While some were getting love-bombed forValentine’s Day last week, the NationalNuclear Security Administration (NNSA)dropped a truth bomb thanks to a Freedomof Information Act (FOIA) request by theSavannah River Site Watch (SRSW).Annual Performance Evaluation Reportscovering the construction of the SavannahRiver Plutonium Processing Facility (SRPPF)in Aiken, South Carolina, revealed aproliferating construction budget at a sitethat will be used to further develop nuclearbombs.SRSW, and other oppositional nuclearwatchdogs including Nuclear Watch NewMexico, received the reports on February13, that were subsequently posted on theNNSA’s website the following day.In a release from SRSW, the original budgetrequest for the project, constructing afacility that would produce and replaceplutonium pits for both new and 3,800existing warheads, was between $18 billionand $25 billion.SRSW states this reveals ”that the aim forsuch a massive stockpile is not “deterrence”but rather to keep the U.S. on a dangerousfooting to fight a full-scale nuclear war.”Continues >NUCLEAR WATCHDOGUNCOVERS CONSTRUCTIONDELAYS AT A U.S. BOMB PLANTBy Dane Vaughn, The Built Environment02/19/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT04“Rocky Flats Plant, Plutonium Manufacturing Facility, North-central section of Plant, just south of Building 776/77.” Source:, Copyright: Creative Commons
According to the FOIA acquiredperformance reports, the private contractormanaging the plant, Savannah River NuclearSolutions (SRNS), awarded $9 billion totransition a construction manager toexecute.It was later discovered by SRSW that FluorConstruction was the awarded contractorand that there was a slow pace of transitiondue to a poorly integrated master schedule,long-lead procurement delays, and contentquality issues with construction drawingpackages. Specifically, the report reveals overruns alsorelated to developing an electronic datatransmission service and that “continuousimprovement initiatives across variousareas resulted in accomplishing $4 million ofadditional scope within allocatedresources.” Tom Clements, SRSW Director, stated in therelease that “the annual NNSA review ofcontractor construction performance of theSRS plutonium bomb plant facilities is awarning that more cost increases andschedule delays loom, placing the project atrisk.”The same site was previously designated bythe Department of Energy to fabricatemixed oxide (MOX) fuel with 34 metric tonsof surplus of plutonium.That project was cancelled at the partiallyfinished plant in 2018.“This massive cost, which should catch theeye of those looking to slash the federalbudget, makes the project one of the mostexpensive in U.S. history,” states SRNSW inthe release.NNSA, like many other federal agenciesunder the current presidentialadministration, was due for job cuts in thename of efficiency. That decision, reported Reuters, wasrescinded by the Trump administration after325 NNSA workers received notices thatthey were being laid off. Deputy Director and Fire ProtectionEngineer for NNSA, Rob Plonski said in aLinkedIn post, “NNSA Leadership pushedback and overturned the purge of highlyskilled and mission critical staff that occured yesterday.”In January the NNSA announced that it hadextended the service life of gravity bombs,used by the U.S. Air Force and the NorthAtlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),“which is critical to sustaining the Nation’sair delivered nuclear deterrent capability.”Program managers and experts from theSavannah River Site were said to havecollaborated on the design, development,qualification, and component production inthis endeavor. BUILTENVIRONMENT05“The Savanah River Site Plant being converted into a plutonium pitplant which is seeing construction delays and overruns. Source:Copyright: High Flyer, 2020, Courtesy of SRS WatchCopyright: Canva Pro
06Steve AdamsJoshua CutlerManaging EditorDane VaughnMEET OUR TEAMWhat’s our favorite muffin?Sarah Motsingersarahm@constructionreporter.comOwner & Managing Partnersteve@constructionreporter.comsteve@thebuiltenvironment.comOwner & Managing Partnerjcutler@constructionreporter.comjcutler@thebuiltenvironment.comCarrie Bagleycarrie@constructionreporter.comReporterRebecca Taylorrebecca@constructionreporter.comReporterShannon Ryanshannon@constructionreporter.comReporterdvaughn@constructionreporter.comdvaughn@thebuiltenvironment.comCommunications Director &General ManagementGarry BoulardBIO: Garry Boulard is a reporterand author whose work hasappeared in the New York Times,Los Angeles Times, ChristianScience Monitor, Chicago Tribuneand Times-Picayune, among otherpublications. Continue reading >Writer4901 Mcleod NE, STE 200A, Albuquerque, NM 243-9793news@thebuiltenvironment.comBUILTENVIRONMENT
ALBUQUERQUE REGIONAL ECONOMIC ALLIANCE’S CHADMATHESON RECOGNIZED WITH ECONOMIC DEVELOPER OF THEYEAR AWARDAREAAlbuquerque Regional Economic Alliance’s (AREA) Senior Vice President, Chad Matheson,received the Economic Developer of the Year Award at the NM IDEA Winter Meeting onFebruary 10, 2025.Continue reading > INDUSTRY BRIEFINGBUILTENVIRONMENT08UNM-TAOS HIVE’S ROSE REZAHONORED AS WOMAN OFIMPACTUNM NewsroomRose Reza, executive director of UNM-TaosHIVE, has been named a 2025 Taoseña Awardhonoree. She is recognized among Taos News’annual eight Women of Impact. Herachievements will be featured in the TaosWoman magazine, which will be released onMarch 6.Continue reading > CATERPILLAR CELEBRATES 100 YEARS AT BAUMA MUNICH 2025For Construction ProsCaterpillar has announced some of its plans for bauma Munich. The company will displaynew equipment, services and technologies at the show, which takes place from April 7-13.Caterpillar's theme for the show will be "The Next 100 Years," which will highlight howtechnology is advancing in construction heavy equipment. The company said its bauma Munich exhibit will encompass more than 9,000 m2, and willfeature 48 machines, including 17 new introductions or upgrades. These includeenhancements to the battery electric line-up, expansions to the Next Generation line-up...Continue reading > Copyright: Canva pro
SEND YOUR COMPANY'S HIGHLIGHTS!WE'LL POST IT IN “THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT MAGAZINE”100% FREE!Why choose us? What are we looking for?CompanyUpdatesConstructionUpdatesPress ReleasesReal Estate Updates0103020405Our magazine is a bridge to New Mexico's commercial constructionand real estate communities, offeringyou a free spotlight like no other.Submit content on newhires, promotions, andcompany milestones forfeature consideration.Looking for sub-bidrequests, contract awards,project milestones, awards,and job site photos.Send us your companypress releases forpotential feature in ourmagazine.Seeking info on commercialreal estate sold, for sale, andmore for potential magazinefeatures.Potential LeadsSubmit potential news-worthyleads you believe deserve aspotlight in our magazine.BUILTENVIRONMENT
EVENTCALENDARFEBRUARY - MARCH 2025BUILTENVIRONMENT10NAIOP NEW MEXICO CHAPTER - VIEW CALENDAR7:30 AM - 9:00 AM: RRRT – February 20th –Cybersecurity - CLICK HERE CREW NETWORK - VIEW CALENDAR9:30 AM - 10:30 AM: Chapter to Chapter Chat- for leaders of chapters with 250+ members - CLICK HERE RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR8:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Leadership Session Day - CLICK HERE 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Ambassadors Lunchmeeting - CLICK HERE SANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR4:00 PM - 4:30 PM: Ribbon Cutting - VigilanteGuides - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR1:00 PM - 1:45 PM: Maker MasterMind withMiguel A. Briones - CLICK HERE 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM: Health & Wellness ProgramMonthly Meeting - CLICK HERETHURSDAY FEBRUARY 20THALBUQUERQUE BUSINESS FIRST - VIEW CALENDAR3:30 PM - 6:00 PM: Mentoring Monday 2025 - CLICK HEREMONDAY FEBRUARY 24THNAIOP NEW MEXICO CHAPTER - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 1:30 PM: February 25th – Bankers &Brokers Market Update - CLICK HERE RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR12:00 PM: Ribbon Cutting - Mi Casita HomeDécor - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR5:30 PM: Historic Districts Review BoardMeeting - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR4:30 PM - 5:30 PM: The Hispano ChamberPresents:Citizens Bank; Albuquerque RibbonCutting Celebration - CLICK HERE CITY OF LAS CRUCES - VIEW CALENDAR6:00 PM: Planning & Zoning - Feb 25 2025 - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR5:30 PM: Historic Districts Review BoardMeeting - CLICK HERETUESDAY FEBRUARY 25THGREATER ALBUQUERQUE CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR3:30 PM - 6:00 PM: Governor's Mid-SessionReport to the Business Community - CLICK HEREWEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 26TH
BUILTENVIRONMENT11GREATER ALBUQUERQUE CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR3:30 PM - 6:00 PM: Governor's Mid-SessionReport to the Business Community - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: February Lunch and Learn:"How To Be Your OWN Sugar Momma" - CLICK HEREWEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 26THNEW MEXICO REGULATION AND LICENSINGDEPARTMENT - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 5:00 PM: New Mexico HomeInspectors will Convene a Regular BoardMeeting on Thursday February 27, 2025 to beheld at 9:00AM in Albuquerque - CLICK HERE SANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR9:30 AM - 10:30 AM: NMORCA Meeting (NewMexico Organized Retail Crime Association) - CLICK HERETHURSDAY FEBRUARY 27THCITY OF ALBUQUERQUE - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 4:00 PM: New Mexico 2025 BlackBusiness Summit - February 28, 2025 - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Membership Orientation - CLICK HERE 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM: The Hispano ChamberPresents: New Mexico School of Etiquette LLC;Albuquerque Ribbon Cutting Celebration - CLICK HEREFRIDAY FEBRUARY 28THCARNM - VIEW CALENDAR7:30 AM - 9:00 AM: CCIM Deal Making Session- CLICK HERE 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: CCIM Deal Making Session- CLICK HERE RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Visionaries NetworkingBreakfast - CLICK HEREWEDNESDAY MARCH 5THBERNALILLO COUNTYFEBRUARY 25TH4:00 PM: Board of Finance Meeting - CLICK HERE 5:00 PM: Board of Commissioners AdministrativeMeeting - CLICK HERECOLFAX COUNTYFEBRUARY 25TH9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Commission Meeting - CLICK HERELOS ALAMOS COUNTYFEBRUARY 20TH5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Environmental SustainabilityBoard - CLICK HERE FEBRUARY 25TH6:00 PM - 9:00 PM: County Council - RegularSession - CLICK HEREOTERO COUNTYFEBRUARY 20TH10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Grazing Advisory BoardMeeting - CLICK HERE
BUILTENVIRONMENT16ASA NEW MEXICOANNUAL SPONSORSRED LEVEL Albuquerque Pipe & Pump Supply Co. American Fire Protection Group, Inc.American National Insulation & Sealants Construction Reporter/ The Built Environment Crane Service, Inc. Enterprise Builders Corporation Equipment Share Fairway, Inc.Ideal Plumbing & Heating, LLC National Roofing Company, Inc. Prime Electric, Inc. United RentalsWestern Partitions, Inc. Wagner Equipment, Co.Western States Fire Protection Yearout Mechanical, Inc.WHITE LEVELBELFOR Property Restoration Bradbury Stamm ConstructionDekker Perich Sabatini Jack’s Mechanical Solutions, Inc.Jaynes Structures Menicucci Insurance Agency, LLCRay’s Flooring Specialists REDW Advisors & CPAs BLUE LEVELBohannan Huston, Inc. G & H Construction Company, Inc.JTC, Inc. Klinger Constructors, LLCRisk Strategies– Burke Insurance Group The Specialists Electrical ContractorStudio Southwest Architects4Rivers Equipment2024 Annual Golf Tournament Title SponsorHUB InternationalThank you for your continued support!DOWNLOAD THE ASA NMNEWSLETTERVIEW THE ASA NMMEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY 2023-2024 >SAVE THE DATE: 2025 ASANM EVENTSFebruary 20, 2025Meet the GeneralsMarch 13, 2025Luncheon PresentationMarch 26, 2025Beer & Business Cards Happy HourApril 3, 2025Partner Member Dinner (Invitation Only)April 17, 2025Ax Throwing TournamentApril 30, 2025Joint Happy Hour with ASPEMay 1, 2025Construction Safety Coalition MeetingMay 8, 2025Luncheon PresentationMay 21, 2025Beer & Business Cards Happy HourJune 5, 2025Luncheon Presentation
BUILTENVIRONMENT17AGC NEW MEXICOEVENT CALENDARAGC CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MODELAGC has partnered with a leading regional economist, BrianLewandowski of the University of Colorado Boulder, to create AGC'sConstruction Impact Model. The model is a tool that can be used bymembers, chapters, policy makers and researchers to understand theeconomic impact of infrastructure investment by state.VIEW VOLUME 2 ISSUE 41 TO LEARN MORE >2025 LEGISLATOR &CONTRACTOR MEET &GREET STRENGTHENSINDUSTRY-POLICY TIESSanta Fe, NM – February 4, 2025 – Industryleaders, legislators, and workforce developmentadvocates convened at the New Mexico StateCapitol for the 2025 Legislative & ContractorCoffee Meet & Greet, an annual event designed tofoster collaboration between the constructionindustry and state policymakers.Held in Room 321 at the Roundhouse, the eventbegan with a networking breakfast. This providedattendees with the opportunity to engage inmeaningful discussions on economic development,workforce challenges, and industry partnerships.The gathering set the stage for open dialogue onpolicies shaping the future of New Mexico’sconstruction sector.Following breakfast, participants embarked on aguided Roundhouse tour, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the state's legislative chambers,committee rooms, and gallery floor. CONTINUE READING >JANUARY & MARCH 2025FEBRUARY 20TH8:00 AM - 4:30 PM: OSHA 10 - CLICK HERE 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM: Meet the Generals - CLICK HERE FEBRUARY 21ST9:00 AM - 5:00 PM: Dive into MS Project forConstruction - CLICK HERE FEBRUARY 26TH9:00 AM - 5:00 PM: Project Manager DevelopmentProgram - CLICK HERE 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM: STP Units 5 & 6 Productivity andProject Costs & Managing Risks - CLICK HEREMARCH 3RD8:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Event Registration - AssociatedGeneral Contractors of New Mexico - CLICK HERE MARCH 6TH3:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Women of Construction - CLICK HERECopyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT18ANNUAL FALL SCHOLARSHIPAnnual Fall ScholarshipApplication Available Mid Spring 2025COLLEGE OF ENGINEERINGCivil EngineeringCivil Engineering TechnologyGeomatics & Surveying EngineeringUNM APPLICATIONAnnual Spring ScholarshipApplication Available Late Fall 2024SCHOOL OF ENGINEERINGCivil Engineering,Construction Engineeringor Construction ManagementCLICK HERE TO LEARN MORESCHOLARSHIPSACNM FEBRUARY2025 NEWSLETTER READ THE NEWSLETTER >A MESSAGE FROM ACNM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JIM GARCIAWelcome to 2025!Can you believe January has already flown by? We're charging into 2025 with energy, excitement, andcritical work ahead for our industry.Legislative Landscape: Navigating Challenges and OpportunitiesThe 60-day legislative session in Santa Fe is in full swing, and we're tackling some pivotal issues. Ourtransportation funding strategy represents a groundbreaking approach to secure the New Mexico...Copyright: ACNM
BUILTENVIRONMENT19AIA ELEVATES 93ARCHITECTS TO THECOLLEGE OF FELLOWSWASHINGTON – February 13, 2025 – TheAmerican Institute of Architects (AIA) iselevating 83 member-architects and 10non-member-architects to its College ofFellows, an honor awarded to architectswho have made significant contributionsto the profession. New Fellows will behonored at the AIA Conference onArchitecture & Design (AIA25) in Boston.The fellowship program was developedto elevate architects who have achieveda standard of excellence in theprofession and made a significantcontribution to architecture and societyon a national level. Prospectivecandidates must have at least 10 years ofAIA architect membership anddemonstrated influence in at least one ofthe following areas:Promoted the aesthetic, scientific,and practical efficiency of theprofession. Advanced the science and art ofplanning and building by advancingthe standards of practice. CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT20ABC NEW MEXICO EVENT CALENDAR2025WASHINGTON, Feb. 13—Construction inputprices increased 1.4% in January compared tothe previous month, according to anAssociated Builders and Contractors analysisof U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ ProducerPrice Index data released today.Nonresidential construction input pricesincreased 0.9% for the month.Overall construction input prices are 1.3%higher than a year ago, while nonresidentialconstruction input prices are 0.7% higher.Prices increased in all three energysubcategories last month. Crude petroleumprices increased 14.8%, while natural gas andunprocessed energy material prices increased13.7% and 13.0%, respectively.CONTINUE READING >ABC: CONSTRUCTIONMATERIALS PRICESINCREASE 1.4% INJANUARY, UP 40.5%SINCE FEBRUARY 2020WEDNESDAY MARCH 26TH, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM - CLICK HEREMARCH MEMBER LUNCHEONFRIDAY APRIL 25TH, 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM - CLICK HERECORN HOLE TOURNAMENTWEDNESDAY MAY 21ST, 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM - CLICK HERECLASSIC GOLF TOURNAMENTFRIDAY JUNE 13TH, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM - CLICK HEREAPPRENTICE GRADUATIONFRIDAY JULY 11TH, 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM - CLICK HERENIGHT GOLF TOURNAMENTFRIDAY SEPTEMBER 12TH, 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM - CLICK HERESPORTING CLAY TOURNAMENTWEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 24TH, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM - CLICK HERESAFETY AWARDS LUNCHEONSATURDAY OCTOBER 18TH, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM - CLICK HERECHILI COOKOFF & CAR SHOWCopyright: Canva proSATURDAY NOVEMBER 15TH, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM - CLICK HERENEW MEXICO CRAFT COMPETITION
BUILTENVIRONMENT21YOUR 2025 NMUCABOARD OF DIRECTORS &STAFFPRESIDENT, DALE ARMSTRONG, TLCPLUMBING & UTILITY 505 761 9696VICE-PRESIDENT, DAMON WICKETTS,4RIVERS EQUIPMENT 505 884 2900SECRETARY/TREASURER, JENICE GALLEGOS,GROUNDWATER PARTNERSPAST PRESIDENT, CLAY BLAIR, SPEARD 505 761 9696TROY OTERO, GROUNDHOG CONSTRUCTIONSERVICES 505 243 2133DIRECTOR DARRIN HOWELLS, AUI INC. 505 242 4848DIRECTOR JOE MENICUCCI, DOWNEY &COMPANY 881 0300DIRECTOR REINEE PEACHER, DUCROSSCONSTRUCTION 575 636 3023DIRECTOR KELLEY FETTER, E2RC 505 867 4040 DIRECTOR JOHN THEILER, DH UNDERGROUNDTERRI BAKER, CORE AND MAIN 505 344 0223RUSS COLLINS, RMCI IND. 505 345 0008SAM STRIBLING, 814 SOLUTIONS 505 872 0846EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, JANE JERNIGAN 505 888 0752FROM THEEXECUTIVEDIRECTOR’SDESKHello Members,The NM Legislative Session is in full swing andwill last for 60 days this year. Watch you emailbox for updates and the Monday Morning Briefto stay up-to-date on what's going on andwhat NMUCA is lobbying for or against. I willalso share our tracker with you so you can seethe list of legislation we are tracking. Ingeneral, NMUCA supports infrastructurefunding and stands against anti-businesslegislation. Please contact me if you want meto look at a bill.I am hoping to see you soon!UPCOMINGDATESFebruary20th - Meet The Generals27th - Las Cruces Social27th - NMUCA Board MeetingMarch13th - Santa Fe Summit27th Membership Meeting
BUILTENVIRONMENT22WICNM NEWSLETTERAUGUST 2024 >Hello Friends,Today is National Women’s Equality Day, this daymarks the adoption of the 19th Amendment in 1920,which granted women the right to vote. Wow, 104years! We are down to a short 70 days before ournext election and voting is one of the most powerfulways, we can express our values and have a directimpact on our community and our country.Every election is a chance for us to have a say in theissues that matter most to us—whether it’seducation, healthcare, the environment, oreconomic policies. I know that we all have our ownunique perspectives and concerns, and this is ouropportunity to make our voices heard.It’s easy to feel like our individual votes might notmake a difference, but history has shown us thatevery vote counts. Elections are often decided by aremarkably small number of votes, and ourcollective participation is what drives meaningfulchange. By voting, we not only influence thedirection of our nation but also stand up for ourcommunities and the issues we care about. Iencourage you to exercise your right to vote andencourage others around you as well. On another note, I want to thank the PlanningCommittee for all their hard work this year inplanning all our events. They are doing an amazingjob! We are down to the last two events of the year:the 3rd Annual Scholarship Bowling Event onSeptember 12th and the Women in Construction NMGala on November 9th. Sign up soon for the bowlingevent, space is limited, and more informationregarding the Gala will be out soon.Stephanie L. Peña - TLC Company, Inc.WICNM President 2024 LOCKER #505 SCHOOL SUPPLYMONETARYDONATIONSSCAN QR CODEBELOW TO MAKEMONETARYDONATIONS TOLOCKER #505
BUILTENVIRONMENT23CONTINUE READING >Ronda Gilliland-Lopez currently serves as thePresident of the Governing Board, whichrepresents a cross-section of highly valuableprofessional knowledge (legal, financial,strategic planning, education, and industryrelations).ACE LEADERSHIP HIGH SCHOOLMISSION OF MCA NMThe Mechanical Contractors Association of NewMexico is an industry trade associationdedicated to the advancement of membercontractors through training, advocacy, andpartnership.MISSION OF SMACNA NMAt the Sheet Metal and Air ConditioningContractors’ Association of New Mexico ourmission is to create a competitive advantage forour members through industry education, laborrelations, standards development, industryrepresentation, and business studies. The New Mexico Bid Depository System (NMBDS)strives to build partnerships through bidding. Thepurpose of the Bid Depository is to improve thebidding process by helping ensure the quality andequity of sub-bid scopes, and to provide adequatetime for review of the sub-bids by the generalcontractors so that they may more accuratelycomplete their bids.This system has been developed for the good ofthe contracting industry and the public as a whole.It is not a law - it is purely voluntary. Please feelfree to call this office for any additionalinformation - 505-341-9033NEW MEXICOBID DEPOSITORYCopyright: MCA/SMACNA NMMCA/SMACNA of New Mexico is a strongpartner of ACE Leadership High School. VIEW >INDUSTRY ESSENTIALSIndustry Essentials is an exclusive member-onlymonthly education series designed to providemembers a private venue to learn about anddiscuss important policy issues, industry trends,and other important professional developmenttopics.Programming will include prominent speakers todiscuss business, economic, and policy issuescritical to the construction industry and ourmembers.Topics in 2021 will include conversations withleaders to discuss cannabis safety andregulations, public procurement, tax policychanges, paid time off legislation, cyber security,the construction industries division and more!
A local community outreach group and statehousing authorities have asked thelegislature for $1.5 million for an affordablehousing project in the International District.Continue reading >INTERNATIONALDISTRICT AFFORDABLECOTTAGE PROJECTEYES $1.5M IN STATEFUNDINGBy Gillian Barkhurst, Albuquerque Journal 02/17/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT27NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – The New MexicoDepartment of Transportation is seekingthe public’s input on some of their statetransportation improvement projects. Continue reading >NMDOT SEEKS PUBLICCOMMENT ONPROJECTSBy Fallon Fischer, KRQE News02/17/2025Copyright: Canva proCyclists and pedestrians in Santa Fe willhave one more option for getting around onthe north side of town following thecompletion of the Cañada Rincon Trailconnection.Continue reading >CAÑADA RINCON TRAILOPENING IS PART OF'BIGGER VISION' FORSANTA FE TRAILCONNECTIVITYBy Carina Julig, Santa Fe New Mexican02/17/2025Los Alamos Public Library is seeking thepublic’s input for the design and costestimates phase of the Outdoor Classroomproject, to be located between Mesa...Continue reading >LOS ALAMOS PUBLICLIBRARY SEEKSPUBLIC’S INPUT FORDESIGN AND COSTESTIMATES PHASE OFOUTDOOR CLASSROOMPROJECTBy Staff, Los Alamos Reporter02/17/2025Copyright: Canva proBROWSE NEW MEXICO ROADBROWSE NEW MEXICO ROADPROJECTS VIAPROJECTS VIA CONSTRUCTION REPORTER.CONSTRUCTION REPORTER.2025-0823: NM DOT CN #2100742ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION CHAVES LEA >2025-0CD5: N5001(1)1,2&4 ROADIMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN TOADLENA/TWOGREY HILLS, NM >
A new restaurant, El Colibri, is one stateinspection away from opening in SantaClara, according to Fire Chief LarryMontoya. At Thursday night’s Santa ClaraBoard of Trustees meeting, Montoya toldMayor Arnold Lopez he had inspected therestaurant to set the seating capacity lastFriday, and that after an upcoming stateinspection it could open — potentially asearly as March.Continue reading >RESTAURANT, MOREGREENERY COMING TOSANTA CLARA SOONBy Kava Dann, Silver City Daily Press02/15/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT28Police were still investigating a $30,000copper wire theft reported last year in EddyCounty, with $15,000 in total reward moneyoffered for information leading to an arrest. The theft was first reported Oct. 3, 2024, atRay Westall Operating near GeneralAmerican Road in Loco Hills, an area east ofCarlsbad known for heavy oil and gasextraction.Continue reading >COPPER THIEF SOUGHTBY EDDY COUNTYSHERIFFBy Adrian Hedden, Artesia Daily Press02/14/2025The Lobos are looking to take the packdowntown. Today, the City of Albuquerqueand the University of New Mexico (UNM)announced a new partnership to exploreexpanding UNM's presence into the heart ofthe city, marking a significant step towardrevitalizing the urban core and enhancingeducational opportunities for thecommunity. Continue reading >A DOWNTOWN DEN FORTHE LOBO PACKBy City of Albuquerque02/13/2025It took two rounds, but in fairly short order,the ground-breaking ceremony for a newDennis Chavez Elementary School in LosChavez was successfully completed lastweek.Continue reading >GROUND-BREAKINGCEREMONY MARKS THESTART OF A BRANDNEW DENNIS CHAVEZELEMENTARYBy Julia M. Dendinger, Valencia County News-Bulletin02/13/2025BROWSE UNM PROJECTS VIABROWSE UNM PROJECTS VIA CONSTRUCTION REPORTER.CONSTRUCTION REPORTER.2025-09A2: UNM-DECOMMISSIONINGSTUDY FOR FITZ HALL >2025-06B6: UNM CCAT FINAL PRICING(SUBBID) >Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSSOUTHWESTPublic comments will be accepted until April15 on a proposed transmission line corridorrunning through parts of Colorado,Oklahoma and New Mexico. The National Interest Electric TransmissionCorridor is so designated by theDepartment of Energy and, throughenabling legislation, gives the FederalEnergy Regulatory Commission theauthority to create geographical corridorsfor increasing transmission capacity. The concept is bathed in controversy due tothe FERC's power to use eminent domain toacquire property needed to build projects.There are currently three such corridorscurrently under consideration. One is calledthe Lake Erie-Canada Corridor and islocated in mostly northern Pennsylvania. Asecond is the Tribal Energy Access Corridor,stretching from North Dakota to Nebraska.Continues >ENERGY DEPARTMENTEXTENDS PUBLICCOMMENT PERIOD ONCONTROVERSIALELECTRICTRANSMISSIONCORRIDOR INITIATIVEBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment02/19/2025Copyright: Canva pro29
The third corridor is officially called the Southwestern GridConnector Corridor, linking Colorado, Oklahoma, and NewMexico, and partly running down a swath of land just to thewest of the Texas border.The 5 to 15-mile wide corridor, around 600 miles in length,would stretch entirely down the eastern border of NewMexico, before shooting off to the lower middle of the state.Notes the Eastern New Mexico News: "Many landowners ineastern New Mexico have voiced concerns that developerswould use eminent domain to seize land for the corridor,potentially affecting hundreds of thousands of acres."["Comments on Transmission Corridor Extended," EasternNew Mexico News, February 15, 2025].The process of public engagement hosted by theDepartment of Energy has been viewed by some as clumsy,leaving many residents in the proposed corridor areas upset.In talking to some of those residents, Rachel Gabel, anassistant editor for the Greeley-based Fence Post newspaper,recently wrote: "They're not anti-development or anti-renewable energy. What they are opposed to is the utterlack of communication and the destruction of their abilityto exercise their rights." ["Federal Nominees UnderscoreWestern States Importance," Colorado Springs Gazette,February 17, 2025].The three proposed corridors are a reflection of a push thattook place during the Biden Administration to acceleratetransmission projects in areas where coverage may beunpredictable. The process of actually selecting where thecorridors would be was launched by the Energy Departmentin December of 2023.In announcing the corridors effort, Dylan Reed, an adviser inthe Department of Energy's Grid Deployment Office,remarked: "We have to vastly expand the transmissionacross the country and fortunately the Department ofEnergy has a number of tools to help private industry,states, and tribes, to move forward in getting thetransmission they need." ["Biden Team Pushes to BoostElectric Transmission in US," Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier,December 19, 2023]. The original public comment period for the threetransmission corridors had been earlier set for February 14.BUILTENVIRONMENT30Copyright: Canva pro
A proposal to build a new upscale hotel in downtownPhoenix with at least 400 rooms is expected to face asignificant vote during the first week of March.If members of the Phoenix City Council approve, aRequest for Proposals will be issued to replace a 53-year-old parking garage at the southwest corner of N.2nd Avenue and W. Adams Street with a hotel thatwould be used by visitors to the nearby PhoenixConvention Center.The six-story Regency Garage to be replaced was builtin 1972 and sits on a one-acre site. The building hasparking space for around 500 vehicles and roughly23,000 square feet of commercial space on its first floor. Animating the move to replace the garage is a marketingstudy conducted by Conventions, Sports & LeisureInternational, which has offices in New York, amongother locations, suggesting that in order for theconvention center to become truly competitive on anational basis, the city is in need of anywhere from 800to 1,200 more hotel rooms.A recent meeting of the city's Economic Developmentand Housing Subcommittee revealed that Phoenixcurrently has around 4,400 available hotel rooms,compared with such convention-popular cities as Austinand Denver, which have 10,500 and 9,900, respectively.As proposed, the building of a new full-service hotelwould be regarded as a mixed-use infill project.If the council approves the RFP, it is expected that it willbe formally issued later this spring. MOVE TO REPLACEDOWNTOWN PHOENIXPARKING GARAGE WITH NEWHOTEL SET TO GO TO CITYCOUNCILBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment02/19/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT31
A sizable segment of downtown El Paso maybe subject to redevelopment dependingupon responses to a new proposed Requestfor Qualifications.Altogether, exactly 17 properties that areowned by the City may be subject forredevelopment and are located on a blocknear the intersection of Chihuahua Streetand E. Paisano Drive in the historicDuranguito neighborhood.CITY OF EL PASOEXPECTED TO SOONMOUNT EFFORT TOREDEVELOP SECTION OFHISTORIC DOWNTOWNNEIGHBORHOODBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter02/18/2025Copyright: Canva proAccording to a release issued by the City onFebruary 14, some $128 million in bondfunding was freed by El Paso voters lastNovember when they approved cancellingthat funding for the building of what hasofficially been called the MultipurposePerforming Arts and Entertainment Facility.The RFQ, which first must win the approvalof the El Paso City Council, will ask for ideason the preservation of “historic facades andarchitecture character,” as well asenhancing the “public realm with greenspaces and pedestrian-friendlyinfrastructure.”An additional goal of the RFQ is to “createnew housing opportunities, includingaffordable units,” while also hoping to build“ground-floor spaces with retail,entertainment, and cultural spaces.”Continues >BUILTENVIRONMENT32BROWSE EL PASO PROJECTSBROWSE EL PASO PROJECTSVIA CONSTRUCTION REPORTER.VIA CONSTRUCTION REPORTER.2025-0E93: BILLIARD REPAIR & GAME ROOM >2025-0BB3: ON CALL PROFESSIONALENGINEERING SERVICES FOR SUBSURFACEUTILITY EXPLORATION >
Ideally, the city also hopes that theRFQ will attract “diverse industries,including education, arts, research,and technology.”If approved by the city council, theRFQ is expected to be officiallyreleased sometime in mid-March.The Duranguito neighborhood tracesits roots to at least 1859 with many ofits small one- and two-storycommercial buildings and homes builtbetween the 1880s and 1920s.BUILTENVIRONMENT33Preliminary work is underway on aproject that will lead to the creationof a museum in Pueblo, Coloradohonoring the works and creativity ofthe great artist Leonardo da Vinci.Continues >PUEBLO, COLORADOMAY SEE FIRST-EVER AMERICANLEONARDO DAVINCI MUSEUMBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter02/13/2025Copyright: Canva proIn a significant step forward, a plan to demolish thecurrent Phoenix Police Department headquartershas received the backing of the city’s Planning andZoning Commission as the first step in the eventualbuilding of a mixed-use project.Located at the intersection of Seventh Avenue andWashington Street, the four-story building, whichwas completed in 1975, has long beencharacterized as out of date for current lawenforcement needs and subject to a number ofstructural issues.Last year it was announced that the PoliceDepartment would move its main administrativeoffices to 100 W. Washington Street, in a structurethat formerly housed a Wells Fargo location. Thecity purchased that 27-story building four yearsago for $46.5 million.Once the old police department structure isdemolished, the City of Phoenix, which owns thesite, would like to see the development of a mixed-use project that would include residential andretail space, as well as an outside plaza.A rezoning request for the site, allowing forgreater residential unit density and construction ofa 20-story building, must still be reviewed andapproved by the Phoenix City Council.According to published reports, work could beginon the project sometime in 2027 if the council’sapproval is secured.PHOENIX TO SEEDEMOLITION OF OLD POLICESTATION, BUILDING OF NEWMIXED-USE PROJECTBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 02/13/2025Copyright: Canva pro
The museum will be carved out of space in an existing three-storybuilding located at 101 E. Riverwalk, near the Pueblo Convention Center.That structure was built at a cost of nearly $11 million well over a decadeago and had been the home of the Professional Bull Riders SportsPerformance Center. But in a move that surprised many city officials inPueblo, the group Professional Bull Riders Incorporated moved out ofthe building last summer, relocating to Fort Worth.But the sudden open facility space on the Riverwalk has provedfortuitous for the Southern Colorado Science Center which, working inconjunction with a group called the Artisans of Florence, have envisionedusing the building’s 18,000 square feet for exhibit space, as well as a giftshop.The project has even won the support of film maker Ken Burns, who lastyear saw the broadcast of his latest documentary, a two-part work calledLeonardo da Vinci. Noting that the museum will exhibit various examplesof da Vinci’s inventions and machines, Burns remarked that the machines“were just ideas for him, fanciful for a day or two, a week, an obsessionthat went on for a while, but all of a sudden, there’s the machine.”Pueblo city officials, including Mayor Heather Graham, noting that the daVinci Museum would be the first of its kind in North America, haveexpressed enthusiasm for the project. Graham has, in fact, appearedbefore the Colorado Economic Development Commission to secure statefunding.Two months ago, that commission said it wants to see more concretenumbers as well as an exclusivity agreement between the museum andthe City of Pueblo before committing itself.A second pitch is expected to be made before the commission later thisyear.If the Pueblo Museum becomes reality, it will join a unique group ofsimilar da Vinci museums currently operating in Italy, France, Australia,South Korea, and Brazil.Da Vinci, perhaps most known for its “Mona Lisa” portrait and “LastSupper” mural, was also a skilled architect, engineer, and scientist.In 1881, the London Evening Express took note of yet one more da Vincipreoccupation: “He was known to have been the inventor of theparachute, and to have devoted all of the leisure moments of his life tothe art of flying.”BUILTENVIRONMENT34Copyright: Canva pro
The community had a lot of demands for therecently completed North Boulder Library,designed by the New York–based practiceWORKac: It had to be accessible,accommodate the local Spanish-speakingpopulation, and respond to theneighborhood’s recent growth anddevelopment. Plus, it had to be available tocommunity groups and add a pollinatorgarden and makerspace kitchen in additionto hosting bookshelves and play spaces. Thethree-year process was “the most extensivecommunity engagement we’ve ever done,”WORKac principal Amale Andraos told ANduring an interview at the practice’s officeon the Lower East Side. The result is alibrary that is playful, colorful, andresponsive.Continue reading >WORKAC REFERENCESTHE HIGH DESERTLANDSCAPE OFBOULDER, COLORADO,FOR A NEW BRANCHLIBRARYBy Kristine Klein, The Architect’s Newspaper02/18/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT35Colorado Department of Transportation(CDOT) officials contemplating closing thewestbound bore of the Eisenhower-JohnsonMemorial Tunnel because of ice formationshave identified the problem's source,eliminating closure possibilities, accordingto reading > CDOT UPDATESEISENHOWER TUNNELLEAKS INVESTIGATIONBy Staff, Construction Equipment Guide02/17/2025AeroVironment, a manufacturer ofunmanned aerial vehicles, plans to establishoperations in Salt Lake City, Utah. The$42.25 million project is expected to create500 jobs over the next five years. Continue reading >AEROVIRONMENTPLANS SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH,MANUFACTURINGOPERATIONSBy Staff, Area Development News Desk02/15/2025Copyright: Canva pro
DEFENSETECHNOLOGY ISINTRODUCED TOCONSTRUCTIONMATERIALS By Dane Vaughn, The Built Environment02/19/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT36CONSTRUCTION NEWSNATIONALA nanotechnological advancement oncekept secret by the Department of Defense(DoD) is set to solidify in concrete. S&E Innovative Technologies, LLC and itsparent company Kenrich Petrochemicals,Inc., announced the issuance of a new patententitled “Construction MaterialsCompositions and Methods of MakingSame” Monday. Ken-React® KCM-3E is the name of thenewly patented coupling agent that is said ina release to “provide almost unlimitedavenues for more efficient use of rawmaterials – sustainability and innovation.”The titanate coupling agent, when applied to
BUILTENVIRONMENT37concrete, will allow for greater compression,faster mix cycles, rebar corrosionprevention and increased flexibility, saidSalvatore J. Monte, the inventor of theproduct who married into a position withKenrich Petrochemicals, Inc."The nano-Titanium organo-functionalization of the cement interfaceinvolves precision application undercontrolled conditions in a modern Portlandcement plant and we are seeking to licensethe technology to cement producers underthe direction of our patent attorneys FoxRothschild LLP," said Monte.In the product’s white paper, it states thedesired cement plant will need, “cement,mortar and concrete lab capability to takeexisting ASTM test procedures and modifythem to conform to the new and novel nano-technology requiring significant change inconstruction industry concrete practicesand culture.”A non-disclosure and licensing agreement isof course also a contingency as thisproprietary compound was once layeredinto explosives to help propel tank missilescoated in thermoplastics. In the patent that was “held under DoDSecrecy Orders for over 15-years”, it statesthat the original titanium and zirconiumcoupling agents were found to “haveproduced substantially more uniform, lesspressure sensitive burn rates than ispossible by use of the other additive tested,”and that “enhanced rocket projectile controlmay be obtained when these neoalkoxymetallo phosphates are employed ascoupling agents in polyurethane boundaluminum/perchlorate filled energeticsystems.”Research and development into thetechnology had become not only a $39million DoD endeavor in 1987, but aninternational effort involving the NorthAtlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),according to declassified DoD InsensitiveMunitions Program documents. This would make the phrase, ‘built like atank,’ apply to the built environment.Eliminating air voids, efflorescence andhydrophobicity, in other words: waterdamage prevention features of the couplingagent are described by Monte as the way tocreate ageless concrete structures. Continues >Copyright: Canva proCopyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT38But wait, the pitch doesn’t end there: smart sensor materials, used to produce and storeenergy are also compatible with the coupling agent, according to Monte. Monte was awarded the Plastic News Notable Leaders – Sustainability Award in 2023, thesame year the initial patent was filed. Monte’s voluminous history, with his name published in hundreds of patents, technical andtrade papers, dates back to 1966 with Kenrich Petrochemicals. “My wife’s family had a chemical business and made me a VP (it pays to marry the bosses’daughter),” said Monte in the patent’s white papers. Before Monte, Kenrich Petrochemicals approved the use of their wire and cable insulation toDuPont in the 1950’s. Although, a disclaimer on Kenrich Petrochemicals seeks to dissociatethe two petrochemical behemoths with the statement: “DuPont is a registered trademark ofE. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, which is not in any way related to KenrichPetrochemicals, Inc.”DuPont also has a history of assisting the U.S. military in its origins and unlike, KenrichPetrochemicals, to this day publishes sustainability reports as a promise to the UnitedNations. Copyright: The Built Environment
In a sweeping announcement, Secretary ofDefense Pete Hegseth has revealed that inany project contracts valued at $35 millionor more, language requiring a project laboragreement must be removed.In line with that announcement, amemorandum has been released by theDefense Department declaring that“effective immediately, contractingofficers shall not use project laboragreements for large-scale constructionprojects.”DEFENSEDEPARTMENT PULLSPROJECT LABORAGREEMENTS OUTOF CONTRACTSBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter02/18/2025Copyright: Canva proIn addition, “contracting officers shallamend solicitations to remove projectlabor agreement requirements, includingany solicitation provisions and contractclauses.”Of all the many regulatory decisionsexpected to be made by the new Trumpadministration, none were as inevitable asthe swift ending of project labor agreementsthat were implemented three years ago byPresident Biden in all federal buildingcontracts.The long life of the project labor agreementstruggle has ebbed and flowed dependingon who is in control of the federalgovernment: President Obama revoked anexecutive order signed by George W. Bushprohibiting federal agencies from requiringsuch agreements.Continues >BUILTENVIRONMENT39BROWSE MILITARY PROJECTSBROWSE MILITARY PROJECTSVIA CONSTRUCTION REPORTER.VIA CONSTRUCTION REPORTER.2025-1060: TRAFFIC LIGHT REPAIR >2025-0720: FY24 MISSILE ASSEMBLYSUPPORT BUILDING TACTICAL EQUIPMENTMAINTENACE FACILITY (TEMF), WHITESANDS MISSILE RANGE (WSMR) >
In his first term, Trump voicedopposition to the agreementswith the result being that nonewere imposed during that four-year period. Biden reversed thattrend, with his Acting Secretaryof Labor Julie Su at one pointdeclaring, “These agreementsguarantee a consistent supply ofwell-trained workers.”But from the start of the Bidenproject labor agreements push,opposition was voicedthroughout the constructionindustry. A spokesperson for theAssociated Builders andContractors charged that theagreements “hinder the ability ofthe best contractors to safelydeliver taxpayer-fundedconstruction projects on timeand on budget.”The Biden project laboragreements policy wassubsequently challenged in court,with the U.S. Court of FederalClaims declaring last month thatit was unlawful.The new Defense Departmentannouncement, however, doesnot appear to entirely settle theproject labor agreementsagitation. In a statement, JeffreyShoaf, chief executive officer ofthe Associated GeneralContractors of America, said hisgroup would continue to talkwith Trump administration in amove to “eliminate anyremaining ambiguity that existswithin the ranks of federalprocurement officials.”BUILTENVIRONMENT40Interstate 40 will reopen through the Pigeon RiverGorge on March 1, 2025, restoring the main highwayconnection between N.C. and Tenn. for the first timesince damage from remnants of Hurricane Helene shutit down in late September 2024.Continue reading >HURRICANE-DAMAGED I-40THROUGH N.C.'S MOUNTAINSTO BE REOPENED TO TRAFFICMARCH 1By Staff, Construction Equipment Guide02/18/2025Copyright: Canva proManufacturer Aspen Aerogels Inc. canceled plans toconstruct a $325-million plant in Statesboro, Ga., it toldinvestors Feb. 12. Donald Young, CEO of theNorthborough, Mass.-based company, says it willinstead focus on “maximizing capacity” at its existingmanufacturing plant in Rhode Island.Continue reading >EV BATTERY COMPONENTMAKER CANCELS $325MGEORGIA PLANTBy James Leggate, ENR02/17/2025
INDIANOLA, Iowa (Feb. 17, 2025) — CemenTech, the world’s largest volumetricconcrete mixer manufacturer, announced anew partnership with McCoy Construction& Forestry, a construction and forestryequipment dealer, to expand access toCemen Tech’s concrete productionsolutions across Tennessee, Kentucky,Indiana and Illinois. This collaborationbrings Cemen Tech’s advanced volumetrictechnology closer to contractors, offeringcomprehensive support throughout theregion.Continue reading >CEMEN TECH PARTNERSWITH MCCOYCONSTRUCTION &FORESTRYBy Staff, Construction Business Owner02/17/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT41Intelligent power management companyEaton plans to establish operations inJonesville, South Carolina. The $340 millionproject is expected to create 700 jobs.The investment will include the acquisitionand retrofit of an existing 861,000-square-foot facility, located at 6802 Furman L.Fendley Highway, which will manufacturethree-phase transformers...Continue reading >EATON PLANSJONESVILLE, SOUTHCAROLINA,TRANSFORMEROPERATIONSBy Staff, Area Development News Desk02/15/2025On January 7, 2025, when sparks beganigniting the communities of PacificPalisades, Malibu, Pasadena, Altadena,Hollywood, and others, the city of LosAngeles had been struggling to produce486,379 new housing units by 2029, anumber mandated by California’s RegionalHousing Needs Assessment (RHNA) toaddress the shortfall.Add to that deficit the equally dauntingproperty losses from the L.A. fires—nowestimated to cost in excess of $250 billion,and rising. According to Associated Pressreports, the fires could be the costliestnatural disaster in U.S. history.Continue reading >REBUILDING IN THEAFTERMATH OF L.A.’SUNPRECEDENTEDURBAN FIRES, AMID ANALREADY PRESSINGHOUSING CRISISBy Jack Skelley, Urban Land01/17/2025Copyright: Canva pro
In yet one more sign of the growing andoverwhelming demand for artificialintelligence services, the ChevronCorporation expects to complete its firstnatural gas power station designed topower an AI data center by 2027.The Houston-based multinational energycorporation has said that it plans to build aseries of such plants, noting that datacenters supporting AI requireunprecedented amounts of electricity.CHEVRON MOVE TOSUPPLY ARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCE DATACENTERS BEGINNINGOF NEW ERABy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter02/14/2025Copyright: Canva pro“We’ve been looking more and more at thisspace, talking to customers, largely thehyperscalers, the ones that are building outthese big data centers,” Jeff Gustavson,Chevron president, recently remarked tothe Washington Examiner.Gustavson added that this particular datacenter sector wants the new facilities “asfast as possible because there is a bit of anAI race going on, not just with thecompanies in the US, but betweencountries globally, and so there arenational security concerns with that.”In a just-released statement from thecompany, it is noted that an AI data centercan typically “consume as much as 50 timesmore power per square foot than a typicaloffice building.” The statement adds: “Asingle query on ChatGPT can consume upto 10 times more energy than a Googlesearch.”Continues >BUILTENVIRONMENT42CONSTRUCTION NEWSTRENDSCONSTRUCTION NEWSTRENDS
The idea of using natural gas to generatesuch power, the Chevron press releasecontinues, “is one way to help ensurereliable, continuous data center operationsfrom a reliable energy power source.”Working with General Electric and theinvestment firm Engine No.1, which is basedin San Francisco, Chevron expects to servean initial seven data centers located in theMidwest, Southeast and West.The Chevron move comes as ExxonMobilhas also announced plans to build its ownnatural gas-fired plants as energy sourcesfor AI data center. The vision of the twocompanies, observes the publication DataCenter Frontier, signals the dawn of a newera, with fossil fuel companies energeticallyventuring into a growing electricity marketto “meet the rising demand for low-carbonpower.”BUILTENVIRONMENT43Demand is surging for senior housing asAmerica’s population ages, but supplycontinues to lag. That gap is one reasoninvestors in ULI’s 2025 Emerging Trendsreport rated the sector second highest forthe best risk-adjusted returns over the nextthree years.Supply and demand dynamics don’t tell thewhole story, though: senior housingdevelopment tends to thrive at the upperend, where seniors with means can afford...Continue reading >CREATIVE SOLUTIONSFOR THE “FORGOTTENMIDDLE” IN SENIORHOUSINGBy Michele Lerner, Urban Land02/18/2025Construction procurement presents avariety of challenges for owners managingcontractors. Common issues owners faceinclude a lack of centralized platforms tomanage contractors and contracts,inconsistent bidding processes that fail toensure competitiveness, insufficienttransparency on fees paid for workperformed, and a lack of tracking or abilityto audit.Beginning in the latter part of the 20thcentury, Job Order Contracting (JOC) wasfirst used by the US Army. JOC is anindefinite delivery, indefinite quantity(IDIQ) construction procurement methodaimed at simplifying the contractingprocess. JOC facilitates competitivelyawarded work order-based contracts thatreduce or even eliminate extra steps...Continue reading >STREAMLININGCONSTRUCTIONPROCUREMENT:BENEFITS OF JOB ORDERCONTRACTINGBy Staff, Building Design + Construction02/17/2025Copyright: Canva pro
The construction industry added 4,000 jobsin January, according to an AssociatedBuilders and Contractors (ABC) analysis ofdata released by the U.S. Bureau of LaborStatistics. On a year-over-year basis,industry employment increased by 178,000jobs, a 2.2 percent growth. Nonresidential construction employmentincreased by 4,400 positions, with increasesin two of the three subcategories.Nonresidential specialty trade added themost jobs, with 5,600 positions, followed bynonresidential building, which added 1,100jobs. Heavy and civil engineering lost 2,300jobs in January.Continue reading >CONSTRUCTION ADDS4,000 JOBS,NONRESIDENTIAL LEADSGROWTHBy Staff, Metal Construction News02/14/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT44The Metal Construction Association (MCA)recently released its 2024 MCA AnnualReport.Continue reading >MCA REPORTS KEYACHIEVEMENTSBOOSTING METALCONSTRUCTIONGROWTHBy Staff, Metal Construction News02/13/2025Dive Brief:Construction backlog increased to 8.4months in January, reversingDecember’s slight decline, according toan Associated Builders and Contractorssurvey conducted from Jan. 21 to Feb. 3.The metric tracks the volume of work inbuilders’ pipelines.Continue reading >CONSTRUCTIONBACKLOG POSTS GAINSTO KICK OFF THE YEARBy Sebastian Obando, ConstructionDive02/13/2025Copyright: Canva pro
Dive Brief:Construction input prices jumped 1.4%in January, marking the largest monthlyincrease in two years, according to ananalysis by Associated Builders andContractors.Energy costs drove much of thatincrease, with crude petroleum, naturalgas and unprocessed energy all rising.However, the price jump also stemsfrom a rush to purchase materials aheadof potential tariffs, said Anirban Basu,ABC chief economist. The cost of inputsto construction now sits 40.5% higherthan February 2020, according to thereport.Continue reading >TARIFF FEARS TIED TOBIGGESTCONSTRUCTION COSTJUMP IN 2 YEARSBy Sebastian Orbando, ConstructionDive02/13/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT45Autonomy in the industrial and commercialtransportation (ICT) industry is racingforward. After all, semi-autonomous andautonomous construction, mining andagriculture vehicles are advantageous,offering benefits in terms of safety,efficiency and sustainability, which can havea positive effect on the bottom line.As it stands today, vehicles in the mining andconstruction industries are alreadyleveraging some degree of automation todrive throughput and increase workersafety on the job. Manually operated andautonomous vehicles use sensor-guidedsystems to make tight turns in constrainedspaces, turn in unison to avoid collision andavoid rolling over. Even with partialautonomy, vehicle and worker safety andproductivity improve when using thesesystems.Continue reading >AUTONOMY ANDCYBERSECURITY ONTHE JOBSITEBy Mark Brubaker, For Construction Pros02/13/2025Copyright: Canva pro
VIEW >$10,000,000ESTIMATED COSTPROJECT INFOSCOPE:The General Services Administration (GSA), PublicBuildings Service (PBS) is seeking a design buildcontractor to address approximately 190,000 sf ofconcrete pavement selected for repair orreplacement using Low Embodied Carbon (LEC)materials, to include LEC asphalt, concrete, andsteel. The repairs consist of completereconstruction, surface reconstruction, shoulderhardening, joint sealing, patching, and the selectreplacement of 8” – 13” thick reinforced concrete.Construction phasing will be required to allow forcontinued LPOE traffic flow and operation duringconstruction. The project consists of eleven (11)areas within the Land Port of Entry (LPOE). Theproject is in Santa Teresa, NM...OWNER:R7 Prog Support-Capital and IDIQ 19 Taylor StreetFort Worth TX 76102Bid Date/Time: 03/04/2025 - 11:00am MSTAddenda Count: 01Memo Count: 0Phase: BiddingStage: ActiveStatus:Addenda ReceivedProject Type: Site Work / Non-BuildingCategory: Federal / State / MunicipalPublic Funding: YesBid Security: Bonds may be required.Pre-Proposal Conference01/22/2025 @ 9:00AMAll offerors who would like to attend the pre-proposal...DESIGN BUILD CONTRACT FORSANTA TERESA LAND PORT OFENTRY (LPOE) BORDERROADWAY IMPROVEMENT ANDCONSTRUCTION (BRIC)DESIGN BUILD CONTRACT FORSANTA TERESA LAND PORT OFENTRY (LPOE) BORDERROADWAY IMPROVEMENT ANDCONSTRUCTION (BRIC)(682) 210-1163BUILTENVIRONMENT48
$13,500,000ESTIMATED COSTWATER IS LIFE -DESIGN ANDENGINEERINGSERVICESWATER IS LIFE -DESIGN ANDENGINEERINGSERVICESVIEW PROJECT >OWNER:Santa Fe Indian School (S.F.I.S.) (505) 989-63521501 Cerrillos RoadSanta Fe NM 87505PROJECT INFO:Bid Date/Time: 03/11/2025 - 02:00pm MSTPhase: BiddingStage: ActiveProject Type: Vendor / Professional ServicesCategory: EducationPublic Funding: Bonds may be required.SCOPE:The project area is limited to 34-acres ofthe 104-acre campus. See the Project AreaMap (Exhibit C: EPA Community ChangeGrant Excerpts, Attachment 6D) for moreinformation for the project limits. b) Whencompleting the scope of work theConsultant Team shall address thechallenges and strategies in the EPA CCGapplication, which includes the following.See Exhibit C: EPA Community ChangeGrant Excerpts for more information. (SEERFP FOR FULL SCOPE OF WORK)BUILTENVIRONMENT49
FEATUREDPRE-BID PROJECTWork is expected to begin later this yearon a 64-unit apartment complex inPhoenix that some area residents think istoo tall for the neighborhood.The Turney Villas will go up on acurrently vacant 1.8-acre site on thenortheast corner of 21st Street andTurney Avenue.The project, which is being developed bythe company 4401 Turney Villas LLC, willinclude a combination of studio and one-and two-bedroom units, along with aswimming pool, clubhouse, and gym.City documents additionally indicate thatthe project will “provide pedestrianconnections to the adjacent residentialdevelopments in the area.” Sidewalkssurrounding the site, “will include treesfor shade coverage.”NEW TURNEYVILLAS APARTMENTCOMPLEX SET TOGO UP IN VERY OLDPART OF PHOENIXBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter02/14/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT50The design firm of Kenzy Architects andInteriors of Scottsdale has signed on asproject designer.A compromise was reached after thedeveloper agreed to build three stories tothe front of the project, allowing for fourstories to go up a bit further back. The complex, which is regarded as aninfill project, is going up in the CamelbackEast Village neighborhood of Phoenix, apart of the city which first saw significantresidential construction in the boomyears of the 1920s.
ADDITIONS/RENOVATIONS /UPGRADERE-BID BELLA LUZAPARTMENTSVIEW PROJECT >TAOS PUEBLOLILLIAN ROMEROSENIOR CENTERCOMPLEXSCOPE OF WORK: Construction of theapproximately 4,300 SF SeniorCare Facility for Taos Pueblo.The facility will provide care forTribal Elders who may havechallenges performing ADLSand that cannot be cared for byfamily members due to work orother requirements. Theestimated need is to care for 10-15 clients. The facility will bephysically attached to thecurrent Lillian Romero SeniorCenter and will share someprogrammatic functions.Education, meal service...VIEW PROJECT >BILLIARD REPAIR & GAME ROOMSCOPE OF WORK: Repair or Refurnish 10 billiard tables at various recreation and seniorcenters to include:Assembles new billiard or pool tables.Relocation of game room equipment.Performing any combination of the following:cuts, trims, and installs pool table parts, such as cushions, clothcovering, pockets, and tabletops.VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Bella Luz Apartments is a hotel renovation projectdesigned to provide more affordable housing in SantaFe. The project will create 58 new units of affordablehousing on the property of the existing LamplighterInn located at 2405 Cerrillos Road and the adjacent1324 Luana Street. The project will include significantupgrades to parking lots, landscaping and amenities.BUILTENVIRONMENT52
MATERIAL /EQUIP / SERVICE /INSTALLLEASED LIT FIBER ANDFIBER MAINTENANCEVIEW PROJECT >ERATE CATEGORY 2NETWORKINGEQUIPMENT &BATTERY BACKUPSCOPE OF WORK: The District seeks to procurenetwork equipment andinstallation at district campusesas identified in thespecifications of this request.Offeror will provide equipmentto be used at all districtcampuses to include...VIEW PROJECT >SERVICE ROBOTS INHEALTHCAREFACILITIESSCOPE OF WORK: UMC El Paso is seekingproposals from qualified firmsinterested in providing robotautomation and deliveryservices across the healthcareenterprise.UMC El Paso utilizesCerner as the electronic medicalrecord. The robotic servicesshould integrate seamlesslywith facility infrastructure, thirdparty applications, medicalrecord, and other tools. VIEW PROJECT >ELECTRICALMAINTENANCESERVICESSCOPE OF WORK: SCOPE OF WORK Maintenance projects mayinclude, but are not limited to: A. Repair and/or replacement ofdefective electrical systems inany and/or all County facilities...VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Alamogordo Public School District wishes to compareLit Services for the completion of their district WideArea Network (WAN). The current WAN for thespecific locations listed provides leased-lit fiber.BUILTENVIRONMENT53
CHEVROLET PARTSAND SERVICESCOPE OF WORK: Chevrolet Parts and ServiceVIEW PROJECT >PARATRANSITSOFTWARESCOPE OF WORK: Paratransit SoftwareVIEW PROJECT >WEST CENTRALCONSORTIUMINTERNET ANDWAN ACCESSSCOPE OF WORK: The West Central Consortium, aconsortium of schools andlibraries located in the westcentral part of the state of NewMexico, receives internetservices through a multi-yearcontract procured in 2022. Thiscontract is expiring. Theconsortium requests proposalsfor internet andtelecommunications services tobe provided as per the scope ofwork described herein. It is theintention of the consortium toenter into a short-term...VIEW PROJECT >NMSU-RECREATIONCENTER SOFTWARESOLUTIONSCOPE OF WORK: New Mexico State University isseeking responses to providethe University a specialized RecCenter Software Solution toserve as the primary datamembership software andfacilities management systemfor the NMSU UniversityRecreation Center. The systemwould be utilized to manage allof the facility scheduling andbusiness/revenue generationaspects of the department.NMSU is seeking vendors whoare willing to work with...VIEW PROJECT >RE-BID SECURITYGUARD SERVICESSCOPE OF WORK: Armed commissioned SecurityGuard Service for El Paso PublicLibrary Branches and itsoperations is required. SecurityOfficers are to monitor buildingand keep unauthorizedpersonnel out of building...VIEW PROJECT >RESCUEDISINFECTANTSCOPE OF WORK: Rescue DisinfectantVIEW PROJECT >BUILTENVIRONMENT54
NEWCONSTRUCTION2200 WEST ALAMEDADUPLEXES (SUBBID)VIEW PROJECT >PUEBLO PINTADOHEALTH CENTERCONSTRUCTIONSCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor shall furnish allpersonnel, materials, services,facilities and shall perform allwork necessary to construct thenew 125,884 gross square footPueblo Pintado Health Center...VIEW PROJECT >ADVANCED HEARING CARE CENTER(SUBBID)SCOPE OF WORK: Advanced Hearing Care Center 106 Cuba Avenue Alamogordo, NM 88310VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: 2200 West Alameda DuplexesSanta FE, NM 87507Seeking sub contractor bids for all scope. Newconstruction of 5 residential duplexes, all site...BUILTENVIRONMENT55
MAVERIK #793RATON, NM(SUBBID)SCOPE OF WORK: This is a Maverik conveniencestore/gas station that is 5,637square feet, an M occupancyclassification, with a buildingtype of V-B. The building has alarge built- in cooler, basic foodprep areas, merchandise areas,and a cashier station. Two FuelCanopiesVIEW PROJECT >MAVERIK #784CLOVIS, NM(SUBBID)SCOPE OF WORK: This is a Maverik conveniencestore/gas station that is 5,637square feet, an M occupancyclassification, with a buildingtype of V-B. The building has alarge built- in cooler, basic foodprep areas, merchandise areas,and a cashier station. Two FuelCanopies. VIEW PROJECT >MAVERIK #759FARMINGTON, NM(SUBBID)SCOPE OF WORK: This is a Maverik conveniencestore/gas station that is 4,425square feet, an M occupancyclassification, with a buildingtype of V-B. The building has alarge built- in cooler, basic foodprep areas, merchandise areas,and a cashier station. SingleFuel Canopy. VIEW PROJECT >BUILTENVIRONMENT56
SITE WORK /NON-BUILDINGCONSTRUCTIONSERVICES FORCROWNPOINT CHAPTERCOMMUNITY CEMETERYPERIMETER FENCEVIEW PROJECT >BOULDERRESERVOIR ADADOCKIMPROVEMENTSSCOPE OF WORK: The City of Boulder is requestingbids from qualified contractorsfor ADA Dock Improvements atthe Boulder Reservoir.VIEW PROJECT >2023-JEMEZSCATTERED SITES-BSCOPE OF WORK: The Project consists of providingwater and wastewater facilitiesto six (6) home-sites located onthe Jemez Pueblo reservation.VIEW PROJECT >PINE HILLCOMMUNITYSCHOOLS MINI-SPLIT HVACSYSTEMS FOR HIGHSCHOOL, MIDDLESCHOOL & MULTI-PURPOSE BUILDINGSCOPE OF WORK: Ramah Navajo School Board(RNSB) seeks aMechanical/HVAC contractorfor design and installation ofMini-Split HVAC systems to beinstalled into the following threeexisting Pine Hill CommunitySchools buildings: High School(#801) – 11,570 sf; Middle School(#930) – 7,660 sf, and; Multi...VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: The CPMD is seeking proposals from responsible...BUILTENVIRONMENT57
WILLIAMS ARROYOBANK REPAIRPHASE 1SCOPE OF WORK: Construction of a new gabionwall stream bank, andreplacement of any disturbedvegetation, sidewalk, curb,paving, and fencing. VIEW PROJECT >WAINWRIGHT,NASHVILLE/BYRONAND WADSWORTHPEDESTRIANIMPROVEMENTSSCOPE OF WORK: Base Bid I: Wainwright ParkPhase IIThe Scope of work for thisProject is defined by theContract Documents andconsists of the following:Removal of existing chain-linkfence, removal of existingbaseball back stop fence; newconcrete sidewalk, newlandscape area with screening,zip line playground equipment...VIEW PROJECT >MCRAE SHAREDUSED PATH PHASE 1AND PHASE 2, CSJ2201-01-012SCOPE OF WORK: The McRae Shared Use PathPhase 1 and Phase 2 Projectconsists of construction of ashared use path from MontwoodDr. to Montana Ave (1.47 mi); Thelimits of Phase 1 are MontwoodDr. to Album Ave (.848) and forPhase 2 are Album Ave toMontana Ave (.622 mi). Theproposed improvements includedemolition, concrete curb, ADAcompliant curb ramps,improvements to pedestriancrossings at intersections,irrigated landscaping...VIEW PROJECT >TOWN STREETCRACK FILLSCOPE OF WORK: Town of Meeker Crack FillStreet Project includes cleaningcracks and furnishing andinstalling approximately 15,000pounds of hot-pour, DeeryAmerican Super stretch 974, orequivalent, in the Town ofMeeker. VIEW PROJECT >SOMERTON HSTRACK FIELDSCOPE OF WORK: Assistance with a conceptdesign and site plan for anapproximately 157,092 SFcomprehensive 400 meterrunning track for high schoolgrades 9-12...VIEW PROJECT >2025 PAVEMENTMAINTENANCEPROGRAMSCOPE OF WORK: 2025 Pavement MaintenanceProgram.VIEW PROJECT >BUILTENVIRONMENT58
VENDOR /PROFESSIONALSERVICESRIO LUCIO MDWCAWATER SYSTEMIMPROVEMENTSVIEW PROJECT >KIM ROADIMPROVEMENTSDESIGNSCOPE OF WORK: The Consultant shall beresponsible for all coordination,engineering, studies, surveys,analyses, and all othernecessary documents tocomplete the preliminary or finaldesign, construction estimates,specifications, right-of-waymapping, and environmentaldocumentation for final design(including any...VIEW PROJECT >BUILDING OFFICIALAND INSPECTIONSERVICESSCOPE OF WORK: The Village of Vinton (Vinton) isseeking proposals from qualifiedindividuals and/or agencies(Contractor) to assist its in-house staff with a full-range ofbuilding inspection services.VIEW PROJECT >OWNER’SREPRESENTATIVESERVICES NEW K-12SCHOOLSCOPE OF WORK: TCSB requires technicalassistance from a qualified firmor individual to assist in theadministration, supervision, andoversight of remaining tasks inthe Planning Phase, and in theDesign and Construction Phasesof the Project, as moreparticularly described in theScope of Services. TCSB hasalready procured a design teamfor the Planning Phase and willcomplete the Project under aDesign Build constructionproject delivery method by alater procurement.VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: The Project is for the planning, design andconstruction phase engineering services for watersystem improvements that may have multiple phases.The selected engineer will need to help with applyingfor and administering funding for the projects. BUILTENVIRONMENT59
CM@R FOR PINALCOUNTYADMINISTRATION(STAR) BUILDINGSCOPE OF WORK: The County wishes to engage aqualified contractor to fulfill therole of Construction Manager atRisk (CMAR) for the PinalCounty Administration Building(STAR) project. The STARbuilding will house multipleCounty departments includingthe School Superintendent’sOffice, Treasurer’s Office,Assessor’s Office, Recorder’sOffice, Office of Budget andFinance, Human ResourcesDepartment, LibraryAdministration Department...VIEW PROJECT >EAST BLANCO BLVDRECONSTRUCTIONSCOPE OF WORK: The purpose of the Request forProposal (RFP) is to solicitsealed proposals to establish acontract through competitivenegotiations for theprocurement of consultingservices to develop anInvestigation, Planning, Designof East Blanco Blvd., Saiz Ln,and Jordan Lane for Bloomfield,NM. The intent is to award...VIEW PROJECT >UNM-DECOMMISSIONINGSTUDY FOR FITZHALLSCOPE OF WORK: The University of New MexicoHealth Sciences Center (UNMHSC) invites proposals fromqualified firms to conduct acomprehensiveDecommissioning Study for FitzHall...VIEW PROJECT >PROPERTYCONSIDERATIONNEAR GATEWAYPARKSCOPE OF WORK: The City of Farmington isseeking a creative developer,hotelier, restaurant, or retailentity to activate a prime pieceof riverfront property next to theFarmington Museum. This sitealso fronts Main Street as a partof the major retail corridor inFarmington, seeing over 36,000cars per day. The Animas RiverTrails System is also expandingto connect to this site andinterconnect with the existing8+ mile trail system..VIEW PROJECT >IRRIGATIONSYSTEMREPLACEMENTSSCOPE OF WORK: Project scope includes acomplete replacement of theirrigation systems at thefollowing Town of Gilbert ownedand maintained facilities:Freestone Park, CrossroadsPark...VIEW PROJECT >ON CALLPROFESSIONALENGINEERINGSERVICES FORSUBSURFACEUTILITYEXPLORATIONSCOPE OF WORK: EPWater is requestingprofessional engineeringservices to provide/assist with:On-Call Subsurface UtilityEngineering Services. The workwill be assigned on a Task Orderbasis, and the projects mayinvolve water, wastewater,reclaimed, and stormwater, orother in-house projects...VIEW PROJECT >BUILTENVIRONMENT60
ADDITIONS /RENOVATIONS /UPGRADEBUILTENVIRONMENT62KEARNY SCHOOL - EL RATON MEDIA WORKS REMODELVIEW PROJECT >CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | dollar amount not available *Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award details
MATERIAL /EQUIP / SERVICE /INSTALLTRANSFORMER OILPURIFICATION SYSTEMVIEW PROJECT >FY 25 VALVEREHABILITATIONVIEW PROJECT >AVIATION JET "A"FUELVIEW PROJECT >COPPER WIRE ANDCABLE, MULTI-TERM CONTRACTVIEW PROJECT >CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $925,120.002 Low | $1,198,258.00*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $88,372.002 Low | $94,556.003 Low | $94,762.00*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award details*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $84,740.002 Low | $94,062.003 Low | $105,542.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $63,227.002 Low | $69,058.003 Low | $70,952.00BUILTENVIRONMENT63
SITE WORK /NON-BUILDINGRE-BID ACEQUIAMANZANARES YMONTOYAVIEW PROJECT >SAN AUGUSTINECOMMUNITY DITCHPIPELINE PROJECTPHASE 111VIEW PROJECT >TORTUGAS ARROYOIMPROVEMENTSVIEW PROJECT >PHASE 4 WATERSYSTEMIMPROVEMENTSVIEW PROJECT >CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $248,880.002 Low | $249,759.003 Low |$249,911.00*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $2,528,945.002 Low | $3,683,215.003 Low | $3,698,511.00*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award details*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $83,700.002 Low | $99,827.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $435,812.002 Low | $452,270.00BUILTENVIRONMENT64
BUILTENVIRONMENT692025 CREFORECASTS: POLICYCHANGES, AI, ANDECONOMIC GROWTHThe commercial real estate (CRE) sectorenters 2025 against a combustive backdrop ofdomestic political shifts and globaltechnological transformation. With the Trumpadministration’s second term ushering insignificant policy changes and a global focuson the high-tech revolution—particularly inartificial intelligence (AI)—the industry facesboth challenges and opportunities."If we see a relatively stable regulatoryenvironment in 2025, that will boost corporateprofits and should drive demand forcommercial space," said SIOR Global Presidentand managing principal at Cushman &Wakefield Minnesota, Mike Ohmes, SIOR."Liquidity has returned, financing is stable, andequity is readily available—all clear indicatorsthat 2025 could outperform previous years.”Ohmes adds that the policies are designed toenhance corporate flexibility and investment,creating fertile ground for added CREdevelopment and new investments. Indeed,Donald Trump’s return to the presidency hasbrought a renewed focus on corporate taxcuts and reshoring initiatives, both of whichare expected to benefit the CRE sector. CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT71LOGISTICSENTERINGSUSTAINEDGROWTH PHASEIndustrial vacancy is likely nearing its peak forthe current cycle, according to the latestresearch from Cushman & Wakefield. Thereport found overall national industrial vacancyclimbed 20 basis points to 6.7%, which remains30 bps below the 10-year pre-pandemicaverage.During the fourth quarter, industrial absorptionwas positive in 60% of the 84 markets Cushman& Wakefield tracks. Eight markets reportedmore than five million square feet of absorptionfor the year.Overall, the industrial market absorbed 36.8million square feet during the fourth quarter, upfrom 33.3 million square feet during the thirdquarter but down 20% year-over-year. For theyear, 135 million square feet of industrialproduct was absorbed, the report said.CONTINUE READING >
BUILTENVIRONMENT72CRE LEADERS:WHAT’S ON OURMINDS FOR 2025Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’sAnalytics, shared an overview of themacroeconomic environment and potentialpolicies of the new administration on a recentwebinar hosted by Marcus & Millichap. Apanel discussion followed, and NAIOPPresident and CEO Marc Selvitelli joinedZandi, along with Jeffrey D. DeBoer, presidentand CEO, The Real Estate Roundtable; HessamNadji, president and CEO, Marcus & Millichap;and Sharon Wilson Géno, president, NMHC, todiscuss key trends for commercial realestate.Key takeaways from their discussion:The U.S. economy is performingexceptionally well, Zandi said. “It’s in agood spot coming into 2025, and I think itcan navigate any number of potentialthreats and risks that come at it.” Hedoesn’t expect this year to be quite asgood as 2024, given the uncertainty ineconomic policy, but broadly believes theeconomy will have a solid year. GDP istracking at about 3% (a typical year iscloser to 2%), wage growth is solid, andthe unemployment rate has been low forthe last few years.Consumers are powering the economy.U.S. consumer spending has grown 2.5%per annum since the pandemic hit, thesame rate as the four years prior to thepandemic. “The American consumer writlarge is doing very well, though the bulkof the consumer spending is coming forthe highest-level income households,”Zandi explained...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT73SBA RELIEF STILLAVAILABLE TONORTH CAROLINASMALL BUSINESSESAND PRIVATENONPROFITSAFFECTED BY JULYDROUGHTATLANTA – The U.S. Small Business Administration(SBA) is reminding small businesses and privatenonprofit (PNP)organizations in North Carolina ofthe March 17, deadline to apply for low interestfederal disaster loans to offset economic lossescaused by the drought that began on July 9, 2024. The disaster declaration covers the counties ofBladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Pender andRobeson, as well as the counties of Dillon andHorry in South Carolina. Under this declaration, SBA’s Economic InjuryDisaster Loan (EIDL) program is available to smallbusinesses, small agricultural cooperatives,nurseries, and PNPs that suffered financial lossesdirectly related to the disaster. The SBA is unableto provide disaster loans to agricultural producers,farmers, or ranchers, except for small aquacultureenterprises. EIDLs are available for working capital needscaused by the disaster and are available even if...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro
Cannon Air Force Base outside of Clovis isseeking a hearing to appeal a fine issued inJanuary from New Mexico environmentalofficials for a 4,000-gallon PFAS spill lastAugust.When the New Mexico EnvironmentDepartment issued the nearly $68,000 fine,it said the military had violated pollutionlimits and failed to tell authorities about aspill into surrounding groundwater from adamaged retention pond last year. The stateagency further alleged the U.S. Air Forceviolations included waiting nearly 16 days tonotify state officials, instead of reporting thespill within 24 hours of discovery.Continue reading >CANNON APPEALSNMED FINE OVER PFASSPILLBy Danielle Prokop, Source NM, Tri-City Record02/18/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT75From three employees to 400 across threestates, this local success story isn't donegrowing yet. Learn about their latestexpansion and ambitious plans for thefuture.Continue reading >APIC SOLUTIONSSECURES 47,500 SQ. FT.INDUSTRIAL SPACE INALBUQUERQUE'SMIDTOWNBy Cooper Metts, Albuquerque Business First02/14/2025LOS LUNAS — The village of Los Lunas isrequesting a large property transfer fromthe state for what is known locally as TheGrasslands, which holds potential for futureeconomic development.Continue reading >LOS LUNAS TO REQUESTPROPERTY TRANSFERFOR FUTURE ECONOMICDEVELOPMENTBy Felina Martinez, Valencia County News-Bulletin02/13/2025REAL ESTATE NEWSNEW MEXICO
BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSSOUTHWESTIn what could prove a significantenhancement of its downtowncore, the City of Denver hasannounced that it is seeking andaccepting ideas for a variety ofprojects that may include newevent space, parks, and housing.DENVERANNOUNCESOUTREACH EFFORTDESIGNED TO SPURDOWNTOWNDEVELOPMENTPROJECTSBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment02/192/2025Copyright: Canva proThe Denver Downtown Development Agency hopesto attract those ideas via online interest forms, whichis not a Request for Proposals process but rather away for Denver to hear about actual and proposedprojects on the part of various businesses that may beeligible for public funding.The officially named Registration of Interest notesthe DDDA announcement, which is designed to"learn more about potentially transformativeprojects" that would mesh with an earlier announcedPlan of Development just updated last December.That Plan of Development allows for the use ofDDDA funds to spur a variety of projects that maytypically include new green space, mixed-use projectswith an emphasis on ground-level development, andconnections to multimodal transportation.According to city documents, an emphasis on thebuilding of affordable housing is particularlywelcomed.Altogether, the DDDA, which was established in2008, hopes to use and distribute up to $570 millionin funding approved by voters last November.In hopes of securing that funding, Denver MayorMike Johnston last fall said the city would be, ineffect, placing a bet on its "cultural, civic, andeconomic core."City officials have in recent years expressed concernover an ongoing increase in vacant commercial spacesin the downtown area, a trend that was additionallyfueled by the number of offices that greatly reducedtheir footprint during the COVID-19 pandemic.76
A famous ranch located nearly 60 miles tothe southeast of Flagstaff, Arizona is now upfor sale by the same family that has owned itfor the last 80 years.The 480-acre Rock Art Ranch is knownnationally for its thousands of ancientpetroglyphs, some thought to be more than13,000 years old. The rock carvings, whichwere made via stone tools, were createdthrough the centuries by members of theArchaic, Formative, Hopi, Navajo, and Zunitribes.Because of the petroglyphs the ranch hasbeen listed with the National Register ofHistoric Places.The Rock Art Ranch, with a listing price of$18 million, includes a steel-framedmuseum with hundreds of southwesternartifacts, a covered observation deck with apicnic area, and a stream.SOUTHWEST ARIZONARANCH LAND, HOME TOTHOUSANDS OFPETROGLYPHS, NOW ONTHE MARKETBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter02/18/2025Copyright: Canva proFormerly also used for cattle raising, theRock Art Ranch in recent years has servedas a tourist attraction bringing in thousandsof visitors a year, including archaeologistsand researchers.One visitor, a reporter for the New YorkTimes, described the petroglyphs thus:“geometric shapes and spirals, antleredanimals, lumbering woodland creatures, awoman in childbirth.”Put up for sale by Braintley Baird, whosefamily first purchased the sweeping acreagein 1945, the listing is being offered by therealtor Broaddus Properties Group ofFlagstaff.BUILTENVIRONMENT77Las Vegas Realtors announced this weekthat the median price for existing single-family homes sold in Southern Nevada inJanuary 2025 reached $485,000. Thismarks a 9.0% increase from $445,000 inJanuary 2024, surpassing the previousrecord of $482,000 set in May 2022.Continue reading >LAS VEGAS HOME SALESRISE 6.7 PERCENTANNUALLY INJANUARY, CONDOSALES DIPBy Michael Gerrity, The World Property Journal02/17/2025Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT78Despite speculation to the contrary, JeromePowell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve,has told a Senate committee that he and hiscolleagues “do not need to be in a hurry” toreduce interest rates.Testifying before the Senate Committee onBanking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Powellremarked that the “economy is strong, thelabor market is solid, and we have theluxury of being able to wait and let ourrestrictive policy work to get inflationcoming down again. And that’s what we’redoing.”FED CHAIRMAN SEESSTEADY PATH FORINTEREST RATES INMONTHS AHEADBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter02/13/2025Copyright: Canva pro“We know that reducing policy restrainttoo fast or too much could hinder progresson inflation,” Powell continued. “At thesame time, reducing policy restraint tooslowly or too little could unduly weakeneconomic activity and employment.”In the last year, the Federal Reservereduced interest rates three separate timesby a full percentage point. Those actionscame after the Fed had held interest rates toa high not seen in two decades.Powell said those 2024 cuts were inresponse to a cooling of inflation andimproved labor market.“As the economy evolves, we will adjustour policy stance in a manner that bestpromotes our maximum-employment andprice-stability goals,” continued Powell,remarking: Continues >REAL ESTATE NEWSNATIONALREAL ESTATE NEWSNATIONAL
BUILTENVIRONMENT79“If the economy remains strong and inflation does not continue to move sustainablytoward 2%, we can maintain policy restraint for longer.”Powell additionally remarked that the Fed will not be influenced by recent public statementsmade by President Trump calling for a lowering of interest rates.But he made sure to note that any number of new policies coming out of the White Housecould have an impact on how the Fed does its job. “It’s not just the tariffs. There aresignificant changes to immigration policy, fiscal policy, and also regulatory policy.”“All four of those were things the President was elected to do,” said Powell. “We will thentry to make an intelligent judgement about the overall effect on the economy of those andconduct our policy accordingly.”As U.S. home equity climbs, owners aremore likely to face capital gains taxes fromselling property. But a lesser-known taxstrategy could help shrink your bill, expertssay.Continue reading >THIS LESSER-KNOWNTAX STRATEGY COULDHELP TO REDUCECAPITAL GAINS ONYOUR HOME SALEBy Kate Dore, CNBC02/18/2025Copyright: Canva proSentiment among the nation’s single-familyhomebuilders dropped to the lowest level infive months in February, largely due toconcern over tariffs, which would raise theircosts significantly.Continue reading >U.S. HOMEBUILDERSRAISE ALARM OVERTARIFFS AS SENTIMENTFALLS TO 5-MONTHLOWBy Diana Olick, CNBC02/18/2025Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT80Kelly Killoren Bensimon, the “RealHousewives of New York” alum and topDouglas Elliman broker, has knocked downthe price of her own home — which is now onthe market as a $25,000-a-month rental. Continue reading >THIS ‘RHONY’ ALUM —NOW A REAL ESTATEBROKER — ASKS $25KPER MONTH FOR HERDOWNTOWN NYC HOMEBy Jennifer Gould, New York Post02/18/2025Copyright: Canva proThe landmark settlement over real estatecommissions is affecting commissions insome price points more than others.Continue reading >REAL ESTATE AGENTCOMMISSIONS HAVESHIFTED SINCE NARSETTLEMENTBy Andy Medici, Albuquerque Business First02/17/2025The General Services Administration (GSA)has been ordered to sell off properties itowns and/or leases. The order left manyfederal employees bewildered, given theTrump administration’s mandate thatworkers return to their offices and no longerwork from home.The directive came by way of email, theAssociated Press reported, when GSAregional managers got messages this monthfrom GSA headquarters in Washington, terminate leases at all of itsapproximately 7,500 federal offices.Continue reading >TRUMP ORDERS GSA TOSELL PROPERTIES—MIESVAN DER ROHE, VICTORLUNDY, AND WALTERGROPIUS BUILDINGSCOULD BE IMPACTEDBy Daniel Jonas Roche, The Architect’s Newspaper02/14/2025Copyright: Canva pro
Two of the three leading indicators for U.S.commercial real estate ended 2024 on anupbeat note, particularly on the lending andconstruction phase.The commercial real estate lending marketsaw significant growth in Q4, as capitalreallocation and improving fundamentalsfueled a spike in loan originations, accordingto CBRE. The firm’s Lending MomentumIndex closed the quarter at 259, rising 37percent year over year for Q4 and 21percent for Q3, far exceeding the pre-pandemic five-year average of 229.According to James Millon, U.S. President ofDebt and Structured Finance at CBRE,lenders should remain active in 2025 asmaturing debt fuels refinancing andinvestment sales.Continue reading >WHAT THREEINDICATORS SAYABOUT WHERE THE U.S.COMMERCIAL REALESTATE MARKET ENDED2024By Bret Widness, Urban Land02/13/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT81Joann, the fabric and craft chain, plans toclose about 500 stores across the country —more than 60% of its retail outlets — asslumping sales and declining market sharehave forced the company into its secondChapter 11 bankruptcy in less than a year.The company, known for fabric by the yardand its variety of yarns, said in a statementthat it is seeking court authority to shutterstores in nearly every state, with California,Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio among thestates with the most closures.Continue reading >CRAFT SUPPLIER JOANNTO CLOSE 60% OF ITSSTORES ACROSS U.S. ASIT LOOKS FOR A BUYERBy Scott Neuman, NPR02/13/2025Copyright: Canva pro
A move to build a film production facilitywithin one of the most famous hotels inColorado is slowly moving forward as partof a big $475 million package.Located in the northern part of the state inthe town of Estes Park, the Stanley Hotelwas built more than 110 years ago and isundoubtedly most known as the inspirationfor the Stephen King novel The Shining andsubsequent film of the same name starringJack Nicholson.Listed on the National Register of HistoricPlaces, the 140-room hotel has been thesubject of ongoing discussions centered onthe State of Colorado purchasing it, with thehope of seeing the construction of a $59million film center on the hotel’s premises.The deal has involved multiple partners,including the Colorado EconomicDevelopment Commission, the ColoradoOffice of Economic Development andInternational Trade, and the ColoradoEducation and Cultural Affairs Authority.In order to finalize a project that has beenongoing for nearly a decade, the ColoradoEconomic Development Commission hasnow approved up to $2.5 million inadditional funding from two differentsources.ADDITIONAL STATEFUNDING EXPECTED TOFINALIZE PURCHASE OFCOLORADO’S HISTORICSTANLEY HOTELBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter02/14/2025FEATURED COMMERCIAL PROPERTY BUILTENVIRONMENT82Besides outright owning the hotel, the newfinancing is being seen as the final elementneeded to build the 60,000-square-foot filmcenter that will also include anamphitheater and horror museum.It is also thought that the new funding willhelp pay for the building of more hotelrooms at the Stanley and an upgrading ofthe establishment’s ornate main guestlobby.Designed in the Georgian Colonial Revivalstyle, the Stanley Hotel was built by FreelanStanley, the owner of the Stanley MotorCarriage Company, who was suffering fromtuberculosis and regarded extended stays inthe Rocky Mountains property as crucial tohis recovery.Copyright: Google Maps
BUILTENVIRONMENTPROPERTY FOR SALENEW MEXICOUnless otherwise stated, all images on this page are copyrighted to Google Inc.9817 ACOMA RD SE | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $935,000 BUILDING SIZE: 7,500 SFInvestment Property For Sale Near Central and Interstate I-40. Contact broker for details.VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE9737 4TH ST NW | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $1,055,000 BUILDING SIZE: 5,852 SF This one-of-a-kind property was a former swim school with an on-site residence. Ideal uses include swim school,water therapy center, or residence with country style charm including a pool, office and creative adaptableopen space. This property promises functionality in a great North Valley location! VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE834401 E LOHMAN AVE | LAS CRUCESOFFERED PRICE: $8,500,000 BUILDING SIZE: 25,582 SFInstitutional Property Advisors is pleased to present the MountainView Children’s Center, a 25,582-square-foot medical office building located at 4401 East Lohman Avenue, Las Cruces, New Mexico. The property isstrategically located with convenient access to Interstates 10 and 25, linking Albuquerque, San Diego, andDallas...VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE5210 W DUNNAM ST | HOBBSOFFERED PRICE: $800,000 BUILDING SIZE: 6,300 SFThis spacious ±5,500 sq ft shop, situated on ±2 acres just north of Carlsbad Highway (62/180), offers anexcellent opportunity for industrial, manufacturing, or commercial use.? The property is fully fenced, featuring acaliche yard, providing ample space for equipment, storage, and operations.?...VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE
BUILTENVIRONMENTBLUEWATER ROAD NW | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $1,420,000 TOTAL LOT SIZE: 7.25 ACRES98th & I-40 land available for sale. Contact broker for details.VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE11412 LINN AVE NE | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $103,500 TOTAL LOT SIZE: 0.17 ACRESThis yard is enclosed by sturdy fencing, providing a secure environment for any expanding business needingyard space. The yard has gated access for secure storage of trucks...VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE10300 4TH ST NW | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $4,543,000 TOTAL LOT SIZE: 16.69 ACRESLast remaining large tract in area available for sale. Contact broker for details.VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE4055 W PICACHO AVE | LAS CRUCESOFFERED PRICE: $1,568,000 TOTAL LOT SIZE: 6 ACRESHigh traffic corner lot available for sale. Contact broker for details.VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERELAND FOR SALENEW MEXICOUnless otherwise stated, all images on this page are copyrighted to Google Inc.84
WASHINGTON — Although most details ofthe newest mission under the Space Force’sTactically Responsive Space (TacRS)program remain shrouded in secrecy, theservice has announced a $21.81 millionaward to Firefly Aerospace to launch theeffort, dubbed Victus Sol.Continue reading >SPACE FORCE TAPSFIREFLY TO LAUNCHMYSTERIOUS VICTUSSOL ‘RESPONSIVESPACE’ MISSIONBy Theresa Hitchens, Breaking Defense02/18/2025SPACE NEWSBUILTENVIRONMENT88The Milky Way’s central black hole,Sagittarius A*, is an unstoppable cosmicfirework show, flaring with wild bursts ofenergy that seem to have no pattern.Continue reading >NASA’S WEBBCAPTURED SOMETHINGSTRANGE HAPPENINGAT THE HEART OF OURGALAXYBy Northwestern University, SciTechDaily02/18/2025Copyright: Canva proSpaceX will break new ground during alaunch of its Starlink internet satellitestoday (Feb. 18).A Falcon 9 rocket is set to send 23 Starlinkcraft to low Earth orbit today from...Continue reading >SPACEX TO LANDROCKET OFF COAST OFTHE BAHAMAS FOR 1STTIME DURING STARLINKLAUNCH TODAYBy Mike Wall, Space.com02/18/2025
The Air Force will send an inspection teamto Space Development Agency facilities tocomb through records and interviewemployees, according to a memo obtainedby Defense One, amid growing concernsover the future of the Pentagon’s space-acquisition “constructive disruptor.”Continue reading >UNCERTAINTY MOUNTSAT SPACEDEVELOPMENT AGENCYAS AIR FORCE IGPREPARES PROBEBy Audrey Decker, Defense One02/18/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT89Feb. 17—LOMPOC, Calif. — The Air Forcetest squadron responsible for evaluatingU.S. intercontinental ballistic missilecapability plans a test launch late Tuesdayor early Wednesday from VandenbergSpace Force Base on California's centralcoast.Continue reading >KIRTLAND COMMANDAT VANDENBERG FORICBM TEST LAUNCHBy Algernon D’Ammassa, Albuquerque Journal02/17/2025Copyright: Canva proOn Jan. 13, Ryan Dowdy was thrilled tolearn he'd won a prestigious grant from theU.S. Department of Agriculture.The USDA's Small Business InnovationResearch program appeared to be a perfectfit for Dowdy's fledgling business,ReadyBAR.A former NASA scientist who managed thefood system on the International SpaceStation from 2018 to 2021, Dowdy wantedto apply technology used in space to helppeople on Earth who work in similar high-stress environments.Continue reading >HE ONCE MADE FOODFOR ASTRONAUTS. WILLHIS NEW IDEA SURVIVETRUMP'S FUNDINGFREEZE?By Andrea Hsu, NPR02/17/2025Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENTNEWSPACEALLIANCEJoin hundreds of organizations in the national NewSpaceAlliance! Build your knowledge and strengthen yournetwork by participating in ongoing opportunities tolearn, share and engage with space professionals acrossindustry, government and academia. Free to join,NewSpace Alliance members can attend monthly techtalks, industry webinars, networking events, industryforums and our nationally-recognized State of the SpaceIndustrial Base conference. Membership is free.Continue reading >NEWSPACEIGNITORGROW FASTER FROM CONCEPT TO PRODUCT TOSALESContinue reading >CO-INNOVATIONWORKSPACESENewSpace Co-Innovation, or collaborative innovation, iswhen newspace stakeholders work together to discovernew partnerships, explore new approaches, solveproblems, and accelerate growth.Continue reading >PATHWAYS TOTHE STARSACCESS TO WORKFORCE WILL BECOMEEASIER WITH A LARGER, MORE DIVERSESPACE-READY TALENT POOL.Coming next year!Pathways to the Stars will grow the spaceindustry talent pipeline with programming,mentoring, experiential learning and careerconnection services spanning K-12 to earlycareer, with industry involvement and specialattention given to reaching minority populations.Multiple educational partners will providelearning and curriculum, and connection serviceswill connect students to jobs and careers. Weinvite you to participate and inspire students tobecome part of the space workforce of thefuture!Continue reading >ABOUT USWHO WE ARE & WHATWE DOFounded October 2019, NewSpace Nexus is a501(c)(3) non-profit accelerating the pace ofspace innovation by uniting and igniting theindustry. Through the NewSpace Launchpad, afirst-of-its-kind co-innovation hub, stakeholdersgain access to workspaces, equipment,programming, rapid prototyping anddemonstration, and resources needed forinnovation and rapid progress. Services includeaccess to space ecosystem knowledge, publicevents, and networking; navigation services thatprovide tailored guidance and direct assistanceto fast-track business growth; and collaborativeinnovation services...Continue reading >91
QUICK NEWS LINKSCONSTRUCTION26House passes bill requiring prevailingwages on projects that receive IRBs >NEW MEXICOLos Lunas Village Council approves housingplat, special use for medical development >International District affordable cottageproject eyes $1.5M in state funding >Cañada Rincon Trail opening is part of'bigger vision' for Santa Fe trail connectivity >NMDOT seeks public comment on projects >Los Alamos Public Library Seeks Public’sInput For Design And Cost Estimates PhaseOf Outdoor Classroom Project >Restaurant, more greenery coming toSanta Clara soon >A Downtown Den for the Lobo Pack >Copper thief sought by Eddy County Sheriff >Ground-breaking ceremony marks thestart of a brand new Dennis ChavezElementary >Energy Department Extends Public CommentPeriod On Controversial Electric TransmissionCorridor Initiative >SOUTHWESTMove To Replace Downtown Phoenix ParkingGarage With New Hotel Set To Go To CityCouncil >City of El Paso Expected to Soon Mount Effort toRedevelop Section of Historic DowntownNeighborhood >Phoenix to See Demolition of Old Police Station,Building of New Mixed-Use Project >Pueblo, Colorado May See First-Ever AmericanLeonardo da Vinci Museum >CDOT Updates Eisenhower Tunnel LeaksInvestigation >WORKAC references the high desert landscapeof Boulder, Colorado, for a new branch library >AeroVironment Plans Salt Lake City, Utah,Manufacturing Operations >BUILTENVIRONMENT9228Defense technology is introduced toconstruction materials >NATIONALDefense Department Pulls Project LaborAgreements Out of Contracts >Hurricane-Damaged I-40 Through N.C.'sMountains to Be Reopened to Traffic March 1 >EV Battery Component Maker Cancels $325MGeorgia Plant >Cemen Tech Partners With McCoy Construction& Forestry >Rebuilding in the Aftermath of L.A.’sUnprecedented Urban Fires, Amid an AlreadyPressing Housing Crisis >Eaton Plans Jonesville, South Carolina,Transformer Operations >
BUILTENVIRONMENT93CONSTRUCTION42Chevron Move to Supply ArtificialIntelligence Data Centers Beginning of NewEra >TRENDSStreamlining Construction Procurement:Benefits of Job Order Contracting >Creative Solutions for the “ForgottenMiddle” in Senior Housing >MCA reports key achievements boostingmetal construction growth >Construction adds 4,000 jobs,nonresidential leads growth >Construction backlog posts gains to kick offthe year >Tariff fears tied to biggest constructioncost jump in 2 years >Autonomy and Cybersecurity on theJobsite >REAL ESTATE75APIC Solutions secures 47,500 sq. ft.industrial space in Albuquerque's Midtown >NEW MEXICOCannon appeals NMED fine over PFAS spill >Los Lunas to request property transfer forfuture economic development >Denver Announces Outreach EffortDesigned To Spur Downtown DevelopmentProjects >SOUTHWESTSouthwest Arizona Ranch Land, Home toThousands of Petroglyphs, Now on theMarket >Las Vegas Home Sales Rise 6.7 PercentAnnually in January, Condo Sales Dip >77Fed Chairman Sees Steady Path for InterestRates in Months Ahead >NATIONALThis lesser-known tax strategy could help toreduce capital gains on your home sale >U.S. homebuilders raise alarm over tariffs assentiment falls to 5-month low >Trump orders GSA to sell properties—Mies vander Rohe, Victor Lundy, and Walter Gropiusbuildings could be impacted >This ‘RHONY’ alum — now a real estate broker —asks $25K per month for her downtown NYChome >Real estate agent commissions have shiftedsince NAR settlement >Craft supplier Joann to close 60% of its storesacross U.S. as it looks for a buyer >What Three Indicators Say About Where the U.S.Commercial Real Estate Market Ended 2024 >Additional State Funding Expected to FinalizePurchase of Colorado’s Historic Stanley Hotel >FEATURED COMMERCIAL PROPERTY SPACE88Space Force taps Firefly to launch mysteriousVictus Sol ‘responsive space’ mission >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALSpaceX to land rocket off coast of TheBahamas for 1st time during Starlink launchtoday >NASA’s Webb Captured Something StrangeHappening at the Heart of Our Galaxy >Uncertainty mounts at Space DevelopmentAgency as Air Force IG prepares probe >He once made food for astronauts. Will his newidea survive Trump's funding freeze? >Kirtland command at Vandenberg for ICBM testlaunch >88
BUILTENVIRONMENT94WEEDFEED96Trump’s Pick For Top Health Lawyer ThinksMarijuana Is A ‘Dangerous’ And ‘GeneticallyEngineered Hard Drug’ >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALDoctors Ask US Appellate Court for Redo inDEA’s Selections for Cannabis ReschedulingParticipants >Judge approves temporary pause oncannabis testing lab's license >Medical Psilocybin bill shown unanimoussupport >Cannabis testing bill moves forward >LEGISLATION98New Mexico Supreme Court renewscommitment to diversity, equity andinclusion in the justice system >NEW MEXICOU.S. Attorney for New Mexico resigns atTrump's request >House bill aims to close loophole for ICEand private detention centers >Omnibus crime package advances out ofthe House >Veteran tax bills head to state Senate >Lawmakers consider a fee on oil, gaswastewater to pay for cleaning upabandoned well sites >Major tax breaks for low-income families inNew Mexico could be coming soon >A bill requiring hospitals to list procedurepricing on websites passes unanimously >KEEPING NEW MEXICO COMPETITIVE:Chamber asks Bernalillo County to rejectIRB wage bill; Commission supports it 3-1 >100Social Security chief steps down over DOGEaccess to recipient data: Reports >NATIONALDemocratic lawmakers question DOGE accessto IRS and tax return information >Postmaster general to step down, asks forreplacement >Heinrich Delivers Floor Speech OpposingNomination Of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. For HealthSecretary >ARCHITECTS / ENGINEERS / DESIGN103Simone Swan, legendary adobe advocate andarchitectural patron, dies at 96 >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALEngineers Week Features Community LectureOn AI And Engineering By Pramod KhargonekarFeb. 19 >Main Library Marks 50 Years of BuildingKnowledge with Community Event >Reenergizing the urban core with catalystplacemaking strategies >Achieving 'eudaimonia' in the office: Designingspaces for flourishing >Birdair Elevates Brooklyn’s Domino Square Parkwith Innovative Cable-Net Shade Structure >103101
BUILTENVIRONMENT95VENDORS / SUPPLIERS105Trump Unveils Reciprocal Tariff Plan,Reshaping Global Trade Policy >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALMetal roofing and siding trends to look for in2025 >Contractors brace for steel, aluminum tariffimpacts >Cemen Tech Partners With McCoyConstruction, Forestry to Expand ConcreteSolutions >Right on track: Researchers use new techto improve railroad safety >New Mexico exports surge to $12 billion,shattering records across multiplecategories >Massive Asphalt And Concrete EquipmentAuction By Maynards >Steel and aluminum tariffs to hit Borderplexmanufacturers, threatening regionaleconomy >Indoor and outdoor products primarilycomprised of recycled materials >Trump says auto tariffs are coming April 2 >ENERGY INDUSTRY111KCEC: Feds will 'honor' green energycontracts >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALPNM urges customers near high fire-riskareas to prepare for potential powershutoffs >Proposed tax credit would help ruralresidents buy backup power generators >NATIONAL STATISTICS112Inflation Heats Up in January, WreckingHopes for Fed Rate Cuts >NATIONAL105111112
TRUMP’S PICK FOR TOPHEALTH LAWYER THINKSMARIJUANA IS A‘DANGEROUS’ AND‘GENETICALLYENGINEERED HARDDRUG’By Kyle Jaeger, Marijuana Moment02/18/2025President Donald Trump has nominated avociferously anti-marijuana official to serveas the lead attorney at the U.S. Departmentof Health and Human Services (HHS),drawing praise from cannabisprohibitionists.Continue reading >NEW MEXICO WEEDFEEDBUILTENVIRONMENT96Copyright: Canva proA nonprofit organization of medicalprofessions in support of evidence-basedcannabis regulation filed a brief on Feb. 17in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C.Circuit related to its exclusion from therescheduling hearing process.Continue reading >DOCTORS ASK USAPPELLATE COURT FORREDO IN DEA’SSELECTIONS FORCANNABISRESCHEDULINGPARTICIPANTSBy Tony Lange, Cannabis Business Times02/18/2025Feb. 14—A licensed cannabis testinglaboratory accused of transportingmarijuana across state lines and falsifyingdata has been ordered to cease operations— at least temporarily.A state district judge this month approved apreliminary injunction against BluebonnetLabs, meaning the business can no longer...Continue reading >JUDGE APPROVESTEMPORARY PAUSE ONCANNABIS TESTINGLAB'S LICENSEBy Matthew Narvaiz, Albuquerque Journal02/14/2025
A bill seeking to remove cannabis from thelist of substances employers test for duringemployment drug screenings in most casesis being discussed in the Roundhouse. UnderHB 230 employees would also not beconsidered “impaired” if cannabismetabolites show up in a test sample.“The purpose of this bill is really to protectemployees from being adversely impactedby inadequate cannabis impairment testingand to create guidelines to better measurecannabis impairment,” House Majority FloorLeader Reena Szczepanski, D- Santa Fe, saidat the House Health and Human ServicesCommittee Wednesday.Continue reading >CANNABIS TESTING BILLMOVES FORWARDBy Nicole Maxwell, New Mexico Political Report02/14/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT97New Mexico could become only the thirdstate to fully legalize supervised medicalpsilocybin, the main psychoactivecomponent of magic mushrooms, to treat avariety of medical conditions.Senate Bill 219, aiming to do just that,passed through a Senate committeeTuesday.It would establish a medical psilocybinprogram initially aimed at treatingdepression, anxiety, substance usedisorders and end-of-life anxiety, and it setsup a $4 million annual allotment to pay forthe program.Continue reading >MEDICAL PSILOCYBINBILL SHOWNUNANIMOUS SUPPORTBy KUNM, City Desk ABQ02/13/2025Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT98SANTA FE – The state Supreme Court todayreaffirmed its commitment to a diverse,inclusive and equitable justice system inNew Mexico.Continue reading >NEW MEXICO SUPREMECOURT RENEWSCOMMITMENT TODIVERSITY, EQUITY ANDINCLUSION IN THEJUSTICE SYSTEMBy New Mexico Supreme Court02/18/2025Copyright: Boston Public Library, Wikimedia CommonsFeb. 17—The top federal prosecutor leadingthe ongoing investigation into a sprawlingpublic corruption scheme involving thedismissal of hundreds of DWI cases in NewMexico has been terminated.Continue reading >U.S. ATTORNEY FORNEW MEXICO RESIGNSAT TRUMP'S REQUESTBy Colleen Heild, Albuquerque Journal02/17/2025Copyright: U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of New Mexico, Wikimedia CommonsNEW MEXICOLEGISLATION
SANTA FE, N.M. —The Trump administration is continuing itssweeping crackdown on illegal immigration,with border czar Tom Homan stating thatImmigration and Customs Enforcement isarresting more than twice as many peopleper day as the Biden administration did thistime last year... Continue reading >HOUSE BILL AIMS TOCLOSE LOOPHOLE FORICE AND PRIVATEDETENTION CENTERSBy Peyton Spellacy, KOAT 702/18/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT99SANTA FE – Gov. Michelle Lujan Grishamissued a statement following House Bill 8, apublic safety omnibus package, successfullypassing the House floor in a 48-20 vote:Continue reading >OMNIBUS CRIMEPACKAGE ADVANCESOUT OF THE HOUSE By Office of the Governor Michelle Lujan Grishman02/17/2025Copyright: Canva pro Copyright: Canva pro
Two House bills passed by the New MexicoState House would give greater tax relief toveterans if passed into law.Continue reading >VETERAN TAX BILLSHEAD TO STATE SENATEBy Aliyah Chavez, KOAT 702/17/2025BUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO (KRQE) – Low-incomefamilies in the state could see a huge taxbreak next year. New Mexico legislators areconsidering a bill that would eliminate thestate income tax for those making less than$55,000 a year. The bill is part of an effort tosupport New Mexicans while the cost ofliving rises.”There’ll be now about a littleover 300,000 workers in New Mexico thatwill have their state personal income taxliability completely extinguished,” said Rep.Derrick Lente (D-Sandia Pueblo).Continue reading >MAJOR TAX BREAKSFOR LOW-INCOMEFAMILIES IN NEWMEXICO COULD BECOMING SOONBy Bela Olague, KRQE News02/17/2025Copyright: Canva proState lawmakers are considering legislationthat would create a way to fund cleanup...Continue reading >LAWMAKERS CONSIDERA FEE ON OIL, GASWASTEWATER TO PAYFOR CLEANING UPABANDONED WELLSITESBy Hannah Grover, New Mexico Political Report02/17/2025A bill that would mandate hospital pricingtransparency unanimously cleared its...Continue reading >A BILL REQUIRINGHOSPITALS TO LISTPROCEDURE PRICINGON WEBSITES PASSESUNANIMOUSLYBy Susan Moree, New Mexico Political Report02/17/2025On Tuesday, the Bernalillo CountyCommission considered a resolution... Continue reading >KEEPING NEW MEXICOCOMPETITIVE:CHAMBER ASKSBERNALILLO COUNTY TOREJECT IRB WAGE BILL;COMMISSIONSUPPORTS IT 3-1By Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce02/13/2025100
BUILTENVIRONMENT101WASHINGTON — Two Democraticsenators are demanding the InternalRevenue Service answer questions onwhether, and to what extent, billionaire ElonMusk’s personnel can access taxinformation, particularly during filingseason.Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusettsand Ron Wyden of Oregon wrote a letter...Continue reading >DEMOCRATICLAWMAKERS QUESTIONDOGE ACCESS TO IRSAND TAX RETURNINFORMATIONBy Ashley Murray, Source NM02/18/2025Copyright: Canva pro(The Hill) — The Social SecurityAdministration’s acting leader steppeddown from her role over requests from theDepartment of Government Efficiency(DOGE) to access recipient data, accordingto several reports.Continue reading >SOCIAL SECURITY CHIEFSTEPS DOWN OVERDOGE ACCESS TORECIPIENT DATA:REPORTSBy Lauren Irwin, The Hill, KRQE News02/18/2025Copyright: Canva proNATIONALLEGISLATION
(The Hill) — Postmaster General LouisDeJoy, a former prominent Trumpfundraiser who was appointed during thepresident’s first term, announced Tuesdayhe would be stepping down.In a release, the U.S. Postal Service saidDeJoy had notified its Board of Directorsthat it was “time for them to begin theprocess of identifying his successor.”Continue reading >POSTMASTER GENERALTO STEP DOWN, ASKSFOR REPLACEMENTBy Lauren Irwin, The Hill, KRQE News02/18/2025Copyright: United States Postal Service (USPS), Wikimedia CommonsBUILTENVIRONMENT102WASHINGTON, D.C. — This afternoon, U.S.Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) deliveredremarks on the Senate floor amplifying thevoices of New Mexicans opposing thenomination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to bethe U.S. Secretary for Health and HumanServices.Continue reading >HEINRICH DELIVERSFLOOR SPEECHOPPOSINGNOMINATION OFROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR.FOR HEALTHSECRETARYBy Carol A. Clark, Los Alamos Daily Post02/13/2025Copyright: United States Senate, Wikimedia Commons
Simone Withers Swan, who introducedNubian vaulted adobe construction to theChihuahuan desert of Texas and Mexico atthe turn of the 21st century, died in Tucson,Arizona, on January 16, 2025. She was 96years old.Continue reading >SIMONE SWAN,LEGENDARY ADOBEADVOCATE ANDARCHITECTURALPATRON, DIES AT 96By Stephen Fox, The Architect’s Newspaper02/18/2025NEW MEXICO & NATIONALARCHITECTS / ENGINEERS / DESIGNBUILTENVIRONMENT103The public is welcome when the Mainbranch of the Public Library ofAlbuquerque/Bernalillo County marks its... Continue reading >MAIN LIBRARY MARKS50 YEARS OF BUILDINGKNOWLEDGE WITHCOMMUNITY EVENTBy City of Albuquerque02/17/2025Copyright: Canva proThe community is invited to celebrateEngineers Week with a public lecture byPramod Khargonekar of the University ofCalifornia, Irvine, on Wednesday, Feb. 19from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Fuller Lodge inLos Alamos.Khargonekar, the vice chancellor forresearch and professor of electricalengineering and computer science, willpresent “Future of Work and Workers in theAI Era.” As automation, machine learningand artificial intelligence technologies...Continue reading >ENGINEERS WEEKFEATURES COMMUNITYLECTURE ON AI ANDENGINEERING BYPRAMODKHARGONEKAR FEB. 19By Staff, Los Alamos Reporter02/17/2025Copyright: Canva pro
Recently, I attended a seminar thatilluminated the concept of the EudaimoniaMachine, a unique floor plan conceived byarchitect David Dewane and explored in CalNewport’s insightful book, Deep Work:Rules for Focused Success in a DistractedWorld.The ideas discussed resonated with me as aninterior designer, especially in the context ofour ever-evolving work environments. So,what exactly is eudaimonia, and how can weintegrate it into our office spaces?Continue reading >ACHIEVING'EUDAIMONIA' IN THEOFFICE: DESIGNINGSPACES FORFLOURISHINGBy Design Collaborative, Building Design + Construction02/17/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT104Most cities experience contractions in theirlifetimes. As economies slow and culturalunrest percolates, many choose to move outof the downtown area, draining energy fromthe street life of the city. Although thesedips in population are a natural part of acity’s evolution, vacant storefronts andempty sidewalks create a negative feedbackloop and require creative solutions to sparka return to urban life. When there is littlerecent economic investment or attractionsin an area, any new development needs tocreate its own sense of place. Eachthoughtful intervention at the scale of ablock or corner contributes to anarchipelago of vibrant zones that forms ourmental map of the city.Continue reading >REENERGIZING THEURBAN CORE WITHCATALYSTPLACEMAKINGSTRATEGIESBy Miller Hull, Building Design + Construction02/14/2025For over 68 years, Birdair, Inc. has been atthe forefront of custom tensile membranestructures, and its latest project atBrooklyn’s Domino Square Park is noexception. The world-renowned specialtycontractor has introduced a striking Continue reading >BIRDAIR ELEVATESBROOKLYN’S DOMINOSQUARE PARK WITHINNOVATIVE CABLE-NET SHADE STRUCTUREBy Staff, Design Cost Data
BUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO & NATIONALVENDORS / SUPPLIERS105President Donald Trump has signed anexecutive memorandum imposingreciprocal tariffs on all U.S. trading partners,aiming to match foreign tariffs on Americangoods and end decades of unfair tradepractices.TRUMP UNVEILSRECIPROCAL TARIFFPLAN, RESHAPINGGLOBAL TRADE POLICYBy Josh Cutler, The Built Enviornment02/19/2025The White House Fact Sheet highlighted theimbalance in U.S.-India motorcycle tariffs,noting that while the U.S. imposes just a2.4% tariff on Indian motorcycles, Indialevies a steep 100% tariff on American-made bikes.The order targets foreign tariffs, VATs,subsidies, and regulations that Trump sayshave long put the U.S. at a disadvantage."On trade, I have decided for purposes offairness, that I will charge a reciprocaltariff, meaning whatever countries chargethe United States of America, we willcharge them. No more, no less," Trumpdeclared during an Oval Office press event,as reported by ANI News (YouTubetimestamp 16:20). "In almost all cases,they're charging us vastly more than wecharge them, but those days are over," headded. (YouTube timestamp 16:56)A similar disparity exists in ethanol trade.Brazil places an 18% tariff on U.S. imports,whereas the U.S. only applies a 2.5% tariffon Brazil's.The Fact Sheet also emphasized Europe'sautomotive trade advantage, pointing outthat the EU tariffs American cars at 10%,while the U.S. tariff stands at just 2.5%.Continues >President Donald Trump, with Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick, EPA Administrator LeeZeldin, Energy Secretary Chris Wright, Interior Secretary Doug Burgum, and TransportationSecretary Sean Duffy. Copyright: White House Office, Wikimedia CommonsCopyright: Canva proCopyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT106Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick willoversee the tariff review, with theadministration's country-by-countryassessments expected to be completed byApril 1. "Our studies should be all completeby April 1st, so we'll hand the president theopportunity to start on April 2nd if hewants," Lutnick stated. "I think we'll beready to go on April 1st, and we'll hand it tothe president and he'll make his decisions.But remember, if they drop their tariffs,prices for Americans are coming down, ourproduction is going up, and our costs aregoing down. Remember, it's a two-waystreet—that's why it's called reciprocal."(YouTube timestamp 10:12)"While global financial markets may beinclined to take some relief from the delayin the immediate imposition of reciprocaltariffs, it is not clear to us whether thedelay necessarily reflects a lowerlikelihood that they will eventually beimposed," Barclays analysts cautioned, asreported by Reuters. Economic uncertainty looms, with expertswarning of inflation and retaliation.Brookings Institution report estimates thatTrump's tariffs could lead to 177,000 joblosses, while Ford executives cautioned thatrising tariffs would drive up car prices. "Thiswould burrow a hole in the U.S. autoindustry that we have never seen," Fordleadership warned, according to NBC News.Multiple countries have raised concernsover Trump's tariff plan, with some signalingpossible responses, as reported by CNBC,Reuters, and the Associated Press.The European Union's VAT system hascome under fire from the Trumpadministration, but the Tax Foundationargues VATs are "trade-neutral" andthat Trump is mischaracterizing them to,according to CNBC.China has already imposed new tariffson U.S. energy and agriculturalmachinery, as noted by the AssociatedPress.Trump remains firm on his stancetoward India. "We are being reciprocalwith India. Whatever India charges, wecharge them," he stated, as reported byReuters.Continues >The Dow surged 350 points after Trump'sannouncement, NBC News reported.Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick. Copyright: White House Office, Wikimedia CommonsScreenshot optained by The Built Environment Magazine. Copyright: Apple Stocks App.
BUILTENVIRONMENT107White House Trade Advisor Peter Navarro supported thepolicy, stating to Fox Business, "This was a historic day forAmerica, historic day for the international tradingenvironment." Trump's Republican allies have lined up in support, callingthe tariffs a necessary correction to decades of globalisttrade failures, with many posting their endorsements on X.House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA): "For too long,foreign countries have exploited America throughunfair trade practices. President Trump's reciprocaltariffs aim to confront these countries, protectingAmerican workers and businesses through trade that isfair again. The Trump policies are focused on levelingthe playing field and putting America FIRST."Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC): "Most countries chargeus far more in tariffs than we charge them. Those daysare over. I applaud President Trump's decision toimpose reciprocal tariffs against our trading partners.Whatever tariffs they put on American products, wewill put on their products. This will be a game changer.Simple and brilliant."Senator Rick Scott (R-FL): "President Trump's fight for alevel playing field and reciprocal treatment is commonsense. The U.S. is done treating others better thanthey're treating us. President Trump understands theart of the deal, and thanks to his strong leadership,we're getting better deals that will help our businessesand grow our economy!"Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN): "President Trump isputting American workers and farmers first. He willend unfair trade deals and prioritize goods made inAmerica! With President Trump at the negotiatingtable, we are going to get the best possible deal." Senator Jim Banks (R-IN): "The globalist approach totrade threw our workers under a bus driven by theirforeign competitors. President Trump's America Firsttrade plan corrects this injustice that our industriesand workers have faced for decades. The reciprocaltariffs announced today will bring back fairness andprosperity and stop Americans from being takenadvantage of."JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon dismissed economic concerns,stating to CNBC Squawk Box, "If it's a little inflationary butit's good for national security, so be it. I mean, get over it."White House Trade Advisor Peter Navarro. Copyright White House Wikimedia CommonsHouse Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA). Copyright: UnitedStates Congress. Wikiemida CommonsJamie Dimon at the JPMorgan Healthcare InvestmentConference. Copyright: Steve Jurvetson, WikimediaCommons. This file is licensed under the CreativeCommons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. (Image flippedto fit Jamie Dimon the page.)
With 2024 behind us, several significanttrends are set to play out in the upcomingyear. These trends build on businessfindings from the current year and what wehear from partners and customers in thisever-evolving industry.Continue reading >METAL ROOFING ANDSIDING TRENDS TO LOOKFOR IN 2025By Tim Ruger, Metal Construction News02/18/2025Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT108Tariffs on steel and aluminum could do morethan curb imports — they could put thebrakes on construction activity, too.President Donald Trump signed executiveorders on Feb. 10 implementing 25% tariffson all steel and aluminum imports into theU.S., effective March 12. The move couldhave a harmful effect on project momentum,market observers told Construction Dive.Continue reading >CONTRACTORS BRACEFOR STEEL, ALUMINUMTARIFF IMPACTSBy Serbastian Obando, ConstructionDive02/18/2025Copyright: Canva pro
Cemen Tech announced a new partnershipwith McCoy Construction & Forestry, aconstruction and forestry equipment dealer,to expand access to Cemen Tech's concreteproduction solutions across Tennessee,Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois.Continue reading >CEMEN TECH PARTNERSWITH MCCOYCONSTRUCTION,FORESTRY TO EXPANDCONCRETE SOLUTIONSBy Staff, Construction Equipment Guide02/17/2025BUILTENVIRONMENT109New Mexico's 2024 exports reached recordhighs, with notable growth to Mexico andChina, boosting its national rankings invarious categories.Continue reading >NEW MEXICO EXPORTSSURGE TO $12 BILLION,SHATTERING RECORDSACROSS MULTIPLECATEGORIESBy Leah March, Albuquerque Business First02/17/2025Copyright: Canva proRailroads may bring to mind images of theOld West and the Industrial Revolution, butresearchers at The University of NewMexico School of Engineering...Continue reading >RIGHT ON TRACK:RESEARCHERS USE NEWTECH TO IMPROVERAILROAD SAFETYBy Carly Bowling, UNM Newsroom02/14/2025One of the, if not the biggest, hurdles tostarting an asphalt pavement business...Continue reading >MASSIVE ASPHALT ANDCONCRETE EQUIPMENTAUCTION BYMAYNARDSBy Brandon Noel, For Construction Pros02/13/2025Copyright: Canva pro
From flooring to furniture, this roundupprioritizes recycled materials, circulardesign, and sustainability at-scale.Continue reading >INDOOR AND OUTDOORPRODUCTS PRIMARILYCOMPRISED OFRECYCLED MATERIALSBy Kelly Pau, The Architect’s Newspaper02/18/20205Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENT110New tariffs on steel and aluminum importsthreaten Borderplex manufacturing, riskingjob losses and economic disruption in theU.S.-Mexico border area.Continue reading >STEEL AND ALUMINUMTARIFFS TO HITBORDERPLEXMANUFACTURERS,THREATENINGREGIONAL ECONOMYBy Leah March, Albuquerque Business First02/14/2025President Donald Trump said he is planningto enact automotive tariffs “around April 2,”in response to a reporter’s question onFriday. Trump did not expand on whichcountries would be impacted nor how muchthe tariffs would be.Continue reading >TRUMP SAYS AUTOTARIFFS ARE COMINGAPRIL 2By Kelly Stroh, Supply Chain Dive02/18/2025Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO & NATIONALENERGY INDUSTRY111NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – With springapproaching, PNM is urging customers nearhigh fire-risk areas to prepare for a potentialPublic Safety Power Shutoff. The shutoffcan leave customers without power until itcan be safely restored.Continue reading >PNM URGESCUSTOMERS NEAR HIGHFIRE-RISK AREAS TOPREPARE FORPOTENTIAL POWERSHUTOFFSBy Jordan Honeycutt, KRQE02/17/2025Copyright: Canva proOfficials are confident, despite federalheadwinds facing green energy projects, theQuesta green hydrogen hub is still on track.Continue reading >KCEC: FEDS WILL'HONOR' GREEN ENERGYCONTRACTSBy Geoffrey Plant, Taos News02/12/2025New Mexico lawmakers are considering abill that would create a tax credit for thosewho purchase backup power generators. Continue reading >PROPOSED TAX CREDITWOULD HELP RURALRESIDENTS BUYBACKUP POWERGENERATORSBy Hannah Grover, New Mexico Political Report02/14/2025Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT112NATIONAL STATISTICSInflation surged in January. The ConsumerPrice Index spiked 0.5%, driving the annualrate to 3%. Core inflation—excluding foodand energy—climbed 0.4% for the month,hitting 3.3% over the past year.The numbers came in hotter than expected.Markets reacted badly. Hopes for a FederalReserve rate cut? Fading fast."This is not a good number," said BrianCoulton, chief economist at Fitch Ratings, inCBS News. "This is almost starting to looklike a re-run of the first half of 2024, wheninflation surprised everyone (including theFed) on the upside."INFLATION HEATS UP INJANUARY, WRECKINGHOPES FOR FED RATECUTSBy Josh Cutler, The Built Environment02/19/2025Copyright: Canva proShelter costs, the biggest driver of inflation,rose 0.4%, making up nearly 30% of the totalCPI increase, according to the Bureau ofLabor Statistics. Gasoline jumped 1.8%.Food prices climbed 0.4%, with egg pricesskyrocketing 15.2%—the largest increasesince June 2015.Over the past year, prices have surged 53%,driven by an ongoing avian flu outbreak thathas devastated poultry supplies, CNBCreported.It's not just food. Prescription medicationcosts surged 2.5%. Auto insurance? Up 2%.Used cars and trucks? Up 2.2%. "The latestinflation report is sobering," said AustanGoolsbee, president of the Federal ReserveBank of Chicago, in The New York Times."There's no question, if we got multiplemonths like this, then the job is clearly notdone."Continues >Copyright: Canva pro
BUILTENVIRONMENT113Inflation may be lower than its peak, but it'sstill too high for the Fed to confidently startcutting rates. "Inflation has moved muchcloser to our 2% longer-run goal, though itremains somewhat elevated," said FedChair Jerome Powell back in January duringa FOMC Press Conference. (YouTubetimestamp 59:12)Powell made it clear that the Fed does "notneed to be in a hurry to adjust our policy."Any premature move could backfire. "Weknow that reducing policy restraint too fastor too much could hinder progress oninflation," he warned to the U.S. SenateBanking Committee on February 11.(YouTube timestamp 31:44)Chair of the Federal Reserve of the United States Jerome Powell at the Banking Committee Hearing on the Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to Congress. Copyright: Screenshot from theU.S. Senate Banking Committee GOP YouTube Channel.
Albuquerque, NMPROFITABLE FITNESS FRANCHISEASKING PRICE: $200,000CASH FLOW: $38,000EBITDA: NOT DISCLOSEDGROSS REVENUE: $463,000INVENTORY: $8,000FF&E: $46,000Business DescriptionLess Than Cost To Build Out.This business is a boutique fitness facility that is focused on women and men of all fitness levels.The unique part of the business is the closeness and community of their client base whichcontinues to grow. The current owner/operator believes that anyone that enters this businesscertainly has to have an interest in fitness but that their main passion should be to help othersgrow, develop, and overcome obstacles in their life. The business offers 45-minute group fitnessclasses with certified personal trainers. The trainers additionally provide goal setting and nutritionguidance meetings. They also have a child watch program for the duration of their class times.Additionally, the company sells both nutrition products and retail as well.This popular fitness franchise transforms lives and communities through challenging 45-minutecardio and strength workouts that will leave their customers feeling stronger and more confidentin all aspects of their lives. For all ages seeking empowerment, efficiency, and inspiration in theirdaily lives, this franchise offers unlimited 45-minutes camps, complimentary child watch, one-on-one focus meetings, and personalized nutrition guidance within a supportive community. Themission is to ignite a global health transformation by empowering people to maximize the qualityof their lives. The business employees seek to build confidence, happiness and disciplines thattranscend fitness into a community that is mentally, emotionally, and physically strong. The goal isto educate, influence, and inspire every life that gets touched with the knowledge, love, strengthand passion the business as to offer.BUSINESS FOR SALEVIEW BUSINESS LISTING >BUILTENVIRONMENT115
LAS CRUCES COMMERCIAL PERMITSElectricalPlumbingAlterationMechanicalRe-roofCommercial NewAdditionsPERMIT NUMBER(CLICK TO VIEW)PERMIT LOCATIONISSUE DATEPERMIT OWNERBUILDINGCONTRACTOR25OC5500907125 IDAHO AveFebruary 13th, 2025SALAZAR ORLANDOAFFORDABLE PLUMBING COPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Gas Pressure Test25OC65009294400 LOHMAN AveFebruary 13th, 2025JPP INVESTMENTS LLCTRIPLE J EXCAVATION, INCPROJECT DESCRIPTION:high voltage Commerical rough inBUILTENVIRONMENT11625OC65009512702 ELKS DrFebruary 14th, 2025RT ELECTRIC, INC.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:New street lighting service25CB15009531005 EL PASEO RdFebruary 11th, 2025ALLEN THEATRESPROPERTIES LLCDesert Peak ArchitectsPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Boys and Girls Club. Renovation and Addition to existing building.