Demand for state appropriated funding forpublic infrastructure projects throughcapital outlay is matching the fund’ssurmounting unspent balance in the billions.Bernalillo County is pushing for morefunding on projects that have eithercommenced or have been celebrated forpartial completion while also stating aninterest to reform this funding process.Capital outlay is number four on a list ofcounty priorities for this year’s legislativesession, according to a recent release.“Modernizing the state capital outlay process to streamline project approvals andenhance efficiency, particularly for non-governmental organizations,” states therelease.The New Mexico Legislative FinanceCommittee’s latest report for fiscal 2026,Legislating For Results: Policy andPerformance Analysis, states that localentities, state agencies and higher educationinstitutions have requested nearly six billiondollars in capital outlay for 2025.At the same time, according to the report, anall-time high of $5.9 billion in unspentcapital outlay funds remain at the end of CAPITAL OUTLAY IN BERNALILLO COUNTY: A YEAR IN REVIEW OF NEW MEXICO’S BACKLOGGED CONSTRUCTION BUDGETBy Dane Vaughn, The Built Environment01/29/2024BUILTENVIRONMENT04
fiscal 2024 due to large capitalappropriations packages several years in arow, as well as increased revenue inprograms supporting capital outlay projects. Bernalillo County this year is requesting$112,922,000 in capital outlay funding for52 different projects. Bernalillo County’s capital outlay grantsmust be spent within four years of beingappropriated and the county is not requiredto match or pay back the funds. According to the NMLFC’s report, 45% ofprojects received half or less than half ofwhat was originally requested in fiscal 2024.The report also cites a lack of “action toimplement solutions” and “piecemealfunding” on the behalf of the state when itcomes to the sufficient planning required tocomplete capital outlay projects, hence thebacklog.Enhancement and expansion of the MesaDel Sol Sports Complex is the second largestrequest at $4.3 million following the $5million requested for both waterinfrastructure for the Kinney Brick andMountain View neighborhoods and anaffordable housing project titled Aldea DelRio.BUILTENVIRONMENT05MESA DEL SOL SPORTSCOMPLEXOutside of infrastructure projects for roadsand water, it’s not unusual for parks andrecreation facilities to receive largeramounts for capital outlay.The Mesa Del Sol Sports Complex, whichwas constructed to draw sports tourismfrom within the state and outside of it, is Senator Michael Padilla (D) giving a speech toattendees of the inaugural kick off was followed by theinaugural kick of at the Mesa Del Sol Sports Complexon February 19th, 2024 (top and bottom). Copyright:The Built EnvironmentConceptual site plan of the Mesa Del Sol SportsComplex in 2024. Copyright: Courtesy of BernalilloCounty
looking for a total capital outlay request of$48 million.It appears that the county is dialing back thecost of the facility as a year ago the amountestimated to complete the project was $30million.Now the sum total of each phase; including12 new artificial turf fields, six natural turffields, parking, landscaping, drainage and afield house, brings the estimated cost tocomplete down to $26.5 million.One feature that is not on the county’scapital outlay request is a $900,000 COVID-19 Memorial which was originally plannedfor the edge of the complex. In February of 2024, it was reported thatphase four of the complex was anticipatedfor construction in 2025.BUILTENVIRONMENT06ATRISCO VISTABOULEVARD A roadway extension in an area projected The current state of Atrisco Vista Boulevard on thewest end of the City of Albuquerque in 2024Copyright: Courtesty of Bernalillo County for most of the county’s future growth is onthe capital outlay request. $2 million is being requested to tie off aright of way connecting Sandoval County toBernalillo County and to realign a stretch ofroadway with Albuquerque’s most northernthoroughfare, Paseo Del Norte. A driving factor towards a buildout of moreroadwork here is the would-be “efficientaccess to West Side employment centerswith more than 900 acres of prime, shovel-ready industrial land, generating $5.5million in revenue and tens of millions inpayroll,” states the county’s request. $57 million in development investmentsfrom the film industry and $1.6 million infiber optic installation was reported in Aprilof 2024.A community outreach project from theUniversity of New Mexico’s School ofArchitecture and Planning Departmentdescribed this portion of Albuquerque to“absorb the majority of Bernalillo County’sgrowth over the next 80 years.”ANIMAL CARE SERVICESAND RESOURCE CENTERA six-year-old animal shelter owned andoperated by the county, which wasremediated for mold in October of 2024, isnow in line for renovation and expansion. It was reported that the county had tospend $55,000 for remediation of theexisting project which originally costed $7.8million to build in 2017.An 83% increase in animal intake since 2019is resulting in overcrowding, and wear andtear to the building, according to thecounty’s request. Continues >
The proposed 8,000 square foot addition tothe existing 17,143 square foot facility,including needed upgrades, is estimated tocost $13.1 million.If the requested $1 million is approved incapital outlay this year, another $11.4million would be needed to purchase theland, design, construct and equip the facility. BUILTENVIRONMENT07urban agricultural site with $200,000 incapital outlay. Now $1.5 million for a similar project in thenorth valley is being requested, as well as$300,000 to infill more open spaces andalleyways in Albuquerque’s “Warzone”.Sandia Ranch, the north valley agriculturalfacility located between Edith and Osuna, isestimated to cost a total of $20 million tocomplete. $2 million is the price tag for farming the“Warzone” which the county describes as“currently under-served in terms of publicgreen space,” in its request. The Wyoming Open Space project, alsolocated in the “warzone”, was originallyanticipated to bear fruit by March of 2025. Other such projects in the same area can belocated through a map created by thecounty’s Parks and Recreation and OpenSpace Division. Continues >Image of a remediation team addressing black molddiscovered at the Animal Care Services and ResourceCenter in October of 2024. Copyright: Courtesy ofBernalillo CountyURBAN AGRICULTURESmall agricultural sites planned for thepurpose of community recreation, publichealth and education have been on the mapin Albuquerque for capital outlay. In September of 2024 the InternationalDistrict, commonly referred to as the“Warzone”, construction commenced on an Bernalillo County Commissioner Adrian Barboa (right)and Albuquerque City Councilor Nichole Rogers (left)speaking at an event celebrating the construction ofan urban agricultural site at 317 Wyoming Boulevard,northeast, in Albuquerque on September 3rd, 2024.Copyright: The Built Environment
BUILTENVIRONMENT08This $500,000 capital outlay request scopesout interior work including flooring,cabinets, interior walls, countertops,bathroom rehab, paint and HVAC.Last year the voucher-based livingcommunity received 54 bathtubs with walkin showers and new thermostats.Outside of the overlapping specifications,the previous upgrade included new roofing,American Disability Act compliant sidewalksand ramps, as well as sliding doors. Bernalillo County is stating that all thenewly scoped interior work will be a total of$5.3 million. EL CENTRO FAMILIAR ANDSEYBOLD VILLAGE SENIORHOUSINGAfter having completed $939,638 inrenovations and upgrades in March of 2024with Community Development BlockGrants, this low-income senior livingcommunity is being listed for another half amillion in capital outlay. Some of the work overlaps with thecompletion of the previous project. Also,based on the reported award amount toPluma Construction, the project overrunwas over $55,000.County officials cutting the ribbon on upgradescompleted at the El Centro Familiar and SeyboldVillage Senior Housing complex on March 6th, 2025.Copyright: The Built Environment
09Steve AdamsJoshua CutlerManaging EditorDane VaughnMEET OUR TEAMWhat’s our favorite snack?Sarah Motsingersarahm@constructionreporter.comOwner & Managing Partnersteve@constructionreporter.comsteve@thebuiltenvironment.comOwner & Managing Partnerjcutler@constructionreporter.comjcutler@thebuiltenvironment.comCarrie Bagleycarrie@constructionreporter.comReporterRebecca Taylorrebecca@constructionreporter.comReporterShannon Ryanshannon@constructionreporter.comReporterdvaughn@constructionreporter.comdvaughn@thebuiltenvironment.comCommunications Director &General ManagementGarry BoulardBIO: Garry Boulard is a reporterand author whose work hasappeared in the New York Times,Los Angeles Times, ChristianScience Monitor, Chicago Tribuneand Times-Picayune, among otherpublications. Continue reading >Writer4901 Mcleod NE, STE 200A, Albuquerque, NM 243-9793news@thebuiltenvironment.comBUILTENVIRONMENT
MUNICIPALITIES OUTLINE HIGH HOPES FOR FUNDINGJuno OgleRenovations for city offices, an affordable housing project and new vehicles are amongthe priority projects the municipalities in Grant County are hoping to see funded in the2025 legislative session, which got underway Tuesday.At the Grant County Prospectors forum in December, representatives of Silver City,Bayard, Santa Clara and Hurley outlined their top needs for District 39 state Rep. LuisTerrazas and District 28 state Sen. Gabe Ramos. Continue reading >INDUSTRY BRIEFINGBUILTENVIRONMENT10SURVEYING IN HIGHER EDUCATIONJohn Gallegos, NMSU Adjunct Instructor What a fantastic start to the springSUR 328 class! We’re excited foran incredible semester inConstruction Surveying, teaching theimportance of surveying inconstruction. We’re looking forward to diving intotechnology integrations,methodologies, theories, and bestprofessional practices that shape thefuture of the industry. This is anamazing opportunity to highlight thecrucial relationship betweensurveyors and civil engineeringprojects—from design toconstruction to as-built plans . View post >Copyright: John GallegosDPR COMPLETES GE JOHNSON BRAND TRANSITIONJennifer Goodman, ConstructionDiveRedwood City, California-based DPR Construction announced this week that GEJohnson Construction Co. will operate under the DPR Construction brand movingforward. This integration follows the acquisition of the company by DPR in 2021 and reflectsthe completion of key milestones, aligning both organizations... Continue reading >
EVENTCALENDARJANUARY - FEBRUARY 2025BUILTENVIRONMENT11RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: CHAMBER MEMBERORIENTATION LUNCHEON - CLICK HERE SANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR12:00 PM - 12:30 PM: Ribbon Cutting - Big OTires - CLICK HERE 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM: Ribbon Cutting - EldoradoDental, Haley Ritchey DDS - CLICK HERE CREW NEW MEXICO - VIEW CALENDAR1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Chapter Leader SuccessSeries: 2025 Chapter Leader Kick-Off - CLICK HERETHURSDAY JANUARY 30THRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR12:00 PM - 12:30 PM: Ribbon Cutting - 3DSecurity - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Computer Basics Workshop - CLICK HERE 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Membership Orientation - CLICK HREEFRIDAY JANUARY 31STCITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR5:00 PM: Public Works and Utilities CommitteeMeeting - CLICK HERE MONDAY FEBRUARY 3RDRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR11:15 AM - 1:00 PM: Clergy AppreciationBanquet - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM: Santa Fe Film and Digital MediaCouncil - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: The Hispano ChamberPresents: Resonant Essentials Esoteric School ofMetaphysics ; Albuquerque Ribbon CuttingCelebration - CLICK HERETUESDAY FEBRUARY 4THCARNM - VIEW CALENDAR7:30 AM - 9:00 PM: CCIM Deal MakingSession - CLICK HERE RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Visionaries NetworkingBreakfast - CLICK HERE WEDNESDAY FEBRUAY 5TH
BUILTENVIRONMENT12SANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR8:30 AM - 9:00 AM: 2025 Legislative Bi-WeeklyUpdate - CLICK HERE AREA - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM - 11:30 AM: AREA’s Webinar Series :“AREA Existing Business Resources” : Tools forAttracting and Retaining Talent to YourCompany - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR12:00 PM: Metropolitan RedevelopmentCommission - CLICK HERE 5:00 PM: Quality of Life Committee - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: Discover the Power ofReferral Marketing with The Real Deal BNIChapter! - CLICK HEREWEDNESDAY FEBRUAY 5THALBUQUERQUE CITY COUNCIL - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: District 7 CouncilorConnect - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Education CommitteeMonthly Meeting - CLICK HERE 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Women in BusinessProgram Monthly Meeting - CLICK HERE 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM: The Hispano ChamberPresents:Yoga for First Responders;Albuquerque Ribbon Cutting Celebration - CLICK HEREFRIDAY FEBRUARY 7THRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR5:00 PM - 6:30 PM: Business After Hours -Presbyterian Rust Medical Center - CLICK HERE GREATER ALBUQUERQUE CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR12:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Shakers & Stirrers at FogoDe Chao - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR4:00 PM: Water Conservation Committee - CLICK HERETUESDAY FEBRUARY 11THRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: Women in LeadershipLuncheon - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: Discover the ProvenStrategy to Grow Your Business: ReferralMarketing - CLICK HERE 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Ambassadors ProgramMonthly Meeting - CLICK HEREWEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 12THBERNALILLO COUNTYFEBRUARY 11TH5:00 PM: Board of Commissioners AdministrativeMeeting - CLICK HEREFEBRUARY 12TH9:00 AM: Zoning Administrator Public Hearing - CLICK HERELEA COUNTYJANUARY 30TH11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Lea County Solid WasteAuthority January 30, 2025, Regular Meeting - CLICK HERE
BUILTENVIRONMENT13LINCOLN COUNTYFEBRUARY 12TH9:00 AM: Regular LANRAC Meeting at 9 am - CLICK HERELOS ALAMOS COUNTYFEBRUARY 5TH12:15 PM - 1:30 PM: Inclusivity Task Force Meeting - CLICK HEREFEBRUARY 11TH6:00 PM - 9:00 PM: County Council Work Session - CLICK HERESAN JUAN COUNTYFEBRUARY 4TH4:00 PM: San Juan County Commission Meeting - CLICK HERESANTA FE COUNTYJANUARY 30TH3:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Investment Committee - CLICK HERE FEBRUARY 5TH6:00 PM - 8:00 PM: COLTPAC Meeting - CLICK HERE FEBRUARY 7TH10:00 AM - 11:30 AM: Health Policy & PlanningCommission - CLICK HERE FEBRUARY 11TH2:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Board of CountyCommissioners (BCC) Meeting - CLICK HERETORRANCE COUNTYFEBRUARY 12TH9:00 AM: Planning & Zoning Meeting - CLICK HERE
BUILTENVIRONMENT19ASA NEW MEXICOANNUAL SPONSORSRED LEVEL Albuquerque Pipe & Pump Supply Co. American Fire Protection Group, Inc.American National Insulation & Sealants Construction Reporter/ The Built Environment Crane Service, Inc. Enterprise Builders Corporation Equipment Share Fairway, Inc.Ideal Plumbing & Heating, LLC National Roofing Company, Inc. Prime Electric, Inc. United RentalsWestern Partitions, Inc. Wagner Equipment, Co.Western States Fire Protection Yearout Mechanical, Inc.WHITE LEVELBELFOR Property Restoration Bradbury Stamm ConstructionDekker Perich Sabatini Jack’s Mechanical Solutions, Inc.Jaynes Structures Menicucci Insurance Agency, LLCRay’s Flooring Specialists REDW Advisors & CPAs BLUE LEVELBohannan Huston, Inc. G & H Construction Company, Inc.JTC, Inc. Klinger Constructors, LLCRisk Strategies– Burke Insurance Group The Specialists Electrical ContractorStudio Southwest Architects4Rivers Equipment2024 Annual Golf Tournament Title SponsorHUB InternationalThank you for your continued support!DOWNLOAD THE ASA NMNEWSLETTERVIEW THE ASA NMMEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY 2023-2024 >SAVE THE DATE: 2024 ASANM EVENTSFebruary 20, 2025 Meet the Generals EventJuly 25, 2025 Annual Awards EventOctober 3, 2025 Annual Golf TournamentCopyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT20AGC NEW MEXICOEVENT CALENDARAGC CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MODELAGC has partnered with a leading regional economist, BrianLewandowski of the University of Colorado Boulder, to create AGC'sConstruction Impact Model. The model is a tool that can be used bymembers, chapters, policy makers and researchers to understand theeconomic impact of infrastructure investment by state.VIEW VOLUME 2 ISSUE 41 TO LEARN MORE >ASSOCIATION’S NOVELBID PROTEST STRATEGYTOPPLES PRESIDENTBIDEN’S UNLAWFULPROJECT LABORMANDATE FOR FEDERALCONSTRUCTIONPROJECTSU.S. Court of Federal Claims Ruling Validates theAssociated General Contractors’ Argument thatMandating PLAs for Most Federal ConstructionProjects Is an Unauthorized Set-AsideThe Associated General Contractors of America’schief executive officer, Jeffrey Shoaf, issued thefollowing statement in reaction to the decision lastnight by the United States Court of Federal Claimsin the consolidated bid protest of MVL USA, Inc., etal.. v. United States, Case No. 24-1057, which theassociation facilitated as a challenge to the Bidenadministration’s efforts to impose project laboragreements on all federal construction projectsvalued at $35 million or more:CONTINUE READING >JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2025FEBRUARY 3RD8:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Fall Protection - CLICK HEREFEBRUARY 4TH7:30 AM - 9:00 AM: Legislative/Contractor CoffeeMeet & Greet - CLICK HERE 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Building Information ModelingEducation Program - CLICK HERE 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM: Construction SupervisionFundamentals - CLICK HERE FEBRUARY 5TH9:00 AM - 5:00 PM: Blueprint Reading - CLICK HEREFEBRUARY 6TH12:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Empowered: A Leader Program- CLICK HEREFEBRUARY 10TH8:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Event Registration - AssociatedGeneral Contractors of New Mexico - CLICK HERECopyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT21ANNUAL FALL SCHOLARSHIPAnnual Fall ScholarshipApplication Available Mid Spring 2025COLLEGE OF ENGINEERINGCivil EngineeringCivil Engineering TechnologyGeomatics & Surveying EngineeringUNM APPLICATIONAnnual Spring ScholarshipApplication Available Late Fall 2024SCHOOL OF ENGINEERINGCivil Engineering,Construction Engineeringor Construction ManagementCLICK HERE TO LEARN MORESCHOLARSHIPSACNM JANUARY2024 NEWSLETTER READ THE NEWSLETTER >A MESSAGE FROM ACNM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JIM GARCIADear Members,As we step into 2025, there's a sense of excitement in the air about all that lies ahead for ACNM. I'mpleased to share that Patrick Shaw will be leading us as President, alongside Christian Hasse as VicePresident and Bob Wood as Secretary. We're also welcoming Sterling Hamilton as our newest Boardmember. It's particularly meaningful to have Patrick back at the helm - some of you might remember heguided us through the uncertain waters of 2020 during COVID, and we're grateful he's returned for whatwe hope will be a much more conventional term.Copyright: ACNM
BUILTENVIRONMENT22AIA RESPONDS TOWHITE HOUSE MEMOON GSA GUIDINGPRINCIPLES FORFEDERAL PROJECTSThe American Institute of Architects (AIA)is aware of the recent Memorandum forthe Administrator of General Services(GSA) regarding The White House’srequest to review the GSA’s GuidingPrinciples for Federal Architecture. AIA isextremely concerned about any revisionsthat remove control from localcommunities; mandate official federaldesign preferences, or otherwise hinderdesign freedom; and add bureaucratichurdles for federal buildings.AIA supports the GSA’s Guiding Principles,and we support freedom in design. AIA’smembers believe the design of federalbuildings must first be responsive to thepeople and communities who will usethose buildings. Our federal buildingsacross the country must reflectAmerica’s wealth of culture, richtraditions, and unique geographicregions. AIA has strong concerns thatmandating architecture styles stifles...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT23ABC NEW MEXICO EVENT CALENDAR2025WASHINGTON, Jan. 24—The constructionindustry will need to attract an estimated439,000 net new workers in 2025 to meetanticipated demand for construction services,according to a proprietary model developedand released today by Associated Buildersand Contractors. In 2026, the industry willneed to bring in 499,000 new workers asspending picks up in response to presumedlower interest rates.“While the construction workforce hasbecome younger and more plentiful in recentyears, the industry still must attract 439,000new workers in 2025 to balance demand andsupply,” said ABC Chief Economist AnirbanBasu. “If it fails to do so, industrywide laborcost escalation will accelerate, exacerbatingalready high construction costs and reducingthe volume of work that is financially feasible.Average hourly earnings throughout theindustry are up 4.4% over the past 12 months,significantly outpacing earnings growth acrossall industries.”CONTINUE READING >ABC:CONSTRUCTIONINDUSTRY MUSTATTRACT 439,000WORKERS IN 2025WEDNESDAY MARCH 26TH, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM - CLICK HEREMARCH MEMBER LUNCHEONFRIDAY APRIL 25TH, 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM - CLICK HERECORN HOLE TOURNAMENTWEDNESDAY MAY 21ST, 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM - CLICK HERECLASSIC GOLF TOURNAMENTFRIDAY JUNE 13TH, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM - CLICK HEREAPPRENTICE GRADUATIONFRIDAY JULY 11TH, 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM - CLICK HERENIGHT GOLF TOURNAMENTFRIDAY SEPTEMBER 12TH, 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM - CLICK HERESPORTING CLAY TOURNAMENTWEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 24TH, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM - CLICK HERESAFETY AWARDS LUNCHEONSATURDAY OCTOBER 18TH, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM - CLICK HERECHILI COOKOFF & CAR SHOWCopyright: Canva proSATURDAY NOVEMBER 15TH, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM - CLICK HERENEW MEXICO CRAFT COMPETITION
BUILTENVIRONMENT24YOUR 2024 NMUCABOARD OF DIRECTORS &STAFFPRESIDENT, DALE ARMSTRONG, TLCPLUMBING & UTILITY 505 761 9696VICE-PRESIDENT, DAMON WICKETTS,4RIVERS EQUIPMENT 505 884 2900SECRETARY/TREASURER, JENICE GALLEGOS,GROUNDWATER PARTNERSPAST PRESIDENT, CLAY BLAIR, RMCI 505 345 0008TROY OTERO, GROUNDHOG CONSTRUCTIONSERVICES 505 243 2133DIRECTOR DARRIN HOWELLS, AUI INC. 505 242 4848DIRECTOR JOE MENICUCCI, DOWNEY &COMPANY 881 0300DIRECTOR REINEE PEACHER, DUCROSSCONSTRUCTION 575 636 3023DIRECTOR KELLEY FETTER, E2RC 505 867 4040 DIRECTOR JOHN THEILER, DH UNDERGROUNDTERRI BAKER, CORE AND MAIN 505 344 0223EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, JANE JERNIGAN 505 888 0752FROM THEEXECUTIVEDIRECTOR’SDESKHello Members,Happy New Year to All!I hope you had a wonderful holiday season andare all ready to get back to work and make2025 another great year!Thanks to everyone who made 2024 a verysuccessful year for NMUCA! The goal for 2025is to be steadfast with our foundation work,and always do better! See the summary in Top10 For 2024 below.Don't forget to pay your dues for 2025. Invoiceswere mailed in mid-December, but I can sendanother invoice if you need one.I am hoping to see you soon!UPCOMINGDATESFebruary6th Construction Safety Coalition20th Meet the Generals
BUILTENVIRONMENT25WICNM NEWSLETTERAUGUST 2024 >Hello Friends,Today is National Women’s Equality Day, this daymarks the adoption of the 19th Amendment in 1920,which granted women the right to vote. Wow, 104years! We are down to a short 70 days before ournext election and voting is one of the most powerfulways, we can express our values and have a directimpact on our community and our country.Every election is a chance for us to have a say in theissues that matter most to us—whether it’seducation, healthcare, the environment, oreconomic policies. I know that we all have our ownunique perspectives and concerns, and this is ouropportunity to make our voices heard.It’s easy to feel like our individual votes might notmake a difference, but history has shown us thatevery vote counts. Elections are often decided by aremarkably small number of votes, and ourcollective participation is what drives meaningfulchange. By voting, we not only influence thedirection of our nation but also stand up for ourcommunities and the issues we care about. Iencourage you to exercise your right to vote andencourage others around you as well. On another note, I want to thank the PlanningCommittee for all their hard work this year inplanning all our events. They are doing an amazingjob! We are down to the last two events of the year:the 3rd Annual Scholarship Bowling Event onSeptember 12th and the Women in Construction NMGala on November 9th. Sign up soon for the bowlingevent, space is limited, and more informationregarding the Gala will be out soon.Stephanie L. Peña - TLC Company, Inc.WICNM President 2024 LOCKER #505 SCHOOL SUPPLYMONETARYDONATIONSSCAN QR CODEBELOW TO MAKEMONETARYDONATIONS TOLOCKER #505
BUILTENVIRONMENT26CONTINUE READING >Ronda Gilliland-Lopez currently serves as thePresident of the Governing Board, whichrepresents a cross-section of highly valuableprofessional knowledge (legal, financial,strategic planning, education, and industryrelations).ACE LEADERSHIP HIGH SCHOOLMISSION OF MCA NMThe Mechanical Contractors Association of NewMexico is an industry trade associationdedicated to the advancement of membercontractors through training, advocacy, andpartnership.MISSION OF SMACNA NMAt the Sheet Metal and Air ConditioningContractors’ Association of New Mexico ourmission is to create a competitive advantage forour members through industry education, laborrelations, standards development, industryrepresentation, and business studies. The New Mexico Bid Depository System (NMBDS)strives to build partnerships through bidding. Thepurpose of the Bid Depository is to improve thebidding process by helping ensure the quality andequity of sub-bid scopes, and to provide adequatetime for review of the sub-bids by the generalcontractors so that they may more accuratelycomplete their bids.This system has been developed for the good ofthe contracting industry and the public as a whole.It is not a law - it is purely voluntary. Please feelfree to call this office for any additionalinformation - 505-341-9033NEW MEXICOBID DEPOSITORYCopyright: MCA/SMACNA NMMCA/SMACNA of New Mexico is a strongpartner of ACE Leadership High School. VIEW >INDUSTRY ESSENTIALSIndustry Essentials is an exclusive member-onlymonthly education series designed to providemembers a private venue to learn about anddiscuss important policy issues, industry trends,and other important professional developmenttopics.Programming will include prominent speakers todiscuss business, economic, and policy issuescritical to the construction industry and ourmembers.Topics in 2021 will include conversations withleaders to discuss cannabis safety andregulations, public procurement, tax policychanges, paid time off legislation, cyber security,the construction industries division and more!
BUILTENVIRONMENTALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – BernalilloCounty is asking the state legislature for $1million in capitol outlay funding for a newearly learning center.The building would house PB&J FamilyServices; an organization that assistsfamilies facing challenges such asincarceration, foster... Continue reading >BERNALILLO COUNTYSEEKS FUNDING FOREARLY LEARNINGCENTERBy Isaac Cruz, KRQE01/29/2025Image generated using text to image AIQuay County is seeking alternate funding tofinish the design and construction of a newDr. Daniel C. Trigg Memorial Hospital inTucumcari.County commissioners on Mondayapproved a resolution authorizing anapplication for financial aid from the NewMexico Finance Authority for the project.The county had applied for $20 million ingrants or loans from the U.S. Department ofAgriculture for the hospital, but countymanager Daniel Zamora said that has facednumerous delays. He... Continue reading >CONSTRUCTION NEWSNEW MEXICO28COUNTY SEEKSALTERNATE FUNDINGFOR HOSPITALBy Ron Warnick, Quay County Sun01/29/2025Copyright: Canva Pro
The Town of Taos will not charge parkingfees downtown until the yearslong roadconstruction along Paseo del Pueblo iscomplete, Mayor Pascual Maestasannounced at Tuesday evening's (Jan. 28)regular town council meeting."I had a very good meeting with Miss PollyRaye today for lunch and with discussionswith [Town Manager Lupe Martinez], whohad further discussions with the council, wehave agreed to suspend parking rates untilconstruction is finished in the downtown,"Maestas said at the meeting. Continue reading >TOWN OF TAOSSUSPENDS PARKINGFEES UNTIL PASEOCONSTRUCTION ENDSBy Geoffrey Plant, Taos News01/28/2025Copyright: Canva ProWhen wildfires raged through the village ofRuidoso last summer, approximately 500homes — and 1,400 structures in all — weredestroyed. With the flooding and mudslidesthat followed during the monsoon season,the entire community has been thrust intorebuilding mode ever since.One business that has been pressed intoaction to help with the recovery is SilverCity’s own Adobe Techniques, owned byRohan Stites. Continue reading >BUILTENVIRONMENT29SILVER CITY ADOBEPLANT HELPS REBUILDRUIDOSOBy Aaron Rogers, Silver City Daily Press01/28/2025128-UNIT RIO RANCHOBUILD-TO-RENTCOMMUNITY SECURESSITE PLAN APPROVALBy Cooper Metts, Albuquerque Business First01/27/2025Rio Rancho City Council unanimouslyapproved a site plan for a 128-unit build-to-rent community during a meeting Jan. 23. New York-based Verdot Capital plans tobuild a contemporary Pueblo andSpanish/Mediterranean-style build-to-rentcommunity on 10.36 acres west ofPresbyterian Rust Medical Center, off BlackArroyo Boulevard NW, a Rio Rancho CityCouncil document shows. There was no public comment on the projectduring the Jan. 23 meeting. The project'snext steps are to work through a trafficanalysis and apply for a...Continue reading >
More than $3.5 million administered by thecity of Santa Fe is available for organizationsworking to help address the city’s affordablehousing crisis, but applicants have just overtwo weeks to craft and submit theirproposals for the money.City officials announced last week they areseeking requests for proposals for projectsdesigned to bring down...Continue reading >SANTA FE OFFICIALSSEEK APPLICATIONSFROM ORGANIZATIONFOR AFFORDABLEHOUSING FUNDSBy Mike Easterling, Santa Fe New Mexican01/27/2025The University of New Mexico has chosenTod Williams Billie Tsien Architects(TWBTA) and SMPC Architects as the firmsthat will design the new Humanities andSocial Sciences facility. This partnershipcombines SMPC’s New Mexico-basedexpertise with TWBTA’s global reputationfor creating innovative and community-centered spaces.A Vision for Student and Community ImpactThe new Humanities and Social Sciences(HSS) construction will replace the currentHumanities Building on...Continue reading >BUILTENVIRONMENT30FUTURE OF THEFAIRGROUNDS UP FORDEBATE AT BERNCOCOMMISSION MEETINGBy Rodd Cayton, City Desk ABQ01/27/2025Bernalillo County commissioners Tuesdaywill consider initial steps toward possibleredevelopment of the New Mexico statefairgrounds.The state government is asking countyofficials to create a tax incrementdevelopment district centered on thefairgrounds. The county could issue bondsto pay for infrastructure improvements anda portion of gross receipts taxes or propertytaxes collected within the district would beused to pay off the bond debt.Those improvements could include roads,drainage systems and... Continue reading >UNM SELECTSARCHITECTS FOR NEWHUMANITIES ANDSOCIAL SCIENCESFACILITYBy Rodd Cayton, City Desk ABQ01/25/2025HEINRICH ANNOUNCESHE WON’T RUN FOR NMGOVERNOR IN 2026By Patrick Lohmann, SourceNM01/24/2025Copyright: Canva ProU.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich announced earlyFriday that he would not be running for NewMexico governor, saying the “stakes aresimply too high” for him to leave his post inWashington, D.C... Continue reading >
Los Alamos’ open air ice rink has a 100 plusyear history; it existed before theManhattan Project and was a recreationalhot spot for Los Alamos Ranch School boyswho played hockey on it. A photographcaptured the original rink, which appearsmore like a patch of ice surrounded by snow.Flash forward and the ice rink has changed alot. That patch of ice has transformed into arink that is groomed by a Zamboni, has acement sub floor, is maintained by a chillerand offers locker rooms and restrooms.More is even planned. A new chiller isscheduled to be installed, and plans arebeing made to... Continue reading >COUNTY PONDERSSHADE STRUCTURE FORICE RINKBy Carol A. Clark, Los Alamos Daily Post01/23/2025Copyright: Canva ProLOS LUNAS — The I-25 and N.M. 6intersection and on-and-off ramps will soonbe undergoing some significantimprovements to reduce traffic backups onMain Street in Los Lunas.At the Nov. 21 Los Lunas Council meeting,the councilors unanimously approved thelow bid put forth by Desert Fox Inc. of$4,377,389 for the I-25/N.M. 6 On & OffRamps Rehab and Reconstruction Project.Los Lunas Public Works Director MichaelJaramillo said it was originally planned to bea New Mexico Department ofTransportation-led project, as they ownN.M. 6, “but through our partnership withthem and trying to... Continue reading >BUILTENVIRONMENT31I-25, N.M. 6 UPGRADESCOMING SOONBy Felina Martinez, Valencia County News Bulletin01/23/2025RACING THE WINDS:69KV PROJECT ISURGENTBy Jessica Carranza, El Defensor Chieftain01/23/2025Socorro Electric Cooperative (SEC) held amembers update meeting at MagdalenaSchools on Thursday night, drawing in 50attendees. Manuel Gonzales, SEC’s CEO, leda discussion on the Magdalena 69KVproject, power outages and fiber.Gonzales said two additional outages willneed to occur after the scheduled poweroutage on Friday. He assured them theywould do their best to consider the weatherand the community’s needs with at least fivedays’ advance notice... Continue reading >
BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSSOUTHWESTConstruction is expected to launch later thisyear on the building of a new hotel indowntown Goodyear that will be a part ofthe midscale hotel chain AC Hotels byMarriott. The hotel will house 135 rooms and willinclude a bar and restaurant space, as wellas a business center and outdoor swimmingpool.An additional feature is the meeting space,measuring around 1,200 square feet.NEW HOTEL WILL SEECONSTRUCTION INGOODYEAR'S GROWINGDOWNTOWNBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment01/29/2025Copyright: Canva proThe project will go up within the borders ofthe 47-acre Goodyear Civic Square just tothe south of the Goodyear City Hall, which isdesigned to encourage the construction ofoffices, restaurants, and retail space, amongother enterprises.In a statement, Joe Pizzillo, the Mayor ofGoodyear, said the new hotel will contributeto a downtown space that is "quicklybecoming a destination for not just locals,but for visitors as well, who will be able toexperience great food, entertainment, and agreat stay all in one location."The four-story hotel will be built adjacent toa new parking garage and the three-storyBanner Health medical outpatient building.The Bethesda, Maryland-based AC Hotelsby Marriott chain was inaugurated in 1997and currently has around 200 hotelsinternationally, with a particularly strongpresence in California, Texas, and Florida.The company operates as a subsidiary ofMarriott International Incorporated, whichis also headquartered in Bethesda.The Goodyear Civic Square has beendescribed as a "legacy project that will beenjoyed for generations to come." Citydocuments have indicated that, ultimately,the acreage will see the construction of upto $87 million in mixed-use projects.32
Plans are underway for the construction ofnew stormwater project that will be built onthe northeast side of El Paso.The project belongs to the public utility ElPaso Water and will see the building of theWill Ruth Pond, described by the companyas a “large-scale stormwater projectdesigned to address long-standing floodingissues in Northeast El Paso.” Those long-standing flooding issues foursummers ago saw as much as 3 inches ofwater in many of the neighborhood'sstreets, leaving cars stranded and pushinginto the ground level floors of countlesshomes and businesses. EL PASO SET TO SEEBUILDING OF NEW ANDEXPENSIVESTORMWATER PROJECTBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment01/29/2025To be built in phases, the first phase of theWill Ruth Pond project will focus onremoving some 14 million cubic feet of dirtfrom the site, with construction beginningshortly thereafter. A second phase, mostlikely beginning in late 2026 or early 2027,will focus on the building of culverts anddrains.The project, in an area bordered by HondoPass Drive to the north, Diana Drive to thewest, and Railroad Drive to the south andeast, is expected to cost around $15.5million to complete. Upon that completion, the pond will becapable of holding more than 100 gallons ofstormwater. BUILTENVIRONMENT33Copyright: Canva proCopyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENTWork may soon begin on a phase two parkupgrade project in El Paso.State of Texas funding coming in at $1.5million has been secured for bothinfrastructure and landscaping work at theEl Paso Eastside Regional RecreationalCenter at 13501 Jason Crandall Drive.TEXAS PARKS ANDWILDLIFE COMMISSIONAWARDS BIG GRANTFOR EL PASORECREATION CENTERWORKBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter01/27/2025Copyright: Canva proThat funding is coming through the TexasParks and Wildlife Commission, whichaltogether has announced grant awards ofjust under $31 million for some 50individual park projects across the Lone StarState.The grants come in three categories: UrbanOutdoor Recreation Grants formunicipalities with more than 500,000residents; Non-Urban Outdoor RecreationGrants for city areas with less than 500,000residents; and Small Community RecreationGrants for towns of less than 20,000 people.Because El Paso is the largest city in WestTexas with a population of nearly 690,000, itis receiving an Urban Outdoor RecreationGrant, which is awarded on a 50/50reimbursement match basis.Continues >34
The Eastside Regional Recreation Center projectwill see the building of new sports courts, nativelandscaping, and irrigation work.According to press release from the Parks andWildlife Commission, the just-announced grantswill fund everything from the building of naturetrails to splash pads, playgrounds, and kayaklaunches. Last January the commission awarded$20.6 million in grants for 16 individual parkprojects.BUILTENVIRONMENT35Plans for the construction of a nearly 260-residential unit apartment complex geared forstudents are expected to be reviewed within thenext two weeks by the Fort Collins Planning andZoning Commission.NEW FORT COLLINSAPARTMENT COMPLEXSEEN AS A RESPONSE TOGROWING COLORADOSTATE UNIVERSITYENROLLMENTBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 01/27/2025Copyright: Canva proThe project will go up on a 4.5-acresite at 304 W. Prospect Road and willsee the building of a single five-storystructure that will also include someretail space. Apartment sizes willvary between studios and one-, two-,three- and four-bedroom units.Owner of the project is the Board ofGovernors of the Colorado StateUniversity System. According to citydocuments, the structure will be built“in direct relation to street sidewalks,with no intervening vehicle useareas.”Development of what is being calledthe Prospect Plaza will see a site withan “emphasis on streets as attractivepublic space; walkableneighborhoods and districts; andvisual interest and pedestriancomfort, generally.”The project will first require thedemolition of eleven three-storyapartment buildings called theProspect Plaza Apartments.Documents submitted for the projectalso envision an interior courtyardwith trees, benches, festoon lighting,and fire pits.The project has been the subject ofone public input meeting held earlierthis month and is scheduled to gobefore the Fort Collins Planning andZoning Commission on February 5.One of the prime factors animatingthe building of Prospect Plaza is theongoing enrollment growth at nearbyColorado State University. Last fallthe school saw more than 34,200students, up from around 28,000 in2009.
A project is currently going through the developmentreview process in Fort Collins that would see the buildingof a new two-story structure in a historic downtownneighborhood.The building would go up at 300 E. Mountain Avenue and,as planned, would be adjacent to an existing well-knownstructure called The Armory. That building is nearly 120years old and currently serves as a music venue.Located at 314 E. Mountain Avenue, The Armory got itsname for having served as the headquarters for a local unitof the Colorado National Guard. In subsequent years, thebuilding was the home to the Paramount Laundry andCleaners, as well as serving as a meeting hall and roller-skating rink.The structure was placed on the National Register ofHistoric Places in 2002.Officials with the Fort Collins-based Bohemian Companies– which is a part of Bohemian Investments and specializesin real estate and financial services – own The Armory andare the force behind the proposal for building the adjacentstructure.According to city records, the new structure, which isdescribed as a “commercial building,” will measure around4,000 square feet and have both office space as well as a“green room to support the Armory next door.”Papers submitted to the city by the Fort Collins-based firmof Ripley Design Incorporated state that the new structurewill be “compatible with the surrounding area and will alsocelebrate the lot’s triangular shape and corner presence.”Building of the new structure is being classified in citydocuments as an “infill project.”NEW BUILDING PROPOSAL INFORT COLLINS WOULD ADD TOEXISTING HISTORIC STRUCTUREBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 01/24/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT36Copyright: Canva pro
The city of Socorro, Texas, just to the south of El Paso, isnow the recipient of some $1.7 million in federal fundingto improve a two-mile stretch of a busy throughway.The U.S. Department of Transportation has announcedthat funding for the project is coming in the form of agrant through its Rebuilding American Infrastructurewith Sustainability and Infrastructure program.The work will focus on Moon Road, a two-lane road thatslices through the city in a general east to west direction.The grant will also fund engineering and design work, aswell as an environmental and cost-benefit analysis.In announcing the grant, Texas Democrat RepresentativeVeronica Escobar said the funding is part of a larger effortto “repair and invest in America’s infrastructure.”A press release issued from the Congresswoman’s officenoted that RAISE grants in recent years have allowed theTransportation Department to “invest in road, rail,transit, and port projects that promise to achieve nationalobjectives.”According to a separate release issued by the City ofSocorro, planning for what is officially called the MoonRoad Complete Streets Planning Project will focus on“connecting neighborhoods to schools, commercialcenters, and historic sites, by introducing first-timepedestrian, bicyclist, and Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant infrastructure to address longstanding gaps inconnectivity.”As preliminary planning for the project gets underway,the City of Socorro is expected to soon host meetings tosolicit public input.FEDERAL FUNDING SECUREDFOR LONG-ANTICIPATEDROAD UPGRADE PROJECT INSOCORRO, TEXASBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter01/24/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT37
President Donald Trump addressed theWorld Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos onThursday, outlining his economic agendacentered on tax cuts, tariffs, and domesticmanufacturing.The World Economic Forum, aninternational non-governmental think tankfounded by Klaus Schwab in 1971, hosts anannual summit in Davos, Switzerland,bringing together top business leaders,policymakers, economists, and academics todiscuss global economic and politicalchallenges. Speaking virtually from the White House,Trump promised the “largest tax cut inAmerican history” and warned globalcompanies: invest in the United States orface steep tariffs.TRUMP TO DAVOS: TAXCUTS, TARIFFS, ANDTRILLIONS ININVESTMENTS MARKAMERICA’S COMEBACKBy Josh Cutler, The Built Environment01/29/2025Copyright: The White House YouTube Channel“To further unleash our economy, ourmajorities in the House and Senate, whichwe also took along with the presidency, aregoing to pass the largest tax cut in Americanhistory, including massive tax cuts forworkers and families and big tax cuts fordomestic producers and manufacturers,”Trump said.The president framed his tax strategy as ameans to bolster American industry and lureglobal businesses to U.S. soil. “My messageto every business in the world is very simple:come make your product in America, and wewill give you among the lowest taxes of anynation on Earth. But if you don’t make yourproduct in America, which is yourprerogative, then very simply, you will haveto pay a tariff,” Trump declared.BUILTENVIRONMENT38A Carrot-and-Stick Approach to EconomicGrowthTrump’s carrot is clear: deeper tax cuts forcompanies operating in the United States,potentially extending the original Trump taxcuts set to expire in 2025. His stick? Asweeping tariff policy, starting with a 10%tariff on imports from China, alongside 25%tariffs on Canada and Mexico.Continues >Copyright: Canva proCONSTRUCTION NEWSNATIONAL
“Under the Trump administration, there willbe no better place on Earth to create jobs,build factories, or grow a company thanright here in the good old USA,” Trump toldthe Davos audience. The speech comes as the president seeks todeliver on his campaign promises to rebuildAmerican manufacturing and reduce thecountry’s trade deficits. “Differing amounts,but a tariff, which will direct hundreds ofbillions of dollars and even trillions ofdollars into our treasury to strengthen oureconomy and pay down debt,” Trump added.Investment Floodgates OpenTrump touted a series of major investmentannouncements as evidence of growingconfidence in the U.S. economy under hisleadership. “SoftBank has announcedbetween a $100 and $200 billioninvestment in the U.S. economy because ofthe election result, and just two days ago,Oracle, SoftBank, and OpenAI announced a$500 billion investment in AIinfrastructure,” Trump said, describing whathe called “unprecedented economicmomentum.”“Other companies likewise have announcedbillions and billions and billions, adding up totrillions of investment in America,” hecontinued, referencing a $20 billion datacenter project by UAE-based DAMAC andan expected $600 billion investment fromSaudi Arabia.BUILTENVIRONMENT39Copyright: Canva proTrump hinted at even more ambitious goalsin his negotiations with Saudi Arabia. “I’ll beasking the crown prince—who’s a fantasticguy—to round it out to around $1 trillion,”Trump said, to laughter from the Davoscrowd.Oil Prices, Ukraine, and the Global StageThe president also used his address todemand action from oil-producing nations,specifically Saudi Arabia and OPEC, toreduce crude prices. He reiterated his beliefthat high oil prices are prolonging the war inUkraine by bolstering Russia’s economy.Copyright: Canva proCopyright: Canva pro“If the price came down, the Russia-Ukrainewar would end immediately,” Trump said.“They should have done it long ago. They’revery responsible, actually, to a certainextent, for what’s taking place.”Continues >
In addition to his economic initiatives, Trump promised to prioritize ending the Ukraine war,stating that he hopes to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin soon. “One thing veryimportant: I really would like to be able to meet with President Putin soon and get that warended. We really have to stop that war. That war is horrible,” he said.Divided Reactions in DavosAgnes Callamard, secretary general of Amnesty International, described Trump’s approachas “absolute determination to ‘make America great again’ at the expense of the rest of theworld.”Still, others acknowledged the force of Trump’s convictions. “I was impressed by the force ofhis convictions and by what he said,” said Benedict Fontanet, a Swiss lawyer. “I don’t sharehis opinion on many topics, but I thought he was well prepared and knew who he was talkingto.”America’s Economic ResurgenceFrom tax cuts to tariffs to energy dominance, the president has made clear his intention toput America first—and demand the world follow suit.“We’ve accomplished more in less than four days than other administrations have in fouryears,” Trump said. If his Davos remarks are any indication, Trump’s second term promises tobe just as disruptive—and just as transformative—as his first.Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT40
DeepSeek, the upstart Chinese AI company thathas been making waves, has done what fewthought possible: it’s dethroned ChatGPT as thetop AI chatbot in the U.S. App Store. With its free-to-use R1 model, the company is challenging notjust OpenAI but also the very foundations of AIdevelopment. At the core of its success is aninnovation in efficiency—achieving cutting-edgeresults without the need for billion-dollarinvestments in advanced computing power.DeepSeek’s R1 model has drawn comparisons toOpenAI’s latest models but comes without thehefty price tags. While ChatGPT’s premium planscan run up to $200 a month, DeepSeek offers itsapp entirely for free. “This high-powered freemodel will likely transform how we think about AItools,” observed Wired. President Donald Trump called DeepSeek “awake-up call for our industries,” underscoring theneed for U.S. companies to focus on cost-effectiveinnovation. “Instead of spending billions andbillions, you’ll spend less, and you’ll come up with,hopefully, the same solution,” Trump said during arecent speech in Florida.What sets DeepSeek apart is its groundbreakingapproach to efficiency. The company claims tohave trained its R1 model for a mere $5.6 millionusing 2,000 Nvidia H800 chips—a stark contrastto the billions poured into AI by U.S. firms. Nvidiaspokesperson John Rizzo acknowledged theachievement in the Washington Post, callingDeepSeek “an excellent AI advancement,” whileemphasizing that high-powered chips will stillplay a crucial role in scaling AI globally.Continues >DEEPSEEK: THE NEWCONTENDER SHAKING UPTHE AI WORLDBy Josh Cutler, The Built Environment01/29/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT41Copyright: Canva pro
At the helm of this disruption is DeepSeek founderLiang Wenfeng, a hedge fund entrepreneur-turned-AIinnovator. Liang’s journey from founding the hedgefund High-Flyer to leading DeepSeek has been anythingbut conventional. Liang’s vision goes beyond profit. Heviews DeepSeek as a chance to close the innovation gapbetween China and the West. “The real gap is thedifference between originality and imitation,” he said ina interview by the chinese media outlet Waves. “If thisdoesn’t change, China will always be only a follower.”Despite its success, DeepSeek isn’t without flaws. TheR1 chatbot has drawn criticism for issues commonacross AI models, such as “hallucinations” and contentcensorship. For example, Wired found that the bot oftenspewed confident but incorrect information. It alsocensored politically sensitive topics, such as theTiananmen Square protests, though it performed well inother sensitive areas, providing detailed advice on late-term abortion access in the U.S.Another point of contention is data privacy. DeepSeek’sservers are located in China, raising concerns abouthow user data might be accessed by the Chinesegovernment. “Like other generative AI tools, you shouldalways avoid sharing highly personal details or sensitiveinformation during your interactions,” Wired advised.DeepSeek’s annoucement has sent shockwavesthrough the U.S. tech industry. Stocks of AI-relatedcompanies stocks, including Nvidia, plunged earlier thisweek as investors reevaluated the need for high-powered chips. Marc Andreessen, a prominent SiliconValley investor, called DeepSeek on X “one of the mostamazing and impressive breakthroughs” he had everseen.For now, DeepSeek’s success is prompting areevaluation of what’s possible in AI development. AsWired aptly summarized, “Declaring DeepSeek’s R1release as a death blow to American AI leadershipwould be both premature and hyperbolic.” WhetherDeepSeek’s innovations inspire U.S. companies to adaptor further escalate the AI arms race remains to be seen,but one thing is clear: the landscape of AI has beenpermanently altered.BUILTENVIRONMENT42Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT43A new bill is currently under review in theU.S. Senate that is specifically designed toenhance construction training programs toease the ongoing residential constructionlabor shortage.As introduced by Tennessee RepublicanSenator Marsha Blackburn and NevadaDemocrat Senator Jackie Rosen, thelegislation would provide support forprograms in both community colleges andtechnical education schools that focus onconstruction labor training.Officially called the Creating Opportunitiesfor New Skills Training at Rural orUnderserved Colleges and Trade SchoolsAct, the measure would create acompetitive grant program through theDepartment of Labor for a series of traininginitiatives.NEW WORKFORCEDEVELOPMENTBILL ISINTRODUCED INUS SENATEBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter01/24/2025Copyright: Canva proIn introducing the bill, Rosen remarked thatthe “shortage of skilled constructionworkers is driving up construction costs andlimiting the housing supply, leading to evenhigher housing costs.”What is being simply called theCONSTRUCTS Act, added Rosen, would notonly expand the nation’s constructionworkforce, but will “increase housing supplyand lower costs, all while supportingtraining for good-paying, high-demand jobsthat don’t require a college degree.”A previous version of the bill had made it tothe Senate Committee on Health,Education, Labor and Pensions before theend of the last Congress. Prospects for thebill’s success in the new Congress,meanwhile, are thought to be promising.The bill has won the support of variousindustry groups, including the NationalAssociation of Home Builders. In astatement, Carl Harris, chairman of theassociation, noted that the nation’s ongoinglabor shortage is continuing to cause“construction delays and raising housingcosts.”Harris added that in “any given month, ourindustry faces a shortage of between200,000 and 400,000 constructionworkers.”
BUILTENVIRONMENT44Dive Brief:Growing its distribution capabilities,The Home Depot on Jan. 22 announcedpartnerships with DoorDash and UberEats to offer on-demand and scheduleddeliveries to customer houses and worksites.Continue reading >HOME DEPOT EXPANDSFAST DELIVERYOPTIONS WITHDOORDASH, UBER EATSBy Tatiana Walk-Morris, SupplyChainDive01/29/2025Reston, Virginia-based Bechtel, alongsidecontractor Sargent & Lundy and nuclearpower firm GE Hitachi, won a contract tosupport initial planning and evaluation forthe first small modular reactor at theTennessee Valley Authority’s Clinch RiverNuclear site in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Continue reading >BECHTEL, ENERGYBUILDERS WINTENNESSEE SMALLMODULAR REACTORCONTRACTBy Matthew Thibault, ConstructionDive01/28/2025Copyright: Canva proThe problem of stolen manhole covers inTurkey might seem an unlikely startingpoint for a new way for buildings towithstand earthquakes and tackle theconstruction industry’s environmentalissues, but when a Turkish businessmanheard about a new material that preventedthe thefts, it sparked an idea.Cast iron is traditionally used to make themanhole covers that protect drainagesystems. But back in 2010, a spate of theftsof the covers for scrap metal in Turkeymeant that an alternative, with equallystrong material needed to be used to securethem. And when Engin Yesil read about thissuper-strong composite in news reports, hewondered whether it could be used toconstruct buildings that were able towithstand earthquakes — a significant risk inTurkey.Continue reading >FROM GIANT LEGO-STYLE BRICKS TOARTIFICIAL REEFS, HOWTHE CONSTRUCTIONINDUSTRY IS USINGTECH TO TACKLECLIMATE CHANGEBy Lucy Handley, CNBC01/17/20205Copyright: Canva pro
A private joint venture known as Stargatethat pledges to invest up to $500 billion forinfrastructure tied to artificial intelligencedevelopment, and will include tech firmsOpenAI and Oracle and sector investorSoftBank with investment also from MiddleEast fund MGX, was announced byPresident Donald Trump on Jan. 22.Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, speaking at aWhite House news conference, saidStargate will start building out data centersand electricity generation needed for thefurther development of fast-moving AI inTexas. The initial investment is expected tobe $100 billion. “It’s big money and highquality people,” said Trump, terming theplan “a resounding declaration ofconfidence in America’s potential.” Also atthe event were Masayoshi Son and SamAltman, CEOs of Softbank and OpenAI...Continue reading >OPENAI, ORACLE,SOFTBANK VOW TOINVEST $500B FORMORE US DATACENTERSBy Jeff Yoders, ENRCopyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT45The U.S. construction industry will need torecruit approximately 439,000 net newworkers in 2025 to meet rising demand,according to a proprietary model releasedby Associated Builders and Contractors(ABC). This figure rises to 499,000 in 2026,as economic factors like reduced interestrates are expected to spur additionalspending on construction projects.“While the workforce has become youngerand more robust recently, the industry muststill attract hundreds of thousands ofworkers to keep pace with demand,” saidAnirban Basu, ABC Chief Economist.“Failure to do so will accelerate labor costescalation, further driving up constructioncosts and limiting the scope of feasibleprojects. Over the past year, average hourlyearnings in construction have risen by 4.4%,significantly outpacing overall wage growthacross all industries.”Continue reading >CONSTRUCTIONINDUSTRY FACES NEEDFOR 439,000 NEWWORKERS BY 2025By Design Cost DataCopyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSTRENDSIn the midst of a push on the part of the federalgovernment and many private employers torequire workers to return to the office, a largenumber of those workers say they may decide toleave their jobs in response.So indicates the results of a new survey just takenby the Pew Research Center revealing thatupwards of 46% of respondents would quit ifforced to give up working virtually. The surveyalso showed that a smaller 36% would most likelynot change jobs.IN THE OFFICE OR ATHOME? WHERE TO WORKSTIRS DEBATEBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment01/29/2025Copyright: Canva proAmong those surveyed, youngerrespondents appeared to be morelikely to resign, with 50% of those inthe 18 to 49 years of age categorysaying they would be either very orsomewhat likely to leave. The numberwas considerably smaller for thoseaged 50 or above, with only 35%saying they would quit their jobs.A gender difference was also noted inthe responses, with 49% of womenworkers saying they would considerleaving their jobs, compared to 43% ofthe male respondents.Responses were also colored by theamount of time an employee regularlyworks virtually. Of those currentlyworking from home all of the time, astrong 61% said they would exit fromtheir jobs if forced to return to theoffice, versus 47% among thoseworking virtually only half the time.The survey dovetails with whatappears to be a significant employershift pushing for more workers in theoffice. Some 75% of those workingfrom home part of the time said theiremployees had instituted in-personrequirements, a jump from just twoyears ago when 63% of thoseemployers required the same.Continues >46
BUILTENVIRONMENTAfter a somewhat down market in both2023 and 2024, a new report is predictingthat the home remodeling industry is poisedfor growth, even if on the mild side, thiscoming year.As published by the Joint Center forHousing Studies of Harvard University,remodeling work and projects are expectedto increase by 1.2% for the duration of2025.NEW INDUSTRY REPORTSEES UPWARD 2025REMODELING TRENDBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 01/27/2025Copyright: Canva proIn a statement, Carlos Martin, director ofthe Remodeling Futures Program at theHarvard Center, pointed to a “solid labormarket, rising home values, and continuedimprovement in existing home sales” as theprimary catalysts for the expected increasein remodeling work.Martin also said that “upward trending retailsales of building materials and steadypermitting for remodeling” are additionalevidence of a coming upward trend line.Home remodeling figures saw a dramaticsurge upward during the months of theCovid 19 pandemic. Those figures climbedfrom a 15.5% increase in early 2022 to ahigh during the fourth quarter of 2022,when business was up by 26.6%.Continues >47President Trump has entered the debate, issuing a memorandum to the heads of federalagencies and departments and pushing them to get their employees back into the office. TheTrump order specifically calls for taking “all necessary steps to terminate remote workarrangements and require employees to work in-person at their respective duty stations ona full-time basis.”According to the Wall Street Journal, company executives, meanwhile, are currently trying tofigure out the best mix of having employees work remotely as compared to being in theoffice. Some of those executives, notes the paper, “see others’ retreat from remote work as acompetitive edge for them.”
That late 2022 surge was followed by alengthy decline between early 2023 and thespring of last year, when the figures wentfrom 20% plus to minus 0.5%.Starting last summer, the industryexperienced a marginal quarterly growthrate of minus 1.4% to the current plus side0.4%.The Harvard figures are measured in anindex called Leading Indicator ofRemodeling Activity, which was initiallydeveloped in 2007 and is designed toprovide a short-term outlook of nationalhome improvement and repair spending inowner-occupied homes.BUILTENVIRONMENT48Nearly 6,400 new hotels were inconstruction as of the last day of 2024, saysa just-issued report by industry-watcherLodging Econometrics, representing a “newproject record.”Those projects mean just under 747,000rooms and show real growth in the hotel-construction business, with a 7% increase inprojects over late 2023, and an even larger8% increase in the total number of rooms.And while the late 2024 figures wereimpressive, what’s currently being plannedin early 2025 isn’t too shabby: exactly 2, 259projects are now in the planning stage,representing some 259,000 new rooms.Those projects, says the LodgingEconometrics report, are “scheduled tobreak ground anytime between now and thenext 12 months.”HOTEL CONSTRUCTIONNOW IN BIG BOOM ERA,SAYS NEW REPORTBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter01/23/2025The boom in construction has impacted alllevels of hotels, with upper midscaleestablishments seeing an all-time high of2,354 projects nationally, making up nearly228,000 rooms. Upscale hotels were in thenext most active category with 1,471projects and 182,474 rooms.“The midscale segment achieved a newrecord with 947 projects and 80,436rooms,” continues the report.New hotel projects, says the publicationHotel Dive, will include projects “that havebeen anticipated for years, internationalbrands’ U.S. debuts, buzzy urban life storyhotels, outdoor-focused retreats, and muchmore.”The most dramatic increase in the industryas of the end of last year, according toLodging Econometrics, was seen in theproject early planning stage, which reached“unprecedented counts with 2,970 projectsand 345,640 rooms.”Early planning stage project growthaccounted for a significant 15% increaseover the final quarter of 202 and a totalroom count increase of 19%.Copyright: Canva pro
In areas where wildfires have become aperennial threat, ordinances have narrowedthe options for roofing on new constructionand reroofing projects. A specific example isBlaine County, Idaho, where installing awood shake roof is no longer an option.Continue reading >METAL ROOFINGPROTECTS AGAINSTFIRES, SEVERE WEATHEREVENTSBy Peter Tuininga, Metal Construction News01/28/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT49As the construction industry increasinglyprioritizes the intersection of sustainabilityand profitability, Qualis Flow has unveiledits highly anticipated report on the state ofdata quality in the sector. In today’s digitalage, data has become the lifeblood ofindustries worldwide and construction is noexception. While the industry has madeprogress in adopting digital tools for datacapture, auditing and reporting, the qualityof that data often lags in the race forquantity. Continue reading >QUALIS FLOW REPORTUNCOVERS DATA GAPSCOSTINGCONSTRUCTIONBILLIONS—AND HOW TOFIX THEMBy Staff, ConstructionDive01/27/2025The latest United States ConstructionPipeline Trend Report from LodgingEconometrics (LE) reveals that Dallas isleading the nation's hotel constructionpipeline with a record-breaking 204projects totaling 23,669 rooms. Atlantafollows with its own record of 168 projects(19,431 rooms), while Nashville (130projects/17,029 rooms), Phoenix...Continue reading >U.S. HOTELDEVELOPMENT BOOMSAS SOUTHERN MARKETSDOMINATEBy Lodging Econometrics, Building Design + Construction01/23/2025
The digital world is evolving at breakneckspeed, yet many data centers are strugglingto keep up due to aging infrastructure.According to the Uptime Institute, 55percent of data centers are over a decadeold, and nearly 25 percent are older than 15years. With such a significant portion offacilities nearing or exceeding theirintended lifespans, modernization is nolonger a luxury—it’s a necessity. Fromoptimizing power distribution to upgradingcooling systems, there are numerous waysto breathe new life into these criticalfacilities and meet the demands of high-performance computing.Continue reading >UNLOCK EFFICIENCYAND PERFORMANCE INDATA CENTERSBy Fred Miller, Area DevelopmentQ1 2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT50With the U.S. construction market stillfacing a labor crunch and other pressures tofind more efficient ways to build, attendeesat the World of Concrete show in Las Vegason Jan. 21-24 were looking for advances inautomation and coordination among thetools, equipment and software on display.Nearly 58,000 attendees pored over thelatest in robotic solutions, battery-poweredtools and refreshed equipment lines. New compact equipment was out in force atthe show, with an emphasis on doingincreasingly challenging jobs with smallermachines. Running higher demand hydraulictools and developing more comfortableoperator cabs were seen across the compactcategory.Continue reading >CHASING AUTOMATIONAND LOWER CARBONAT WORLD OFCONCRETE 2025By Jeff Rubenstone, ENRCopyright: Canva proCopyright: Canva pro
VIEW >$22,059,116ESTIMATED COSTPROJECT INFOSCOPE:New two-story addition including administrativeoffices, performing arts classrooms, an artclassroom, a counseling suite, a library and acovered outdoor dining area for the existingcafeteria. This project also includes fire alarmupgrades throughout the entire school building.This project also includes a PV array on the roof. Thestructure includes a concrete foundation, a slab ongrade and slab on deck with a steel structure andmetal studs. This building is finished with a portlandcement plaster stucco, CMU veneer and storefront...OWNER:Albuquerque Public Schools OffsiteProcurement OfficeLincoln Complex, BuildingA, 1st Floor, Room 7 915Locust Street SEAlbuquerque NM 87106Bid Date/Time: 02/26/2025 - 02:00pm MSTAddenda Count: 0Memo Count: 0Phase: BiddingStage: ActiveStatus:New Project / First ReportProject Type: Additions / Renovations / UpgradeCategory: EducationPublic Funding: YesBid Security: 5% Bid BondMandatory Pre-Proposal Conference01/28/2025 - 10:00 amTaylor Middle School(school library)8200 Guadalupe Trl NWAlbuquerque, NM 87114TAYLOR MIDDLESCHOOL PHASE 1ATAYLOR MIDDLESCHOOL PHASE 1A(505) 848-8826BUILTENVIRONMENT52
$1,500,000ESTIMATED COSTCM@R HVACRENOVATIONS@ACACIA (AC)CM@R HVACRENOVATIONS@ACACIA (AC)VIEW PROJECT >OWNER:Washington Elementary School District 602) 347-26104650 W. Sweetwater AvenueGlendale AZ 85304PROJECT INFO:Bid Date/Time: 02/07/2025 - 02:30pm MSTPhase: BiddingStage: Active Project Type: Vendor / Professional ServicesCategory: EducationPublic Funding: YesSCOPE:The Washington Elementary SchoolDistrict Requests Statements ofQualification from qualified firmsregistered in the State of Arizona forpreconstruction and construction servicesat Acacia School, 3021 West Evans Drive,Phoenix, AZ 85053. The ConstructionManager at Risk (CM) is responsible forthe successful, timely and economicalcompletion of the construction Project.BUILTENVIRONMENT53
FEATUREDPRE-BID PROJECTBuilt in 1876, the year Colorado becamea U.S. state, a horse stable in themountain town of Central City isreceiving $250,000 for a renovation andrestoration effort.Located at 113 Eureka Street, Williams’Stables was initially used to house thehorses and carriages of guests attendingthe Central City Opera House or thosestaying at the Teller House Hotel acrossthe street.The 6,000-square-foot brick building,with arched window and door frames anda detailed cornice, was eventuallypurchased by Richard Williams, animmigrant from Cornwell, England, whofor decades used it for a family liverystable business.HISTORIC WILLIAMSSTABLES IN CENTRALCITY, COLORADO GETFUNDING FORUPGRADE WORKBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 01/23/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT54
An article in the Gilpin Observerin 1912 noted that owing to barsand taverns being closed onSundays in nearby Denver,patrons were renting out horsesto travel to nearby Tolland andIdaho Springs, where the barsremained open. “Business hasbeen so good, it has beenimpossible for the Williamsstable to keep enough horses,”reported the paper.Williams also served as theSheriff of surrounding GilpinCounty. Beginning in 1910, theinterior of the structure wasused for square dances on thenights when the Central CityOpera House was featuring ashow.Now officially a part of theCentral City-Black HawkNational Historic LandmarkDistrict, Williams’ Stables isexpected to be repurposed as atheater and event space.The $250,000 has been awardedvia the History Colorado’s StateHistorical Fund, which has, todate, provided backing to thetune of $5.5 million for nearly 40facility preservation projectsacross the state. In a statement,Scott Finley, chief executiveofficer of the Central City OperaHouse Association,characterized the Williams’Stables work as a piece of alarger effort demonstrating how“historic buildings can bereimagined for new uses.”PROJECT INFORMATION:Estimated Cost: $250,000Stage: Conceptual / No DesignStatus: New Project / First ReportProject Type: Additions / Renovations / UpgradeCategory: Entertainment / Theater / SportsPublic Funding: YesVIEW >BUILTENVIRONMENT55Copyright: Canva pro
ADDITIONS/RENOVATIONS /UPGRADEGRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK AIRPORTRUNWAY 3-21 REHABILITATION PROJECTVIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Rehabilitate Runway 3-21: Construction of 3-inch mill and overlay of existing asphalt pavement on the keelsection (middle 75 feet of the runway) including aircraft wheel path to all taxiway connectors. Afterpavement rehabilitation is complete, the newly paved runway keel section will be re-marked and grooved.o Reconfigure and Rehabilitate Taxiway A and B (Hot Spot 1): Full depth removal of Taxiway A andshoulders, construction of 3-inch mill and overlay of existing asphalt pavement on Taxiway B, andconstruction of taxiway shoulders. The proposed pavement section will be 4 inches of asphalt concrete (P-401) on 13.5 inches of crushed aggregate base course (P-209) on 12.5 inches of subbase course (P-154) on6 inches of scarified and compacted subgrade (P-152). An existing catch basin in green no-taxi islandpavement and storm drain pipe under Taxiway A will be removed. Existing Taxiway A pavement will begraded to follow existing drainage patterns and outfalls to existing drainage swale. New airfield electricalwill be installed to match FAA standards. Existing FAA electrical lines and sanitary sewer in the area willnot be affected. o Taxiway Redesignation: Replacement of runway and taxiway guidance signs withupdated naming convention to meet current FAA standards.BUILTENVIRONMENT58
DESIGN / BUILDBUILTENVIRONMENT59SPACEPORT TECHNOLOGY AND RECEPTIONCENTER DESIGN BUILDVIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Spaceport seeks to procure a firm that possesses all necessary contractor licenses mandated by the stateof New Mexico, including those for a registered Architect and General Contractor, to implement theSTARC project using a Design-Build Project Delivery System. The successful Offeror will be responsiblefor the design, construction, and delivery of the project under a single contract with the Agency.Copyright: Land Rover Discovery Sport | Behind the Scenes, Land Rover MENA, Wikimedia Commons
MATERIAL /EQUIP / SERVICE /INSTALLLEASED LIT FIBER ANDFIBER MAINTENANCEVIEW PROJECT >ERATE CATEGORY 2NETWORKINGEQUIPMENT &BATTERY BACKUPSCOPE OF WORK: Section 1 The District seeks to procurenetwork equipment andinstallation at district campusesas identified...VIEW PROJECT >WEST CENTRALCONSORTIUMINTERNET ANDWAN ACCESSSCOPE OF WORK: The West Central Consortium, aconsortium of schools andlibraries located in the westcentral part of the state of NewMexico, receives internetservices through a multi-yearcontract procured in 2022. Thiscontract is expiring. Theconsortium requests proposalsfor internet...VIEW PROJECT >AS-NEEDEDLANDSCAPE ANDFACILITYMAINTENANCESERVICESSCOPE OF WORK: The City of Aspen will acceptbids from contractors to providelandscape and facility serviceson an as-needed basis. Theservices may include but are notlimited to...VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Alamogordo Public School District wishes to compareLit Services for the completion of their district WideArea Network (WAN). The current WAN for thespecific locations listed provides leased-lit fiber...BUILTENVIRONMENT60
UNM-PICTUREARCHIVE ANDCOMMUNICATIONSYSTEM (PACS)SCOPE OF WORK: The purpose of this RFP is tosolicit proposals to establish acontract through competitivenegotiations for theprocurement of a PictureArchive and CommunicationSystem (hereafter referred to asthe "PACS" or the "SYSTEM")for UNMHS and it general andspecialty clinics throughout NM,as it relates to image archival,storage, display, and ongoingpatient management from animaging perspective. Currently,the UNMH has a PACS softwaresolution in place...VIEW PROJECT >SECONDARY CRACSYSTEMCORPORATEBUILDINGSCOPE OF WORK: To design and install asecondary CRAC system on theNTUA Corporate buildinglocated in Fort Defiance,Arizona. The current system hasbecome unreliable andconstantly loses communicationcausing the room to get hot andequipment to overheat. Thissecondary system will be usedwhen the main system goesdown due to communicationloss.VIEW PROJECT >ERATE 2025INTERNET BORDERGATEWAYPROTOCOL (BGP)ROUTERSSCOPE OF WORK: Ysleta ISD aims to continueupgrading the District's wiredand wireless infrastructure,including access switches and802.11 ac/ax access points.VIEW PROJECT >NMSU-NMDAPESTICIDEDISPOSALPROGRAMSCOPE OF WORK: New Mexico Department ofAgriculture (NMDA) is solicitingproposals from qualified andexperienced pesticide wastecollection and...VIEW PROJECT >OXYGEN,ACETYLENE ANDARGON GASSCOPE OF WORK: Establish a Price Agreement forthe Department of Game andFish (DGF) for the purchase ofOxygen, Acetylene, and Argongas.VIEW PROJECT >ON CALLEQUIPMENTREPLACEMENT,REPAIR ANDINSTALLATIONSERVICESSCOPE OF WORK: On Call EquipmentReplacement, Repair andInstallation ServicesVIEW PROJECT >BUILTENVIRONMENT61
NEWCONSTRUCTIONEDDY COUNTY FIRESTATION 1VIEW PROJECT >ARTESIA -INFRASTRUCTUREOFFICE BUILDING(PEMB) (SUBBID)SCOPE OF WORK: Construction of a new officebuilding for the City of ArtesiaDepartment of Infrastructure,located at 15 Compress Road,Artesia, NM 88210. Constructionwill consist of site preparationand grading, a wood framedbuilding, concrete footings andstem walls, undergroundutilities, interior partitions,ceilings, finishes, heating/ventilating/air conditioning,plumbing, electrical work,exterior hot mixed asphaltpaving, concrete walks...VIEW PROJECT >WALMART#906.1002 -FUELCENTER- GALLUP,NMSCOPE OF WORK: This project consists of a newFuel Center at Walmart #906 inGallup, NM.Work may include,but is not limited to (includingcoordination of work by Wal-Mart Preferred Contractors),Earthwork / Site Demolition,Structural Concrete (footings &foundations), exterior sitework(ramps...VIEW PROJECT >OEM EMERGENCYOPERATIONSCENTERSCOPE OF WORK: Underground utility constructionto include Electrical, Gas, Waterand Wastewater. Parking lotconstruction to include subgradeprep, asphalt placement andparking stripping, Curb gutterand sidewalk construction todirect water and pedestriantraffic for the facility. Placementof landscaping and site wallconstruction required tomaintain site. Ground upconstruction to include concretefoundation, metal structuralframing, metal stud framing,new electrical, plumbing, andmechanical systems. Interiorfinishes to include...VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: To provide, install and commission a pre-engineeredmetal building, earthwork, concrete, metal studs,drywall painting, metal roofing, storefront, glazing,millwork, equipment, mechanical, plumbing andelectrical to the current fire station for the dailyfunctions necessary.BUILTENVIRONMENT62
SITE WORK /NON-BUILDINGWHOLE BLOCKRECONSTRUCTION -ELVA DRIVEVIEW PROJECT >CONSTRUCTION -PHASE IV, SECONDSTREET AND EASTNIZHONIBOULEVARDINTERSECTIONIMPROVEMENTSSCOPE OF WORK: This project is to improve bothvehicular and pedestrian trafficwith ADA ramps and crossing aswell as through lane fornorthbound traffic on to 2ndStreet. The project includesimprovements to the existingtraffic control systems,replacement of the existing 8-inch AC and CI effluent line, witha new 12 DI line...VIEW PROJECT >CITYWIDE GATEVALVEREPLACEMENTPROJECT PHASE ISCOPE OF WORK: Replace 54 existing non-operational valves, up to 30inches in size, in El Paso Water’s(EPWater) existing city-widewater distribution system withnew gate valves, pipingmodifications, fittings,couplings, manholes whereindicated in the drawings andincidentals by open cut method.The project involves removing54 non-operational valves ofvarious sizes within the EPWaterdistribution system andreplacing them with new valves,piping, and appurtenances...VIEW PROJECT >CITYWIDE ASPHALTREHABILITATIONSCOPE OF WORK: The City of Westminster isinviting qualified contractors tosubmit bids for Citywide AsphaltRehabilitation.VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: This project is for city street improvements alongwhole blocks. The project location here is Elva Drive, aresidential street dead end street south of an existingwater storage tank...BUILTENVIRONMENT63
NM DOT CN#2100742ROADWAYRECONSTRUCTIONCHAVES LEASCOPE OF WORK: TERMINI: US 380, MP 201.447 toMP 203.148 and MP 208.350 toMP 210.070 and MP 233.364 toMP 242.037...VIEW PROJECT >ARROYO HONDOTRAIL SEGMENTS#2 & #3SCOPE OF WORK: The work consists of thefollowing construction: Segment#2 - 1.2-mile-long concretemulti-use trail connecting theexiting Rancho Viejo Fire StationTrailhead to the Turquoise TrailSports Park off of NM 14 andSegment #3 – 1.6-mile-longconcrete multi-use trail fromconnection with existing trailNW of Rancho Viejo Fire Stationto Richards Avenue andextensions to Avenida Del Surand Velocity Road roundabouts. VIEW PROJECT >PHASE 4 WATERSYSTEMIMPROVEMENTSSCOPE OF WORK: The project involves thereplacement of the existing 2”Gallagher water main at theJemez River crossing, a new 8”diameter Class C-900 PVCwater main along the westshoulder of NM State Road 4 inJemez Springs, New Mexicoincluding trenching, pipeinstallation, fittings, watervalves, fire hydrants, servicelaterals, water meters,connections to existing waterlines, backfill, compaction andsite restoration.VIEW PROJECT >RE-BID ACEQUIAMANZANARES YMONTOYASCOPE OF WORK: Rehabilitation of an irrigationsluice structure locatedimmediately upstream of theAcequia measurement structurenear Medanales, in Rio ArribaCounty, NM, includingdemolition and salvage ofexisting structure, furnish andinstall 5 cubic yards ofreinforced concrete, 24” slidegate with HDPE pipe and endsection, miscellaneous metalwork, earthwork, and grading.VIEW PROJECT >2025 DENVERBASINREHABILITATIONAND PUMPINGEQUIPMENTREPLACEMENTPROJECTSCOPE OF WORK: This project consists ofrehabilitating and installing newpumping equipment into WellsCR-28R, CR-39, and CR-123 asoutlined in the ITB. Principalitems of work include supplyingall labor, tools and equipmentnecessary to complete therehabilitation and installation...VIEW PROJECT >TELLURIDE R-1SCHOOL DISTRICTREMODELS - BP #2(SUBBID)SCOPE OF WORK: Bid package #2 includes thefollowing scopes of work: Brickrepair at Elementary school,selective demolition, precastwindow sills at windowreplacement work, brick sills atwindow replacement work, misc.steel items, casework, woodwindow sills/aprons, hollowmetal frames, wood doors, doorhardware, gypsum boardaccessories, acoustical ceilings,flooring, epoxy flooring,painting, window...VIEW PROJECT >BUILTENVIRONMENT64
MATERIAL /EQUIP / SERVICE /INSTALLWAREHOUSE RFQJANUARY 17, 2025VIEW PROJECT >TRANSFORMER OILPURIFICATIONSYSTEMVIEW PROJECT >69KV METERINGCLASS CURRENTTRANSFORMERSVIEW PROJECT >STEEL PACKAGEFOR NEWSUNSHINESUBSTATION,GALLUP NMVIEW PROJECT >CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $84,740.002 Low | $94,062.003 Low |$105,542.00*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $23,990.002 Low | $34,105.003 Low | $36,000.00*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award details*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsORIGINAL ESTIMATED COST: NOT AVAILABLECONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $41,525.002 Low | $49,594.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $357,796.002 Low | $390,727.003 Low | $414,239.00BUILTENVIRONMENT67
SITE WORK /NON-BUILDINGCOOPER STREET TENNISCOURTS RESURFACINGVIEW PROJECT >STORMINFRASTRUCTUREREPAIRSVIEW PROJECT >ESTANCIA FIRESTATION ADDITIONVIEW PROJECT >REUSE PIPELINEEXTENSION TOWINROCKVIEW PROJECT >CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $699,178.002 Low | $1,004,850.00*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $545,800.002 Low | $836,786.003 Low | $880,025.00*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award details*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsORIGINAL ESTIMATED COST: $71,450CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $74,048.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | dollar amount notavailable BUILTENVIRONMENT68
BUILTENVIRONMENT73UNDERSTANDINGDATA CENTERS:DEVELOPMENT,DEMAND, ANDCHALLENGESThe following article is sponsored by Lee &Associates, republished with permission. Data centers are the backbone of our digitalworld, supporting everything from socialmedia to complex AI applications. As demandfordata processing and storage continues torise, driven by advancements in technologyand increasing digitalization, the developmentof data centers is more critical than ever.However, this growth is not withoutchallenges, particularly regarding electricalinfrastructure and geographic considerations.Understanding these factors is essential foranyone involved in the data center industry,whether in development, operation, or simplyas a consumer of the services they provide.WHAT IS A DATA CENTER?A data center is a facility used to housecomputer systems and associatedcomponents, such as telecommunications andstorage systems. These facilities are designedto store, manage, and disseminate data,ensuring that the digital backbone of modern... CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT75LOGISTICSENTERINGSUSTAINEDGROWTH PHASEIndustrial vacancy is likely nearing its peak forthe current cycle, according to the latestresearch from Cushman & Wakefield. Thereport found overall national industrial vacancyclimbed 20 basis points to 6.7%, which remains30 bps below the 10-year pre-pandemicaverage.During the fourth quarter, industrial absorptionwas positive in 60% of the 84 markets Cushman& Wakefield tracks. Eight markets reportedmore than five million square feet of absorptionfor the year.Overall, the industrial market absorbed 36.8million square feet during the fourth quarter, upfrom 33.3 million square feet during the thirdquarter but down 20% year-over-year. For theyear, 135 million square feet of industrialproduct was absorbed, the report said.CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT76TRENDS INCOMMERCIALREAL ESTATE:REPOSITIONINGSTRATEGIESFrom prebuilt office spaces to reimaginedamenity offerings, commercial buildingowners and landlords in major metropolitanmarkets across the United States areexploring a host of different strategies forencouraging leasing activity. Determiningwhat upgrades are deal-breakerrequirements, which solutions will performbest in the market, and how they align withdesired tenant groups remains a significantchallenge. Rather than gambling on gettinglucky with the experimentation process,owners and landlords can learn a lot fromcirca-2018 building repositioning practices.The most common commercial upgrades pre-pandemic were time-consuming andexpensive – facade reconstruction, sparklingnew lobbies and restrooms, windowreplacements – but they had something incommon: they were done with the wholebuilding in mind. The approach was holisticand aimed not just at remaining current butboosting the building’s profile and presence.In today’s landscape, having this overarchingvision before ever updating an amenity spaceis critical to long-term success.CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT77SBA ADMINISTRATORGUZMAN OUTLINESNEW MYSBA DIGITALEXPERIENCETRANSFORMINGHOW BUSINESSOWNERS INTERACTWITH SBAWASHINGTON — Today, Administrator IsabelCasillas Guzman, head of the U.S. Small BusinessAdministration (SBA) and the voice in PresidentBiden’s Cabinet for America’s more than 34 millionsmall businesses, is celebrating the culmination ofthe SBA’s efforts to transform customers’experiences with the agency through its newMySBA digital platform. After makingimprovements to MySBA Loans, MySBACertifications, and MySBA Learning, the SBA now ismoving toward a single sign-on MySBA platformthat will deliver a seamless experience for users.“Our technology prioritization has changed howsmall business owners interact with the SBA.MySBA builds on my commitment as Administratorto be as entrepreneurial as the small businesseswe serve, delivering customer-first, technology-forward solutions to maximize the impact of everyinteraction with America’s valued entrepreneurs,”said SBA Administrator Guzman. “The Biden-HarrisAdministration has worked tirelessly over the lastfour years to make government services...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – BernalilloCounty Commissioners have approved aplan aimed at addressing affordablehousing.Continue reading >BERNALILLO COUNTYAPPROVES PLAN TOCREATE HOUSINGDEVELOPMENTDIVISIONBy Issac Cruz, KRQE News01/29/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSNEW MEXICO79New Mexico is holding the U.S. Departmentof Defense responsible for PFAScontamination found in record-settinglevels in animals and plants aroundHolloman Lake as the state advises hunterswho consumed waterfowl there from 2010to 2014 to see a health professional. The New Mexico Environment Departmentissued a health advisory on Monday afterreleasing a report that found a world...Continue reading >STATE ISSUES HEALTHADVISORY TO HUNTERSWHO’VE HARVESTEDAROUND HOLLOMANLAKEBy Susan Moree, New Mexico Political Report01/28/2025A local shopping center is welcoming a newtenant. Discover how this addition willimpact the center's occupancy rate.Continuer reading >RETAILER EXPANDSINTO CENTRAL ABQ,PLANS FOR GROWTHBy Cooper Metts, Albuquerque Business First01/28/2025
The story read like something out of ahorror movie — at least for potentialhomebuyers in Albuquerque looking tofinance their purchase.Continue reading >LOCAL EXPERT CALLSOUT REAL ESTATEWEBSITE’S FALSE CLAIMTHAT 71% OF ABQ HOMESALES IN OCTOBERWERE ‘ALL CASH’By Matthew Narvaiz, Albuquerque Journal01/28/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT80RIO RANCHO, N.M. – Short-term rentalshave been a hot topic in the City of RioRancho since October 2024. Spurred on bythe public, the mayor tapped two othercouncilors to revise the ordinance.Continue reading >SHORT-TERM RENTALORDINANCE PROPOSEDIN RIO RANCHOBy Feliz Romero, KOB 401/28/2025Copyright: Canva proAs home insurance grows increasinglyexpensive and unavailable in some fire-prone areas of New Mexico, bothRepublican and Democratic lawmakersagree the market can’t provide adequatecoverage to protect homes here againstfuture disasters. Lawmakers in both parties told Source NewMexico they are exploring different waysduring the 60-day legislative session toallow the state to intervene. Optionsinclude: increasing coverage limits, alongwith premiums, in a state-operatedinsurance program; and investing as muchas $100 million in that program to help itsustain itself for at least the next few bigcatastrophes.Continue reading >NM GOP ANDDEMOCRATS SAY STATENEEDS TO FIX HOMEINSURANCE, ASDISASTERS UPENDPRIVATE MARKETBy Source NM01/23/2025Copyright: Canva pro
LOS LUNAS — Owning a home is becomingan increasingly difficult feat, butorganizations like Homewise are working tomake it more attainable, especially for thosewho may need some financial assistance.At a recent Los Lunas Village Councilmeeting, Homewise Chief Operating OfficerElena Gonzales shared information with thecouncil about Homewise and how theorganization is utilizing resources at thelocal and state level to makehomeownership more feasible for people inrural communities.Continue reading >HOMEWISE TO HELPWITH HOMEOWNERSHIPBy Felina Martinez, Valencia County News-Bulletin01/23/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT81One of Taos' oldest hotels is back on themarket.According to real estate listings, commercialrealty company Marcus & Millchap haslisted the Sagebrush Inn & Suites, located at1508 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, for $13.25million.Continue reading >SAGEBRUSH INN &SUITES LISTED FOR$13.25MBy Staff, Taos News01/22/2025Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSSOUTHWESTFamily-friendly story-time events willcelebrate Black History Month in Februaryat various El Paso public library branches inpartnership with the NAACP El PasoBranch."Our partnership with El Paso Public Libraryis a journey towards a brighter future,"NAACP El Paso Branch member TephanieHopper said in a city news release. "In everybook lies the power to inspire, educate, andtransform."Continue reading >EL PASO NEWS:LIBRARIES TO HOSTBLACK HISTORY MONTHEVENTS; PROPERTYTAXES DUE JAN. 31By Daniel Borunda, El Paso Times01/29/2025Copyright: Canva pro82Three hotels in El Paso are up for grabs andheaded to auction.Continue reading >HOTELS NEAR EL PASOAIRPORT HIT THEAUCTION BLOCKBy Leah March, Albuquerque Business First01/27/2025Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSNATIONALAccording to the Mortgage BankersAssociation's latest Weekly MortgageApplications Survey for the week endingJanuary 24, 2025, mortgage applicationsdeclined by 2.0% compared to the previousweek.Continue reading >U.S. MORTGAGEAPPLICATIONSDOWNTICK IN LATEJANUARYBy WPJ Staff01/29/2025Copyright: Canva pro83LOS ANGELES, California: For the secondyear in a row, sales of previously ownedhomes in the U.S. dropped in 2024 to thelowest level in almost 30 years.Continue reading >AS PRICES, MORTGAGESSOARED, US HOMESALES FELL TO 30-YEAR-LOW IN 2024By Robert Besser, New Mexico State News.Net01/29/2025Investors Who Shunned the U.S. OfficeMarket Are Coming Back Some investors are buying premium-qualitybuildings that are burdened with debt, orscooping up half-empty towers for pennieson the dollar. Others are bidding onobsolete office properties with an eyetoward converting them to apartments.Some big foreign investors are showing...Continue reading >INVESTORS WHOSHUNNED THE U.S.OFFICE MARKET ARECOMING BACKBy Peter Grant, The Wall Street Journal01/28/2025
ASTM International, a standards-settingorganization, has released a new standardguide for assessing a property’s degree ofresilience to physical climate hazards, thusmarking a key milestone in the process ofscaling up climate adaptation in real estateand the built environment.As property losses and disruption from suchhazards as storms, wildfires, and floodscontinue to rise, the new standard guide,ASTM E3429—the Property ResilienceAssessment (PRA)—is designed to providereal estate owners, developers, investors,insurers, lenders, design teams, andregulators with a consistent means ofdetermining how resilient a given propertyis and, potentially, what would be needed tobetter protect it.Continue reading >ASTM RELEASES NEWSTANDARD GUIDE FORASSESSING PROPERTYRISK AND RESILIENCEBy August Williams-Eynon, Urban Land01/27/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT84CoreLogic's latest Single-Family Rent Indexreveals that Detroit led the nation in year-over-year rent growth among 20 majormarkets in November 2024, with a 6.1%increase. In October, the median rent for athree-bedroom home in Detroit was $1,777,making it one of only three metro areas withan average monthly rent under $2,000. Thishighlights a growing trend of Americansseeking more affordable housing options,especially in the Midwest. The other twosub-$2,000 rental markets werePhiladelphia ($1,634) and Houston ($1,921).Meanwhile, Washington, D.C., recorded a5.5% increase, likely influenced by jobchanges associated with a new politicaladministration.Continue reading >SINGLE-FAMILY RENTGROWTH IN U.S. SLOWSTO LOWEST RATE IN 14YEARSBy Michael Gerrity, The World Property Journal01/23/2025Copyright: Canva pro
Three separate El Paso hotels, with a combined minimum bid of $8.2 million, are set to go toauction one month from now.All three of the properties, which serve the El Paso International Airport area, are beingoffered by JP&A Realtors, which has offices in Plano.The most senior of the properties at 6655 Gateway Boulevard W, is branded as a BestWestern Plus and was built in 1963. The two-story hotel features 132 rooms and measuresaround 104,600 square feet. It also includes up to 4,771 square feet of event and meetingspace.A starting bid for the Best Western is set at $2,750,000.The second property is a Hawthorn Suites by Wyndham hotel and is located at 6789 BoeingDrive. Built in 1994, the hotel measures 82,500 square feet. The three-story structureunderwent a complete renovation in 2012.Starting bid for the Hawthorn Suites property is also $2,750,000.The third property is a 102-room Comfort Inn & Suites, located at 6645 Gateway BoulevardW. Just over 60 years old, the hotel was renovated early last year.The Comfort Inn & Suites listing has a minimum bid of $2.7 million.The two-day auction for the three hospitality properties is scheduled to begin on February24.THREELONGSTANDINGEL PASO HOTELSTO BE PUT UPFOR AUCTION INFEBRUARYBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter01/23/2025FEATURED COMMERCIAL PROPERTY BUILTENVIRONMENT030201YEAR RENOVATEDLOT SIZEBUILDING SIZE201 43.9 A CRE S104 ,5 91 SQ FT85
BUILTENVIRONMENTPROPERTY FOR SALENEW MEXICOUnless otherwise stated, all images on this page are copyrighted to Google Inc.4545 PICACHO AVE | LAS CRUCESOFFERED PRICE: $9,000,000 BUILDING SIZE: 145,688 SFPremier RV & Boat storage facility with easy access to Hwy 70Fully paved, fenced and gated with keypad accessOn-site dump station and air stationVIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE2011 12TH ST NW | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $4,810,000 BUILDING SIZE: 16,120 SFLONG TERM OPERATING HISTORY – Walgreens has been serving the community at this location fornearly 20 years.OPEN LATE HOURS – This Walgreens location is open until midnight.CORPORATE GUARANTEE – Lease is corporately guaranteed by Walgreens (NASDAQ: WBA).VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE4001 W PICACHO AVE | LAS CRUCESOFFERED PRICE: $450,000 BUILDING SIZE: 2,959 SFHigh traffic corner, multi occupant partial residential partial commercial. Two businesses/Two apartments,Beauty shop with available space for retail, Apt. 1 - modified studio style living quarters , Apt. 2 - 2 BR, secure ,enclosed courtyard, parking. Great for owner-user or investment. Stable rental history. Adobe/block/stuccostyle.VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE2000 N UNION AVE | ROSWELLOFFERED PRICE: $2,250,000 BUILDING SIZE: 6,746 SFMB2 Dental Operates in 39 States With a Robust Corporate Guarantee Backed By 685 Units, ProvidingInvestors With a Highly Secure & Scalable InvestmentThe Property Benefits From an Exceptionally Strong Tertiary Market, With a Population of 40,984ResidentsPositioned Directly Across From Military Heights Elementary School, Which Serves Over 400 StudentsVIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE86
BUILTENVIRONMENTUnless otherwise stated, all images on this page are copyrighted to Google Inc.675 SCOTT AVE | FARMINGTONOFFERED PRICE: $5,900,000 BUILDING SIZE: 41,184 SFStrategic Location: The hotel is located off U.S. Route 64, with 30,000 vehicles per day. It is 180 miles fromAlbuquerque and 52 miles from Durango. Demand-Generating Attractions: Northern Edge Navajo Casino (4.4 miles), Aztec Ruins NationalMonument (13.8 miles), and Navajo Lake Park (38 miles).VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE1804 E COLLEGE BLVD | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $945,000 BUILDING SIZE: 6,788 SF"You can get away, without going away" by being nestled in this serene property on the Spring River, thisproperty boasts a Santa Fe style main home that exudes timeless charm. Step inside to discover the showplaceof the homean impressive room wide custom-built Kiva Fireplace that commands attention with its rustic...VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE2724 W MARLAND ST | HOBBSOFFERED PRICE: $899,000 BUILDING SIZE: 8,000 SFThis well-maintained 21-unit motel is an excellent investment opportunity. Each room is designed with comfortin mind, featuring 1 bedroom and 1 private bathroom. There is 6 doubles and 15 singles. In addition to the 21units, the property includes a spacious on-site apartment, perfect for an owner or manager to live in or rent...VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE723 NEW YORK AVE | ALAMOGORDOOFFERED PRICE: $1,295,000 BUILDING SIZE: 2,520 SFFresh complete remodel to suit Tenant completed Sept 202410 Year Lease to the State of New Mexico Corrections DepartmentStable community with strong long-term employment basesVIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE87
BUILTENVIRONMENT3618 HARVEST LN | CARLSBADOFFERED PRICE: $1,900,000 TOTAL LOT SIZE: 20.86 ACLOCATION!! This 20.86-acre vacant land is zoned for commercial use and is ideally situated in a high visibilityarea, making it a prime location for various business developments. Whether you're looking to establish a newbusiness, expand an oil field company, or make a lucrative investment, this property offers endless possibilities.Commercial Zoning: Perfect for a variety of business ventures, providing flexibility for your development...VIEW DEAL: CLICK HEREUNSER 87121 | ALBUQUERQUETOTAL LOT SIZE: 1 ACThe Unser/Sage Marketplace is a retail development located at the southeast corner of Unser Blvd and Sage Rdthat currently consists of Family Dollar, Human Bean and Kidz Academy. This ideally sized 1 acre pad site is thelast remaining parcel with Unser Blvd frontage, which features over 19,000 vehicles per day. This site features...VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERELAND FOR SALENEW MEXICOUnless otherwise stated, all images on this page are copyrighted to Google Inc.88
Well, this is something of a head-scratcher.On Tuesday evening (Jan. 28), PresidentDonald Trump announced that he hasanother task for SpaceX founder and CEOElon Musk, who is already leading a cost-and regulation-cutting effort called theDepartment of Governmental Efficiency.Continue reading >TRUMP ASKS ELONMUSK TO RETURN 2STARLINERASTRONAUTS FROMTHE ISS FOR NASA —BUT THEY ALREADYHAVE A SPACEX RIDEHOMEBy Mike Wall, Space.com01/29/2025SPACE NEWSBUILTENVIRONMENT92Copyright: Canva proJapanese scientists detected all fivenucleobases — building blocks of DNA andRNA — in samples returned from asteroidBennu by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission.Continue reading >SCIENTISTS JUSTFOUND DNA’S BUILDINGBLOCKS IN ASTEROIDBENNU – COULD THISEXPLAIN LIFE’SORIGINS?By Hokkaido University, SciTechDaily01/29/2025Copyright: Canva pro
A newly discovered asteroid, designated2024 YR4, has a 1-in-83 chance of strikingEarth in December of 2032. The asteroid isestimated to be 196 feet (60 meters) wide,and it is currently 27 million miles away.Continue reading >ASTRONOMERSDISCOVER 196-FOOTASTEROID WITH 1-IN-83CHANCE OF HITTINGEARTH IN 2032By Robert Lee, Space.com01/28/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT93Copyright: Canva proTwo space transportation systems are beingdeveloped for human exploration of theMoon and Mars...Continue reading >PHASING OUT THE SLSAND ORION PROGRAMSAND EMBRACINGSTARSHIPBy Gerald Black, The Space Review01/27/2025Around the time Donald Trump took theoath of office to serve as the 47th Presidentof the United States...Continue reading >A TUMULTUOUS STARTTO A NEWADMINISTRATION ATNASABy Jeff Foust, The Space Review01/27/2025St. PETERSBURG, Florida: Lonestar DataHoldings is planning to make history bybuilding the first data center on the moon.Continue reading >LONESTAR WILL USESPACEX ROCKET TOPLANT DATA CENTERON LUNAR SURFACEBy Robert Besser, New Mexico State News.Net01/26/2025Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENTNEWSPACEALLIANCEJoin hundreds of organizations in the national NewSpaceAlliance! Build your knowledge and strengthen yournetwork by participating in ongoing opportunities tolearn, share and engage with space professionals acrossindustry, government and academia. Free to join,NewSpace Alliance members can attend monthly techtalks, industry webinars, networking events, industryforums and our nationally-recognized State of the SpaceIndustrial Base conference. Membership is free.Continue reading >NEWSPACEIGNITORGROW FASTER FROM CONCEPT TO PRODUCT TOSALESContinue reading >CO-INNOVATIONWORKSPACESENewSpace Co-Innovation, or collaborative innovation, iswhen newspace stakeholders work together to discovernew partnerships, explore new approaches, solveproblems, and accelerate growth.Continue reading >PATHWAYS TOTHE STARSACCESS TO WORKFORCE WILL BECOMEEASIER WITH A LARGER, MORE DIVERSESPACE-READY TALENT POOL.Coming next year!Pathways to the Stars will grow the spaceindustry talent pipeline with programming,mentoring, experiential learning and careerconnection services spanning K-12 to earlycareer, with industry involvement and specialattention given to reaching minority populations.Multiple educational partners will providelearning and curriculum, and connection serviceswill connect students to jobs and careers. Weinvite you to participate and inspire students tobecome part of the space workforce of thefuture!Continue reading >ABOUT USWHO WE ARE & WHATWE DOFounded October 2019, NewSpace Nexus is a501(c)(3) non-profit accelerating the pace ofspace innovation by uniting and igniting theindustry. Through the NewSpace Launchpad, afirst-of-its-kind co-innovation hub, stakeholdersgain access to workspaces, equipment,programming, rapid prototyping anddemonstration, and resources needed forinnovation and rapid progress. Services includeaccess to space ecosystem knowledge, publicevents, and networking; navigation services thatprovide tailored guidance and direct assistanceto fast-track business growth; and collaborativeinnovation services...Continue reading >95
QUICK NEWS LINKSCONSTRUCTION28County seeks alternate funding for hospital >NEW MEXICOBernalillo County seeks funding for earlylearning center >Silver City adobe plant helps rebuildRuidoso >Town of Taos suspends parking fees untilPaseo construction ends >128-unit Rio Rancho build-to-rentcommunity secures site plan approval >Santa Fe officials seek applications fromorganization for affordable housing funds >UNM selects architects for new Humanitiesand Social Sciences Facility >Future of the fairgrounds up for debate atBernCo Commission meeting >Heinrich announces he won’t run for NMgovernor in 2026 >I-25, N.M. 6 upgrades coming soon >NEW HOTEL WILL SEE CONSTRUCTION INGOODYEAR'S GROWING DOWNTOWN >SOUTHWESTEL PASO SET TO SEE BUILDING OF NEW ANDEXPENSIVE STORMWATER PROJECT >Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission Awards BigGrant for El Paso Recreation Center Work >New Fort Collins Apartment Complex Seen as aResponse to Growing Colorado State UniversityEnrollment >New Building Proposal In Fort Collins Would Addto Existing Historic Structure >Federal Funding Secured for Long-AnticipatedRoad Upgrade Project in Socorro, Texas >BUILTENVIRONMENT96County Ponders Shade Structure For IceRink >Racing the winds: 69kv project is urgent >28Trump to Davos: Tax Cuts, Tariffs, and Trillions inInvestments Mark America’s Comeback >NATIONALDeepSeek: The New Contender Shaking Up the AIWorld >New Workforce Development Bill is Introduced inUS Senate >Home Depot expands fast delivery options withDoorDash, Uber Eats >From giant Lego-style bricks to artificial reefs,how the construction industry is using tech totackle climate change >Bechtel, energy builders win Tennessee smallmodular reactor contract >Construction Industry Faces Need for 439,000New Workers by 2025 >OpenAI, Oracle, Softbank Vow to Invest $500B forMore US Data Centers >
BUILTENVIRONMENT97CONSTRUCTION46IN THE OFFICE OR AT HOME? WHERE TO WORKSTIRS DEBATE >TRENDSNew Industry Report Sees Upward 2025Remodeling Trend >Hotel Construction Now in Big Boom Era,Says New Report >Qualis Flow report uncovers data gapscosting construction billions—and how to fixthem >U.S. hotel development booms as southernmarkets dominate >Metal roofing protects against fires, severeweather events >Unlock Efficiency and Performance in DataCenters >Chasing Automation and Lower Carbon atWorld of Concrete 2025 >REAL ESTATE79Bernalillo County approves plan to createhousing development division >NEW MEXICOState issues health advisory to hunterswho’ve harvested around Holloman Lake >Retailer expands into central ABQ, plans forgrowth >Local expert calls out real estate website’sfalse claim that 71% of ABQ home sales inOctober were ‘all cash’ >NM GOP and Democrats say state needs tofix home insurance, as disasters upendprivate market >Short-term rental ordinance proposed inRio Rancho >Sagebrush Inn & Suites listed for $13.25M >Homewise to help with home ownership >Hotels near El Paso airport hit the auction block >SOUTHWESTEl Paso news: Libraries to host Black HistoryMonth events; property taxes due Jan. 31 >As prices, mortgages soared, US home sales fellto 30-year-low in 2024 >NATIONALInvestors Who Shunned the U.S. Office Market AreComing Back >U.S. Mortgage Applications Downtick in lateJanuary >ASTM Releases New Standard Guide forAssessing Property Risk and Resilience >Single-family Rent Growth in U.S. Slows to LowestRate in 14 Years >SPACE92Trump asks Elon Musk to return 2 Starlinerastronauts from the ISS for NASA — but theyalready have a SpaceX ride home >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALScientists Just Found DNA’s Building Blocks inAsteroid Bennu – Could This Explain Life’sOrigins? >A tumultuous start to a new administration atNASA >Astronomers discover 196-foot asteroid with 1-in-83 chance of hitting Earth in 2032 >Phasing out the SLS and Orion programs andembracing Starship >Lonestar will use SpaceX rocket to plant datacenter on lunar surface >99South Dakota GOP Lawmaker Seeks To RepealVoter-Approved Medical Marijuana Law >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALBill would let New Mexico counties temporarilyhalt issuing new cannabis producer licenses >Indians House Republicans Block Amendment toRemove Cannabis From Schedule I >WEEDFEED
BUILTENVIRONMENT98LEGISLATION100Legislative Roundup: 53 Days Remaining InSession >NEW MEXICOBill seeks to codify governor’s climatechange, greenhouse gas executive order >Southeast New Mexico lawmakers assignedto committees >Clear Horizons Act pushes through firstcommittee >‘Grow Rural Investment’ is theme of GrantCo. Day >Deb Haaland made history as Interiorsecretary. Now she's running for governorof New Mexico >Lawmakers want to bring paid family andmedical leave to New Mexico >New Mexico agency part of multistateagreement leading to $80 million penaltyfor Block Inc. >Trump Orders Full Release of JFK, RFK, and MLKAssassination Files, Promising “Everything WillBe Revealed” >NATIONALAdvocacy group files motion to intervene inDBE case >White House pauses all federal grants,sparking confusion >Two in-progress office headquarters tokeep an eye on in 2025 >Tetra Tech Agrees to $97M Pact to SettleSan Francisco Navy Base Cleanup Suit >107The role of construction in enhancing tenantexperiences >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALUNM selects architects for new Humanities andSocial Sciences Facility >Vitro Architectural Glass Announces MajorExpansion to Boost Solar Glass Production >ARCHITECTS / ENGINEERS / DESIGNUNM Engineers Develop Bendable Concrete for3D Printing >Portion of High School Under ConstructionCollapses in Alabama >109Selecting an Underlayment for Stone-CoatedSteel Roofing >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALHow California wildfires are affecting supplychains >VENDORS / SUPPLIERS110Hydrogen Storage Market Poised for SignificantGrowth, Reaching $7.89 Billion by 2032 >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALSan Juan College aims to train students onuranium mine cleanup >ENERGY INDUSTRYGas prices go up again across New Mexico,nation, but relief may be coming >Rural electric cooperatives say they need theirown rules for connecting to the grid >DOE launches tools to estimate tax deductionsfor energy-efficient technologies >Experts See Risks in Crafting of Trump OffshoreWind Energy Order >00
NEW MEXICO WEEDFEEDBUILTENVIRONMENT99NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – After federalagents shut down a major cannabis grow inTorrance County, there’s new attention on aproposal that could make it easier forcounties to put a pause on new cannabisproducer licenses. “We’ve been at a loss asto what to do and how to move forward.How many more can Torrance Countyhandle and should they handle?” saidTorrance County Commissioner KevinMcCall. Continue reading >BILL WOULD LET NEWMEXICO COUNTIESTEMPORARILY HALTISSUING NEWCANNABIS PRODUCERLICENSESBy Marilyn Upchurch, KRQE News01/28/2025Copyright: Canva proA South Dakota man who unsuccessfullyattempted to repeal the state’s voter-approved medical marijuana law at theballot last year is taking a different approachin 2025. As a newly elected state lawmaker,conservative activist Travis Ismay is nowseeking to end the program legislativelywith a new bill he filed.Continue reading >SOUTH DAKOTA GOPLAWMAKER SEEKS TOREPEAL VOTER-APPROVED MEDICALMARIJUANA LAWBy Kyle Jaeger, Marijuana Moment01/29/2025The Republican stronghold in Indiana’sHouse rejected an amendment on Jan. 27that attempted to remove cannabis from thestate’s list of Schedule I controlledsubstances.The amendment, offered by Rep. KyleMiller, D-Fort Wayne, was to strike...Continue reading >INDIANS HOUSEREPUBLICANS BLOCKAMENDMENT TOREMOVE CANNABISFROM SCHEDULE IBy Tony Lange, Cannabis Business Times01/28/2025
Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham in 2019announced plans to reduce statewidegreenhouse gas emissions. Six years later, aSenate bill seeks to set those greenhousegas reduction goals into statute.Continue reading >BILL SEEKS TO CODIFYGOVERNOR’S CLIMATECHANGE, GREENHOUSEGAS EXECUTIVE ORDERBy Hannah Grover, New Mexico Political Report01/28/2025Copyright: Canva proNEW MEXICOLEGISLATIONBUILTENVIRONMENT100Criminal competency bill moves forward:House Bill 4, a piece of legislation aimed atreforming the state’s system for criminalcommitment, earned initial approval fromthe House Consumer and Public AffairsCommittee in a unanimous vote Tuesdaynight. Continue reading >LEGISLATIVE ROUNDUP:53 DAYS REMAINING INSESSIONBy Carol A. Clark, Los Alamos Daily Post01/29/2025Copyright: Canva pro
ROSWELL — Southern New Mexicolawmakers have been assigned to legislativecommittees as activity at the Roundhousekicks into high gear.Continue reading >SOUTHEAST NEWMEXICO LAWMAKERSASSIGNED TOCOMMITTEESBy Staff, Artesia Daily Press01/29/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT101SANTA FE – Deb Haaland, who championedconservation and clean energy during hertenure as Interior secretary, is running forthe Democratic nomination for governor inNew Mexico, the nation's No. 2 oilproduction state.Continue reading >DEB HAALAND MADEHISTORY AS INTERIORSECRETARY. NOW SHE'SRUNNING FORGOVERNOR OF NEWMEXICOBy Morgan Lee, Susan Montoya Bryan, AP, TriCity Record01/28/2025Copyright: Canva proA bill proposing to enshrine state emissionreduction goals into law eked through itsfirst committee on a 5-4 vote.Continue reading >CLEAR HORIZONS ACTPUSHES THROUGH FIRSTCOMMITTEEBy Danielle Prokop, Source NM01/28/2025Copyright: Canva proGrant County Prospectors are bringing amessage of rural investment to theRoundhouse on Wednesday as they maketheir annual trip to Santa Fe. This marks the 50th year the advocacygroup has traveled to the Capitol toadvocate for local issues in the Legislature inwhat is now recognized as Grant CountyDay, Prospectors President Carlos Lucerosaid.Continue reading >‘GROW RURALINVESTMENT’ IS THEMEOF GRANT CO. DAYBy Juno Ogle, Silver City Daily Press01/28/2025
A New Mexico agency joined a slew of otherstate financial regulatory entities in takingaction recently against a firm accused ofviolations of the Bank Secrecy Act and anti-money laundering laws.The New Mexico Financial InstitutionsDivision was one of 48 state financialregulatory agencies nationwide that actedagainst Block Inc. and its mobile paymentservice, Cash App. The resulting multistateagreement resulted in Block Inc. officialsagreeing to pay an $80 million penalty to thestate agencies, according to a news release.Continue reading >NEW MEXICO AGENCYPART OF MULTISTATEAGREEMENT LEADINGTO $80 MILLIONPENALTY FOR BLOCKINC.By Staff, Santa Fe New Mexican01/27/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT102SANTA FE, N.M. (KRQE) – Lawmakers areonce again pushing paid family and medicalleave for workers across New Mexico. Thebill would allow employees to take time offfor reasons including paternity leave anddomestic violence cases. A similar bill gained traction last session, butthe “Paid Family and Medical Leave Act”wasn’t able to get the support it needed. OnMonday, it was heard in its first committeeand, once again, faced some opposition. Continue reading >LAWMAKERS WANT TOBRING PAID FAMILYAND MEDICAL LEAVE TONEW MEXICOBy Jessica Barron, KRQE News01/27/2025Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENTNATIONALLEGISLATION103“A lot of people have been waiting for this—for years, for decades,” Trump said duringthe signing ceremony. “Everything will berevealed.”This isn’t the first time Trump has pushedfor the release of these files. During his firstterm in 2017, he authorized the release ofthousands of documents related to the JFKassassination but allowed some to remainclassified at the request of intelligenceagencies. Trump vowed during his 2024campaign to finish the job, calling therelease of these records a matter of publictrust.Continues >In a move that has reignited nationalintrigue, President Donald Trump signed anExecutive Order on Thursday mandatingthe full declassification of all remaininggovernment records related to theassassinations of President John F.Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, andDr. Martin Luther King Jr. Some are hailingthe decision as a critical step towardtransparency, while others question themotivations behind the timing.TRUMP ORDERS FULL RELEASE OF JFK, RFK,AND MLK ASSASSINATION FILES, PROMISING“EVERYTHING WILL BE REVEALED”By Josh Cutler, The Built Environment 01/29/2025Copyright: Wikimedia Commons, National Archives & Records AdministrationCopyright: Wikimedia Commons, Bettman ArchiveCopyright: Wikimedia Commons, Marine Corps
The order sets firm deadlines: federalagencies have 15 days to devise a plan forreleasing the remaining JFK files, and 45days for the RFK and MLK records. UnlikeJFK’s files, which Congress mandated forrelease under the President John F.Kennedy Assassination Records CollectionAct of 1992, there is no legal requirementfor RFK and MLK records to be made public.Trump included them in his directiveanyway, stating, “Their families and theAmerican people deserve transparency andtruth.”BUILTENVIRONMENT104One of the most vocal supporters of themove is Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the son of thelate senator and Trump’s nominee forSecretary of Health and Human Services.Kennedy Jr., who has long expressed doubtsabout the official narratives surrounding hisuncle’s assassination, praised Trump’s order.“I think it’s a great move because they needto have more transparency in ourgovernment, and he’s keeping his promise tohave the government tell the truth to theAmerican people about everything,” RFK Jr.said. He has previously claimed“overwhelming evidence” that the CIA wasinvolved in JFK’s death, linking it to hisuncle’s refusal to escalate U.S. involvementin Vietnam. “When my uncle was president,he was surrounded by a military-industrialcomplex and intelligence apparatus that wasconstantly trying to get him to go to war,”Kennedy Jr. said in 2023. “He refused. Hesaid that the job of the American presidencyis to keep the nation out of war.”The assassinations of JFK in 1963, RFK in1968, and MLK just two months earlierremain some of the most scrutinized eventsin American history. Official investigationshave long pointed to lone gunmen—LeeHarvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, and JamesEarl Ray—but skepticism has persisted fordecades. Conspiracy theories involving theMafia, the CIA, and shadowy politicalmotives have captured the publicimagination, in part because so manydocuments have remained under lock andkey.Continues >Copyright: Wikimedia Commons, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Author: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ
Historians estimate that roughly 3,000 JFK-related records remain classified, manyoriginating with the CIA. The files includeintelligence reports, surveillance records,and internal communications that couldprovide new insights—or confirm whatresearchers already believe.Larry Sabato, director of the University ofVirginia Center for Politics, noted thepotential impact of the disclosures. “There’salways the possibility that something wouldslip through that would be the tiny tip of amuch larger iceberg that would berevealing,” he told the Associated Press.“Odds are you won’t find that, but it’spossible.”While many have welcomed the move as avictory for transparency, others are lessconvinced. Jack Schlossberg, JFK’sgrandson, slammed the executive order aspolitically motivated. “Declassification isusing JFK as a political prop, when he’s nothere to punch back,” Schlossberg posted onX. “There’s nothing heroic about it.”The King family, whose patriarch’s FBIsurveillance records were only partiallydeclassified in recent years, stated on X “Wehope to be provided the opportunity toreview the files as a family prior to its publicrelease."Federal agencies now face tight deadlines todeliver on Trump’s order. With publicinterest running high, any further delays orredactions are likely to draw sharp criticism.The files, once released, could reshape howAmericans understand three of the mostdefining tragedies of the 20th century—or,at the very least, offer more context to thestories we think we know.The big question now? Whether the files willconfirm long-held suspicions, debunkpopular theories, or leave us with even moreunanswered questions. Whatever theoutcome, one thing is certain: the Americanpeople are watching—and waiting.BUILTENVIRONMENT105Copyright: Canva pro
Dive Brief:A liberal-leaning advocacy group hasfiled court papers to defend the DOT’sDisadvantaged Business Enterpriseprogram in the wake of PresidentDonald Trump’s executive orders axingDEI efforts at federal agencies. Continue reading >ADVOCACY GROUPFILES MOTION TOINTERVENE IN DBE CASEBy Joe Bousquin, ConstructionDive01/29/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT106The editors of BuildingDesign+Construction have collected over40 recent office and office-to-residentialprojects, including mixed-use destinations,LEED-certified buildings, and mass timber-built headquarters. We’re breaking down the submissions intoseveral individual articles to highlight whatmakes each project special. Because thesewere all completed in the last 18 months orare currently under construction, theseoffice building and office-to-res projectsshowcase the latest the market has to offerin terms of amenities, trends, andconstruction techniques.Continue reading >TWO IN-PROGRESSOFFICE HEADQUARTERSTO KEEP AN EYE ON IN2025By Quinn Purcell, Building Design + Construction01/29/2025The White House budget office is ordering apause to all grants and loans disbursed bythe federal government, according to aninternal memo sent to agencies Monday,creating significant confusion acrossWashington.Continue reading >WHITE HOUSE PAUSESALL FEDERAL GRANTS,SPARKING CONFUSIONBy Jeff Stein, Jacob Bogage, Emily Davies, City Desk ABQ01/28/2025Copyright: Canva proConsulting firm Tetra Tech EC Inc. agreed topay $97 million as part of a deal to settlecivil claims brought by federal authoritieswho accused the firm of wrongdoing in itsenvironmental cleanup work for the U.S.Navy of the former Hunters Point NavalShipyard in San Francisco.Continue reading >TETRA TECH AGREES TO$97M PACT TO SETTLESAN FRANCISCO NAVYBASE CLEANUP SUITBy James Leggate, ENR California
Rental properties can be a lucrativeinvestment and a reliable source of income.However, the market is incrediblycompetitive, which is reflected in today’stenants’ high expectations.Continue reading >THE ROLE OFCONSTRUCTION INENHANCING TENANTEXPERIENCESBy Emila Smith, Metal Construction News01/29/2025NEW MEXICO & NATIONALARCHITECTS / ENGINEERS / DESIGNBUILTENVIRONMENT107The University of New Mexico has chosenTod Williams Billie Tsien Architects(TWBTA) and SMPC Architects as the firmsthat will design the new Humanities andSocial Sciences facility. This partnershipcombines SMPC’s New Mexico-basedexpertise with TWBTA’s global reputationfor creating innovative and community-centered spaces.Continue reading >UNM SELECTSARCHITECTS FOR NEWHUMANITIES ANDSOCIAL SCIENCESFACILITYBy Erin Radcliffe, UNM Newsroom01/25/2025Copyright: Canva proCopyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT108Engineers from the University of NewMexico (UNM), a public research institutionrecognized for its work in advancedconstruction materials, have patented abendable concrete designed for 3D printing.Researchers in the Gerald May Departmentof Civil, Construction, and EnvironmentalEngineering aimed to address brittleness,high labor costs, and dangers associatedwith traditional building methods. This newcomposite, classified as self-reinforcedultra-ductile cementitious material, mayherald more resilient infrastructure whilereducing dependence on steel bars andheavy machinery.Continue reading >UNM ENGINEERS DEVELOPBENDABLE CONCRETEFOR 3D PRINTINGBy Anyer Tenorio Lara, 3D Printing Industry01/23/2025Copyright: Canva proVitro Architectural Glass is making agroundbreaking move to expand its WichitaFalls, Texas, facility, enabling the productionof up to 25 million patterned solar glass litesannually. This ambitious project is backed bya $67.6 million investment tax credit fromthe Internal Revenue Service (IRS), asignificant step toward advancing domesticsolar glass manufacturing.Continue reading >VITRO ARCHITECTURALGLASS ANNOUNCESMAJOR EXPANSION TOBOOST SOLAR GLASSPRODUCTIONBy Design Cost DataAn under-construction athletic practicefacility in Gulf Shores, Ala., part of ongoingwork to build the city's $137-million highschool, collapsed in the early morning of Jan.27. Grant Brown, spokesperson for the coastalcity, says officials are not sure exactly whenthe partially erected structural steelstructure collapsed, but estimated itbetween 3 a.m. and 5 a.m., saying no onewas on site at the time and no one wasinjured in the incident. "We anticipateadjusters and engineers to be on site by Continue reading >PORTION OF HIGHSCHOOL UNDERCONSTRUCTIONCOLLAPSES INALABAMABy Derek Lacey, ENR Southwest
Supply chain impacts from the SouthernCalifornia wildfires have been minimal,according to logistics experts. However,several experts noted challenges couldcome later once people begin to rebuildinfrastructure and homes.The wildfires in Southern California wipedout several neighborhoods, closed streetsand highways and upended the lives of manyresidents in Altadena, Lake Hughes, PacificPalisades and San Diego County.Continue reading >HOW CALIFORNIAWILDFIRES AREAFFECTING SUPPLYCHAINSBy Alejandra Carranza, SupplyChainDive01/28/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO & NATIONALVENDORS / SUPPLIERS109A roofing underlayment is essential to theperformance of the total roofing system.While the primary roofing material acts asthe first defense for the structure, theunderlayment plays the critical role of asecondary water-shedding membrane.Depending on the utilized type, theunderlayment also provides additionalprotective benefits. Underlayment selectionmust consider the primary roofing materialwith which it will be paired. This articleexamines underlayment options that may beexplicitly paired with stone-coated steelroofing. This ultra-lightweight material hasbecome popular as a new construction andretrofit material.Continue reading >SELECTING ANUNDERLAYMENT FORSTONE-COATED STEELROOFINGBy Doug Thagard, Metal Construction News01/27/2025Copyright: Canva pro
A new program at San Juan College inFarmington could finally help getabandoned uranium mines cleaned up in theFour Corners region, while also helpingpeople who have lost their jobs amidst theenergy transition.Continue reading >SAN JUAN COLLEGEAIMS TO TRAINSTUDENTS ON URANIUMMINE CLEANUPBy Hannah Grover, NM Political Report, Tri City Record01/28/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO & NATIONALENERGY INDUSTRY110WESTFORD, Mass. - Jan. 28, 2025 - PRLog -- The hydrogen storage market is witnessingrapid growth due to the increasing focus onreducing greenhouse gas emissions andtransitioning toward cleaner energysources. Hydrogen, as a clean andsustainable energy carrier, plays a vital rolein decarbonizing various sectors, includingtransportation, power generation, andindustrial processes. As the global push forenergy transition intensifies, the need forefficient and cost-effective hydrogenstorage solutions has become more critical. Continue reading >HYDROGEN STORAGEMARKET POISED FORSIGNIFICANT GROWTH,REACHING $7.89BILLION BY 2032By Skyquest Technology, PRLOG01/28/2025Copyright: Canva pro
Gasoline prices throughout New Mexicoand much of the rest of the nation increasedagain last week, defying the historic patternof decreased demand leading to lowerprices in the middle of winter.Continue reading >GAS PRICES GO UPAGAIN ACROSS NEWMEXICO, NATION, BUTRELIEF MAY BE COMING FOLLOW MIKEEASTERLINGBy Santa Fe New Mexican01/27/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT111Rural electric cooperatives say they shouldnot be subject to the same interconnectionrules as the investor-owned utilities.Interconnection is an important topic in partbecause it deals with how renewable energyprojects such as solar arrays connect to thegrid.The New Mexico Public RegulationCommission on Thursday unanimouslyapproved opening a docket that could resultin separate rules for rural electriccooperatives.Continue reading >RURAL ELECTRICCOOPERATIVES SAYTHEY NEED THEIR OWNRULES FORCONNECTING TO THEGRIDBy Hannah Grover, New Mexico Political Report01/23/2025The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) haslaunched the free 179D Portal forestimating tax deductions for energy-efficient technologies in commercialbuildings.Continue reading >DOE LAUNCHES TOOLSTO ESTIMATE TAXDEDUCTIONS FORENERGY-EFFICIENTTECHNOLOGIESBy Peter Fabris, Building Design + Construction 01/22/2025Copyright: Canva proThe Trump Administration executive ordertargeting the U.S. wind energy sector withcurbs on federal site leasing and projectpermits could itself face legal risk withunclear and conflicting provisions that will...Continue reading >EXPERTS SEE RISKS INCRAFTING OF TRUMPOFFSHORE WINDENERGY ORDERBy Debra K. Rubin, Johanna Knapschaefer, ENR East
Santa Fe, NMMARKETING MEDIA COMPANY ASKING PRICE: $6,950,000CASH FLOW: $1,448,011EBITDA: NOT DISCLOSEDGROSS REVENUE: $3,641,600INVENTORY: NOT DISCLOSEDFF&E: NOT DISCLOSEDREAL ESTATE: NOT DISCLSOEDBusiness DescriptionThis company is a well-established digital marketing agency and media company with over 15years of experience in the military resale market. The company serves 37 million military familieswithin the $11 billion commissary and exchange retail industry. As an industry leader, they deliveromnichannel marketing campaigns that integrate digital strategies with offline point-of-salepromotions, providing a seamless experience for clients and consumers alike.While the business generates some revenue for consulting services, traditional agency support,web hosting, etc., the great majority of the revenue is realized annually in the form of recurringMedia Package investments by their large Fortune 500 clients. Leading manufacturers and servicecompanies leverage their media capabilities to amplify and/or expand their existing marketingstrategies to include the carefully managed community of highly engaged military families andconsumers.The business is successfully run by the CEO, working full-time managing the day-to-dayoperations of the company. He is complimented by a strong team of subject matter experts, eachhaving silos of business categories that they manage.BUSINESS FOR SALEVIEW BUSINESS LISTING >BUILTENVIRONMENT113