Construction sites, both residential andcommercial, keep emanating left and right inValencia County.From hospitality, healthcare and fitness, toexpanding the means of getting across town,the mechanisms that define futureeconomic solidity are continually beingfastened to Los Lunas. Intel was once a flint igniting the flame ofdevelopment north of New Mexico’s largestcity in Rio Rancho.Now the tides, according to a commercialrealtor in the area, are beginning to pull south with a superior energy supply fit fordata centers and an ease of purchase. “We have lots of interest down here. This islike Rio Rancho forty years ago only betterplanned,” said CBRE First Vice PresidentTrevor Hatchell in an interview with TheBuilt Environment.400 acres in the Huning Business and TechPark West have been put under contractwithin the last six months, said Hatchell.The ease of planning is due to the fact thereis one landowner as opposed to many,according to Hatchell. TRACING WHAT’S BEEN CALLEDTHE NEXT RIO RANCHO: LOS LUNASBy Dane Vaughn, The Built Environment01/08/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT04Copyright: The Built Environment
Mountains Switching Station. There’s morepower down here in Huning Business andTech Park than anywhere else in the state,”said Hatchell.Exactly how much power with combinedelectrical, renewables and gas linesconnected to the park, Hatchell said is “amoving target.”1000 acres are also under contract for solarfacilities in the park on the north side ofNew Mexico Highway Six.On the opposite side of the highway lies newhomes being built by New Mexico natives,Abrazo Homes and Hakes Brothers.
BUILTENVIRONMENT05Map of Huning Business & Tech Park West. Copyright:Courtesy of CBREA sole source of ownership: the Huningfamily legacy of mercantilism, milling, sheepherding and land ownership across LosLunas, Albuquerque and even Arizona,which date back to the mid-1800s.Aside from disputes from competingparcels, Hatchell said, “Los Lunas is verypro-growth, there’s not a lot of red tape, likeyou would experience in Albuquerque.” Hatchell did not want to disclose who isplanning to build in the future on those 400acres due to continuing contractnegotiations and said that the price per foot is$2.95 for the remaining 616 acres.What will exist in the built environmentthere will benefit from what Hatchell said isa supreme energy supply in the state.“There’s three major power sources thatcome into this cross here at the HiddenNational home builder, DR Horton, on theopposite side of the Rio Grande is buildingnew homes in El Cerro and, according to aDR Horton Superintendent, will be buildingtowards Meadow Lake soon.New residents trekking their way across LosLunas will soon see an interchangeconnecting Interstate 25 to New MexicoHighway 47 across the Rio Grande that wasproposed back in 2016.Rendering of future “Los Lunas Boulevard” Interchange(above). Copyright: Courtesy of the Village of Los Lunas.
The lowest reported bid by El TerreroConstruction for phase one of the project,estimated at $139.5 million in May of 2024,was $19.5 million higher at $159 million.City officials said $154.3 million was theamount available for the project, which wasalso originally scheduled for construction inthe fall of 2024.“Los Lunas Boulevard” is what the new mainthroughfare will be titled and will start amile south of New Mexico Highway Six, notfar off from the Huning Business and TechPark.Utilities and framing of a new FairfieldMarriot by Edge Construction can also beseen near the tech park off the samehighway.Lastly, Defined Fitness, New Mexico’snative gym franchise, is currently building a50,000 square foot fitness center in thearea.According to Marketing Supervisor forBUILTENVIRONMENT06A vicinity map illustrating the span of the soon to bebuilt thoroughfare. Copyright: Courtesy of the Village ofLos Lunas.Project site of a new Fairfield Marriot off of New MexicoHighway Six in Los Lunas. January 5th,2024. Copyright:The Built EnvironmentDefined Fitness, Robert Sandoval, estimatedcompletion of the project could be as soonas next summer or as late as next fall orwinter.Amenities at the gym will be similar to theother eight locations in the state, evenincluding hydro-massage beds for fitnessfanatics.“It was just the natural expansion as wealready pushed as far north as SantaFe,”continued Sandoval, “and you knowdepending on how sales and traffic affect us,we want to continue the expansionthroughout New Mexico, but they aredefinitely first in line to continue-expandingsouthward.”Rendering of the future Defined Fitness location in LosLunas currently being built and is expected forcompletion by next year. Courtesy: Defined Fitness
07Steve AdamsJoshua CutlerManaging EditorDane VaughnMEET OUR TEAMWhat’s our favorite pizza?Sarah Motsingersarahm@constructionreporter.comOwner & Managing Partnersteve@constructionreporter.comsteve@thebuiltenvironment.comOwner & Managing Partnerjcutler@constructionreporter.comjcutler@thebuiltenvironment.comCarrie Bagleycarrie@constructionreporter.comReporterRebecca Taylorrebecca@constructionreporter.comReporterShannon Ryanshannon@constructionreporter.comReporterdvaughn@constructionreporter.comdvaughn@thebuiltenvironment.comCommunications Director &General ManagementGarry BoulardBIO: Garry Boulard is a reporterand author whose work hasappeared in the New York Times,Los Angeles Times, ChristianScience Monitor, Chicago Tribuneand Times-Picayune, among otherpublications. Continue reading >Writer4901 Mcleod NE, STE 200A, Albuquerque, NM 243-9793news@thebuiltenvironment.comBUILTENVIRONMENT
BEGINNING HER SIXTH YEAR ON CITY COUNCIL, BROOKBASSAN WILL LEAD ITNoah Alcala Bach, Albuquerque JournalBrook Bassan, the stay-at-home mother and Albuquerque native who has spent the past fiveyears representing the city’s Northeast side on the Albuquerque City Council, has beenelected council president.Continue reading >INDUSTRY BRIEFINGBUILTENVIRONMENT08IAN AARSVOLD JOINS TAKEUCHI-US AS SOUTHWEST REGIONPRODUCT MANAGEConstruction Business Owner ATLANTA (Jan. 6, 2025) — Ian Aarsvold is the new Southwest region product manager forTakeuchi-US. A current resident of Des Plaines, Illinois, Aarsvold is relocating to the Dallas-Fort Worth area during Q1 2025 as he takes on his new role. Continue reading >Copyright: Canva ProCopyright: Canva Pro
SEND YOUR COMPANY'S HIGHLIGHTS!WE'LL POST IT IN “THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT MAGAZINE”100% FREE!Why choose us? What are we looking for?CompanyUpdatesConstructionUpdatesPress ReleasesReal Estate Updates0103020405Our magazine is a bridge to New Mexico's commercial constructionand real estate communities, offeringyou a free spotlight like no other.Submit content on newhires, promotions, andcompany milestones forfeature consideration.Looking for sub-bidrequests, contract awards,project milestones, awards,and job site photos.Send us your companypress releases forpotential feature in ourmagazine.Seeking info on commercialreal estate sold, for sale, andmore for potential magazinefeatures.Potential LeadsSubmit potential news-worthyleads you believe deserve aspotlight in our magazine.BUILTENVIRONMENT
EVENTCALENDARJANUARY 2024BUILTENVIRONMENT10CREW NETWORK - VIEW CALENDAR12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Global Economic Outlook2025 & The State of the Commercial RealEstate Markets - CLICK HERE GREATER LAS CRUCES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE- VIEW CALENDAR11:15 AM - 1:00 PM: 2025 Legislative Send-Off - CLICK HERE RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 2:00 PM: Stellar Science - CLICK HERE CITY OF LAS CRUCES - VIEW CALENDAR3:00 PM: Utilities - Regular Meeting - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR4:00 PM: Buckman Direct Diversion Board - CLICK HERE 4:00 PM: Airport Advisory Board - CLICK HERE 7:30 pm: Special Governing Body Meeting - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Get Your Google BusinessProfile Ready for 2025 - CLICK HERETHURSDAY JANUARY 9THALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Education CommitteeMonthly Meeting - CLICK HERE NEW MEXICO REGULATION AND LICENSINGDEPARTMENT - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 5:00 PM: New Mexico Real EstateAppraisers Board will Convene a Regular BoardMeeting - CLICK HERE FRIDAY JANUARY 10THCITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR5:00 PM: Finance Committee - CLICK HEREMONDAY JANUARY 13THRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR12:00 PM - 12:30 PM: Ribbon Cutting - OnceUpon a Child - CLICK HERE 5:00 PM: Business After Hours - New MexicoBank & Trust & Remax Eleva - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR4:00 PM: Water Conservation Committee - CLICK HERE 5:30 PM: HISTORIC DISTRICTS REVIEW BOARD - CLICK HERETUESDAY JANUARY 14TH
BUILTENVIRONMENT11RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Nonprofit Alliance meeting- CLICK HERE 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM: Ribbon Cutting - LifeChurch of Rio Rancho - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR5:00 PM: Governing Body - CLICK HEREWEDNESDAY JANUARY 15THRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Rio Rancho Hiring Event - CLICK HERE 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM: Ambassadors Lunchmeeting - CLICK HERE 12:00 PM: Ribbon Cutting - The Bosque Clinic - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR6:00 PM: Planning Commission - CLICK HERE CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE - VIEW CALENDAR5:30 PM - 8:30 PM: Local GovernmentCoordinating Commission Sub CommitteeMeeting - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR2:30 PM - 4:30 PM: Avanzar Program - CLICK HERE 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: The Hispano ChamberPresents: Onin Staffing; Albuquerque RibbonCutting Celebration - CLICK HERE 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM: Health & Wellness ProgramMonthly Meeting - CLICK HERETHURSDAY JANUARY 16THALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Membership Orientation - CLICK HEREFRIDAY JANUARY 17THMONDAY JANUARY 20THCITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR5:00 PM: Public Works and Utilities Committee - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR4:30 PM - 5:30 PM: The Hispano ChamberPresents: Big Brothers Big Sisters; AlbuquerqueRibbon Cutting Celebration - CLICK HERETUESDAY JANUARY 21STCARNM - VIEW CALENDAR8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: LIN Marketing Meeting - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR4:00 PM - 5:00 PM: The Hispano ChamberPresents: Inspirado; Albuquerque Ribbon CuttingCelebration - CLICK HEREWEDNESDAY JANUARY 22ND
BUILTENVIRONMENT12BERNALILLO COUNTYJANUARY 14TH5:00 PM: Board of Commissioners AdministrativeMeeting - CLICK HERE JANUARY 15TH9:00 AM: Zoning Administrator Public Hearing - CLICK HERECHAVES COUNTYJANUARY 21ST5:30 PM - 6:59 PM: Roswell-Chaves County ETZCommission - CLICK HERECIBOLA COUNTYJANUARY 9TH5:30 PM - 6:00 PM: Special Commission Meetings - CLICK HERECURRY COUNTYJANUARY 14TH9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: County Commission Meeting - CLICK HEREDONA ANA COUNTYJANUARY 9TH9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: County Commission Meeting - CLICK HEREEDDY COUNTYJANUARY 21ST8:30 AM - 11:00 AM: Eddy County Commissioners'Regular Meeting - CLICK HEREHARDING COUNTYJANUARY 9TH8:30 AM: Harding County Board of CountyCommission Meeting - CLICK HERELEA COUNTYJANUARY 15TH9:30 AM - 10:30 AM: Lea County CommunicationsAuthority January 15, 2025, Meeting - CLICK HERE JANUARY 16TH9:00 AM - 11:30 AM: Lea County Board of CountyCommissioners January 16, 2025 Regular Meeting - CLICK HERELINCOLN COUNTYJANUARY 21ST8:30 AM - 5:00 PM: Regular Commission Meeting - CLICK HERELOS ALAMOS COUNTYJANUARY 16TH5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Environmental SustainabilityBoard - CLICK HERELUNA COUNTYJANUARY 9TH9:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Luna County Board ofCommission Work Session & Regular Meeting - CLICK HEREMCKINLEY COUNTYJANUARY 14TH9:00 AM - 11:30 AM: Regular Commission Meeting - CLICK HERESANTA FE COUNTYJANUARY 14TH 2:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Board of CountyCommissioners (BCC) Meeting - CLICK HERE
BUILTENVIRONMENT17ASA NEW MEXICOANNUAL SPONSORSRED LEVEL Albuquerque Pipe & Pump Supply Co. American Fire Protection Group, Inc.American National Insulation & Sealants Construction Reporter/ The Built Environment Crane Service, Inc. Enterprise Builders Corporation Equipment Share Fairway, Inc.Ideal Plumbing & Heating, LLC National Roofing Company, Inc. Prime Electric, Inc. United RentalsWestern Partitions, Inc. Wagner Equipment, Co.Western States Fire Protection Yearout Mechanical, Inc.WHITE LEVELBELFOR Property Restoration Bradbury Stamm ConstructionDekker Perich Sabatini Jack’s Mechanical Solutions, Inc.Jaynes Structures Menicucci Insurance Agency, LLCRay’s Flooring Specialists REDW Advisors & CPAs BLUE LEVELBohannan Huston, Inc. G & H Construction Company, Inc.JTC, Inc. Klinger Constructors, LLCRisk Strategies– Burke Insurance Group The Specialists Electrical ContractorStudio Southwest Architects4Rivers Equipment2024 Annual Golf Tournament Title SponsorHUB InternationalThank you for your continued support!DOWNLOAD THE ASA NMNEWSLETTERVIEW THE ASA NMMEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY 2023-2024 >SAVE THE DATE: 2024 ASANM EVENTSFebruary 20, 2025 Meet the Generals EventJuly 25, 2025 Annual Awards EventOctober 3, 2025 Annual Golf TournamentCopyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT18AGC NEW MEXICOEVENT CALENDARAGC CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MODELAGC has partnered with a leading regional economist, BrianLewandowski of the University of Colorado Boulder, to create AGC'sConstruction Impact Model. The model is a tool that can be used bymembers, chapters, policy makers and researchers to understand theeconomic impact of infrastructure investment by state.VIEW VOLUME 2 ISSUE 41 TO LEARN MORE >PPE FOR WOMEN INCONSTRUCTIONINITIATIVE - APPLYTODAYThe Associated General Contractors of America(AGC) is partnering with technology providerAutodesk to launch an initiative that addresses theneed for proper-fitting personal protectiveequipment (PPE) for women in construction. Proper-fitting PPE is essential for all workers, butthe need for gender-specific PPE, especially forwomen, has been increasingly recognized.Historically, PPE has been designed with a one-size-fits-all approach, often based on themeasurements of male workers. This can result inill-fitting equipment for women, compromisingboth safety and comfort. Poorly fitting PPE, suchas glasses, gloves, vests, helmets, and harnesses,can lead to increased risk of injury...CONTINUE READING >JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2025JANUARY 9TH8:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Comprehensive First Aid/CPRTraining 2025 - CLICK HERE JANUARY 13TH8:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Drug/Alcohol Training forSupervisors - CLICK HERE JANUARY 21ST8:00 AM - 12:00 PM: HR Training: InterpersonalDynamics/Communication Styles - CLICK HERE JANAURY 29TH8:30 AM - 9:30 AM: Mayor Greggory D. Hull -Construction Elevated Insights Breakfast Series - CLICK HERE FEBRUARY 4TH7:30 AM - 9:00 AM: Legislative/Contractor CoffeeMeet & Greet - CLICK HERE FEBRUARY 10TH8:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Event Registration - AssociatedGeneral Contractors of New Mexico - CLICK HERENOW ACCEPTING 2025BEST BUILDINGSAPPLICATIONS!Get Ready to Shine: Applications Open for 2025Best Buildings Awards!The wait is over—AGC New Mexico is nowaccepting applications for the 2025 Best BuildingsAwards! This is your chance to showcase yourincredible projects and elevate your company’sprofile as one of the industry’s best.Why Participate?Here’s how AGC NM helps you celebrate yoursuccess and market your achievements: High-Quality Project Video: Winners receive aprofessionally produced video to showcase theirproject—perfect for marketing...CONTINUE READING >
BUILTENVIRONMENT19ANNUAL FALL SCHOLARSHIPAnnual Fall ScholarshipApplication Available Mid Spring 2025COLLEGE OF ENGINEERINGCivil EngineeringCivil Engineering TechnologyGeomatics & Surveying EngineeringUNM APPLICATIONAnnual Spring ScholarshipApplication Available Late Fall 2024SCHOOL OF ENGINEERINGCivil Engineering,Construction Engineeringor Construction ManagementCLICK HERE TO LEARN MORESCHOLARSHIPSACNM DECEMBER2024 NEWSLETTER READ THE NEWSLETTER >A MESSAGE FROM ACNM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JIM GARCIAThis was good year for ACNM as we celebrated 90 years of building New Mexico. From the historichandshake of six visionary contractors in 1933 to our standing today as one of New Mexico's mostformidable industry voices, our 90th anniversary marks not just time passed, but nine decades ofunwavering commitment to excellence. Under President Shawn Hammer's leadership, 2024 became a testament to what we do best – unitingpurpose with action. Our impact resonated far beyond construction sites: We gave out $13,000 inscholarships and raised more than $68,000 in scholarship money for next year. Our committeescontributed more than 32,000 pounds of food and $7,000 in donations to Roadrunner Food Bank and all...Copyright: ACNM
BUILTENVIRONMENT20BUSINESS CONDITIONSREMAIN FLAT ATARCHITECTURE FIRMS,ABI DATA SHOWSWASHINGTON – December 18, 2024 – TheAIA/Deltek Architecture Billings Index(ABI) dipped slightly below 50 forNovember. The November AIA/Deltek ABIscore of 49.6 changed little fromOctober’s score of 50.3, indicating thatthe share of architecture firms thatreported declining billings wasessentially the same as the share thatreported increasing billings. Any scorebelow 50.0 indicates decreasing businessconditions, but there are encouragingsigns of the pipeline.The return of billings to a stable levelafter nearly two years of decline signalspotential improvement across theindustry. Additionally, inquiries into newprojects are steadily increasing,demonstrating sustained interest infuture work opportunities. However,newly signed design contracts haveexperienced an eighth consecutive monthof decline, suggesting that a more robustupturn in design activity is still distant.CONTINUE READING >
BUILTENVIRONMENT21ABC NEW MEXICO EVENT CALENDARJANUARY - MARCH 2025WASHINGTON, Jan. 3—Associated Buildersand Contractors today announced that theassociation will turn 75 on June 1, 2025. Tocommemorate the milestone, ABC and itsmembers will gather at severalcommemorative events, beginning with ABCConvention 2025 in Las Vegas.“For 75 years, members of AssociatedBuilders and Contractors have built the placeswhere communities across the nation learn,heal, play, live, pray and gather,” said ABCPresident and CEO Michael Bellaman. “ABCand its members have also helped buildcountless career dreams for their employeeswhile creating the conditions for them to dotheir work without incident and go homesafer, healthier, happier and more fulfilledevery day. Throughout the decades, we havechampioned inclusive, win-win policies thatbring value to all of the construction industry—including the overwhelming majority ofconstruction workers who compete for workbased on merit in a fair and open competitivework environment—to deliver the best returnon investment to taxpayers.”ABC today also released the details of ABCConvention 2025, Feb. 25-27 at the MandalayBay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas. ABC’sannual convention celebrates the best of thebest in merit shop construction, honoring themember companies and individuals...CONTINUE READING >ABC TO CELEBRATE75 YEARS OFBUILDINGAMERICA AT ABCCONVENTION2025 IN LAS VEGASWEDNESDAY JANUARY 15TH, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM - CLICK HEREJANUARY MEMBER LUNCHEONWEDNESDAY MARCH 26TH, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM - CLICK HEREMARCH MEMBER LUNCHEONCopyright: Canva Pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT22YOUR 2024 NMUCABOARD OF DIRECTORS &STAFFPRESIDENT, DALE ARMSTRONG, TLCPLUMBING & UTILITY 505 761 9696VICE-PRESIDENT, DAMON WICKETTS,4RIVERS EQUIPMENT 505 884 2900SECRETARY/TREASURER, JENICE GALLEGOS,GROUNDWATER PARTNERSPAST PRESIDENT, CLAY BLAIR, RMCI 505 345 0008TROY OTERO, GROUNDHOG CONSTRUCTIONSERVICES 505 243 2133DIRECTOR DARRIN HOWELLS, AUI INC. 505 242 4848DIRECTOR JOE MENICUCCI, DOWNEY &COMPANY 881 0300DIRECTOR REINEE PEACHER, DUCROSSCONSTRUCTION 575 636 3023DIRECTOR KELLEY FETTER, E2RC 505 867 4040 DIRECTOR JOHN THEILER, DH UNDERGROUNDTERRI BAKER, CORE AND MAIN 505 344 0223EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, JANE JERNIGAN 505 888 0752FROM THEEXECUTIVEDIRECTOR’SDESKThank you all for your membership in NMUCAand another successful year for yourAssociation and your business! I'm lookingforward to working with you in 2025 and forthe endless possibilities for us to succeed,learn, and support our industry.You should receive your renewal notice in themail this week. We had more members in 2024than we've had in the last 25 years, so I hopethat you will renew your membership in 2025!However you celebrate the holidays, I hopethat you are able to enjoy your time with familyand friends, and enjoy some time away fromwork. Jane JerniganUPCOMINGDATESJanuary 21st Session BeginsFebruary 6th - CSCFebruary 20th - Meet the Generals
BUILTENVIRONMENT23WICNM NEWSLETTERAUGUST 2024 >Hello Friends,Today is National Women’s Equality Day, this daymarks the adoption of the 19th Amendment in 1920,which granted women the right to vote. Wow, 104years! We are down to a short 70 days before ournext election and voting is one of the most powerfulways, we can express our values and have a directimpact on our community and our country.Every election is a chance for us to have a say in theissues that matter most to us—whether it’seducation, healthcare, the environment, oreconomic policies. I know that we all have our ownunique perspectives and concerns, and this is ouropportunity to make our voices heard.It’s easy to feel like our individual votes might notmake a difference, but history has shown us thatevery vote counts. Elections are often decided by aremarkably small number of votes, and ourcollective participation is what drives meaningfulchange. By voting, we not only influence thedirection of our nation but also stand up for ourcommunities and the issues we care about. Iencourage you to exercise your right to vote andencourage others around you as well. On another note, I want to thank the PlanningCommittee for all their hard work this year inplanning all our events. They are doing an amazingjob! We are down to the last two events of the year:the 3rd Annual Scholarship Bowling Event onSeptember 12th and the Women in Construction NMGala on November 9th. Sign up soon for the bowlingevent, space is limited, and more informationregarding the Gala will be out soon.Stephanie L. Peña - TLC Company, Inc.WICNM President 2024 LOCKER #505 SCHOOL SUPPLYMONETARYDONATIONSSCAN QR CODEBELOW TO MAKEMONETARYDONATIONS TOLOCKER #505
BUILTENVIRONMENT24CONTINUE READING >Ronda Gilliland-Lopez currently serves as thePresident of the Governing Board, whichrepresents a cross-section of highly valuableprofessional knowledge (legal, financial,strategic planning, education, and industryrelations).ACE LEADERSHIP HIGH SCHOOLMISSION OF MCA NMThe Mechanical Contractors Association of NewMexico is an industry trade associationdedicated to the advancement of membercontractors through training, advocacy, andpartnership.MISSION OF SMACNA NMAt the Sheet Metal and Air ConditioningContractors’ Association of New Mexico ourmission is to create a competitive advantage forour members through industry education, laborrelations, standards development, industryrepresentation, and business studies. The New Mexico Bid Depository System (NMBDS)strives to build partnerships through bidding. Thepurpose of the Bid Depository is to improve thebidding process by helping ensure the quality andequity of sub-bid scopes, and to provide adequatetime for review of the sub-bids by the generalcontractors so that they may more accuratelycomplete their bids.This system has been developed for the good ofthe contracting industry and the public as a whole.It is not a law - it is purely voluntary. Please feelfree to call this office for any additionalinformation - 505-341-9033NEW MEXICOBID DEPOSITORYCopyright: MCA/SMACNA NMMCA/SMACNA of New Mexico is a strongpartner of ACE Leadership High School. VIEW >INDUSTRY ESSENTIALSIndustry Essentials is an exclusive member-onlymonthly education series designed to providemembers a private venue to learn about anddiscuss important policy issues, industry trends,and other important professional developmenttopics.Programming will include prominent speakers todiscuss business, economic, and policy issuescritical to the construction industry and ourmembers.Topics in 2021 will include conversations withleaders to discuss cannabis safety andregulations, public procurement, tax policychanges, paid time off legislation, cyber security,the construction industries division and more!
BUILTENVIRONMENT26Uranium extraction could be returning tothe Grants area after nearly 30 years.Continue reading >COMPANY PLANS TOEXTRACT URANIUMFROM THE GRANTSAREABy Staff, New Mexico Poltical Report01/06/2025Copyright: Canva proNEW MEXICO (KRQE) – Three New MexicoPueblos are receiving funding from thefederal government to support high speedinternet access. Continue reading >THREE NEW MEXICOPUEBLOS RECEIVEMILLIONS INBROADBAND GRANTSBy Issac Cruz, KRQE News01/07/2025Copyright: Canva proCONSTRUCTION NEWSNEW MEXICO
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. —Eastbound I-40 west of Albuquerque is backopen following a crash.Continue reading >INTERSTATE 40 NEARROUTE 66 CASINOREOPENEDBy Nick Catlin, KOAT 701/7/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT27Both of Grant County’s public schooldistricts contended in 2024 with agingfacilities built when enrollments weregreater. One decided to pursue a generalobligation bond to address those issues,while the other learned it wasn’t preparedto go that route just yet. And both districtsfaced a crisis when each saw a teacherarrested.Continue reading >SCHOOLS FOCUS ONFUNDINGBy Jungo Ogle, Silver City Daily Press12/31/2024The Los Alamos County Parks and OpenSpace Division is hosting a communitylistening session to gather feedback on theBrewer Arena Renovation Project. Continue reading >COUNTY TO HOSTLISTENING SESSION FORBREWER ARENA JAN. 16By Carol A. Clark, Los Alamos Daily Post01/06/2025The group received an endowment for ascholarship for women pursuingconstruction careers and updated its boardof directors.Continue reading >AGC NEW MEXICOANNOUNCESSCHOLARSHIPS, NEW2025 LEADERSHIPBy Cooper Metts, Albuqureque Business First01/07/2025Weeks after a severe storm damaged NaraVisa's historic community center, its boarddiscovered the building was underinsuredand will have to raise additional funds torepair it.Making matters worse, heavy rainstorms inOctober and November led to more waterdamage in the building.Continue reading >NARA VISA CENTERSHORT OF FUNDSBy Staff, Quay County Sun01/01/2025
BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSSOUTHWESTBoth planning and actual construction workare scheduled to move forward this year ona series of facility projects belonging to theUniversity Medical Center of El Paso.In November, El Paso voters approved anearly $397 million bond designed to fundnew building and upgrade projectsbelonging to the medical center. The largerportion of the bond funding, at $207.6million, will go for the creation of a series ofmetro area clinics and health centers.BONDS FOR UNIVERSITYMEDICAL CENTER OF ELPASO PROJECTSEXPECTED TO GO TOMARKET LATER THISSPRINGBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment 01/08/2025Copyright: Canva proIncluded in that group is a health center forHorizon City, which is located in the same ElPaso County Hospital District that UMC is apart of; a geriatric clinic in Central El Paso;and an emergency and ambulatory surgicalcenter set to be built on the west side of thecity.The more than two-to-one vote in favor ofthe UMC bond, said R. Jacob Cintron afterthe election, was evidence of a“commitment to our community’s future.”The chief executive officer of the hospitaldistrict, Cintron, added that the plannedprojects “will benefit patients and continueto serve generations to come.”Exactly $134.5 million out of the bond willgo toward building new surgical suites atUMC’s main hospital; funding will also addspace for just over two dozen beds. Another$24.5 million will target the construction ofa burn center with two operating rooms. Another $30 million is slated to build acomprehensive cancer care center, whichwill be done in conjunction with Texas TechHealth El Paso. That project has alreadyreceived some $65 million in state funding,which was approved last year by membersof the Texas State Legislature.UMC officials have said they expect to go tothe bond market this spring to issue thebonds. 28
BUILTENVIRONMENTArizona is among the states that may see new data centerconstruction as part of a just-announced investment on thepart of the Dubai, United Arab Emirates-based propertydevelopment company DAMAC Properties.The announcement was made by President-elect Trump, whosaid that the company has pledged to put up at least $20 billionto build the new centers. “They may go double, or evensomewhat more than double that amount of money,” Trumpremarked.The company is owned by Hussain Sajwani. During a pressconference with Trump, Sajwani said, “We’ve been waiting fouryears to increase our investment” in the U.S., an investmentthat, he continued, will amount to “very large amounts ofmoney.”Sajwani added that initially, his company will focus on “datacenter catering for the AI, and cloud business for thehyperscalers.”Although short of specifics, the initial DAMAC Propertieseffort will be cross-regional, with new facilities planned in theMidwest in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio, as well as bothTexas and Oklahoma.Founded in 2002 as a subsidiary of the DAMAC Group,DAMAC Properties has been extensively involved in hotel,residential, and golf community projects and has, to date,completed just over 45,000 residential units. The company’sdata centers have seen construction in Indonesia, Malaysia,and Saudi Arabia, among several other countries. DAMAC Properties is currently in the process of completing a19,000-square-foot data center, advertised as “state-of-the-art,” in Bangkok, Thailand, that is scheduled for completion in2026.PLANS FOR NEW DATA CENTERCONSTRUCTION BY FOREIGNCOMPANY ANNOUNCED DURINGTRUMP PRESS CONFERENCEBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment 01/08/202529Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENTWork will begin later this year on theupgrading of a treasured Denver structure:the 126-year-old Greek Amphitheaterlocated within the borders of the 22-acreCivic Center Park.The building was partly designed by famedChicago architect and city planner EdwardBennett and features a central pavilion and210-foot semicircular colonnade. For decades, it has hosted everything fromvaudeville to plays, concerts, and musicfestivals. John Kennedy spoke there in1960, as did Bill Clinton in 1995. Now, after four years of public workshops, DENVER'S HISTORICAND ALWAYS-POPULAR GREEKAMPHITHEATER TO BEFOCUS OF UPGRADEWORKBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment 01/08/2025Copyright: Canva profocus group meetings, and online surveys,the City of Denver is ready to embark on alarger first phase upgrading of the park byre-orienting the amphitheater's main eventspace to face the south instead of the north,with plans also to build a shade canopy ontop of the building. That re-orientation, notes a city documentcalled Civic Center Next 100, will allow for a"stronger connection to activities on thepromenade as well as a 280-degreeaudience bowl with strategic sightlines,accessible seating, and views that avoid theglare of the afternoon sun."A smaller structure near the amphitheaterwill be built to house dressing rooms,washroom facilities, and storage. The structure and surrounding area will alsocomply with the Americans with DisabilitiesAct. Plans additionally call for installing newlighting and security systems.Funding for the Greek Amphitheater workwill partly come from the Elevate Denverbond program, a $937 million initiativeapproved by Denver voters in 2017.30
Final planning is expected to be completedsometime early next year on a massivecopper mining project roughly 30 miles tothe southwest of Tucson.MASSIVE COPPERMINING PROJECT INARIZONA GETS STATEAGENCY APPROVALBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 01/06/2024Copyright: Canva proThe Arizona Department of EnvironmentalQuality has granted an air quality permit towhat is officially called Copper World, a$1.7 billion project spearheaded by theToronto-based Hudbay MineralsIncorporated.It is thought that the mine will produce up to94,000 tons of copper per year in the next20 years, a figure that will make CopperWorld the third largest cathode producer inthe country.Continues >BUILTENVIRONMENT31
In a statement, Peter Kukielski, Hudbay president, said the mine will “meet the growing needfor critical minerals in the U.S. related to increased manufacturing capacity, infrastructuredevelopment, increased energy independence, domestic battery supply chain needs, andstrengthening the nation’s security.”Two years ago, Hudbay released a feasibility study noting that Copper World would be atwo-phase project, with phase one seeing the development of a stand alone operation. Phasetwo will see Copper World’s expansion onto land owned by the federal government.The project is expected to increase the nearly 100-year-old Hudbay’s overall copperproduction by at least 50%. The fourth largest copper producer listed on the New York StockExchange, Hudbay has for years centered its operations in Manitoba, but has also taken onprojects in Chile and Peru.The Copper World project has been opposed by various environmental groups as well asnearby residents. In granting the air quality permit, charged Russ McSpadden, advocate forthe Center for Biological Diversity, Arizona’s Environmental Quality Department provided a“dangerous gift to the mining industry.”In a column for the Arizona Daily Star, McSpadden earlier also accused the U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers of failing to conduct a “sufficient environmental impact analysis” of the CopperWorld project.In a survey commissioned late last year by the Tucson Metro Chamber of Commerce it wasrevealed that 72% of respondents supported the concept of copper mining in the state, with53% specifically in favor of the Copper World project.BUILTENVIRONMENT32Copyright: Canva pro
A new, large solar farm may be going up on thenortheast side of El Paso depending upon thefortunes of an application recently submitted to thePublic Utility Commission of Texas.The El Paso Electric Company says it wants to buildboth a farm and solar array that will go up adjacent tothe company’s Newman Natural Gas Power Plant offStan Roberts S. Avenue.The estimated $328 million project will include a100-megawatt solar field with 100 megawatts ofbattery storage. The project is officially being calledthe Newman Buffer Generation Project.According to documents filed with the Public UtilityCommission, the project is needed to “address thesignificant growth” in demand from the company’scustomers, while also making up for the “eventualretirement of older, less efficient generating units.”Although an exact timeline for construction of thenew facility has not been announced, the companyhas said it would like to see it operational by 2027.The project comes in the wake of a 10-megawattsolar farm in San Elizario, featuring nearly 19,000solar panels that the company began work on lastyear.El Paso Electric has said that it wants to build fiveother solar and battery facilities before the end of thedecade, a goal that could see the company operatingupwards of 1,400 megawatts of solar capacity, alongwith almost 1,000 megawatts of storage capacity.With more than 460,000 customers, El Paso Electricprovides coverage to all of metro El Paso as well asLas Cruces, among other locations. NEW SOLAR FARMCONSTRUCTION PROPOSEDBY EL PASO ELECTRICBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 01/06/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT33
The City of Phoenix has issued a Request forProposals to build affordable housing on eightlots in a part of the city where the averageprice of a home is now just under $420,000.The move is a part of the city’s four-year oldHousing Phoenix Plan, which is designed tospur new affordable housing in varioussections of the city. That plan has a stated goalof either constructing or preserving up to50,000 homes by the end of the decade.The targeted lots have a dollar value varyingbetween $470,000 and $625,000 and are alllocated in Sunnyslope, a settled neighborhoodof around 50,000 residents in northernPhoenix.Since its adoption in 2020, the HousingPhoenix Plan has both built and preservedaround 10,600 affordable housing units, alongwith another 11,200 that are classified asworkforce housing.The idea behind the plan has seen City ofPhoenix selling property it owns at asometimes less than market rate price andthereby incentivizing private developers tobuild more affordable units.Besides the affordable income component,any new housing project in Sunnyslope, saysthe RFP announcement, must be compatiblewith the “neighborhood and surroundingarea,” especially as regards height and density.The RFP has a submission deadline of March14. PHOENIX ISSUES RFP FORNEW AFFORDABLEHOUSINGCONSTRUCTIONBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 01/07/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT34
Award: Austin light railValue: $7 billionLocation: Austin, TexasClient: Austin Transit PartnershipAustin, Texas, now has a team to build itsfirst light rail system. Continue reading >TEAM SELECTED TOBUILD $7B AUSTIN LIGHTRAILBy Julie Strupp, Construction Reporter 01/06/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT35The project capitalizes on an economicincentive package from the city of El Paso.Continue reading >$2.8 BILLION METADATA CENTER AHEADOF SCHEDULE IN ELPASOBy Leah March, Albuquerque Business First 01/04/2025The last decade has seen Texas boom,leaping from the 12th largest state economyin the nation to the second. If the Lone StarState were its own country, its economywould outrank Russia and Canada.Continue reading >2025 TEXASCONSTRUCTIONINDUSTRY FORECAST:ALL SIGNS POINT TOCONTINUING VITALITYFOR THE TEXASCONSTRUCTIONINDUSTRYBy Rob Patterson, Texas Contractor Nick Rivera, territory manager with low-slope roofing manufacturer MuleHide,hasrelocated to the company’s Houstonterritory. He previously managed thecompany’s Pennsylvania, New Jersey, andDelaware territory since 2018.He will serve as the company’s lead contactwith contractors in the territory. He willensure projects are completed efficientlyand according to specification; work withcontractors and ABC Supply Co. Inc. branchteams to meet property owners’ roofingneeds; and provide ongoing product,technical and sales training...Continue reading >MULEHIDE TERRITORYMANAGER MAKES SHIFTTO HOUSTON, TEXASBy Metal Construction News01/06/2025
BUILTENVIRONMENT36Work to rebuild the Key Bridge in Baltimorewill begin this month.Continue reading >KEY BRIDGE REBUILD TOBEGIN THIS MONTHBy Zachary Phillips, ConstructionDive01/03/2025Copyright: Canva proOur 2025 Alan Curtis Service AwardWinner made the sun. Or at least that’s what his 5-year-oldgranddaughter said. To crews out onconstruction jobsites at night, though...Continue reading >KEEPING CREWS SAFEAT NIGHT ANDSUPPORTINGAMERICAN INGENUITYBy Bethany Chambers, For Construction Pros01/03/2025Copyright: Canva proCONSTRUCTION NEWSNATIONAL
U.S. Steel and its would-be Japanese suitorNippon Steel have gone to court to defendtheir $15 billion merger, after PresidentBiden on Friday moved to block the deal,citing national security concerns. Continue reading >U.S. STEEL SUES TOSALVAGE ITS SALE TOJAPAN'S NIPPON STEELBy Scott Horsely, NPR01/06/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT37Copyright: Canva proHot-rolled coil producer North StarBlueScope Steel plans to expand itsoperations in Fulton County, Ohio...Continue reading >NORTH STARBLUESCOPE STEELEXPANDS FULTONCOUNTY, OHIO,OPERATIONSBy Area Development News Desk01/02/2025
BUILTENVIRONMENT38The terms Swiss Army Knife and jack of alltrades are often used, but they are oftenhyperbole. However, compact equipment(including compact track loaders, skid steersand small articulated loaders) is being usedon almost every jobsite and operates inmultiple applications and environments,much like a Swiss Army Knife.Continue reading >COMPACT EQUIPMENTBECOMES MOREVERSATILEBy For Construction Pros01/06/2025Copyright: Canva proContractors are juggling optimism andunease entering 2025.From interest rate cuts to a new presidentialadministration, construction pros arekeeping close tabs on key issues and trendsthat could drive costs up or unlock newopportunities.Continue reading >3 CHARTSCONTRACTORS SHOULDWATCH THIS YEARBy Sebastian Obando, ConstructionDive01/07/2025Copyright: Canva proCONSTRUCTION NEWSTRENDS
Building Design+Construction editors bringyou the top building products for the monthof December. Collected across a variety ofbuilding sectors, these products deliverhigh-efficiency performance, connectsmartly with Wi-Fi, and feature post-consumer recycled content.Continue reading >TOP BUILDINGPRODUCTS FORDECEMBER 2024By BD + C Staff01/03/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT39The U.S. Treasury Dept. released highlyanticipated regulations related to award offederal tax credits designed to spurinvestment in and development of moreclean hydrogen production facilities acrossthe country. Continue reading >FEDS: FINAL USHYDROGEN TAX CREDITRULES ARE MOREFLEXIBLE FOR PROJECTDEVELOPERSBy Pam McFarland, ENR01/06/2025Copyright: Canva pro
VIEW >$8,300,000ESTIMATED COSTPROJECT INFOSCOPE:Interior renovation of existing facility for new staffadding new cubicles in open offices.OWNER:State of NM General Services Dept/Purchasing Div1100 South St. FrancisDrive, Room 2016Santa Fe NM 87505Bid Date/Time: 01/31/2025 - 02:00pm MSTAddenda Count: 0Phase: BiddingStage: ActiveStatus:New Project / First ReportProject Type: Additions / Renovations / UpgradeCategory: Federal / State / MunicipalPublic Funding: YesBid Security: 5% Bid BondMandatory Pre-Bid Meeting01/10/2025 - 1000 AMState Purchasing Division Conference Room 2004Joseph Montoya Building1100 St. Francis DriveSanta Fe, New Mexico 87505POINT OF CONTACT:Contract Administrator Patrick GardnerPatrick.Gardner@gsd.nm.govJOHN F SIMMSBLDG.RENOVATIONJOHN F SIMMSBLDG.RENOVATION(505) 827-0472BUILTENVIRONMENT42
NOT AVAILABLEESTIMATED COSTSOIL SAMPLESPECIFICATIONSSOIL SAMPLESPECIFICATIONSVIEW PROJECT >OWNER:Albuquerque Bernalillo Water Utility Authority505) 768-3504One Civic Plaza NWAlbuquerque NM 87102PROJECT INFO:Bid Date/Time: 01/28/2025 - 02:00pm MSTPhase: BiddingStage: ActiveProject Type: Vendor / Professional ServicesCategory: Federal / State / MunicipalPublic Funding: YesSCOPE:Furnish all labor, equipment, vehicles, andincidental materials as needed to providesoil sampling services at the AlbuquerqueBernalillo County Water Utility Authority’s(Water Authority’s) Soil AmendmentFacility located at 7400 Jim McDowell RoadNW, Albuquerque, NM 87120. Work willinvolve extracting (mechanically or byhand) six (6) aliquot soil cores at twodifferent depths for each sample locationand collecting soil samplesBUILTENVIRONMENT43
FEATUREDPRE-BID PROJECTThe oldest ski resort in Colorado may beon the verge of a historic upgrading.Located at 65 Parsenn Road in the city ofWinter Park, around 67 miles to the westof Denver, the Winter Park Resort wasopened in early 1940 and is the state’slongest continually operated ski resort.Continues >UPGRADE OFCOLORADO’SDURABLE WINTERPARK RESORT IN THEWORKSBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 01/03/2025PROJECT INFORMATION:Estimated Cost: $40,000,000Stage: Conceptual / No DesignStatus: New Project / First ReportProject Type: Additions / Renovations / UpgradeCategory: Entertainment / Theater / SportsPublic Funding: YesVIEW >BUILTENVIRONMENT44
BUILTENVIRONMENT45With just over 3,000 acres of skispace and nearly 200 designatedtrails, the resort has several timesbeen lauded by USA Today as thenumber one ski resort in America.Now a move is on to substantiallyupgrade portions of the resort,improving its amenities and terrain,among other things.Called “Winter Park Unlocked,” theproject will include the building ofnew lodging and dining options atthe site, as well as improvedwalkability, and the creation of whatare being called “unique publicspaces.”The plan is also expected to see thebuilding of a new ski-back trail thatwill increase access between theresort and the town of Winter Park.Owned by the City of Denver andmanaged by the Alterra MountainCompany of Denver, the WinterPark Resort sees annual revenue ofmore than $40 million and has forsome time been regarded as a year-around resort with miniature golf inthe summer and a climbing wall,among other amenities.An outline of the “Winter ParkUnlocked” published by the City ofWinter Park notes that the projectis centered on the concept of the“mountain resort of the future,” withan emphasis on sustainability issues.Although an exact timeline for theproject has not been announced, theupgrade will be the first extensivework of its kind at the resort in morethan two decades.Copyright: Canva pro
ADDITIONS/RENOVATIONS /UPGRADEKEARNY SCHOOL - ELRATON MEDIA WORKSREMODELVIEW PROJECT >UMCCORRECTIONALHEALTH CLINICCABINETRYVIEW PROJECT >KAYENTA JUDICIALCOURT FACILITYSCOPE OF WORK: The work includes newsinglestory commercial courtfacility, site improvements, siteinfrastructure, plumbing,mechanical & electrical work.VIEW PROJECT >PACKAGE #1 OF THETELLURIDE R-1SCHOOL DISTRICTREMODELSPROJECTSCOPE OF WORK: Bid package #1 includes thefollowing scopes of work: SteelBar Joists Procurement...VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Prior to construction, we are hiring an abatementcontractor to come in and remove all hazardousmaterials. This includes removing approximately5000 square feet of black mastic, approximately 750feet of asbestos wrapped boiler pipe...BUILTENVIRONMENT47SCOPE OF WORK: University Medical Center isseeking proposals from vendorsto replace clinic cabinets at theUMC Correctional Health Clinics(El Paso County DetentionFacility – 601 E. Overland and ElPaso County Jail Annex – 12501Montana). The existing cabinets,countertops, sinks and fixturesthat have been in place in theseclinics for over 20 years aredamaged beyond repair and nowin need of replacement tomaintain proper infectioncontrol...
MATERIAL /EQUIP / SERVICE /INSTALLCONNECT NM SANILDEFONSOBROADBAND PROJECT[NMCCG]VIEW PROJECT >ZUNI-RAMAHEMERGENCYPOWER SUPPLYSYSTEM (EPSS)REPLACEMENTSCOPE OF WORK: The Zuni ComprehensiveCommunity Health Center(ZCCHC) is currentlyexperiencing aging issues withtheir current emergency powersupply system...VIEW PROJECT >FLOORINGSYSTEMS ANDRELATEDSCOPE OF WORK: Flooring Systems and RelatedVIEW PROJECT >AUTOMOTIVEBATTERIESSCOPE OF WORK: The City Of Las Cruces IsSoliciting Bids From QualifiedFirms Interested In Entering IntoA Price Agreement ForAutomotive Batteries.VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: The Project consists of constructing undergroundfiber infrastructure from a point of connection at thePueblo San Ildefonso west along 502...BUILTENVIRONMENT48
RE-BID REPAIR ANDMAINTENANCE OFOVERHEADCONTACT SYSTEMSCOPE OF WORK: The Offeror shall be responsiblefor the completion of all workset out in the Contract and taskorders. All work is subject toinspection, evaluation, andacceptance by City of El Paso.City of El Paso may employ allreasonable means including butnot limited to progress reports,progress meeting, etc...VIEW PROJECT >FIRE SYSTEMEQUIPMENT,INSTALLATION,MAINTENANCE,AND TRAININGSCOPE OF WORK: The County of Bernalillo isrequesting bids from qualifiedcontractors to establish anIndefinite Quantity PriceAgreement for cost-effectiveservices that includes thepurchase of fire extinguishers,service and maintenance of fireextinguishers, and other fixedfire suppression systems. To beincluded in the bid are portablefire extinguishers found in MDCand County vehicles, and pre-engineered fire extinguishing...VIEW PROJECT >POLE MOUNT ANDSINGLE PHASEPADMOUNTTRANSFORMERSSCOPE OF WORK: The City of Farmington isrequesting bids for a multi-termcontract for Pole Mount andSingle Phase PadmountTransformers to stock the City’sElectric Warehouse inventory.VIEW PROJECT >FIRE PROTECTIONSERVICESSCOPE OF WORK: Rio Rancho Public Schools(RRPS) is requestingcompetitive sealed bids with theintent of entering into a contractfor Fire Protection Maintenanceand Repair Services shall beperformed throughout thedistrict. Potential Bidders are toread, understand and accept therequirements of this Invitation toBid (ITB), especial-ly themandatory requirements.VIEW PROJECT >HVAC FILTERS ANDINSTALLATIONSCOPE OF WORK: Rio Rancho Public Schools(“RRPS”) wishes to establish aprice agreement(s) forreplacement of various HVACFilters provided by RRPS and topurchase filters from productprovider(s). Contractor shalldevelop records depicting dateand time that the filters werereplaced for the various HVACsystems and locations. Pleasecarefully read all instructions,specifications, terms andconditions. Failure to complywith the instructions,specifications, terms andconditions of this ITB...VIEW PROJECT >NETWORKEQUIPMENT &INSTALLATIONSCOPE OF WORK: Portales Municipal SchoolDistrict is requesting proposalsfrom Service Providers toprovide Network Switches,UPSs, 1 year support per device,all associated GBICs, and cablesneeded for switches. A generaldescription of the scope of workis provided below.VIEW PROJECT >BUILTENVIRONMENT49
NEWCONSTRUCTIONNEW FEDERAL PROGRAMS & ESS BUILDING FORTHE DISTRICTVIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Crane Elementary School District No. 13 is seeking bids from qualified contractors for that are able toprovide the construction of a New Federal Programs and ESS Building for the District as defined herein.This project will be funded from district (non-federal) sources. The budget for this project is$2,000,000.00.BUILTENVIRONMENT50
SITE WORK /NON-BUILDINGBUILTENVIRONMENT51NM NP MULTI PMS(1), PAVEMENTPRESERVATION NEW MEXICOVIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: NM NP MULTI PMS(1), Pavement Preservation New Mexico;National Park Service – Sites - Aztec RuinsNM, Carlsbad Caverns NP, Capulin Volcano NM, Chaco Culture NHP, El Malpais NM, El Morror NM, FortUnion NM, Gila Cliff Dwellings NM, Old Santa Fe Trail Building, Pecos NHP, Petroglyph NM, Salinas PuebloMission NM, White Sands NP; Following Counties - Bernalillo, Catron, Cibola, Eddy, Mora, Otero, San Juan,San Miguel, Santa Fe, Socorro Torrance and Union; New Mexico.
VENDOR /PROFESSIONALSERVICESARCHITECT DESIGN SERVICES – CLEVELAND HSCLASSROOM ADDITIONS AND UPGRADESVIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Rio Rancho Public Schools (“RRPS”) is seeking professional Architectural Design Services for ClevelandHS campus upgrades and additions to include:1. Rio Rancho public schools is soliciting proposals for a Design firmto assist with campus upgrades and additions for Cleveland HS toinclude:? Programming/Design for new classroom building (8 Classrooms)? Programming/Design for cafeteria extension/addition? Security upgrades to includei. CMU perimeter wallii. Main secure lobby upgradesiii. Design new secure lobby/vestibule between gym &cafeteria2. Project MACC: 5,000,000 (Dependent upon available funding)BUILTENVIRONMENT52
MATERIAL /EQUIP / SERVICE /INSTALLELECTRICAL COMPONENTSVIEW PROJECT >ORIGINAL ESTIMATED COST: NOT AVAILABLECONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $33,372.002 Low | $151,771.003 Low | $197,276.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsBUILTENVIRONMENT54
NEWCONSTRUCTIONBUILTENVIRONMENT55NMSU-NMDA NEW BUILDINGVIEW PROJECT >ORIGINAL ESTIMATED COST: $23,400,000CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $16,782,000.002 Low | $17,244,600.003 Low | $17,698,000.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award details
SITE WORK /NON-BUILDINGACEQUIA DE LOSCUARTELES PHASE 1IMPROVEMENTSPROJECTVIEW PROJECT >NM DOT CN#2104920 MAJORSTRUCTURES,ROADWAYRECONSTRUCTIONLINCOLN (DISTRICT2)LOR SIT AVIEW PROJECT >FORT BAYARDNATIONALCEMETERY, BURIALEXPANSION &CEMETERYIMPROVEMENTSVIEW PROJECT >ACEQUIA DEARRIBA DECAÑONES PHASE 1IMPROVEMENTSPROJECTVIEW PROJECT >CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $3,115,293.002 Low | $3,658,187.00*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | dollar amount notavailable *Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award details*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $58,711.002 Low | $491,090.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $164,638.002 Low | $302,868.00BUILTENVIRONMENT56
BUILTENVIRONMENT62AUTOMATION VS.JOB PRESERVATION:NAVIGATING THEFUTURE OF GLOBALPORTS IN ACHANGINGWORKFORCELANDSCAPEIndustrial ports worldwide are undergoing atechnological revolution, driven byadvancements such as robotic cranes, AI-powered inventory systems, and automatedguided vehicles (AGVs). These innovations aretransforming operations with unprecedentedspeed and precision – and driving morecollaboration between the public and privatesector.Governments already play a critical role in thisprocess, shaping the future through theirpolicies, funding, and workforce traininginitiatives that balance technologicaladvancements with workforce security. And asautomation accelerates, a key questionemerges: How can industrial ports embracethese changes while preserving jobs andempowering workers? The answer may lie in‘upskilling’ —training workers to adapt...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT64CRE BRACES FOR2025 AMIDCONFLICTINGPREDICTIONS ONMARKETSTABILITYWith 2025 less than two weeks away, thepressure’s on for definitive takes on wherecommercial real estate is going, how long it willtake to get there, and who the winners andlosers are.It’s a big ask that probably can’t be granted.There are signs to point at, whether you’re apessimist or optimist. Maybe what’s needed is athird option of considered planning andflexibility.Let’s start with pessimism. Bloomberg’s takeseems to be doom finally catching up withreality.“I look at 2025 as a year of reckoning,” TimMooney, head of real estate at Värde Partners,which invests in property debt told Bloomberg.“Lenders and borrowers will acknowledge thatlower interest rates aren’t going to save them.”CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT65CRE OUTLOOKFOR 2025:CAUTIOUSLYOPTIMISTICThe fortunes of the commercial real estatesector should be somewhere between statusquo and modestly improved over the nextyear, with housing, industrial, data center andadvanced manufacturing among the mostdynamic asset classes, according to a cross-section of developers and investors who siton NAIOP’s board of directors.Matt McInnis, partner at Front Street Capitalin central North Carolina and a member ofNAIOP North Carolina Piedmont Triad,forecasts a mixed picture. “There are a lot ofpositive dynamics that are unfolding for us,but for every one of those, there’s somethingthat’s going to constrain euphoric growth,” hesaid. “We see a lot of people finally in a headspace where they’re willing to commit to aproject. In 2024, there was a lot of looking.That’s started to change.”That began with the Federal Reserve cuttinginterest rates and has picked up since theelection, McInnis said. “Your politicalaffiliation aside, clarity and certainty arehelpful to the business environment,” he said.“In the Southeast U.S., there’s populationgrowth, there’s demand, companies arewanting to domicile here. In North Carolina,there’s a good pro-business climate. We’renot overbuilt.”CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT66SBA OFFERSFINANCIAL RELIEFTO LOUISIANABUSINESSESIMPACTED BY NEWYEAR’S TRAGEDY INNEW ORLEANSWASHINGTON – In response to the request fromLouisiana Gov. Jeff Landry, the U.S. Small BusinessAdministration (SBA) announced that smallbusinesses and private nonprofit organizations(PNPs) in Louisiana may now apply for federaldisaster loans to offset economic losses caused bythe mass casualty incident that occurred in theFrench Quarter of New Orleans on Jan. 1. Thedisaster declaration includes the parishes ofJefferson, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard andSt. Tammany.“The SBA joins the entire federal family in grievingthe lives lost in this horrific attack and praying forthose who were injured,” said SBA AdministratorIsabel Casillas Guzman. “As New Orleans and thewider community mourn and begin the healingprocess for this devastating tragedy, the SBA, incollaboration with state and local partners, standsready to support and help provide disasterassistance to businesses suffering economicimpact – including the small businesses that makeneighborhoods like the French Quarter so vibrant.”CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – The City ofAlbuquerque is looking for volunteers tojoin subcommittees for the HomelessCoordinating Council (HCC). The city saysthe HCC is seeking members for fivesubcommittees. Continue reading >CITY OF ALBUQUERQUELOOKING FORHOMELESSCOORDINATINGCOUNCIL VOLUNTEERSBy Issac Cruz, KRQE News01/07/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSNEW MEXICO68Albuquerque City Councilors passed a newordinance on Monday night requiringcertain property owners in downtownAlbuquerque to pay a fee for owning avacant building and register their propertywith the city.Continue reading >ALBUQUERQUE CITYCOUNCIL: VOTE PASSEDON VACANT BUILDINGORDINANCEDOWNTOWNBy Aliyah Chavez, KOAT01/07/2025Copyright: Canva pro
Downtown sometimes gets a bad rap, but apremier growers’ market and a slew of artevents remained undeniable bright spots in2024. Some of the most well-knownattractions are headed up by the DowntownABQ MainStreet initiative — a communityredevelopment nonprofit that’s been inoperation since 2008. Continue reading >DOWNTOWNMAINSTREET REPORTSBUSTLING YEAR FORGROWERS’ MARKET,ART EVENTSBy Damon Scott, City Desk ABQ01/02/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT69The latest survey of home prices and sales inthe area is a bit of a mixed bag, with salesremaining strong in the city of Santa Fe buttailing off in Santa Fe County.Continue reading >HOME SALES UP IN LATE2024 IN CITY OF SANTAFE, DROP IN COUNTYBy Staff, Santa Fe New Mexican01/06/2025Copyright: Canva proVictims of the Roswell flood that occurred inOctober have until 11:59 p.m. Thursday toseek disaster assistance from the FederalEmergency Management Agency.Continue reading >THURSDAY IS DEADLINEFOR ROSWELL FLOODVICTIMS TO SEEK FEMAASSISTANCEBy Patrick Lohmann, Source NM01/02/2025Copyright: Canva pro
The second Public Engagement ListeningSession for the ongoing Artificial Turf Studywill take place from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m., Jan. 30,at Fuller Lodge. This session provides anopportunity for community members to askquestions and offer feedback on the study’sprogress. For those unable to attend inperson, a Zoom option will be available toparticipate virtually.Continue reading >COUNTY: LISTENINGSESSION FORARTIFICIAL TURF STUDYJAN. 30By Carol A. Clark, Los Alamos Daily Post01/07/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT70WASHINGTON, D.C.: Notching a fourthstraight month of gains, contracts to buypreviously owned homes in the U.S. rosemore than expected in November as buyersfocused on taking advantage of improvedinventory despite stubbornly high mortgagerates.The National Association of Realtors (NAR)reported that its Pending Home Sales Index,which tracks signed contracts, rose 2.2percent in November to 79.0, the highestlevel since February 2023.Continue reading >CONTRACTS TO BUYPREVIOUSLY OWNEDHOMES IN U.S. RISE INNOVEMBERBy Robert Besser, New Mexico State News.Net01/04/2025Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSSOUTHWESTCompleted in 1939, the historic buildingused to be the W.T. Grant Co. departmentstore. Now it's home to a couple of bars thatbring in travelers as well as locals. Readmore about the property and why the buyeralmost passed it over but ultimatelychanged his mind.Continue reading >NEW COMPANY BUYSHISTORIC BUILDING INHEART OF DOWNTOWNFORT WORTHBy Seth Bodine, Dallas Business Journal 01/06/2025Copyright: Canva pro71Taser maker Axon Enterprise Inc. has foryears planned to build a new headquarterscampus in Scottsdale. After recentdevelopments, the company's leaders areready to consider alternative sites in otherstates.Continue reading >AXON’S FUTURE INSCOTTSDALE IN FLUXAMID REFERENDUMEFFORTBy Paul Thompson, Phoinex Business Journal01/06/2025“ULI members in San Antonio understandthe precariousness of their city’s housingcrisis,” says Javier Paredes, principal atStudioMassivo and ULI San Antoniomember leader. “They [also] recognize thepower of aligning housing with transit...Continue reading > THE POWER OFHOUSING ANDTRANSPORTATION INSAN ANTONIO’SVULNERABLECOMMUNITIEBy Kelly Annis, Elizabeth Van Horn, Urban Land01/02/2025
BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSNATIONALKnown as the New SLC, it is the largestpublic works project in Utah’s history,replacing three aging facilities with a highlyefficient, sustainable and beautiful airport.Continue reading >5 LESSONS LEARNEDFROM DESIGNING SALTLAKE CITY’S NEWAVIATION HUBBy HOK, Building Design + Construction01/02/205Copyright: Canva pro72We're looking at several storylines thatcould impact your business in 2025 — fromhurdles that could reshape manufacturingto why this year could be rocky on theinsurance front.Continue reading >THE NATIONALOBSERVER: SIX STORIESTHAT COULD SHAPEYOUR BUSINESS IN 2025By Joshua Mann, Albuquerque Business First01/02/2025Copyright: Canva pro
Dive Brief:Starts for buildings with five or moreunits fell dramatically in November,dropping 28.8% year over year and24.1% month over month to aseasonally adjusted rate of 264,000,according to a monthly report fromHUD and the U.S. Census Bureau.Continue reading >MULTIFAMILY STARTSFALL DRAMATICALLYBy Leslie Shaver, ConstructionDive01/03/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT73Recently, three new senior housingapartment towers opened in the greatermetropolitan area of Portland, Oregon.Continue reading >SENIOR HOUSING GOESVERTICAL IN THEPACIFIC NORTHWESTBy Bendix Anderson, Urban Land01/06/2025Copyright: Canva proAccording to, the number ofhomes actively for sale in the U.S. grew by22% in December 2024 compared to theprevious year, marking the 14th consecutivemonth of growth. However, seasonal trendscaused inventory levels to drop to theirlowest point since June 2024.Continue reading >ACTIVE U.S.RESIDENTIAL LISTINGSSPIKE 22 PERCENT INDECEMBERBy Michael Gerrity, The World Property Journal01/06/2025Copyright: Canva proThe U.S. Consumer Financial ProtectionBureau said Monday that it is suing aTennessee-based mortgage lender ownedby Berkshire Hathaway, accusing thecompany of predatory practices aimed atsteering borrowers into manufacturedhomes they could not afford.Continue reading >CFPB SUES BERKSHIREHATHAWAY-OWNEDMORTGAGE LENDER FORALLEGED PREDATORYPRACTICESBy Scott Neuman, NPR01/06/2025
BUILTENVIRONMENT74With ten historic houses designed by the world-famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright sold in the lastyear, attention is focused on his last great creation:the Lykes House of Phoenix, otherwise known asthe Circular Sun House.FRANK LLOYDWRIGHT’S ICONICPHOENIX CIRCULARSUN HOUSE IS UP FORSALEBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 01/03/2025FEATURED COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 030201TYPEYEAR BUILTSQUARE FEETSIN GLE FAM ILY196 73,0 95 SQFTThat property at 6836 N. 36thStreet, roughly 12 miles to thenortheast of downtown Phoenix, hasan asking price of $8.9 million, upfrom the nearly $1.7 million it wentfor in 2019. In the ancient era of1990, the house was listed for$695,000.Located in the upscaleneighborhood of Palm Canyon, the3,100 square-foot structure, notesthe publication Architectural Digest,is “one of the architect’s mostunique offerings, and one of onlyfourteen circular homes he designedin his lifetime.”Featuring three bedrooms and threebathrooms, as well as a den, library,and office, the house is graced byPhilippine mahogany walls, slatefloors, and steel framed windows.Wright, over a seven-decade period,was nothing if not productive,having designed more than 1,000homes, office buildings, schools, andchurches, among many otherstructures.Called by the American Institute ofArchitects “the greatest architect ofall time,” Wright was particularlyknown for his creation of what cameto be known as “Prairie Style”buildings known for their long-lowdesign and open floor plans.The Circular Sun House is beinglisted by the Scottsdale office ofrealtor Deanna Peters.Copyright: Google maps
BUILTENVIRONMENTPROPERTY & LAND FOR SALENEW MEXICOUnless otherwise stated, all images on this page are copyrighted to Google Inc.723 NEW YORK AVE | ALAMOGORDOOFFERED PRICE: $1,295,000 BUILDING SIZE: 2,520 SFSingle-Tenant Government leased office building available for sale. Absolute Investment Realty is pleased topresent this opportunity to acquire a rare single-tenant government leased building in Alamogordo, NM...VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE2300 N MAIN ST | ROSWELLOFFERED PRICE: $5,500,000 BUILDING SIZE: 82,764 SFOwner Financing possible to qualified buyers with 6.5 % Fix interest for 20 yearsPossible flag options Sleep Inn, Country Inn, Park inn. Wyndham Hotels.Econo Lodge Key money available with options for Flat franchise fees.VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE1515 PACHECO ST | SANTA FEOFFERED PRICE: $590,000 LAND SIZE: 0.82 ACRES• Bite Sized 0.82 AC (35,719 SF) Tract Located in the Heart of Santa Fe Between Cerrillos Road, St. Francis andSt. Michaels Drive• Flexible IL (Industrial Light) Zoning Allows for a Variety of Uses Including Fabrication, Light Manufacturing &Mixed CommercialVIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE3601 INDUSTRIAL DR | HOBBSOFFERED PRICE: $337,050 LAND SIZE: 1.1 ACRESStabilized pad with utilitiesEstablished restaurant adjacent to siteHigh traffic areaVIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE75
We now have a launch date for the debutmission of Blue Origin's powerful NewGlenn rocket.Continue reading >BLUE ORIGIN TOLAUNCH ITS 1ST NEWGLENN ROCKET ON JAN.10By Mike Wall, Space.com01/06/2025Copyright: Canva proSPACE NEWSBUILTENVIRONMENT79Expedition 72 is kicking off the New Year bypreparing for an upcoming spacewalk toservice scientific equipment and install newcommunication systems. In addition tothese preparations, the crew aboard theInternational Space Station (ISS) has beenfocused on space agriculture experimentsand managing cargo operations.Later this month, two NASA astronauts willexit the ISS through the Quest airlock toconduct a spacewalk addressing...Continue reading >LETTUCE, JETPACKS,AND SPACEWALKS:NEW YEAR ON THESPACE STATIONBy NASA, SciTech Daily01/07/2025Copyright: Canva pro
Defense technology manufacturerLockheed Martin named Abby Lilly as itsnext chief supply chain officer, according toa Dec. 16 letter to suppliers. Continue reading >LOCKHEED MARTINTAPS NEXT CHIEFSUPPLY CHAIN OFFICERBy Philip Neuffer, SupplyChainDive01/07/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT80Copyright: Canva proWASHINGTON — Ligado Networks todayannounced it has filed for Chapter 11bankruptcy and is putting in place arestructuring plan that the company sayswill reduce its current debt load of $8.6billion to approximately $1.2 billion — inlarge part financed by a deal with satellite-to-phone company AST SpaceMobile.Continue reading >LIGADO FILES CHAPTER11, COMMENCESRESTRUCTURING TOSLASH DEBT BURDENBy Theresa Hitchens, Breaking Defense01/06/2025The $85 million Applied Research Building(ARB) at the University of Arizona in Tucsonwas recently recognized by the Design-Build Institute of America as the 2024Project of the Year.Continue reading >WHAT DOES IT TAKE TOINSTALL A 40-TONTHERMAL VACUUMCHAMBER FOR SPACESIMULATIONS?By Julie Devine, Rocky Mountain ConstructionOf all the outer space ventures inspired byfuturism, perhaps the most alluring is that ofmining the resources within celestial bodies,including the Moon and asteroids. Indeed,real property rights are the holy grail offuture visions of not only settlement butalso space mining. The sticking point hasbeen and continues to be the 1967 OuterSpace Treaty, which prevents a claim...Continue reading >THE (NOT QUITE)DEFINITIVE GUIDE TOTHE LEGAL CONSTRUCTOF “SPACERESOURCES”By MIchael J. Listner, The Space Review01/06/2024Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENTNEWSPACEALLIANCEJoin hundreds of organizations in the national NewSpaceAlliance! Build your knowledge and strengthen yournetwork by participating in ongoing opportunities tolearn, share and engage with space professionals acrossindustry, government and academia. Free to join,NewSpace Alliance members can attend monthly techtalks, industry webinars, networking events, industryforums and our nationally-recognized State of the SpaceIndustrial Base conference. Membership is free.Continue reading >NEWSPACEIGNITORGROW FASTER FROM CONCEPT TO PRODUCT TOSALESContinue reading >CO-INNOVATIONWORKSPACESENewSpace Co-Innovation, or collaborative innovation, iswhen newspace stakeholders work together to discovernew partnerships, explore new approaches, solveproblems, and accelerate growth.Continue reading >PATHWAYS TOTHE STARSACCESS TO WORKFORCE WILL BECOMEEASIER WITH A LARGER, MORE DIVERSESPACE-READY TALENT POOL.Coming next year!Pathways to the Stars will grow the spaceindustry talent pipeline with programming,mentoring, experiential learning and careerconnection services spanning K-12 to earlycareer, with industry involvement and specialattention given to reaching minority populations.Multiple educational partners will providelearning and curriculum, and connection serviceswill connect students to jobs and careers. Weinvite you to participate and inspire students tobecome part of the space workforce of thefuture!Continue reading >ABOUT USWHO WE ARE & WHATWE DOFounded October 2019, NewSpace Nexus is a501(c)(3) non-profit accelerating the pace ofspace innovation by uniting and igniting theindustry. Through the NewSpace Launchpad, afirst-of-its-kind co-innovation hub, stakeholdersgain access to workspaces, equipment,programming, rapid prototyping anddemonstration, and resources needed forinnovation and rapid progress. Services includeaccess to space ecosystem knowledge, publicevents, and networking; navigation services thatprovide tailored guidance and direct assistanceto fast-track business growth; and collaborativeinnovation services...Continue reading >82
QUICK NEWS LINKSCONSTRUCTION26Three New Mexico pueblos receive millionsin broadband grants >NEW MEXICOCompany plans to extract uranium fromthe Grants area >Interstate 40 near Route 66 Casinoreopened >Schools focus on funding >County To Host Listening Session For BrewerArena Jan. 16 >AGC New Mexico announces scholarships,new 2025 leadership >Nara Visa center short of funds >Key Bridge rebuild to begin this month >NATIONALKeeping Crews Safe at Night and SupportingAmerican Ingenuity >U.S. Steel sues to salvage its sale to Japan'sNippon Steel >North Star BlueScope Steel Expands FultonCounty, Ohio, Operations >BUILTENVIRONMENT83BONDS FOR UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER OFEL PASO PROJECTS EXPECTED TO GO TOMARKET LATER THIS SPRING >SOUTHWESTDENVER'S HISTORIC AND ALWAYS-POPULARGREEK AMPHITHEATER TO BE FOCUS OFUPGRADE WORK >Massive Copper Mining Project In ArizonaGets State Agency Approval >New Solar Farm Construction Proposed byEl Paso Electric >Phoenix Issues RFP for New AffordableHousing Construction >2025 Texas Construction Industry Forecast:All Signs Point to Continuing Vitality for theTexas Construction Industry >Team selected to build $7B Austin light rail >MuleHide territory manager makes shift toHouston, Texas >$2.8 billion Meta data center ahead ofschedule in El Paso >PLANS FOR NEW DATA CENTERCONSTRUCTION BY FOREIGN COMPANYANNOUNCED DURING TRUMP PRESSCONFERENCE >Compact Equipment Becomes More Versatile >TRENDS3 charts contractors should watch this year >Top building products for December 2024 >Feds: Final US Hydrogen Tax Credit Rules AreMore Flexible for Project Developers >REAL ESTATE68Albuquerque City Council: Vote passed onvacant building ordinance downtown >NEW MEXICOCity of Albuquerque looking for HomelessCoordinating Council volunteers >Downtown MainStreet reports bustling year forgrowers’ market, art events >Home sales up in late 2024 in city of Santa Fe,drop in county >Thursday is deadline for Roswell flood victims toseek FEMA assistance >Contracts to buy previously owned homes in U.S.rise in November >County: Listening Session For Artificial Turf StudyJan. 30 >
BUILTENVIRONMENT84REAL ESTATE71Axon’s future in Scottsdale in flux amidreferendum effort >SOUTHWESTNew company buys historic building inheart of downtown Fort Worth >The Power of Housing and Transportation inSan Antonio’s Vulnerable Communitie >The National Observer: Six stories that couldshape your business in 2025 >NATIONAL5 lessons learned from designing Salt LakeCity’s new aviation hub >Multifamily starts fall dramatically >Active U.S. Residential Listings Spike 22Percent in December >CFPB sues Berkshire Hathaway-ownedmortgage lender for alleged predatorypractices >Senior Housing Goes Vertical in the PacificNorthwest >SPACE79Blue Origin to launch its 1st New Glennrocket on Jan. 10 >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALLettuce, Jetpacks, and Spacewalks: NewYear on the Space Station >What Does It Take to Install a 40-TonThermal Vacuum Chamber for SpaceSimulations? >Lockheed Martin taps next chief supplychain officer >Ligado files Chapter 11, commencesrestructuring to slash debt burden >The (not quite) definitive guide to the legalconstruct of “space resources” >WEEDFEED86Maryland Lawmakers Seek To Clarify MarijuanaConsumption Lounge Rules And Add NewCannabis Event Permits >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALMinnesota’s Top Cannabis Regulator Resigns;Adult-Use Sales Launch Date Still Unknown >UNM cannabis program helps thousands enterindustry >Cannabis industry leaders in New Mexico pushfor ban on hemp-derived THC >LEGISLATION88County treasurer says “cooling off” policy forformer elected officials does not apply to hisoffice >NEW MEXICO Albuquerque City Council passes downtownvacant buildings ordinance, housing bill >Governor seeks resignation of Western NewMexico University regents after spendingrevelations >Governor nominates regents for New Mexicocolleges and universities >WNMU faculty, staff senates vote no confidencein regents >AG tries to pause severance pay for WNMUPresident >Eddy County to swear in new commissioners atTuesday meeting >Lawmakers file the first bills of New Mexico’s 2025legislative session, which starts in 3 weeks >New Federal Government Efficiency Taskforce,Known as DOGE, Set to Begin Historic Work >NATIONALNew Congressional Budget Office Report SeesStable 2025 Economy >EEOC Limits Use of Wearable Tech >Court Upholds $68M Jury Award Over 2021 FatalFall in Philadelphia >
BUILTENVIRONMENT85ARCHITECTS / ENGINEERS / DESIGN95Doors and sliding door systems for varioussettings >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALThe Brutalist wins at the Globes – here’swhat brutalist architecture constitutes >Biden Signs WRDA Bill Authorizing $10.7B forCorps of Engineers Projects >VENDORS / SUPPLIERS96Proposed Nippon Steel Purchase of US SteelBlocked by Biden; Both CompaniesThreaten Legal Action >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALInnovations in fasteners meet thechallenges of metal construction >Biden Blocks Nippon Steel $15B Buy of USSteel, Cites National Security >North America’s first all mass timber acutecare hospital breaks ground >Trump tariff threats add to poor factoryactivity in Europe, Asia, US >US dockworkers threaten to strike againstautomation, creating economicuncertainty >ENERGY INDUSTRY100Biden to ban future offshore drilling acrossmore than 600 million acres >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALFuel prices headed back up, but AAA saysthey could drop later in January >Biden Team Awards $2B+ for Big CleanEnergy Projects—Days From Departure >Virginia to get world’s first commercialfusion power plant >959699
MARYLANDLAWMAKERS SEEK TOCLARIFY MARIJUANACONSUMPTION LOUNGERULES AND ADD NEWCANNABIS EVENTPERMITSBy Kyle Jaeger, Marijuana Moment01/07/2025Maryland lawmakers have filed legislationmeant to clear up policies around on-sitemarijuana consumption businesses, whileadding a new permit for temporary cannabisevents.Continue reading >NEW MEXICO WEEDFEEDBUILTENVIRONMENT86Copyright: Canva proJust weeks after Charlene Briner said, “Ididn’t grow up dreaming of being a cannabisregulator,” the interim director ofMinnesota’s Office of CannabisManagement (OCM) announced Mondaythat she is stepping down.Briner assumed the lead position in theoffice in June 2023, days after Gov. TimWalz signed legislation making Minnesotathe 23rd state in the nation to legalize adult-use cannabis.Continue reading >MINNESOTA’S TOPCANNABIS REGULATORRESIGNS; ADULT-USESALES LAUNCH DATESTILL UNKNOWNBy Tony Lange, Cannabis Business Times01/07/2025Copyright: Canva pro
Ramona Franco watched with worry in2024 as California Gov. Gavin Newsombanned intoxicating hemp products underemergency regulations in the Golden State.Franco lives in Chimayó, where she helpsoperate a small hemp growing andmanufacturing business, but said she hasfriends affected by the California law.Continue reading >CANNABIS INDUSTRYLEADERS IN NEWMEXICO PUSH FOR BANON HEMP-DERIVED THCBy Cormac Dodd, The Santa Fe New Mexican01/05/205Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT87ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. —New Mexico’s cannabis industry is booming,employing nearly 10,000 people across thestate. For many of these professionals, theirjourney began at the University of NewMexico, where a unique cannabis educationprogram has already helped nearly 2,000individuals gain the skills they need to thrivein this fast-growing field.Continue reading >UNM CANNABISPROGRAM HELPSTHOUSANDS ENTERINDUSTRYBy Peyton Spellacy, KOAT01/06/2025Copyright: Canva pro
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – It’s thefirst Albuquerque City Council meeting ofthe year and councilors passed an ordinancecracking down on vacant buildingsdowntown. Property owners are nowrequired to register their vacant buildingswith the city and create a plan to keep themin good condition. If owners do not comply,the city could take legal action and fineproperty owners $500 a day. Continue reading >ALBUQUERQUE CITYCOUNCIL PASSESDOWNTOWN VACANTBUILDINGS ORDINANCE,HOUSING BILLBy Jordan Honeycutt, KRQE01/06/2025Copyright: Canva proNEW MEXICOLEGISLATIONBUILTENVIRONMENT88Bernalillo County’s new treasurer says statelaw supports him in his choice for a recentlytermed-out county clerk as his deputy,despite a County Commission policy thatrequires elected officials to wait a yearbefore taking a county staff position.Continue reading >COUNTY TREASURERSAYS “COOLING OFF”POLICY FOR FORMERELECTED OFFICIALSDOES NOT APPLY TO HISOFFICEBy Rodd Cayton, City Desk ABQ01/02/2025Copyright: Canva pro
SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — New Mexico Gov.Michelle Lujan Grisham has asked for theimmediate resignation of regents atWestern New Mexico State University afterrevelations of wasteful spending andfailures in financial oversight, according todocuments released Thursday.Continue reading > GOVERNOR SEEKSRESIGNATION OFWESTERN NEW MEXICOUNIVERSITY REGENTSAFTER SPENDINGREVELATIONSBy Morgan Lee, AP News01/02/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT89Faculty and staff at Western New MexicoUniversity took votes of no confidence inthe institution’s Board of Regents late thisweek, even as two of the regents compliedwith the governor’s request for theirresignations. The three remaining membersare expected to follow.Continue reading >WNMU FACULTY, STAFFSENATES VOTE NOCONFIDENCE INREGENTSBy Juno Ogle, Silver City Daily Press01/04/2025Copyright: Canva proSANTA FE – Gov. Michelle Lujan Grishamannounced 11 regent nominations for eighthigher education institutes across the state.These board appointments fall underEastern New Mexico University, NewMexico Highlands University, New MexicoInstitute of Mining and Technology, NewMexico Military Institute, New MexicoSchool for the Deaf, New Mexico StateUniversity, Northern New Mexico College,and the University of New Mexico.Continue reading >GOVERNOR NOMINATESREGENTS FOR NEWMEXICO COLLEGES ANDUNIVERSITIESBy Office of the Governor, Michelle Lujan Grishman01/03/204Attorney General Raul Torrez has filed anemergency restraining order to pause anearly $2 million payout for Western NewMexico University's former president. Since 2011, Dr. Joseph Shepard has beenthe president of WNMU. This past year, hehas been questioned for using universitymoney on international trips and expensivefurniture. During a board meeting inDecember, Shepard resigned as presidentdays after getting a new agreement with a$1.9 million buyout. Continue reading >AG TRIES TO PAUSESEVERANCE PAY FORWNMU PRESIDENTBy Alyssa Munoz, KOAT01/07/2025
The start to the 2025 New Mexicolegislative session is still several weeksaway, but some lawmakers have alreadyintroduced proposed changes in state laws.Legislators started putting forwardproposals known as prefiles Thursday, thefirst day they file bills before the openinggavel on Jan. 21. Three state senators filedfive bills on the opening day.Continue reading >LAWMAKERS FILE THEFIRST BILLS OF NEWMEXICO’S 2025LEGISLATIVE SESSION,WHICH STARTS IN 3WEEKSBy Danielle Prokop, Source NM01/03/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT90Newly elected and reelected Eddy Countycommissioners will be sworn in during aceremony at the Jan. 7 commission meetingin the body’s chambers at the Eddy CountyAdministration Building in Carlsbad.The incoming commissioners were electedto four-year terms in the Nov. 5 generalelection along with the county’s new sheriffand treasurer.Continue reading >EDDY COUNTY TOSWEAR IN NEWCOMMISSIONERS ATTUESDAY MEETINGBy Adrian Hedden, Artesia Daily Press01/05/2025Copyright: Canva pro
In what could prove to be an exhaustiveprocess, entrepreneurs Elon Musk andVivek Ramaswamy have promised to launchtheir review of federal agency budgets laterthis month.The work will form the core of the newlyformed Department of GovernmentEfficiency, otherwise known as DOGE, themission of which is to recommend up to $2trillion in spending cuts making up a big 30%of the today’s federal budget.NEW FEDERALGOVERNMENTEFFICIENCYTASKFORCE, KNOWNAS DOGE, SET TO BEGINHISTORIC WORKBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 01/03/2025Copyright: Canva proDuring the recently concluded presidentialcampaign, Donald Trump said DOGE, whichis only serving in the capacity of an outsideadvisory group, will help to “dismantle thegovernment bureaucracy, slash excessregulations, cut wasteful expenditures, andrestructure federal agencies.”But even before DOGE makes its firstrecommendation, some concerns have beenraised regarding just how much of thebudget is really on the table. “Of the $6.1trillion the federal government spent infiscal 2023, $3.8 trillion went towardmandatory spending programs such as thebig entitlements Social Security andMedicare,” notes the Washington Examiner.The publication points out that suchprogram spending is essentially on“autopilot outside the standardcongressional budgetary process, making itexceedingly difficult to touch.”Continues >BUILTENVIRONMENT91NATIONALLEGISLATION
Ray Fisman, a professor of economics at BostonUniversity, penned an editorial in the New York Timessaying that the government can’t be run like a businessbecause “businesses and governments dofundamentally different jobs, and efforts at remakinggovernment with an eye to cost-cutting can end indisaster.”Fisman references preventing terrorist attacks in theU.S. as an example: it’s an ongoing effort that requiresthe cooperation of multiple federal agencies andsometimes a duplication of efforts. “It’s an elaboratejob that’s measured by an absence of results,” arguesFisman.Other economists have pointed out that we’ve beenhere before: In 1982 the Grace Commission,established by then-President Ronald Reagan, wastasked with pinpointing areas of governmentinefficiency and waste. “We want your team to worklike tireless bloodhounds,” Reagan said as the groupwas launched.Ultimately, while the Grace Commission did makerecommendations that would have amounted to asavings of $242 billion in a three-year period. “Theproblem then was not that the recommendations werebad, but that they were largely ignored,” notes theNational Review.In an editorial just published in the Wall Street Journal,Wisconsin Republican Congressman Mike Gallagherhas suggested that to be the most effective DOGEshould first look at how Congress spends money.“If the DOGE men don’t focus on reforming Congress’sbudget process, they will struggle to realize theirambition of revolutionizing the federal government andreturning America to fiscal sanity,” wrote Gallagher.Brian Reidl, a senior fellow with the ManhattanInstitute, has said that DOGE could prove mosteffective by recruiting “management consultants,accountants, I.T. experts, and others to design cheaperand more efficient methods of delivering publicservices.”BUILTENVIRONMENT92Copyright: Canva pro
The nation’s Gross Domestic Product is expected to see a2% increase during the first quarter of this year, accordingto a new forecast issued by the Congressional BudgetOffice.That figure represents an improvement over the 1.9 % raterecorded in the final quarter of last year and should remainat that level heading into late summer.In its Current View of the Economy from 2025 to 2027, theCBO additionally notes that higher tax rates upon theexpiration of the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act later this yearwill contribute to a “slowdown in consumer spending.”The report also sees a decline in inflation from last year’s2.5% to 2.2% this year, with a slow downward slope ininterest rates from a “4.6% in the fourth quarter of 2024 to3.4% at the end of 2027.”The nation’s unemployment rate, which reached anunprecedented high of 14.8% during the Covid 19 springof 2020, fell to 4.2% as of the end of last year. The CBOreport sees a slight jobless increase to 4.4% this year, afigure that is expected to remain constant well into 2027.Such figures, notes the publication Forbes, suggests amostly positive 2025 economy. Consumer spending is up,while “most everyone who wants a job has one, and wagesare now rising faster than inflation.”Putting all the trends together, Mark Zandi, chiefeconomist with Moody’s Analytics, told the New YorkTimes: “President Trump is inheriting an economy that isabout as good as it ever gets.”Zandi added that the U.S. economy is the only largeeconomy globally that is currently “growing more quicklypost-pandemic than pre-pandemic.”NEW CONGRESSIONAL BUDGETOFFICE REPORT SEES STABLE2025 ECONOMYBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 01/07/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT93
A Pennsylvania Supreme Court judge hasreaffirmed a $68.5-million jury verdict in awrongful death case brought by the wifeand child of an immigrant siding-installationworker who fell to his death while workingon a small Philadelphia apartment project inlate 2021.The case is typical of many urbanconstruction injuries and fatalities wherelocal developers and building owners arebuilding or renovating small structures.Continue reading >COURT UPHOLDS $68MJURY AWARD OVER2021 FATAL FALL INPHILADELPHIABy Richard Korman, ENR MidAtanticCopyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT94Just days before Christmas, the EqualEmployment Opportunity Commission(EEOC) issued a warning to employersregarding situations in which they requireemployees to use wearables in theworkplace in circumstances where thatrequirement could be interpreted asbreaking federal civil rights and disabilitylaws.Continue reading >EEOC LIMITS USE OFWEARABLE TECHBy David Sparkman, EHS Today01/06/2025Copyright: Canva pro
In ‘The Brutalist’ – which on Sunday(January 5) night won big at the GoldenGlobes, the year’s first major showbizawards – lead actor Adrien Brody (asJewish Hungarian architect Laszlo Toth)finds a way to rebuild in concrete what warhas ravaged.When told that concrete is boring, hereplies: “The buildings are static, they arenot yours to dissolve.”Continue reading >THE BRUTALIST WINS ATTHE GLOBES – HERE’SWHAT BRUTALISTARCHITECTURECONSTITUTESBy Shiny Varghese, The Indian Express01/06/2024Copyright: Canva proNEW MEXICO & NATIONALARCHITECTS / ENGINEERS / DESIGNBUILTENVIRONMENT95A selection of openings to create seamlesstransitions.Continue reading >DOORS AND SLIDINGDOOR SYSTEMS FORVARIOUS SETTINGSBy Rita Catinella Orrell, The Architect’s Newspaper 01/07/2025Congress has provided an infusion of $10.7billion of federal funds for U.S. Army Corpsof Engineers water projects, thanks to anewly enacted, multifaceted federalinfrastructure package.Continue reading >BIDEN SIGNS WRDA BILLAUTHORIZING $10.7BFOR CORPS OFENGINEERS PROJECTSBy Tom Ichniowski, ENRCopyright: Canva pro
Litigation in the coming weeks seemscertain in the wake of a decision byPresident Biden to block the sale of U.S.Steel to the Japanese company NipponSteel.In announcing his decision, Biden remarkedthat a “strong domestically owned andoperated steel industry represents anessential national security priority and iscritical for resilient supply chains.”PROPOSED NIPPONSTEEL PURCHASE OF USSTEEL BLOCKED BYBIDEN; BOTHCOMPANIES THREATENLEGAL ACTIONBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter01/06/2025Copyright: Canva proIn issuing an executive order to prevent U.S.Steel/Nippon Steel deal, Biden said he wasacting to make sure that America has a“strong domestically owned and operatedsteel industry that can continue to powerour national sources of strength at homeand abroad.”Biden additionally declared that U.S. Steelwould “remain a proud American company,one that’s American-owned, American-operated, by American union steelworkers,the best in the world.”Two years ago, it was announced that theTokyo-based Nippon had agreed to buy thenearly 125 year-old U.S. Steel for a record$14 billion. The announcement wascelebrated by officials with both companies,not to mention any number of economicanalysts who said the purchase-mergerwould keep the legendary Pittsburg-basedcompany in business.Continues >BUILTENVIRONMENT96NEW MEXICO & NATIONALVENDORS / SUPPLIERS
Copyright: Canva proBut the proposed purchase hasbeen opposed by almost all majorpolitical figures includingPresident-Elect Trump, Vice-President Kamala Harris, andincoming Vice-President J.D.Vance.U.S. Steel, however, hasmaintained that its potentialpurchase by Nippon representedthe “best deal for our employees,shareholders, communities, andcustomers.” The companyadditionally asserted that thedeal would “strengthen theAmerican steel industry,American jobs, and Americansupply chains,” while also fuelingthe domestic steel industry’s“resilience against China.”Responding to the Bidendecision, the two companiesissued a joint statement in whichthey said, “The President’sstatement and order do notpresent any credible evidence ofa national security issue, makingclear that this was a politicaldecision.”The statement also charged thatthe Biden order “reflects a clearviolation of due process,” as wellas the laws governing the federalgovernment’s Committee onForeign Investment in the UnitedStates.Without offering specifics, thejoint statement additionallydisclosed that the two companieswill now “take all appropriateaction to protect our legalrights.”BUILTENVIRONMENT97Copyright: Canva pro
President Joe Biden on Jan. 3 blocked the$15-billion sale of U.S. Steel Corp. to NipponSteel Corp. under the federal DefenseProduction Act—citing national securityconcerns and "credible evidence" that theJapan-based steelmaker "might take actionthat threatens to impair the nationalsecurity of the United States." Continue reading >BIDEN BLOCKS NIPPONSTEEL $15B BUY OF USSTEEL, CITES NATIONALSECURITYBy Jeff Yoders, ENRCopyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTWhat’s expected to be the first all masstimber acute care hospital in North Americahas broken ground. The 97,000-sf Quinte...Continue reading >NORTH AMERICA’SFIRST ALL MASS TIMBERACUTE CARE HOSPITALBREAKS GROUNDBy Novid Parsi, Building Design + Construction 01/06/2025Necessity is the mother of all innovation.While traditional steel bolts and screwsserved as reliable solutions for the lastcentury and a half, improvements in buildingdesign and metal construction have givenrise to small but important innovations infasteners. Among these innovations arechanges in size, materials, finishes, andmanufacturing techniques. Here is a look atthese innovations, their advantages overtraditional fasteners, and their broaderimpact on construction and manufacturing.Continue reading >INNOVATIONS INFASTENERS MEET THECHALLENGES OF METALCONSTRUCTIONBy Josh Krohn, Metal Construction01/060/2025Copyright: Canva pro98
BUILTENVIRONMENT99WASHINGTON, D.C.: Factory activityacross Asia, Europe, and the U.S. ended2024 on weak footing, with concernsmounting over global trade risks tied toPresident-elect Donald Trump's tariffthreats and China's uneven recovery.The manufacturing slowdown reflects achallenging global economic environment asthe new year begins.Continue reading >TRUMP TARIFF THREATSADD TO POOR FACTORYACTIVITY IN EUROPE,ASIA, USBy Robert Besser, New Mexico State News.Net01/06/2024WASHINGTON (AP) — Vowing to stopmachines from taking their jobs, 45,000 U.S.longshoremen are threatening to go on astrike that would shut down ports on theEast and Gulf coasts and could damage theAmerican economy just as President-electDonald Trump returns to the White House.Continue reading >US DOCKWORKERSTHREATEN TO STRIKEAGAINSTAUTOMATION,CREATING ECONOMICUNCERTAINTYBy Paul Wiseman, KOB 401/07/2025Copyright: Canva proCopyright: Canva pro
After enjoying a short decline in gas pricesduring Christmas, drivers across the statesaw another jump in the cost of fuel whenthe calendar turned to January, according tothe weekly AAA New Mexico Weekend GasWatch.Continue reading >FUEL PRICES HEADEDBACK UP, BUT AAASAYS THEY COULDDROP LATER INJANUARYBy Staff, Santa Fe New Mexican01/06/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO & NATIONALENERGY INDUSTRY100The world’s first grid-scale commercialfusion power plant will be built at the JamesRiver Industrial Park in Chesterfield County,Virginia.Continue reading >VIRGINIA TO GETWORLD’S FIRSTCOMMERCIAL FUSIONPOWER PLANTBy Zachary Phillips, ConstructionDive01/06/2025With just two weeks left in his presidency,Joe Biden will prohibit future oil and gasdrilling off the entire East and West coasts,the eastern Gulf of Mexico and theremaining portions of Alaska’s NorthernBering Sea.Continue reading >BIDEN TO BAN FUTUREOFFSHORE DRILLINGACROSS MORE THAN600 MILLION ACRESBy Jacob Fischler, Source NM01/06/2025The Biden administration pushed out twohigh-profile funding awards for clean energyprojects—both billion-dollar-plus—in itswaning days before feared shifts in sectorfinancial and policy support take shapeunder the Trump government after Jan. 20.The U.S. General Services Administrationsaid it awarded on Jan. 2 a two-part contractwith nuclear energy developer...Continue reading >BIDEN TEAM AWARDS$2B+ FOR BIG CLEANENERGY PROJECTS—DAYS FROM DEPARTUREBy Debra K. Rubin, ENR
N E W M E X I C O R E G I O N A L E M P L O Y M E N T D A T ANEW MEXICOSTATISTICSBUILTENVIRONMENT2023 20240200,000400,000600,000800,0001,000,000New MexicoAlbuquerqueFarmingtonLas CrucesSanta FeNew Mexico's November 2024 unemployment rate was4.7%, above the national average of 4.0%. Albuquerque'sjobless rate rose slightly to 4.6%. While the civilian laborforce showed stability, unemployment grew year-over-year, reflecting broader regional challenges.OVERVIEWJOSH CUTLER, THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of Labor StatisticsSOURCE LINK: CLICK HERERELEASE DATE: January 3rd, 2024101NOVEMBER 2023 & 2024 LABOR FORCE2023 20240 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000New MexicoAlbuquerqueFarmingtonLas CrucesSanta FeNOVEMBER 2023 & 2024 UNEMPLOYED
Albuquerque, NMFAMILY FRIENDLY PAINT-YOUR-OWNPOTTERY STUDIOASKING PRICE: $449,900 CASH FLOW: $124,000EBITDA: NOT DISCLOSEDGROSS REVENUE: $500,000INVENTORY: $30,000FF&E: $33,000Business DescriptionSucessful Business Has Been Around Almost 30 Years!This full service contemporary ceramic studio is the placewhere artists discover their own creativity, the joy ofpainting, and can make something unique that they willcherish for years to come. Customers can paint bythemselves or have fun with friends and family while theyget creative with the pottery. Pottery painting is a greatidea for special occasions such as birthday parties, girl'snight out, bachelorette parties, school outings, seniorcenter groups and so much more! It truly is the place forALL AGES!The staff is well trained to assist customers, and the largeselection of ceramic pieces allows for hundreds of choiceswhen tapping into your creativity....BUSINESS FOR SALEVIEW BUSINESS LISTING >BUILTENVIRONMENT103
PERMITNUMBER(CLICK TO VIEW)PERMIT LOCATIONISSUE &EXPIRATION DATEPERMITOWNERTOTALSQ. FEETBUILDINGCONTRACTORBP-2024-43718 3715 ELLISON DR NW02/02/2025 - 07/02/2025Cindy Karthauser96,294TERRAPLEINCONSTRUCTIONWORK DESCRIPTION: The scope of work will include remodeling approximately 1,000 sf within the beauty/cosmetic department of the sales floor. Existing walls,flooring, and ceiling to remain. Floor power will be extended for new fixture layout. Any unused floor power will be abandoned, and floor box covers added. Existinglayin lighting to be replaced with new track/suspended linear lights. New store fixtures will be provided by Kohl’s. No changes to plumbing, mechanical, sprinkler,or fire alarm systems. No exterior/sitework. No signage.BP-2024-430021801 MOUNTAIN RD NW12/30/2024 - 06/30/2025City of Albuquerque DMD- Anthony VillanuevaProject Manager2JAYNES CORPORATIONWORK DESCRIPTION: 13 Light Pole bases for trail lighting. Light pole bases are C.I.P. concrete at a minimum of 7'6" below finished grade.ALBUQUERQUE BUILDING PERMITSFEBRUARY 5TH - 9TH 2024BUILTENVIRONMENT104BP-2024-390006501 AMERICAS PKWYNE01/03/2025 - 07/03/2025OPS Office InvestmentLLC11,711ARCLINEARCHITECTURALDESIGNWEIL CONSTRUCTION,INC.WORK DESCRIPTION: Applicant Work Description: THE REMODEL OF AN EXISTING OFFICE SUITE; REMOVE HALF PARTITIONS, CHANGE FINISHES, ANDADJUST PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL.BP-2024-369958301 DAYTONA RD NW12/30/2024 - 06/30/2025Oppidan11,711PARIC CORPORATIONWORK DESCRIPTION: Requesting FasTrax expedited plan review. Construct new 98,695 sf data center. Scope includes site work, architectural, electrical,mechanical, and plumbingBP-2024-349751015 TIJERAS AV NW06/03/2025 - 07/03/2025NMHSD28,461HENDRENCONSTRUCTIONCOMPANY, LLCTreveston ElliottArchitectWORK DESCRIPTION: Commercial – Alterations Level 2 - Parcel Interior Remodel of Child Support Enforcement DivisionBP-2024-33715270 98th St NW01/03/2025 - 07/03/2025Goodwill Industries ofNew Mexico18,278ARCHITECTURALCONTRACTORS INC.WORK DESCRIPTION: Construction of a new 18,278 square foot concrete tilt-up building.BP-2024-257642200 6TH ST NW12/31/2024 - 06/30/2025Love's Travel Stop &Country Stores6,511HARRIS UNITED, LLCWORK DESCRIPTION: Remodel and minor addition to existing Love's Travel Stop.BP-2024-10672519 OLIVER ROSS DR NW12/31/2024 - 06/30/2025Rudy Myers5,000ALL-RITECONSTRUCTION INC.WORK DESCRIPTION: Building final the previous permit BP-2020-01203 expiredthe building has MEP finals, Still needs to get solid waste, hydrology, tcl, building and fire work under this permit.
LAS CRUCES COMMERCIAL PERMITSElectricalPlumbingAlterationMechanicalRe-roofCommercial NewAdditionsPERMIT NUMBER(CLICK TO VIEW)PERMIT LOCATIONISSUE DATEPERMIT OWNERBUILDINGCONTRACTOR24OC55073124936 PEACHTREE HILLS Rd12/30/2024SIERRA NORTEDEVELOPMENT INCU.T. PLUMBINGPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Building B New Construction Multi-Family Plumbing includes Underground, Topout, and Final Fixtures. Building Permit #24CB500715324OC55073134936 PEACHTREE HILLS Rd12/30/2024DULCE HOGARENTERPRISES LLCU.T. PLUMBINGPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Building C New Plumbing Construction. Underground-Top out - Final Building Permit #24CB5007154BUILTENVIRONMENT10524OC55073144936 PEACHTREE HILLS Rd12/30/2024SIERRA NORTEDEVELOPMENT INCU.T. PLUMBINGPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Building D New Plumbing Construction. Underground-Top out-Final Building Permit#24CB50071554OC55073154936 PEACHTREE HILLS Rd12/30/2024SIERRA NORTEDEVELOPMENT INCU.T. PLUMBINGPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Building E New Plumbing Construction. Underground-Top-out-Final Building Permit#24CB500715624OC55073164936 PEACHTREE HILLS Rd12/30/2024DULCE HOGARENTERPRISES LLCU.T. PLUMBINGPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Building F New Plumbing Construction. Underground-Top out- Final Building Permit# 24CB500717325OC55000271406 ESPINA St01/02/2025ESMAEILI AMIR & AZAM VALLEY VIEW PLUMBING-HEATING-COOLINGPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Pressure test for meter unlock25OC60000051103 LOHMAN Ave01/02/2025FLORES JAMES P &ELIZABETH ASAL'S FRABICATION,HEATING & COOLINGPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Installing 7 mini splits, 2 pkg units 100,000 BTU each, 2 duct systems and 2 vents24OC65073182702 ELKS Dr12/31/2024RT ELECTRIC, INC.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:New service for traffic signal at Elks Dr. and N. Main24OC6507319755 TELSHOR Blvd12/31/2024MR PHONE DOCTOR LLCPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Mr Phone Doctor (MPD) will be wiring 3 out of 6 units located at 755 S Telshor Units E&F. See below a breakdown of LV wiring per unit. Unit E202 (Upstairs westunit) 1. Install low voltage box for ALL data cable home runs. 2. Run cat 6 cable to all designated data boxes. 3. Run 16/2 wire to windows for electric blinds. 4. RunCat5e to all locations where CCTV will be installed. 5. Run 16/2 & Data to entry door & storage unit for access control panel and lock. Unit F101 & F102 (First floorMiddle unit & east unit) 1. Install low voltage box for ALL data cable home runs. 2. Run cat 6 cable to all designated data boxes. 3. Run 16/2 wire to windows forelectric blinds. 4. Run Cat5e to all locations where CCTV will be installed. 5. Run 16/2 & Data to entry door for access control panel and lock.