00 PM at ABC New Mexico's facility located at2821 Broadway Blvd NE. View post >Copyright: ABC New Mexico

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09EVENTCALENDARNOVEMBER 2024BUILTENVIRONMENTALBUQUERQUE CITY COUNCIL - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: District 7 CouncilorConnect - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR2:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Women's Wine Down 2024"Sip, Savor, & Sisterhood" - CLICK HEREFRIDAY NOVEMBER 1STCARNM - VIEW CALENDAR8:00 AM - 5:00 PM: CCIM: Commercial RealEstate Negotiations - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR5:30 PM: Early Neighborhood Notification - CLICK HEREMONDAY NOVEMBER 4THCARNM - VIEW CALENDAR8:00 AM - 5:00 PM: CCIM: CI 103: UserDecision Analysis for Commercial InvestmentReal Estate - CLICK HERETUESDAY NOVEMBER 5THRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Visionaries NetworkingBreakfast - CLICK HERE 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: CHAMBER MEMBERORIENTATION LUNCHEON - CLICK HERE 7:30 PM - 11:00 PM: ZZ Top | The Elevation Tour - CLICK HERE SANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR12:30 PM - 1:30 PM: A Path to Success -Chamber Orientation - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR3:00 PM: Mayor's Committee on Disability - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR2:30 PM - 4:30 PM: Digital Deep Dive: DigitalMarketing for Growth - CLICK HEREWEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6TH

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10BUILTENVIRONMENTNMRLD - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 5:00 PM: New Mexico LandscapeArchitects Board will Convene a Regular BoardMeeting - CLICK HEREWEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6THALBUQUERQUE BUSINESS FIRST - VIEW CALENDAR8:00 AM - 10:30 AM: 2025 Economic Outlook - CLICK HERE NAIOP NEW MEXICO CHAPTER - VIEW CALENDAR7:30 AM - 9:00 AM: RRRT – Mayor Hull State ofthe City - CLICK HERE CARNM - VIEW CALENDAR8:00 AM - 2:30 PM: ZEN & The Art ofCommercial Property Management - CLICK HERE RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Sandoval County CareerFair - CLICK HERE 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM: Ribbon Cutting - ParnallLaw - CLICK HERE SANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR12:30 PM - 1:00 PM: Ribbon Cutting - CNSCares - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR6:00 PM: Planning Commission - CLICK HERE CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE - VIEW CALENDAR5:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Join Councilor NicholeRogers for District 6 Community Office Hours atMesa Del Sol - CLICK HERETHURSDAY NOVEMBER 7THSANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR8:30 AM - 10:00 AM: Coffee & Biz-Connections - The Kitchen Table Santa Fe - CLICK HEREFRIDAY NOVEMBER 8THMONDAY NOVEMBER 11THRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR5:00 PM - 6:30 PM: Business After Hours -Harris Jewelers - CLICK HERETUESDAY NOVEMBER 12THRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: Women in LeadershipLuncheon - CLICK HERE SANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR1:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Ribbon Cutting - CommunityOptions - CLICK HEREWEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13THBERNALILLO COUNTYNOVEMBER 12TH3:00 AM: Board of Commissioners Special ZoningMeeting - CLICK HERE

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11BUILTENVIRONMENTBERNALILLO COUNTYNOVEMBER 12TH4:00 PM: Board of Finance - CLICK HERE 5:00 PM: Board of County CommissionersAdministrative Meeting - CLICK HERE 5:00 PM: County Planning Commission - CLICK HERE NOVEMBER 13TH9:00 AM: Zoning Administrator Public Hearing - CLICK HERECIBOLA COUNTYNOVEMBER 15TH3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: 11.15.2024 Special CanvassingCommission Meeting @ 3PM - CLICK HERECURRY COUNTYNOVEMBER 12TH9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: County Commission Meeting - CLICK HEREHARDING COUNTYNOVEMBER 14TH8:30 AM: Harding County Board of CountyCommission Meeting - CLICK HERELOS ALAMOS COUNTYNOVEMBER 6TH5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Historic Preservation AdvisoryBoard - CLICK HERE 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM: Board of Public Utilities - WorkSession - CLICK HERE NOVEMBER 7TH12:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Los Alamos County HealthCouncil - CLICK HERE 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Transportation Board - CLICK HERE NOVEMBER 13TH5:30 PM - 11:59 PM: Canceled Planning and ZoningCommission Meeting - CLICK HERELUNA COUNTYNOVEMBER 8TH7:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Coffee With CASA - CLICK HEREOTERO COUNTYNOVEMBER 14TH9:00 AM - 5:00 PM: County Commission RegularMeeting - CLICK HERESAN JUAN COUNTYNOVEMBER 12TH4:00 PM: San Juan County Commission Meeting - CLICK HERESANTA FE COUNTYOCTOBER 31ST3:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Investment Committee Meeting- CLICK HERE NOVEMBER 6TH6:00 PM - 7:00 PM: COLTPAC - CLICK HERE

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16BUILTENVIRONMENTASA NEW MEXICOANNUAL SPONSORSRED LEVEL Albuquerque Pipe & Pump Supply Co. American Fire Protection Group, Inc.American National Insulation & Sealants Construction Reporter/ The Built Environment Crane Service, Inc. Enterprise Builders Corporation Equipment Share Fairway, Inc.Ideal Plumbing & Heating, LLC National Roofing Company, Inc. Prime Electric, Inc. United RentalsWestern Partitions, Inc. Wagner Equipment, Co.Western States Fire Protection Yearout Mechanical, Inc.WHITE LEVELBELFOR Property Restoration Bradbury Stamm ConstructionDekker Perich Sabatini Jack’s Mechanical Solutions, Inc.Jaynes Structures Menicucci Insurance Agency, LLCRay’s Flooring Specialists REDW Advisors & CPAs BLUE LEVELBohannan Huston, Inc. G & H Construction Company, Inc.JTC, Inc. Klinger Constructors, LLCRisk Strategies– Burke Insurance Group The Specialists Electrical ContractorStudio Southwest Architects4Rivers Equipment2024 Annual Golf Tournament Title SponsorHUB InternationalThank you for your continued support!DOWNLOAD THE ASA NMNEWSLETTERVIEW THE ASA NMMEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY 2023-2024 >SAVE THE DATE: 2024 ASANM EVENTSNovember 7, 2024 NM Construction SafetyCoalition MeetingNovember 14, 2024 Luncheon Presentation–Insurance Panel DiscussionNovember 20, 2024 Beer & Business CardsHappy HourCopyright: Canva pro

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17BUILTENVIRONMENTAGC NEW MEXICOEVENT CALENDARAGC CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MODELAGC has partnered with a leading regional economist, BrianLewandowski of the University of Colorado Boulder, to create AGC'sConstruction Impact Model. The model is a tool that can be used bymembers, chapters, policy makers and researchers to understand theeconomic impact of infrastructure investment by state.VIEW VOLUME 2 ISSUE 41 TO LEARN MORE >RECAP OF 2024AGC NEWMEXICO & ACELEADERSHIPHEAVYEQUIPMENTRODEO & CIEFTRADES DAYOver 1,300 high school students from 28 schoolsgathered at Expo New Mexico on Friday for theannual Heavy Equipment Rodeo and Trades Day,an event organized by AGC New Mexico and theConstruction Industry Education Foundation(CIEF). The event provided a valuable platform forstudents to engage with professionals over 35local construction companies and immersethemselves in various construction trades, offeringa glimpse into a field critical to the state’seconomic development.Students spent the day rotating through a seriesof hands-on activities, demonstrations, andcompetitions, each designed to showcase theskills required in the construction industry. Guidedby seasoned industry experts, they experiencedwhat it's like to work with cutting-edge technologyand traditional tools. Whether bending conduits,laying bricks, operating cranes, or pilotingdrones, every activity was crafted to simulatereal-world job scenarios and provide an authenticunderstanding of the trade.One of the event's highlights was theopportunity for students to compete in skills-based challenges such as drilling and naildriving. These competitions tested...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva proNOVEMBER 2024NOVEMBER 6TH 8:00 AM - 12:00 PMFall Protection - CLICK HERE NOVEMBER 15TH 8:00 AM - 5:00 PMSTP Unit 5 Productivity & Managing Project Costs - CLICK HEREDECEMBER 2024DECEMBER 10TH 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM2024 National Annual Safety Awards (NASA) Event - CLICK HERE

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18BUILTENVIRONMENTANNUAL FALL SCHOLARSHIPAnnual Fall ScholarshipApplication Available Mid Spring 2025COLLEGE OF ENGINEERINGCivil EngineeringCivil Engineering TechnologyGeomatics & Surveying EngineeringUNM APPLICATIONAnnual Spring ScholarshipApplication Available Late Fall 2024SCHOOL OF ENGINEERINGCivil Engineering,Construction Engineeringor Construction ManagementCLICK HERE TO LEARN MORESCHOLARSHIPSACNM OCTOBER2024 NEWSLETTER READ THE NEWSLETTER >A MESSAGE FROM ACNM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JIM GARCIAA construction company spent thousands of dollars training employees to use hearing protection topreserve their hearing. The training was four hours long and included OSHA 29 CFR 1926.101 (hearingprotection), employer responsibilities, decibel levels, equipment and locations where high noise ispresent, hearing protection and its proper use, hearing loss, and company policy. The following day, many workers were found in high noise areas without hearing protection even thoughhearing protection was provided by their employer and readily available at the worksite. Some workershad ear plugs dangling from their hard hats. When asked, all workers quickly responded and compliedwith company policy.Copyright: ACNM

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19BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva ProBUSINESS CONDITIONSCONTINUE TOWORSEN ATARCHITECTURE FIRMS,ABI DATA SHOWSWASHINGTON – October 23, 2024 –Despite improving conditions in thebroader economy, September marked thetwentieth consecutive month of decliningbillings for architecture firms, accordingto the latest data from the AIA/DeltekArchitecture Billings Index (ABI). The ABIscore of 45.7 for the month indicates...CONTINUE READING >AIA ALBUQUERQUEEVENT CALENDARNOVEMBER 2024NOVEMBER 12TH 5:30 PM - 8:30 PMMock Bid Night (3 HSW Pending Approval) - CLICK HEREDECEMBER 2024DECEMBER 6TH 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM2024 AIA ALBUQUERQUE ANNUAL DESIGN +HONOR AWARDS - AN IN PERSON EVENT - CLICK HERE

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20BUILTENVIRONMENTABC NEW MEXICO EVENT CALENDARNOVEMBER - MARCH 2025WASHINGTON, Oct. 15—Associated Buildersand Contractors reported today that itsConstruction Backlog Indicator increased to8.6 months in September, according to anABC member survey conducted Sept. 20 toOct. 4. The reading is down 0.4 months fromSeptember 2023.View the full Construction Backlog Indicatorand Construction Confidence Index dataseries.Backlog increased in every region except forthe Northeast in September...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva ProABC’S CONSTRUCTIONBACKLOG INDICATORREBOUNDS INSEPTEMBER,CONTRACTORCONFIDENCE IMPROVESSATURDAY NOVEMBER 23RD - CLICK HEREABC NEW MEXICO CRAFTCOMPETITIONTHURSDAY DECEMBER 12TH, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM - CLICK HEREANNUAL AWARDS LUNCHEONWEDNESDAY JANUARY 15TH, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM - CLICK HEREJANUARY MEMBER LUNCHEONWEDNESDAY MARCH 26TH, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM - CLICK HEREMARCH MEMBER LUNCHEON

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21BUILTENVIRONMENTYOUR 2024 NMUCABOARD OF DIRECTORS &STAFFPRESIDENT, DALE ARMSTRONG, TLCPLUMBING & UTILITY 505 761 9696VICE-PRESIDENT, DAMON WICKETTS,4RIVERS EQUIPMENT 505 884 2900SECRETARY/TREASURER, JENICE GALLEGOS,GROUNDWATER PARTNERSPAST PRESIDENT, CLAY BLAIR, RMCI 505 345 0008TROY OTERO, GROUNDHOG CONSTRUCTIONSERVICES 505 243 2133DIRECTOR DARRIN HOWELLS, AUI INC. 505 242 4848DIRECTOR JOE MENICUCCI, DOWNEY &COMPANY 881 0300DIRECTOR REINEE PEACHER, DUCROSSCONSTRUCTION 575 636 3023DIRECTOR KELLEY FETTER, E2RC 505 867 4040 DIRECTOR JOHN THEILER, DH UNDERGROUNDTERRI BAKER, CORE AND MAIN 505 344 0223EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, JANE JERNIGAN 505 888 0752FROM THEEXECUTIVEDIRECTOR’SDESKHello Members,I hope you will join us this year for our End ofYear Social. A gathering to celebrate the yearand have some fun. This event is casual andthe only business at hand is the introduction ofthe 2025 Board of Directors. This is our lastevent for 2025. Details Below.The City of Albuquerque has introduced anordinance that would require 15% of your laborto be "registered Apprentices" to be able to bidon City projects of $1 million or more. See moredetails and a link to the ordinance below.You should have received the NMUCA 2025Board of Directors' Ballot in the mail, if you didnot, please reach out to meJane JerniganUPCOMING EVENTSNovember 5th: Election Day November 7th: Construction Safety Coalition November 8th: End of Year Social

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22BUILTENVIRONMENTWICNM NEWSLETTERAUGUST 2024 >2024 DATESHello Friends,Today is National Women’s Equality Day, this daymarks the adoption of the 19th Amendment in 1920,which granted women the right to vote. Wow, 104years! We are down to a short 70 days before ournext election and voting is one of the most powerfulways, we can express our values and have a directimpact on our community and our country.Every election is a chance for us to have a say in theissues that matter most to us—whether it’seducation, healthcare, the environment, oreconomic policies. I know that we all have our ownunique perspectives and concerns, and this is ouropportunity to make our voices heard.It’s easy to feel like our individual votes might notmake a difference, but history has shown us thatevery vote counts. Elections are often decided by aremarkably small number of votes, and ourcollective participation is what drives meaningfulchange. By voting, we not only influence thedirection of our nation but also stand up for ourcommunities and the issues we care about. Iencourage you to exercise your right to vote andencourage others around you as well. On another note, I want to thank the PlanningCommittee for all their hard work this year inplanning all our events. They are doing an amazingjob! We are down to the last two events of the year:the 3rd Annual Scholarship Bowling Event onSeptember 12th and the Women in Construction NMGala on November 9th. Sign up soon for the bowlingevent, space is limited, and more informationregarding the Gala will be out soon.Stephanie L. Peña - TLC Company, Inc.WICNM President 2024 NOVEMBER 23RD - WIC GALALOCKER #505 SCHOOL SUPPLYMONETARYDONATIONSSCAN QR CODEBELOW TO MAKEMONETARYDONATIONS TOLOCKER #505MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

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23BUILTENVIRONMENTCONTINUE READING >Ronda Gilliland-Lopez currently serves as thePresident of the Governing Board, whichrepresents a cross-section of highly valuableprofessional knowledge (legal, financial,strategic planning, education, and industryrelations).ACE LEADERSHIP HIGH SCHOOLMISSION OF MCA NMThe Mechanical Contractors Association of NewMexico is an industry trade associationdedicated to the advancement of membercontractors through training, advocacy, andpartnership.MISSION OF SMACNA NMAt the Sheet Metal and Air ConditioningContractors’ Association of New Mexico ourmission is to create a competitive advantage forour members through industry education, laborrelations, standards development, industryrepresentation, and business studies. The New Mexico Bid Depository System (NMBDS)strives to build partnerships through bidding. Thepurpose of the Bid Depository is to improve thebidding process by helping ensure the quality andequity of sub-bid scopes, and to provide adequatetime for review of the sub-bids by the generalcontractors so that they may more accuratelycomplete their bids.This system has been developed for the good ofthe contracting industry and the public as a whole.It is not a law - it is purely voluntary. Please feelfree to call this office for any additionalinformation - 505-341-9033NEW MEXICOBID DEPOSITORYCopyright: MCA/SMACNA NMMCA/SMACNA of New Mexico is a strongpartner of ACE Leadership High School. VIEW >INDUSTRY ESSENTIALSIndustry Essentials is an exclusive member-onlymonthly education series designed to providemembers a private venue to learn about anddiscuss important policy issues, industry trends,and other important professional developmenttopics.Programming will include prominent speakers todiscuss business, economic, and policy issuescritical to the construction industry and ourmembers.Topics in 2021 will include conversations withleaders to discuss cannabis safety andregulations, public procurement, tax policychanges, paid time off legislation, cyber security,the construction industries division and more!

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25BUILTENVIRONMENTAfter months of study, a master plan hasbeen approved that will, in part, result in therenovation of the Las Cruces PublicLibraries' always-busy main library. Located at 200 E. Picacho Avenue, thenearly 37,000 square foot Thomas BraniganPublic Library was built in 1979 and hasbeen continually hard pressed for space,seeing two facility additions in the 1990s. Formulation of a new master plan, puttogether by the Dallas-based libraryconsultants Godfrey's Associates, envisions POPULAR AND MUCH-USED LAS CRUCESPUBLIC LIBRARYTARGETED FORRENOVATION ANDUPGRADE WORKBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment10/30/2024Image generated using text to image AI: not an actual rendering a new entrance to the Branigan structure,as well as the building of an atrium lobby.The two-story building may also see theconstruction of around 15,000 square feetof new workspace. The combined projects at the Braniganbuilding come with an estimated price tag ofjust over $32 million. Branigan library and two otherneighborhood libraries make up the LasCruces library system and are well-used, asseen in the results of one of the questionsposed by the Godfrey researchers. Out of more than 700 people interviewed,some 456 said they regularly used thelibraries on either a daily, weekly, ormonthly basis. The city council's approval of the ambitiousmaster plan now triggers a directive for Cityof Las Cruces staff to identify fundingsources for the Branigan work. CONSTRUCTION NEWSNEW MEXICO

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Black mold was discovered at the AnimalCare Servies and Resource Center inAlbuquerque. Now after closing and reopening,remediation work is expected in the monthsto come.Keers Remediation Inc. over the weekendbegan remediating two kennel roomshousing approximately 36 dogs. Remediation efforts will continue in themain hallway and surrounding rooms,according to a county press release. According to Communications Specialist forBERNALILLO COUNTYREMEDIATES SIX-YEAR-OLD ANIMAL SHELTERBy Dane Vaughn, The Built Environment10/30/2024Copyright: Courtesy of Bernalillo CountyBernalillo County, Kristen Ferguson, “theestimated cost for remediation only isaround $55,000.”Ceiling tiles were found to contain blackmold at the 17,143 square foot facility thatbroke ground in 2017.According to a county press release, airtests, disinfection and fogging have led thefacility to resume operations Tuesday. Voters approved the $7.8 million project,sheltering up to 64 animals, via generalobligation bonds in 2017.“We want to thank the community memberswho have already stepped up to foster 28dogs during this unexpected situation. It’snot easy work, but your compassion hasmade all the difference,” says Animal CareDirector Misha Goodman.Those looking to sign up to foster displacedanimals can do so through a county website,here.26BUILTENVIRONMENTBERNALILLO COUNTYBOND PACKAGESINCLUDE WIDE VARIETYOF PARKCONSTRUCTION ANDUPGRADE PROJECTSBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter10/28/2024Just over $11.7 million will target a series ofpark improvements in the most populouscounty in New Mexico, depending upon theresults of the November election.Members of the Bernalillo County Board ofCounty Commission earlier this summer

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voted in favor of putting on the ballot sixquestions, all proposing individual publicinfrastructure construction and upgradeprojects, with question number threefocusing on park and recreational facilitieswork.By design, a $11.7 million bond will fundeverything from planning, designing,building, and improving any number of parkfacilities, with a special emphasis on makingcertain that all such facilities meetAmericans with Disabilities Act standards.Those projects include the phase four workon the Mesa del Sol Regional RecreationComplex, at 5601 University Boulevard SE,which will receive $2.2 million in bondsupport; and the phase two and phase threework at the Raymond G. SanchezCommunity Center, located at 9800 4thStreet NW.The Sanchez work is earmarked for site andparking lot work, as well as the building of afitness center and locker rooms.A project that has been long studied anddiscussed will see $400,000 in bond fundingfor work at the Westside CommunityCenter at 1250 Isleta Boulevard SW, withthe funded projects to include demolition,design, and construction work.Exactly $1.5 million in bond funding will beallocated for the phased work at the SandiaRanch Ag-Life Center off Edith Boulevardjust to the north of Osuna Road. The projectwill include both design and constructionwork.One of the smaller projects to be funded bythe bond will see $150,000 going for design,construction, and aquatics improvementsthe Paradise Hills Aquatics Facility at 5901Paradise Boulevard NW.An executive summary compiled by theBernalillo County Manager’s Office thissummer said that all of the proposedprojects were designed to “promoteeconomic development by improving thecountry’s infrastructure and ability to retain,attract, and grow businesses.”In public presentations Bernalillo officialshave noted the importance of building andimproving in-demand park facilities in acounty whose population has grown bymore than 120,000 in the last two decadesfor a current 676,000.27BUILTENVIRONMENTImage generated using text to image AIFEDERAL GOVERNMENTHANDS OUT $2.4BILLION FOR 122RAILROAD PROJECTSNATIONWIDEBy Josh Funk, TriCity Record10/30/2024San Juan County among recipients for anew rail lineOMAHA, Nebraska – The federalgovernment is handing..Continue reading >

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Community members got an insider’s lookat some of the facilities that make a 68,000-student school district run – while alsogetting to meet some of Albuquerque’s bestteachers and youngsters – during a tourhosted by APS Capital Master PlanExecutive Director Kizito Wijenje andSuperintendent Gabriella Blakey.The tour featured behind-the-sceneswalkthroughs of some of the newestadditions to the district’s facilities: the APSSchool Police Command Center, the J.Patrick Garcia Transportation andEducational Complex and the Food andNutrition Services Building. Continue reading >COMMUNITY GETSBEHIND-THE-SCENESLOOK: TOURSHOWCASED SOMEOF DISTRICT'SNEWEST FACILITIES.By Staff, APS District News10/29/2024night. Lujan Grisham called the Oct. 18storm that killed two people, wreckedbuildings and washed away cars“unprecedented.” If the request is approved, the declarationwould unlock money for governments andindividuals from the Federal EmergencyManagement Agency (FEMA) and the SmallBusiness Administration. Continue reading >28BUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO ASKSFEDS FOR EMERGENCYDECLARATION FORROSWELL FLOODINGBy Austin Fisher, Source NM10/29/2024New Mexico state officials asked the federalgovernment to declare a major disaster overthis month’s flooding in Roswell andsurrounding Chaves County, which couldunlock money to aid in recovery.Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham made therequest to President Joe Biden on Monday Copyright: Canva ProCITY SAYS CRITICISMABOUT PROPOSEDDOWNTOWNINVESTMENTS ISUNFOUNDEDBy Elizabeth McCall, City Desk ABQ10/29/2024As the City of Albuquerque continues topush for two initiatives officials say will helprevitalize the Downtown area, a prominent

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property owner and frequent critic ofMayor Tim Keller’s administration says heisn’t buying it.Keller announced his plans for a newbusiness improvement district (BID) and taxincrement financing (TIF) at a pressconference in August, which MetropolitanRedevelopment Agency (MRA) DirectorTerry Brunner said are common throughoutthe country and will help grow Downtown’srevenue. Continue reading >29BUILTENVIRONMENTNEW FIRST SERVETENNIS COMPLEXNEAR FAIRGROUNDSGETTING SETBy Kylie Garcia, Santa Fe New Mexican10/28/2024First Serve New Mexico’s board of directorshad to make a quick pivot when a downpourof rain swept across New Mexico earlier thismonth, jeopardizing an annual fundraiserthat doubled as a preview of its new ForkedLightning Racquet Club complex.The board was able to... Continue reading >PASSAGE OF GO BOND3 WOULD PROVIDE $1MILLION TO UNM-LOSALAMOSBy Staff, UNM Newsroom10/28/2024LOS ALAMOS, N.M. — UNM-Los Alamos(UNM-LA) will receive $1 million to plan,construct, renovate and equip campusfacilities and infrastructure if New Mexico’sGeneral Obligation Bond 3 passes duringthe Nov. 5 general election.“The aging infrastructure on our campusdesperately needs renovations in order tomeet current ADA standards and toincrease energy efficiency in our facilities,”UNM-LA Chancellor Mike Holtzclaw said. Continue reading >Copyright: Canva ProANOTHER LOCALLY-OWNEDSUPERMARKETCOMING TOINTERNATIONALDISTRICTBy Marilyn Upchurch, KRQE10/28/2024ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – It’s an areaof Albuquerque that has lost one majorretailer after another, leaving thecommunity with few options for buyinggroceries. Now, members of the communityare taking it upon themselves to open localstores to meet that need.A new supermarket is coming to theInternational District, offering those livingnearby a place to shop... Continue reading >

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30BUILTENVIRONMENTWHAT TO KNOWABOUT THECONSTRUCTION ATSAWMILL DISTRICTBy Allison Carpenter, Albuquerque Journal10/25/2024Construction is underway at the SawmillDistrict as Albuquerque's Rail Trail projectthat started in 2022 gets its second wind. Construction is expected to continue untilfall 2025.The Rail Trail project is a seven-mile walkingand biking path that will connectDowntown, Sawmill, Barelas and Old Town.The Sawmill construction... Continue reading >BOND TO BENEFITNURSING PROGRAMBy Julia M. Dendinger, Valencia County News Bulletin10/24/2024Funding for improvements for the UNM-Valencia’s nursing and allied healthprograms is on the November ballot.The $1 million for a renovation of theUniversity of New Mexico-Valencia campushealth sciences building is part of GeneralObligation Bond question 3, which totals$230,258,400. GO Bond 3 is intended forcapital improvement of higher education,special and tribal schools statewide.Since UNM-Valencia’s nursing and alliedhealth programs is a high-demand programfor Valencia County students, the campus isasking taxpayers to support the bondquestion so it can begin renovations toexpand the programs... Continue reading >Copyright: Canva Pro

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31BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSSOUTHWESTAddressing a growing need for morecomprehensive animal control, a move isunderway in El Paso County that could leadto the building of a new shelter on the eastside of the city.Work on the project is dependent uponpassage of a $323.8 million county bondissue designed to fund a wide variety offacility and infrastructure projects in thecounty, with by far the largest, at $104.2million, going to the upgrade of the historicEl Paso County Coliseum at 4100 E. PaisonDrive.DEPENDING ON MOODOF VOTERS NEXT WEEK,EL PASO COUNTY MAYSEE CONSTRUCTION OFFIRST ANIMAL SHELTERBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter10/29/2024At the same time, funding to the tune of$32.3 million will target the building of thenew animal shelter, which is set to go up oncurrently vacant land adjacent to the ElPaso County Jail Annex at 12501 MontanaAvenue.As planned, the new facility will house up to400 kennels, as well as space for neuter andspay services and low- or no-costvaccinations.Uniquely, the facility will offer jobs skills andanimal training programs for jail annexdetainees. Additional structures at the sitewill see the construction of three differentbuildings for small, medium, and large dogs,as well as a larger adoption center.County officials have for years discussed thepossibility of building an animal shelter thatcould augment the work of the sometimesoverwhelmed El Paso Animal Services,which is run by the city. Continues >Image generated using text to image AI

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That agency opened a new shelter facilitythis summer on the west side of the city tokeep up with demand.As a prelude to the new county shelter, ElPaso established an Animal WelfareDepartment some two years ago which istasked, among other things, withinvestigating complaints of neglect andcruelty.pickleball courts by the year 2040, theproject has also been the subject ofconsiderable public input.In addition, an early summer onlinequestionnaire revealed that 89% ofrespondents were in favor of such a facilityeven beyond the usual 12-court size.As in many parts of the country, pickleballenthusiasm has been palpable in FortCollins, where more than 1,700 people aremembers of a group called the Fort CollinsPickleball Club.The Fort Collins response is part of a largermovement that, according to theAssociation of Pickleball Professionals,encompasses more than 36 million players.Public and private developers are dailyanticipating a demand for at least 25,000new courts nationally.A timetable for the Fort Collins project seesit going to the city for development reviewbefore the end of this year.32BUILTENVIRONMENTIN PICKLEBALL-ENTHUSED FORTCOLLINS, PLANS AREUNDERWAY FOR A NEWFACILITYBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter10/29/2024Work could begin later next year on thebuilding of an outdoor 12-court pickleballfacility in Fort Collins.The project at this point appears to beslated to go up in the Fossil CreekCommunity Park at 5821 S. Lemay Avenueon the south side of the city.Subject of a three-year study process,determining that Colorado’s fourth largestcity will likely build over a dozen new Copyright: Canva ProGROWING ARIZONAPICKLEBALL COMPANYPLANNINGCONSTRUCTION OFLARGEST FACILITY OFITS KIND ANYWHERE ONTHE GLOBEBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter10/24/2024Responding to a growing demand for morepickleball space, a demand that isparticularly noteworthy in Arizona, acompany prominent in the game hasannounced plans to build a massive newfacility.

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The Scottsdale-based Pure Pickleball andPadel says the new indoor facility will go upoff the Arizona State Route 101 Loop andEast Via de Ventura and will include nearly50 individual courts.The project is being advertised as thelargest and most expensive facility of itskind in the world and will additionallyinclude exclusive guest rooms, pro shop,restaurant, and rooftop bar, among otheramenities.In addition, notes the Phoenix BusinessJournal, the new facility will feature a“championship court that could hold up to1,200 spectators.”Altogether, the facility will comprise nearly190,000 square feet of building space, withsome of that space being given over toprofessional matches and youth clinics.In an online statement, Kevin J. Berk, co-founder of the company, said the newfacility is envisioned as a “combination ofstate-of-the art and a social atmosphere.”To say that pickleball has become popular isto greatly understate the almost frenziedenthusiasm it has generated across thecountry, but particularly in Arizona.According to industry figures, the sport hasseen a 65% increase in players in the lastseven years.Work is expected to begin on the projectsometime next year, with an anticipatedcompletion date in late 2026. 33BUILTENVIRONMENTDENVER’S UNIQUE ANDMODERNISTICBOETTCHER CONCERTHALL POISED FORSUBSTANTIALRENOVATIONBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter10/25/2024Upgrade work could be underway sometimenext year on one of the most populartheaters in Denver.Built in 1978 and located at 1000 14thStreet, the 120,000-square-foot BoettcherConcert Hall is the home to the ColoradoSymphony and has a nearly 2,700 seatingcapacity.Constructed so as to provide audiences witha close-up view and listening spot from anypoint in the theater, Boettcher is adesigner’s paradise with multiple levels ofbalconies, eight mezzanines, pit seats,exposed heating ducts and industrial stylerailings.The presence of those ducts and railings,notes an essay published by the DenverArchitecture Foundation, is an attempt onthe part of designer Hardy Holzman PfeifferAssociates to create a “democraticatmosphere in contrast to the opulent feelof many traditional halls.”Now the City of Denver has issued a Copyright: Canva ProCopyright: Canva Pro

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Request for Proposals for work centering onan upgrade of the celebrated facility.That work will include a modernization ofthe facility’s heating and cooling systems, aswell as safety and fire upgrades. Additionalwork will see roof improvements and dataand technology upgrades.“Generally,” notes the official RFPannouncement, “the renovation will addressmajor systems and finishes that are beyondtheir useful life.”The project, which has been in the talkingstage for the better part of a decade, is beingfunded via the Better Denver Bondprogram, which won voter approval in 2007.The RFP has a submission deadline ofNovember 6.34BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTIONPARTNERS BUYS LONESTAR PAVING FOR$654M PLUS STOCKBy Julie Strupp, ConstructionDive10/29/2024Brazil-based aerospace company Embraerplans to establish operations at the PerotField Alliance Airport in Fort Worth, Texas.The $70 million project is expected tocreate 250 jobs.The investment will include a new servicecenter and the construction of a hangar thatwill expand the company’s maintenance,repair and overhaul services network tosupport the growing fleet of E-Jets."We are excited to receive the finalapproval for this important expansion of ourMRO business that supports our continuedinvestment in the... Continue reading >Civil builder Construction Partners hasentered into an agreement to acquire LoneStar Paving for $654 million in cash and 3million shares, the Dothan, Alabama-basedinfrastructure firm announced Oct. 21. Atthe previous day’s close, that puts theacquisition’s total value at $878 million.Lone Star, headquartered in Austin, Texas, isa vertically integrated asphaltmanufacturing and paving companyoperating in high-growth markets in CentralTexas, with 10 hot-mix asphalt plants, fouraggregate facilities and a liquid asphaltterminal, according to the release. Theacquisition will be... Continue reading >BRAZIL-BASEDEMBRAER PLANS FORTWORTH, TEXAS, MROOPERATIONSBy Staff, Area Development News Desk10/29/2024Copyright: Canva Pro

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35BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSNATIONALCollecting detailed anecdotal informationfrom economists, bankers, and businesspeople across the country, the latest editionof the much-quoted Beige Book duly notes:consumers are holding off on majorspending until after the presidentialelection.Even more, says the publication, which is putout eight times a year by the FederalReserve Board, businesses are forestallingnew projects until it is known whetherDemocrat Kamala Harris or RepublicanDonald Trump is the winner.LATEST BEIGE BOOKREPORT REVEALSELECTION JITTERSBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 10/28/2024Copyright: Canva pro“Many contacts reported hesitancy indecision-making owing to heighteneduncertainty surrounding the presidentialelection,” summed up a report from theFederal Reserve Bank of New York.Similarly, notes the latest informationcoming out of the Federal Reserve Bank ofRichmond, activity in the nonfinancialservices in recent weeks appeared subdued,with some firms contending that “activitywas being constrained by a hesitancy tomake any new investments or businessdecisions until the uncertainty around theelection and international conflicts isresolved.”Despite such hesitancy, the Federal ReserveBank of Kansas City, whose Tenth Districtincludes all of Colorado and northern NewMexico, reported that economic activity inrecent weeks has in general “held steady,led by modest growth in consumerspending.” Home prices in Colorado andNew Mexico, meanwhile, were seen asexpanding at a slower pace, withconstruction throughout the regiongenerally on the upside.The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas in theEleventh District that takes in all of Texasand southern New Mexico reported amodestly expanding economy. But nonprofitservice providers in the region remarkedthat “economic and election uncertainty hasled to hesitancy to give among somedonors.”Continues >

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The potential economic impact of theelection is not confined to just thoseparticipating in the Beige Book survey. Anew questionnaire put together by thefinancial planning firm Empower revealsthat 42% of respondents said they expectedtheir finances to be affected by the election.Another 57% predicted that the job marketwill be influenced by the election.To what degree any of pre-election uneasematters may be hard to measure. But onecontact in the Bank of Richmond’s surveychalked up all such feelings to the “usualnervous period” that accompanies the usualnervous quadrennial contest.36BUILTENVIRONMENTAcity-owned 75-year-old stadium inBoston’s historic Franklin Park will berenovated for a new National Women’sSoccer League team...Continue reading >STADIUM RENOVATIONPLANS UNVEILED FORBOSTON’S NATIONALWOMEN’S SOCCERLEAGUEBy Peter Fabris, Building Design + Construction 10/24/2024Copyright: Canva proBethesda, Maryland-based ClarkConstruction Group has won a contractfrom Monumental Sports & Entertainmentto upgrade Capital One Arena inWashington, D.C., per a Monday newsrelease.Continue reading >CLARK CHOSEN FOR$800M DC ARENAUPGRADEBy Zachary Phillips, ConstructionDive10/29/2024Copyright: Canva proMaxwood Furniture, a manufacturer anddistributor of solid wood furniture, plans toexpand its distribution operations inMarion, South Carolina. The $6 millionproject is expected to create 43 jobs. Continue reading >MAXWOOD FURNITUREEXPANDS MARION,SOUTH CAROLINA,DISTRIBUTIONOPERATIONSBy Area Development 10/30/2024

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A new documentary, Kingdom Uncovered:Inside Saudi Arabia, has revealed the totalamount of worker deaths related toMohammed bin Salman’s Saudi Vision 2030,a multitrillion dollar program which includesNEOM and the Line.Continue reading >NEW DOCUMENTARYREVEALS THAT 21,000LABORERS HAVE DIEDWORKING ON SAUDIVISION 2030, WHICHINCLUDES NEOM, SINCECONSTRUCTION BEGANBy Daniel Jonas Roche, The Architect’s Newspaper 10/29/2024Copyright: Canva pro37BUILTENVIRONMENTAs November 5 draws closer, labor unionsare blanketing swing states with tens ofthousands of canvassers, deploying far moreresources than in past elections in a bid toget the labor-friendly ticket of KamalaHarris and Tim Walz elected.Continue reading >WITH MUCH AT STAKE,LABOR UNIONS KNOCKON MILLIONS OF DOORSIN FINAL CAMPAIGNPUSHBy Andrea Hsu, NPR10/30/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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38BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSTRENDSDespite concerns about the confusion a veryclose U.S. presidential election may create,Kamala Harris and Donald Trumpsupporters by and large believe theballoting process itself will proceedsmoothly.Those hopeful feelings are reflected in thefindings of a new survey just released by thePew Research Center showing that upwardsof 90% of those who say they are supportingDemocrat Harris believe the electionprocess itself will go off well.NEW SURVEY REVEALSELECTION FAIRNESSFEARS AND HOPESBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 10/25/2024Copyright: Canva proA much smaller number, but still a majorityof supporters for Republican Trump,expressed similar confidence. Of this group57% said agreed with the statement thatthey were “confident that elections will berun well.”Concerns about the fairness of thepresidential elections have always existed,with losing campaigns in close contestsoften claiming fraud: supporters ofRepublican Richard Nixon forever remainedconvinced that doctored balloting in someChicago precincts carried the day forDemocrat John Kennedy, who ended upwinning Illinois by a 49.9% to 49.8% margin.Fraud charges were particularly on displayin the weeks following the 2000 election,seeing Republican George Bush carryingpivotal Florida over Democrat Al Gore by537 votes out of nearly 6 million, and thuswinning the presidential election with thehelp of a Supreme Court decision a monthlater that closed down recounting efforts inseveral of the Sunshine state’s counties.But in the years since the 2000 battle, notesa recently published essay via theWashington-based Heritage Foundation,the process has become more secure due tothe fact that “many state legislators finallyrecognized the vulnerabilities in ourregistration and voting process.”Continues >

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Even more, continues the essay, manygrassroot organizations, particularly in thelast four years, have sprung into existence,“formed by concerned members of thepublic to train a much-needed watchful eyeon their election officials, state laws, andadministrative procedures.”Confidence in an election’s fairness is alsoimpacted by who won and who didn’t. In theclassic movie Citizen Kane, the newspaperpublisher and candidate Charles FosterKane had two front page headlines alreadymade up and ready to be released onelection night, depending upon the results.One declared “Kane Elected.” The second?“Fraud at Polls!”The Pew survey also showed a divergencebetween Harris and Trump supportersregarding the accurate counting of mail-inballots, with 85% of the former groupexpressing confidence and only 38% of thelatter feeling the same way.Harris supporters, in contrast with Trumpbackers, also overwhelmingly downplayedthe possible danger of the process beingviolated by hacking and other technologicalthreats.Voting in person, however, appeared tospark confidence among both Democratsand Republicans: 93% of the Harrissupporters and 77% of Trump backers saidthey were at least somewhat confident thatin-person votes will be counted accurately.Adds an essay published by the Pewresearchers: “There is broad confidence thatlocal poll workers and state election officialswill do a good job during the upcomingelection.”39BUILTENVIRONMENTPASADENA, Calif., (Oct. 24, 2024) —Bluebeam, a developer of solutions andservices for architecture, engineering andconstruction (AEC) professionals worldwideand part of the Nemetschek Group,announced findings from its new globalreport — Building the Future: BluebeamAEC Technology Outlook 2025. The report,based on a survey of AEC managers acrossregions, reveals significant investment inartificial intelligence (AI) by AEC companiesglobally, with almost three quarters (74%)reporting they’re now using AI within one ormore phases of their building projects.However, over half (54%) of those using AIare concerned about AI regulation and ofthose, 44% say these concerns are having areal impact on AI implementation withintheir companies.Continue reading >NEW BLUEBEAMRESEARCH REVEALSGROWING AI USE INCONSTRUCTION, BUTREGULATORY & TALENTCHALLENGES PERSISTBy Staff, Construction Business Owner 10/24/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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According to the Q3 2024 U.S. HotelConstruction Pipeline Trend Report fromLodging Econometrics (LE), the total U.S.pipeline stands at 6,211 projects/722,821rooms, up 9% by projects and 7% by roomsyear-over-year (YOY). This marks a new all-time high for projects in the U.S., surpassingprevious pipeline records.Continue reading >HOTEL CONSTRUCTIONPIPELINE SURPASSES6,200 PROJECTS AT Q32024By Lodging Econometrics, Building Design + Construction10/29/2024Copyright: Canva pro40BUILTENVIRONMENTENR’s 20-city average cost indexes, wagesand materials prices. Historical data anddetails for ENR’s 20 cities can be found Continue reading >CONSTRUCTIONECONOMICS FORNOVEMBER 4, 2024By ENRWhen liquefied natural gas companyVenture Global LNG sued generalcontractor Kiewit in August, it broughtattention to non-disclosure agreements inconstruction, a routine part of businessbetween general contractors and owners. Continue reading >HOW CONTRACTORSAND THEIR CLIENTS CANNAVIGATE NDASBy Jen A. Miller, ConstructionDive10/29/2024Covid-19 may have caused a precipitousdecline in convention crowds in 2020, but itdid not halt long-range plans to overhauland expand convention centers in a numberof key U.S. cities. Today that foresight isbearing fruit with grand new facilities ableto host larger industry and trade...Continue reading >CONVENTION CENTERSINTEGRATE WITH THEURBAN REALM TO STAYCOMPETITIVEBy Ron Nyren, Urban Land10/29/2024

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The construction industry faced a slightsetback in September, with totalconstruction starts falling 6% to a seasonallyadjusted annual rate of $1.1 trillion,according to Dodge Construction Network.This dip was driven by a decline acrossvarious sectors, including nonbuilding,nonresidential, and residential construction.Continue reading >SEPTEMBER SEES A 6%DECLINE INCONSTRUCTIONSTARTS: A SECTOROVERVIEWBy Staff, Design Cost DataCopyright: Canva pro41BUILTENVIRONMENTArtificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidlytransforming numerous industries, andconstruction is no exception.From automating routine tasks to improvingsafety, productivity, and decision-making, AIis proving to be a powerful force inreshaping how construction projects areplanned, managed, and executed.Continue reading >NAVIGATING AIADOPTION FOR THECONSTRUCTIONINDUSTRYBy Angus Frost, For Construction Pros10/30/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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43VIEW >$56,366,000ESTIMATED COSTPROJECT INFOSCOPE: New asphalt parking lot, access roads, parent drop-off loop, bus drop-off loop, including concretesidewalks and site lighting. New stabilized adobe sitewalls, coyote fences, welded wire fences, chain linkfences and cmu walls. New synthetic turf field withasphalt track. New playgrounds including wood chipareas with playground equipment, basketball & foursquare courts. New concrete pathways andlandscaping throughout campus with bollard lights.New outdoor learning spaces with concrete seatingand brick pavers. Utility work associated with newbuildings and re-location of fire pump. Interiorrenovations to the existing administration...OWNER:Albuquerque Public SchoolsLincoln Complex, Building A, 1st Floor, Room7 915 Locust Street SEAlbuquerque NM 87106Bid Date/Time: 11/18/2024 - 02:00pm MSTAddenda Count: 0Memo Count: 0Phase: BiddingStage: ActiveStatus:New Project / First ReportProject Type: New ConstructionCategory: EducationPublic Funding: YesBid Security: Bonds may be required.Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference10/29/2024 - 10:30 AMLibraryCorrales ES200 Target RdCorrales, NM 87048CORRALES K-8SCHOOLCORRALES K-8SCHOOL(505) 848-8826BUILTENVIRONMENT

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44NOT AVAILABLEESTIMATED COSTCM@R MULTI-PHASEEXPANSION AT LIBERTYHIGH SCHOOLCM@R MULTI-PHASEEXPANSION AT LIBERTYHIGH SCHOOLVIEW PROJECT >OWNER:Peoria Unified Schools District #11 (623) 486-60006330 W Thunderbird RoadGlendale AZ 85306PROJECT INFO:Bid Date/Time: 11/7/2024 - 02:00pm MSTPhase: BiddingStage: ActiveProject Type: Vendor / Professional ServicesCategory: EducationPublic Funding: YesSCOPE:The purpose of this Request forQualifications ("RFQ") is for the PeoriaUnified School District No. 11 ("District") tocontract with a single qualified firm toprovide Construction Manager at Risk("CM@Risk") services for design support,preconstruction and construction of amulti-phase expansion of Liberty HighSchool ("Project"). The project is brieflypresented in the following paragraphs.BUILTENVIRONMENT

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45FEATUREDPRE-BID PROJECTUS AIRFORCEELECTRICUNDERGROUNDPROJECTPROJECT INFORMATION:Estimated Cost: $5,300,000Stage: Conceptual / No DesignStatus: New Project / First ReportProject Type: New ConstructionCategory: Utility / EnergyPublic Funding: YesVIEW >BUILTENVIRONMENTSCOPE:Work may sooon begin on the building ofwhat is being called an "electricundergrounding project" at the site of theU.S. Air Force Academy in ColoradoSprings.

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47ADDITIONS/RENOVATIONS /UPGRADEE-RATE CAT 2 MAGGIECORDOVA ES CABLINGVIEW PROJECT >BROADMOORSENIOR CENTERCONSTRUCTIONPHASE 2SCOPE OF WORK: Construction for a 2,652 squarefoot multi-purpose roomaddition on existing concretefoundation, and construction fora 5,775 square foot concreteoutdoor recreation terrace withartificial turf and landscape.There will also be constructionfor a concrete retaining wall,and installation of shadestructures and exerciseequipment.VIEW PROJECT >CNM-STUDENTRESOURSESCENTER (SRC)EXERCISE SCIENCERELOCATION PHIISCOPE OF WORK: The Exercise Science program iscurrently occupyingapproximately 6,700 square feetand is housed in the TC Westand S Buildings (yoga)...VIEW PROJECT >ENGINEERINGCOMPLEX 1ADDITIONSCOPE OF WORK: Demolish section of existingCMU wall of building andremove exposed steel roofcanopy. Remove pavement andyard perimeter wall. Tie intoexisting plumbing from building.Place slab on grade and erectsteel structure. Build envelopewith single ply membrane andEIFS...VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Rio Rancho Public Schools (“RRPS”) is seeking toestablish a District price agreement for the purchaseof E-rate eligible Category 2 Services (Dependentupon available funding). Some of the RRPS currentdata architecture infrastructure is over five (5) yearsold, which is why RRPS is always looking towards...BUILTENVIRONMENT

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48DESIGN / BUILDSKYLINE AND DAKOTA RIDGE NATURAL AREASTRAIL CONSTRUCTION DESIGN/BUILEDVIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: The City of Loveland, Colorado (“City”) is requesting sealed proposals from qualified design-build trailbuilding contractors for the design and construction of approximately 5.20 miles of multi-use trails atSkyline Natural Area, located at 4459 W Eisenhower Blvd, and Dakota Ridge Natural Area, located at2995 Morning Drive, Loveland, CO.BUILTENVIRONMENT

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49MATERIAL /EQUIP / SERVICE /INSTALLON-CALL GENERALELECTRICAL SERVICESVIEW PROJECT >WSMRCONTRACTEDSECURITY GUARDSSCOPE OF WORK: The MICC Fort Bliss has arequirement from the WhiteSands Missile Range (WSMR)-Department of EmergencyServices (DES) to provide WSMRContracted Security Guards. TheContractor shall be responsiblefor a full range of security guardand management duties,including planning, scheduling,report preparation, recordpreparation and maintenance,and quality control...VIEW PROJECT >UNM-BIOHAZARDOUSWASTEMANAGEMENTSERVICESSCOPE OF WORK: The following is a request forproposals for the BiohazardousWaste Management Services.The term will be in accordancewith 13-1-150, NMSA, 1978, asamended. See detailed Scope ofWork in Buyer Attachments.VIEW PROJECT >MAINTENANCESUPPLIESSCOPE OF WORK: The Deming Public SchoolDistrict is seeking to enter into aterm agreement with a vendorfor Maintenance supplies,including but not limited tohardware, electrical andjanitorial supplies.VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: The City of Santa Fe, Public Utilities Department,Wastewater Management Division is seeking bids foran on-call contract for general electrical services.The electrical services will be at the Paseo RealWastewater Reclamation Facility and other remotesites within the collection system...BUILTENVIRONMENT

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50NEWCONSTRUCTIONAMADOR CROSSINGSUPPORTIVE HOUSINGVIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Construction Type: VB Fully Sprinklered PrimaryOccupancy Classification: R2- Residential (ApartmentHouses)Material Descriptions: Wood stud and steelconstruction with wood sheathing. Typical exteriorfinishes include EIFS and brick veneer, masonryveneer, metal wall panels and fiber cement panels...BUILTENVIRONMENTNMSU-NMDA NEWBUILDINGSCOPE OF WORK: This is a one story steel braced frame building androof with steel deck and a concrete foundation with avapor retarder membrane, supported by a drilled pierfoundation that supports the concrete slab floor laidover a vapor retarder membrane. The exterior wallsare surrounded by a concrete building apron and builtof a steel braced frame, insulation, gypsum boardinside finished with tape, texture, paint andwallpaper. Interior partition walls use a metal studframing system, insulated with gypsum boardfinished with tape, texture, paint and wallpaper. Theexterior walls are finished with EIPS or wall and roofmetal panel. The roof is built of a doublepitched topchord joist covered with a combination of roof metalpanel and PVC roofing system on the flat with metalwalk panels to the mechanical equipment. Thebuilding contains an entomology lab, a test kitchen,large conference room for hearings, recording studio,control room and an IT room. Electrical, plumbing...VIEW PROJECT >

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51SITE WORK /NON-BUILDINGRE-BID DAC CHAPARRALWW IMPROVEMENTSPHASE 2CCONSTRUCTIONVIEW PROJECT >SANTA TERESA 1.0MG ELEVATEDSTORAGE TANKSCOPE OF WORK: Installation of proposed 16" pipeand fittings Furnish and installelevated storage tanks with allappurtenances. install electricalconduits and wires, and performconnections to existingelectrical system. grade andinstall gravel access drivewayInstall concrete flume.VIEW PROJECT >HIGH LOOP WATERSYSTEMIMPROVEMENTSPROJECTSCOPE OF WORK: This project consists of theinstallation of approximately18,658 linear feet of 6-inchC900 PVC waterline, hydrants,gate valves, combination airvalves, and relatedappurtenances required toreplace the existing asbestos-cement waterline.VIEW PROJECT >UNSER BOULEVARDWIDENING & PASEODEL NORTEWIDENINGSCOPE OF WORK: The Unser Blvd./Paseo Del NorteWidening project (CN A300305)involves the upgrade of twomajor roadways. The UnserBoulevard Phase 1 Projectextends from just south of PDNto Paradise Blvd, approximately1.6 miles in length...VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: This project is an expansion of the ChaparralWastewater Collection System within the Lift Station#6 service area...BUILTENVIRONMENT

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53ADDITIONS /RENOVATIONS /UPGRADEBUILTENVIRONMENTLUNA COUNTY DISPATCH/EOC RENOVATIONVIEW PROJECT >CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $3,745,233.002 Low | $4,226,439.003 Low | $4,467,725.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award details

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54NEWCONSTRUCTIONLOVINGTONCONVENIENCE CENTERVIEW PROJECT >ORIGINAL ESTIMATED COST: $3,750,000CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | dollar amount not available*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsBUILTENVIRONMENTRE-BID CONSTRUCTION SERVICES OF A NEWCOOPERATIVE EXTENSION OFFICEORIGINAL ESTIMATED COST: $3,100,000CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $4,125,127.002 Low | $4,206,760.003 Low | $4,459,520.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsVIEW PROJECT >

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60BUILTENVIRONMENTHOLLYWOOD'SBIGGEST HIT:HIGHLIGHTSFROM SIOR'S FALL2024 EVENT INLOS ANGELESSIOR's Fall 2024 Event was a showstopper,bringing together 1,000 CRE leaders forseveral action-packed days of immersivelearning, legendary speakers, and glamorousnetworking events all under the Hollywoodlights, where dreams were realized, andlegends were made. An impressive roster ofattendees spanning 16 countries, along with 75unique sponsors and exhibitors (the most inour history), created the perfect formula forunforgettable experiences both on and off thestage.Here’s a look at some of the standoutmoments from an event that had everyonetalking, long after curtain call.Legendary Keynotes: Smerconish, Zeihan,LaSalvia Took Center StageSIOR’s Fall 2024 keynotes were nothing shortof cinematic.CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro

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62BUILTENVIRONMENTCRE INVESTORSPREPARE FOR ABUSIER YEAR OFBUYING,SELLING IN 2025Commercial real estate transaction activity ispicking up, even ahead of the Federal Reserve’sinterest-rate cut last month.The U.S. commercial real estate market sawalmost $60 billion in transaction volume in thesecond quarter, a 31% bump from the the firstthree months of the year, according to CoStarGroup Inc. (Nasdaq: CSGP). And in a third-quarter survey of industry participants bycommercial real estate data company AltusGroup, the percentage who picked “deployingcapital” as a primary focus over the next sixmonths surged 11 percentage points, to 31%,from the previous quarter, when it was 20%.Meanwhile, the percentage of respondents whosaid they were pausing or de-risking theirportfolios dropped 5 and 6 percentage points,respectively.Art Jones, senior director of commercial realestate research at Principal...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro

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63BUILTENVIRONMENTCOMPETITIVEADVANTAGETHROUGHPROPERTY TAXMITIGATIONAs developers reduce every possible expensein a tight market, what are overlooked waysto improve their competitive position? Taxattorney Ben Blair, a partner at FaegreDrinker Biddle & Reath LLP, said that whileyou may not be able to move the building to abetter location or put an intensive capitalinvestment into improvements, you can workto lower your tax bill.During a CRE.Converge conferencepresentation on property tax mitigation, Blairshared tips for making your case for propertytax mitigation.Any assessment that is based on pre-pandemic data is ripe for challenge.Assessment data is inherently backward-looking while values for income-producingproperties are (and should be) forward-looking. Many municipalities are assigninghigher values for properties today than pre-pandemic, which Blair said is not reflective ofthe economic reality.Absent litigation, you can have conversationswith assessors to make certain assessmentsare a fair representation. Assessors onlywant hard data when you’re asking for a taxreduction, but how you look at that data is... CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro

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64BUILTENVIRONMENTNEW REPORTREVEALS HISTORICSURGE IN SMALLBUSINESS FINANCINGUNDER BIDEN-HARRISADMINISTRATIONWASHINGTON – Today, Vice President KamalaHarris and Administrator Isabel Casillas Guzman,head of the U.S. Small Business Administration(SBA) and the voice for America’s more than 34million small businesses in President Biden’sCabinet, announced(Link is external) that the SBAdelivered a transformative $56 billion to smallbusinesses and disaster-impacted communities inFiscal Year 2024 (FY24). The FY24 Capital ImpactReport released today shows that the Agencyincreased its annual capital portfolio – whichincludes startup, growth, and recovery capital, aswell as surety bonds – by 7% over Fiscal Year 2023(FY23). Moreover, for the first time since 2008, theSBA made more than 100,000 financings to smallbusinesses, representing a 22% increase overFY23 and a 50% increase over 2020.“Under the Biden-Harris Administration, the SBAhas revolutionized its capital access programs,helping finance tens of thousands of smallbusinesses in every corner of this country,” saidAdministrator Guzman. “As every entrepreneurknows, capital is critical – it's integral to businessowners at all stages of their journey...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro

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Voters in Bernalillo County and surroundingareas will decide whether to increaseproperty taxes to support conservationefforts.Continue reading >BERNALILLO COUNTYVOTERS WILL DECIDEWHETHER TO INCREASEPROPERTY TAXES TOPAY FORCONSERVATIONBy Hannah Grover, New Mexico Political Report 10/27/2024Copyright: Canva pro66BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSNEW MEXICONot a single person from the publicattended a recent public hearing onSeptember 26 to protest proposed rateincreases for water, sewer, gas and trashincreases.Continue reading >SOCORRO CITYCOUNCIL APPROVESUTILITY RATEINCREASESBy Wanda Moeller, El Defensor Chieftain10/25/2024As leaves yellow and the first snow gracesWheeler Peak, Petree Nursery &Greenhouses is preparing to close for theseason. A large red “sale” sign advertises thegrower’s end-of-season plant clearance —belying a much larger transaction: Taos’beloved greenhouse and nursery is for saleby founder and owner Mike Petree.The sale, through Joel K. Schantz, BerkshireHathaway HomeServices Taos Real Estate,includes the business’ 28 acres...Continue reading >BELOVED NURSERY TOCHANGE HANDS, NOTCLOSEBy Emery Veilleux, Taos News10/28/2024

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A Texas-based, national developer acquireda 288-unit multifamily housing communityOct. 10 on the Westside for $28.3 million.Continue reading >NATIONAL DEVELOPERACQUIRES 288-UNITWESTSIDE COMPLEX,PLANS RENOVATIONSBy Cooper Metts, Albuquerque Business First 10/28/202467BUILTENVIRONMENTIt’s been six months since the city’s Arts &Culture Department absorbed the $14million West Central Route 66 VisitorCenter into its considerable portfolio ofcultural amenities. Bernalillo Countytransferred ownership earlier this year,after initial funding came from the state,county and city.Continue reading >CITY HOPES TOURISTS,RESIDENTS VIBE WITH$14M ROUTE 66 VISITORCENTERBy Damon Scott, City Desk ABQ10/25/2024Copyright: Canva proNEW MEXICO (KRQE) – Ski season is uponus and New Mexico and southern Coloradoski resorts are getting ready to welcome thepublic. Here is a list of area ski resorts andwhen they’re scheduled to open.Continue reading >WHEN DO NEW MEXICO,SOUTHERN COLORADOSKI RESORTS OPEN?By Scott Brown, KRQE News10/29/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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68BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSSOUTHWESTOne of the most unusual and expensiveproperties in Colorado, built to resembleKing Louis XIV’s Palace of Versailles in Paris,is on the market with a cool asking price of$59.9 million.Located in the forested town of Evergreen,the nearly 21,700 square-foot mansion sitson 35 acres and is being listed by theupscale realtor Engel & Volkers, which hasoffices in New York.COLORADO MANSIONWORTHY OF KING LOUISXIV IS UP FOR SALEBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment 1030/2024Copyright: Canva proSituated some 30 miles to the southwest ofDenver, the mansion was built in 2015 andoriginally listed for sale for $17.5 million. Aproperty transfer some four years ago saw itselling for $9.5 million before significantupgrades to the structure were made. The opulent mansion features everythingthat King Louis himself would have deemednecessary for gracious living: half a dozenbedrooms, ten bathrooms, office space, alibrary, a gymnasium, a spa, and a movieroom.Additional amenities include a spaciousgarage and outdoor swimming pool.The Engel & Volkers listing also mentions abilliard room “with an exquisite antiquewooden bar,” as well as a combined winecellar and tasting room. The property, reports the publicationMansion Global, also houses what might bedescribed as “over-the-top features,”including a front circular fountain, a 1,250square foot green house, and two lionstatues resembling the lions named“Patience” and “Fortitude” guarding themajestic New York Public Library inManhattan.Work on the original and world-famousPalace of Versailles in Paris took nearly fiftyyears before completion in 1710. Today, the721,000-square-foot palace is owned andmanaged by the French government.

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69BUILTENVIRONMENTA building designed by famed architect HenryTrost in downtown El Paso and long extolled bypreservationists is now on the market with anasking price of just over $4 million.Located at 112 Texas Avenue, the W. S. HillsBuilding was completed in 1927 and for decadeshoused both lower-level retail and upper-leveloffice space.Designed in what has been called a SecondRenaissance Revival style, the three-storybuilding is listed on the National Register ofHistoric Places and is distinguished by its fronthalf dozen concrete piers.The structure is also graced by second floor baysfilled with the original windows.The building has in recent years been the subjectof an extensive architecture project studyproposing the addition of four more top floorsthat could house offices and residential space.Regarded as a Class A structure, the W.S. HillsBuilding encompasses nearly 33,500 square feetand sits in a downtown section populated withintricately designed early 20th century office andcommercial structures.The structure is named in honor of El Pasodeveloper and attorney W. S. Hills. Upon itsunveiling in 1927, it was hailed by the El PasoHerald as a “handsome polished granite and terracotta building.”The W. S. Hills Building is being offered for saleby the El Paso real estate agency Sonny BrownAssociates.FAMED CENTURY-OLDW.S. HILLS BUILDING IN ELPASO IS UP FOR SALEBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 10/24/2024Copyright: Photo Courtesy of El Paso Community College Library

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70BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSNATIONALClearly far removed from the doldrums ofthe pandemic economy, the nation’s studenthousing market is enjoying a new boom era,with occupancy rates now at the 94.5%level.So says a new report just issued by theScottsdale-based real estate research firmYardi Matrix, which shows an overall rentgrowth in the fall of this year of some 5.8%over where things stood in 2023. STUDENT HOUSINGRENT RATE UP, WITHPROMISE OFADDITIONAL 2025GROWTH, SAYS NEWREPORTBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment 10/30/2024Copyright: Canva proPreleasing numbers for the fall 2025semester, meanwhile, have “jumped out to aquick start,” says the National StudentHousing Report, “reaching 10.2% inSeptember based on limited data, with fourschools greater than 25% in the first monthsof leasing.”The occupancy growth rates nationally havebeen uneven and, in some areas,remarkable. Exactly fifty schools, many inthe Midwest, have reported studentoccupancy rates of 99% or higher as of thisSeptember, while twenty-three schools,many in the West, reported pre-lease ratesof 85%.In the 99% category is Colorado StateUniversity. Northern Arizona University,bolstered by the construction addition of580 new beds, was solidly in the 84.5%category. Continues >

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71BUILTENVIRONMENTProspects of future growth, notes thereport, appear robust: “Some of theschools with double-digit rent growthhave a meaningful amount of supply underconstruction, which could make a dent inthe supply-demand imbalance that led tooutsize rent growth,” adds the YardiMatrix study.Western growth is particularly seen withthe nearly 700 new beds underconstruction at Texas Tech; almost 650beds at the University of Arizona; andmore than 1,300 beds at Arizona StateUniversity.Often regarded as a recession-proofbusiness, student housing constructionhas nonetheless been impacted by thesame challenges facing the nation’sconstruction industry in general, theMulti-Housing News reported earlier thisyear.Those challenges include a lack ofcompetitive financing options, as well as“rising labor and materials costs, alongwith regulatory changes,” said thepublication. The national commercial foreclosuremarket peaked in May, but they are onceagain trending up. That's forcing sometough decisions among lenders.Continue reading >COMMERCIALFORECLOSURES RISEAS LENDERSAPPROACH'INFLECTION POINT'By Ashley Fahey, Albuquerque Business First 10/28/2024According to the second annual C ChangeSurvey from the Urban Land Institute (ULI),launched at this year’s C Change Summit, 93percent of respondents report...Continue reading >ULI SURVEY:COMMERCIAL REALESTATE AT ACROSSROADS ASCOMMITMENT TODECARBONIZATIONRISING DESPITEIMPLEMENTATIONBARRIERSBy Tony Nokling, Urban Land10/28/2024Copyright: Canva proMIAMI, Florida: The last remaining Kmart onthe U.S. mainland sits unassumingly in asuburban Miami shopping center, surroundedby popular stores like Marshalls, HobbyLobby, and Dollar Tree that draw a steadystream of customers.Continue reading >ONCE A RETAIL GIANT,KMART IN MIAMI IS NOWJUST A RELIC OF THEPASTBy Robert Besser, New Mexico State News.Net10/29/2024

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72BUILTENVIRONMENTPROPERTY & LAND FOR SALENEW MEXICOUnless otherwise stated, all images on this page are copyrighted to Google Inc.135-145 VIRGINIA ST NE | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $485,000 BUILDING SIZE: 4,704 SFThis industrial property at 141-143 Virginia Street offers a versatile 4,704 square foot space on a .30-acre lot,ideal for various industrial operations. The building features approximately 80% warehouse space with fourgrade-level roll-up doors for easy access...VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE6020 MIDWAY PARK BLVD NE | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $2,390,617 BUILDING SIZE: 12,803 SF6020 Midway Park is a Multi-Tenant OWH investment in Albuquerque’s N-I25 Corridor. This propertypresents an exceptional NNN investment opportunity with existing stable cash-flow with upside potential. Themulti-tenant setup allows for diversified revenue streams...VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE300 E FOSTER RD | LAS CRUCESOFFERED PRICE: $1,650,000 BUILDING SIZE: 7,367 SFCBC Lewis Realty Group in conjunction with CBC Las Colinas (Qualified New Mexico Broker) proudlyintroduces a prime opportunity for office building investors and business owners in the Las Cruces area. Thebuilding is currently owned and occupied by First Light Federal Credit Union who will vacate the building. This7,367 sf property, built in 1980 and renovated in 1990, offers a compelling investment with its ideal features...VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE6921 CENTRAL NW AVE | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $1,698,000On Central Ave between Coors and Unser I-40 exitsLocated in between multiple high traffic intersections63,100 VPD on I-40, 18,100 VPD on Central Ave, 28,400 VPD on Coors BlvdGrowing Albuquerque retail and commuter corridorVIEW DEAL: CLICK HERETOTAL LOT SIZE: 3.36 AC

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Arrowhead Center at New Mexico StateUniversity is now home to southern NewMexico’s first co-innovation hub forNewSpace Nexus, a nonprofit organizationthat focuses on accelerating the pace ofspace innovation by uniting and igniting theindustry.Continue reading >NMSU’S ARROWHEADCENTER WELCOMESNEWSPACE NEXUS CO-INNOVATION HUBBy Staff, NMSU Newsroom 10/29/2024Copyright: Canva pro76SPACE NEWSBUILTENVIRONMENTWASHINGTON — In his latest missive toGuardians, Chief of Space Operations Gen.Chance Saltzman says he wants servicemembers to help brainstorm catchythematic names for a series of Space Forceprograms.Continue reading >SPACE FORCE CHIEFWANTS CATCHY‘THEMES’ FOR NAMINGSERVICE KIT,INCLUDING BLACKPROGRAMSBy Theresa Hitchens, Breaking Defense10/29/2024It is not clear that the sprawling exhibit hallat the International Astronautical Congress(IAC) earlier this month in Milan had acenter, with exhibitors split into two hallswith a tent-like temporary structureconnecting the two. But, certainly, one theexhibits at the heart of the hall...Continue reading >PLANNING FOR THEFUTURE OFCONTINUOUS HUMANPRESENCE IN LEOBy Jeff Foust, The Space Review 10/28/2024

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NASA plans to resume spacewalks on thespace station in 2025 after a leaky spacesuitsuspended those activities in June.Continue reading >NASA TO RESUME ISSSPACEWALKS IN 2025AFTER SPACESUIT LEAKBy Elizabeth Howell, Space.com10/30/2024Copyright:77BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva proThe Space Force gave the first contract in aprogram intended to bring new companiesinto the launch industry to SpaceX—theworld’s dominant space launch provider. Butofficials say that’s what they expected. Continue reading >SPACE FORCE’S EFFORTTO BRING IN NEWLAUNCH PROVIDERSHASN’T WORKED YET.OFFICIALS AREN’TSURPRISED.By Audrey Decker, Defense One10/28/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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79BUILTENVIRONMENTNEWSPACEALLIANCEJoin hundreds of organizations in the national NewSpaceAlliance! Build your knowledge and strengthen yournetwork by participating in ongoing opportunities tolearn, share and engage with space professionals acrossindustry, government and academia. Free to join,NewSpace Alliance members can attend monthly techtalks, industry webinars, networking events, industryforums and our nationally-recognized State of the SpaceIndustrial Base conference. Membership is free.Continue reading >NEWSPACEIGNITORGROW FASTER FROM CONCEPT TO PRODUCT TOSALESContinue reading >CO-INNOVATIONWORKSPACESENewSpace Co-Innovation, or collaborative innovation, iswhen newspace stakeholders work together to discovernew partnerships, explore new approaches, solveproblems, and accelerate growth.Continue reading >PATHWAYS TOTHE STARSACCESS TO WORKFORCE WILL BECOMEEASIER WITH A LARGER, MORE DIVERSESPACE-READY TALENT POOL.Coming next year!Pathways to the Stars will grow the spaceindustry talent pipeline with programming,mentoring, experiential learning and careerconnection services spanning K-12 to earlycareer, with industry involvement and specialattention given to reaching minority populations.Multiple educational partners will providelearning and curriculum, and connection serviceswill connect students to jobs and careers. Weinvite you to participate and inspire students tobecome part of the space workforce of thefuture!Continue reading >ABOUT USWHO WE ARE & WHATWE DOFounded October 2019, NewSpace Nexus is a501(c)(3) non-profit accelerating the pace ofspace innovation by uniting and igniting theindustry. Through the NewSpace Launchpad, afirst-of-its-kind co-innovation hub, stakeholdersgain access to workspaces, equipment,programming, rapid prototyping anddemonstration, and resources needed forinnovation and rapid progress. Services includeaccess to space ecosystem knowledge, publicevents, and networking; navigation services thatprovide tailored guidance and direct assistanceto fast-track business growth; and collaborativeinnovation services...Continue reading >

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00QUICK NEWS LINKS80CONSTRUCTION25POPULAR AND MUCH-USED LAS CRUCESPUBLIC LIBRARY TARGETED FOR RENOVATIONAND UPGRADE WORK >NEW MEXICOBernalillo County remediates six-year-oldanimal shelter >Bernalillo County Bond Packages IncludeWide Variety of Park Construction andUpgrade Projects >Federal government hands out $2.4 billionfor 122 railroad projects nationwide >Community Gets Behind-the-Scenes Look:Tour showcased some of district's newestfacilities. >New Mexico asks feds for emergencydeclaration for Roswell flooding >City says criticism about proposedDowntown investments is unfounded >Passage of GO Bond 3 would provide $1million to UNM-Los Alamos >New First Serve tennis complex nearfairgrounds getting set >Another locally-owned supermarketcoming to International District >Depending On Mood of Voters Next Week, ElPaso County May See Construction of FirstAnimal Shelter >SOUTHWESTIn Pickleball-Enthused Fort Collins, Plans AreUnderway for a New Facility >Growing Arizona Pickleball Company PlanningConstruction of Largest Facility of Its KindAnywhere on the Globe >Denver’s Unique and Modernistic BoettcherConcert Hall Poised for Substantial Renovation >Brazil-Based Embraer Plans Fort Worth, Texas,MRO Operations >Construction Partners buys Lone Star Paving for$654M plus stock >BUILTENVIRONMENTWhat to know about the construction atSawmill District >Bond to benefit nursing program >25Latest Beige Book Report Reveals Election Jitters >NATIONALClark chosen for $800M DC arena upgrade >Stadium renovation plans unveiled for Boston’sNational Women’s Soccer League >Maxwood Furniture Expands Marion, SouthCarolina, Distribution Operations >With much at stake, labor unions knock onmillions of doors in final campaign push >New documentary reveals that 21,000 laborershave died working on Saudi Vision 2030, whichincludes NEOM, since construction began >31

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0081BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION38New Survey Reveals Election Fairness Fearsand Hopes >TRENDSNew Bluebeam Research Reveals GrowingAI Use in Construction, but Regulatory &Talent Challenges Persist >Construction Economics for November 4,2024 >How contractors and their clients cannavigate NDAs >Hotel construction pipeline surpasses 6,200projects at Q3 2024 >Convention Centers Integrate with theUrban Realm to Stay Competitive >September Sees a 6% Decline inConstruction Starts: A Sector Overview >Navigating AI Adoption for the ConstructionIndustry >REAL ESTATE66Socorro City Council approves utility rateincreases >NEW MEXICOBeloved nursery to change hands, notclose >Bernalillo County voters will decide whetherto increase property taxes to pay forconservation >National developer acquires 288-unitWestside complex, plans renovations >City hopes tourists, residents vibe with $14MRoute 66 Visitor Center >When do New Mexico, Southern Coloradoski resorts open? >COLORADO MANSION WORTHY OF KING LOUISXIV IS UP FOR SALE >SOUTHWESTFamed Century-Old W.S. Hills Building in ElPaso is Up for Sale >REAL ESTATE70STUDENT HOUSING RENT RATE UP, WITH PROMISE OFADDITIONAL 2025 GROWTH, SAYS NEW REPORT >NATIONALULI Survey: Commercial Real Estate at aCrossroads as Commitment to DecarbonizationRising Despite Implementation Barriers >Commercial foreclosures rise as lendersapproach 'inflection point' >Once a retail giant, Kmart in Miami is now just arelic of the past >SPACE76NMSU’s Arrowhead Center welcomes NewSpaceNexus co-innovation hub >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALSpace Force chief wants catchy ‘themes’ fornaming service kit, including black programs >Planning for the future of continuous humanpresence in LEO >Space Force’s effort to bring in new launchproviders hasn’t worked yet. Officials aren’tsurprised. >NASA to resume ISS spacewalks in 2025 afterspacesuit leak >WEEDFEED83State Regulation and Licensing Department putsprice tag on increasing cannabis enforcement >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALCannabis 2024 Election Previews, Harris’Legalization Platform Lead CBT’s Top Stories inOctober >Federal Officials Discuss New OSHA Program OnMarijuana Industry Workplace Hazards >

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0082BUILTENVIRONMENTLEGISLATION84Transparency expert says ABQ City Councilmay have violated state law >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALDemocrat-controlled State Land Officesays sublease quashes parking plans forTrump rally >Poll: Heinrich keeps large lead in Senaterace >DA candidates’ rancor continues in forum >Heinrich, Luján, Leger Fernández On $1.3M ToBreak Down Barriers To Home OwnershipFor New Mexicans Living With HIV/AIDS >New Mexico Public EducationCommissioners are on the ballot. Here’swhat to know >Presidential Voting Patterns Reveal WesternState Winning Streaks >US Supreme Court Poised to Further ClipEnvironmental Protection Agency’s Wings >Ex-ComEd Lawyer: Former Illinois HouseSpeaker Demanded Favors for Support >ARCHITECTS / ENGINEERS / DESIGN89Bainbridge Custom Builders Launches toRedefine Custom Construction andRenovation in Philadelphia >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALIndianapolis Transit Agency Sues AECOM forBus Hub Cost Overruns >Climate change degrades buildings slowlybut steadily >VENDORS / SUPPLIERS90Topcon Expands Topnet Coverage AcrossWestern US >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALMass timber achieves ‘firsts’ in three moremarkets >Northern Hardwoods Lumber UpgradesHoughton County, Michigan, Operations >Trucking rates, demand to stay lackluster for restof year, analysts say >NSE Windows Announces Leadership Changesto Support Continued Growth and Expansion >Architecture and the American House Now >ENERGY INDUSTRY92Petition calls on Lujan Grisham to ban PFAS in oiland gas operations >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALEngineering professor to lead $5 million projectinvestigating materials for safe storage ofnuclear waste >Private equity firm details plans to buy NewMexico Gas >Los Alamos County To Hold Conversation OnHome Energy Innovation & Insights Monday Nov.18 >Researchers Developing Methods to KeepElectric Vehicles Charging for Remote Locations >New Mexico startup using artificial intelligence,open-source data to track rising levels ofmethane >New Mexico Gas Co. files to be sold >

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STATE REGULATIONAND LICENSINGDEPARTMENT PUTSPRICE TAG ONINCREASING CANNABISENFORCEMENTBy Matthew Narvaiz, Albuquerque Journal10/29/2024Saying his department can put a “dent” inthe flow of illicit cannabis in New Mexico,state Regulation and Licensing DepartmentSuperintendent Clay Bailey’s team hasreleased its proposed $61.6 million budgetfor the 60-day legislative session that startsin January.Continue reading >NEW MEXICO WEEDFEED83BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva proAnticipation for state-level cannabislegalization and federal reform tied to theupcoming presidential election hadCannabis Business Times readers notwanting to miss out on being in the knowthis month.Continue reading >CANNABIS 2024ELECTION PREVIEWS,HARRIS’ LEGALIZATIONPLATFORM LEAD CBT’STOP STORIES INOCTOBERBy Tony Lange, Cannabis Business Times10/30/2024Federal officials from the OccupationalHealth and Safety Administration (OSHA)on Tuesday discussed a new program aimedat identifying and addressing workplacehazards in Colorado’s legal cannabisindustry, part of an effort to reduce the riskof occupational injury, illness and death atmarijuana businesses.Continue reading >FEDERAL OFFICIALSDISCUSS NEW OSHAPROGRAM ONMARIJUANA INDUSTRYWORKPLACE HAZARDSBy Ben Adlin, Marijuana Moment10/30/2024

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84A new poll found that U.S. Sen. MartinHeinrich maintained his double-digit lead ashe seeks a third term in the U.S. Senate. Continue reading >POLL: HEINRICH KEEPSLARGE LEAD IN SENATERACEBy Matthew Reichbach, New Mexico Political Report 10/22/2024Copyright: Canva proNEW MEXICOLEGISLATIONBUILTENVIRONMENTDuring the Albuquerque City Council’sregular meeting this week councilors metbehind closed doors with little explanationother than they were discussing potentiallitigation. Continue reading >TRANSPARENCYEXPERT SAYS ABQ CITYCOUNCIL MAY HAVEVIOLATED STATE LAWBy Elizabeth Mccall, City Desk ABQ10/25/2024Oct. 29—Former President DonaldTrump's highly anticipated plans for aThursday rally in Albuquerque could be injeopardy after the Democrat-led NewMexico State Land Office quashedorganizers' parking plans.Continue reading >DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED STATELAND OFFICE SAYSSUBLEASE QUASHESPARKING PLANS FORTRUMP RALLYBy Daniel J. Chacon, The Santa Fe New Mexican10/29/2024

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85Voters in five counties across New Mexicomay see an unfamiliar race on their ballots:public education commissioners are up forelection across the state, including acompetitive race on Albuquerque’s westside.Continue reading >NEW MEXICO PUBLICEDUCATIONCOMMISSIONERS AREON THE BALLOT. HERE’SWHAT TO KNOWBy Danielle Prokop, Source NM10/28/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTThe candidates for district attorney in theSixth Judicial District squared off in acontentious public forum Thursday in theauditorium of Western New MexicoUniversity’s Besse-Forward GlobalResource Center, with candidates accusingeach other of using propaganda and thechallenger accusing the incumbent of lyingabout his endorsements. Continue reading >DA CANDIDATES’RANCOR CONTINUES INFORUMBy Juno Ogle, Silver City Daily Press10/29/2024SANTA FE — U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich(D-N.M.) and Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), andU.S. Rep. Teresa Leger Fernández (D-N.M.)welcomed $1,345,637 for the Santa FeHousing Trust to provide more pathways tofirst-time home ownership to 2,050 NewMexicans living with HIV/AIDS.This grant is funded through the U.S.Department of Housing and UrbanDevelopment’s Housing Opportunities forPersons With AIDS (HOPWA) Program...Continue reading >HEINRICH, LUJÁN,LEGER FERNÁNDEZ ON$1.3M TO BREAK DOWNBARRIERS TO HOMEOWNERSHIP FOR NEWMEXICANS LIVING WITHHIV/AIDSBy Carol A. Clark, Los Alamos Daily Post10/29/2024

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86BUILTENVIRONMENTNATIONALLEGISLATIONFor decades if reporters and politicalscientists wanted to find out how apresidential election was going to go, allthey needed to do was study New Mexico.Voting for the first time in 1912 just monthsafter becoming a state, New Mexico enteredan era of uncanny accuracy with its voterscasting their ballots for the winner during arun of 64 years.The wheels fell off the wagon in 1976 whenthe Land of Enchantment’s voters narrowlywent for President Gerald Ford over JimmyCarter by a 50% to 48% margin.PRESIDENTIAL VOTINGPATTERNS REVEALWESTERN STATEWINNING STREAKSBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 10/29/2024Copyright: Canva proEver since that election, the state’s electoralinvincibility has been a less than certainthing, with New Mexico backing thepresidential winner in nine of the last 11elections, giving its five electoral votes to AlGore in 2000 and Hillary Clinton in 2016.Even so, according to a study put togetherby the site Ballotpedia, New Mexico has anoverall high 89.3% presidential electionaccuracy rate, substantially aboveneighboring Arizona at 78.6% and Coloradowith 74.2%.Whatever the competitive dynamicbetween New Mexico and Texas in otherareas, in the realm of presidential politicsthe Lone Star state comes in with a loweraccuracy rate of 64.5%.For the most part, states in the West havetended to have higher election accuracyrates than the states of other regions, withnumbers ranging from 74% to 89%.The number one most accurate state? Ohio—with a 90.3% rate. How to explain?According to the book The Bellweather:Why Ohio Picks the President, the BuckeyeState’s demographics, in terms of gender,ethnicity, and religion, uncannily mimic thelarger country, meaning that “what’s specialabout Ohio is that it’s not special at all.”Continues >

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87Put another way, according to the Almanacof American Politics, Ohio has been viewedas a “great test market, close to the nationalaverage in income levels, urban-ruralbalance, and ethnic mix, as well as partisanproclivities.”That doesn’t mean that Ohio is alwayscorrect: it voted against winners FranklinRoosevelt in 1944, John Kennedy in 1960and Joe Biden in 2020.The state with the lowest accuracy rate?Mississippi, at 45.2%.BUILTENVIRONMENTThomas O'Neill, the former general counselat powerful Illinois electrical utilityCommonWealth Edison, testified Oct. 28that his lobbying efforts aimed at formerIllinois House Speaker Michael Madigan (D)and his associates saved the utility fromwhat he said was impending bankruptcy viarate hikes the speaker got approvedthrough energy bills only he could bring tothe Illinois House floor. Continue reading >EX-COMED LAWYER:FORMER ILLINOIS HOUSESPEAKER DEMANDEDFAVORS FOR SUPPORTBy Jeff Yoders, ENR MidwestCopyright: Canvaa proIn what could prove a landmark ruling, withprivate industry groups and public officialsinvolved in the skirmishing, the U.S.Supreme Court may be on the verge of yetone more action regarding the enforcementpowers of the Environmental ProtectionAgency.Members of the higher court have nowheard oral arguments in City and County ofSan Francisco v. Environmental ProtectionAgency focusing on restricting the EPA’sability to apply comprehensive water qualitystandards in the use of public sewagesystems.The case stems from a suit filed by the Cityand County of San Francisco arguing that itcannot be held responsible for the waterquality of its systems heading into theimmediate Mission Creek and beyond thatthe Pacific Ocean, although it accepts themanagement and control of that waterwithin its systems.Continues >US SUPREME COURTPOISED TO FURTHERCLIP ENVIRONMENTALPROTECTION AGENCY’SWINGSBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 10/24/2024Copyright: Canv apro

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88The EPA has maintained that San Francisco, whichdischarges upwards of some 2 billion gallons ofstormwater and raw sewage into the ocean on anannual basis, must be responsible for everything itdischarges, no matter where those discharges endup.The case, notes the San Francisco Chronicle, hasplaced San Francisco, in the “unusual position ofsiding with oil companies and business groups andagainst the state and federal regulations.”San Francisco operates an older system that allowsfor the running of wastewater and stormwaterthough the same pipes. It is a system, according tosources, that many times overflows duringparticularly heavy rains.When that overflow occurs, it has resulted inhuman waste being pushed into the surroundingwaters.San Francisco city officials contend that it wouldcost at least $10 billion to upgrade its sewersystem.To say that almost everyone has become involvedin the litigation is seen by an amicus brief submittedby the Farm Bureau Federation, contending thatEPA standards in such matters are alreadyexcessive and “expose farmers to potentiallydevastating and unnecessary costly consequencesof government enforcement, action or citizen suit.”On the other side, a group called San FranciscoBaykeeper has charged that the city has dumpedraw sewage and even trash directly intosurrounding waters “at a magnitude that’s almostincomprehensible,” adding that sewage runoff hasforced San Francisco to “close beaches andwaterways on numerous occasions over the pastfive years.”It is expected that the higher court will issue adecision in the case before the conclusion of itscurrent term next June.BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canvaa pro

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89While natural disasters such as hurricanesand wildfires can destroy buildings inminutes, other factors exacerbated byclimate change degrade buildings moreslowly but still cause costly damage.Continue reading >CLIMATE CHANGEDEGRADES BUILDINGSSLOWLY BUT STEADILYBy Peter Fabris, Building Design + Construction 10/29/2024Copyright: Canva proNEW MEXICO & NATIONALARCHITECTS / ENGINEERS / DESIGNBUILTENVIRONMENTAt Bainbridge Custom Builders, weunderstand that every project is unique. Ourteam of experienced professionals brings apersonalized approach to each build, fromconcept to completion. Whether it's acustom home, a luxury renovation, or acommercial space, Bainbridge CustomBuilders is committed to delivering projectsthat reflect the client's vision whilemaintaining the highest standards of qualityand efficiency. Continue reading >BAINBRIDGE CUSTOMBUILDERS LAUNCHES TOREDEFINE CUSTOMCONSTRUCTION ANDRENOVATION INPHILADELPHIABy Bainbridge Custom Builders, PRLOG10/23/2024Indianapolis transit agency IndyGo is suingAECOM USA Inc. and its subsidiary URSCorp. over a transit hub completed in 2016,alleging the engineers failed to account forbuilding remnants and urban fill that wereunsuitable for the project...Continue reading >INDIANAPOLIS TRANSITAGENCY SUES AECOMFOR BUS HUB COSTOVERRUNSBy James Leggate, ENR Midwest

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90Last summer, the developer oWow, whichspecializes in mass timber projects, for thesecond time revised its plans for anapartment building in downtown Oakland,Calif., that, if completed, would be the tallestmass-timber building in the U.S. At 28stories and 496 units, the high rise would beeight stories taller and 240 units denserthan what oWow proposed initially. Byadding height and unit count, the developer,through state and local laws, would earn a76% density bonus for this project,according to reports in the San FranciscoBusiness Times and The Real Deal.Continue reading >MASS TIMBER ACHIEVES‘FIRSTS’ IN THREE MOREMARKETSBy John Caulfield, Building Design + Construction 10/25/2204Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO & NATIONALVENDORS / SUPPLIERSTopcon Positioning Systems has announceda major addition to its reference stationservice, Topnet Live. New service areas areavailable through expansion withinCalifornia, Hawaii, Oregon, Nevada, Utah,and Washington, with 180 full-wavegeodetic reference stations added to thenetwork. Simplifying the workflows formany different devices in many differentindustries, network corrections offercentimeter accuracy for high-endengineering, surveying, construction andagriculture measurement and guidancesystems. This service is also utilized in manyother markets, such as the turf industry, forautomated mowing and input applications,line marking and imaging, as well as UAVoperation for mapping and delivery.Continue reading >TOPCON EXPANDSTOPNET COVERAGEACROSS WESTERN USBy Staff, For Construction ProsCopyright: Canva pro

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91Northern Hardwoods Lumber, backed byLongyear, a privately held asset manager,plans to upgrade its operations in AtlanticMine, Michigan. The $4.75 million project isexpected to create 85 jobs in HoughtonCounty. Continue reading >NORTHERNHARDWOODS LUMBERUPGRADES HOUGHTONCOUNTY, MICHIGAN,OPERATIONSBy Area Development News Desk10/30/2024BUILTENVIRONMENTHow does one take the currenttemperature of residential architecture inAmerica—the identification of its fashions,its experimental developments and,moreover, the individuals who...Continue reading >ARCHITECTURE ANDTHE AMERICAN HOUSENOWBy Richard Olsen, Forbes10/30/2024Copyright: Canva proDespite some promising signs for aturnaround in the trucking market,improvement in demand is needed to bringthe trucking industry out of a roughly two-year freight recession, analysts say.Continue reading >TRUCKING RATES,DEMAND TO STAYLACKLUSTER FOR RESTOF YEAR, ANALYSTSSAYBy David Taube, SupplyChainDive10/29/2024Copyright: Canva proHAUPPAUGE, N.Y. - Oct. 25, 2024 - PRLog -- NSE Windows, a leading Marvin windowsand door supplier and installer, is excited toannounce a series of leadership updatesaimed at driving the company's growth andexpansion into 2025 and beyond. Thesestrategic changes will position...Continue reading >NSE WINDOWSANNOUNCESLEADERSHIP CHANGESTO SUPPORTCONTINUED GROWTHAND EXPANSIONBy NSE Windows, PRLOG10/25/2024

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92Eric Lang, assistant professor in theDepartment of Nuclear Engineering, willlead a new consortium funded by theMinority Serving Institution PartnershipProgram in the Department of Energy’sNational Nuclear Security Administration todevelop materials for safe and effectivenuclear storage while creating a job pipelineto national laboratories.Continue reading >ENGINEERINGPROFESSOR TO LEAD $5MILLION PROJECTINVESTIGATINGMATERIALS FOR SAFESTORAGE OF NUCLEARWASTEBy Carly Bowling, UNM Newsroom10/27/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO & NATIONALENERGY INDUSTRYA coalition of advocacy groups delivered apetition to Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham thisweek that requests a state ban on the use ofPFAS chemicals in oil and gas extraction.Continue reading >PETITION CALLS ONLUJAN GRISHAM TOBAN PFAS IN OIL ANDGAS OPERATIONSBy Hannah Grover, New Mexico Political Report 10/23/2024Oct. 29—A Louisiana-based private equitymanagement firm has disclosed details of itsproposed deal to purchase New Mexico'slargest natural gas utility.Continue reading >PRIVATE EQUITY FIRMDETAILS PLANS TO BUYNEW MEXICO GASBy Nicholas Gilmore, The Santa Fe New Mexican10/29/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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93Los Alamos County invites communitymembers to join a public conversation onHome Energy Innovation & Insightsscheduled 5:30-8 p.m. Nov. 18 in CouncilChambers at the Municipal Building. Thisfree event is open to homeowners, builders,and anyone interested in improving homeenergy efficiency.Continue reading >LOS ALAMOS COUNTYTO HOLDCONVERSATION ONHOME ENERGYINNOVATION &INSIGHTS MONDAYNOV. 18By Carol A. Clark, Los Alamos County Daily Post10/29/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTThe federal government’s Joint Office ofEnergy and Transportation is asking ZhaoyuWang, an Iowa State University professor ofelectrical and computer engineering, and hisresearch collaborators to study potentialsolutions for situations where an electricvehicle (EV) cannot access power and has nopower itself. This is designed to bridge aconcerning gap involving commercial EVs,but the technology developed in thisresearch will help future EVs designed forremote locations. The work will besupported by a two-year, $1.2 million grant.Research partners also will contribute$300,000 of cost-share funding.Continue reading >RESEARCHERSDEVELOPING METHODSTO KEEP ELECTRICVEHICLES CHARGINGFOR REMOTELOCATIONSBy Chris Vavra, For Construction Pros10/29/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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94New Mexico Gas Co. has officially requestedstate permission to be sold.Canada-based Emera is the current parentcompany of New Mexico Gas Co. In August,Emera announced its intent to sell the NewMexico gas utility to the Louisiana-basedprivate equity firm Bernhard CapitalPartners, or BCP Management, at a cost of$1.252 billion.Continue reading >NEW MEXICO GAS CO.FILES TO BE SOLDBy Megan Cleason, Albuquerque Journal10/28/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO (KRQE) – A startup in NewMexico is employing artificial intelligenceand using open-source data to address acontributor to climate change.Continue reading >NEW MEXICO STARTUPUSING ARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCE, OPEN-SOURCE DATA TOTRACK RISING LEVELSOF METHANEBy Chad Brummet, Fallon Fischer, KRQE News10/29/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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LOCATIONPROJECTS BIDDINGTOTAL ESTIMATED COSTNORTHERN NEW MEXICO331$2,691,198,786.00SOUTHERN NEW MEXICO106$349,739,716.00COLORADO54$289,400,000.00OUTSIDE ADJACENT135$303,192,000.00TOTAL626$3,633,530,502.00CURRENTLY BIDDING PROJECTS95PROJECT STATISTICSPROVIDED BY CONSTRUCTION REPORTER PLANROOM >TOP THREE MOST VIEWEDPROJECTS THIS WEEK2024-6622 Construction Services for Fire Station #36 >2024-64D1 Ken Sanchez Transit Maintenance Facility BusWash Renovation >2024-6ADB Corrales K-8 School >BUILTENVIRONMENT

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Bernalillo County, New MexicoDAIRY QUEEN GRILL & CHILL ASKING PRICE: $1,800,000 CASH FLOW: $420,000EBITDA: NOT DISCLOSEDGROSS REVENUE: $1,100,000INVENTORY: $15,000FF&E: $250,000REAL ESTATE: $650,000Business DescriptionNo Brokers!Grill & Chill highly profitable. Includes Real Estate.Years in Operation38Number of Employees10FranchiseYesFacilities & AssetsBeautifully decorated, modern DQ.Owned or LeasedOwned96BUSINESS FOR SALEVIEW BUSINESS LISTING >BUILTENVIRONMENT

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97PERMITNUMBER(CLICK TO VIEW)PERMIT LOCATIONISSUE &EXPIRATION DATEPERMITOWNERTOTALSQ. FEETBUILDINGCONTRACTORBP-2024-34807 905 WYOMING BLVD NE10/21/2024 - 04/21/2025ADOLE lAW3,184CP GOLDENCONSTRUCTIONI DESIGN LLCWORK DESCRIPTION: DEMO OF NON-BEARING WALLS. DEMO OF ONE BEARING WALL (TWO 8'x8' OPENINGS TO INCREASE MERCANTILE AWARENESS). CHANGE OF USE FROM B TO M. ALL EXTERIOR FACADE, COLORS, & IDENTIFIER SIGNS TO REMAIN UNLESS NOTED NO MECHANICAL, ELECTRICALAND PLUMBING ON THIS PERMIT.BP-2024-336956001 SAN MATEO BLVD NE10/23/2024 - 10/23/2025Dominic Aragon1,771PERFECTION DRYWALLWORK DESCRIPTION: adding a partition wall and dressing roomALBUQUERQUE BUILDING PERMITSOCTOBER 21ST - 25TH 2024BUILTENVIRONMENTBP-2024-334351407 4TH ST SW10/22/2024 - 10/29/2025Homewise (owner)1,763P.T.M. ASSOCIATEDBUILDERS LLC dba PTMASSOCIATES LLCSCOUT DESIGN LLCWORK DESCRIPTION: No Tenants are identified. The shell is complete and needs a certificate of completion. Expired Permit number is 2022-52584. Please call ifyou have questions, 505-818-7012.BP-2024-3319899999 PAN AMERICANFRWY NE10/23/2024 - 04/23/2025City of Albuquerque5,050FORMATIVEARCHITECTUREMARTIN, BRUCECONSTRUCTIONWORK DESCRIPTION: 3401 PAN AMERICAN FWY NE ALBUQUERQUE NM 87107- The City of Albuquerque is providing a temporary community to assistindividuals which are unhoused and suffering from addiction. This fenced community will include the following premanufactured temporary structures; two conexstorage units, two community buildings, one laundry building, three toilet/shower buildings, four double capacity sleeping buildings, an IT building, and 42 singlesleeping buildings. Additional site amenities include a shaded gathering area, vehicle parking, bicycle racks, dog run, community garden, trash and recyclecollections. New water, sewer, and electrical utilities will be provided to serve these buildings.BP-2024-328941601 AVENIDA CESARCHAVEZ SE10/23/2024 - 04/23/2025City of Albuquerque2,299JAYNES CORPORATIONWORK DESCRIPTION: 1. Merchandise Closet – concrete footings and floors, CMU walls,steel frame and deck roof structure, PVC roof, MEP.2. Conference - concrete footings and floors, CMU walls, steel frameand deck roof structure, PVC roof, MEP.3. Weight Room - concrete footings and floors, CMU walls, steelframe and deck roof structure, PVC roof, MEP.4. Home Club Improvements – Add entry, steps, doors and accesscontrols, upgrade selected interior partitions, finishes and services.5. Site – Reconfigure sidewalks, curb and gutter, asphalt paving,striping, utilities and amenities per plan.BP-2024-30152801 GIBSON BLVD SE10/23/2024 - 10/28/2025Porfie Maldanado5,000PRESTIGECONSTRUCTION, LLC.RBA ARCHITECTSWORK DESCRIPTION: This is a resubmittal from an expired permit BP-2022-23799. There has been inspections on the site. We were requesting a re-open of thepermit for building (adding a restroom and showing future restrooms). and field changes to Mechanical and Electrical review

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98BUILTENVIRONMENTBP-2024-301086440 COORS BLVD NW10/24/2024 - 04/24/2025SAGEBRUSH CHURCH4,002FAYZ CUSTOMBUILDERS, LLCTATE FISHBURNARCHITECTWORK DESCRIPTION: Applicant Work Description: LEVEL 2 ALTERATIONS OF EXISTING WORSHIP SPACE. ADD DEMISING WALL TO FRONT YOUTH AREACREATE TWO SEPARATE AREAS. ADD EXIT DOORS. A FEW POWER RECEPTACLES IN THE NEW WALLS. ALL MECHANICAL AND MOST ELECTRICAL TOREMAIN AS IS.BP-2024-285005201 HAWKING DR SE10/22/2024 - 04/22/2025KAIROS POWER5,264SUSTAINABLEMODULARMANAGEMENT, INC.WORK DESCRIPTION: This was previously permitted, but the permit expired due to no activity. Below are the inspections performed.BP-2022-48979-01 Building - Footing Inspection Passed Diego Gonzales Footing Inspection Pass Jul 18, 2023 Jul 18, 2023 Jul 18, 2023BP-2022-48979-02 Building - Footing Inspection Partially Passed Barry Hopkins Stem steel Jul 26, 2023 Jul 25, 2023 Jul 26, 2023BP-2022-48979-03 Building - Stem Steel Partially Passed Barry Hopkins South and west sides ok Jul 25, 2023 Jul 25, 2023 Jul 25, 2023BP-2024-248315740 NIGHT WHISPERRD NW10/24/2024 - 04/24/2025DIANA BERNAL5,129JEEBS AND ZUZU LLCRICHARDSON &RICHARDSON INCWORK DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR REMODEL OF OFFICE SPACE FOR DAYCARE USAGE. THIS INCLUDES DEMOLITION OF WALLS, ELECTRICAL WORK FORLIGHTING FIXTURES, AND PLUMBING FOR A NEW SINKBP-2024-233481333 Aspen Ave NW 10/23/2024 - 04/23/2025Thunder road enterpsises3,607G.D. BENNETTCOMPANIES, INCRBA ARCHITECTSWORK DESCRIPTION: Foundation permit, for foundation, future building for freezing warehouse, addition to an existing warehouse building.BP-2024-203607801 LA MORADA PLNW10/25/2024 - 04/25/2025Pacific Cactus, LLC10,928PACIFIC CACTUS, LLCPETER BUTTERFIELDARCHITECTWORK DESCRIPTION: New 2 story shell buildingBP-2024-20357801 LA MORADA PL NW10/25/2024 - 04/25/2025DIANA BERNAL5,129JEEBS AND ZUZU LLCRICHARDSON &RICHARDSON INCWORK DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR REMODEL OF OFFICE SPACE FOR DAYCARE USAGE. THIS INCLUDES DEMOLITION OF WALLS, ELECTRICAL WORK FORLIGHTING FIXTURES, AND PLUMBING FOR A NEW SINKBP-2024-1956310000 COORS BLVDBYPASS NW10/23/2024 - 04/23/2025Strategic RestaurantConcepts LLC7,575GREENBERG FARROWM&L CONSTRUCTION LLCWORK DESCRIPTION: We are looking to construct a new Bubba's 33 restaurant on site.BP-2024-18558845 JUAN TABO BLVD NE10/22/2024 - 10/28/2025LFD LLC5,372PRESTIGIOUS HOMES LLCWilder Design LLC dbaWilder Design LLCWORK DESCRIPTION: Applicant Work Description: Future Retails, Shell Building with 2 restrooms for future tenants. All electrical from transformer to panelsinstall. All gas meters install. 2 water lines & 1 sewer line install. HVAC set on roof install. Landscaping & Irrigation to install. Site lighting to install. Parking lot withdumpster pad.BP-2024-149187200 MONTGOMERYBLVD NE10/24/2024 - 10/24/2025Peterson Properties LLC3,789FIRST CHOICE EQUITYBUILDERS, INC.Martin GrummerArchitectWORK DESCRIPTION: Install new storefront, new RTU's, new restrooms and new electrical panel

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