04Steve AdamsJoshua CutlerManaging EditorDane VaughnMEET OUR TEAMWhat’s our favorite Thanksgiving food?Sarah Motsingersarahm@constructionreporter.comOwner & Managing Partnersteve@constructionreporter.comsteve@thebuiltenvironment.comOwner & Managing Partnerjcutler@constructionreporter.comjcutler@thebuiltenvironment.comCarrie Bagleycarrie@constructionreporter.comReporterRebecca Taylorrebecca@constructionreporter.comReporterShannon Ryanshannon@constructionreporter.comReporterdvaughn@constructionreporter.comdvaughn@thebuiltenvironment.comCommunications Director &General ManagementGarry BoulardBIO: Garry Boulard is a reporterand author whose work hasappeared in the New York Times,Los Angeles Times, ChristianScience Monitor, Chicago Tribuneand Times-Picayune, among otherpublications. Continue reading >Writer4901 Mcleod NE, STE 200A, Albuquerque, NM 243-9793news@thebuiltenvironment.comBUILTENVIRONMENT
NEW MEXICO FOUNDATION FOR OPEN GOVERNMENTANNOUNCES NEW EXECUTIVE DIRECTORElizabeth McCall, City Desk ABQThe New Mexico Foundation for Open Government’s (FOG) Board of Directorsannounced Thursday that Christine Barber will be the organization’s new executivedirector starting Nov. 25. FOG is a New Mexico nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that serves the opengovernment interests of the public, business community, elected officials, journalistsand lawyers. Continue reading >05INDUSTRY BRIEFINGBUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO’S FIRST CRAFT COMPETITIONThe Built EnvironmentCOUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC UTILITIES TO MEET WEDNESDAYDEC. 4Carol A. Clark, Los Alamos Daily PostThe Los Alamos County Board of Public Utilities will hold a regular meeting 5:30 p.m.Wednesday, Dec. 4 in Council Chambers at the Municipal Building, 1000 Central Ave. Continue reading >
06EVENTCALENDARNOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2024BUILTENVIRONMENTTHURSDAY NOVEMBER 28THALBUQUREQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 5:00 PM: Family Friday Shop andStroll - CLICK HERE 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Sky City Buffalo RamDancers (Acoma) - CLICK HERE 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Sky City Buffalo RamDancers (Acoma) - CLICK HEREFRIDAY NOVEMBER 29THCREW NETWORK - VIEW CALENDAR12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Industrial Market BusinessOpportunities across North America - CLICK HERE GREATER ALBUQUERQUE CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Legislative SessionPreview: New Mexico's Fiscal and EconomicFuture - CLICK HERE CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE - VIEW CALENDAR5:00 PM - 10:30 PM: City Council Meeting - CLICK HEREMONDAY DECEMBER 2NDALBQUERQUE BUSINESS FIRST - VIEW CALENDAR4:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Meet the Newsroom - CLICK HERETUESDAY DECEMBER 3RDCARNM - VIEW CALENDAR8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: CCIM/LIN Holiday Party - CLICK HERE RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Visionaries NetworkingBreakfast - CLICK HERE AREA - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: AREA’s Webinar Series:“AREA Existing Business Resources” - CLICK HERE WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 4TH
07BUILTENVIRONMENTCITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR3:00 PM: Mayor's Committee on Disability - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR8:00 AM - 5:00 PM: Disrupting the Path: A NewWay Forward for New Mexico's Social Sector - CLICK HERE 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM: Digital Deep Dive: DigitalMarketing for Growth - CLICK HEREWEDNESDAY DECEMBER 4THALBQUERQUE BUSINESS FIRST - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Business of OutdoorRecreation & Tourism - CLICK HERE CARNM - VIEW CALENDAR8:00 AM - 12:00 PM: 2024 NMREC CommercialCore Course - CLICK HERE 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM: APOD/LOI - CLICK HERERIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Hiring Event - CLICK HERE 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: Quarterly MemberLuncheon - CLICK HERE SANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR12:00 PM - 12:30 PM: Ribbon Cutting -Anchorum Health Foundation - CLICK HERE AREA - VIEW CALENDAR4:00 PM - 6:00 PM: 2024 AREA Holiday OpenHouse - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR6:00 PM: Planning Commission - CLICK HERE CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE - VIEW CALENDAR5:00 PM - 10:30 PM: Local GovernmentCoordinating Commission Sub CommitteeMeeting - CLICK HERETHURSDAY DECEMBER 5THNAIOP NEW MEXICO CHAPTER - VIEW CALENDAR11:00 AM - 1:30 PM: Awards of Excellence-NAIOP Tonight: A Day of Real Estate andComedy - CLICK HERE CITY OF ALBUQUERUQE - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: District 7 CouncilorConnect - CLICK HEREFRIDAY DECEMBER 6THRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR5:00 PM - 6:30 PM: Business After Hours "JingleMingle"- Pasando Tiempo Winery - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR5:30 PM: Historic Districts Review Board - CLICK HERETUESDAY DECEMBER 10THRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR5:00 PM - 6:30 PM: Women in LeadershipHoliday Social - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 2:00 PM: Perez Wealth Strategies - CLICK HERE WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 11THBERNALILLO COUNTYDECEMBER 3RD10:00 AM: Economic Development Policy WorkSession - CLICK HERE DECEMBER 4TH9:00 AM: County Planning Commission PublicHearing - CLICK HERE
08BUILTENVIRONMENTBERNALILLO COUNTYDECEMBER 10TH4:00 PM: NAO Appeal Hearing - CLICK HERE 5:00 PM: Board of County CommissionersAdministrative Meeting - CLICK HEREDECEMBER 11TH9:00 AM: Zoning Administrator Public Hearing - CLICK HEREEDDY COUNTYDECEMBER 3RD8:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Board of CountyCommissioners Meeting - CLICK HERE GRANT COUNTYDECEMBER 10TH9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Work Session - CLICK HERE DECEMBER 12TH9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Regular Commission Meeting- CLICK HEREHARDING COUNTYDECEMBER 12TH8:30 AM: Harding County Board of CountyCommission Meeting - CLICK HERELOS ALAMOS COUNTYDECEMBER 3RD6:00 PM - 8:00 PM: County Council - RegularSession - CLICK HERE DECEMBER 4TH5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Historic Preservation AdvisoryBoard - CLICK HERE 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM: Board of Public Utilities - WorkSession - CLICK HERE DECEMBER 5TH12:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Los Alamos County HealthCouncil - CLICK HERE 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Transportation Board - CLICK HERE DECEMBER 12TH5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Park and Recreation Board - CLICK HERELUNA COUNTYDECEMBER 10THALL DAY: 1st Half Property Taxes Due - CLICK HEREOTERO COUNTYDECEMBER 12TH9:00 AM - 5:00 PM: County Commission RegularMeeting - CLICK HERESAN JUAN COUNTYDECEMBER 3RD4:00 PM: San Juan County Commission Meeting - CLICK HERESANTA FE COUNTYDECEMBER 6TH2:30 PM - 6:00 PM: Notice of a Quorum: HousingSymposium - CLICK HERE DECEMBER 9TH2:00 PM - 6:30 PM: Board of CountyCommissioners (BCC) Meeting - CLICK HERE
13BUILTENVIRONMENTASA NEW MEXICOANNUAL SPONSORSRED LEVEL Albuquerque Pipe & Pump Supply Co. American Fire Protection Group, Inc.American National Insulation & Sealants Construction Reporter/ The Built Environment Crane Service, Inc. Enterprise Builders Corporation Equipment Share Fairway, Inc.Ideal Plumbing & Heating, LLC National Roofing Company, Inc. Prime Electric, Inc. United RentalsWestern Partitions, Inc. Wagner Equipment, Co.Western States Fire Protection Yearout Mechanical, Inc.WHITE LEVELBELFOR Property Restoration Bradbury Stamm ConstructionDekker Perich Sabatini Jack’s Mechanical Solutions, Inc.Jaynes Structures Menicucci Insurance Agency, LLCRay’s Flooring Specialists REDW Advisors & CPAs BLUE LEVELBohannan Huston, Inc. G & H Construction Company, Inc.JTC, Inc. Klinger Constructors, LLCRisk Strategies– Burke Insurance Group The Specialists Electrical ContractorStudio Southwest Architects4Rivers Equipment2024 Annual Golf Tournament Title SponsorHUB InternationalThank you for your continued support!DOWNLOAD THE ASA NMNEWSLETTERVIEW THE ASA NMMEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY 2023-2024 >SAVE THE DATE: 2024 ASANM EVENTSFebruary 20, 2025 Meet the Generals EventJuly 25, 2025 Annual Awards EventOctober 3, 2025 Annual Golf TournamentCopyright: Canva pro
14BUILTENVIRONMENTAGC NEW MEXICOEVENT CALENDARAGC CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MODELAGC has partnered with a leading regional economist, BrianLewandowski of the University of Colorado Boulder, to create AGC'sConstruction Impact Model. The model is a tool that can be used bymembers, chapters, policy makers and researchers to understand theeconomic impact of infrastructure investment by state.VIEW VOLUME 2 ISSUE 41 TO LEARN MORE >EXCITING NEWS: MEETANGELA ARRIAGA, OURNEW MEMBERSHIPMANAGER!We’re thrilled to introduce Angela Arriaga, AGCNew Mexico’s new Membership Manager! Angelabrings a passion for connection and a drive toensure every member gets the most out of theirAGC membership.From exclusive networking events and cutting-edge training programs to powerful advocacyefforts and essential industry resources, Angela ishere to help you leverage your membership to itsfullest potential in 2025 and beyond.Let’s Maximize Your Membership ValueReady to unlock new opportunities? Angela iseager to meet with you and discuss how AGC canamplify your success. Schedule Your Member Visit Today! >Copyright: Canva proDECEMBER 2024DECEMBER 2ND 12:00 PM - 3:00 PMBlueprint Reading - CLICK HERE DECEMBER 4TH 8:30 AM - 4:30 PMConstruction Supervision Fundamentals - CLICK HERE DECEMBER 9TH 9:00 AM - 5:00 PMBuilding Information Modeling Education Program - CLICK HEREDECEMBER 10TH 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM2024 National Annual Safety Awards (NASA) Event - CLICK HERENOW ACCEPTING 2025BEST BUILDINGSAPPLICATIONS!Get Ready to Shine: Applications Open for 2025Best Buildings Awards!The wait is over—AGC New Mexico is nowaccepting applications for the 2025 Best BuildingsAwards! This is your chance to showcase yourincredible projects and elevate your company’sprofile as one of the industry’s best.Why Participate?Here’s how AGC NM helps you celebrate yoursuccess and market your achievements: High-Quality Project Video: Winners receive aprofessionally produced video to showcase theirproject—perfect for marketing...CONTINUE READING >
15BUILTENVIRONMENTANNUAL FALL SCHOLARSHIPAnnual Fall ScholarshipApplication Available Mid Spring 2025COLLEGE OF ENGINEERINGCivil EngineeringCivil Engineering TechnologyGeomatics & Surveying EngineeringUNM APPLICATIONAnnual Spring ScholarshipApplication Available Late Fall 2024SCHOOL OF ENGINEERINGCivil Engineering,Construction Engineeringor Construction ManagementCLICK HERE TO LEARN MORESCHOLARSHIPSACNM NOVEMBER2024 NEWSLETTER READ THE NEWSLETTER >A MESSAGE FROM ACNM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JIM GARCIAAutumn Insights: A Season of Change and Opportunity – As the season changes we say goodbye tosummer, and hot air balloons dot the crisp fall skies. We're excited to share the latest updates fromACNM. The coming year promises to be particularly dynamic, especially with the upcoming 60-daylegislative session and all House and Senate seats up for election this month.Legislative Priorities: Advocating for Our Industry – We've been selected to participate in a critical taskforce focused on developing sustainable funding strategies for state infrastructure maintenance andconstruction. Our legislative efforts are concentrating on infrastructure safety improvements, includingimplementing speed cameras on road projects and increasing local and state patrol presence...Copyright: ACNM
16BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva ProCAUTIOUS OPTIMISM:ARCHITECTUREBILLINGS MODERATEAFTER NEARLY TWOYEARS OF MONTHLYDECLINESWASHINGTON – November 20, 2024 –After twenty months of declining billings,the AIA/Deltek Architecture Billings Index(ABI) score for October was 50.3. Thisscore indicates a balance between thenumber of firms experiencing a decreasein billings and those seeing an increase.Although there was an increase ininquiries for new projects in October,clients are still cautious about movingforward. The value of new design...CONTINUE READING >AIA ALBUQUERQUEEVENT CALENDARDECEMBER 2024DECEMBER 6TH 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM2024 AIA ALBUQUERQUE ANNUAL DESIGN +HONOR AWARDS - AN IN PERSON EVENT - CLICK HERE
17BUILTENVIRONMENTABC NEW MEXICO EVENT CALENDARDECEMBER - MARCH 2025WASHINGTON, Nov. 20—Associated Buildersand Contractors today announced that DavidPugh, a partner at Bradley in Birmingham,Alabama, was elected 2025 chair of ABCNational Board of Directors during its meetingat the association’s annual LeadershipInstitute in Scottsdale, Arizona."Nothing could be more thrilling than leadingABC in its 75th year, and as ABC’s first-everassociate member national chair, I am lookingforward to the opportunity,” said Pugh.“Throughout those 75 years, ABC hasconsistently helped its members develop theirpeople, win work and deliver that work safely,ethically and profitably. Whether exercising itsleadership in government affairs, expandingand improving workforce development orrelentlessly pursuing not only safety at theworksite but also the total human health andwellness of all workers, ABC has proven thatthe merit shop movement is for thebetterment of the individual, the constructionindustry and the nation.” “As a member-led organization, AssociatedBuilders and Contractors truly represents thebest of the best in the construction...CONTINUE READING >ABC 2025NATIONALCHAIR,EXECUTIVECOMMITTEEANNOUNCEDTHURSDAY DECEMBER 12TH, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM - CLICK HEREANNUAL AWARDS LUNCHEONWEDNESDAY JANUARY 15TH, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM - CLICK HEREJANUARY MEMBER LUNCHEONWEDNESDAY MARCH 26TH, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM - CLICK HEREMARCH MEMBER LUNCHEON
18BUILTENVIRONMENTYOUR 2024 NMUCABOARD OF DIRECTORS &STAFFPRESIDENT, DALE ARMSTRONG, TLCPLUMBING & UTILITY 505 761 9696VICE-PRESIDENT, DAMON WICKETTS,4RIVERS EQUIPMENT 505 884 2900SECRETARY/TREASURER, JENICE GALLEGOS,GROUNDWATER PARTNERSPAST PRESIDENT, CLAY BLAIR, RMCI 505 345 0008TROY OTERO, GROUNDHOG CONSTRUCTIONSERVICES 505 243 2133DIRECTOR DARRIN HOWELLS, AUI INC. 505 242 4848DIRECTOR JOE MENICUCCI, DOWNEY &COMPANY 881 0300DIRECTOR REINEE PEACHER, DUCROSSCONSTRUCTION 575 636 3023DIRECTOR KELLEY FETTER, E2RC 505 867 4040 DIRECTOR JOHN THEILER, DH UNDERGROUNDTERRI BAKER, CORE AND MAIN 505 344 0223EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, JANE JERNIGAN 505 888 0752FROM THEEXECUTIVEDIRECTOR’SDESKHello Members, I would like to extend my gratitude to each andevery one of you for your participation,support, sponsorship, and membership inNMUCA. I am also very grateful for the menand women that I am so fortunate to work withthrough the NMUCA Board and Committees aswell as my peers from other industryassociations and agencies. There is no better time to say "Thank You" foryour confidence, support, and friendship and towish you a happy holiday season. May yourhome be filled with the laughter of friends, thelove of family, and the joys of the season. I wish you all a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving! Jane Jernigan
19BUILTENVIRONMENTWICNM NEWSLETTERAUGUST 2024 >Hello Friends,Today is National Women’s Equality Day, this daymarks the adoption of the 19th Amendment in 1920,which granted women the right to vote. Wow, 104years! We are down to a short 70 days before ournext election and voting is one of the most powerfulways, we can express our values and have a directimpact on our community and our country.Every election is a chance for us to have a say in theissues that matter most to us—whether it’seducation, healthcare, the environment, oreconomic policies. I know that we all have our ownunique perspectives and concerns, and this is ouropportunity to make our voices heard.It’s easy to feel like our individual votes might notmake a difference, but history has shown us thatevery vote counts. Elections are often decided by aremarkably small number of votes, and ourcollective participation is what drives meaningfulchange. By voting, we not only influence thedirection of our nation but also stand up for ourcommunities and the issues we care about. Iencourage you to exercise your right to vote andencourage others around you as well. On another note, I want to thank the PlanningCommittee for all their hard work this year inplanning all our events. They are doing an amazingjob! We are down to the last two events of the year:the 3rd Annual Scholarship Bowling Event onSeptember 12th and the Women in Construction NMGala on November 9th. Sign up soon for the bowlingevent, space is limited, and more informationregarding the Gala will be out soon.Stephanie L. Peña - TLC Company, Inc.WICNM President 2024 LOCKER #505 SCHOOL SUPPLYMONETARYDONATIONSSCAN QR CODEBELOW TO MAKEMONETARYDONATIONS TOLOCKER #505
20BUILTENVIRONMENTCONTINUE READING >Ronda Gilliland-Lopez currently serves as thePresident of the Governing Board, whichrepresents a cross-section of highly valuableprofessional knowledge (legal, financial,strategic planning, education, and industryrelations).ACE LEADERSHIP HIGH SCHOOLMISSION OF MCA NMThe Mechanical Contractors Association of NewMexico is an industry trade associationdedicated to the advancement of membercontractors through training, advocacy, andpartnership.MISSION OF SMACNA NMAt the Sheet Metal and Air ConditioningContractors’ Association of New Mexico ourmission is to create a competitive advantage forour members through industry education, laborrelations, standards development, industryrepresentation, and business studies. The New Mexico Bid Depository System (NMBDS)strives to build partnerships through bidding. Thepurpose of the Bid Depository is to improve thebidding process by helping ensure the quality andequity of sub-bid scopes, and to provide adequatetime for review of the sub-bids by the generalcontractors so that they may more accuratelycomplete their bids.This system has been developed for the good ofthe contracting industry and the public as a whole.It is not a law - it is purely voluntary. Please feelfree to call this office for any additionalinformation - 505-341-9033NEW MEXICOBID DEPOSITORYCopyright: MCA/SMACNA NMMCA/SMACNA of New Mexico is a strongpartner of ACE Leadership High School. VIEW >INDUSTRY ESSENTIALSIndustry Essentials is an exclusive member-onlymonthly education series designed to providemembers a private venue to learn about anddiscuss important policy issues, industry trends,and other important professional developmenttopics.Programming will include prominent speakers todiscuss business, economic, and policy issuescritical to the construction industry and ourmembers.Topics in 2021 will include conversations withleaders to discuss cannabis safety andregulations, public procurement, tax policychanges, paid time off legislation, cyber security,the construction industries division and more!
In a move underlining New Mexico’sgrowing prominence in the national filmindustry, plans are underway for theconstruction of extensive new studio spacein central Santa Fe.City officials have announced that new filmproduction facilities are set to go up at the64-acre former site of the Santa FeUniversity of Art and Design.In a development agreement with AspectStudios, which is based in Santa Fe, the city’sMetropolitan Redevelopment Agency hasannounced a plan that will not only see thebuilding of new sound stages, but also arestaurant and residential space.PLANS UNDERWAY FOREXPANSION OF STUDIOPRESENCE AT SANTAFE’S MIDTOWNCAMPUSBy Garry Boulard, Construction 11/21/2024Copyright: Canva pro“This is not just a plan, it’s a commitment toSanta Fe’s future,” Johanna Nelson, directorof economic development for the city,remarked in a statement.Referencing the historic and vast campusknown simply as Midtown, Nelson said theproject at the site “represents theintersection of creativity, community, andopportunity.”Continued Nelson: “Our partnership withAspect Studios will invigorate this districtand ensure everyone in our communitybenefits from its success.”As envisioned, the Aspirant project, which isin keeping with the two-year-old MidtownMaster Plan and Community DevelopmentPlan, is seeing the extension of what isdescribed as a “studio village,” designed toprovide the latest film productiontechnology as well as housing.The development agreement is set to gobefore the Santa Fe City Council for reviewand a vote on December 11.22BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSNEW MEXICO
LOS LUNAS, N.M. (KRQE) – After more than20 years of planning and tens of millions ofdollars raised waiting to be spent, ValenciaCounty is now finally breaking ground on itslong-sought hospital.Continue reading >VALENCIA COUNTYBEGINS CONSTRUCTIONOF NEW HOSPITAL INLOS LUNASBy Bianca Hoops, KRQE News11/21/2024Copyright: Canva pro23BUILTENVIRONMENTBefore community solar developers canlook for potential subscribers, they need toknow exactly how receiving a portion or allof a customer’s electricity from acommunity array will benefit that householdor organization.Continue reading >COMMUNITY SOLARDEVELOPERS STILLWAITING ON PRCDECISIONSBy Hannah Grover, New Mexico Political Report 11/25/2024SANTA FE, N.M. — The New Mexico HealthCare Authority now has $18.6 million tohelp people stay warm and safe in our statethis winter.Continue reading >STATE AGENCY GETS$18.6M TO HELP PEOPLEWITH HEATING COSTSBy KOB11/25/2024The constant chaos at the Tewa MotorLodge has subsided at least for now. Continue reading >WHAT’S NEXT FOR EASTCENTRAL’S TEWAMOTOR LODGE?By Damon Scott, City Desk ABQ11/25/2024A long-awaited piece of outdoorsinfrastructure that will connect some of themost vibrant parts of the city together iscoming together, though officials said it willbe years before it's completed.The Rail Trail is a seven-mile walking andbiking trail that will go through Barelas, OldTown, Downtown and connect to thepreexisting Bosque Trail. The Rail Trail isalso a part of a Sawmill streetscape projectand Central Avenue project to create..Continue reading >THE PIECES OF RAILTRAIL ARE COMINGTOGETHERBy Allison Carpenter, Albuquerque Journal 11/25/2024
JARALES — With the snip of a pair of verylarge scissors, a community wasreconnected as dozens of communitymembers gathered for the ribbon-cuttingceremony at the brand new railroadoverpass bridge on Jarales Road.Continue reading >LONG-AWAITED BRIDGEIN JARALES FINALLYOPENSBy Julia M. Dendinger, Valencia County News-Bulletin11/21/2024Copyright: Canva pro24BUILTENVIRONMENTRenovations to the Marriott Pyramid Northare expected to finish by the end of 2025.Continue reading >DEVELOPMENT FIRMGIVES UPDATES ONRENOVATIONS ATHOTEL, CONVENTIONSPACEBy Cooper Metts, Albuquerque Business First 11/26/2024In Roswell’s newly opened FEMA office,people who lost homes and vehicles inOctober flooding and people who are stilltrying to get the mold and muck out of theirliving quarters hope the government willhelp them get back on their feet.Continue reading >ROBINSON: PROJECT2025 & THE NEW LOOKOF DISASTER RECOVERYBy Carol A. Clark, Los Alamos Daily Post11/26/2024Copyright: Canva pro
25BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSSOUTHWESTWork could begin next spring on thebuilding of a residential project on the St.Benedict Catholic Church campus, 16 milesto the south of downtown Pheonix.Located at 16223 S. 48th Street, the churchis a part of the Roman Catholic Diocese ofPhoenix, which recently entered into anagreement with Acanthus Development tobuild a handful of senior housingcommunities on church properties in themetro area.ROMAN CATHOLICDIOCESE OF PHOENIXSIGNS ON TO SENIORLIVING CONSTRUCTIONPROJECTBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment 11/27/2024Copyright: Canva proAltogether, the Scottsdale-based Acanthuswants to build five separate senior livingprojects, and is expected to spend anywherefrom $235 million to $250 million to seethem completed.According to reports, each one of theresidential communities, to take up somefive acres, will house around 150 roomsinclude assisted living, independent living,and memory care units.In the company's agreement with theArchdiocese of Phoenix, the units will bebuilt on church property that is generallyunderused and will begin in April with thework at the St. Benedict Catholic Churchsite.Continues >
Copyright: Canva prFuture project sites: The St. Clare of Assisi at 17 W.Bell Road in Surprise; St. RaphaelCatholic Church at 5525 W. Acoma Drive in Glendale; and St. Gabriel Catholic Church at32648 N. Cave Creek Road in Cave Creek.Once built and opened for operations, the various communities will pay a monthly rent ofaround $10,000 to the respective church whose land they occupy.As quoted in the Catholic Sun, Bart Shea, chief executive officer of Acanthus, noted that"while the senior housing facilities will function independently of the parishes, they willbenefit the churches.""By offering housing and associated medical care for older members, the facilities enableresidents to live next door to their parishes," continued Shea.The Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix covers a vast territory of nearly 44,000 squaremiles, and includes 94 parishes, 36 elementary and/or high schools, and one seminary. Inreflecting general population trends in metro Phoenix, the Diocese of Phoenix is regarded asone of the fastest-growing dioceses in the country.26BUILTENVIRONMENT
27BUILTENVIRONMENTWork may begin next year on a much-discussedand studied effort to upgrade the busy U.S. Route287, which slices north to south through Colorado.The Centennial State has been awarded more than$47 million in funding via the InfrastructureInvestment and Jobs Act for work that willpartially focus on Route 287 sections of thethroughway in Larimer and Boulder counties.The work is expected to include the building ofnew passing lanes, the installation of new medianbarriers, and even the construction of severalwildlife crossings.An always-busy freight corridor used by anestimated 900 trucks a day, Route 287, accordingto Colorado Department of Transportationfigures, is frequently clogged and saw more than300 crashes in a four-year period ending in 2021.A study of the challenges confronting the regionalhighway undertaken by Boulder County hasshown that crashes have been continuallyincreasing in recent years, referencing Route 287as a "high-injury network."The wildlife crossings will be added to just over 40such passages that have to date been built by theColorado DOT.In asking for federal funding for the wildlifecrossings, Colorado Democrat Senators MichaelBennet and John Hickenlooper, in a joint letter toTransportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, notedthat the multiple species crossing Route 287include "elk, mule deer, black bear, mountain lions,bighorn sheep, and pronghorn."PLANNING UNDERWAYFOR WORK ON WELL-TRAVELLED COLORADOUS ROUTE 287By Garry Boulard, The Built Environment 11/27/2024Copyright: Canva pro
A project proposed by a major taser gunmanufacturer that will see the constructionof a massive office building, manufacturingcenter, and some 1,900 residential units inScottsdale has received an importantthumbs up.Members of the Scottsdale City Councilhave given their approval to the building ofwhat will be a 250,000-square-footcorporate headquarters for the Axon tasermanufacturing company.Additional projects featured at the 74-acresite: 50,000 square feet of restaurant andretail space, as well as a 435-room hotel.As proposed, the massive multi-usedevelopment will go up on the north side ofthe city near Arizona State Route Loop 101and N. Hayden Road but will be somewhatsmaller than originally envisioned owing toobjections from area residents regardingthe project’s scale.TASER MANUFACTURER’S PLANS FORBIG MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT INSCOTTSDALE GETS INITIAL APPROVALBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/21/2024Copyright: Canva prIn response to those comments, Axon hassized down the project’s dimensions,reducing what was originally a proposed400,000-square-foot headquarters, andaround 2,600 residential units.Company structures at the site, meanwhile,have been reduced from five stories to four.According to public documents, Axon hasdedicated just over 200,000 square feet onthe site to the City of Scottsdale, “which willbe used for constructing any facilities it mayrequire.”Launched just over 30 years ago as Air TaserIncorporated, the company was rebrandedas Axon in 2017 and is now regarded as thelargest supplier in the country of taserweapons, body cameras, and a cloud-baseddigital evidence platform.The financials behind the project are all onthe large size: it is thought that it will costupwards of $1.3 billion to complete thedevelopment on a site that Axon purchasedfour years ago from the Arizona State LandDepartment for $49.1 million.28BUILTENVIRONMENT
A wide variety of multi-modal roadconstruction and upgrading projects willsoon be in the working stage in Greeley,Colorado, owing to the outcome of a localballot proposal earlier this month.The Ordinance Number 2M ballot questionasked for the City of Greeley to take onaround $65 million in debt, to be paid withexisting voter-approved taxes, to supportthe building of a new highway interchangeand upgraded transportation corridor.Those projects will all be a part of the city’slarger Mobility Expansion for RegionalGrowth and Equity program, an effortdesigned to build a regional mobility hubthat will include extensive improvements toexisting roadways.GREELEY SET TO TAKEON AMBITIOUS MULTI-MODAL PROGRAM INWAKE OF SUCCESSFULELECTION RESULTSBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/22/2024Copyright: Canva proAccording to city documents, the MERGEprogram’s purpose is to spearhead “multipletransportation components to meet theneeds of a fast-growing, diverse, and youngcommunity.”The holistic effort includes convertingtraditional intersections into interchanges,allowing for a better traffic flow, buildingauxiliary lanes, and providing for moreimmediate transit station access.Greely officials have been particularlyenthusiastic about the MERGE effort,maintaining that it has the potential ofreducing roughly 40% of crashes at oneparticular interchange through theelimination of traffic signals, whileadditionally improving the movement offreight through the city.In promoting the MERGE program, cityofficials have noted that it is particularly inresponse to a population increase, seeingGreeley go from around 77,000 people twodecades ago to nearly 109,000 today andthus adding to area traffic congestion.The ballot question was approved by a morethan two-to-one margin.29BUILTENVIRONMENT
To reduce the heat effect in a city where thetemperature can reach 120 degrees and more inthe summer, an unprecedented effort isunderway to plant more trees and build moreshade structures.Members of the Phoenix City Council haveunanimously given a green light to a project thatwill see the planting of up to 27,000 new nativetrees throughout the city, with the majority ofthose trees being planted in often treelessunderserved communities.The project is the brainchild of the Office ofHeat Response and Mitigation, a city agencyestablished in 2021 with the mission ofestablishing a strategic action plan to mitigatethe impact of urban heat.In discussing the project, Mayor Kate Gallegoremarked that the effort comprises a“comprehensive, intentional, data-driven plan.”The City will spend upwards of $60 millionbetween now and 2029 to plant the trees andbuild upwards of five hundred shade structures. The project has secured both federal and localfunding. Added Gallego: “These hundreds of structuresand thousands of trees will be put in areas of thecity where they are critically needed and wherethey will thrive.” Continues >PHOENIX CITYCOUNCIL GIVES OKTO EXTENSIVE $60MILLION SHADE PLANBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/22/2024Copyright: Canva pro30BUILTENVIRONMENT
31BUILTENVIRONMENTPlans call for the trees to be planted in parks, playgrounds, and both city-owned and privateproperties. The shade structures will vary in size, with screened roofs mitigating the sunlight.According to the city document, Shade Phoenix-An Action Plan for Trees and Built Shade,many neighborhoods in the city have been built “without adequate tree cover or shadestructures at vital outdoor areas, such as transit stops, commercial corridors, orplaygrounds.”An earlier city analysis revealed that only 11% of Phoenix is shaded at noon, a figure that thenew tree-planting and shelter-building program hopes to improve upon.The price of a home in Phoenix and theoverall supply of homes on the market hascontinued to increase throughout the finalquarter of this year, with trends lookingupward for 2025, says a new real estateservices market analysis.The largest city in Arizona, and one of thetop five largest cities in the country,Phoenix, with just over 1.6 million people,continues to see an immigration largely fedby California expatriates and could benearing the 1.8 million mark in the nextdecade.PHOENIX MARKETEXPECTED TO BOOMSOME MORE IN 2025,ONLY AT A MOREMEASURED PACE, SAYSNEW REPORTBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/25/2024Copyright: Canva proThose strong numbers, says the reportproduced by the Laguna Niguel, California-based Norado Real Estate Investments, allpoint to a continuing vibrant market and aneed for more housing in the years to come.Yet, for all the upward trend figures, theactual number of homes sold in Phoenix thisfall declined, from 1,331 in September of2023 to 1,221 this last September.This unexpected dip in sales volume, saysthe report, Phoenix Housing Market: Trendsand Forecast, is primarily due to acombination of “rising interest rates, acooling economy, and a slight increase in theinventory of homes available for sale.”Despite what can only be described as atemporary sales volume decline, the mediansale prices of a home in Phoenix in Octoberstood at $446,000. Nationally, according tostatistics compiled by the Federal Reserve,the number was $420,400.Continues >
While Phoenix’s sales price increase of 1.4%over last year, says the Norada report, “isconsiderably lower than what we havewitnessed in recent years, it’s a reminderthat Phoenix remains an attractive housingmarket.”While the actual number of new homes inthe Phoenix market has continued toincrease, “it’s still not considered a buyer’smarket in the traditional sense.” And theintense and even somewhat franticcompetition for a home seen in the lastdecade has eased up, allowing buyers nowto “take more time to find the right propertywithout feeling pressured to make the rightdecision.”Phoenix’s initial boom occurred in the 1950swith the advent of air conditioning and apopulation jump from 106,000 at thebeginning of that decade to more than439,000 by its end. Those figures, theArizona Republic subsequently noted,represented a “steady growth of nearly1,000 persons per month.”The most recent figures point to a monthlyincrease of more than 2,800 people.32BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva proAdditional funding for the building of aplanned clinical sciences facility on the ElPaso campus of Texas Tech Health is movingthe long-planned project ever closer to anactual construction date sometime nextyear.Continues >YET MORE FUNDINGSECURED FORCONSTRUCTION OFNEW TEXAS TECHHEALTH FACILITIES IN ELPASOBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/25/2024Copyright: Canva pro
Members of the Texas Tech UniversityBoard of Regents have voted to approve$1.7 million for the project, which willsee the construction of a three- or four-story building at the northern side of thecampus.It is thought that altogether the newbuilding, estimated at 352,000 squarefeet, will cost $186 million to complete.The regents’ vote additionally gives agreen light to $1.1 million in funding forthe creation of Steve and Nancy FoxCancer Care, which will be built withinthe new clinical sciences facility.In August, the same regents board gaveits unanimous approval to spend $6.3million to fund the design of the building.Although the fundraising for both theclinical sciences structure and thecancer center have moved along similarlines, the building of the two areregarded by Texas Tech officials as twoseparate projects.According to board of regents’documents, the new clinical servicesstructure will house treatment space,along with nurse stations, laboratories,medicine storage, clinical supply rooms,and waiting areas.Planning for the cancer center wassignificantly spirited in the summer of2023 by a $25 million donation fromSteve Fox, chief executive officer of theEl Paso-based car dealership Fox AutoTeam.The Texas Tech University HealthSciences Center campus, located at50001 E. El Paso Drive, was founded in1969.33BUILTENVIRONMENTThe most successful grocery store chain inColorado history may soon be seeingconstruction of yet one more location in thegrowing town of Windsor.Launched in 1947, the Denver-based KingSoopers company has nearly 120 stores andenjoys annual revenue of more than $4 billion.NEW KING SOOPERSSTORE SET FORCONSTRUCTION INWINDSOR, COLORADOBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/26/2024Through the decades, the company has becomea thing of local lore, having been started inArvada by a young World War II veteran namedLloyd King, who came up with the store’s uniquename by combining his last name with thephrase “Super!” that was used repeatedly in theArchie newspaper comic strip.In its early years, the chain was the first of itskind to have an inside pharmacy and was alsothe first in the state to offer a self-service meatdepartment.Continues >Copyright: Canva pro
Adding new locations varying in sizebetween 65,000 and 75,000 square feetthroughout the Centennial State, the chainwas purchased by the Kroger Company in1982 but has retained its original name.Now plans have been announced for theconstruction of a new King Soopers outlet inWindsor after town officials took theextraordinary step of offering the companysome $6 million in incentives to establish anew location.The new store will be the company’s secondoutlet in Windsor, a presence said torespond to a population boom that has seenthe town jump from 9,800 people in the late1990s to around 36,000 today.Plans call for the store to be built near theintersection of Main Street and ColoradoState Highway 392 on the east side of thetown, with work beginning sometime nextyear.34BUILTENVIRONMENTThe Commercial Real Estate DevelopmentAssociation noted in this story the demandfor data centers is rapidly increasing, notingan Arizton Advisory and Intelligence 2022report that states U.S. data centerconstruction is expected to reach $25 billionby 2027.Continue reading >MASSIVE DALLAS DATACENTER CAMPUS TODRIVE $25B MARKETBOOM BY 2027By Carol Brzozowski, For Construction Pros11/21/2024Copyright: Canva proIn 2010, the Utah Department ofTransportation (UDOT) began working onthe Bangerter Highway, and now — nearly adecade and a half later — the end of themulti-project endeavor is in sight. The 24-mile six-lane Bangerter Highway runs westthrough Draper, Utah, before turning...Continue reading >UTAH DOT’SBANGERTER HIGHWAYREVITALIZATION TOELIMINATE MAJORTRAFFIC DELAYS BY2025By Larry Bernstein, Rocky Mountain ConstructionDive Brief:A bankruptcy judge has dismissed twolawsuits seeking total damages of $1.3billion from the builders of FreeportLNG’s $14 billion gas export terminal...Continue reading >JUDGE DISMISSES $1.3BIN LAWSUITS AGAINSTTEXAS LNG BUILDERSBy Julie Strupp, ConstructionDive11/26/2024
35BUILTENVIRONMENTPurchase late last month of a 1,402-acreranch along the Rio Grande in Starr County,Texas by the state General Land Office is setto enable construction of a new 1.5-milesegment of state-funded...Continue reading >NEW CONSTRUCTIONSTARTS ON TEXAS-FUNDED BORDER WALLBy Jeff Yoders, ENRThe Castle Rock, Colo., town council hasapproved the adoption of IAPMO’s UniformPlumbing Code (UPC) Appendix M—theWater Demand Calculator...Continue reading >COLORADO TOWNADOPTS WATERDEMAND CALCULATORFOR RESIDENTIALWATER SUPPLY PIPESIZINGBy IAPMO, Building Design + Construction11/25/2024Copyright: Canva proCopyright: Canva pro
36BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSNATIONALUp to $240,000 in federal funds is beingawarded to a pilot program designed toenhance the economic fortunes of NativeAmerican-owned businesses across thecountry.In announcing the funding, Isabel CasillasGuzman, Administrator of the SmallBusiness Administration, said the program ispart of a Biden Administration goal of“increasing economic opportunities fortribal communities and creating pathwaysfor the more than 340,000 Native Americanand Indigenous small business owners in theU.S.”The funding is specifically being awarded tothe National Center for American IndianEnterprise Development, which wasfounded in 1969 and is tasked withproviding supply management and technicalassistance to Native and Indigenous-ownedbusinesses nationally.Continues >NEW FEDERAL FUNDINGFOR NATIVE AMERICANBUSINESS INITIATIVECOMES AS LEADERSPONDER TRUMPPRIORITIESBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/22/2024Copyright: Canva pro
37BUILTENVIRONMENTThe awarding of the grant, remarked Chris James, the president of the NCAIED, “validatesour ongoing efforts to empower Native American entrepreneurs and promote economic self-sufficiency.”Those efforts additionally include helping businesses to set up websites, developing aninternational marketing media presence, and hosting export training workshops.Earlier this week, NCAIED officials met with members of the incoming Trump Administrationwith the goal of discussing Native American and Indigenous communities’ economicdevelopment issues.To that end, the association presented a document called a Policy Brief for the TrumpAdministration Transition Team calling on the President-Elect to push for the passage of theNative American Business Incubators Program Act, which set up a program of awardinggrants to operate business incubators in Indian Country.NCAIED also wants to see an upgrading of the 1977 Community Reinvestment Actregulations, making it easier to increase bank investments in Indian Country businesses.Copyright: Canva pro
Plans to build a $1.3-billion stadium forMajor League Baseball’s Tampa Bay Rays inSt. Petersburg, Fla., appear to be at risk inthe wake of Hurricane Milton and publicdisagreements between team leaders andlocal officials.Continue reading >TAMPA BAY RAYSSTADIUM DEAL FALTERSAFTER HURRICANEMILTONBy James Leggate, ENR SouteastCopyright: Canva pro38BUILTENVIRONMENTThe modular construction market in NorthAmerica is projected to expand to nearly$35 billion by 2030, from $21.5 billion in2023, according to Fortune BusinessInsights estimates. To get a bigger piece ofthat growth, the California-based generalcontractor Webcor recently acquired...Continue reading >WEBCOR’S NEWINVESTMENT ARM BETSON MODULARBy John Caulfield, Building Design + Construction11/26/2024A billion-dollar push to revitalize New YorkCity neighborhoods will reshape how theBig Apple builds and who gets to build it.Continue reading >NYC PLANS $1BBUILDOUT VIA PROJECTLABOR AGREEMENTSBy Sebastian Obando, ConstructionDive11/26/2024Powerex Inc., a supplier of discrete devices,modules and high-power semiconductorsolutions, plans to upgrade its operations inYoungwood, Pennsylvania. The at least $14million project is expected to create 25 jobs. Continue reading >POWEREX UPGRADESYOUNGWOOD,PENNSYLVANIA,SEMICONDUCTORPLANTBy Staff, Area Development Desk11/26/2024Copyright: Canva pro
39BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSTRENDSAn office vacancy challenge exacerbated bythe Covid 19 outbreak seems to be slowlycorrecting itself, according to a new reportissued by CRBE, the real estate servicescompany in Dallas.The company is reporting that officeconversion projects have enjoyed a “banneryear to date in 2024,” with 73 such projectshaving seen completion and another 30scheduled for delivery before December 31.Such statistics, says the report, Strong OfficeConversion Pipeline Will Boost Business-Centric Downtowns, represent the greatestnumber of such projects since CRBE startedto track this sector in 2016.As of the fall of this year, around 71 millionsquare feet of the country’s office inventorywas “planned for or already undergoingconversion.”Continues >OFFICE CONVERSIONTREND SHOWS NO SIGNOF SLOWING DOWN,SAYS NEW REPORTBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/21/2024Copyright: Canva pro
Because those 71 million square feet are roughly equal to where things stood at thebeginning of this year, it appears that the “conversion pipeline is replenishing as projects arefinished.”In a trend seen from coast to coast, the “demand for multi-family units, particularly in tightdowntown housing markets, has motivated developers to convert largely vacant officebuildings.”That a nexus is perhaps being reached between two trends previously thought to beunrelated is seen in the fact that the downtown multi-family vacancy rate was down to 5.3%as of the third quarter of this year, while the vacancy rate for offices was just under 20%.Of all the office conversion projects as of the third quarter of this year, a strong 74% sawsuch space repurposed as residential, while 8% were turned into hotel space and 4% used forindustrial purposes.The CRBE report also notes that office-to-residential conversions have had the effect oftransforming “certain neighborhoods into thriving economic centers where people want togather.”The trend presents alluring fortunes for both developers and investors: “Largely vacant olderproperties within or adjacent to existing vibrant mixed-use districts,” are seen as particularlygood candidates for conversion.According to a variety of sources, office conversion projects this year have been particularlynotable in New York, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Phoenix, and Los Angeles.40BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva pro
Donald Trump will enter his secondpresidential term in January eager andready to slashthefederal workforce. Thepotential consequences are massive.He will occupy the White House with thebenefit of experience and, importantly,executive orders from his first stay at theready for implementation. This time, twohigh-profile Trump lieutenants will lead anall-out battle for theirplanned “massheadcount reductions across the federalbureaucracy.”Federal unions will be a favorite target, asthey were previously. In 2018, Trumpissuedthree executive orders... Continue reading >LABOR UNIONSPREPARE FOR BATTLEAGAINST TRUMP’SFEDERAL WORKFORCEPLANSBy Joe Davidson, The Washington Post11/22/202441BUILTENVIRONMENTHEAVY EQUIPMENTINDUSTRY'S NEED TOUPDATE PRICINGSTRATEGIES AMIDCOOLING INFLATIONBy Kurt Ranka, ForConstructionPros11/26/2024Feeling like walking a tightrope with pricingstrategies? You're not alone.Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)in the heavy equipment industry facemyriad of challenges when devising pricingstrategies. From... Continue reading >Copyright: Canva pro
As interest rates finally begin to ease,economists are fairly optimistic about howthe overall construction market will fare inthe coming year. For example, following thetotal 75 basis point cut so far this year, anadditional 25 basis point cut is expected inDecember, totaling 100 basis points cut in2024, with another 100 basis point cutpredicted for 2025, says Richard Branch,chief economist at Dodge ConstructionNetwork.The Dodge forecast estimates an 8%increase in the dollar volume of starts by theend of 2024, with an additional 8.6%predicted for 2025. Residential work ispredicted to end the year up 7.8%, withanother 11.5% increase next year. Whilemultifamily starts are... Continue reading >2025 FORECAST: RATECUTS EXPECTED TOBOOST CONSTRUCTIONBy Alisa Zevin, ENR11/25/2024Copyright: Canva Pro42BUILTENVIRONMENTSEPTEMBERCONSTRUCTIONEMPLOYMENT STAYSSTRONG, BUT SIGNSPOINT TO A LOOSENINGLABOR MARKETBy Alisa Zevin, ENR11/25/2024In September 2024, the U.S. constructionunemployment rate (not seasonallyadjusted) reached 3.7%, a slight 0.1%decrease from the previous year, based onU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics dataanalyzed by Associated Builders andContractors (ABC). This...Contnue reading >
44VIEW >$5,000,000ESTIMATED COSTPROJECT INFOSCOPE:Improvements to El Calderon Trail, Construction ofAmphitheater, Improvements to El Calderon Trail,Gravel Road and Parking Lot Improvements, AsphaltPavement for El Calderon Trailhead Parking Lot.OWNER:National Park Service 1100 Old Santa Fe TrailSanta Fe NM 87501Bid Date/Time: 12/4/2024 - 11:00am MSTAddenda Count: 4Memo Count: 0Phase: BiddingStage: ActiveStatus:Addenda ReceivedProject Type: Site Work / Non-BuildingCategory: Parks / RecreationPublic Funding: YesBid Security: Bonds may be required.Y-- ELMA-CREATEUNIVERSALLYACCESSIBLE TRAILY-- ELMA-CREATEUNIVERSALLYACCESSIBLE TRAIL(505) 988-6120BUILTENVIRONMENT
45$3,500,000ESTIMATED COSTCM@R FOR OUTDOORFOOD SERVICESKITCHEN AND DININGBUILDING AT CESARCHAVEZ HIGH SCHOOLCM@R FOR OUTDOORFOOD SERVICESKITCHEN AND DININGBUILDING AT CESARCHAVEZ HIGH SCHOOLVIEW PROJECT >OWNER:Phoenix Union High School District #210 (602) 764-14024502 N. Central AvenuePhoenix AZ 85012PROJECT INFO:Bid Date/Time: 12/12/2024 - 02:00pm MSTPhase: BiddingStage: ActiveProject Type: Vendor / Professional ServicesCategory: EducationPublic Funding: YesSCOPE:The purpose of this Request forQualifications (RFQ) is to contract with aqualified firm to provide ConstructionManager at Risk (CM@R) services for theOutdoor Food Services Kitchen and DiningBuilding at Cesar Chavez High School. Theproject is briefly presented in the followingparagraphs. BUILTENVIRONMENT
46FEATUREDPRE-BID PROJECTPlans are moving forward on a projectthat may see the building of a food hall inone of the oldest residential sections ofDenver.The Lincoln Park neighborhood was firstsettled in the 1850s. A large proportionof its homes are more than a century...CONTINUE READING >PLANS FOR NEWFOOD HALL INHISTORIC DENVERNEIGHBORHOODREVEALEDBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/18/2024PROJECT INFORMATION:Stage: Conceptual / No DesignStatus: New Project / First ReportProject Type: New ConstructionCategory: Entertainment / Theater / SportsPublic Funding: YesVIEW >BUILTENVIRONMENT
48ADDITIONS/RENOVATIONS /UPGRADEFLOWING WELLS USDDISTRICT OFFICE SITEIMPROVEMENTSVIEW PROJECT >NORTHGLENN HIGHSCHOOL CCCS ADAUPGRADESSCOPE OF WORK: ADA updgrades to NorthglennHigh SchoolVIEW PROJECT >GENERALCONTRACTOR UMCIMAGING X-RAY &FLUOROSCOPYRENOVATIONSCOPE OF WORK: The purpose of this Request forProposal is for the selection of aGeneral Contractor on behalf ofEL PASO COUNTY HOSPITALDISTRICT d/b/a UNIVERSITYMEDICAL CENTER OF EL PASO,(hereinafter UMC). The GeneralContractor will be responsiblefor the requisite material...VIEW PROJECT >K-MARTMARSHALL'S TISCOPE OF WORK: Kmart Marshall's TI1205 East Pine StreetDeming, NM 88030VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: As required by the Contract Documents, theContractor shall furnish and install all of thematerials and labor and perform all of the work forthe Owner's Project known as Flowing USD DistrictOffice Site Improvements, 1556 West Prince...BUILTENVIRONMENT
49BUILTENVIRONMENTTAOS PUEBLO LILLIANROMERO SENIORCENTER COMPLEXVIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Construction of the approximately 4,300 SF SeniorCare Facility for Taos Pueblo. The facility will providecare for Tribal Elders who may have challengesperforming ADLS and that cannot be cared for byfamily members due to work or other requirements.The estimated need is to care for 10-15 clients. Thefacility will be physically attached to the currentLillian Romero Senior Center and will share someprogrammatic functions. Education, meal service,health care, personal care, and fitness opportunitiesfor the clients are a major component of the newfacility.CNM-STUDENT RESOURSES CENTER (SRC)EXERCISE SCIENCE RELOCATION PHIISCOPE OF WORK: The Exercise Science program is currently occupyingapproximately 6,700 square feet and is housed in the TCWest and S Buildings (yoga). Due to current accessibilityissues, the program needs to increase its footprint toapproximately 10,000 square feet. The proposed newspace is at the east end of SRC where currently thereare six computer classrooms, excluding one classroom.The SRC space will need to be renovated for ExerciseScience. The renovation will include demolition ofexisting classrooms and restrooms, redesign of theceiling to increase room height, new shower facilitiesand restrooms, new finishes throughout, new data andelectrical to coordinate with equipment, and new designof internal and external entries. The first phase of this project will be to relocate two ofthe computer labs to Smith Brasher and two of thecomputer labs to Max Salazar. SF of each space MainExercise gym 2,276 s.f., Exercise room 1,538 s.f., Office113 s.f., Storage 94 s.f., Custodial for gym 31 s.f., Utilityroom 33 s.f., Showers 360 s.f., Mens restroom 150 s.f.,Custodial for restrooms 62 s.f., Womens restroom 151 s.fVIEW PROJECT >
50NEWCONSTRUCTIONSIERRA COUNTY FAIRGROUNDSIMPROVEMENTSVIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Construction of new Multi-purpose event facility and pavilion Remodel/addition to current event barn withnew kitchen/bathrooms, plumbing, HVAC and electric work.BUILTENVIRONMENT
51SITE WORK /NON-BUILDINGDESERT LAKES GOLFCOURSE IRRIGATIONSYSTEMIMPROVEMENTSVIEW PROJECT >JEMEZ MOUNTAINFIRE PROTECTIONPHASE IV TANKPROJECTSCOPE OF WORK: Furnish and installation of a newwelded 500,000 gallon steeltank, appurtenant yard pipingbetween the new 500,000gallon tank, the existing Pajarito# 4 tank and the first (lowest)booster station (booster stationto be constructed underseparate contract) is included,along with site grading...VIEW PROJECT >LOVE’S PERIMETERLOCUST, 2ND, ANDASPEN STREETSSCOPE OF WORK: Water, sewer, asphalt, andsidewalk/ramp replacementsalong one block each of Locust,2nd Street, and Aspen Streetadjacent to the Loves TruckStop in Clayton, NMVIEW PROJECT >JOSEPH M.MONTOYA CAMPUS(JMMC) TECH LOOPSCOPE OF WORK: The CNM Technology Loop is afully redundant Optical Fiberloop that circles the entirecampus and will distribute highspeed single mode optical fiberto every building on the campus.Strategically placed manholesand handholes will allow for theexpansion of these services forfuture buildings. The TechnologyLoop will consist of 7 manholesand 7 handholes. There will be 4-4 conduits that connect themanholes and handholestogether for distribution. Therewill be 2-2 conduits laterals...VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Irrigation removal and replacement, will requireexcavation, plumbing and electricians. Front 9 andback 9 of the entire golf courses will be completelyreplaced with new irrigation system.BUILTENVIRONMENT
52VIEW PROJECT >COLFAX COUNTYEVENT CENTERIMPROVEMENTSSCOPE OF WORK: Grubbing and Rough Grading,Cast-in-Place ConcreteFoundation and Concrete Slab,Wood Stud Walls, Wood Trusses,Wood Sheathing, DampProofing, Insulation, MetalRoofing, Metal Siding, RoofAccessories, Sealants andExpansion Joints, Hollow MetalDoors and Frames, GypsumBoard Assemblies, FRP,Painting, HVAC, Plumbing andPlumbing Fixtures, FireProtection Sprinkler System andFire Alarm, Electrical Power andLighting, Utility Trenching andPiping, Relocation of /Connection to Existing Utilities.VIEW PROJECT >CARSON DR.ROADWAY &UTILITYIMPROVEMENTSSCOPE OF WORK: Reconstruction of the roadwayto include new asphalt, waterand sanitary sewerimprovements, stormwatermitigation, and pedestrian andbike improvements on CarsonDrive between Aspen Drive andCastillo Street.VIEW PROJECT >CONSTRUCTION OFLEO VALENCIAROAD AND NM 150INTERSECTIONSCOPE OF WORK: Consists of slope protection,special testing, concretecurbing and gutter, roadwaygrading, sub grade compaction,slope drain and drop inlet withcross drain, hot mix asphaltconstruction and paving, trafficcontrol, and permanent signinginstallation, SWPPP andremovals.BUILTENVIRONMENT
53VENDOR /PROFESSIONALSERVICESUH MAIN – GENERATOR YARD – SWITCHGEARUPGRADE ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICESVIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: The University of New Mexico Hospital (UNMH) is soliciting proposals from Design Professionals toprovide professional services required to fulfill the scope of work for engineering design services for theUNMH Generator Yard Electrical Switchgear Replacement Project. The purchase of materials and/orservices awarded under this Request will be subject to the Terms and Conditions as well as all statementscontained in this Request for Proposal. New Mexico criminal law prohibits bribes, gratuities and kickbacks(13-1-28 through 13-1-199, NMSA 1978)BUILTENVIRONMENT
55ADDITIONS /RENOVATIONS /UPGRADECURRY COUNTYFAIRGROUNDS INDOORPAVILION RENOVATIONVIEW PROJECT >LUNA COUNTYDISPATCH/EOCRENOVATIONVIEW PROJECT >CHIMAYO FIRE STATION APPARATUS BAYEXPANSIONVIEW PROJECT >CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $3,745,233.002 Low | $4,226,439.003 Low |$4,467,725.00*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $1,005,720.002 Low | $1,120,000.003 Low | $1,378,000.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsORIGINAL ESTIMATED COST: $3,840,000CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $3,544,705.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsBUILTENVIRONMENT
57SITE WORK /NON-BUILDINGRE-BID ACEQUIA DE LASJOYASVIEW PROJECT >MARIANO ACEQUIAPHASE 1IMPROVEMENTSPROJECTVIEW PROJECT >REBID - FY2024-25CRACK & MASTICSEAL PROGRAMVIEW PROJECT >ACEQUIAS DECHAMISAL Y OJITOPIPELINE PROJECTVIEW PROJECT >CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $420,955.002 Low | $680,802.00*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $41,020.00 2 Low | $959,360.003 Low | $1,106,522.00*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award details*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | dollar amount not available *Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $151,625.00 2 Low | $170,822.00 3 Low | $241,052.00BUILTENVIRONMENT
62BUILTENVIRONMENTSO WHAT DODEVELOPERS DONOW…?It is hard to argue that the industrial realestate market from approximately the fall of2020 to early in 2023 was not the sector’s“golden age”. Defined by unprecedenteddemand for warehouse and fulfillment space,rapidly decreasing vacancies in many marketsacross the country and the compression ofexit cap rates into numbers we could havenever imagined would happen, this period wasremarkable. This combination, despite theobvious constraints on everyday life broughton by the pandemic, led to an enormous boomin industrial real estate development. Despiterecord production in many markets across thecountry, development did not keep up withever-growing demand. This demand led todouble digit rent growth as tenants panickedthat they would not have space and landlordswere able to raise rents quarterly if notmonthly. The insatiable demand for space alsoled to escalating land and construction costs.To give some context to the growth in theindustrial sector the country saw from 2019(the pre-pandemic year) to the end of 2023, letus look at the following statistics:According to Colliers International, thecountry’s industrial base grew from...1.CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
64BUILTENVIRONMENTINTEREST RATETRAJECTORYSTILL UNCLEARWhat happens to commercial real estate wheninterest rates jump up? It’s a trick question —the industry just spent the last two yearsfinding out. Now the Federal Reserve’s FederalOpen Market Committee is under a microscopeas everyone in CRE scrutinizes every action andstatement out of the Fed. So, what will happen?A Trepp analysis points out with the mostobvious, that cuts to the federal funds rate —the range at which banks offer unsecuredovernight loans to one another — could possiblypump life back into CRE transaction volumes.But it will take time.To get an idea of how some factors interplayedin the past, Trepp looked at interest rate cutsafter periods of elevated interest rates andcompared them to rates of increasedtransaction volumes, property valuations, andloan originations. They did note thatcorrelations aren’t causations.After the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), the Feddramatically cut the federal funds rate. At thetime, credit took a beating and liquidity...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
65BUILTENVIRONMENTNEARSHORINGAND ONSHORING:OPPORTUNITIES,CHALLENGES ANDGLOBALIZATION’SIMPACTSupply chain dynamics, increased demand for“just-in-case” products, and a shift in wheregoods are assembled are three key drivers ina movement toward growing themanufacturing sector closer to home. NAIOPhosted an executive summit this month inScottsdale, Arizona, to explore challengesand opportunities, and to hear from thedevelopers, end users and experts who areinfluencing the trend and shaping the future.Here are takeaways from the event: Globalization Isn’t Affecting Every Countrythe SameIn the last 40 years, only 25 countries in theworld saw trade double or more between1980 and today; in contrast, 89 countries sawtrade stay the same or decrease. In short:globalization is not a juggernaut that affectseveryone equally. In North America, about40% of trade happens between U.S., Mexicoand Canada, down from a one-time high of50% in the 1990s.The Supply Chain is Smaller than We Think –and It’s MovingWhen the manufacturing of a good movesabroad, past shifts have shown that it CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
66BUILTENVIRONMENTSBA AWARDS $240KGRANT TO NATIONALCENTER FORAMERICAN INDIANENTERPRISEDEVELOPMENTWASHINGTON – Today, Administrator IsabelCasillas Guzman, head of the U.S. Small BusinessAdministration (SBA) and the voice in PresidentBiden’s Cabinet for more 34 million smallbusinesses, announced that the National Centerfor American Indian Enterprise Development(Linkis external) (NCAIED) is the first Native AmericanTrade Expansion Program grantee from SBA’sOffice of Native American Affairs. The pilotprogram’s goal is to help support economicgrowth and trade opportunities for NativeAmerican-owned small businesses. SBA’s ONAAAssistant Administrator Jackson Brossy and Officeof International Trade Associate AdministratorDan Krupnick joined NCAIED President and CEOChris James in Hawaii today to formally presentthe award.“The Biden-Harris Administration remainscommitted to increasing economic opportunitiesfor tribal communities and creating pathways forthe more than 340,000 Native American andIndigenous small business owners in the U.S.,” saidAdministrator Guzman. “Our launch of the NativeAmerican Trade Expansion Program and work withthe National Center for American Indian EnterpriseDevelopment emphasizes that support...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
Advocates and water officials have reacheda settlement agreement about how tomanage Rio Grande water to best protect anendangered fish.Continue reading >RIO GRANDE WATERMANAGEMENTLAWSUIT REACHESSETTLEMENTBy Hannah Grover, New Mexico Political Report11/20/2024Copyright: Canva pro68BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSNEW MEXICOAlbuquerque Fire Rescue responded tomore than 80 fires within 24 hours.Continue reading >ALBUQUERQUE FIRERESPONDS TO 87 CALLSWITHIN A DAYBy Alyssa Munoz, KOAT 711/26/2024ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – The city ofAlbuquerque will host its “Shine Bright andShop Local Pup up and Tree Lighting” eventat Civic Plaza on Tuesday, November 26.Continue reading >CITY OF ALBUQUERQUEHOLDING POP-UP SHOPAND TREE LIGHTINGCEREMONYBy Isaac Cruz, KRQE News11/26/2024Copyright: Canva pro
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – With a nurses’station, pharmacy and private rooms, theGateway Center’s new sobering center inAlbuquerque may remind you of a hospital. Continue reading >ALBUQUERQUE TO OPENNEW SOBERING CENTERAT GATEWAY CENTER By Kassi Foote, KOB 411/25/202469BUILTENVIRONMENTCity councilors lambasted a proposal fromMayor Tim Keller’s office to overhaul thecity’s business registration system, arguingthe plan would negatively impact localbusiness owners. Continue reading >CITY COUNCILCRITICIZES MAYOR’SPLAN TO INCREASEBUSINESS FEESBy Elizabeth Mccall, City Desk ABQ11/21/2024Women will for the first time make up amajority of state legislators in Colorado andNew Mexico next year, but at least 13 statessaw losses in female representation afterthe November election, according to a countreleased Thursday by the Rutgers...Continue reading >NUMBER OF WOMENWHO ARE STATELAWMAKERS INCHES UPTO A RECORD HIGHBy Isabella Volmert, AP News11/21/2024While this year’s rafting season has drawnto a close, New Mexico River Adventures’co-owners Matt and Wendy Gontramalready have their sights set on what'saround the next riverbend.Continue reading >NEW MEXICO RIVERADVENTURES GETS NEWHQ, ADDS FOOD TRUCK,ESPRESSO CARTBy Oliva Lewis, Taos News11/20/2024Copyright: Caanva pro
A big fight over a small, endangered fish thatlives in the Rio Grande has come to aresolution, as a federal judge in New MexicoOK’d a settlement Tuesday proposed by theparties.Continue reading >ENVIRONMENTALGROUP, FEDS ANDIRRIGATION DISTRICTREACH SETTLEMENT INSILVERY MINNOW SUITBy Danielle Prokop, Source NM11/21/2024Copyright: Canva pro70BUILTENVIRONMENTBugzby’s Toy Shop opened in Old Town onNov. 9.Continue reading >DONE DEALS: OLDTOWN GETS NEW TOYSHOP, WELLS FARGOGETS NEW LOOKBy Cooper Metts, Albuquerque Business First11/26/2024Copyright: Canva pro
71BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSSOUTHWESTThe project is part of a wave of industrialparks heading to the area northeast ofAustin.Continue reading >DENVER COMPANYMOVES AHEAD WITHMAJOR INDUSTRIALPARK OUTSIDE AUSTINBy Justin Sayers, Denver Business Journal11/26/2024Copyright: Canva proNew York-based Sky Harbour Group preparing to open a private aviation“campus” at the Phoenix Deer ValleyAirport.Continue reading >$50M CORPORATE JET‘CAMPUS’ TO OPEN ATPHOENIX’S DEERVALLEY AIRPORTBy Brandon Brown, Phoenix Business Journal11/25/2024Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas ElPaso is now taking new patients at its newand upgraded health center at the corner ofTrowbridge and Chelsea streets.Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas ElPaso opened a new upgraded health centerwith three exam rooms and a spaciouslobby.Continue reading >PLANNED PARENTHOODOF GREATER TEXASOPENS NEW, UPGRADEDHEALTH CENTERBy Maria Cortes Gonzalez, El Paso Times11/26/2024
72BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSNATIONALStill evolving from the calamitous months ofthe Covid-19 economic shutdown, thenation's office market remains in anunsettled condition, says a new report.For that reason, more and more offices arecontinuing to be transformed intocoworking spaces, says the National OfficeReport published by the Scottsdale-basedYardi Matrix.COWORKING OFFICESPACES SEEINGGROWTH IN ALLMARKETS, SAYS NEWREPORTBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment 11/27/2024Copyright: Canva proAt the end of the third quarter of this year,notes the report, there were more than7,500 coworking spaces, up by 7% over thespring and summer of this year. "Totalsquare footage attributed to coworking was133.5 million," says the document, "anincrease of more than 5 million square feet."The trend is being seen everywhere, asoffice owners and managers arereconfiguring spaces and continuing to dealwith the historic rate of companies thateither closed down their offices altogetheror drastically reduced their sizes during thepandemic.This fall, Los Angeles saw the mostcoworking or flex office spaces at 292,followed by the vibrant Dallas and FortWorth market, with 279 such spaces.Manhattan, which in the immediate yearsafter the Covid 19 office drain led the way innew office coworking configurations,reported 275 such offices; with Washignton,D.C. reporting 266 and Chicago 255 suchspaces.Just looking at it from a square footageperspective, Manhattan came in first with11.2 square feet, followed by Chicago with6.6 million square feet; Los Angeles at 6.5million square feet; Washington D.C. at 6.4million square feet; and Dallas/Fort Worthwith 5.3 million square feet.Continues >
73BUILTENVIRONMENTInterestingly, notes the Yardi Matrix report, "while the total amount of coworking space hasgrown consistently in recent years, the average size of a coworking space has shrunk."This means that while the average coworking space this spring came in at around 18,100square feet, the most recent figures put the average size at 17, 711 square feet.Notes the report: "We expect this trend to continue, as smaller spaces open, serving nichesand more localized communities, replacing the centrally-located, large-scale, multi-floor flexspaces that were prevalent before the pandemic." That the trend remains ongoing is seen in a report filed by the publication Entrepreneurnoting that insurance giant Allstate has shrunk its overall office space footprint from around12 million square feet nationally to 4 million; with the company adapting coworking plans inthe space that remain. Copyright: Canva pro
74BUILTENVIRONMENTNearly a fifth of office space across thecountry sits empty, a record high vacancyrate that’s expected to keep growing.Continue reading >CITIES CUT RED TAPE TOTURN UNUSED OFFICEBUILDINGS INTOHOUSINGBy Robbie Sequeira, Source NM11/25/2024Copyright: Canva proThe most striking statistic from the PSMJQuarterly Market Forecast Survey resultsfor the third quarter is the massive leap inproposal activity for multifamily housing.After falling to the middle of the pack of thesurvey’s 59 submarkets for severalconsecutive quarters, the Multifamily forRent sector surged into the Top 10 with anet plus/minus index (NPMI) of 48.0.Continue reading >MULTIFAMILY HOUSINGPROPOSAL ACTIVITYSURGES IN Q3 2024By Jerry Guerra, Building Design + Construction 11/26/2024Copyright: Canva pro
75BUILTENVIRONMENTPresident-elect Donald Trump provideddetails Monday regarding proposed newtariffs on Mexico, Canada and China,promising to enact them in the first days ofhis presidency.Continue reading >TRUMP VOWS NEWTARIFFS ON MEXICO,CANADA, CHINABy Jennifer Goodman, ConstructionDive11/26/2024Copyright: Canva proPwC and ULI Americas released EmergingTrends in Real Estate® 2025, the real estateindustry’s leading annual report. Now in its46th edition, the forecast outlines newmarket dynamics, favored locations, andproperty sector opportunities influencingthe overall health of the industry. Featuringexclusive data and insights gathered frommore than a thousand top real estatespecialists, the report covers a broad rangeof real estate topics affecting the U.S. andCanadian markets, from climate change toAI.Continue reading >ANNUAL PWC, ULIREPORT UNVEILS TOPMARKETS AND REALESTATE INDUSTRYTRENDS TO WATCHBy Beth Mattson-Teig, Urban Land11/30/2024Remote work’s impact on demand for officespace is still working its way through thesystem. Technology companies such asGoogle have led the way in requiringworkers to return to the office, withexpectations that employees are therethree to five days a week.Employees get the message that careeradvancement may depend...Continue reading >DOWNTOWN OFFICE-TO-RESIDENTIALCONVERSIONSBy Richard Peiser, Evan Kindler, Steven Paynter, Urban Land10/21/2024
76BUILTENVIRONMENTOne of the great trout fishing way stationsin northwest New Mexico is now on themarket with a listed price of just over $4million.Located at 1791 New Mexico State Road173, Abe’s Motel and Fly Shop was openedin 1958 and includes a gas station,restaurant, bar, and lounge. The listing alsoincludes an on-site three-bedroom cottage.The shop itself is described as fully stocked,while the one-story hotel has 56 rooms.Situated near the banks of the San JuanRiver, Abe’s Motel and Fly Shop wasestablished by local independentbusinessman Abe Chavez, who has beendescribed by the publication Fly Fishermanas having been responsible, through hisknowledge of fishing, for “more memorablemoments on the water than most peoplecould hope for in a lifetime.”In the book Signs and Shrines, authorSharon Niederman remarks that if “San Juanis the holy grail of fly fishing, Abe’s is theholy grail of San Juan.”The motel/fly shop is situated on just over 8acres, with the structures designated asClass C buildings and measuring around16,500 square feet. The property is being listed by the Windsor,Colorado-based Hayden Outdoors realestate brokerage.NATIONALLY KNOWN SAN JUANCOUNTY ABE’S MOTEL AND FLY SHOPNOW ON THE MARKETBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/26/2024FEATURED COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 0504030201LOT SIZEBUILDING SIZENO. ROOMSNO. STORIESYEAR BUILT8.1 1 AC16, 543 SF562195 7
77BUILTENVIRONMENTPROPERTY & LAND FOR SALENEW MEXICOUnless otherwise stated, all images on this page are copyrighted to Google Inc.7850 ENCHANTED HILLS BLVD NE | RIO RANCHOOFFERED PRICE: $5,058,000 BUILDING SIZE: 15,067 SFLong-term lease with early lease extension | Tenant recently extended its lease early by over 7 years,bringing the total term to 11.5+ yearsSignalized, hard corner location with excellent access and visibility from Pat D’Arco Highway & EnchantedHills Blvd NE | Combined ±50,685 VPD...VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE300 E FOSTER RD | LAS CRUCESOFFERED PRICE: $1,650,000 BUILDING SIZE: 7,367 SFCBC Lewis Realty Group in conjunction with CBC Las Colinas (Qualified New Mexico Broker) proudlyintroduces a prime opportunity for office building investors and business owners in the Las Cruces area. Thebuilding is currently owned and occupied by First Light Federal Credit Union who will vacate the building...VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE1016 MARCO RD | CLOVISOFFERED PRICE: $999,999 TOTAL LOT SIZE: 21 ACRESEstimated 12K vehicles per day drive by this siteFits multiple semi-trucksNear Cannon Air Force BaseVIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE1501 BATAAN MEMORIAL W | LAS CRUCESTOTAL LOT SIZE: 3.67 ACRESCross access agreements in place allow for easy access to HWY 70 EastMultiple access points to Interstate -70 & Interstate - 25.High visibility SEC land parcel with frontage to Interstate -70 & Interstate-25.VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE
*click document number than click public login to view transaction. 78COMMERCIALREAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS BERNALILLO COUNTYTRANSACTIONNUMBERSUBDIVISIONRECORDEDDATEOWNERBUYER2024082121 Subdivision JL FINLEY Lot 8 Block 30 Subdivision JL FINLEY Lot 9 Block 30 11/15/202401:12:06 PMGOFF REAL EST INCPS COMMERCIAL BLDG LLC2024081834Subdivision SANDIA VISTA Lot 9 Block 1 11/15/202409:10:18 AMSHELTON SPENCERRCA INV LLCBUILTENVIRONMENT
Astronomers have identified a youngplanetary system where the disk is warped,offering a clear view of a planet that is justthree million years old.Continue reading >UNM ASTRONOMERCONTRIBUTES TODISCOVERY OFNEWBORN PLANET INWARPED SYSTEMBy UNM Newsroom11/20/202481SPACE NEWSBUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva proResearchers at Sandia National Labs haveproven that a powerful X-ray burst candeflect a life-threatening asteroid speedingtoward Earth.Continue reading >NEW RESEARCH FROMSANDIA LABS COULDHELP IN DEFLECTINGASTEROIDSBy Aliyah Chavez, KOAT11/26/2024Copyright: Canva pro
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana: Attorneys forAmazon and Elon Musk's SpaceX appearedbefore the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appealsin New Orleans this week, arguing that theNational Labor Relations Board (NLRB) isunconstitutional.Continue reading >NEW ORLEANS COURTHEARS APPEALS BYAMAZON, SPACEXATTORNEYSBy Robert Besser, New Mexico State News.Net11/23/2024Copyright: Canva pro82BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva proWASHINGTON — The CommerceDepartment has awarded SlingshotAerospace a $13.3 million contract to builda web portal to access to its nascent spacetracking database — slotting into place thelast piece of the puzzle that will allow thePentagon to wean commercial and foreignsatellite operators from the military’sincreasingly threat-oriented system...Continue reading >COMMERCE TAPSSLINGSHOT TO CREATESPACE TRACKING USERWEBSITEBy Theresa Hitchens, Breaking Defense11/26/2024From now until the new year, visitors to LosAlamos National Laboratory’s BradburyScience Museum are invited to share theirmemories, tributes and condolences tocommemorate former Laboratory DirectorCharlie McMillan.Continue reading >LANL: BRADBURYSCIENCE MUSEUMPROVIDES SPACE FORMEMORIES OF CHARLIEMCMILLANBy Staff, Los Alamos Reporter 11/25/2024Southwest Research Institute, supported byNASA’s Habitable Worlds program, isrepurposing corrosion modeling software toexplore the possibility of life on ice-coveredmoons like Europa and Enceladus.Continue reading >COULD LIFE THRIVEBENEATH ICY MOONS?NASA’SREVOLUTIONARYSOFTWARE IS FINDINGOUTBy Southwest Research Institute, SciTechDail11/25/2024
SpaceX plans to launch yet another batch ofits Starlink internet satellites from Florida'sSpace Coast tonight (Nov. 26).Continue reading >SPACEX TO LAUNCH 24MORE STARLINKSATELLITES FROMFLORIDA TONIGHTBy Mike Wall, Space.com11/25/202483BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva proIf there is one company that exemplifies theconcept of the lunar economy, it is IntuitiveMachines. The Houston-based companymade its name with lunar landers, flying itsfirst Nova-C lander to the Moon in Februaryon the IM-1 mission. That is just part of abroader strategy that includes plans for alunar communications and navigationnetwork and a lunar rover that couldsupport both NASA Artemis missions andother applications.Continue reading >THE SEARCH FOR ACOMMERCIAL LUNARECONOMYBy Jeff Foust, The Space Review11/25/2024Copyright: Canva pro
85BUILTENVIRONMENTNEWSPACEALLIANCEJoin hundreds of organizations in the national NewSpaceAlliance! Build your knowledge and strengthen yournetwork by participating in ongoing opportunities tolearn, share and engage with space professionals acrossindustry, government and academia. Free to join,NewSpace Alliance members can attend monthly techtalks, industry webinars, networking events, industryforums and our nationally-recognized State of the SpaceIndustrial Base conference. Membership is free.Continue reading >NEWSPACEIGNITORGROW FASTER FROM CONCEPT TO PRODUCT TOSALESContinue reading >CO-INNOVATIONWORKSPACESENewSpace Co-Innovation, or collaborative innovation, iswhen newspace stakeholders work together to discovernew partnerships, explore new approaches, solveproblems, and accelerate growth.Continue reading >PATHWAYS TOTHE STARSACCESS TO WORKFORCE WILL BECOMEEASIER WITH A LARGER, MORE DIVERSESPACE-READY TALENT POOL.Coming next year!Pathways to the Stars will grow the spaceindustry talent pipeline with programming,mentoring, experiential learning and careerconnection services spanning K-12 to earlycareer, with industry involvement and specialattention given to reaching minority populations.Multiple educational partners will providelearning and curriculum, and connection serviceswill connect students to jobs and careers. Weinvite you to participate and inspire students tobecome part of the space workforce of thefuture!Continue reading >ABOUT USWHO WE ARE & WHATWE DOFounded October 2019, NewSpace Nexus is a501(c)(3) non-profit accelerating the pace ofspace innovation by uniting and igniting theindustry. Through the NewSpace Launchpad, afirst-of-its-kind co-innovation hub, stakeholdersgain access to workspaces, equipment,programming, rapid prototyping anddemonstration, and resources needed forinnovation and rapid progress. Services includeaccess to space ecosystem knowledge, publicevents, and networking; navigation services thatprovide tailored guidance and direct assistanceto fast-track business growth; and collaborativeinnovation services...Continue reading >
00QUICK NEWS LINKS86CONSTRUCTION22Plans Underway for Expansion of StudioPresence at Santa Fe’s Midtown Campus >NEW MEXICOState agency gets $18.6M to help peoplewith heating costs >Valencia County begins construction ofnew hospital in Los Lunas >What’s next for East Central’s Tewa MotorLodge? >Community solar developers still waitingon PRC decisions >The pieces of Rail Trail are coming .together >Long-awaited bridge in Jarales finallyopens >Development firm gives updates onrenovations at hotel, convention space >Robinson: Project 2025 & The New Look OfDisaster Recovery >Roman Catholic Diocese Of Phoenix Signs On ToSenior Living Construction Project >SOUTHWESTPlanning Underway For Work On Well-TravelledColorado Us Route 287 >Taser Manufacturer’s Plans for Big Mixed-UseDevelopment in Scottsdale Gets Initial Approval >Greeley Set to Take on Ambitious Multi-ModalProgram in Wake of Successful Election Results >Phoenix City Council Gives OK to Extensive $60Million Shade Plan >Phoenix Market Expected to Boom Some More in2025, Only at a More Measured Pace, Says NewReport >Yet More Funding Secured for Construction ofNew Texas Tech Health Facilities in El Paso >New King Soopers Store Set for Construction inWindsor, Colorado >Massive Dallas Data Center Campus to Drive$25B Market Boom by 2027 >Utah DOT’s Bangerter Highway Revitalization toEliminate Major Traffic Delays by 2025 >BUILTENVIRONMENTJudge dismisses $1.3B in lawsuits against TexasLNG builders >New Construction Starts on Texas-FundedBorder Wall >Colorado town adopts Water DemandCalculator for residential water supply pipesizing >New Federal Funding for Native AmericanBusiness Initiative Comes as LeadersPonder Trump Priorities >NATIONALNYC plans $1B buildout via project laboragreements >Tampa Bay Rays Stadium Deal Falters AfterHurricane Milton >Powerex Upgrades Youngwood,Pennsylvania, Semiconductor Plant >Webcor’s new investment arm bets onmodular >Office Conversion Trend Shows No Sign ofSlowing Down, Says New Report >TRENDSLabor unions prepare for battle against Trump’sfederal workforce plans >Heavy Equipment Industry's Need to UpdatePricing Strategies Amid Cooling Inflation >2025 Forecast: Rate Cuts Expected to BoostConstruction >September Construction Employment StaysStrong, but Signs Point to a Loosening LaborMarket >
0087BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE68Rio Grande water management lawsuitreaches settlement >NEW MEXICOCity of Albuquerque holding pop-up shopand tree lighting ceremony >Albuquerque fire responds to 87 calls withina day >Albuquerque to open new sobering centerat Gateway Center >City Council criticizes mayor’s plan toincrease business fees >Number of women who are statelawmakers inches up to a record high >New Mexico River Adventures gets new HQ,adds food truck, espresso cart >Done Deals: Old Town gets new toy shop,Wells Fargo gets new look >Environmental group, feds and irrigationdistrict reach settlement in silvery minnowsuit >$50M corporate jet ‘campus’ to open atPhoenix’s Deer Valley Airport >SOUTHWESTPlanned Parenthood of Greater Texasopens new, upgraded health center >Denver company moves ahead with majorindustrial park outside Austin >Coworking Office Spaces Seeing Growth InAll Markets, Says New Report >NATIONALMultifamily housing proposal activity surgesin Q3 2024 >Cities cut red tape to turn unused officebuildings into housing >Trump vows new tariffs on Mexico, Canada,China >Annual PwC, ULI Report Unveils Top Marketsand Real Estate Industry Trends to Watch >Downtown Office-to-ResidentialConversions >SPACE81UNM astronomer contributes to discovery ofnewborn planet in warped system >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALNew research from Sandia Labs could help indeflecting asteroids >LANL: Bradbury Science Museum Provides SpaceFor Memories Of Charlie McMillan >New Orleans court hears appeals by Amazon,SpaceX attorneys >Could Life Thrive Beneath Icy Moons? NASA’sRevolutionary Software Is Finding Out >Commerce taps Slingshot to create spacetracking user website >SpaceX to launch 24 more Starlink satellitesfrom Florida tonight >The search for a commercial lunar economy >WEEDFEED89Smart Approaches to Marijuana Responds toClaims It Colluded With DEA >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALFederal Health Officials ‘Rejected’ DEA’s RequestTo Testify At Marijuana Rescheduling Hearing,Agency Tells Judge >LEGISLATION90New Mexico lawmakers, immigration advocatesprepare for potential mass deportations >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALState Rep. Alcon steps down, cites healthconcerns >Labor Department’s Overtime Pay Rule Rejectedby Federal Court >How new FGIA board will influence contractors,products >Conspiracy to Fake Injuries Claimed by New YorkContractors and Insurer Lawsuit >
0088BUILTENVIRONMENTARCHITECTS / ENGINEERS / DESIGN93Latest Architecture Work Survey ShowsIncrease in Future Projects withExpectations for More in 2025 >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALTransforming office towers into AI hubs andurban data centers >ULI Greenprint in Asia Pacific Leads Initiativeto Accelerate Low-Carbon Steel Adoptionin China’s Real Estate Sector >New York City’s first passive house schoolby Architecture Research Office opens tostudents and teachers >VENDORS / SUPPLIERS95Metal panels deliver efficiencies withoutcompromising quality >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALKomatsu Introduces New WA700-8 WheelLoader >Trump calls for 25% tariffs on imports fromCanada and Mexico >ENERGY INDUSTRY96UNM, Lobo Energy partner with YearoutEnergy for Sustainable InfrastructureImprovements >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALPNM warns of potential scams during theholidays >Gas price fluctuations possible asThanksgiving approaches >With US focusing on nuclear poweruranium supplier to raise production >969593
SMART APPROACHESTO MARIJUANARESPONDS TO CLAIMSIT COLLUDED WITH DEABy Tony Lange, Cannabis Business Times11/25/2024Cannabis prohibitionist group SmartApproaches to Marijuana (SAM) respondedto claims on Nov. 25 that it improperlycommunicated with the Drug EnforcementAdministration (DEA) leading up to nextweek’s cannabis rescheduling hearing.Continue reading >NEW MEXICO WEEDFEED89BUILTENVIRONMENTFEDERAL HEALTHOFFICIALS ‘REJECTED’DEA’S REQUEST TOTESTIFY AT MARIJUANARESCHEDULINGHEARING, AGENCY TELLSJUDGEBy Kyle Jaeger, Marijuana Moment11/26/2024The U.S. Department of Health and HumanServices (HHS) “rejected” a request from theDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA) toprovide witnesses for an upcoming hearingon the Biden administration’s marijuanarescheduling proposal, the drug agency says.In a prehearing statement submitted...Continue reading >Copyright: Canv a pro
90State Rep. Eliseo “Lee” Alcon, D-Milan,announced his retirement from thelegislature Saturday citing health issues asthe reason. The retirement was effectiveimmediately.Continue reading >STATE REP. ALCONSTEPS DOWN, CITESHEALTH CONCERNSBy Nicole Maxwell, New Mexico Political Report11/25/2024Copyright: Canva proNEW MEXICOLEGISLATIONBUILTENVIRONMENTALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – New Mexico isalready one of the most immigrant-friendlystates in the nation, and Democratic electedleaders say they plan on keeping it that wayeven if President-elect Donald Trump doesmove forward with a mass deportationoperation.Continue reading >NEW MEXICOLAWMAKERS,IMMIGRATIONADVOCATES PREPAREFOR POTENTIAL MASSDEPORTATIONSBy Griffin Rushton, KOB11/25/2024Copyright: Canva pro
91A move on the part of the Department ofLabor to increase the amount of moneyemployees can earn doing overtime hasbeen rejected by a federal court.The U.S. District Court for the EasternDistrict of Texas has ruled that the LaborDepartment went beyond its authority inrefiguring the salary cap for overtimeeligibility under the Fair Labor StandardsAct.As proposed, the Labor Department actionwould have increased the salary thresholdto just under $44,000, effective this pastJuly. A second scheduled increase called forthe threshold to be increased to $58,656beginning next January.In his ruling, U.S. District Judge Sean Jordansaid the Labor Department had exceeded itsown authority because it relied too much onsalary to determine if an employee shouldbe exempt from overtime, rather thanlooking at the exact duties of any given job.Continues> LABOR DEPARTMENT’SOVERTIME PAY RULEREJECTED BY FEDERALCOURTBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/26/2024BUILTENVIRONMENTNATIONALLEGISLATIONCopyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENTBy federal law, hourly workers are entitled to overtime pay if they put in more than 40 hoursa week. But salaried workers have long been excluded from that requirement.When the Labor Department action was announced, Julie Su, acting director of that agency,said it would expand “overtime protections for our nation’s lower-paid salary workers.” Sheadded that the action would mean “more money in these workers’ pockets and a little morebreathing room.”The ruling was in response to a suit earlier filed by the Restaurant Law Center and the TexasRestaurant Association. Opponents of the Labor Department ruling contended that manyemployers would find it burdensome to satisfy the new requirements.In a statement, David French, executive vice president for government relations with theNational Retail Federation, said the proposed changes “would have curtailed retailers’ abilityto offer the most flexible, generous and tailored benefits package to lower-level exemptemployees across the industry.”Analysts have said that in normal circumstances, the Labor Department would appeal theDistrict Court ruling but given that only less than two months remain before the beginning ofa new presidential administration such an appeal seems unlikely.Three new board members joined theFenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance(FGIA) board of directors during the 2024Fall Conference in Minneapolis. FGIAwelcomes Scott Corley, of ODL, ChrisGiovannielli, of Kawneer Co., and StachaReed, of Andersen Corp. to its board.“We are thrilled to welcome [Corley,Giovannielli, and Reed] to the board,” saysJanice Yglesias, FGIA executive director.“They have years of experience amongthem, and our Association will benefit fromtheir expertise.”Continue reading >HOW NEW FGIA BOARDWILL INFLUENCECONTRACTORS,PRODUCTSBy Staff, Metal Construction11/25/2024Three New York State specialty contractorsand a reinsurance carrier have filedracketeering lawsuits against what theyclaim is a network of law firms, medicalpractices and members of a single Queens,N.Y., family who defrauded the insurer andcontractors in workers compensation claimsover phony and staged workplace accidents.The newest lawsuit, filed in federal court inNew York City by Ionian Re, a reinsurancecarrier, expands the list of defendants toinclude the family and for the first includes...Continue reading >CONSPIRACY TO FAKEINJURIES CLAIMED BYNEW YORKCONTRACTORS ANDINSURER LAWSUITBy Richard Korman, ENR92
93For the first time since late 2022,the nation’s architects arereporting an increase in billings,although concerns about wherethings go from here appearconstant, notes a new industrysurvey.The Architecture Billings Index, ascompiled by the American Instituteof Architects, showed an overall50.3 score, measuring future work.That figure is a substantial increaseover where things stood inSeptember, when the figure was45.7.LATESTARCHITECTUREWORK SURVEYSHOWS INCREASEIN FUTUREPROJECTS WITHEXPECTATIONSFOR MORE IN 2025By Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 11/25/2024Copyright: Canva proWhile that 50.3 score is below the mid-50s showingsrecorded some three years ago, it is still greatly animprovement over the 29.5 listed in April of 2020during the first weeks of the Covid 19 outbreak whenorders for new architectural projects collapsed.The current upward trend, noted Kermit Baker, chiefeconomist with the AIA, have left architectural firms“feeling more optimistic about revenue projectionsfor 2025.”Notes a summary accompanying the index report:firms are generally expecting a revenue streamincrease in 2025, with 39% pointing to falling interestrates and a more favorable lending environment asthe primary source for their optimism.Another 37% pointed to a current backlog of projectsas the reason why they will have plenty of work nextyear. Respondents additionally reported that theywere receiving a “higher level of inquiries for newprojects.”Done in conjunction with the Deltec Specpoint dataservices, the Architecture Billings Index also showedthe South leading the way in the most recent survey,with a 52.1 positive figure, followed by the West at47.6; the Midwest at 46.9; and the Northeast at 45.6.Overall, institutional work is showing the highestbillings numbers at 50.5. The commercial/industrialsector came in at exactly 47, followed by residentialwork at 45.6.Of those responding firms expecting more work, theoptimism was highly fluid, with some 31% expectingbusiness to be up somewhat; 7% anticipatingincreases of 10% to 24%; and an abundantlyconfident 2.4% forecasting major work increases ofat least 25%, if not more.NEW MEXICO & NATIONALARCHITECTS / ENGINEERS / DESIGNBUILTENVIRONMENT
94Cities around the world continue to strugglewith downtown office vacancies brought onby the pandemic and the shift to hybrid andremote work. This has been especiallypronounced in San Francisco where thecity’s tech-based economy made it easy forworkers to shift from the corporate office tohome office.Continue reading >TRANSFORMING OFFICETOWERS INTO AI HUBSAND URBAN DATACENTERSBy HOK, Building Design + Construction 11/26/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTA new initiative aimed at promoting low-carbon steel in China’s real estate sector hasbeen launched, co-convened by ULIGreenprint, the World Steel Association,and the China Iron and Steel Association.This collaboration unites major real estatedevelopers and steel manufacturers to drivethe transition to low-carbon steel...Continue reading >ULI GREENPRINT IN ASIAPACIFIC LEADSINITIATIVE TOACCELERATE LOW-CARBON STEELADOPTION IN CHINA’SREAL ESTATE SECTORBy Jenny Zhang, Urban Land11/26/2024For years, Khalil Gibran InternationalAcademy (KGIA)—a public school known foroffering the first Arabic-English dual-language program in New York City—hasbeen sited in a handsome brick schoolbuilding at the intersection of 3rd Avenue,Schermerhorn Street, and Flatbush Avenuein Downtown Brooklyn.Continue reading >NEW YORK CITY’S FIRSTPASSIVE HOUSESCHOOL BYARCHITECTURERESEARCH OFFICEOPENS TO STUDENTSAND TEACHERSBy Daniel Jonas Roche, The Architect’s Newspaper11/26/2024
95Donald Trump plans to use an executiveorder to levy a 25% tariff on imports fromCanada and Mexico on day one in office, thepresident-elect posted on Truth Social onMonday.Continue reading >TRUMP CALLS FOR 25%TARIFFS ON IMPORTSFROM CANADA ANDMEXICOBy Philip Neuffer, SupplyChainDive11/26/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO & NATIONALVENDORS / SUPPLIERSAccording to the National Association ofHome Builders (NAHB)¹ and the AssociatedGeneral Contractors (AGC) of America²,residential and commercial projects haveseen increases in construction costs in 2024.Continue reading >METAL PANELS DELIVEREFFICIENCIES WITHOUTCOMPROMISINGQUALITYBy Brian McLaughlin, Metal Construction News11/25/2024Komatsu has unveiled the new WA700-8, apowerful and efficient addition to its rangeof wheel loaders designed for quarryoperations and aggregate producers. Thiswheel loader is an ideal four-pass matchwith 70-ton trucks such as Komatsu’s newHD605-10 haul truck. The WA700-8 alsooffers improvements in performance,efficiency and operator comfort comparedto its predecessor, the WA700-3.Continue reading >KOMATSU INTRODUCESNEW WA700-8 WHEELLOADERBy Komatsu America Corp., For Construction Pros
96The University of New Mexico (UNM) andLobo Energy Incorporated (LEI) are excitedto announce their collaboration withYearout Energy, an Energy Systems Group(ESG) company, on a significant initiativeaimed at enhancing sustainability andoperational efficiency on the UNM SouthCampus for $7.3 million.Continue reading >UNM, LOBO ENERGYPARTNER WITHYEAROUT ENERGY FORSUSTAINABLEINFRASTRUCTUREIMPROVEMENTSBy UNM Newsroom11/25/204Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO & NATIONALENERGY INDUSTRYALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – PNM iswarning the public on potential scams asduring the holiday season. PNM says theytypically see an increase in reports of callsand texts from fake utility representatives.Continue reading >PNM WARNS OFPOTENTIAL SCAMSDURING THE HOLIDAYSBy Issac Cruz, KRQE News11/26/2024Copyright: Canva pro
97Nov. 25—New Mexico's average gas pricerose slightly last week, and morefluctuations are possible heading into thisweek as a high volume of travelers hit theroads for the Thanksgiving holiday.Continue reading >GAS PRICEFLUCTUATIONSPOSSIBLE ASTHANKSGIVINGAPPROACHESBy Kylie Garcia, The Santa Fe New Mexican11/25/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTOAK RIDGE, Tennessee: Centrus Energyannounced a $60 million expansion at itsfacility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, as part ofefforts to boost domestic uraniumenrichment and support the growingreliance on nuclear power in the UnitedStates.Continue reading >WITH US FOCUSING ONNUCLEAR POWERURANIUM SUPPLIER TORAISE PRODUCTIONBy Robert Besser, New Mexico State News.Net11/27/2024Copyright: Canva pro
Albuquerque, New MexicoWELL-ESTABLISHED CPR TRAINING ASKING PRICE: $75,000 CASH FLOW: NOT DISCLOSEDEBITDA: NOT DISCLOSEDGROSS REVENUE: $83,000INVENTORY: $1,000FF&E: $10,500Business DescriptionCPR Training business for sale. Authorized American Heart Association BLS training site. AuthorizedHealth & Safety Institute Training Center. Established 2010. Will provide new owner with all necessarycertifications.$75k. Partial owner financing possible.Well-established company with a great reputation and multiple revenue streams. Google rated 4.9out of 5 stars. This is a small business that can be managed part time. We will provide allnecessary instructor certifications for the new owner to teach classes. Create your trainingschedule as you see fit. Existing instructors are willing to continue working with the new owner.Multiple revenue streams exist, including open-enrollment classes at our training center (renting ina well-groomed professional location, currently month-to-month), customer-site group training,AED sales and support, and support of numerous third-party instructors. The company has nodebt. This year we are on track to train over 1000 students, about a 20% increase from last year. Thecompany has no employees. Instruction and admin are all performed by independent contractors.All equipment is included with the sale, including two full sets of classroom equipment, eachincluding 12 adult and 12 infant manikins, numerous AED trainers, and miscellaneous equipment.Also included are (2) sets of audio / video equipment, one for the office and one for the road...99BUSINESS FOR SALEVIEW BUSINESS LISTING >BUILTENVIRONMENT
100PERMITNUMBER(CLICK TO VIEW)PERMIT LOCATIONISSUE &EXPIRATION DATEPERMITOWNERTOTALSQ. FEETBUILDINGCONTRACTORP-2024-410844600 BOGAN AV NE11/19/2024 - 11/19/2025bogan lauren llc11,000VISION BUILD INCWORK DESCRIPTION: re tile shower like for likeBP-2024-403982100 LOUISIANA BLVD NE11/21/2024 - 05/21/2025Regal Cinemas71,156Bailey Construction AndConsulting dba BaileyConstruction AndConsulting David W BreedloveArchitectWORK DESCRIPTION: Swapping the existing rocker seats to recliners in auditoriums #2, #3, & #4. New floor and wall finishes in these auditoriums.ALBUQUERQUE BUILDING PERMITSNOVEMBER 18TH - 22ND 2024BUILTENVIRONMENTBP-2024-3969310300 MENAUL BLVD NE11/22/2024 - 05/22/2025Randy Case1,500CORDOVACONTRACTING &DEVELOPMENT, LLCWORK DESCRIPTION: Like for Like. Drywall removal and replace.BP-2024-3804911199 MONTGOMERYBLVD NE11/19/2204 - 05/19/2025Wells Fargo8,347MID AMERICACONTRACTING INC.WORK DESCRIPTION: Applicant Work Description: Interior alteration of an existing single-story bank building. Includes demo and construction of non-structuralpartitions, ceilings, finishes and furniture/equipment. Involves making improvement to the mechanical and electrical systems.BP-2024-369848531 BLUEWATER RDNW11/21/2024 - 05/21/2025D&B Limited Trust LLC7,800ALLIANCE PAVING, INCWORK DESCRIPTION: Foundation for future shell building.BP-2024-361882010 WYOMING BLVD NE11/19/2024 - 05/19/2025Westwood Financial1,418HART DESIGN ANDCONSTRUCTION INC.MODULUS ARCHITECTS, INCWORK DESCRIPTION: Applicant Work Description: CONSTRUCT NEW ARMY OPEN AREA & HALL, TEST ROOM, STORAGE ROOM, UTILITY CLOSET,JANITORS ROOM, AND BATHROOM. Demo existing interior.BP-2024-303623821 Ellison Drive NW11/21/2024 - 05/21/2025CAVENDER LEGACYPROPERTIES A, LTD15,250INSIGHTCONSTRUCTION, LLCWORK DESCRIPTION: Applicant Work Description: The scope of this project includes remodeling of retail facility totaling 15,887 S.F. Construction includeinterior remodeling, power washing exterior, fresh finish coat of EIFS, new signage, shutters for the drive thru windows.BP-2024-271086100 UPTOWN BLVD NE11/21/2024 - 11/21/2025Hank Andrews26,802DESIGN PLUS LLCENTERPRISE BUILDERSCORPORATIONWORK DESCRIPTION: Applicant Work Description: The scope of work will be on levels 2 and 3. Minor HVAC scope. The intent is new ceiling heights same asexisting to minimize adjustment existing fire sprinkler system. New finishes, pre-fabricated DIRTT walls & New lighting. Deferred submittal on the DIRTT walls, willsubmit once final shop drawings are approved.Note:Commercial – Alteration Level 2 – Interior Renovation 2 & 3 Floor Create Office Spaces for New BusinessRelated to permit #: BP-2024-24220 (Demo Only)
101BUILTENVIRONMENTBP-2024-26562401 UNSER BLVD NW11/21/2024 - 05/21/2025D&B Limited Trust LLC8,886ALLIANCE PAVING, INCWORK DESCRIPTION: Foundation for future shell building.BP-2024-26022500 Eubank Blvd SE11/18/2024 - 05/18/2025Costco Wholesale149,180MG2 CorporationTERRAPLEINCONSTRUCTIONWORK DESCRIPTION: THE PROJECT IS A AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR ADDITION TO THE EXISTING COSTCO WHOLESALE CANOPY IN A 149,180SQUARE FEET, ONE STORY MERCANTILE OCCUPANCY BUILDING WITH FULLY AUTOMATIC FIRE-PROTECTION SPRINKLER SYSTEM AND FIRE ALARMSYSTEM.THE WORK INCLUDES THE ADDITION OF (2) AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOORS, FRAMING AND FINISHES IN THE EXISTING CANOPY OPENING WITHRELATED STRUCTURAL, ELECTRICAL, AND LOW VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL WORKBP-2024-254362701 MULBERRY ST SE11/19/2024 - 11/21/2025Jerry Becker27,644HART DESIGN ANDCONSTRUCTION INC.RBA ARCHITECTSWORK DESCRIPTION: Addition of two-story 7,530 SF business areas, including an elevator, onto an existing two-story, 19,961 SF, R-2 occupancy building (phase2 adding onto phase 1).BP-2024-141211413 Eubank Blvd NE11/21/2024 - 05/21/2025Quan nguyen4,387BONGO CONTRACTORS LLCWORK DESCRIPTION: Declaration of use/ Change of use application. Need to obtain Certificate of Occupancy. Same Occupancy group A2, no change.BP-2023-402054010 CENTRAL AV SW11/21/2024 - 05/21/2025mike sanchez3,095CRESCENT CUSTOMHOMES, INC.WORK DESCRIPTION: Change of occupancy from barber college to cannabis grow new doors and partitions, new HVAC and new lighting existing restrooms toremain
102LAS CRUCES COMMERCIAL PERMITSElectricalPlumbingAlterationMechanicalRe-roofCommercial NewAdditionsPERMIT NUMBER(CLICK TO VIEW)PERMIT LOCATIONISSUE DATEPERMIT OWNERBUILDINGCONTRACTOR24OC55067401850 COPPER Loop11/22/2024BOARD OF COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS DONAANA COUNTYONE CALL PLUMBING LLCPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Gas Pressure Test24OC6506771205 BOUTZ Rd11/22/2024BOUTZ PLAZACONDOMINIUMASSOCIATION ADVANCEDTECHNOLOGIESPROJECT DESCRIPTION:TEMP POWER POLE UGBUILTENVIRONMENT24OC65067904350 SONOMA RANCH Blvd11/25/2024SONOMA RANCH NORTH LLCP.R.H. ELECTRICPROJECT DESCRIPTION:New retail center.24CB1506761519 LOHMAN Ave11/21/2024HU JOHNCCG, LLCPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Commercial historic remodel of 1395 sf building and 260 sf storage.24CB15067964351 LOHMAN Ave11/24/2024HTA-REGIONAL MEDICALCENTER MOB LLCPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Interior renovations of an existing building. The scope of work shall include new lighting, new interior walls, new doors and new flooring.