04A much-debated ordinance mandating theuse of apprentices on city projects inAlbuquerque was withdrawn Monday.“The Apprenticeship EmpowermentOrdinance”, which was largely disputedbetween union and non-unionorganizations, was withdrawn by one of itsoriginal sponsors, Dan Champine.Champine and other councilors in a 5 to 4vote decided to withdraw the legislationafter receiving input from various union andnon-union professionals in the constructionindustry. “When I initially supported this bill, I did sowith a conviction that it would serve thecommunity’s best interests. However, afterdiscussions involving feedback from variousstakeholders, including constituents,experts, advocacy groups; I began to realizethat the implications of this wereincomplete,” said Champine in Monday’scity council meeting. Whereas union representatives werearguing that the mandate would increasethe number of apprentices, non-unionrepresentatives argued that the number ofapprentices is not there in the first place tocomply. “We need to emphasize more on the buildupof these numbers and support the programsto increase these numbers instead ofmandating numbers that we don’t - as manyof these people said, we don’t have,” saidChampine. ORDINANCE MANDATINGAPPRENTICES DIES IN CITY COUNCIL By Dane Vaughn, The Built Environment11/06/2024BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: The Built Environment
05Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn, Champine’sco-sponsor of the bill, objected toChampine’s withdrawal from the ordinancerequiring 10% of labor hours to be workedon city projects over two million dollars. “I just feel that the point of this has been lostand that young people in our communityhave a right to a career path that gets themout of poverty,” continued Fiebelkorn, “it’s ashame that the city of Albuquerque cannotmove forward with something that is a leadby example method of moving people intocareer paths, given the vast amount ofpoverty that we’ve talked about heretonight and that we talk about every singletime we have a council meeting.” BUILTENVIRONMENTCity Councilor for District 7, Tammy Fiebelkorn, whooriginally sponsored “The Apprenticeship EmpowermentOrdinance” with Councilor Dan Champine. Copyright: Courtesy of The City of AlbuquerqueSuch sentiments were initially aired by RonAyers, a journeyman member of theInternational Brotherhood of ElectricalWorkers. “I heard a lot about transitioning homelessness into these services.Apprenticeships are good opportunities forpeople who just got back on their feet to getinto the work force. Not just a job but acareer to keep them off the streets,” saidAyers. Jim Garcia, executive director for theAssociated Contractors of New Mexico,who represents transportation and roadcontractors, gave input directly followingcomments made by Ayers.“We think the time is not right, right now.With the disparity between the availableapprentices in the state which isapproximately 25 hundred and the mandateto have 15-25% per project will lead tonumerous waivers and insurmountablepaperwork on every project,” said Garcia. Garcia said that the New MexicoDepartment of Transportation is facing“double digit vacancies” from skilled tradespositions to administrative positions. Other associations which offerapprenticeship programs and who representunion and non-union contractors, such as Image of the newly renovated Gateway West inAlbuquerque, a homeless shelter and housing transtionfacility that was approved for a new operator by the citycouncil Monday. Copyright: Courtesy of The City of Albuquerque
06the New Mexico chapters of Associated General Contractors and Associated Builders andContractors, followed with input that aligned with the following statement by Garcia:“Offering incentives instead of mandates will help companies to continue to promote thetrades.”According to the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solution’s non-seasonally adjusteddata published in September of 2024, construction was up 1,100 jobs in the state.In the same report, Kairos Power was cited as an employer who would add 100 workers withthe building of a new manufacturing and development facility in Albuquerque. Earlier in the same city council meeting Monday, Kairos Power was approved $3.5 million inLocal Economic Development Act funding for the $125 million project that would be locatedat Mesa Del Sol. Councilor Fiebelkorn was the only one to vote against the funding for the new facility whichpassed in an eight to one vote. BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: The Built Environment
07Steve AdamsJoshua CutlerManaging EditorDane VaughnMEET OUR TEAMWhat’s our favorite board game?Sarah Motsingersarahm@constructionreporter.comOwner & Managing Partnersteve@constructionreporter.comsteve@thebuiltenvironment.comOwner & Managing Partnerjcutler@constructionreporter.comjcutler@thebuiltenvironment.comCarrie Bagleycarrie@constructionreporter.comReporterRebecca Taylorrebecca@constructionreporter.comReporterShannon Ryanshannon@constructionreporter.comReporterdvaughn@constructionreporter.comdvaughn@thebuiltenvironment.comCommunications Director &General ManagementGarry BoulardBIO: Garry Boulard is a reporterand author whose work hasappeared in the New York Times,Los Angeles Times, ChristianScience Monitor, Chicago Tribuneand Times-Picayune, among otherpublications. Continue reading >Writer4901 Mcleod NE, STE 200A, Albuquerque, NM 243-9793news@thebuiltenvironment.comBUILTENVIRONMENT
DEER ADDS TRAINING FOR EQUIPMENT OPERATORSGigi Wood, John DeereJohn Deere is providing earthmoving equipment operation training in December inArizona. The three-day training class will be taught be Deere experts from Dec. 3-5 inSacaton, Ariz. The training is focused on teaching operators how to conduct proper and thoroughmachine walkarounds, perform basic operations and enable customers to operate allkey equipment features on John Deere machines. In addition, each...Continue reading >08INDUSTRY BRIEFINGBUILTENVIRONMENTDISCUSSION REGARDING MANDATES & TERMINATION OF UNMARCHITECTAIA AlbuquerqueWe are listening in on asession at UNM SAAPregarding recent changesregarding the termination ofthe University Architect andmandates for campus buildingstyle. Students, faculty, anddesign professionals aresharing their thoughts. Ifyou’re familiar with therecent changes, commentyour thoughts below. Alsocheck out our stories toanswer a few questions! We’dlove to know what ourmembership... View post >STELLAR ANNOUNCES ACQUISITION OF ELLIOTT MACHINEWORKSStaff, Construction Business OwnerCopyright: AIA AlbuquerqueGARNER, Iowa (Nov. 1, 2024) — Stellar Industries, a 100% employee-owned and -operated manufacturer of mechanic and service trucks, cranes, tire service trucks,hooklifts, trailers and service truck and van accessories, announced the acquisition ofElliott Machine Works Inc., a family-owned manufacturing... Continue reading >
09EVENTCALENDARNOVEMBER 2024BUILTENVIRONMENTALBUQUERQUE BUSINESS FIRST - VIEW CALENDAR8:00 AM - 10:30 AM: 2025 Economic Outlook - CLICK HERE NAIOP NEW MEXICO CHAPTER - VIEW CALENDAR7:30 AM - 9:00 AM: RRRT – Mayor Hull State ofthe City - CLICK HERE CARNM - VIEW CALENDAR8:00 AM - 2:30 PM: ZEN & The Art ofCommercial Property Management - CLICK HERE RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Sandoval County CareerFair - CLICK HERE 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM: Ribbon Cutting - ParnallLaw - CLICK HERE SANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR12:30 PM - 1:00 PM: Ribbon Cutting - CNSCares - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR6:00 PM: Planning Commission - CLICK HERE CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE - VIEW CALENDAR5:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Join Councilor NicholeRogers for District 6 Community Office Hours atMesa Del Sol - CLICK HERETHURSDAY NOVEMBER 7THSANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR8:30 AM - 10:00 AM: Coffee & Biz-Connections - The Kitchen Table Santa Fe - CLICK HERE GREATER LAS CRUCES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE- VIEW CALENDAR12:00 PM - 5:00 PM: 2024 GLCCC vs. WSMRChallenge Cup - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 3:00 PM: Swing FORE Seniors - CLICK HERE 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Women in BusinessProgram Monthly Meeting - CLICK HERE 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM: Science on Tap: How Ilearned to Stop Worrying and Love In-Situ TEM - CLICK HEREFRIDAY NOVEMBER 8THMONDAY NOVEMBER 11TH
10BUILTENVIRONMENTRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR5:00 PM - 6:30 PM: Business After Hours -Harris Jewelers - CLICK HERE CREW NEW MEXICO - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Chapter to Chapter Chat- for chapters with 160+ members - CLICK HERETUESDAY NOVEMBER 12THRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: Women in LeadershipLuncheon - CLICK HERE SANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR1:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Ribbon Cutting - CommunityOptions - CLICK HERE GREATER LAS CRUCES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR7:30 AM - 9:00 AM: 2024 Eggs &Conversations: Mayor Russell Hernandez - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Employer ConnectionHiring Event - CLICK HERE 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Warriors to Work HiringEvent - CLICK HERE 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM: DreamSpring 30thAnniversary Celebration Luncheon - CLICK HERE 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Ambassador ProgramMonthly Meeting - CLICK HERE 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM: Digital Deep Dive: DigitalMarketing for Growth - CLICK HERE 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM: Cult Classic Wednesdays:Donnie Darko - CLICK HEREWEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13THCARNM - VIEW CALENDAR8:30 AM - 10:00 AM: CCIM Board Meeting - CLICK HERE GREATER LAS CRUCES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR11:15 AM - 1:15 PM: 2024 In the Know Luncheon-Aerospace Lunch - CLICK HERE 5:30 PM: Business After Hours Century Bank - CLICK HERE RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Local Social - Lily & Liams - CLICK HERE SANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 9:30 AM: Ribbon Cutting - GivingHome Health Care - CLICK HERE AREA - VIEW CALENDAR5:30 PM - 9:00 PM: 2024 505 Awards andAnnual Dinner - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR5:30 PM: Bicycle and Pedestrian AdvisoryCommittee - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE CITY COUNCIL - VIEW CALENDAR6:00 PM - 7:00 PM: What's Going On in theDistrict? - CLICK HERETHURSDAY NOVEMBER 14THALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Membership Orientation- CLICK HERE 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM: Protecting Yourself andYour Assets Lunch and Learn - CLICK HEREFRIDAY NOVEMBER 15TH
11BUILTENVIRONMENTNAIOP NEW MEXICO CHAPTER - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 1:30 PM: Monday November 18th –Meet the Elected Luncheon - CLICK HERE CARNM - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: NMREC Meeting - CLICK HEREMONDAY NOVEMBER 18THCITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR5:00 PM: Veterans Advisory Board - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR6:00 PM - 7:30 PM: WordPress Work Along - CLICK HERETUESDAY NOVEMBER 19THCARNM - VIEW CALENDAR 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM: LIN Marketing Meeting - CLICK HERE GREATER LAS CRUCES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: 2024 A.I. Summit - CLICK HERE RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Nonprofit Alliance Meeting- CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR2:30 PM - 4:30 PM: Digital Deep Dive: DigitalMarketing for Growth - CLICK HEREWEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 20THBERNALILLO COUNTYNOVEMBER 12TH4:00 PM: Board of Finance - CLICK HERE 5:00 PM: Board of County CommissionersAdministrative Meeting - CLICK HERE 5:00 PM: County Planning Commission - CLICK HERE NOVEMBER 13TH9:00 AM: Zoning Administrator Public Hearing - CLICK HERECHAVES COUNTYNOVEMBER 21ST12:00 AM: Chaves County Commission Meeting - CLICK HERECIBOLA COUNTYNOVEMBER 15TH3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: 11.15.2024 Special CanvassingCommission Meeting @ 3PM - CLICK HERECURRY COUNTYNOVEMBER 12TH9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: County Commission Meeting - CLICK HEREDONA ANA COUNTYNOVEMBER 12TH6:00 PM - 7:30 PM: District 1 Community Meeting - CLICK HEREEDDY COUNTYNOVEMBER 19TH8:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Board of CountyCommissioners Meeting - CLICK HERE
16BUILTENVIRONMENTASA NEW MEXICOANNUAL SPONSORSRED LEVEL Albuquerque Pipe & Pump Supply Co. American Fire Protection Group, Inc.American National Insulation & Sealants Construction Reporter/ The Built Environment Crane Service, Inc. Enterprise Builders Corporation Equipment Share Fairway, Inc.Ideal Plumbing & Heating, LLC National Roofing Company, Inc. Prime Electric, Inc. United RentalsWestern Partitions, Inc. Wagner Equipment, Co.Western States Fire Protection Yearout Mechanical, Inc.WHITE LEVELBELFOR Property Restoration Bradbury Stamm ConstructionDekker Perich Sabatini Jack’s Mechanical Solutions, Inc.Jaynes Structures Menicucci Insurance Agency, LLCRay’s Flooring Specialists REDW Advisors & CPAs BLUE LEVELBohannan Huston, Inc. G & H Construction Company, Inc.JTC, Inc. Klinger Constructors, LLCRisk Strategies– Burke Insurance Group The Specialists Electrical ContractorStudio Southwest Architects4Rivers Equipment2024 Annual Golf Tournament Title SponsorHUB InternationalThank you for your continued support!DOWNLOAD THE ASA NMNEWSLETTERVIEW THE ASA NMMEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY 2023-2024 >SAVE THE DATE: 2024 ASANM EVENTSNovember 7, 2024 NM Construction SafetyCoalition MeetingNovember 14, 2024 Luncheon Presentation–Insurance Panel DiscussionNovember 20, 2024 Beer & Business CardsHappy HourCopyright: Canva pro
17BUILTENVIRONMENTAGC NEW MEXICOEVENT CALENDARAGC CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MODELAGC has partnered with a leading regional economist, BrianLewandowski of the University of Colorado Boulder, to create AGC'sConstruction Impact Model. The model is a tool that can be used bymembers, chapters, policy makers and researchers to understand theeconomic impact of infrastructure investment by state.VIEW VOLUME 2 ISSUE 41 TO LEARN MORE >RECAP OF 2024AGC NEWMEXICO & ACELEADERSHIPHEAVYEQUIPMENTRODEO & CIEFTRADES DAYOver 1,300 high school students from 28 schoolsgathered at Expo New Mexico on Friday for theannual Heavy Equipment Rodeo and Trades Day,an event organized by AGC New Mexico and theConstruction Industry Education Foundation(CIEF). The event provided a valuable platform forstudents to engage with professionals over 35local construction companies and immersethemselves in various construction trades, offeringa glimpse into a field critical to the state’seconomic development.Students spent the day rotating through a seriesof hands-on activities, demonstrations, andcompetitions, each designed to showcase theskills required in the construction industry. Guidedby seasoned industry experts, they experiencedwhat it's like to work with cutting-edge technologyand traditional tools. Whether bending conduits,laying bricks, operating cranes, or pilotingdrones, every activity was crafted to simulatereal-world job scenarios and provide an authenticunderstanding of the trade.One of the event's highlights was theopportunity for students to compete in skills-based challenges such as drilling and naildriving. These competitions tested...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva proNOVEMBER 2024NOVEMBER 15TH 8:00 AM - 5:00 PMSTP Unit 5 Productivity & Managing Project Costs - CLICK HEREDECEMBER 2024DECEMBER 10TH 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM2024 National Annual Safety Awards (NASA) Event - CLICK HERE
18BUILTENVIRONMENTANNUAL FALL SCHOLARSHIPAnnual Fall ScholarshipApplication Available Mid Spring 2025COLLEGE OF ENGINEERINGCivil EngineeringCivil Engineering TechnologyGeomatics & Surveying EngineeringUNM APPLICATIONAnnual Spring ScholarshipApplication Available Late Fall 2024SCHOOL OF ENGINEERINGCivil Engineering,Construction Engineeringor Construction ManagementCLICK HERE TO LEARN MORESCHOLARSHIPSACNM OCTOBER2024 NEWSLETTER READ THE NEWSLETTER >A MESSAGE FROM ACNM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JIM GARCIAA construction company spent thousands of dollars training employees to use hearing protection topreserve their hearing. The training was four hours long and included OSHA 29 CFR 1926.101 (hearingprotection), employer responsibilities, decibel levels, equipment and locations where high noise ispresent, hearing protection and its proper use, hearing loss, and company policy. The following day, many workers were found in high noise areas without hearing protection even thoughhearing protection was provided by their employer and readily available at the worksite. Some workershad ear plugs dangling from their hard hats. When asked, all workers quickly responded and compliedwith company policy.Copyright: ACNM
19BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva ProCALL FORSUBMISSIONS:PROJECT-BASEDAIA AWARDSWASHINGTON – October 22, 2024 – TheAmerican Institute of Architects (AIA) hasopened the call for submissions for 12project-based award programs. Thefollowing 12 awards are open forsubmissions:CONTINUE READING >AIA ALBUQUERQUEEVENT CALENDARNOVEMBER 2024NOVEMBER 12TH 5:30 PM - 8:30 PMMock Bid Night (3 HSW Pending Approval) - CLICK HEREDECEMBER 2024DECEMBER 6TH 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM2024 AIA ALBUQUERQUE ANNUAL DESIGN +HONOR AWARDS - AN IN PERSON EVENT - CLICK HERE
20BUILTENVIRONMENTABC NEW MEXICO EVENT CALENDARNOVEMBER - MARCH 2025WASHINGTON, Nov. 4—The nationalSeptember 2024 not seasonally adjustedconstruction unemployment rate was 3.7%,down 0.1% from the previous year, accordingto a state-by-state analysis of U.S. Bureau ofLabor Statistics data released today byAssociated Builders and Contractors. Theanalysis also found that 24 states had lowerconstruction unemployment rates over thesame period, four states were unchanged and22 states were higher. CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva ProABC: ALMOST HALF OFSTATE CONSTRUCTIONUNEMPLOYMENT RATESDOWN FROM A YEARAGOSATURDAY NOVEMBER 23RD - CLICK HEREABC NEW MEXICO CRAFTCOMPETITIONTHURSDAY DECEMBER 12TH, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM - CLICK HEREANNUAL AWARDS LUNCHEONWEDNESDAY JANUARY 15TH, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM - CLICK HEREJANUARY MEMBER LUNCHEONWEDNESDAY MARCH 26TH, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM - CLICK HEREMARCH MEMBER LUNCHEON
1BUILTENVIRONMENTYOUR 2024 NMUCABOARD OF DIRECTORS &STAFFPRESIDENT, DALE ARMSTRONG, TLCPLUMBING & UTILITY 505 761 9696VICE-PRESIDENT, DAMON WICKETTS,4RIVERS EQUIPMENT 505 884 2900SECRETARY/TREASURER, JENICE GALLEGOS,GROUNDWATER PARTNERSPAST PRESIDENT, CLAY BLAIR, RMCI 505 345 0008TROY OTERO, GROUNDHOG CONSTRUCTIONSERVICES 505 243 2133DIRECTOR DARRIN HOWELLS, AUI INC. 505 242 4848DIRECTOR JOE MENICUCCI, DOWNEY &COMPANY 881 0300DIRECTOR REINEE PEACHER, DUCROSSCONSTRUCTION 575 636 3023DIRECTOR KELLEY FETTER, E2RC 505 867 4040 DIRECTOR JOHN THEILER, DH UNDERGROUNDTERRI BAKER, CORE AND MAIN 505 344 0223EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, JANE JERNIGAN 505 888 0752FROM THEEXECUTIVEDIRECTOR’SDESKHello Members,I hope you will join us this year for our End ofYear Social. A gathering to celebrate the yearand have some fun. This event is casual andthe only business at hand is the introduction ofthe 2025 Board of Directors. This is our lastevent for 2025. Details Below.The City of Albuquerque has introduced anordinance that would require 15% of your laborto be "registered Apprentices" to be able to bidon City projects of $1 million or more. See moredetails and a link to the ordinance below.You should have received the NMUCA 2025Board of Directors' Ballot in the mail, if you didnot, please reach out to meJane JerniganUPCOMING EVENTSNovember 7th: Construction Safety Coalition November 8th: End of Year Social
22BUILTENVIRONMENTWICNM NEWSLETTERAUGUST 2024 >2024 DATESHello Friends,Today is National Women’s Equality Day, this daymarks the adoption of the 19th Amendment in 1920,which granted women the right to vote. Wow, 104years! We are down to a short 70 days before ournext election and voting is one of the most powerfulways, we can express our values and have a directimpact on our community and our country.Every election is a chance for us to have a say in theissues that matter most to us—whether it’seducation, healthcare, the environment, oreconomic policies. I know that we all have our ownunique perspectives and concerns, and this is ouropportunity to make our voices heard.It’s easy to feel like our individual votes might notmake a difference, but history has shown us thatevery vote counts. Elections are often decided by aremarkably small number of votes, and ourcollective participation is what drives meaningfulchange. By voting, we not only influence thedirection of our nation but also stand up for ourcommunities and the issues we care about. Iencourage you to exercise your right to vote andencourage others around you as well. On another note, I want to thank the PlanningCommittee for all their hard work this year inplanning all our events. They are doing an amazingjob! We are down to the last two events of the year:the 3rd Annual Scholarship Bowling Event onSeptember 12th and the Women in Construction NMGala on November 9th. Sign up soon for the bowlingevent, space is limited, and more informationregarding the Gala will be out soon.Stephanie L. Peña - TLC Company, Inc.WICNM President 2024 NOVEMBER 23RD - WIC GALALOCKER #505 SCHOOL SUPPLYMONETARYDONATIONSSCAN QR CODEBELOW TO MAKEMONETARYDONATIONS TOLOCKER #505MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
23BUILTENVIRONMENTCONTINUE READING >Ronda Gilliland-Lopez currently serves as thePresident of the Governing Board, whichrepresents a cross-section of highly valuableprofessional knowledge (legal, financial,strategic planning, education, and industryrelations).ACE LEADERSHIP HIGH SCHOOLMISSION OF MCA NMThe Mechanical Contractors Association of NewMexico is an industry trade associationdedicated to the advancement of membercontractors through training, advocacy, andpartnership.MISSION OF SMACNA NMAt the Sheet Metal and Air ConditioningContractors’ Association of New Mexico ourmission is to create a competitive advantage forour members through industry education, laborrelations, standards development, industryrepresentation, and business studies. The New Mexico Bid Depository System (NMBDS)strives to build partnerships through bidding. Thepurpose of the Bid Depository is to improve thebidding process by helping ensure the quality andequity of sub-bid scopes, and to provide adequatetime for review of the sub-bids by the generalcontractors so that they may more accuratelycomplete their bids.This system has been developed for the good ofthe contracting industry and the public as a whole.It is not a law - it is purely voluntary. Please feelfree to call this office for any additionalinformation - 505-341-9033NEW MEXICOBID DEPOSITORYCopyright: MCA/SMACNA NMMCA/SMACNA of New Mexico is a strongpartner of ACE Leadership High School. VIEW >INDUSTRY ESSENTIALSIndustry Essentials is an exclusive member-onlymonthly education series designed to providemembers a private venue to learn about anddiscuss important policy issues, industry trends,and other important professional developmenttopics.Programming will include prominent speakers todiscuss business, economic, and policy issuescritical to the construction industry and ourmembers.Topics in 2021 will include conversations withleaders to discuss cannabis safety andregulations, public procurement, tax policychanges, paid time off legislation, cyber security,the construction industries division and more!
25BUILTENVIRONMENTA much-anticipated project on the LasCruces campus of New Mexico StateUniversity may be on its way to becomingreality, depending upon the results ofTuesday’s election.IF APPROVED, BONDWILL FUND NEWBUILDING FOR NEW MEXICO STATEUNIVERSITY’SGROWING FILMPROGRAMBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/04/2024Not an actual rendering. Image generated using text to image AI.University officials have long wanted to seethe construction of a Creative BuildingMedia Institute building and are now poisedto see that vision come true with $10 milliondesignated for the project out of a $230.2million Higher Education GeneralObligation Bond to be decided by votersacross the state.Out of that large $230.2 million, exactly$50.5 million is slated for a variety ofprojects at NMSU that will include updatesto electrical and steam systems in severalbuildings on the campus.Continues >CONSTRUCTION NEWSNEW MEXICO
The bond will also allot some $3 million for improvements to the historic Martinez Hall onNMSU’s Grant campus; in addition, general facility work, to the tune of $1 million at theAlamogordo campus.Additional projects will see $1.5 million for upgrades to emergency evacuation routes atDona Ana Community College’s Gadsden Center, which is a part of the NMSU system.The Creative Media Institute program at NMSU is described as a “cross-disciplinary” offeringthat combines creative writing, digital filmmaking, and animation learning. It is part of amosaic of efforts in greater Las Cruces designed to serve the growing New Mexico filmindustry.Earlier this year NMSU revealed plans to build a $15 million sound stage complex that is partof a joint effort between the school, the New Mexico Economic Development Center, andArrowhead Center Incorporated.That sound stage will be built near the planned site for the new Creative Media Institutefacility, with construction expected to begin by the spring of next year.26BUILTENVIRONMENTPlans are entering a new phase for a gatedsubdivision project that will go up inAlbuquerque’s South Valley at thesoutheast corner of Bridge Boulevard SWand 86th Street SW, some seven miles tothe southwest of downtown Albuquerque.As proposed, the project, which has been inthe planning stage for around six months,will see the building of 19 duplexes oncurrently vacant land. The planned homeswill be two stories, with two-car garages onthe ground level, three bedrooms on the topfloor, and private backyards.Continues >NEW SUBDIVISIONPROJECT SET FORDEVELOPMENT INALBUQUERQUE’SMOSTLY AGRICULTURALSOUTH VALLEYBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/05/2024Copyright: Canva pro
According to information provided to theCity of Albuquerque by the Mesa-basedEvolution Planning & Design, thedevelopment will additionally feature a“common space area for residents, includingsitting and play areas, as well adequate openspace to manage project drainage.”The project has taken a significant stepforward with the approval of theAlbuquerque Environmental PlanningCommission, after a staff report said it could“foster a community where residents canlive, work, learn, and shop by facilitating aduplex development on a site that isadjacent to residential land uses on bothsides.”To be built on just under 5 acres, the projectwill see the building of two-family detacheddwellings on 38 lots, and is beingspearheaded by the company Gallo PartnersLLC, whose offices are based in Phoenix.While introducing two-story structures in apart of the city not known for such buildings,the project, according to city documents,will also see landscaping that includes “avariety of trees, shrubs, and accent plants,”along with a fully automated irrigationsystem.The larger area in which the community willbe developed is a mixture of modernhousing and open space, adjacent to theCrescent Ridge Apartment Homes at 8200Bridge Boulevard SW.The new project comes as the South Valley,one of the oldest agricultural enclaves inmetro Albuquerque, has seen a populationdecline from 42,300 a decade ago to justover 37,000 today.27BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva pro
Laguna Pueblo will debut its newlyrenovated theater on Nov. 16 at 8 p.m. witha performance by The Black Crowes. The remodel of Legends Theater at 14500Central Ave. SW began in July 2023 andended in October 2024, Skip Sayre, businessconsultant for Laguna Development Corp.,said in an email. New Mexican companies KlingerConstructors LLC and NCA Architects werethe contractor and architect, respectively,for the $15M renovations, Sayre said.Upgrades to the 49,000-square-foot facilityincluded new lighting... Continue reading >LAGUNA PUEBLO TODEBUT $15M THEATERRENOVATIONSBy Cooper Metts, Albuquerque Business First11/05/2024ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – From concernsabout a drive-thru location to findingsomeone to run one of the metro’s homelessshelters, Albuquerque’s city councilorsfaced a full agenda Monday night. We’ve been telling you about the possibilityof a new Dunkin’ Donuts coming to theBarelas. Neighbors there welcome thedonuts and coffee, but the drive-thru’slocation is sparking... Continue reading >28BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva proALBUQUERQUE CITYCOUNCIL UPHOLDSDUNKIN’ DONUTSLOCATION, APPROVESSHELTER CONTRACTBy Staff, KOB11/04/2024Copyright: Canva proCITY OF SANTA FENEARS DEAL WITH FILMCOMPANY TO CREATEREGION'S LARGESTSTUDIO AT MIDTOWNBy Carina Julig, Santa Fe New Mexican11/04/2024Plans for the creation of the largest filmstudio in Northern New Mexico are moving
forward at the city-owned midtown campus.A development agreement, more than ayear in the making, was introduced lastweek to the Santa Fe City Council, pitching a“studio village” project with housing at theformer college campus. It would be the firstof two agreements the city is negotiating aspart of its ambitious plans forredevelopment of the 64-acre site on St.Michael’s Drive. Continue reading >The SunZia wind farm and transmission linehas been dubbed the largest renewableinfrastructure project in American history.But when you’re standing at the base of awind turbine, “large” seems like anunderstatement.“It’s a long ways to the top,” says Scott Belle,a construction manager for Pattern Energy,who is dwarfed by the 98-meter machinethat towers above him. Continue reading >29BUILTENVIRONMENTVOTERS TO DECIDE ONFLOOD DISTRICTBy Julia M. Dendinger, Valencia County News Bulletin10/31/2024One question on the ballot for the Nov. 5general election is “yes” or “no” to formingthe Valencia County Arroyo Flood District.Since flooding has traditionally come fromthe arroyos that run down off the east andwest sides of the county, rather than fromthe Rio Grande in the valley, the proposedflood control district will only address floodabatement of the arroyos.The formation of an arroyo flood districtwould create an agency that could take onthe operation and maintenance of floodcontrol infrastructure... Continue reading >Copyright: Canva proAFTER NEARLY 20YEARS OF PLANNING,NEW MEXICOPOWERLINE SET TOELECTRIFY THE WESTWITH WIND POWERBy Peter O’Dowd, Wbur10/30/2024STATE OUTLINES PLANSFOR U.S. 180 WIDENINGBy Juno Ogle, Silver City Daily Press10/31/2024Two lanes of traffic will remain open tominimize the impact to traffic of the $41million project expanding U.S. 180 to fourlanes between Bayard and Hurley, officialstold a crowd that gathered Wednesdayevening for a public information meeting inHurley. The exception to that will be the closure ofPit Access Road for the demolition of thebridge, which will be replaced with an at-grade intersection.Work is scheduled to begin Nov. 11 with theconstruction of a... Continue reading >
30BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSSOUTHWESTPlans are incrementally moving forward ona long-imagined project that will see theconstruction of a nature center in ColoradoSprings.The project, which will be a part of the largerEl Paso County Parks system, is expected tocost upwards of $12 million to build and willgo up inside the 400-acre Fox Regional Park,which is located at 2110 Stella Drive.As originally proposed, the center will houseboth a visitors center and an educationcenter, with interactive exhibits designed toexplore the natural wonders and resourcesof a wooded part of the county. LONG-PLANNED,MUCH-DISCUSSEDNATURE CENTER INCOLORADO SPRINGS ISSLOWLY ADVANCINGBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment 11/04/2024Copyright: Canva proPlans for what is officially called the Fox RunNature Center now envision a just over9,500 square foot facility, with a 73-foot talltower and 340-foot long canopy walk. County officials have long wanted to see theconstruction of what would be a thirdnature center, building upon the success oftwo existing nature centers in the BearCreek and Fountain Creek regional parks. The Colorado Springs-based TDGArchitecture is the center's projectdesigner.In response to an online petition thatgenerated nearly 1,200 signatures, thesquare footage of the center has beenreduced, as has the number of parking lotspaces, from 40 to 41.During a recent open house exploring thelatest configuration of the center, ToddMarts, El Paso County Parks director, saidthat the exact location for the facility hasslightly shifted in order to “preserve someolder trees that we really want to maintain,but also to have that buffer for firemitigation.”Added Marts: “You can’t have trees rightnext to a building.”Fundraising for the project is expected tointensify next year, with actual constructionbeginning in 2026.
31BUILTENVIRONMENTWork could begin soon on a projectdesigned to build new and crucial watersupply lines to a large section of Fort Bliss.The Department of Defense’s Office ofLocal Defense Community Cooperation hasbeen awarded around $12.7 million toreplace an aging collector line that providesall of the water for the base’s McGregorRange Complex.FEDERAL FUNDINGSECURED FOR BIG FORTBLISS WATER LINECONSTRUCTIONPROJECTBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 10/31/2024Copyright: Canva proThat range, located to the northwest of FortBliss and spanning some 700,000 desertacres, is populated with 10 air defensemissile firing ranges and some forty smallarms ranges.The Army activated the land formerlyowned by local rancher Malcolm McGregorin the late 1950s with the construction of aninitial series of barracks, and eventuallyoffice buildings, vehicle maintenancebuildings, a large water tank, and servicestation.Some of the land, according to the bookBlazing Skies by author John Hamilton, wasalso used for the construction of “missileassembly and test facilities, missile fuelstorage tanks, and launching sites.”Continues >
Altogether, it is expected to cost upwards of$25.4 million to build the water collector line.In a Defense Department press release it isnoted that the project will “provide a reliablewater supply to support critical trainingexercises, safety requirements, andinstallation maintenance.”The $12.7 million grant has been awarded tothe El Paso Water Utilities Public ServiceBoard and is part of a substantially larger$100 million effort on the part of the LocalDefense Community Cooperation agency tofund military base infrastructure projectsacross the country.32BUILTENVIRONMENTFunding out of Washington has now beensecured for a project in central Arizona thatwill transform a busy two-lane highway into ahighway with four lanes.PROJECT TO EXPANDTWO-LANE ARIZONAROUTE INTO FOUR LANESGETS FEDERAL BACKINGBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/01/2024Copyright: Canva proThe federal Department of Transportationis awarding $26 million for work on thesoutheast-to-northwest U.S. Route 93 justabove the town of Wickenburg.The funding is coming through theagency’s Infrastructure for RebuildingAmerica grant program and is going to theArizona Department of Transportation forthe road work.In a statement, Jennifer Toth, director ofthe Arizona Department ofTransportation, said dividing Route 93from Wickenburg to Arizona State Route89 “will enhance both safety and mobilityin the area.”The town of Wickenburg may have onlyaround 8,000 residents according to theUS Census, but traffic on the connectingRoute 93 continues to increase, especiallyas that route eventually leads to LasVegas.Altogether, Route 93 is nearly 100 miles inlength, with large portions of it in recentyears transformed into a four-lane dividedhighway.The new work on the route will alsoinclude the building of a roundabout at thepoint where 93 meets with Route 89,eight-foot shoulders, and dedicated right-turn and left-turn lanes.A bridge with a pedestrian walkway willalso be built on a section of 93 where itmeets with a BNSF railroad track.Originally built in 1935 and slicing throughvast desert lands, Route 93 was twiceextended southwards in subsequentdecades. The route is now regarded, saidToth, as a “key link” between the largermetro Phoenix and Las Vegas.
Voters in Boulder may be tasked next yearwith determining the future of a popularrecreation center that is currently in need ofan upgrade.Located at 1360 Gillaspie Drive, the 30,000-square-foot South Boulder RecreationCenter has been used and enjoyed byseveral generations of local residents datingto its opening in 1974.The structure, located within theboundaries of the just over 50-acre HarlowPlatts Community Park, has through theyears housed a variety of amenitiesincluding two volleyball courts, aracquetball court, and basketball court.The spacious exterior of the buildingfeatures a disc golf course, four tenniscourts, and a sand volleyball court.MOVE TO BUILD NEWRECREATION CENTER INBOULDER MAY BE ONBALLOT NEXT YEARBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/01/2024Copyright: Canva proWhile public input meetings and onlinequestionnaires have reaffirmed residentsupport for the facility, Boulder officialshave become increasingly concerned aboutthe condition of the building.According to the local Boulder ReportingLab newspaper, the center has been“deteriorating for years and is nearing theend of its life.”Among the issues with the building: aleaking swimming pool, sewer systemproblems, and a faulty, aged boiler.While doubts have been raised regardingthe cost effectiveness of upgrading thecenter, a study completed three years agocalled the Boulder Facilities Master Plansaid that it would cost just under $21 millionto replace the building.Boulder officials now say a question couldbe put on a ballot in either 2025 or 2026asking for voter approval to build an entirelynew facility. The proposed ballot would firsthave to be given a green light by members ofthe Boulder City Council.33BUILTENVIRONMENT
A nearly 50-year-old high school just 10miles to the north of Denver is slated to bereplaced if a proposed $830 million bondgets a green light on Tuesday.Officials with the Adams 12 Five Star SchoolDistrict have long talked about replacing theThornton High School, located at 9351North Washington Street in the city ofThornton.That school, which serves upwards of 2,000students, welcomed its first students in thefall of 1975 when its enrollment was lessthan half that number.In recent years, reports have been publisheddetailing a variety of code problems with thebuilding, including cooling, heating, andplumbing system issues.Aspects of the high school are also notAmericans with Disabilities Act compliant.Earlier this year, members of the district’sboard of education voted to put on thisNovember’s ballot an $830 million bondwhich will fund construction of a new highschool, set to go up on nearly 30 acresadjacent to the current Thornton school.The bond will also be used to pay for a seriesof cooling, heating, and plumbing systemupgrades in all of the district’s more thanfifty school facilities.ADAMS COUNTY,COLORADO BOND MAYUSHER INCONSTRUCTION OFNEW AND MUCH-NEEDED HIGH SCHOOLBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/04/2024Copyright: Canva proIt is thought that roughly $236 million out ofthe $830 million bond will go forconstruction of the new high school, with adesign phase set to begin by next spring. Ifall goes according to plan, constructioncould start by no later than the fall of 2026.In September members of the Thornton CityCouncil voted to put their weight behind thebond proposal.The larger, and also growing, school districtitself is home to more than 36,000 students.34BUILTENVIRONMENT
APACHE COUNTY, Ariz. —Today is Election Day and many are headedto the polls to cast their ballot.Continue reading >NAVAJO NATIONPRESIDENT: VOTINGMACHINES DOWN INAPACHE COUNTY,ARIZONABy Vince Rodgriguez, KOAT 711/05/2024Copyright: Canva pro35BUILTENVIRONMENTIn 2010, the Utah Department ofTransportation (UDOT) began working onthe Bangerter Highway, and now — nearly adecade and a half later — the end of themulti-project endeavor is in sight. The 24-mile six-lane Bangerter Highway runs westthrough Draper, Utah, before turning northand proceeding through western Salt LakeCity, Utah. It terminates at the Salt LakeCity International Airport.Continue reading >UTAH DOT’SBANGERTER HIGHWAYREVITALIZATION TOELIMINATE MAJORTRAFFIC DELAYS BY2025By Larry Bernstein, Rock Mountain ConstructionAmid the ongoing labor shortage affectingall construction companies, HOLT Group,headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, isrecharging the industry’s workforce withfemale talent.“We’re seeing an exciting and promisingshift in our industry, as Generation Z isbeginning to view the skilled trades as theviable career option it is,” said Bert Fulgium,Senior Vice President, HOLT Group.“They’re driven by a desire for hands-on...Continue reading >TRAILBLAZING WOMENAT HOLT GROUP HELPOVERCOME INDUSTRY’SLABOR SHORTAGEBy Julie Devine, Texas Contractor
36BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSNATIONALNEW YORK (AP) — Bernard “Bernie”Marcus, the co-founder of The Home Depot,the world’s largest home improvementchain, a billionaire philanthropist, and a bigRepublican donor, has died. He was 95.Continue reading >BERNIE MARCUS, THEHOME DEPOT CO-FOUNDER ANDBILLIONAIREPHILANTHROPIST, DIESAT 95By Anne D’Innocenzio, KRQE News11/05/2024Copyright: Canva proALBANY, New York: A semiconductorresearch center in Albany, New York, hasbeen selected to receive up to $825 millionin federal funding, advancing it as one ofthree new national technology hubs aimedat strengthening U.S. competitiveness in thesemiconductor industry.Continue reading >SEMICONDUCTOR SITEIN NEW YORK GETS$825 MILLION FEDERALFUNDINGBy Robert Besser, New Mexico State News.Net11/04/2024Copyright: Canva pro
The Syracuse, N.Y., Dept. of Water placedtwo employees on administrative leave Oct.31 for allegedly conducting tap water leadmonitoring tests improperly earlier thisyear. City officials say they may havecollected some samples using water fromfaucets on the exterior of homes, which theofficials said likely resulted in the large spikein lead levels observed in July. Continue reading >TWO SYRACUSEEMPLOYEES ARE ONADMINISTRATIVE LEAVEIN ONGOING LEADDISPUTEBy Pam McFarland, ENR37BUILTENVIRONMENTSHELTON, Conn. - Nov. 5, 2024 - PRLog --Pat Munger Construction Company, Inc. isproud to announce the completion of asignificant expansion project at Extra SpaceStorage, located at 917 Bridgeport Avenue,Shelton, CT. This state-of-the-art, 100,000-square-foot storage facility meets thegrowing demand for secure, climate-controlled storage in the region. Continue reading >PAT MUNGERCONSTRUCTIONCOMPANY, INC.DELIVERS LANDMARKEXPANSION FOR EXTRASPACE STORAGE INSHELTONBy Pat Munger Construction Company, Inc., PRLOG11/05/2024Preliminary work is underway on the firstheavy construction contract for the HudsonTunnel Project, according to Danish civilengineering firm Cowi. Continue reading >GROUNDSTABILIZATION JOBAWARDED FOR $16BGATEWAY PROJECTBy Julie Strupp, ConstructionDive11/05/2024Copyright: Canva proPotato producer Folkland Foods plans toexpand its operations in Waterford,Pennsylvania. The $7 million project isexpected to create 50 jobs over the nextthree years in Erie County. Continue reading >FOLKLAND FOODSEXPANDS ERIE COUNTY,PENNSYLVANIA,OPERATIONSBy Staff, Area Development News Desk11/05/2024
38BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSTRENDSCampaigns, for the most part, concluded,and members of Congress will be returningto work on November 12, confronting yetagain a possible government shutdown.Funding for a significant part of the federalgovernment is scheduled to expire onDecember 20. Members on September 25voted in favor of a stopgap spending bill toavoid a shutdown scheduled for October 1.GOVERNMENTSHUTDOWN DEADLINEONCE AGAIN POISED TOTORMENT LAWMAKERSIN A POST-ELECTIONWASHINGTONBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment 11/06/2024Copyright: Canva proIn so doing, both the House and Senate werevoting in favor of a measure to keep fundinglevels consistent across most programsleading up to December 20. As part of thatvote, funding was increased by $231 millionfor the U.S. Secret Service.Both Democrat and Republican lawmakershave said that they are committed toaverting a possible new shutdown, whichcould lead to an immediate reduction ofservices at such agencies as theTransportation Security Administration, theEnvironmental Protection Agency, theNational Park Service, and the NationalInstitutes of Health.Depending upon the final election results inthe House, Republican Speaker MikeJohnson may be hard-pressed to keep hiscontentious caucus together for any kind ofspending vote. In September, 86 membersof the 220-member Republican caucusvoted in opposition to the stopgap measure.For his part, Johnson, during tensenegotiations over the measure, toldreporters that it would be “politicalmalpractice to shut the government down. Ithink everyone understands that.”Johnson has additionally vowed that therewill be no one big omnibus spendingpackage in December combining all of thevarious spending bills that will be underconsideration in the weeks to come. Continues >
A determination to address the spendingissues in the immediate weeks to come isseen in remarks made by North DakotaRepublican Senate Kevin Cramer, who lastweek remarked: “For the sake of the nextCongress and the sake of the next President,let’s finish our work this year and give thema fresh start in January.”Cramer noted that some members havesaid, “We ought to kick the can down theroad another 3 to 4 months and let the newadministration deal with it. I think that’sirresponsible, quite honestly.”39BUILTENVIRONMENTPartisans hoping for a White House, Senate,and House of Representatives trifectavictory next Tuesday should think again ifthey care anything about the fiscal future ofthe country.So says a just-published report issued by theNew York-based Manhattan Institutearguing that the best possible combinationwin for fiscal sanity would be a KamalaHarris presidential victory, balanced by theRepublicans taking control of both houses ofCongress.STUDY SUGGESTSDEMOCRAT PRESIDENTAND REPUBLICANCONGRESS IS BESTFISCAL BETBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/01/2024Copyright: Canva proIn proclaiming the benefits of a split electionday decision, policy analyst Brian Riedlcontends that “when a Republican Congressis paired with a Democratic president, boththe GOP’s natural deficit-hawk rhetoric andits partisan aspirations of curbing thepresident’s ambitions point in the samedirection.”“The most fiscally irresponsible outcomeshave occurred when Republicans orDemocrats win control of both Congressand the White House,” continues the essay,resulting in a compliant Congress happilyrubber-stamping any big dollar proposalsent to it from the White House.Continues >Copyright: Canva pro
An alternative scenario with a Republicanpresident and Democrat Congress, contendsRiedl, has been “much worse for deficit hawks”for the simple reason that the Republicanoccupants of the White House have oftensurprisingly been “operationally moreinterested in providing new benefits to voters,”with Congressional Democrats “generally eagerto make a deal if they can share in the benefits.”Riedl points to what some fiscal conservativesmay regard as the almost heyday of spendingrestraint: the six years between 1994 and 2000when Democrat President Bill Clinton was ableto see a surprising amount of his programs winapproval from a Republican Congressspearheaded for most of that time byRepublican House Speaker Newt Gingrich.Clinton and the Republican Congress managedto negotiate the 1997 budget deal that spiritedunprecedented budget surpluses the followingyear, a legislative triumph that led to thesuccessful passage of smaller bills proposed byClinton and approved by the CongressionalRepublicans.The dynamic of this particular dividedgovernment was also spirited by thepersonalities of Clinton and Gingrich, notedthen White House chief of staff Leon Panetta.“They were constantly coming up with newideas about how to solve problems.”Wall Street liked the comity it saw inWashington, with the Dow Jones IndustrialAverage reaching 11,000 by the end of thedecade.Just as significant, the American publicresponded: according to statistics compiled bythe survey National Election Studies, some 44%of respondents by the late 1990s said theytrusted the federal government either “most ofthe time” or “just about always,” compared to22% today.40BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva pro
Even in the midst of hurricane-related job losses, employment in thenonresidential specialty tradecontractors sector was up by exactly4.2% in October, according to newdata just released by the Bureau ofLabor Statistics.Overall, the construction industryposted roughly 8,000 new jobs inOctober, adding to what is now a223,000 job increase since Octoberof 2023.The nonresidential building sectorhas now seen a 3.8% job growth inthe last year, followed by residentialbuilding at 2.7%, and heavy and civilengineering at 2.6%. Further behindis the residential specialty tradecontractors sector, with a moremodest 0.8% increase.OCTOBERHURRICANESTHOUGHT TOIMPACTCONSTRUCTIONJOB GROWTH, SAYANALYSTSBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/04/2024Copyright: Canva proIn a statement, Ken Simonson, chief economistwith the Associated General Contractors ofAmerica, noted that industry job gains occurred,“even though hurricanes in the Southeast probablydragged down hiring in previously fast-growingstates.”The job impact of hurricanes Helene and Miltonwas also referenced by Jared Bernstein, chairmanof the Council of Economic Advisers, whoremarked in a press conference: “We know thatthere were two powerful forces leading tonegative and temporary impacts on payrollgrowth.”Those hurricanes, continued Bernstein, included“wide swaths therein, and the strikes.”Even so, added Bernstein, “take out the distortions,the temporary distortions from these two forces,the U.S. economy remains solid as ever.”Labor Department Acting Secretary Julie Su alsopointed to two strikes by the InternationalLongshoremen and International Association ofMachinists and Aerospace Workers in reducing“employment growth by 41,000, temporarilyimpacting payrolls in industries like transportationequipment manufacturing.”Altogether, nonfarm payrolls increased by 12,000in October, down from 22,000 in September. Thenew gains were the smallest increases reported bythe Bureau of Labor Statistics since December of2020.The largest job gains were once again seen in thecountry’s government and health care industries,picking up 40,000 and 52,000 respectively.Manufacturing, meanwhile, was off by 49,000, withthe leisure and hospitality industries down byabout 4,000.The nation’s unemployment rate, at the same time,is now at 4.1%. That rate has been in the 3.5% to4.3% range since the fall of 2021.41BUILTENVIRONMENT
This week, 18 students gathered at theGrant County Veterans Memorial Businessand Conference Center for an intensetraining session that could help lead them tobetter jobs. Continue reading >‘BOOT CAMP’ PREPSSTUDENTS FORBROADBAND JOBSBy Silver City Daily PressCopyright: Canva pro42BUILTENVIRONMENTOctober's ISM PSI Services Index is up 4.5percentage points from two months prior. August was 51.5%, September was 54.9%and October's was at 56%.Continue reading >ISM SERVICES INDEX UPFOR OCTOBER 2024By ISM, For Construction Pros11/05/2024Construction input prices decreased 0.9percent in September compared to theprevious month, according to an AssociatedBuilders and Contractors (ABC) analysis ofU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ ProducerPrice Index data. Nonresidentialconstruction input prices also decreased 0.9percent for the month.Continue reading >OIL PRICES DROP,DRIVING CONSTRUCTIONINPUT COSTS DOWNBy Staff, Metal Construction News11/05/2024Copyright: Canva pro
A recent proposal from the Pew CharitableTrusts and architecture firm Gensler wouldconvert vacant office buildings intoresidences of micro-apartments to helpalleviate the housing crisis.Continue reading >PROPOSAL TO ADDRESSHOUSING CRISIS CALLSFOR CONVERTINGOFFICES TO MICRO-APARTMENTSBy Staff, Building Design + Construction 11/04/202443BUILTENVIRONMENTThe housing market continues to show signsof improvement. The mortgage rate of ± 6%seems to be the new norm and the industryis adjusting. The commercial sector remainsstrong. We’re seeing 6-7% growth for theyear with educational, multifamily...Continue reading >BNI BUILDING NEWSCONSTRUCTION COSTS2024By Staff, Design Cost DataCopyright: Canva proThe branch library is an architecturalcommission with a variable program: Notbeholden to the grandeur expected of acentral location, it can more readily conformto the needs of its local community. What doresidents want? Meeting spaces?Workspaces? Access to services or theinternet? An area for kids? Perhaps just aquiet place to read a book? Beyond its twoflagship Midtown hubs, the New York PublicLibrary (NYPL) operates 90 branches acrossManhattan, the Bronx, and Staten Island.(Brooklyn and Queens have their ownsystems.) The latest for NYPL is a new $10million, 20,000-square-foot facility forInwood, a hilly neighborhood at thenorthern end of Manhattan’s panhandlewhere the A train ends. Designed byAndrew Berman Architect, the handsomeinterior is like an Apple Store mixed with aRoman basilica. It occupies the ground floorof a $59-million, 14-story tower, designedby Fogarty Finger, that contains 174affordable apartments.Continue reading >FOGARTY FINGER ANDANDREW BERMANARCHITECT DELIVER 174AFFORDABLEAPARTMENTS AND ANNYPL BRANCH LIBRARYIN INWOODBy Jack Murphy, The Architect’s Newspaper 11/05/2024Copyright: Canva pro
45VIEW >$13,590,000ESTIMATED COSTPROJECT INFOSCOPE:The project will consist of site preparation includingearthwork, subgrade drilled pier foundations, siteutility work consisting of electrical, plumbing, andstorm drainage systems. The building will include aconcrete slab on grade, structural steel and metalframing with glue lam accents,mechanical/electrical/data /plumbing systems,stucco system, windows, and roofing, The exteriorwill include asphalt paving, a CMU site wall,landscape, retention ponds, and a photovoltaicsystem.OWNER:Bernalillo County Purchasing One Civic Plaza NW, 10th floorAlbuquerque NM 87102Bid Date/Time: 12/12/2024 - 04:00pm MSTAddenda Count: 1Memo Count: 0Phase: BiddingStage: ActiveStatus:Addenda ReceivedProject Type: New ConstructionCategory: Police / FirePublic Funding: YesBid Security: 5% Bid BondPre-Proposal Conference10/17/2024 - 02:00 PMAlvarado Square415 Silver Ave. SWAlbuquerque, NM 871027th Floor: Juniper Conference RoomCONSTRUCTIONSERVICES FOR FIRESTATION #36CONSTRUCTIONSERVICES FOR FIRESTATION #36(505) 468-7013BUILTENVIRONMENT
46$20,000,000ESTIMATED COSTCONSTRUCTIONMANAGER AT RISK(CM@RISK) SERVICESFOR DR. A.J. CHANDLERPARK RENOVATIONPHASECONSTRUCTIONMANAGER AT RISK(CM@RISK) SERVICESFOR DR. A.J. CHANDLERPARK RENOVATIONPHASEVIEW PROJECT >OWNER:City of Chandler Purchasing Division (480) 782-2400175 S. Arizona Ave 3rd FloorChandler AZ 85225PROJECT INFO:Bid Date/Time: 12/3/2024 - 03:00pm MSTPhase: BiddingStage: ActiveProject Type: Vendor / Professional ServicesCategory: Federal / State / MunicipalPublic Funding: YesSCOPE:The project site contains approximately 2.3acres of Dr. A.J. Chandler Park located at 3 S.Arizona Avenue, Chandler Arizona. The projectscope of work consists of demolition ofexisting pavements, water features andstructures, construction of new decorativehardscape plazas, relocated and new publicart, extensive shade tree infrastructureincluding below-ground soil improvements,event lawns, seasonal plazas with socialactivities, seating and site furniture, parklighting, power, irrigation, and potential Wi-fiinfrastructure. These improvements mayinclude but are not limited to two largecanopies flanking the Arizona Avenuecrosswalk, storage rooms, one new restroombuilding, and three localized park shadecanopies. Coordination with the DowntownChandler Community Partnership, City ofChandler Special Events, City of Chandler ParkMaintenance, and Salt River Project will becritical to the success of this project, as well asstrategic construction phasing/staging tominimize impacts to the Downtown area. Theestimated construction cost for this projectranges from $10 to $20 million.BUILTENVIRONMENT
47FEATUREDPRE-BID PROJECTPlans for the construction of a new three-building, 600,000-square-foot datacenter in north Denver continue to moveforward.The project, which belongs to thecompany CoreSite, will go up on a 15-acre campus at 5050 Race Street and isexpected to be built in three phases.Once the company has secured cityapproval and completed its sitedevelopment plan, the first phase will seeconstruction of an initial 97,000 squarefeet of building space.Founded in 2001, CoreSite has emergedas a major player in the massive datacenter market, operating nearly thirtysuch facilities across the country. Continues >NEW DATA CENTERPROJECT IS ONLYTHE LATEST INCOMPANY’SGROWING MAPBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/05/2024BUILTENVIRONMENT
48In getting to this most recent project,CoreSite has decided to forego a $9million tax break through the DenverEconomic Development andOpportunity office, although reportsindicate that the company maypursue a tax incentive arrangementfor the later phases of construction.The size of the completed data centeris seen in a series of numbers:according to city documents thefacility will be capable of providing upto 75 megawatts of power. It will alsorequire the usage of just over800,000 gallons a day to cool itssystems.A subsidiary of the Boston-basedAmerican Tower Corporation,CoreSite describes itself as acompany dedicated to helpingservice providers “monetize andfuture-proof their digital business.”KEY FACTSProject Overview: CoreSite is building a 600,000 sq. center in north Denver.Phased Development: Construction will happen inthree phases, starting with 97,000 sq. ft.Company Background: CoreSite, owned by AmericanTower, runs nearly 30 U.S. data centers.Tax Incentives: CoreSite declined a $9M tax break butmay pursue future incentives.Power and Water: The facility will use 75 MW and800,000 gallons of water daily.BUILTENVIRONMENTKEY PLAYERSCoreSite: Leading the data center project’s constructionand operations.American Tower: CoreSite’s parent company, backingits expansion.City of Denver: Manages project approvals andincentives.Denver Economic Development: Offers tax incentivesfor project phases.Copyright: Canva proCopyright: Canva pro
50ADDITIONS/RENOVATIONS /UPGRADEFARMINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENTRENOVATIONS NMDFA 24-13075VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: To renovate an existing office complex to become the new police department. To include wallreconstruction, roof repair, electrical work, plumbing (showers/toilets), excavation, site work prep for newbuilding (garage) construction, painting, tile, carpet/flooring, sheetrock, wiring for radios, armory roomconstruction, ceiling/wall subframing, fire protection installation, mechanical work (HVAC, ducts),concrete forming and cast in place concrete, carpentry, and fencing.BUILTENVIRONMENT
51DEMOLITION /ABATEMENTBUILTENVIRONMENT4700 THOMAS & BROWN BUILDINGREPLACEMENTVIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Disconnect utilities to existing building and perform asbestos abatement. Demolish existing building allthe way to foundation. Reroute and prepare electric, sewer, mechanical, plumbing, networking utilities fornew building. Place concrete pier footings and slab on grade. Erect steel structure and apply buildingenvelope consisting of single membrane roofing and EIFS. Buildout interior spaces to include classrooms,labs, offices, restrooms, support spaces, and rooftop laboratory area. Install casework and interior finishes.Install landscaping and exterior appurtenances. To include but not limited to asbestos workers,stonemasons, carpenters, millworkers, electricians, glazier, ironworker, painter, plumber, drywall finisher,plasterer, sheet metal worker, floor layer, sprinkler fitter, tile setter, laborer, operators, truck drivers
52MATERIAL /EQUIP / SERVICE /INSTALLBUILTENVIRONMENTRFQ-QUALIFIED SELECT BIDDERS LIST - MONTEVISTA CENTRAL PLANT - HVAC MECHANICALYARDVIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of this project encompasses work to occur in the school’s central plant and on the roof of thecampus building.
53NEWCONSTRUCTIONCORRALES K-8 SCHOOLVIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: New asphalt parking lot, access roads, parent drop-off loop, bus drop-off loop, including concretesidewalks and site lighting. New stabilized adobe sitewalls, coyote fences, welded wire fences, chain linkfences and cmu walls. New synthetic turf field withasphalt track. New playgrounds including wood chipareas with playground equipment, basketball & foursquare courts. New concrete pathways...BUILTENVIRONMENTNMSU-NMDA NEWBUILDINGSCOPE OF WORK: This is a one story steel braced frame building androof with steel deck and a concrete foundationwith a vapor retarder membrane, supported by adrilled pier foundation that supports the concreteslab floor laid over a vapor retarder membrane. Theexterior walls are surrounded by a concretebuilding apron and built of a steel braced frame,insulation, gypsum board inside finished with tape,texture, paint and wallpaper. Interior partitionwalls use a metal stud framing system, insulatedwith gypsum board finished with tape, texture,paint and wallpaper. The exterior walls are finishedwith EIPS or wall and roof metal panel. The roof isbuilt of a doublepitched top chord joist coveredwith a combination of roof metal panel and PVCroofing system on the flat with metal walk panelsto the mechanical equipment. The buildingcontains an entomology lab, a test kitchen, largeconference room for hearings, recording studio,control room and an IT room. Electrical, plumbing...VIEW PROJECT >
54SITE WORK /NON-BUILDINGUNSER BOULEVARDWIDENING & PASEO DELNORTE WIDENINGVIEW PROJECT >RE-BID CONSTRUCTT-HANGARSSCOPE OF WORK: Install a new storm drainsystem, remove existing tie-downs and taxi-lane markingsand seal-coat pavement with-inhangar boundaries. Constructionof a new 8 unit T-Hangar andconnect the new hangars toelectrical service,VIEW PROJECT >MIDDLE VENADAARROYO WATERQUALITY FACILITYSCOPE OF WORK: Earthwork excavation andplacement, installation of stormwater pipes, placement of riprap, construction of base courseroad, installation of concretegrade control structure, andfencing.VIEW PROJECT >BROADMOORBOULEVARD MILL &INLAY PROJECTSCOPE OF WORK: This project includes, as thebase bid, a full depth asphaltroadway mill and inlay ofBroadmoor Blvd from LomaColorado Blvd to Country ClubDr with new ADA compliant curbramps, new lighting and signalimprovements, a new drive padand new thermo-plastic striping.An additive alternate #1 toremove and replace the existingasphalt pedestrian path fromLoma Colorado Blvd to HighResort Blvd. An additivealternate #2 to install a newwater line with new waterservice lines, hybrid mill...VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: The Unser Blvd./Paseo Del Norte Widening project(CN A300305) involves the upgrade of two majorroadways. The Unser Boulevard Phase 1 Projectextends from just south of PDN to Paradise Blvd...BUILTENVIRONMENT
56MATERIAL /EQUIP / SERVICE /INSTALLWAREHOUSE RFQOCTOBER 3, 2024VIEW PROJECT >WAREHOUSE RFQ OCTOBER 22, 2024VIEW PROJECT >CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $33,847.002 Low | $40,072.00 *Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $14,228.002 Low | $17,233.003 Low | $18,421.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsBUILTENVIRONMENT
57SITE WORK /NON-BUILDINGRE-BID LOW FLOWCONVEYANCE CHANNELPROJECTVIEW PROJECT >MCGEE PARK BANKRE-STABILIZATIONPROJECTVIEW PROJECT >RE-BID NEWSUNSHINESUBSTATION SITEPREPARATIONSPECIFICATIONS(CIVIL GRADING &DRAINAGE PHASE)VIEW PROJECT >NM DOTRATTLESNAKEREST AREAVIEW PROJECT >CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $733,755.002 Low | $1,387,689.003 Low |$1,412,672.00*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $186,758.00*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award details*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $4,700,000.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | dollar amount notavailable BUILTENVIRONMENT
62BUILTENVIRONMENTWHAT’S NEXT FORTHEMANUFACTURING‘SUPERCYCLE’?The North American industrial manufacturingsector faces a dynamic landscape ofchallenges and opportunities. Globalization isshifting, with companies reevaluating theirstrategies due to geopolitical risks and thelessons of the pandemic. Reshoring andonshoring are on the rise, which has usheredin a new manufacturing ‘Supercycle’ that couldshield North American manufacturers fromglobal uncertainties.Technological advancements, like automationand AI, offer promise but also raise questionsabout their impact on industrial operations.And supply chain disruptions and energychallenges persist, requiring manufacturers toadapt strategically to remain competitive.Against this volatile backdrop, four SIORindustry leaders hailing from the U.S., Canada,and Mexico, recently shared their insights onthese transformative trends and the future ofthe Supercycle.The Shifting Dynamics of GlobalizationLong celebrated as the unstoppable force ofeconomic integration, globalization...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
64BUILTENVIRONMENTFED RATE CUTSIN 2025 COULDUNLOCKMULTIFAMILYDEAL FLOWHigh financing costs and low cap rates havesidelined many multifamily investors, but theFederal Reserve’s approach to loweringinterest rates could be key to unlocking dealflow in 2025. According to a new report fromNorthmarq, the potential for rate cuts by year-end has lifted investor sentiment and couldeven drive more apartment construction in thefuture.Inflation is cooling and unemploymentstabilizing which may persuade the Fed to holdrates steady in 2025, said Jeffrey Munoz, VP atNorthmarq. However, financing costs forconstruction and acquisitions are expected totake longer to adjust, which could graduallysupport a lift in new apartment construction.“While current rates are at a high watermarkover the last 17 years, this is notunprecedented. Over that period, we’veexperienced the Great Recession...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
65BUILTENVIRONMENTDIRECTINGMULTIPLEPROJECTTEAMSTOWARD ONESHARED GOALIt took more than 3,500 workers to build theEmpire State Building in the early 1930s.Nearly 100 years later, commercialconstruction projects still require the work ofhundreds to thousands of people tocomplete. Depending on their size, theseprojects can take anywhere from six monthsto 10 years to deliver. Managing that volumeof workers across an extended period of timeis a considerable undertaking. Successdoesn’t just hinge on technical expertise;each and every member of the project teammust be engaged, working together towardone common goal that unites them.Building a Team FamilyWhether it’s the CEO or one of theirexecutives from the owner’s side, theprogram or construction manager, projectleadership has to set the tone for teamworkfrom the beginning. Key to this is building theentire team as an extension of the client’sorganization, rather than as outsideconsultants or service providers. Bringingthem into the client’s vision, educating themon the brand, sharing communication...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
66BUILTENVIRONMENTSBA ADMINISTRATORGUZMANCELEBRATES NATIVEAMERICAN HERITAGEMONTHWASHINGTON– Today, Administrator IsabelCasillas Guzman, head of the U.S. Small BusinessAdministration (SBA) and the voice in PresidentBiden’s Cabinet for more 34 million smallbusinesses, kicked off Native American HeritageMonth byhighlighting the unprecedented progressmade in supporting Native small business ownersacross the country."Native American small businesses are a vitalcomponent of the economic fabric of our nation,contributing to job creation, innovation andcommunity development across the U.S.,” said SBAAdministrator Guzman. “Under the Biden-HarrisAdministration, the SBA has made significantstrides in its work to support and uplift thesebusinesses, delivering the resources andopportunities needed to succeed. Every month wehonor and respect Tribal Nations, and duringNative American Heritage Month in particular, weacknowledge the many contributions Indigenouspeople have made to this country. We are proud tohonor their achievements and support theircontinued success.”Under the Biden-Harris Administration, the SBAhas prioritized engagement with Nativecommunities, resulting in significantadvancements in federal contracting, access tocapital and policy development...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
San Juan Basin rancher and activist DonSchreiber still has notes from an earlymeeting in 2017 with Hilcorp EnergyCompany where they discussedrecompletions of gas wells. Schreiber hadworked hard to convince ConocoPhillips touse a reduced emission completion methodand he was hopeful that Hilcorp would dothe same thing after Hilcorp acquiredConocoPhillips’ assets in the basin.Continue reading >HOW A SAN JUANBASIN RANCHER’SADVOCACY LED TO A$9.4 MILLION CLEAN AIRACT SETTLEMENTBy Hannah Grover, New Mexico Political Report 11/03/2024Copyright: Canva pro68BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSNEW MEXICOALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – BeehiveHomes assisted living provider has beenawarded the National Quality Award fromthe American Healthcare Association andNational Center for Assisted Living.Continue reading >THREE BEEHIVE HOMESIN NEW MEXICORECEIVE NATIONALAWARDBy Issac Cruz, KRQE News11/04/2024ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. —City council has approved a new operatingpartner for the largest shelter inAlbuquerque.Gateway West will now be operated byChicanos Por La Causa, a coalition that wasformed in 1969. CPLC will take overoperations from Heading Home, which hasoverseen the facility since 2018.Continuer reading >NEW OPERATOR FORLARGEST ALBUQUERQUESHELTERBy Nick Catlin, KOAT11/04/2024
New Mexicans on Thursday have theopportunity to speak to state regulatorsabout the electricity rate increase the PublicService Company of New Mexico is seeking.Continue reading >HERE'S HOW TOPROVIDE YOURTHOUGHTS THIS WEEKON PNM'S RATEINCREASE REQUESTBy Megan Gleason, Albuquerque Journal 11/04/202469BUILTENVIRONMENTDENVER — When Judge D. Brooks Smithtraveled from Pennsylvania to Colorado, hepassed over the 98th Meridian, thelongitude line separating the water-richEast from the arid West.Continue reading >TEXAS SUED NEWMEXICO OVER RIOGRANDE WATER. NOWTHE STATES AREFIGHTING THE FEDERALGOVERNMENT.By Martha Pskowski, Source NM11/05/2024Copyright: Canva proThe U.S. Bureau of Land Management isselling permits for personal-use fuelwood.Continue reading >PERSONAL-USEFUELWOOD PERMITSNOW AVAILABLE FROMBUREAU OF LANDMANAGEMENTBy Staff, Taos News11/04/2024Copyright: Canva proWASHINGTON, D.C.: The average rate on a30-year mortgage in the U.S. has returnedto its highest level since early August, risingfor the fifth straight week but still downfrom a year ago.Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac said this weekthat the rate rose to 6.72 percent...Continue reading >30-YEAR MORTGAGEAVERAGE RATE IN USPEAKS TO HIGHESTSINCE AUGUSTBy Robert Besser, New Mexico State News.Net11/05/2024
During the winter months, Los AlamosCounty’s Traffic and Streets Division workshard to ensure safe travel by plowing snowfrom designated streets and sidewalks. Toenhance the effectiveness of snow and icecontrol operations, the snow removal teamwould like to remind residents that they alsoplay a crucial role in maintaining clear andsafe pathways. Continue reading >COUNTY SNOWREMOVAL TEAMREMINDS RESIDENTSTHEY ALSO PLAYCRUCIAL ROLE INMAINTAINING CLEAR,SAFE PATHWAYSBy Carol A. Clark, Los Alamos Daily Post11/05/2024Copyright: Canva pro70BUILTENVIRONMENTThe U.S. Forest Service, the Bureau of LandManagement and Tesuque Pueblo havejoined forces to “co-steward” culturallysignificant sites across the Caja del RioPlateau, west of Santa Fe.Continue reading >PUEBLO, BLM, FORESTSERVICE AGREE TO 'CO-STEWARD' CAJA DELRIOBy Alaina Mencigner, Santa Fe New Mexican11/04/2024With its lease ending by the start of 2025,FBT Architects went into its search for anew office with the intent of staying in theUptown area.Continue reading >LOCAL ARCHITECTGIANT INVESTS INDOWNTOWN OFFICEBy Cooper Metts, Albuquerque Business First 11/05/2024Copyright: Canva pro
71BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSSOUTHWESTA more than 130-year-old structure thathas housed a variety of retail businesses inMesa is now on the market with an askingprice of just under $2 million.IN THE MIDST OFDOWNTOWNDEVELOPMENTPROJECTS, ONE OFMESA'S OLDESTCOMMERCIALBUILDINGS IS UP FORSALEBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment 11/06/2024Copyright: Canva proCalled the Pomeroy Building, the structureis located at 136 W. Main Street andmeasures just under 10,300 square feet.Designated as a Class B structure, the two-story building is mostly known in Mesa forthe Pomeroy's Men's Store, which sells bothmen's and women's attire and accessories. A store called Buckhorn Vintage,specializing in clothing, furniture, and decor,has occupied additional retail space on theground level. One of the first buildings in Mesa to haveelectricity, the upper floor of the structurehas been the home for a variety ofbusinesses through the decades. Continues >
72BUILTENVIRONMENTA column-supported balcony is the most prominent feature of the building to the front andside of the structure, below a canopy of red tile. The building is located on what is known as Mesa's downtown Magnificent Mile, which ispopulated with coffee shops, restaurants, and breweries. Built when Mesa was a desert waystation with less than 1,000 people, the Pomeroy Buildingis in the middle of a downtown renaissance, with an estimated $500 million in developmentprojects in the works in a city that now exceeds 510,000.The Pomeroy Building is being listed for sale by realty company Lee & Associates, which hasoffices in Mesa. Hello Kitty, the popular anthropomorphic white cat with a red bow, has arrived in El Pasowith its new store. The Hello Kitty store opened Oct. 23 at the Shoppes at Solano, 750 Sunland Park Drive.Continue reading >HELLO KITTY OPENS AT SHOPPES AT SOLANA,THIRD DAISO STORE TO OPEN IN EL PASOBy Maria Cortez Gonzalez, El Paso Times10/30/2024Copyright: Canva pro
73BUILTENVIRONMENTThe higher interest rates recorded in early2024 are being seen as the primary reasonfor a decline in the number of youngerpeople buying a house, says a new industrystudy.According to just-released figures from theU.S. Census’s Housing Vacancy Survey, only37.4% of people under 35 years of ageowned a home as of the first quarter of thisyear.LOWEST HOMEOWNERSHIP RATESSEEN IN MILLENNIALGENERATION, SAYSNEW SURVEYBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 10/31/2024Copyright: Canva proThat figure represents the lowest level seensince the first three months of 2020, just asthe Covid 19 pandemic began.That’s a drop from the 38.5% recordedduring the final quarter of last year, anddrastically smaller than the 62.4% ofhomeowners in the 35 to 44 years of agecategory.The Millennial generation, whose memberswere born between 1981 and 1996, haveproven “particularly sensitive to mortgagerates, home prices, and the inventory ofentry-level homes,” notes a release issuedby the National Association of HomeBuilders.Continues >REAL ESTATE NEWSNATIONAL
74BUILTENVIRONMENTGeneration X members, or thoseborn between 1965 and 1980,saw a 75.8% home ownershiprate; while the Baby Boomergeneration, born between theyear after World War II and1965, continue to own homes atthe highest rate: 78.6%.The Census study also showedthat, averaging all age groups,homeownership rates stood at65.6% as of late this summer. Thenational average has stayed inthat range for the last severalyears and has never been greaterthan the 69.2% seen in the springof 2004.The Housing Vacancy Survey alsoshowed that home ownershiprates were the highest in theMidwest at 70.1%, followed bythe South at 67.2%, theNortheast at 62.2%, and theWest coming in at exactly 61%.Despite their lower homeownership rates, Millennials,according to a recent reportpublished by the Senate’s JointEconomic Committee, comprisemore than 75 million people.“These numbers translate intosignificant economic power,” saidthe report, “accounting for morethan $1 trillion in directspending.”Analysts are predicting thatMillennial home ownership rateswill more than likely pick upwithin the next year, respondingto a continued decrease innational interest rates.Based on CBRE's latest research, the U.S. multifamilymarket is showing signs of recovery as the vacancyrate fell in the third quarter of 2024 for the first time inmore than two years and renter demand outpacedrecord new supply deliveries.Continue reading >U.S. MULTIFAMILY MARKETBEGINS RECOVERY IN Q3By WPJ Staff11/05/2024Copyright: Canva pro
75BUILTENVIRONMENTLuxury: Anything conducive to physicalcomfort. The enjoyment of sumptuousliving. — The American Heritage Dictionaryof the English language, New CollegeEdition, 1976Continue reading >TOP 10 TRENDS IN THELUXURY MULTIFAMILYHOUSING MARKETBy John Caulfield, Building Design + Construction 11/05/2024Copyright: Canva proTenants have gained leverage in leasenegotiations in recent years as officeowners have seen companies downsize orexit buildings entirely.Continue reading >FLEXIBILITY REMAINSPARAMOUNT INOFFICE-LEASINGDECISIONSBy Ashley Fahey, Albuquerque Business First 11/04/2024The parent company of TGI Fridays, thecasual dining chain, has filed for bankruptcy,the company said, as it explores a long-termsurvival plan for the troubled business. Continue reading >CITING THE PANDEMIC,TGI FRIDAYS FILES FORBANKRUPTCYBy Emma Bowman, NPR11/02/2024London, Madrid, and Paris ranked top threecities for real estate investment anddevelopment potentialContinue reading >POSITIVE SENTIMENT INEUROPEAN REAL ESTATEGROWS WHILECHALLENGES REMAINFROM UNCERTAINGEOPOLITICAL ANDECONOMIC BACKDROP,SAY ULI AND PWCBy Tony Nokling, Urban Land11/05/2024Copyright: Canva pro
76BUILTENVIRONMENTAn iconic two-story hotel that has attracted loyalguests since the Eisenhower era in southeasternNew Mexico is now on the market with an askingprice of $1.4 million.Located at 627 Sudderth Drive in the ski resorttown of Ruidoso, the two-story Sitzmark Chalet Innsits on a nearly one-acre site and is designated as aClass B structure.Built in 1959, the building was originally home to theTurf Motel, a business whose advertisements listedits “ultra-modern units,” pink/beige wall-to-wallcarpeting, and a “handsome upright radio cabinet inevery room.”The life of the hotel in many ways paralleled the lifeof what has proven to be a thriving resort skiingindustry in the town of 7,700 people. The town’sChamber of Commerce officially identified skiing asa priority industry in the late 1950s, initially seeingup to 25,000 skiers every winter.Originally a five-unit motel, the structure saw theaddition of a dozen more rooms several years laterand a name change to its current Sitzmark Chalet.Surrounded by mountains and pine trees, theproperty is particularly visible owing to the presenceof the formidable, but welcoming, Sassy theSasquatch statue to the front of hotel.The hotel is being listed by the Ruidoso-basedrealtor TRU South Real Estate.HOTEL IN RESORTTOWN OF RUIDOSO ISNOW ON THE MARKETBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 10/31/2024FEATURED COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 0504030201LOT SIZEBUILDING SIZENO. ROOMSNO. STORIESYEAR BUILT0. 69 AC7, 671 S F17219 59
77BUILTENVIRONMENTPROPERTY FOR SALENEW MEXICOUnless otherwise stated, all images on this page are copyrighted to Google Inc.1120 PENNSYLVANIA ST NE | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $2,500,000 BUILDING SIZE: 15,800 SFStand-Alone NE Heights Office Building available for sale. Contact broker for details.VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE1913 LOMAS BLVD NW | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $640,000 BUILDING SIZE: 1,600 SFOffice/Airbnb/VRBO available for sale. Contact broker for details.VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE4140 JACKIE RD SE | RIO RANCHOOFFERED PRICE: $1,607,125 BUILDING SIZE: 7,475 SFPrime Warehouse/Office Space available for sale and lease. Contact broker for details.VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE25 VISTA POINT RD | SANTA FEBUILDING SIZE: 22,121 SF This 46-bed campus is situated on approximately 5.71 acres and offers a highly desirable and private retreat-like setting for therapy. The campus is made up of several housing cabins, group therapy spaces, administrativeoffices and features attractive amenities promoting wellness and health. This offering is positioned toaccommodate adults and adolescent programs as well as treatments for mental health, SUD and eatingdisorders...VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE
NASA’s Coronal Diagnostic Experiment(CODEX) is set to launch to theInternational Space Station to explore newdetails about the solar wind, including itsorigins and evolution.Continue reading >NASA’S CODEX READYTO UNLOCK SOLARWIND MYSTERIES FROMTHE ISSBy Abbey Interrante, SciTechDaily11/04/202480SPACE NEWSBUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva proThe University of New Mexico and LosAlamos National Laboratory are arecohosting the international 2024Muographers Workshop, which will be heldin Nov. 4-7 in Santa Fe.Continue reading >UNM, LANL COHOSTINGMUOGRAPHYWORKSHOP IN SANTAFEBy Kim Delker, UNM Newsroom11/01/2024Copyright: Canva pro
SEATTLE (AP) — Factory workers at Boeinghave voted to accept a contract offer andend their strike after more than sevenweeks, clearing the way for the company torestart idled Pacific Northwest assemblylines.Continue reading >BOEING’S MACHINISTSSTRIKE IS OVER BUT THETROUBLED AEROSPACEGIANT STILL FACESMANY CHALLENGESBy David Koening, Lindsey Wasson, HannahSchoenbaum, and Cathy Bussewitz, AP News, KRQE 11/05/202481BUILTENVIRONMENTCANBERRA — The Labor government ofAnthony Albanese today cancelledAustralia’s largest space program ever,almost 18 months after killing the main civilspace program, drawing sharp criticismfrom analysts and industry experts.Continue reading >AUSTRALIA KILLS $5.3BMILITARY SPACEPROGRAM WITHLOCKHEEDBy Colin Clark, Breaking Defense11/04/2024Copyright: Canva proMaxar’s chief product officer PeterWilczynski, who joined the space-imagerycompany over the summer, is spearheadingan effort to build navigation systems thatuse 3D maps instead of GPS. But thePalantir alum is also working to developsystems to better manage the ever-growingqueues for his company’s orbital-imageryservices. He foresees automated tools thattrack changes captured by relatively low-resolution imagery to cue passes by Maxar'shigher-resolution satellites. Continue reading >WHO TELLS SATELLITESWHERE TO TAKEPICTURES?INCREASINGLY, IT’LL BEROBOTS, MAXAR SAYSBy Lauren C. Williams, Defense Once10/30/2024Copyright: Canva pro
Plastic littered across the world’s beachescan now be detected from space.Researchers from the Royal MelbourneInstitute of Technology (RMIT) in Australiadeveloped a new satellite imaging techniquethat can spot plastics on beaches bymeasuring differences in reflected lightfrom the debris compared to thesurrounding sand, water or vegetation,according to a statement from theuniversity.Continue reading >SATELLITES CAN NOWSPOT PLASTIC TRASHON EARTH'S BEACHESFROM SPACE (PHOTO)By Samantha Mathewson, Space.com11/04/2024Copyright:82BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva proThe next administration will have its shareof challenges involving NASA to deal with.There may be scrutiny of NASA’s Artemislunar exploration campaign, including bothits technical approach and its schedule. Itwill have to examine if NASA’s plans toreplace the International Space Station withcommercial stations are feasible and on aschedule that will permit the ISS’sretirement in 2030. NASA’s scienceprograms are also facing budget challenges,and the next administration could revisitwhatever the agency decides in the comingmonths on a new approach to the MarsSample Return program.Continue reading >NASA’SINFRASTRUCTURECROSSROADSBy Jeff Foust, The Space Review 11/04/2024Copyright: Canva pro
84BUILTENVIRONMENTNEWSPACEALLIANCEJoin hundreds of organizations in the national NewSpaceAlliance! Build your knowledge and strengthen yournetwork by participating in ongoing opportunities tolearn, share and engage with space professionals acrossindustry, government and academia. Free to join,NewSpace Alliance members can attend monthly techtalks, industry webinars, networking events, industryforums and our nationally-recognized State of the SpaceIndustrial Base conference. Membership is free.Continue reading >NEWSPACEIGNITORGROW FASTER FROM CONCEPT TO PRODUCT TOSALESContinue reading >CO-INNOVATIONWORKSPACESENewSpace Co-Innovation, or collaborative innovation, iswhen newspace stakeholders work together to discovernew partnerships, explore new approaches, solveproblems, and accelerate growth.Continue reading >PATHWAYS TOTHE STARSACCESS TO WORKFORCE WILL BECOMEEASIER WITH A LARGER, MORE DIVERSESPACE-READY TALENT POOL.Coming next year!Pathways to the Stars will grow the spaceindustry talent pipeline with programming,mentoring, experiential learning and careerconnection services spanning K-12 to earlycareer, with industry involvement and specialattention given to reaching minority populations.Multiple educational partners will providelearning and curriculum, and connection serviceswill connect students to jobs and careers. Weinvite you to participate and inspire students tobecome part of the space workforce of thefuture!Continue reading >ABOUT USWHO WE ARE & WHATWE DOFounded October 2019, NewSpace Nexus is a501(c)(3) non-profit accelerating the pace ofspace innovation by uniting and igniting theindustry. Through the NewSpace Launchpad, afirst-of-its-kind co-innovation hub, stakeholdersgain access to workspaces, equipment,programming, rapid prototyping anddemonstration, and resources needed forinnovation and rapid progress. Services includeaccess to space ecosystem knowledge, publicevents, and networking; navigation services thatprovide tailored guidance and direct assistanceto fast-track business growth; and collaborativeinnovation services...Continue reading >
00QUICK NEWS LINKS85CONSTRUCTION25If Approved, Bond Will Fund New Building for New Mexico State University’s Growing FilmProgram >NEW MEXICONew Subdivision Project Set forDevelopment in Albuquerque’s MostlyAgricultural South Valley >Laguna Pueblo to debut $15M theaterrenovations >Albuquerque city council upholds Dunkin’Donuts location, approves shelter contract >City of Santa Fe nears deal with filmcompany to create region's largest studioat midtown >After nearly 20 years of planning, NewMexico powerline set to electrify the Westwith wind power >Voters to decide on flood district >State outlines plans for U.S. 180 widening >Semiconductor site in New York gets $825 millionfederal funding >NATIONALBernie Marcus, The Home Depot co-founder andbillionaire philanthropist, dies at 95 >Two Syracuse Employees Are on AdministrativeLeave In Ongoing Lead Dispute >Ground stabilization job awarded for $16BGateway project >Pat Munger Construction Company, Inc. DeliversLandmark Expansion for Extra Space Storage inShelton >Folkland Foods Expands Erie County,Pennsylvania, Operations >BUILTENVIRONMENTLong-Planned, Much-Discussed NatureCenter In Colorado Springs Is SlowlyAdvancing >SOUTHWESTFederal Funding Secured for Big Fort BlissWater Line Construction Project >Project to Expand Two-Lane Arizona RouteInto Four Lanes Gets Federal Backing >Move to Build New Recreation Center inBoulder May Be On Ballot Next Year >Adams County, Colorado Bond May Usherin Construction of New and Much-NeededHigh School >Utah DOT’s Bangerter HighwayRevitalization to Eliminate Major TrafficDelays by 2025 >Trailblazing Women at HOLT Group HelpOvercome Industry’s Labor Shortage >Navajo Nation President: Voting machinesdown in Apache County, Arizona >Government Shutdown Deadline Once AgainPoised To Torment Lawmakers In A Post-ElectionWashington >TRENDSStudy Suggests Democrat President andRepublican Congress is Best Fiscal Bet >October Hurricanes Thought to ImpactConstruction Job Growth, Say Analysts >‘Boot camp’ preps students for broadband jobs >ISM Services Index Up for October 2024 >Oil prices drop, driving construction input costsdown >Proposal to address housing crisis calls forconverting offices to micro-apartments >BNi Building News Construction Costs 2024 >Fogarty Finger and Andrew Berman Architectdeliver 174 affordable apartments and an NYPLbranch library in Inwood >
0086BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE68Three Beehive Homes in New Mexicoreceive national award >NEW MEXICOHow a San Juan Basin rancher’s advocacyled to a $9.4 million Clean Air Actsettlement >New operator for largest Albuquerqueshelter >Here's how to provide your thoughts thisweek on PNM's rate increase request >Personal-use fuelwood permits nowavailable from Bureau of LandManagement >Texas sued New Mexico over Rio Grandewater. Now the states are fighting thefederal government. >30-year mortgage average rate in USpeaks to highest since August >Pueblo, BLM, Forest Service agree to 'co-steward' Caja del Rio >County Snow Removal Team RemindsResidents They Also Play Crucial Role InMaintaining Clear, Safe Pathways >Local architect giant invests in Downtownoffice >In The Midst Of Downtown DevelopmentProjects, One Of Mesa's Oldest CommercialBuildings Is Up For Sale >SOUTHWESTHello Kitty opens at Shoppes at Solana,third Daiso store to open in El Paso >Lowest Home Ownership Rates Seen inMillennial Generation, Says New Survey >NATIONALU.S. Multifamily Market Begins Recovery inQ3 >Citing the pandemic, TGI Fridays files forbankruptcy >Top 10 trends in the luxury multifamilyhousing market >Flexibility remains paramount in office-leasing decisions >Positive Sentiment in European Real EstateGrows While Challenges Remain fromUncertain Geopolitical and EconomicBackdrop, Say ULI and PwC >SPACE INDUSTRY80NASA’s CODEX Ready To Unlock Solar WindMysteries From the ISS >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALUNM, LANL cohosting muography workshopin Santa Fe >Boeing’s machinists strike is over but thetroubled aerospace giant still faces manychallenges >Who tells satellites where to take pictures?Increasingly, it’ll be robots, Maxar says >Australia kills $5.3B military space programwith Lockheed >NASA’s infrastructure crossroads >Satellites can now spot plastic trash onEarth's beaches from space (photo) >WEEDFEED88Company vows to sue over damages afterNew Mexico authorities destroy cannabiscrops >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALTaos Ski Valley's first cannabis dispensaryunderway >Colorado Governor Explains Benefits OfMarijuana Legalization To Florida VotersAhead Of Ballot Vote >Florida Voters Head to Polls in Attempt toLegalize Adult-Use Cannabis >LEGISLATION90Elections preview: What races to watch inthe Legislature >NEW MEXICOHundreds of absentee ballots rejected inBernalillo County in 2024 Election >Democrats dominate New Mexico withreelection of US Sen. Martin Heinrich and USRep. Gabe Vasquez >ABQ won’t bill Trump for most recent visit. >
0087BUILTENVIRONMENTLEGISLATION91Winners are decided in over half of NewMexico’s legislative races, since no one ranagainst them >NEW MEXICOBREAKING NEWS: Early voting topples 40percent in Socorro County >Biden-Harris Administration approvesmajor disaster declaration request forChaves County flooding >Pennsylvania, Arizona countiesinvestigating suspicious voter registrationforms >Will the Presidential Election Impact WallStreet? The Historic Patterns Are Mixed, SayExperts >NATIONALFeds press Louisiana on $3B coastalrestoration megaproject >Donald Trump has sweeping plans for asecond administration. Here’s what he’sproposed >ARCHITECTS / ENGINEERS / DESIGN96Chuckanut Bay Distillery Unveils StunningNew Ballroom Event Space in DowntownBellingham, WA >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALChicago Cubs Agree to Make Wrigley FieldADA Improvements to Settle Feds' Lawsuit >Architecture Sarasota’s annual MODWeekend to center designing for resiliencyin the wake of disaster >How early architect involvement canrevolutionize a city’s capital improvementplans >MBMA’s folio explores ocean science centerdesign, construction >The Crucial Role of Hazardous MaterialAwareness in Manufacturing Facility Design >VENDORS / SUPPLIERS98True Value preps for Oregon warehouseclosure amid bankruptcy >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALUnderstanding How Hidden Fees Plaguethe Transportation Fleet Industry >Infrastructure boosts nonresidentialspending again as private sector slows >ENERGY INDUSTRY99'Disappointed' Ikea group slams Swedishgovernment over offshore wind cull >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALFERC Rejects Grid Connection Pact forAmazon Pa. Data Centers >Oil and gas producers cut US Gulf ofMexico output ahead of storm >99
COMPANY VOWS TOSUE OVER DAMAGESAFTER NEW MEXICOAUTHORITIES DESTROYCANNABIS CROPSBy Susan Montoya Bryan, AP News, KOAT11/05/2024State police have destroyed tens ofthousands of pounds of marijuana plants atgreenhouses in northwestern New Mexico,marking what regulators say is the largestseizure and destruction of cannabis in NewMexico since new possession andcultivation laws took effect in 2021.Continue reading >NEW MEXICO WEEDFEED88BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva proBeneath the steep slopes of Taos Ski Valley,the village's first cannabis dispensary iscurrently under construction, with anopening date slated for December. TreeLineCannabis, Taos Canyon Cannabis’ seconddispensary location, will be located in theAmizette subdivision at 110 Emma Road, afew miles from the Village Core zone.Continue reading >TAOS SKI VALLEY'SFIRST CANNABISDISPENSARYUNDERWAYBy Oliva Lewis, Taos News10/31/2024Copyright: Canva pro
89Florida voters have an opportunity to maketheir state the 25th in the nation to legalizeadult-use cannabis on Election Day, butthey’ll need a 60% supermajority to do so—the state’s threshold for all constitutionalballot measures.Continue reading >FLORIDA VOTERS HEADTO POLLS IN ATTEMPTTO LEGALIZE ADULT-USECANNABISBy Tony Lange, Cannabis Business Times11/05/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTSpeaking this week to a local NBC affiliate inFlorida, where voters are set to decideTuesday on a constitutional amendmentthat would legalize marijuana for adults,Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) said thatlegalization in his state—one of the first twoin the U.S. to adopt the reform—as been anoverwhelming success.Continue reading >COLORADO GOVERNOREXPLAINS BENEFITS OFMARIJUANALEGALIZATION TOFLORIDA VOTERS AHEADOF BALLOT VOTEBy Ben Adlin, Marijuana Moment11/05/2024Copyright: Canva pro
90SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — Democratic U.S.Rep. Gabe Vasquez won reelection Tuesdayin New Mexico’s swing district along theU.S.-Mexico border, in a rematch against theRepublican he ousted in 2022.Continue reading >DEMOCRATS DOMINATENEW MEXICO WITHREELECTION OF US SEN.MARTIN HEINRICH ANDUS REP. GABE VASQUEZBy Morgan Lee, AP News11/06/2024Copyright: Canva proNEW MEXICOLEGISLATIONBUILTENVIRONMENTLet’s rip the Band-Aid off: There isn’t goingto be a change in the party in charge of thestate House or state Senate this year. Atleast unless something unprecedentedhappens.Continue reading >ELECTIONS PREVIEW:WHAT RACES TOWATCH IN THELEGISLATUREBy Matthew Reichbach, New Mexico Political Report11/04/2024BERNALILLO COUNTY, N.M. —The 2024 election is underway and we havelearned at least 800 absentee ballots havebeen rejected.According to the Bernalillo County Clerk'sOffice, 400 of those 800 rejected ballotshave been validated after voters provided...Continue reading >HUNDREDS OFABSENTEE BALLOTSREJECTED INBERNALILLO COUNTY IN2024 ELECTIONBy Aliyah Chavez, KOAT11/05/2024
91On the eve of the presidential election,Mayor Tim Keller’s administration told citycouncilors he would not bill formerpresident Donald Trump for his Thursdaypresidential campaign rally.Continue reading >ABQ WON’T BILL TRUMPFOR MOST RECENTVISIT.By Noah Alcala Bach, Albuquerque Journal 11/05/2024BUILTENVIRONMENTEarly voting has reached a new high inSocorro County.Continue reading >BREAKING NEWS: EARLYVOTING TOPPLES 40PERCENT IN SOCORROCOUNTYBy Wanda Moeller, El Defensor Chieftain11/04/2024Copyright: Canva proAs New Mexicans head to the polls to casttheir ballots on Election Day, over half of thestate’s legislative races are already decided.Many candidates ran uncontested followingthe June primaries.Continue reading >WINNERS ARE DECIDEDIN OVER HALF OF NEWMEXICO’S LEGISLATIVERACES, SINCE NO ONERAN AGAINST THEMBy Leah Romero, Source NM11/05/2024Copyright: Canva pro
92SANTA FE – Today, the Biden-HarrisAdministration approved Gov. MichelleLujan Grisham’s request for a MajorDisaster Declaration for New Mexico, anaction that will release federal funds tosupport recovery efforts in response to theflooding that occurred over a weekend inChaves County earlier this month.Continue reading >BIDEN-HARRISADMINISTRATIONAPPROVES MAJORDISASTERDECLARATION REQUESTFOR CHAVES COUNTYFLOODINGBy Office of the Governor Michelle Lujan Grishman11/01/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTSeveral counties across Pennsylvania andArizona are investigating batches ofimproper voter registration formssubmitted by an Arizona-based firm inrecent weeks. Continue reading >PENNSYLVANIA,ARIZONA COUNTIESINVESTIGATINGSUSPICIOUS VOTERREGISTRATION FORMS By Zach Schonfeld, The Hill, KRQE11/05/2024Copyright: Canva pro
93The results of the presidential election mayhave less of an impact on Wall Street than ispopularly imagined, according to a newstudy.Published by the Minneapolis-basedfinancial analysis firm Ameriprise Financial,the study contends that in all likelihood themarket “can perform well through year-endwhether Vice President Harris or formerPresident Trump” prove triumphant onTuesday.WILL THE PRESIDENTIALELECTION IMPACT WALLSTREET? THE HISTORICPATTERNS ARE MIXED,SAY EXPERTSBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/05/2024Copyright: Canva proContending that “fundamental conditions inthe U.S. are solid,” the study asserts thatseasonal factors and historic trends favor astrong market, while just reaching the endof the balloting allows “investors to finallymove on from the election.”In so doing, those same investors could see“major equity averages press higher into theend of the year.”The stock market would additionally be ableto absorb the results of one party winningthe White House and both houses ofCongress, as well as handle a divided result.But what it won’t like, says the study, is aprotracted vote count similar to what thecountry endured during the famous GeorgeBush and Al Gore recount controversy in2000.BUILTENVIRONMENTNATIONALLEGISLATION
94That legendary 2000 recount saw the Standard & Poor’s average fall by 8% in the weeksfollowing election day “as the final decision on who would sit in the White House remaineduncertain.”“A contested presidential election result that drags on for weeks would likely be a marketnegative temporarily,” says the study, with investors trying to “look through the dislocation”and putting “excess cash to work in stocks and bonds.”According to data compiled by the network CNBC reaching back to 1980, the S&P has onaverage seen a less than 1% drop on the day after a presidential election, but has almostalways witnessed a recovery one week later.One time when that pattern did not play out: 2008, as Barack Obama won an election duringthe worst weeks of the Great Recession. The S&P was off 5.2% on the day after that election,and nearly 11% one week later.One of the largest gains was recorded after Ronald Reagan’s 1980 victory, with the S&P upby 2.1% the day after and 1.7% one week later. Similarly, Joe Biden’s 2020 win saw a 2.2%next-day gain that grew to 5.2% a week later.Overall, notes the publication Forbes, the markets have tended to perform better in the daysand weeks before an election than after. But who ultimately wins a presidential electionusually has a minimal impact on Wall Street, with returns tending to be positive over time,“regardless of who holds the office.”BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva pro
95Dive Brief:Federal authorities have warned thatthey expect Louisiana to return fundsallocated for the $3 billion Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion project ifthe state is no longer committed to theflagship coastal restoration effort,according to AP News.Continue reading >FEDS PRESS LOUISIANAON $3B COASTALRESTORATIONMEGAPROJECTBy Julie Strupp, ConstructionDive11/05/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTWASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump haspromised sweeping action in a secondadministration.The former president and now president-elect often skipped over details but throughmore than a year of policy pronouncementsand written statements outlined a wide-ranging agenda that blends traditionalconservative approaches to taxes,regulation and cultural issues with a morepopulist bent on trade and a shift inAmerica’s international role.Continue reading >DONALD TRUMP HASSWEEPING PLANS FOR ASECONDADMINISTRATION.HERE’S WHAT HE’SPROPOSEDBy Bill Barrow, AP News11/06/2024Copyright: Canva pro
96Major League Baseball’s Chicago Cubs haveentered into a settlement with the U.S.Dept. of Justice over renovations to WrigleyField, federal and Cubs officials announcedOct. 31. As part of the settlement, the teamagreed to update Wrigley Field with moreaccessibility options for people withdisabilities.Continue reading >CHICAGO CUBS AGREETO MAKE WRIGLEYFIELD ADAIMPROVEMENTS TOSETTLE FEDS' LAWSUITBy James Leggate, ENRMidwestCopyright: Canva proNEW MEXICO & NATIONALARCHITECTS / ENGINEERS / DESIGNBUILTENVIRONMENTBELLINGHAM, Wash. - Nov. 5, 2024 -PRLog -- Chuckanut Bay Distillery is thrilledto announce the opening of its newlyrenovated ballroom event space, abreathtaking venue located in the heart ofdowntown Bellingham. This historicbuilding, painstakingly restored over thepast seven years, offers an extraordinarysetting for weddings, corporate events, andprivate parties, accommodating up to 320guests. Continue reading >CHUCKANUT BAYDISTILLERY UNVEILSSTUNNING NEWBALLROOM EVENTSPACE IN DOWNTOWNBELLINGHAM, WABy Chuckanut Bay Distillery11/05/2024Copyright: Canva pro
97When Hurricane Helene made landfall inSarasota, Florida this past September,images circulated of the destruction it left inits wake. Architects and preservationistswere particularly alarmed by thedestruction of Paul Rudolph’s SanderlingBeach Club. What Hurricane Helene andMilton, and other intense storms in recentyears, reveal is no longer a surprise: Buildingfor resiliency is a pressing issue facingdesigners of the built environment, amission that Architecture Sarasota takes toheart.Continue reading >ARCHITECTURESARASOTA’S ANNUALMOD WEEKEND TOCENTER DESIGNING FORRESILIENCY IN THEWAKE OF DISASTERBy Claudia Yoon, The Architect’s Newspaper 11/05/2024BUILTENVIRONMENTThe Metal Building ManufacturersAssociation (MBMA) added Milne Centerfor Ocean Science and Conservation to itslibrary of downloadable publications. The20-page folio explores the design andconstruction of a metal building that isintegral to Mystic Aquarium in Mystic,Conn.Continue reading >MBMA’S FOLIO EXPLORESOCEAN SCIENCE CENTERDESIGN, CONSTRUCTIONBy Staff, Metal Construction News11/04/2024Imagine you’re a visionary city leader eagerto deliver the new fire station yourcommunity needs. In 2024, you secureapproval for a $20 million project, aiming tobreak ground by 2029...Continue reading >HOW EARLY ARCHITECTINVOLVEMENT CANREVOLUTIONIZE ACITY’S CAPITALIMPROVEMENT PLANSBy Kyle Peterson, Building Design + Construction10/31/2024Copyright: Canva proThe manufacturing process uses manymaterials to create finished products, andsome of these materials...Continue reading >THE CRUCIAL ROLE OFHAZARDOUS MATERIALAWARENESS INMANUFACTURINGFACILITY DESIGNBy Jennifer Carr, Philip Garcia, Area Development Q4 2024
98One of the hottest buzz phrases of 2024 isturning out to be “hidden fees." Every day, agrowing number of both consumer andbusiness customers are fed up and arefeeling the need for transparency. Inresponse, more businesses like hotels andrental car companies are starting tounbundle fees and add-on charges forgreater transparency. The problem is thatfor many businesses, the prices we see inplain sight are rarely the prices we end uppaying – whether that’s at a restaurant, orfor a truck lease.Continue reading >UNDERSTANDING HOWHIDDEN FEES PLAGUETHE TRANSPORTATIONFLEET INDUSTRYBy Brian Antonellis, For Construction Pros11/04/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO & NATIONALVENDORS / SUPPLIERSTrue Value is prepared to close a regionaldistribution center in Springfield, Oregon,after filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcyprotection last month, according to an Oct.15 Worker Adjustment and RetrainingNotification (WARN) notice. Continue reading >TRUE VALUE PREPS FOROREGON WAREHOUSECLOSURE AMIDBANKRUPTCYBy Philip Neuffer, SupplyChainDive11/05/2024Dive Brief:Nonresidential construction spendingticked up 0.1% again in September to aseasonally adjusted annual rate of $1.22trillion, according to Associated Buildersand Contractors’ analysis of U.S. CensusBureau data released Friday.Continue reading >INFRASTRUCTUREBOOSTSNONRESIDENTIALSPENDING AGAIN ASPRIVATE SECTORSLOWSBy Sebastian Obando, ConstructionDive11/04/2024
99Talen Energy Corp. says it can still developthe first phases of a planned Amazon WebServices data center at the site of itsSusquehanna nuclear power plant evenafter the Federal Energy RegulatoryCommission rejected on Nov. 1 an amendedgrid connection agreement with operatorPJM Interconnection LLC that would haveallowed it to increase the amount of poweravailable to the data center through a directconnection.Continue reading >FERC REJECTS GRIDCONNECTION PACT FORAMAZON PA. DATACENTERSBy James Leggate, ENR11/05/2024BUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO & NATIONALENERGY INDUSTRYCopyright: Canva proCopyright: Canva proIngka Group – the parent company offurniture giant Ikea – has slammed adecision by the Swedish government torefuse permission for a swathe of offshorewind farms in the Baltic Sea.Continue reading >'DISAPPOINTED' IKEAGROUP SLAMS SWEDISHGOVERNMENT OVEROFFSHORE WIND CULLBy Andrew Lee, ReCharge11/05/2024Nov 5 (Reuters) - Oil and gas producersbegan shutting in U.S. Gulf of Mexico outputand pulling workers off platforms onTuesday ahead of a late hurricane seasonstorm threatening offshore fields.Continue reading >OIL AND GASPRODUCERS CUT USGULF OF MEXICOOUTPUT AHEAD OFSTORMBy Staff, Reuters11/04/2024Copyright: Canva pro
The New Mexico Economic Development Department (EDD) recently approved $1.2 million in funding throughits Job Training Incentive Program (JTIP) for October 2024. This funding aims to support workforcedevelopment and drive economic growth by enabling businesses to hire or train 117 trainees and interns acrossvarious industries, including manufacturing, cybersecurity, and quantum technology.Key allocations include:Securin, Inc. received $470,467 for cybersecurity workforce development, supporting 10 trainees at anaverage wage of $58.97 per hour and 10 interns at $25.62 per hour. The company also received $9,499under the Step Up program for training three existing employees.Stampede Culinary Partners, Inc. in Sunland Park was awarded $455,830, enabling the training of 80 newemployees at an average wage of $15.31 per hour. This company specializes in protein portioning for foodservice and retail channels.UbiQD, Inc. in Los Alamos, focusing on quantum technology for agriculture and energy, secured $139,730.The grant supports five trainees with an average wage of $48.33 per hour .Since 2019, the JTIP program has allocated over $65 million to 225 businesses across New Mexico, advancinghigh-wage job creation and skills enhancement, especially for rural residents, veterans, and recent graduates.101STA T E J O B T RAI N I N G F U N DS A P P R O V E DNEW MEXICOSTATISTICSBUILTENVIRONMENTOVERVIEWJOSH CUTLER, THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT VIEW PRESS RELEASE >FRANKLIN MOUNTAIN PACKAGING LLC,AWARD AMOUNT: $26,250INFINITY LABS, LLCAWARD AMOUNT: $25,437SECURIN, INCAWARD AMOUNT: $470,467. STEP UP AWARDED: $9,499STAMPEDE CULINARY PARTNERS, INCAWARD AMOUNT: $455,830TURQUOISE SKIES,AWARD AMOUNT: $56,170UBIQD, INC.AWARD AMOUNT: $139,730
102EMP L O Y M E N T S IT U A T I O N O V ER V I E W : O C T OB E R 2 0 2 4NATIONALSTATISTICSBUILTENVIRONMENT0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0%October 2023August 2024September 2024October 2024In October, U.S. nonfarm payrolls sawminimal growth, adding only 12,000 jobs,while the unemployment rate held steady at4.1%. Key Points:Unemployment: Unchanged at 4.1%,with 7 million unemployed, slightly upfrom 3.8% last year.Sectoral Changes:Health Care: Gained 52,000 jobs,especially in ambulatory servicesand nursing facilities.Government: Up by 40,000, withstate government seeing notableincreases.Manufacturing: 46,000 jobs werelost, primarily in transportationequipment, due to strikes.Temporary Help: Continued declinewith 49,000 jobs lost.Wages and HoursAverage hourly earnings rose by 0.4% to$35.46, up 4% year-over-year. The averageworkweek for all employees held steady at34.3 hours.OVERVIEWJOSH CUTLER, THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT VIEW NEWS RELEASE >UNEMPLOYMENT RATES October 2023 August 2024September 2024 October 2024HealthcareGovernmentManufacturingTemporary Help ServicesConstruction-100,000-50,000050,000100,000EMPLOYMENT BY SELECTED INDUSTRY
Santa Fe, New MexicanRENOWNED ARCHITECTURE FIRMASKING PRICE: $350,000 CASH FLOW: $350,000EBITDA: NOT DISCLOSEDGROSS REVENUE: $885,000INVENTORY: NOT DISCLOSEDFF&E: $105,000Business DescriptionThis firm has remained intentionally small over the past 2+decades. At any one time, they normally have about tenactive projects. Almost all are custom residential, with a mixof new work and additions/remodels. They do a limitedamount of commercial work. They have designed projectswithin the southwest region, namely Colorado, Utah, Nevadaand Texas with most being in northern New Mexico.They are known as being one of the best, if not the best,architectural design firms in Northern New Mexico. Secondly,they are recognized within the industry for creating verymeticulously complete construction documents.Seller MotivationRetirementTransition SupportOwner will orient the buyer and introduce to all relevantclients, vendors, officials, and other pertinent contacts.104BUSINESS FOR SALEVIEW BUSINESS LISTING >BUILTENVIRONMENT
105PERMITNUMBER(CLICK TO VIEW)PERMIT LOCATIONISSUE &EXPIRATION DATEPERMITOWNERTOTALSQ. FEETBUILDINGCONTRACTORBP-2024-336981005 2ND ST NW10/31/2024 - 04/30/2025NAPA OFF - SITE13,918JCR CONSTRUCTION, LLCWORK DESCRIPTION: It will be a repair of an existing brick building wall of a building that was crashed into.BP-2024-32654401 MARQUETTE AV NW10/29/2024 - 04/29/2025City of AlbuquerqueDepartment ofMetropolitanDevelopment1,035BASIC IDIQ, INC.SMPC ARCHITECTSWORK DESCRIPTION: Dividing north mechanical room with a rated partition to separate new boilers from existing chiller unit. removing a wall in the southmechanical room to provide space for new boiler units.ALBUQUERQUE BUILDING PERMITSOCTOBER 28TH - NOVEMBER 1STBUILTENVIRONMENTBP-2024-269293021 TODOS SANTOS ST NW11/01/2024 - 05/01/2025American TowerCorporation2,500ENERTECH RESOURCES, LLCJ5 INFRASTRUCTUREPARTNERSWORK DESCRIPTION: 5 G upgrade to remove and replace new antennas. This project also includes ground work on the existing equipment area.BP-2024-266951201 MOUNTAIN RD NE11/01/2024 - 05/01/2025American Legion Post No 131,200ENERTECH RESOURCES, LLCJ5 INFRASTRUCTUREPARTNERSWORK DESCRIPTION: 5G modifications to an existing communications flagpole. Replacing and removing antennas, to include work in the existing groundequipment enclosure.BP-2024-24186244 GROVE ST NE / UNIT C10/28/2024 - 04/28/2025Allen G Jaramillo1,227LASER CONSTRUCTIONWORK DESCRIPTION: Residential – Alteration Level 3 / Fire Repair - Converting a Townhome Unit Garage into Living Area & Fire Repair / Unit CBP-2024-194354315 WYOMING BLVD NE10/28//2024 - 04/28/2025Brian Pyle3,020PETER BUTTERFIELDARCHITECTTANGLEWOODCONSTRUCTION INCWORK DESCRIPTION: 3020 square foot restaurant with drive throughBP-2024-159796308 4TH ST NW10/30/2024 - 04/30/20256308 4TH STREET LLC4,369JEEBS AND ZUZU LLCMOUNTAIN SIDECONTRACTORS, LLCWORK DESCRIPTION: Exterior door will be added to the north wall of the structure, exiting to the parking lot from the kitchen area. New 36-inch high steelrailing. Two (2) new precast wheel stops in two (2) parking spaces.BP-2024-083735201 HAWKING DR SE10/30/2024 - 04/30/20255201 HAWKING DR SE1,142KLINGERCONSTRUCTORS LLCSTUDIO SOUTHWESTARCHITECTSWORK DESCRIPTION: Conversion of semi-heated space and alterations.
106LAS CRUCES COMMERCIAL PERMITSElectricalPlumbingAlterationMechanicalRe-roofCommercial NewAdditionsPERMIT NUMBER(CLICK TO VIEW)PERMIT LOCATIONISSUE DATEPERMIT OWNERBUILDINGCONTRACTOR24OC55063612341 ENTRADA DEL SOL10/30/2024NLB LLCMADDOX PLUMBING, INC.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Gym Magic1. Water fountain install 2. Relocate water heater24OC65063393835 LOHMAN Ave10/29/2024PQ ANTHONY LLCFLUORESCENT SIGNS, INCPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Dunkin Donutsnew electrical applicationBUILTENVIRONMENT24OC65063541603 EL PASEO Rd10/30/2024B & B MERRITT REALESTATE LLCSUPERIOR SIGN NEW MEXICOPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Install secondary cabinet on existing pylon sign