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Volume 5 Issue 4

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04Steve AdamsJoshua CutlerManaging EditorDane VaughnMEET OUR TEAMWhat’s our favorite book?Sarah Motsingersarahm@constructionreporter.comOwner & Managing Partnersteve@constructionreporter.comsteve@thebuiltenvironment.comOwner & Managing Partnerjcutler@constructionreporter.comjcutler@thebuiltenvironment.comCarrie Bagleycarrie@constructionreporter.comReporterRebecca Taylorrebecca@constructionreporter.comReporterShannon Ryanshannon@constructionreporter.comReporterdvaughn@constructionreporter.comdvaughn@thebuiltenvironment.comCommunications Director &General ManagementGarry BoulardBIO: Garry Boulard is a reporterand author whose work hasappeared in the New York Times,Los Angeles Times, ChristianScience Monitor, Chicago Tribuneand Times-Picayune, among otherpublications. Continue reading >Writer4901 Mcleod NE, STE 200A, Albuquerque, NM 243-9793news@thebuiltenvironment.comBUILTENVIRONMENT

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LOS LUNAS SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBER MONICAOTERO RESIGNSFELINA MARTINEZ, VALENCIA COUNTY NEWS BULLETINLOS LUNAS — Los Lunas Schools Board of Education member Monica Otero,representing District 2, submitted her resignation effective immediately from the boardon Friday, July 26.LLS BOE President Michelle Osowski announced Otero’s decision in a press release onFriday, Aug. 2.“My new home address is not in the district in which I was serving and therefore I will nolonger be able to serve,” Otero wrote in a statement sent to all BOE members. “I am soproud to have served this district, the wonderful staff and especially the students... Continue reading > 05INDUSTRY BRIEFINGBUILTENVIRONMENTAMERICA’S SAFEST COMPANIES 2024: D.C. TAYLOR CO.DAVE BLANCHARD, EHS TODAYD. C. Taylor Co.Industrial RoofingCedar Rapids, IA180 employees | 4 sites | 2 EHSprofessionals Employees of industrial roofingcompany D. C. Taylor Co. have aneasy way to remember what theyshould be focusing on every day: It’san acronym created from thecompany’s... Continue reading >Copyright: Canva proSEC GENERAL MANAGER STEPS DOWNSTAFF, EL DEFENSOR CHIEFTAINA week after Socorro Electric Co-operative announced it planned to file a claimpursuant to the New Mexico Civil Rights Act, its general manager has stepped down.Joseph Herrera announced on Monday he will be leaving the electric co-operative afterholding its prime leadership position for 13 years. The press release..Continue reading >

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06EVENTCALENDARAUGUST 2024BUILTENVIRONMENTCARNM - VIEW CALENDAR8:30 AM - 10:00 AM: CCIM NM Board Meeting - CLICK HERE RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 1:30 PM: LS Class of 2024Graduation Luncheon - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR3:00 PM: Ethics and Campaign Review Board - CLICK HERE 4:00 PM: Airport Advisory Board - CLICK HERE5:00 PM: Bicycle and Pedestrian AdvisoryCommittee - CLICK HERE 6:00 PM: Santa Fe River Commission RegularMeeting - CLICK HEREALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR8:30 AM - 10:30 AM: What's Brewing in The Q?Bike in Coffee - CLICK HERE 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: The Hispano ChamberPresents: Goodwill Industries of NM;Albuquerque Ribbon Cutting Celebration - CLICK HERE 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Holiday Preview Event - CLICK HERE CITY OF LAS CRUCES - VIEW CALENDAR3:00 PM: UTILITIES - REGULAR MEETING - CLICK HERETHURSDAY AUGUST 8THGREATER LAS CRUCES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE- VIEW CALENDAR7:30 AM - 9:00 AM: 2024 Eggs &Conversations - CLICK HERE RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR8:00 AM - 2:00 PM: 2024 GOLF Rio RanchoOpen - CLICK HERE NEW MEXICO REGULATION & LICENSINGDEPARTMENT - VIEW CALENDAR9:00 AM - 5:00 PM: New Mexico Real EstateAppraiser Board - CLICK HEREFRIDAY AUGUST 9THCREW NETWORK - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Chapter to Chapter Chat- for chapters with 160+ members - CLICK HERE RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR5:00 PM - 6:30 PM: Business After Hours - RioRancho Observer - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR5:30 PM: Historic Districts Review Board - CLICK HERE CARNM - VIEW CALENDAR8:00 AM - 12:00 PM: NAR CODE OF ETHICS &ENFORCEMENT- VIRTUAL - CLICK HERETUESDAY AUGUST 13TH

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07BUILTENVIRONMENTRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: Women in LeadershipLuncheon - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR8:30 AM - 10:30 AM: Buenos Dias Breakfast - CLICK HERE1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Ambassador ProgramMonthly Meeting - CLICK HEREWEDNESDAY AUGUST 14THRIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Ambassadors Lunchmeeting - CLICK HERE SANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR4:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Feria Southside - SouthsideFair - CLICK HERE 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM: Ribbon Cutting - PatinaGallery - 25 Year Anniversary Celebration - CLICK HERE CITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR2:00 PM: Audit Committee Quarterly Meeting - CLICK HERE 5:30 PM: Santa Fe River Commission - Tour ofTwo Mile Pond - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR12:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Holiday Sneak Peek - CLICK HERE 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM: Frauds and Scams - CLICK HERE 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM: Health & Wellness ProgramMonthly Meeting - CLICK HERETHURSDAY AUGUST 15THALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Membership Orientation - CLICK HEREFRIDAY AUGUST 16THALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR8:30 AM - 2:30 PM: SW Golf Classic - CLICK HEREMONDAY AUGUST 19THCITY OF SANTA FE - VIEW CALENDAR3:00 PM: Human Services Committee - CLICK HERE 5:00 PM: Veterans Advisory Board - CLICK HERE5:30 PM: Early Neighborhood Notification - CLICK HERE ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR6:00 PM - 7:00 PM: La Hermandad IndustryProgram Monthly Meeting - CLICK HERETUESDAY AUGUST 20THCARNM - VIEW CALENDAR8:30 AM - 9:00 AM: LIN MARKETING MEETING - CLICK HERE CREW NEW MEXICO - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 1:15 PM: Blazing Trails: OvercomingImposter Syndrome - CLICK HERE RIO RANCHO REGIONAL CHAMBER - VIEW CALENDAR11:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Nonprofit Alliance Meeting- CLICK HERE SANTA FE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - VIEW CALENDAR8:30 AM - 9:30 AM: A Path To Success -Chamber Orientation - CLICK HEREWEDNESDAY AUGUST 21ST

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08BUILTENVIRONMENTBERNAILLO COUNTYAUGUST 13TH3:00 PM: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSZONING MEETING - CLICK HERE 5:00 PM: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSADMINISTRATIVE MEETING - CLICK HERE AUGUST 14TH9:00 AM: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR PUBLICHEARING - CLICK HERECIBOLA COUNTYAUGUST 22ND5:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Regular Commission Meeting - CLICK HERECOLFX COUNTYAUGUST 13TH9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Commission Meeting - CLICK HERE AUGUST 27TH9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Commission Meeting - CLICK HERECURRY COUNTYAUGUST 13TH9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: County Commission Meeting - CLICK HEREDONA ANA COUNTYAUGUST 8TH9:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Planning and ZoningCommission Regular Meeting - CLICK HEREEDDY COUNTYAUGUST 15TH2:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Lodger's Tax Meeting - CLICK HERE AUGUST 20TH8:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Board of CountyCommissioners Meeting - CLICK HEREGRANT COUNTYAUGUST 8TH9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Regular Commission Meeting - CLICK HEREAUGUST 20TH9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Work Session - CLICK HEREHARDING COUNTYAUGUST 8TH8:30 AM: Harding County Board of CountyCommission Meeting - CLICK HERELEA COUNTYAUGUST 22ND9:00 AM - 11:30 AM: Lea County Board of CountyCommissioners Regular Meeting - CLICK HERELOS ALAMOS COUNTYAUGUST 8TH5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Park and Recreation Board - CLICK HERE AUGUST 15TH5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Environmental SustainabilityBoard - CLICK HERE

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13BUILTENVIRONMENTASA NEW MEXICOANNUAL SPONSORSRED LEVEL Albuquerque Pipe & Pump Supply Co. American Fire Protection Group, Inc.American National Insulation & Sealants Construction Reporter/ The Built Environment Crane Service, Inc. Enterprise Builders Corporation Equipment Share Fairway, Inc.Ideal Plumbing & Heating, LLC National Roofing Company, Inc. Prime Electric, Inc. United RentalsWestern Partitions, Inc. Wagner Equipment, Co.Western States Fire Protection Yearout Mechanical, Inc.WHITE LEVELBELFOR Property Restoration Bradbury Stamm ConstructionDekker Perich Sabatini Jack’s Mechanical Solutions, Inc.Jaynes Structures Menicucci Insurance Agency, LLCRay’s Flooring Specialists REDW Advisors & CPAs BLUE LEVELBohannan Huston, Inc. G & H Construction Company, Inc.JTC, Inc. Klinger Constructors, LLCRisk Strategies– Burke Insurance Group The Specialists Electrical ContractorStudio Southwest Architects4Rivers Equipment2024 Annual Golf Tournament Title SponsorHUB InternationalThank you for your continued support!DOWNLOAD THE ASA NMNEWSLETTERVIEW THE ASA NMMEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY 2023-2024 >SAVE THE DATE: 2024ASANM EVENTSAugust 8, 2024 Luncheon Presentation– GCPanel DiscussionAugust 28, 2024 Beer & Business Cards HappyHourSeptember 12, 2024 Luncheon Presentation–HR Legal Discussion, Employment & Paid SickLeaveOctober 4, 2024 Annual Golf TournamentOctober 23, 2024 Beer & Business CardsHappy HourNovember 7, 2024 NM Construction SafetyCoalition MeetingNovember 14, 2024 Luncheon Presentation–Insurance Panel DiscussionNovember 20, 2024 Beer & Business CardsHappy HourCopyright: Canva pro

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14BUILTENVIRONMENTAGC NEW MEXICOEVENT CALENDARAGC CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MODELAGC has partnered with a leading regional economist, BrianLewandowski of the University of Colorado Boulder, to create AGC'sConstruction Impact Model. The model is a tool that can be used bymembers, chapters, policy makers and researchers to understand theeconomic impact of infrastructure investment by state.VIEW VOLUME 2 ISSUE 41 TO LEARN MORE >TWO-DAYMENTAL HEALTHSUMMIT & EXPOWORKFORCERETENTION ANDRECRUITMENTTwo-Day Summit & Expo Workforce Retention and RecruitmentDAY 1 - September 9thMental Health/Suicide Prevention SummitThe Mental Health/Suicide Prevention Summit willtake place on Monday, September 9th, from 8:00a.m. to 12 noon. This important event will be followed by aspecial complimentary QPR (Question, Persuade,Refer) training session from 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.(Registration for this training is limited).This summit has compiled a wealth of tools andresources related to mental health, substanceabuse, and suicide prevention.The purpose of this summit is to share valuablesupport resources for all, promoting a healthierand safer work environment.CONTINUE READING >AUGUST 2024AUGUST 13TH - 15TH 9:00 AM - 1:00 PMDigital Twin Technology, A Path to AECO Excellence- CLICK HERE AUGUST 15TH 12:00 PM - 4:00 PMEvent Registration - Associated GeneralContractors of New Mexico - CLICK HEREAUGUST 23RD 7:00 AM - 2:30 PMAGC Legends Annual Golf Tournament - CLICK HERESEPTEMBER 2024SEPTEMBER 18TH 8:00 AM - 12:00 PMScaffolding Safety - CLICK HERECopyright: Canva proOCTOBER 2024OCTOBER 4TH 8:00 AM - 5:00 PMSTP Unit 1 - Leadership and Motivation - CLICK HERE

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15BUILTENVIRONMENTBILL HASSE JR. LEGACY SCHOLARSHIPAPPLICATIONAnnual Fall ScholarshipApplication Available Late Spring 2024ANY COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITYEmployees or Immediate Family Membersof an ACNM Member CompanyUNM APPLICATIONAnnual Spring ScholarshipApplication Available Mid Fall 2024SCHOOL OF ENGINEERINGCivil Engineering,Construction Engineeringor Construction ManagementNMSU APPLICATIONAnnual Fall ScholarshipApplication Available Mid-Spring 2024COLLEGE OF ENGINEERINGCivil Engineeringor Civil Engineering TechnologyCLICK HERE TO LEARN MORESCHOLARSHIPSACNM JULY 2024NEWSLETTER READ THE NEWSLETTER >A MESSAGE FROM ACNM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JIM GARCIACopyright: ACNMHey there, ACNM family! Get Ready for Our Mid-Year Conference - August 1-3, 2024! Can you believe it?Our fantastic getaway to Durango, Colorado is just around the corner! We're all set to soak up thatrefreshing mountain air and dive into an amazing lineup of events. Here's a sneak peek: Calling all golf enthusiasts: Prepare to be wowed by breathtaking views of the La Plata mountainsand the Animas River. It's going to be unforgettable!Not into golf? No worries! We've got a mouthwatering treat for you at Perbacco Cucina Italiana.Picture this: olive oil and chocolate tasting followed by a delicious lunch. Yum!

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16BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva ProCONSTRUCTIONSPENDING GAINSPROJECTED THISYEAR, EXPECTED TOSTALL IN 2025WASHINGTON – July 17, 2024 –Spendingon nonresidential buildings is projectedto increase more than 7% this year,according to The American Institute ofArchitects mid-year ConsensusConstruction Forecast. The spending willslow to only 2% in 2025 as marketchallenges continue to impact the pace ofgrowth.CONTINUE READING >AIA ALBUQUERQUEEVENT CALENDARSEPTEMBER 2024SEPTEMBER 11TH 6:30 PM - 9:00 PMA/E/C Annual Baseball Night 2024A/E/C Annual Baseball Night 2024 - CLICK HERE SEPTEMBER 19TH 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM9.19.24 New Mexico Architectural Foundation 1 HSW- CLICK HERE

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17BUILTENVIRONMENTABC NEW MEXICO EVENT CALENDARAUGUST - DECEMBER 2024WASHINGTON, Aug. 2—The constructionindustry added 25,000 jobs on net in July,according to an Associated Builders andContractors analysis of data released today bythe U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. On a year-over-year basis, industry employment hasexpanded by 239,000 jobs, an increase of3.0%. Nonresidential construction employmentincreased by 16,200 positions on net, withgrowth in all three subcategories.Nonresidential specialty trade contractorsadded the most jobs, increasing by 11,300positions. Heavy and civil engineering andnonresidential building added 2,900 and2,000 jobs, respectively.CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva ProABC: NONRESIDENTIALCONSTRUCTIONEMPLOYMENTINCREASES IN JULY, BUTRECESSION LOOMSTHURSDAY AUGUST 15TH, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM - CLICK HERESAFETY AWARDS LUNCHEONTHURSDAY SEPTEMBER 19TH, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM - CLICK HERESEPTEMBER MEMBER LUNCHEONFRIDAY OCTOBER 25TH, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM - CLICK HEREFRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6TH, 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM - CLICK HERESPORTING CLAY TOURNAMENTTHURSDAY MAY 23RD, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM - CLICK HEREABC NEW MEXICO CRAFTCOMPETITIONEXCELLENCE IN CONSTRUCTIONAWARDSTHURSDAY DECEMBER 12TH, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM - CLICK HEREANNUAL AWARDS LUNCHEONSUNDAY OCTOBER 18TH, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM - CLICK HERECHILI COOKOFF AND CAR SHOW

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18BUILTENVIRONMENTYOUR 2024 NMUCABOARD OF DIRECTORS &STAFFPRESIDENT, DALE ARMSTRONG, TLCPLUMBING & UTILITY 505 761 9696VICE-PRESIDENT, DAMON WICKETTS,4RIVERS EQUIPMENT 505 884 2900SECRETARY/TREASURER, JENICE GALLEGOS,GROUNDWATER PARTNERSPAST PRESIDENT, CLAY BLAIR, RMCI 505 345 0008TROY OTERO, GROUNDHOG CONSTRUCTIONSERVICES 505 243 2133DIRECTOR DARRIN HOWELLS, AUI INC. 505 242 4848DIRECTOR JOE MENICUCCI, DOWNEY &COMPANY 881 0300DIRECTOR REINEE PEACHER, DUCROSSCONSTRUCTION 575 636 3023DIRECTOR KELLEY FETTER, E2RC 505 867 4040 DIRECTOR JOHN THEILER, DH UNDERGROUNDTERRI BAKER, CORE AND MAIN 505 344 0223EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, JANE JERNIGAN 505 888 0752AUGUST 202414TH SAFETY “COMMITTEE15TH PLANNING COMMITTEE12TH-18TH SAFE & SOUND WEEK22ND BOARD MEETING22ND NMUCA MEMBERSHIP MEETINGSEPTEMBER 20246TH LAST DITCH OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT UPCOMING DATESNMUCANEWSLETTERAUGUST 2024Hello Members,Join us for our next membership meeting onAugust 22nd at NM811. It's our AssociateShowcase, so come visit with our Associates,have lunch, and even play golf. We have several large events before the end ofthe year which I hope you will attend andenjoy. In the meantime, we are focusing onSafety Issues and also keeping an eye onlegislation being put together for next year'ssession. Need training? We work with Safetydude LLCand Indeed Safety to fulfill your training needs. Jane Jernigan

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19BUILTENVIRONMENTWICNM NEWSLETTERJUNE 20242024 DATESHello Friends,I hope this message finds you well as we continueto make strides in our dynamic industry. It is myhonor to address you in this month’s newsletter,celebrating the invaluable contributions of womenin construction.Every day, you exemplify resilience, skill, andleadership on worksites across our beautiful state.Your dedication not only shapes our everyday lifebut also paves the way for future generations ofwomen entering this field. As we confrontchallenges and seize opportunities in construction,your expertise and innovation play a pivotal role indriving our collective success.Together, we are breaking barriers, challengingstereotypes, and creating a more inclusiveenvironment where everyone can thrive. Iencourage you to take pride in your achievementsand share your stories, ideas, and experiences withus. Your perspectives are invaluable in shaping ourongoing journey towards excellence, to enrich ourcommunity and inspire others to pursue theirpassions in construction. Let us continue to build onthis foundation we laid; towards a future wherediversity and equality are cornerstones of ourindustry.THANK YOU for your unwavering dedication,passion and determination. Your impact is felt farbeyond construction sites, shaping a brightertomorrow for us all. Here's to the rest of 2024 filled with continuedsuccess and inspiration.Stephanie L. Peña - TLC Company, Inc.WICNM President 2024 SEPTEMBER 12TH - BOWLING SOCIALNOVEMBER 23RD - WIC GALALOCKER #505 SCHOOL SUPPLYMONETARYDONATIONSSCAN QR CODEBELOW TO MAKEMONETARYDONATIONS TOLOCKER #505MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

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20BUILTENVIRONMENTCONTINUE READING >Ronda Gilliland-Lopez currently serves as thePresident of the Governing Board, whichrepresents a cross-section of highly valuableprofessional knowledge (legal, financial,strategic planning, education, and industryrelations).ACE LEADERSHIP HIGH SCHOOLMISSION OF MCA NMThe Mechanical Contractors Association of NewMexico is an industry trade associationdedicated to the advancement of membercontractors through training, advocacy, andpartnership.MISSION OF SMACNA NMAt the Sheet Metal and Air ConditioningContractors’ Association of New Mexico ourmission is to create a competitive advantage forour members through industry education, laborrelations, standards development, industryrepresentation, and business studies. The New Mexico Bid Depository System (NMBDS)strives to build partnerships through bidding. Thepurpose of the Bid Depository is to improve thebidding process by helping ensure the quality andequity of sub-bid scopes, and to provide adequatetime for review of the sub-bids by the generalcontractors so that they may more accuratelycomplete their bids.This system has been developed for the good ofthe contracting industry and the public as a whole.It is not a law - it is purely voluntary. Please feelfree to call this office for any additionalinformation - 505-341-9033NEW MEXICOBID DEPOSITORYCopyright: MCA/SMACNA NMMCA/SMACNA of New Mexico is a strongpartner of ACE Leadership High School. VIEW >INDUSTRY ESSENTIALSIndustry Essentials is an exclusive member-onlymonthly education series designed to providemembers a private venue to learn about anddiscuss important policy issues, industry trends,and other important professional developmenttopics.Programming will include prominent speakers todiscuss business, economic, and policy issuescritical to the construction industry and ourmembers.Topics in 2021 will include conversations withleaders to discuss cannabis safety andregulations, public procurement, tax policychanges, paid time off legislation, cyber security,the construction industries division and more!

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22BUILTENVIRONMENTA total of 44 housing unit projects belongingto three separate tribal communities in NewMexico have now secured funding out ofWashington.As announced by the federal Department ofHousing and Urban Development thefunding is seeing $3 million going to the SanIldefonso Housing Authority to build aneven dozen new units.The housing will more specifically be builtwithin the borders of the San IldefonsoPueblo, roughly 24 miles to the northwest ofSanta Fe. NEW MEXICO TRIBALCOMMUNITIES GETLONG-AWAITEDFEDERAL HOUSINGFUNDSBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment08/07/2024Image generated using text to image AIA second $3 million will see the constructionof 10 new housing units belonging to theSanta Clara Housing Authority, which is apart of the Santa Clara Pueblo in northernNew Mexico less than 2 miles to the south ofthe city of Espanola. The third grant is the largest at $4.5 millionand will fund the construction of 22 newhousing units owned and operated by theZuni Housing Authority on the western sideof the state in McKinley County.In announcing the funding, AdrianneTodman, Housing and Urban Developmentacting secretary, said the federal supportwill fund projects that are “desperatelyneeded right now.”The federal agency has been particularlytargeting housing and communitydevelopment projects on Native Americanlands, announcing earlier this spring thatsome $1.1 billion has thus far beenapproved to fund what is known as the CONSTRUCTION NEWSNEW MEXICO

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-Indian Housing Block Grant program.The agency has additionally secured fundingto the tune of $75 million for its IndianCommunity Development Block Grantprogram.In March, meanwhile, the TreasuryDepartment approved some $10 million viaits Capital Projects Fund for the building of achildcare center and the upgrading andexpansion of half a dozen libraries andfamily resources centers in tribalcommunities in New Mexico.That funding additionally targeted thestate’s Tribal Library Broadband-ReadyFacility Improvement Program, expandingbroadband access in facilities on tribal lands.ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – It’s aproblem property in southeast Albuquerquethat for years, has been desperately in needof new life. Now, the city is asking for ideason what to do with the long-vacant lot.The Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency(MRA) is accepting proposals for the vacantlot, hoping to improve the neighborhood.Some neighbors hope more housing orcommunity services can be brought to thethree-acre spot. Continue reading >23BUILTENVIRONMENTMOUNTAIN STATESCRANE ACQUIRED BYMEMPHIS COMPANYBy Stephen MacLeod, Albuquerque Business First08/06/2024One of the Memphis area's largest privatecompanies continues to expand viaacquisitions.Barnhart Crane & Rigging Co. has acquiredAlbuquerque's Mountain States Crane,registering its fifth acquisition of 2024. Thatfollowed several acquisitions in 2023. Barnhart covered different geographieswith its four prior deals... Continue reading >Copyright: Canva ProMETROPOLITANREDEVELOPMENTAGENCY HOPES TO ADDNEW LIFE TO CABQ-OWNED LOTBy Marilyn Upchurch, KRQE08/05/2024ALBUQUERQUE CITYCOUNCIL TO DISCUSSNEW INDOOR SPORTSCOMPLEXBy Nick Catlin, KOAT08/05/2024ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. —City councilors are set to discuss plans for anew indoor sports complex.The facility would be near Atrisco Drive andSt. Joseph's Drive NW on the westside. Theproject for it has been in the works forseveral years.More than $11 million from the city andNew Mexico have been raised for the sportscomplex. It would be able to host sportingevents such as... Continue reading >

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Frances Armijo said her neighborhood andthe surrounding areas, including Barelas andSan Jose, need a grocery store after SolSupermarket closed less than a year ago.Armijo and neighbor Joseph Garcia, aretired transit supervisor with the city ofAlbuquerque, might get what they’re askingfor. The building that formerly housedStadium Liquors, a First Choice CommunityHealthcare clinic and Sol Supermarket is setto receive a big makeover to open anotherEl Mezquite Market, a local grocery store.Sergio Bermudez, who owns the Mexican-style markets with his brothers acrossAlbuquerque and Los Lunas, completed thepurchase of the building over the past fewmonths — buying one side of the buildingfrom First Choice in... Continue reading >EL MEZQUITE MARKETTO OPEN NEXT YEAR INSOUTH BROADWAYNEIGHBORHOODBy Matthew Narvaiz, Albuquerque Journal08/05/2024The state Office of Broadband Access andExpansion is giving over $1.4 million to 15local and tribal governments and entities forbroadband expansion efforts.Round one of the funding awarded a total of$799,000, split between the village ofPecos; San Ildefonso Services, LLC; thepueblos of Isleta, Laguna and Jemez; andValencia, Otero and Luna counties,according to a news release last week.The second round awarded $645,135 splitbetween Santa Fe and Colfax counties, thecity of Raton, Picuris Pueblo, Redi-Net,Penasco Valley Telephone Cooperative andJemez Mountains Electric Cooperative. Continue reading >24BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva ProOVER $1.4 MILLIONAWARDED TO LOCALENTITIES FORBROADBANDEXPANSIONBy Kyle Garcia, Santa Fe New Mexican08/05/2024NORTH DOMINGO BACAPARK POOLCONSTRUCTION MOVESFORWARDBy Rodd Cayton, City Desk ABQ 08/02/2024The centerpiece of North Domingo BacaPark is taking shape, Albuquerque cityofficials announced Friday morning, and itstennis courts are getting a facelift.Crews this week began the next stage ofconstruction for the aquatic center,expected to relieve... Continue reading >

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Since breaking ground in February,construction of much-needed housing forthe county’s low-income and special-needsresidents has been proceeding on schedule.Jeff Curry, Director of Development for JLGray Construction, said he expects the Vistade Socorro apartments to open for residentsin April 2025.Along with the El Camino Real HousingAuthority, JL Gray is a co-developer for theproject. The project team also includesProject Moxie and Ethos Development.“The construction, originally scheduled for15 months, may be finished a little ahead oftime. Contractors said that they’re ahead ofschedule, which is great news,” Curry said.“The contractor... Continue reading >VISTA DE SOCORRO ISAHEAD OF SCHEDULEBy John Larson, El Defensor Chieftain08/01/202425BUILTENVIRONMENTTRUCK CRASHES INTOLOS LUNAS EYEASSOCIATES OF NEWMEXICO BUILDINGBy Felina Martinez, Valencia County News Bulletin08/01/2024LOS LUNAS — “We’re just grateful everyoneis OK,” said Eye Associates of New Mexicochief executive officer Tony Lenhart at thescene of a crash that destroyed the frontentrance of the Los Lunas Eye Associates ofNew Mexico building. At around 1 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 1, a redtruck slammed into the building throughwhat was described by Eye Associate ofNew Mexico representatives as a “chain reaction” involving... Continue reading >Copyright: Canva Pro

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26BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSSOUTHWESTWork could begin later this year or earlynext year on the building of a new and largepublic swimming pool on the northeast sideof downtown Denver.Located at 3181 Champa Street, theMestizo-Curtis Park Pool exists within theboundaries of the oldest park in the city. Thepool itself was originally built in 1936 andupgraded in the mid-1980s.Always a popular recreation outlet used byhundreds of neighborhood children andadults, the pool was closed by city officials NEW SWIMMING POOLSET FORCONSTRUCTION INOLDEST DENVER PARKBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter08/06/2024Image generated using text to image AIearlier this year in preparation for a long-anticipated rebuilding.That work will be funded out of a bondpackage approved by city voters in 2021called Rise Denver. That $260 millionpackage allotted $6 million for the poolproject.Now the City of Denver has issued aRequest for Proposals to demolish theexisting pool and build two new lap andswimming pools. The project will also seethe reconstruction of a bathhouse on thesite."The Mestizo-Curtis pool is past the end ofits useful life and requires a replacement toensure it can continue to serve thecommunity for years to come," StephanieFigueroa, a spokesperson for the City'sParks and Recreation Department,remarked earlier this summer to the

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publication Denverite.Design of the new pool will be undertakenby the Denver-based HDR Architecture.The larger Mestizo-Curtis park is one of theoldest public parks in the West, coming intoexistence in 1868 when the first nine acresof the site was donated by two residents. Intime the park grew to three times its originalsize and in 1975 was added to the NationalRegister of Historic Places list.A submission deadline for the park projectRFP is set for August 27.building of parks and trails, while offeringspace for future school construction.It is thought that the development couldeventually be called home by more than24,000 people.The annexation proposal has been met witha variety of public responses, with bothresidents and city officials saying that theproject itself could go a long way inresponding to an ongoing shortage ofhousing units in metro Colorado Springs.Individual homes in the master plannedcommunity are expected to be listed at justover $300,000 all the way up to $680,000,with some units set to be priced below thosefigures as affordable housing.The Colorado Springs City Council isexpected to take up the annexation issueagain in a meeting on August 13 that couldsee the passage of several ordinancesspecific to the project, as well as a vote onan official review plan.27BUILTENVIRONMENTCOLORADO SPRINGSCITY COUNCILPROVIDES INITIALGREEN LIGHT TO BIGRESIDENTIAL ANDCOMMERCIAL PROJECTBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter08/05/2024Nearly 9,500 residential structures may bebuilt in the foreseeable future now thatmembers of the Colorado Springs CityCouncil have voted in favor of annexing theland needed for that construction.In a preliminary vote, members of thecouncil have allowed for a move to annexsome 3,200 acres on the southeast side ofthe city. The land in question is known asAmara, with developers saying that the sitecould also eventually see the building ofroughly 2 million square feet of commercialspace.The project belongs to the ColoradoSprings-based company La PlataCommunities, which has said that theproperty will also see the immediate Copyright: Canva Pro

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More than 5 years in the making, a plan torepurpose and redevelop a historic Denverschool is receiving public funding support.Located at 1115 Acoma Street in Denver’strendy Golden Triangle neighborhood, thethree-story brick Evans School is regardedas an architectural treasure with a copper-clad cupola, mosaic entry tiles, vintage tinceilings, and copper stairwell.As one illustration of the building’s solidstructure, the school also features a never-used heavy-timber attic.Built in 1904 and designed by well-knownClassical Revival architect David Dryden,the 48,000-square-foot structure servedseveral generations of elementary andjunior high school students before beingclosed in 1972.DENVER'S HISTORICEVANS SCHOOLREPURPOSING IN LINEFOR TAX INCREMENTFINANCINGCopyright: Canva ProThat closure, as then mandated by theDenver Public Schools system, was owing tothe school’s steadily declining enrollment.Placed on the National Register of HistoricPlaces in 1980, the nearly 34,000-square-foot building has remained empty for thelast 52 years, while also being the subject ofplans to bring it back to life.In 2019 it was purchased by the Denver-based Columbia Group and City StreetInvestors, two firms forming a partnershipto bring the building back to life.Now members of the Denver City Councilhave given the green light to an urbanredevelopment tax increment plan that isexpected to secure an estimated $3.3million for what is forecast as a $26 millionrehabilitation project.Officially called the Evans School UrbanRedevelopment Plan, the effort has as itsmission repairing and upgrading thefacility’s interior, while also remodeling thefirst floor for coffee shop, ice cream parlor,restaurant, and even beer garden space.Work on the second floor will focus onrehabilitating an existing auditorium; withthe third level being made over for studio,office, and retail space.28BUILTENVIRONMENTBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter08/02/2024Copyright: Canva Pro

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The final question, simply called theIncrease Supply of Affordable Housingproposal, is asking for voters to approve upto $32 million in general obligation bonds tohelp build and increase the supply ofaffordable housing in the city.The affordable housing proposal is inresponse to what has been described bynews sources as a "housing crisis" in Tempe,with the city's population increasing by14.7% in the last decade, while only 11.9% innew housing was added.A study conducted last year by the MatrixDesign Group noted that while incomes inTempe have remained relatively level overthe last decade, home prices have jumped by150%, contributing to the housingchallenge.Tempe voters in the past have been largelysupportive of such measures, passing a $241bond proposal to fund general municipalimprovements in 2008 and a $75 millionschool bond issue in 2012 by wide margins.29BUILTENVIRONMENTTEMPE VOTERS TODECIDEINFRASTRUCTURE ANDHOUSING BONDQUESTIONS INNOVEMBERBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter08/02/2024Proposals to expand basic infrastructureand build more housing in Tempe will bedetermined by voters this November in aseries of ballot initiatives.All of the proposals are moves to addressthe kind of issues that challenge a citywhose population has jumped in the lastthree decades from around 141,000 tomore than 180,000 today.Copyright: Canva ProProposal number one is officially called theEnhance Community Safety Through PublicSafety and Roadway Improvement questionand is asking for $301 million of generalobligation bonds to fund fire and policedepartment infrastructure, as well asroadway and storm drain projects.The Improve Quality of Life in TempeNeighborhoods proposal is calling for$248.5 million in general obligation bondsthat will be used for parks, municipalinfrastructure, and historic preservationprojects.VOTER INPUT MAY ATLAST DETERMINE THEFUTURE OF EL PASO'SLONG-PLANNED MULTI-PURPOSE ARENABy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter08/01/2024In an effort to reignite a project that hasbeen bathed in legal challenges for the lasteight years, members of the El Paso CityCouncil want to put the future of a proposedmulti-purpose arena in the hands of cityvoters.In a 5 to 3 tally, council members havedetermined to put on this November's ballot

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a question that could revoke the City'sauthority to issue bonds for the project.A vote in favor of that revocation wouldmost likely finally put to rest a project thatwas first aired with the 2012 passage of thecity's Quality of Life bond package, but thengiven reality four years later when thedowntown Duranguito neighborhood sitewas chosen for the project, sparking years ofcourt challenges.In determining to put the question beforevoters, council members also agreed to holda series of community meetings in each ofthe eight councilmanic districts betweenmid-August and mid-September.The 2012 bond package committed $180million in funds for the building of the arena.Various studies have since underlined thatowing to the project's ongoing legalchallenges and the rising cost ofconstruction materials, the price tag to buildthe project might easily now cost at leastanother $50 million.It has additionally been reported that theCity has spent around $18 million of thatoriginal $180 million, buying land for thearena and paying for the Duranguitolitigation.affordable rental apartments.The project by Zocalo CommunityDevelopment will go up at 1600 NewtonStreet in the Sloan's Lake section of the city,roughly three miles to the west ofdowntown Denver, and will be built forresidents earning anywhere from 30% to60% of area median income.Set for construction in a neighborhood ofmore than 50-year-old homes, the projectwill include a community room, exerciseroom, two elevators, and a laundry room oneach level of the four-story building.As designed by the Denver-based firm of J GArchitects, the building will have a block-likemodern design, with the site itself borderedby trees on both Newton Street andadjacent 16th Street.30BUILTENVIRONMENTDENVER'S ZOCALOCOMPANY SET TOLAUNCH NEWAFFORDABLEAPARTMENT PROJECTBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter08/01/2024A Denver sustainable real estatedevelopment company is in line to receiveup to $5 million in state support for a projectthat will see the building of 158 new Copyright: Canva ProThe structure will be built to National GreenBuilding Standards and will include an all-electric building-wide heating and coolingsystem.The $5 million in funding belongs to theColorado's Department of Local Affairs,which provides support for affordablehousing projects throughout the state.Zocalo was launched in 2005 and bills itselfas a development company that connects"social purpose with profitability to createcommunities where people connect." Continues >

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In 2019, the company took a four-storystructure that had been built in 1907 andtransformed it into what is today called TheQuayle, a 102-unit affordable housingproject. That structure, long neglected, hadoriginally served as a hotel for itinerantworkers.Because Zocalo emphasizes a commercialcomponent in its projects, The Quayle alsoincluded nearly 11,000 square feet of retailspace.31BUILTENVIRONMENTWHAT EL PASO HIGHSCHOOL FOOTBALLSTADIUM REIGNSSUPREME? VOTE HEREBy Aaron A. Bedoya and Felix Chavez, El Paso Times08/06/2024The start of the high school football seasonin El Paso is here, and excitement is in theair.As the 2024-25 season kicks off, fans will beflocking to stadiums across El Paso County.But which stadium stands out the most?We've selected 10 standout stadiums in ElPaso County for their stunning appearanceand rich historical backgrounds. Now, it's upto you to decide which one reigns supreme.Get ready to vote for your favorite and joinin the celebration of high school football inEl Paso. Continue reading >As the construction sector in Texasexperiences a surge in job creation, it hasenjoyed a labor landscape uniquelyaccommodating to its growth. In many otherparts of the country, labor has become ascarce commodity, but that hasn’t been anissue for the Lone Star State. The Texaslabor force reached a high of 15.2 million in2024 to eclipse the pre-pandemic peak by7.8 percent. And, with the constructionindustry in demand, there seems to be noshortage of projects for workers to roll uptheir sleeves and contribute to. Continue reading >Copyright: Canva ProTEXAS CONSTRUCTIONINDUSTRY BOOMSALONGSIDEWORKFORCEBy Joseph Natarelli, Marcum LLP, Texas Contractor08/06/2024REGIONALCONSTRUCTIONINDUSTRY BOOMS,WORKFORCE GAINSCAN’T KEEP PACEBy Joseph Natarelli, Marcum LLP, Texas Contractor08/06/2024In the Rocky Mountain region of the U.S.,the construction sector continues to benefitfrom a surge in job creation, outpacing thegeneral economic expansion. At the sametime, the broader picture reveals a labormarket stretched uncomfortably thin.Over the past year, employment growth inthe construction industry (up 3.3 percent)has outpaced the average growth across allindustries (2.3 percent). The relativelystrong performance in construction issomewhat undercut by overarching laborstruggles that... Continue reading >

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32BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSNATIONALOnce again, leading the nation'sconstruction industry, the nonresidentialbuilding sector in July saw an increase of172,300 new jobs over July of 2023.The new numbers just released by theBureau of Labor Statistics additionally showa gain of 99,000 jobs in the nonresidentialspecialty trade sector, along with a gain of67,600 jobs in the residential sector.Overall, in all industries the BLS says thecountry saw an increase of 114,000 jobs inJuly. That figure, while still on the upside,was nevertheless substantially less than the175,000 that a consensus of economists hadearlier predicted for the month.MODEST JULY JOBSGAIN FUELS RECESSIONSPECULATIONSBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter08/05/2024Copyright: Canva ProEven more, the 114,000 figure was belowthe average monthly gain of 215,000 seen inthe last year, prompting some labor expertsto speculate that a recent national hiringboom may be running out of steam.Among the notable sector employmentgainers in July: the healthcare industry,adding 55,000 new jobs; governmentemployment with a 17,000 increase; and thetransportation and warehousing industry,up by 14,000.In a statement upon the release of the newBLS figures, Acting Labor Secretary Julie Suacknowledged that while the July jobgrowth figures "came in belowexpectations," the national economyremains "the envy of the world."Su added that layoffs remain low, with theprime-age labor force participation ratenow up to 84%, while wages "are stilloutpacing inflation, which has decreased to3%."

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While Su's remarks reflected a generalLabor Department optimism on the currentjob picture, the trend line, according to theBLS, has been mostly on the downside.In January of 2023, growth stood at482,000, dropping to just under 290,000the following month. For the rest of thatyear the average monthly gain was around240,000.The figures for 2024 have ranged between ahigh of 310,000 in March and a low thefollowing month of 108,000.The July figures, notes the publicationBarron's, produced "few silver linings," withexperts now "worrying about a snowballingeconomic slowdown.""It appears that America is heading into arecession," remarked Anirban Basu, chiefeconomist with the Associated Builders andContractors.Los Angeles Times observed that thecountry's labor market has been "unusuallyresilient, and the unemployment ratesremains low by historical standards."But the paper added that in comparison tostronger job gains earlier in the year, thenewest figures have "revived worries of arecession among economists."33BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva Pro"While it is true that many economists havebeen predicting this for more than twoyears," Basu continued in a statement, "therecent slowing in economic activity feelsdifferent."As evidence of this different feeling, Basupointed to losses hitting U.S. equity markets,and delayed action on the part of theFederal Reserve in reducing interest rates.Offering a longer perspective, the PURDUE UNIVERSITY’SCAPITAL PLANINCLUDES $239M FORCONSTRUCTION ANDRENOVATIONBy Sebastian Obando, ConstructionDive08/06/2024Dive Brief:Purdue University trustees approved a10-year capital plan Aug. 2 to guide itsstate funding requests for the 2025 to2027 period, according to a newsrelease.The plan prioritizes facility renovations,facility replacements where appropriateand the addition of new space only whenneeded, said Jay Wasson, Purdue vicepresident for physical facilities and chiefpublic safety officer, in the release. Continue reading > Copyright: Canva Pro

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HONOLULU, Hawaii: Gov. Josh Green hastold The Associated Press that the partiesinvolved in the Lahaina wildfire lawsuitsagainst the state of Hawaii, Maui Countyand utilities are close to a global settlementof claims worth a little over US$4 billion.Green hoped to finalize the details as soonas August 6, two days before the firstanniversary of the fire that killed 102people and wiped out historic Lahaina."If that could happen, it would be great. Ihumbly invite all the parties to finalize theagreement," Green said in an interview athis office. "It appears that we are almostthere, and we only... Continue reading >HAWAII MAY GET 2023MAUI WILDFIRESETTLEMENT OF $4BILLION NEXT WEEKBy Robert Besser, NewMexicoStateNews.Net08/05/2025Last October, the global developerLendlease, which owns and manages morethan 40,000 homes and 192 apartments onU.S. military installations in 24 states, said itwould break ground later that year on a$110 million development on 51 acres forthe construction of 75 family housing unitsand 60 two-bedroom apartments forpersonnel based at the U.S. SouthernCommand in Doral, Fla.This development represented the first newprivatized housing project authorized by theU.S. Army since 2010. Simultaneously, thisdevelopment was part of Lendlease’s launchof a new military... Continue reading >34BUILTENVIRONMENTSEMICONDUCTORS’FRAGILE RELATIONSHIPWITH WATER MAY BETESTEDBy Catherine Tymkiw, AreaDevelopmentQ3 2024Semiconductor manufacturing is having amoment, and with good reason. The globalsemiconductor market is forecast to top $1trillion by 2030, compared with a mere$600 billion just three years ago, accordingto McKinsey & Company. And the UnitedStates wants a big chunk of that.The U.S. CHIPS and Science Act—signed intolaw in 2022 and aimed at reviving America’sdomestic... Continue reading >MILITARY HOUSINGPRESENTSOPPORTUNITIES ANDCHALLENGES TO ITSPRIVATE BUILDERS ANDLANDLORDSBy John Caulfield, Building Desing + Construction 08/05/2024Copyright: Canva Pro

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KENNEDY TOWNSHIP, Pa. (Aug. 1, 2024)— Rosedale Technical College announcedthe launch of its new carpentry program,aimed at preparing students foremployment in carpentry and construction.The new 16-month program equipsstudents with the necessary knowledge,skillsContinue reading >ROSEDALE TECHNICALCOLLEGE ANNOUNCESNEW CARPENTRYPROGRAMBy Staff, Construction Business Owner 08/01/2024Copyright: Canva pro35BUILTENVIRONMENTThe Gateway Development Commissionselected Schiavone Dragados Lane JV for a$465.6-million contract to build the NewJersey side of the Hudson Tunnel Projectadding a rail link to New York City. Thecontract is the first of three GDC plans toaward for tunneling work on the $16.1-billion project.“It marks the single-largest contract that theGDC board is going to consider, and it is themost complex to date,” said Kris Kolluri,CEO of GDC, during a board meeting Aug. 1. Continue reading >SCHIAVONE DRAGADOSLANE JV WINS $465.6MCONTRACT FORHUDSON TUNNELPROJECTBy James Leggate, ENRCopyright: Canva pro

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36BUILTENVIRONMENTCONSTRUCTION NEWSTRENDSThere are now more hotels beingplanned for construction in thecountry than at any previous time inhistory.So says a new report just issued bythe Portsmouth, New Hampshire-based Lodging Econometrics showingthat as of the end of the end of Junethere were exactly 6,095 projects inthe pipeline nationally. That figurerepresents a very substantial roomcount of just over 713,000.By way of example, ten years ago in2014, the industry saw a total of3,645 individual projectsrepresenting 460,551 rooms.HOTELCONSTRUCTIONSEEING DRAMATIC2024 GROWTH,SAYS REPORTBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 08/02/2024Copyright: Canva proNot only do the numbers reveal a vibrant buildingindustry, but they also represent a 9% increase overprojects being planned in the second quarter of2023.As for projects that are actually in construction, theLodging Econometrics report reveals: “At the close ofthe second quarter, there are 1,171 projectscomprising 147,611 rooms,” a total that marks a10% increase in the number of projects built in thespring of 2023.And while the hotel construction picture for the lastfew months has been nothing less than vigorous, thenear future doesn’t look very shabby either. Theremainder of the year, says the report, “includes theopening of another 400 projects with 44,451 rooms,totaling 650 new hotels, with 74,228 rooms by theend of the year. “In fact, those figures represent a 35% increase overthe total number of hotel openings last year.Hotels categorized in the “upper midscale chainscale” accounted for 2,262 projects, with 219,547rooms, making it the largest hospitality constructionsector. The second busiest sector was seen in upperchain properties, with 1,417 projects for a total of175,343 rooms.The boom comes with a distinct regional flavor, aseight of the top ten states comprising 60% ofprojects in the pipeline are located in the Sunbelt:North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida,Alabama, Texas, Arizona, and California. Only twoNorthern states, New York and Michigan, sawsimilar growth.

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Stocks took a dramatic tumble on Monday inresponse to a variety of factors, including amodest jobs report from last week that wassubstantially less than experts predicted.The Dow Jones Industrial Average droppedmore  than  1,000  points,  or  some  2.6%overall,  ending  the  day  at  38,703.  Thepercentage  decline  was  even  greater  withthe Nasdaq Composite, which registered a3.4% drop.That  jobs  report  showed  a  gain  of  only114,000  new  jobs,  less  than  the  175,000that  many  economists  had  predicted.  ButWall  Street  uneasiness  was  additionallysparked  by  the  announcement  from  theFederal  Reserve's  Board  of  Governorskeeping interest rates at their current 5.2%to 5.5% level."Financial markets are supposed to capturethe wisdom  of the crowd,"  noted the  WallStreet Journal of the sudden decline. "But onMonday  the  crowd  ran  in  all  directions,waving its hands in the air screaming."The  fever  was  global,  with  the  FinancialTimes noting that "trading in both Topix andNikkei  futures  was  suspended  during  theafternoon  session  as  the  selling  frenzycontinued  into  the  close,  hitting  'circuitbreaker'  levels  that  automatically  stoptrading."WALL STREET SEESSUDDEN SELL-OFF,PROMPTING NEWFEARS OFRECESSIONBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter08/06/2024Investor  nervousness  was  additionallystoked by a Bank of Japan rate rise and adecline in Artificial Intelligence stocks.What's next depends upon perspective, withthe  New  York  Times  reporting  that  "someinvestors  saw  the  sell-off as  a  sign  that  theU.S. economy was at risk of recession."Other  experts  have  downplayed  recessionprospects. In  an  interview with USA Today,Scott  Wren,  Wells  Fargo  senior  globalmarketing  strategist,  remarked:  "Therecession fears are overblown. It's not timeto panic here."While  the  single-digit  stock  decline  onMonday  was  obviously  enough  to  promptconcern,  Wall  Street  historians  note  that  itstill  didn't  come  close  to  the  22.6%  Dowdecline in  October of 1987,  or the famous25%  loss  in  October  of  1929,  whichprompted  the  beginning  of  the  GreatDepression.37BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva pro

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August 1, 2024 - Prysmian, a world leader inthe energy transition and digitaltransformation, alongside Encore Wirearepleased to announce our new combinationof best-in-class sales representation for theUS Industrial and Construction market withthe following agencies:Continue reading >ENCORE WIRE :PRYSMIAN ANDENCORE WIREANNOUNCE U.S.INDUSTRIAL &CONSTRUCTION SALESAGENCIESBy Staff, Market Screener 08/01/202438BUILTENVIRONMENTFor another consecutive quarter, the totalU.S. hotel construction pipeline grew to newhighs. Continue reading >US HOTELCONSTRUCTIONPIPELINE GROWS TONEW HIGHS — AGAINBy Jenna Walters, ConstructionDive08/06/2024Copyright: Canva proAnew web-based tool by the Department ofEnergy offers comprehensive informationabout how to size, select, and install electricheat pump water heaters (HPWHs).Continue reading >NEW TOOL HELPS WITHSELECTION,INSTALLATION OF HEATPUMP WATER HEATERSBy Peter Fabris, Building Design + Construction 08/06/2024Copyright: Canva proQ1 forecast: 7.9 increaseQ2 forecast: 9.7% increaseQ3 forecast: 8.9% increaseContinue reading >ARE THINGS LIFTING?ARA'S Q3 GROWTHPROJECTION SOFTENS,YET THERE IS OPTIMISMBy Jonathan Kozlowski, For Construction Pros08/05/2024

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Seasonally adjusted constructionemployment rose year-over-year from June2023 to June in 35 states, declined in 14states and the District of Columbia (D.C.),and was unchanged in Rhode Island,according to Associated GeneralContractors of America’s (AGC) analysis ofU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) dataposted July 19.Continue reading >CONSTRUCTION JOBS UPIN 35 STATES, DOWN IN14 STATES, D.C.By Staff, Metal Construction News07/31/2024Copyright: Canva pro39BUILTENVIRONMENTConstruction maintained its streak ofmonthly jobs gains in July, but an overallslowdown in hiring and an increase in thenationwide unemployment rate, to 4.3%,cast doubt on the ability of the U.S. economyto sustain growth moving forward.“It appears that America is headed intorecession,” said Anirban Basu, chiefeconomist for Associated Builders &Contractors. While noting that someeconomists have been predicting aneconomic slowdown for more than twoyears—himself included—Basu said, “Therecent slowing in economic activity feelsdifferent. Unemployment is climbing rapidly.Consumer spending growth has becomemore sluggish ... [and] U.S. equity marketsare generating large losses."Continue reading >CONTRACTORS KEPTHIRING IN JULY, ADDING25K JOBSBy Scott Judy, ENRCopyright: Canva pro

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41VIEW >$19,000,000ESTIMATED COSTPROJECT INFOSCOPE:General construction of a new Regional SeniorCenter building, to include carpentry, concrete work,HVAC/plumbing, electrical, steel framing, earthworkand demolition of existing structures. Phase onesquare footage is approximately 14,350 sq ft. phasetwo square footage is approximately 10,350 sq square footage for both phases is 26,156 sq ft.the new senior center includes a gymnasium, diningspace and kitchen, activities spaces, administrationoffice and support spaces. The senior center willshare the site with the planned regional recreationcenter as well as the existing Harold RunnelsAthletic Complex. Outdoor gathering areas, such ascovered shelters, plaza area for outdoor activitiesand a garden/patio, are planned for the seniors...OWNER:City of Gallup - Purchasing 110 W Aztec AveGallup NM 87301Bid Date/Time: 9/5/2024 - 02:00pm MSTAddenda Count: 0Memo Count: 0Phase: BiddingStage: ActiveStatus:New Project / First ReportProject Type: New ConstructionCategory: Federal / State / MunicipalPublic Funding: YesBid Security: 5% Bid BondPre-Bid Meeting08/12/2024 - 10:00 AMProject SiteREGIONALSENIOR CENTERBUILDINGCONSTRUCTIONREGIONALSENIOR CENTERBUILDINGCONSTRUCTION(505) 863-1232BUILTENVIRONMENT

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42NOT AVAILABLEESTIMATED COSTARCHITECT-ENGINEERSERVICES FOR THE ROOFOF THE GATEWAY TOSPACE BUILDING ATSPACEPORT AMERICAARCHITECT-ENGINEERSERVICES FOR THE ROOFOF THE GATEWAY TOSPACE BUILDING ATSPACEPORT AMERICAVIEW PROJECT >OWNER:New Mexico Spaceport Authority (575) 373-6111901 E. University, Bldg 3, Suite 965LLas Cruces NM 88001PROJECT INFO:Bid Date/Time: 08/29/2024 - 03:00pm MSTPhase: BiddingStage: ActiveProject Type: Vendor / Professional ServicesCategory: Federal / State / MunicipalPublic Funding: YesSCOPE:This contract will be for the Gateway toSpace Roof Replacement Architectural andEngineering services and shall entailarchitectural and engineering services forThe repair (and or replacement) of theGTS roof encompassing approximatelyninety-thousand (90,000) square feetrequested services include; basic designservices, technical bid review services,project inspection and testing services,periodic progress reviews, review andrecommendation of change orderrequests, ensuring building contractorscompliance with approved roofconstruction design, and other associatedservices.This RFP will be a single award.This procurement will result in acontractual agreement between twoparties; the procurement may ONLY beused by those two parties exclusively.BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Pete Zaitcev, Gateway, 05/26/2024, Wikimedia Commons

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43FEATUREDPRE-BID PROJECTWork could begin later this year or earlynext year on the building of a new andlarge public swimming pool on thenortheast side of downtown Denver.Located at 3181 Champa Street, theMestizo-Curtis Park Pool exists withinthe boundaries of the oldest park...CONTINUE READING >NEW SWIMMINGPOOL SET FORCONSTRUCTION INOLDEST DENVERPARKBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter08/06/2024PROJECT INFORMATION:Stage: Conceptual / No DesignStatus: New Project / First ReportProject Type: New ConstructionCategory: Parks / RecreationPublic Funding: YesVIEW >BUILTENVIRONMENT

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45ADDITIONS/RENOVATIONS /UPGRADELEA COUNTY EVENTCENTER RENOVATIONVIEW PROJECT >CONSTRUCTIONSERVICES FORSOUTH VALLEYECONOMICDEVELOPMENTCENTERAGGREGATIONADDITIONSCOPE OF WORK: 5,600 SF, one story addition tothe South Valley EconomicDevelopment Center forprocessing and storage ofregionally grown fruits andvegetables. Minimal work will beperformed to the existingbuilding as part of this scope.The new addition will house...VIEW PROJECT >HOMEREHABILITATIONCONSTRUCTIONPROJECT FOR I.CANTUSCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor Is ResponsibleFor Coordinating With UtilityCompanies To Disconnect AllService And ReconnectAllServices, Including, Electrical,Gas, Water & Septic Utilities. AllWork Must Be Done By ALicensed Plumbing AndElectrical Contractor In TheState Of Nm...VIEW PROJECT >BUILDINGWEATHERIZATIONAT SHEPHERDJUNIOR HSSCOPE OF WORK: Exterior weatherizationimprovements at ShepherdJunior High School, building1001. These include the removaland replacement of all exteriorsealants at wall penetrations,control joints, expansion jointsat the building perimeter, andaround all windows and doorframes...VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: The Lea County Board of County Commissionersrequests sealed proposals from qualified vendors toprovide construction services for the renovation andaddition to the existing Lea County Event Center. BUILTENVIRONMENT

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46PAINT AND PAINTSUPPLIESVIEW PROJECT >WELDING PARTS,SUPPLIES &ACCESSORIESSCOPE OF WORK: Dona Ana County is requestingsealed bid for Welding Parts,Supplies and Accessories.TheCounty is interested in enteringinto an agreement with a firm orfirms from the time of awarduntil June 30, 2025, with theoption to renew at the discretionof the County for an additionalthree (3) one-year terms.Pursuant to §13-1-153 NMSA1978 of the NM Procurement...VIEW PROJECT >INSPECTION ANDMAINTENANCE OFFIRE DEPARTMENTPERSONALPROTECTIVEEQUIPMENTSCOPE OF WORK: Offeror shall implement anannual maintenance program forthe cleaning, inspection, repair,stitching, sewing, and alterationof Personal ProtectiveEquipment (“PPE”) bunker gear(“Gear”), for all County owned orused structural firefighting...VIEW PROJECT >ENTERPRISERESOURCEPLANNING (ERP)REPLACEMENTSCOPE OF WORK: The purpose of this Request forProposals (RFP) is to solicitsealed proposals to establish acontract through competitivenegotiations to solicit responsesfrom qualified firms (Proposers)offering proven, integratedsolutions to replace the City’scurrent ERP AS400/CentralSquare, specifically in the areasof Community Development(e.g., permitting, codeenforcement), Utilities, HumanResources and Payroll,Engineering, Procurement andFinance, Central Square is...VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Rio Rancho Public Schools (RRPS) is requestingcompetitive sealed bids with the intent of enteringinto a contract for paint and paint supplies. Allpotential Offerors are to read, understand and acceptthe requirements of this Request for Bids, especiallythe mandatory requirements.BUILTENVIRONMENTMATERIAL /EQUIP / SERVICE /INSTALL

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47CONCRETE, SAND,AND GRAVELSCOPE OF WORK: The City of Farmington isrequesting bids for concrete,sand, and gravel on an “as-needed” basis.VIEW PROJECT >RE-BID BASECOURSE MATERIALSCOPE OF WORK: Sealed bids are being requestedby Rio Arriba County for thecreation of a multi-year pricingagreement for Base CourseMaterial. This agreement willcater to the County’s needs onan as-needed basis, as itadministers various activitiesthat necessitate theprocurement of base course. ThePricing Agreement will be validfor one year with the possibilityof three (3) automatic annualrenewals, unless terminated asper the terms of the agreement.The total duration of the PriceAgreement, includingextensions and renewals, willnot exceed four (4) years...VIEW PROJECT >CONCRETE ANDSAND & GRAVELSCOPE OF WORK: EPWater is soliciting bids forConcrete and Sand, and Gravel.The solicitation will include thematerials, labor, equipment, andall incidental costs required tofurnish and deliver the Concrete,Sand, Gravel, Cement-StabilizedBackfill, and similar items to ElPaso Water facilities, work sites,and locations on an as-neededbasis. Some items may beordered in Bulk.VIEW PROJECT >PORTABLE SEWERCAMERA SYSTEMSCOPE OF WORK: Portable Sewer Camera SystemVIEW PROJECT >SCRAP METALRECYCLINGSCOPE OF WORK: The City of Tucson intends tosolicit offers from qualified andexperienced firms to establish arevenue-generating contract forthe provision of scrap metal andappliance collection andrecycling services. The resultingcontract shall be used on an “asneeded” basis...VIEW PROJECT >STAND-BYGENERATOR SETSPREVENTIVEMAINTENANCE ANDREPAIRSSCOPE OF WORK: It is the intent of Mesa UnifiedSchool District #4 to secure afully qualified and experiencedcontractor, to cover all labor,materials and equipment...VIEW PROJECT >BUILTENVIRONMENT

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48MOBILE VIDEOSURVEILLANCEEQUIPMENT,INSTALLATION ANDMAINTENANCESCOPE OF WORK: Los Alamos County is solicitingProposals from qualified firmswith experience necessary toprovide video surveillanceequipment, material, supplies,training, maintenance, and laborrequired to install videosurveillance in its fleet of up to28 vehicles, including buses, andexisting fleet...VIEW PROJECT >INSPECTION,TESTING &MAINTENANCE FORFIRE SAFETYSYSTEMSSCOPE OF WORK: Facilities and CommunicationsMaintenance (FCM), a division ofthe City of Tucson GeneralServices Department...VIEW PROJECT >SEPTIC TANKPUMPING D-1SCOPE OF WORK: Establish a Price Agreement forthe New Mexico Department ofTransportation (NMDOT, or theDepartment), District One, forpumping out sewer septic tanksat the District One patrol yards,project offices, and rest areas,located in the followingcounties: Dona Ana, Grant,Hidalgo, Luna, Sierra...VIEW PROJECT >RFQ-FURNISHINGS,FIXTURES, &EQUIPMENT FORNEW FORTDEFIANCE DISTRICTOFFICE BUILDINGSCOPE OF WORK: The purpose of this RFQ is toenter into agreement with aselected Furnishings, Fixtures,and Equipment (FF&E) firm toprovide Owner-approved FF&Efor the new Fort DefianceDistrict Office Building locatedon BIA Route N12, in FortDefiance, Arizona, in ApacheCounty. It is the intent of NTUAto procure new office...VIEW PROJECT >INMATETELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMSCOPE OF WORK: Inmate TelecommunicationsSystem ServicesVIEW PROJECT >UTILITY BILLINGAND WORK ORDERSOFTWARESCOPE OF WORK: The Incorporated County of LosAlamos (“County”) Departmentof Public Utilities (“DPU”) isseeking proposals from qualifiedservice providers who provideutility billing and work ordersoftware solutions. Desiredservices and softwarefunctionality may include, but isnot limited to, a fully hostedsolution; utility billing forelectric, gas, water, sewer, andrefuse services; work ordersystem for DPU field crewrelated to outages...VIEW PROJECT >BUILTENVIRONMENT

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49NEWCONSTRUCTIONAPS-HARRISON MIDDLESCHOOL PHASE 1VIEW PROJECT >SANDIAMECHANICALOFFICEWAREHOUSE(SUBBID)SCOPE OF WORK: SANDIA MECHANICAL OFFICEWAREHOUSE2731 VASSAR PL NEALBUQUERQUE, NM 87107VIEW PROJECT >RE-BIDCONSTRUCTION-SUNSHINESUBSTATIONCONTROL BUILDINGSCOPE OF WORK: The City of Gallup, NM isseeking to purchase asubstation control building forthe Sunshine Substation project.The purpose of this project is toreplace the existing substationand enhance the reliability ofthe electrical distributionsystem in the area.VIEW PROJECT >CORRECTIONDEPARTMENT AP &P DIVISIONBUILDINGSCOPE OF WORK: Project Consists Of A NewBuilding For The Nm CorrectionDepartment. The New BuildingWill Be One Story And Will HaveGroup B Offices. The BuildingConstruction Will Be ConcreteSlab On Grade, Wood StudFramed Walls With 7/16" OSBSheathing, Flat Sloping RoofWith Pre-engineered TrussesWith TPO Membrane RoofingSystem, StorefrontWindows/doors And ExteriorStucco Wall Finish.VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: New 54,000 educational building consisting of newcafeteria, kitchen, and various fine arts spaces.Project will also include the demolition of 28,920 sfexisting cafeteria, kitchen and fine arts classrooms.Building components shall include the work of thefollowing trades, including but not limited to steel...BUILTENVIRONMENT

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50SITE WORK /NON-BUILDINGCONSTRUCTION OFAGUA FRIA-SOUTHMEADOWSINTERSECTIONIMPROVEMENTSVIEW PROJECT >CHAPARRALWASTEWATERCOLLECTIONIMPROVEMENTSPHASE 2C BIDPACKAGE 2SCOPE OF WORK: This project is an expansion ofthe Chaparral WastewaterCollection System within the LiftStation #6 service area. Itincludes approximately 31,000feet of 8-inch and 10-inch PVCgravity collection pipeline...VIEW PROJECT >EAST MESA ROADSAND DRAINAGE(CORTEZ DR.IMPROVEMENTS)SCOPE OF WORK: This purpose is to reconstructand update Cortez Dr. with acomplete street (sidewalk, trail,bicycle lanes), new pavementsection, curb & gutter, curbramps, drive pads, streetlighting, drainageimprovements, and new water,and sewer and looping the gassystem.VIEW PROJECT >GREATER EL PASOLANDFILLGROUNDWATER &GAS WELLSSCOPE OF WORK: Work consists of installing 2groundwater monitoring wellsand 5 gas monitoring probes atthe Greater El Paso LandfillMSW #2284. Monitoring wellsOW-1 and MW-12...VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: The purpose of this Invitation to Bid (ITB) is to procureconstruction services for the Agua Fria...BUILTENVIRONMENT

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51BALSA ROAD ET ALLATERALREPLACEMENTSSCOPE OF WORK: Removal and replacement ofapproximately 288 water meterboxes. Replacement ofapproximately 288 3/4¿ servicelaterals from existingcorporation stop to meter.Remove and replace sevenexisting fire hydrants. Removeand replace existing gate valves.Install new gate valves.VIEW PROJECT >LAND PORT OFENTRY EASTDIVERSION BERMAND FLOODCONTROL PROJECTSCOPE OF WORK: Project consists of roadway anddrainage improvementsincluding drainageimprovements to NM-11,diversion berms, ponds,earthwork, erosion control, andall located within Luna County,NM.VIEW PROJECT >CANYON ROAD WTPFLOCCULATIONANDSEDIMENTATIONIMPROVEMENTSSCOPE OF WORK: The Work consists offlocculation and sedimentationimprovements, includingdemolition of existing clarifierequipment (tube settlers,launders, sludge rakes, etc.);structural additions (concreteslabs within each clarifier,flocculation walls, bifurcationwalls within each clarifier; inletsplitter boxes, walkways, andsettled water channels); newflocculation and sedimentationequipment...VIEW PROJECT >CONSTRUCTION OFTIERRA CONTENTATRAIL EXTENSIONFROM BUFFALOGRASS TO SOUTHMEADOWSSCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor shall perform allthe work required by theContract Documents forS100770 Tierra Contenta TrailExtension Phase A...VIEW PROJECT >ANTON CHICOWATER ANDWASTEWATERIMPROVEMENTSSCOPE OF WORK: Anton Chico Water AndWastewater Improvements.VIEW PROJECT >RE-BID- EASTBLANCO BRIDGECONSTRUCTIONPHASE IISCOPE OF WORK: Hauling, earthwork, cast-in-place concrete, compaction,labor Heavy equipmentoperators, crane operators,erosion control.VIEW PROJECT >BUILTENVIRONMENT

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52VENDOR /PROFESSIONALSERVICESENGINEERINGSERVICES FOWASTEWATERCOLLECTION ANDTREATMENT SYSTEMS.VIEW PROJECT >ARCHITECTURALAND/ORENGINEERINGSERVICES FOREAST PICACHO ESROOF & HVACREPLACEMENTSCOPE OF WORK: The Las Cruces Public SchoolDistrict #2 is requestingproposals from qualified firms toperform architectural and/orengineering design servicesusing the design-bid-build...VIEW PROJECT >CM@R 4520 N.CENTRALRENOVATIONS AND4502 N. CENTRALPARKINGSTRUCTURESCOPE OF WORK: The purpose of this Request forQualifications (RFQ) is tocontract with a qualified firm toprovide Construction Managerat Risk (CM@R) services for4520N Central Renovations and 4502N. Central Parking Structure...VIEW PROJECT >ARCHITECTURALSERVICES FORCARLSBAD HIGHSCHOOLSCOPE OF WORK: The Carlsbad Municipal Schoolsis accepting proposals forArchitectural Services forCarlsbad High School. Thecontract will be for the entireterm of the project.VIEW PROJECT >SCOPE OF WORK: Qualifications-based competitive sealed proposalswill be received by Camino Real Regional Utility...BUILTENVIRONMENT

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53NM DOT CN#4101691 FEDERALI-25 AND US6487INTERCHANGERECONSTRUCTION– PHASE ICD ANDPHASE IISCOPE OF WORK: CN 4101691 – Interstate 25 & US64/87 Interchange, I-25 MP450.84 to MP 452.35General Project Information..VIEW PROJECT >NM DOT CN#U900800AUGMENTATIONON-CALL TOSUPPORT PROJECTDEVELOPMENTSCOPE OF WORK: The selected Offeror shallperform the services asspecified in Appendix A, ProjectIntroduction and Scope of Work.Project numbers shownthroughout this Request forProposals (RFP) are subject tochange throughout the life ofthe project.The Department intends onestablishing a contract with afour (4) year term...VIEW PROJECT >NM DOT CN#U900780STATEWIDEGENERALENGINEERING ON-CALL SERVICESSCOPE OF WORK: The New Mexico Department ofTransportation (NMDOT) intendsto award contract(s) under thisRequest for Proposals (RFP) forproviding General EngineeringServices. These services willaddress general engineeringand/or general projectdevelopment needs.VIEW PROJECT >PROFESSIONALENGINEERING &TECHNICALSERVICES REQUESTFOR PROPOSALSSCOPE OF WORK: The successful Engineering firmshall be responsible to completefinal design of building a newwater treatment facility that willproduce up to 2,000,000 gallonsa day of potable water, designthe delivery to the desired tribalbuildings and prepare allpermits and constructiondocuments. The project isexpected to be multiphase andis contingent upon the receipt ofproject funding by SCP...VIEW PROJECT >PROFESSIONALENGINEERINGSERVICES FORWATERSHEDPROJECTSSCOPE OF WORK: The Village is conducting amulti-award RFP forProfessional EngineeringServices for WatershedProjects...VIEW PROJECT >LORDSBURGWASTEWATERTREATMENT PLANTLMPROVEMENTSSCOPE OF WORK: The South Primary pond is oneof two ponds used in the initialtreatment process ofwastewater at the LordsburgWWTP...VIEW PROJECT >BUILTENVIRONMENT

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54NP705 – SPIDERROCK ROADSCOPE OF WORK: The Taos Pueblo is requestingproposals from an engineeringfirm to provide ConstructionAdministration services of thisone point eight two nine (1.829)mile roadway improvementproject....VIEW PROJECT >ENGINEERINGSERVICESPLANNING, UPDATERIGHT-OF-WAYEASEMENT,ROADWAYDESIGNS, ANDCONSTRUCTIONMANAGEMENT/OVERSIGHT BIA ROUTE5, NUTRIA ROAD,13.8 MISCOPE OF WORK: Professional engineeringservices shall be accomplishedin phases consisting of planning,environmental...VIEW PROJECT >RFQ-CONSTRUCTIONMANAGER AT RISK(CMAR) SERVICESFOR THECANUTILLO ISD2024SCOPE OF WORK: In accordance to TexasGovernment Code Chapter 2269Contracting and DeliveryProcedures for ConstructionProjects, which states that aGovernment entity SHALLcontract for ConstructionManager at Risk (CMAR)Services, by selecting the mosthighly qualified provider ofthose services on the basis...VIEW PROJECT >NM DOT CN#6101390 PHASE III-40_US 491_NM602 LOCATION ANDTOPOGRAPHICMAPPING,DRAINAGESERVICES,GEOTECHNICALENGINEERING ANDEXPLORATION,PAVEMENSCOPE OF WORK: In 2022, a Phase IA/B Report –Detailed Evaluation...VIEW PROJECT >RE-BID-ROADCONSTRUCTIONSERVICESSCOPE OF WORK: The purpose of the Request forProposal (RFP) is to solicitsealed proposals to establish acontract through .competitivenegotiations for theprocurement of RoadConstruction Services...VIEW PROJECT >FTTP ENGINEERING,PROJECTMANAGEMENT,ANDCONSTRUCTIONMANAGEMENTSERVICESSCOPE OF WORK: The City of Fort Collins isrequesting proposals fromqualified Consultants to provide1) engineering services includinghigh- and low-level...VIEW PROJECT >BUILTENVIRONMENT

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56MATERIAL /EQUIP / SERVICE /INSTALLWAREHOUSE RFQJUNE 28, 2024VIEW PROJECT >VIEW PROJECT >CONTRACT AWARDS: Award | $3,874.00Award | $10,273.00Award | $10,630.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsBUILTENVIRONMENTWOOD POLESCONTRACT AWARDS: Award | $70,290.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award details

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57NEWCONSTRUCTIONPINOS ALTOSVOLUNTEER FIRERESCUE STATION 5VIEW PROJECT >FIRE STATION NO. 9VIEW PROJECT >CONSTRUCTION SERVICE FOR A NEWCOOPERATIVE EXTENSION OFFICEVIEW PROJECT >CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $9,440,000.00*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | dollar amount not available2 Low | dollar amount not available*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | dollar amount not available*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsBUILTENVIRONMENT

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58SITE WORK /NON-BUILDINGSAN JUAN REGIONALMEDICAL CENTERSTEAM PLANTIMPROVEMENTSVIEW PROJECT >GALLUP MUNICIPAL AIRPORT - RUNWAY6/24 (CRACK SEAL AND SEAL COAT)VIEW PROJECT >NM DOT CN#LC00290R2ROADWAYRECONSTRUCTION,SIGNALIZATIONLIGHTING DONAANAVIEW PROJECT >CONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $497,155.002 Low | $523,004.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view awarddetails*Sign up for Construction Reporterto view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $717,650.00*Sign up for Construction Reporter to view award detailsCONTRACT AWARDS: 1 Low | $22,764,949.002 Low | $30,290,471.00BUILTENVIRONMENT

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60WAGE DETERMINATIONSJULY 29TH - AUGUST 2ND 2024Bernalillo CountyChaves CountyCurry CountyDe Baca CountyDona Ana CountyEddy CountyLea County Otero CountySan Juan CountySan Miguel CountySandoval CountySanta Fe CountySocorro CountyTaos CountyCOUNTY LEGENDWAGE DECISION CLICK TO VIEWPROJECT TITLECONTRACTING AGENCYCONTACTREQUESTED DATE BE-24-2487-H ASW 16-164A Corrales PumpStation 7 Improvements Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water UtilityAuthority Rochelle Larson 8/2/2024 BE-24-2482-B PPD Building VRF System Central New Mexico Community College Greg Van Wart 8/2/2024 BE-24-2480-A Casa Noreste Fence and Gates State of New Mexico General ServicesDepartment Jon Stolzfus 8/1/2024 CH-24-2476-B Sydney Gutierrez Chiller Replacement2500684 CES JD Roswell Independent School District Mike Notz 8/1/2024 CU-24-2452-A Crack Sealing State Road NM 469MM 0 to MM 10.5 New Mexico Department ofTransportation Gabriel Lucero 7/29/2024 CU-24-2451-A Pavement crack seal on NM 209 MM35.5-41.3 New Mexico Department ofTransportation Gabriel Lucero 7/29/2024 DA-24-2478-B Gadsden Middle School Replacement Gadsden Independent School District Albert Vallejo 8/1/2024 DA-24-2489-A Sunrise ES - Playground Replacement242500249 CES KCB Gadsden Independent School District Albert Vallejo 8/1/2024 DA-24-2488-A Desert Trail ES - PlaygroundReplacement 242500248 CESKCB Gadsden Independent School District Albert Vallejo 8/1/2024 ED-24-2477-B Demo of Structure City of Artesia John Anguiano 8/1/2024 BUILTENVIRONMENT

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61WAGE DETERMINATIONSJULY 29TH - AUGUST 2ND 2024Bernalillo CountyChaves CountyCurry CountyDe Baca CountyDona Ana CountyEddy CountyLea County Otero CountySan Juan CountySan Miguel CountySandoval CountySanta Fe CountySocorro CountyTaos CountyCOUNTY LEGENDWAGE DECISION CLICK TO VIEWPROJECT TITLECONTRACTING AGENCYCONTACTREQUESTED DATE ED-24-2486-A/B City of Artesia Bulldog Well City of Artesia Aubrey Hobson 8/1/2024 ED-24-2471-A Bulldog Well Fence Extension City of Artesia John Anguiano 7/31/2024 LE-24-2484-A NM18 MIL WITH 2"OVERLAY, MP63.4-69.6 New Mexico Department ofTransportation IRMA RAMIREZ 8/2/2024 LE-24-2481-A Coronado ES - Playground Replacement9132500160 CES KCB Hobbs Municipal Schools Gene Strickland 8/2/2024 LE-24-2472-B Hobbs HS Freshman School - InstallNew TPO Roofing 9132500162CES KCB Hobbs Municipal Schools Gene Strickland 7/31/2024 SJ-24-2454-A PO# 402298 NM 134 RESTRIPING New Mexico Department ofTransportation Amanda Garcia 7/29/2024 SF-24-2485-B CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT BETWEENSANTA FE COUNTY ANDROAD RUNER PLASTER &DRYWALL, LLC Santa Fe County Mohamed Al-Hussaini 8/2/2024 SF-24-2474-A Mary Esther Gonzales Senior CenterParking Lot Improvements CITY OF SANTA FE Spencer Schwartz 7/30/2024 SF-24-2466-B FireAlarm/Detection/Warning/System/Restoration NM DEPARTMENT OF MILITARYAFFAIRS Sandra Gonzales 7/30/2024 BUILTENVIRONMENT

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66BUILTENVIRONMENTUSING SOCIAL MEDIA TOBUILD RELATIONSHIPSAND MARKET PRESENCEIN THE DIGITAL AGEIndustry conferences offer attendees a uniqueopportunity to network with colleagues fromacross the globe, share insights and strategiesfor success, discover the latest trends andtechnologies, exchange network and conductbusiness, and develop lifelong friendships.However, while in-person connections areirreplaceable in this relationship-focusedbusiness, a digital presence is fast becomingan integral element of any long-term strategyfor success."ROI is not the ‘Return on Investment,’ it’s the‘Return on Involvement.'" ~ Wills Elliman, SIORAt the most recent SIOR Spring Event, held justoff the northern Florida coast at Amelia Island,SIOR presented an educational session...CONTINUE READING >SIOR EVENTCALENDARAUGUST 2024THURSDAY AUGUST 22ND2:00 PM - 2:45 PM (ET): MASTERMIND SESSION: MASTERINGYOUR PITCH - CLICK HERECopyright: Canva Pro

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68BUILTENVIRONMENTSHORT-TERMRENTALSREACH ‘ATURNINGPOINT’ AFTER2023 SLUMPShort-term-rental supply and demand haveboth lagged somewhat in the face of higherinterest rates and a slowdown in bookings sincethe Covid-19 pandemic, but the industry couldbe poised for a rebound.Growth in supply is slowing compared to a yearago, according to data from AirDNA LLC. Theshort-term-rental analytics platform reportsthere were about 1.56 million listings nationallyin 2023, up 14.7% from 2022. This year isestimated to have about 1.65 million listings, amore modest 5.8% annual gain in supply.Demand, meanwhile, is markedly improvedfrom a year ago. It grew 11.4% in May versusMay 2023. That compares to a year-over-year...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro

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69BUILTENVIRONMENTEFFECTIVESTRATEGIESFORREINFORCINGSAFETYTHROUGHDESIGNFrom design/build condos to built-to-suitwarehouses, one factor remains the highestpriority regardless of the project type: theapproach to upholding the highest level ofsafety. Although safety exists as a core valueacross all areas of the construction industry,the increased risk of serious injuries orfatalities persists. In fact, constructionworkers are ranked number four on theUnited States Bureau of Labor Statistics’ listof occupations with the most fatality rates.Considering this heightened risk, it’simportant for every team member, fromsubcontractors to superintendents, to takeresponsibility for safety compliance,empowering others to take responsibility fornot only their own actions but the actions ofthose around them. To help enhance safetyefforts for the project from start to finish,safety leaders are focusing on ways toimplement safety standards within eachcomponent of the building’s design. Althoughthis approach requires comprehensive...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva ProNAIOP EVENTCALENDARAUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2024TUESDAY AUGUST 27TH11:30 AM - 1:30 PM: AUGUST 27TH – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTLEGISLATIVE PANEL LUNCHEON - CLICK HERETHURSDAY SEPTEMBER 12TH7:30 AM - 9:00 AM: RRRT – DIRT TO DOWN PAYMENT - CLICK HERE

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70BUILTENVIRONMENTSBA ADMINISTRATORGUZMAN ANNOUNCES$7 MILLION IN PRIMEGRANTS TO SERVELOW-INCOMEMICROENTREPRENEURSWASHINGTON – Today, Administrator IsabelCasillas Guzman, head of the U.S. Small BusinessAdministration (SBA) and the voice in PresidentBiden’s Cabinet for America’s more than 33 millionsmall businesses, announced 28 awardees for the2024 Program for Investment inMicroentrepreneurs(Link is external) (PRIME)grant awards, totaling $7 million.“The SBA’s PRIME grants support mission-orientednonprofit organizations across America that areadvancing the Biden-Harris Administration’sefforts to fill capital gaps so more Americans canstart and grow their businesses successfully,” saidAdministrator Guzman. “These 28 communityorganizations will help the SBA strengthen itsnetwork of local, trusted partners who can levelthe playing field for the smallest of smallbusinesses, especially those in underservedcommunities, so they can realize their Americandreams of business ownership and create jobs andproduce for our economy.”This year’s $7 million PRIME grant awards willprovide funding and support to organizationsoffering training, technical assistance, access tocapital, and program development fordisadvantaged microentrepreneurs...CONTINUE READING >Copyright: Canva Pro

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A 12-year-old structure that houses apopular downtown Albuquerque Mister CarWash location is on the market with a pricetag of $4.6 million.Sitting on a just-over one-case site, the one-story structure measures around 6,000square feet and is designated as a Class Bbuilding.Founded in 1969, the Mister Car Washbrand is now the largest car wash companyin the country.AS CHAIN EXPANDS,MISTER CAR WASHLOCATION INALBUQUERQUE IS UPFOR SALEBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 08/05/2024Copyright: CanvaBased in Tucson, the company currently hasjust over 490 locations nationally, with aparticular focus on the Midwest and asweeping swath of Sunbelt states fromFlorida to California, including Arizona,Colorado, and New Mexico.In the final quarter of last year, the companyopened 14 new locations nationally.Mister Car Wash buildings range in sizefrom 3,600 square feet to upwards of 6,000square feet and include a conveyormechanism transporting vehicles into awash tunnel just over seven feet in height.The company reported second quarter 2024earnings late last month of around $22.1million.The Albuquerque Mister Car Wash, locatedat 2300 4th Street NW, is being listed forsale by the Tampa-based realtor FranklinStreet.72BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSNEW MEXICO

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One of the most widely used historicstructures in a town of historic structures isnow on the market with an asking price of$3 million.Located at 4140 New Mexico State Road 68,Old Martina's Hall in Ranchos de Taos is arestored Pueblo Revival building with thickadobe walls and viga and latilla ceilings thatsits directly across the street from the SanFrancisco de Asis Church.The two-story, 15,000-square-footstructure is well over 200 years old, butunderwent a significant renovation in 2011.That project was funded by Germancosmetics manufacturer and investorMartina Gebhardt who put $2 million intothe effort, and in the process saw what wascalled the Old Martinez Hall get a newname.Designated as a Class C structure, thebuilding houses two private dining rooms, adance hall, and restaurant.Sitting on a less than 1-acre site, thestructure is also celebrated by locals andmovie fans for its connection to the famedlate actor and director Dennis Hopper, whowas known to have enjoyed more than a fewparties at the hall.The property is being listed by the BerkshireHathaway real estate agency of Taos.ICONIC HISTORICOLD MARTINA'SHALL IN RANCHO DETAOS IS UP FORSALEBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 08/06/2024Image capture: Mar 2024 © 2024 Google73BUILTENVIRONMENT

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On Aug. 5, the Albuquerque City Councilapproved a proposal to build new affordablehousing on the West Mesa.Continue reading >CITY COUNCILAPPROVES PROPOSALFOR $43 MILLIONAFFORDABLE HOUSINGPROJECTBy Aayush Gupta, Albuquerque Business First 08/06/2024Copyright: Canva pro74BUILTENVIRONMENTThe number of people living on the streetsof New Mexico increased to the highestlevel since at least 2009, according to a new“point-in-time” survey released Tuesday bythe New Mexico Coalition to EndHomelessness.Continue reading >HOMELESSNESSINCREASED AGAINACROSS NM SINCE LASTYEAR, ACCORDING TOLATEST ‘POINT-IN-TIME’ COUNTBy Patrick Lohmann, Source NM08/07/2024The Village of Magdalena has movedforward on some large projects, includingrepairs at the senior center and library, andmoving the Benjamin Well project forward.Continuer reading >AS FISCAL YEAR ENDS,GRANT PROJECTSMOVE FOWARD INMAGDALENABy Tamara Lombardi, El Defensor Chieftain 08/03/2024BELEN — Anyone who waters their lawn,takes a shower, washes their clothes, dishesand vehicles, and flushes their toilets in thecity of Belen will now pay more for thosecity services.The Belen City Council unanimouslyapproved a water and sewer rate increasesat the July 15 regular business meeting.Continue reading >UTILITY RATESINCREASING IN BELENBy Clara Garcia, Valencia County News-Bulletin08/01/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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SANTA FE — The New Mexico EnvironmentDepartment (NMED) Tuesday sent 138letters to drinking water systems across thestate, informing their owners of impendingcivil penalties if they continue to serveconsumers unsafe drinking water.Continue reading >NEW MEXICOENVIRONMENT DEPT.CRACKS DOWN ON 100PLUS DRINKING WATERSYSTEMS FORJEOPARDIZINGCUSTOMERS HEALTHBy Carol A. Clark, Los Alamos Daily Post08/03/202475BUILTENVIRONMENTIn a brief virtual meeting held Tuesdayafternoon, the Silver City Town Councilamended the town’s affordable housingcode in hopes of getting new residents intoits Vistas de Plata housing development. Continue reading >TOWN RAISES INCOMECAP FOR WORKFORCEHOUSINGBy Juno Ogle, Silver City Daily Press07/31/2024Copyright: Canva proA state water quality commissioner Mondayannounced she would abstain from votingduring a controversial rulemakingproceeding regarding fracking wastewaterregulations after public anger over her tiesto the oil and gas industry.Continue reading >WATER QUALITYCOMMISSIONER WITHTIES TO OIL AND GASINDUSTRY WON'T VOTEIN FRACKING WASTECASEBy Nicholas Gilmore, Santa Fe New Mexican 08/05/2024Copyright: Canva proDebate starts up again this week on aproposed water reuse rule the New MexicoEnvironment Department hopes will helpaddress the state’s water crisis.Environmental advocacy organizations andlocal residents fear the proposal wouldn’t besafe for public health.Continue reading >HEARING ON PROPOSALFOR EXPANDED WATERREUSE CONTINUESBy Megan Gleason, Albuquerque Journal 08/05/2024

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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Old Town businessowners say they’re at a crossroads, and theydon’t know if they can afford the privatesecurity to keep their livelihoods andcustomers safe. Continue reading >OLD TOWN BUSINESSESSTRUGGLE WITH RISINGSECURITY COSTS By Kassi Foote, KOB08/05/2024Copyright: Canva pro76BUILTENVIRONMENTRUIDOSO, N.M. (KRQE) – The New MexicoEnvironment Department’s Drinking WaterBureau confirms the precautionary wateradvisory has been lifted for the RuidosoWater System.Continue reading >PRECAUTIONARYWATER ADVISORYLIFTED FOR THERUIDOSO WATERSYSTEMBy Isaac Cruz, KRQE News08/06/2024A plan to expand a national wildlife refugenear the Texas and New Mexico state linehas drawn backlash from some Republicanswho say that it would take land out ofagricultural production and decreaseproperty tax revenue.Continue reading >WILDLIFE REFUGEEXPANSION REIGNITESLAND CONSERVATIONDEBATE IN EASTERNNEW MEXICOBy Hannah Grover, New Mexico Political Report 08/06/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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77BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSSOUTHWESTThree buildings that were once part of alarger tuberculosis treatment center inTucson have been added to the list of theNational Register of Historic Places. FORMER TUCSONTUBERCULOSISTREATMENT FACILITIESGET HISTORICDESIGNATION By Garry Boulard, The Built Environment 08/07/2024Image capture: Jan 2021 © 2024 GoogleLocated at East Grant Road and NorthBeverly Avenue, the Desert Sanatorium ofSouthern Arizona, opened in 1926, was thefirst institution of its kind in the country toimplement the heliotherapy concept, anidea of using the sun's radiation to curetuberculosis.The institute was also the first in the regionto house an iron lung for treatment. Continues >

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78BUILTENVIRONMENTThousands of people suffering fromtuberculosis from all over the countrymoved to southern Arizona, and inparticular Tucson, from the 1880s to the1930s, convinced that the dry climate wasjust what was needed to cure or at leastalleviate the disease.There were at least two dozen operatingsanatoriums in greater Tucson by the early1940s, but the city's attraction as atreatment mecca gradually declined duringthat decade when doctors began to useantibiotics to treat the disease.When the Desert Sanatorium closed in1943, its buildings were deeded to theTucson Medical Center.Three structures that were a part of theDesert Sanatorium of Southern Arizonahave now been deemed of historic value: theU-shaped Patio Building, the ArizonaBuilding, which housed a nurses'sdormitory, and the Erickson Building, whichserved as a residence hall.In the National Register of Historic Placesdocuments, it is noted that all threestructures "exhibit a flat roof withundulating parapet, smooth stucco finishover brick walls, concrete roof slabs andfloor, and courtyards."The structures are also characterized asexhibiting a "high level of workmanship andare the embodiment of Pueblo Revivalarchitecture."While a building listed on the NationalRegister of Historic Places is not, despitepopular opinion, protected from beingdemolished someday, the designation doesallow for the owners of the building to beeligible for tax incentives and reducedproperty taxes.Tribal leaders from the Havasupai Tribe andNavajo Nation were led to believe thatEnergy Fuels Resources, Inc., would givetheir communities two weeks’ notice beforethey started hauling uranium ore fromPinyon Plain Mine near the Grand Canyon.Continue reading >NAVAJO NATION,HAVASUPAI TRIBECONDEMNTRANSPORTATION OFURANIUM ORE ONTRIBAL LANDBy Shondiin Silversmith, AZ Mirror, Source NM08/06/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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79BUILTENVIRONMENTSome 72,000 square feet at East GatewayCentre I that WillScot Holdings willeventually vacate is already being marketedfor new tenants. Here are the details.Continue reading >WILLSCOT PHOENIXOFFICE UP FOR LEASEAHEAD OF SCOTTSDALEMOVEBy Ron Davis, Phoenix Business Journal 08/06/2024Copyright: Canva proThe eight-year-old property changed handsin late July, adding to multifamily deals inthe area.Continue reading >APARTMENT GIANTSPENDS $95M FORSOUTH DENVER-METROPROPERTYBy Justyna Tomtas, Denver Business Journal08/06/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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80BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE NEWSNATIONALWith Baby Boomers or those born between 1946and 1964, continuing to comprise the largestsegment of homeowners in the country, it shouldcome as no surprise that younger generations areless represented.Even so, new figures just released by the NationalAssociation of Home Builders show a troubling trend:only 37.4% of those under the age of 35 now own ahome. That age group, which takes in both the MillennialGeneration, born between 1981 and 1996, andGeneration Z, born between 1997 and the year 2010,had actually seen a decline in homeownership fromlast year when 38.5% of them owned a home.Homeownership rates in three of five age categories,as reviewed by the NAHB study, registered declines.However, the category under age 35 was particularlynoteworthy, according to the group’s principaleconomist, Na Zhao, who said this age group is“particularly sensitive to mortgage rates, homeprices, and the inventory of entry-level homes.”Continues >HOMEOWNERSHIP RATESFOR YOUNGEST GENERATIONSEE 2024 DECLINE, SAYSNEW REPORTBy Garry Boulard, The Built Environment08/07/2024Copyright: Cavna pro

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81BUILTENVIRONMENTEven the Baby Boomers,despite their historicprominence in the market,saw a decline inhomeownership ratesbetween 2023 and today,from 78.9% to 78.6%.The overall homeownershiprate, according to theNAHB study, is now downto 65.6% as of the secondquarter of this year. Thatfigure is not only the lowestrecorded rate since 2022, itis also below a nationalaverage of 66.4% dating to1999.Homeownership rates wereat their strongest in theyears leading up to theGreat Recession when thefigures were above or nearthe 69% mark.Looking at the overalldeclining rates, NAHB, in apress release, said thecurrent 66.4% figure isprimarily due to “amultidecade low forhousing affordabilityconditions.”The lowest figures recordedby NAHB date to 1990,when the country wasexperiencing a mini-recession and thehomeownership rate was at64%, and the yearsimmediately following theGreat Recession, which sawa rate varying between 63%and 64%. Hecate Energy LLC, a Chicago-based renewable powerdeveloper, owner and operator, isnegotiating with the U.S. EnergyDept. to build a utility-scale solarpower facility with batterystorage across 8,000 acres at thegiant Hanford nuclear wastecleanup site in easternWashington state. The projectwould provide up to 1GW ofpower when operational,sometime in the next five to sevenyears, according to the agency.Continue reading >FEDS TO LEASE8,000 ACRES ATHANFORDNUCLEAR WASTESITE FOR SOLARPOWER,BATTERIESBy Pam McFarland, ENR NorthwestCopyright: Canva proThe Eames Institute of Infinite Curiosity has set up itsoperations inside a Richmond, California warehouse thatpreviously accommodated medical equipmentmanufacturing. A gut renovation to the industrial building,later owned and used by architectural bookseller WilliamStout, transformed the space described by the institute as“dated, awkwardly-scaled private offices,” into...Continue reading >EAMES INSTITUTE UNVEILS ITSNEW, MIDCENTURY-INSPIREDOFFICE SPACE IN RICHMOND,CALIFORNIABy Alexandra Surprenant, The Architect’s Newspaper08/06/2024

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82BUILTENVIRONMENTThe multifamily market is showing strengthin many ways, according to the July 2024Matrix Multifamily National Report by YardiMatrix. The national average rent pricereached $1,743—a $4 increase from June—and year-over-year rent growth rose to 0.8percent. This marks the sixth straight monththat rent prices have increased.Continue reading >MATRIX MULTIFAMILYREPORT FOR JULYSHOWS ‘HOPEFULSIGNS’By Quinn Purcell, Building Design + Construction 08/06/2024Copyright: Canva proPITTSBURGH - Aug. 6, 2024 - PRLog --Union Real Estate, one of the largestproperty management companies inWestern Pennsylvania, is pleased toannounce the addition of Chick-fil-A andMichael's to University Square in the heartof Moon Township, PA at 2830 GracyCenter Way. The national chains arecurrently under construction and will belocated close to Robert Morris University,giving students, staff, and residents of thearea additional options for food andentertainment. The new additions join Aldi,Planet Fitness, Dollar Tree, and the recentlyopened Buddy's Ace Hardware, who hosteda grand opening celebration in May.Continue reading >UNION REAL ESTATEBRINGS CHICK-FIL-A &MICHAEL'S TOUNIVERSITY SQUARE INMOON TOWNSHIP, PABy Staff, Union Real Estate, PRLOG08/06/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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83BUILTENVIRONMENTCommercial real estate loans totalingalmost $1.8 trillion are set to mature beforethe end of 2026, according to Trepp. Onesign of the accompanying stress is thecommercial mortgage–backed security(CMBS) special servicing rate, with its latestnumbers inching up to 8.2 percent, thehighest since June 2021.Continue reading >AUGUST ’24ECONOMISTSNAPSHOT:COMMERCIAL REALESTATE’S IMPENDINGWALL OF DEBTMATURITIESBy Beth Mattson-Teig, Urban Land08/02/2024Copyright: Canva proGlobal property consultant CBRE reportedthis week that Japan's commercial realestate transaction volume for Q2 2024decreased by 25% year-over-year to JPY663.0 billion.Significant hotel transactions boosted thesector's acquisition volume to JPY 280.0billion, which is about 2.6 times the volume...Continue reading >COMMERCIALPROPERTYTRANSACTIONS INJAPAN DIVE 25PERCENT ANNUALLY INQ2By Michael Gerrity, The World Property Journal 08/02/2024

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84BUILTENVIRONMENTPROPERTY FOR SALENEW MEXICOUnless otherwise stated, all images on this page are copyrighted to Google Inc.502 GENERAL CHENNAULT ST SE | ALBUQUERQUE OFFERED PRICE: $2,900,000 BUILDING SIZE: 32,583 SF16’ clear height (north portion of the shop/warehouse)14’ - 12’ North to South clear height (south portion of the shop/warehouse)4 Drive in/grade level doors 18’ x 12’VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE1823 COMMERCIAL ST NE | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $1,036,000 BUILDING SIZE: 27,973 SFOWNER-FINANCING AVAILABLEThis 28,477 square foot multi-tenant industrial building is situated less thana mile from I-40 and I-25, offering seamless access to the I-40 frontage road. This is perfect for anyone lookingfor manufacturing, distribution, or warehouse space. Each unit can be sold separate or the whole building can besold together. VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE601 W LLANO ESTACADO BLVD | CLOVISOFFERED PRICE: $4,306,000 BUILDING SIZE: 20,535 SFNet leases to Planet Fitness and Cheech & Chong's Dispensoria, two Amazon-Proof tenantsAs of March 31, 2024, Planet Fitness had approximately 19.6 million members and 2,599 locationsPlanet Fitness is one the largest and fastest-growing franchisors and operators of fitness centers in theworld by number of members and locationsVIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE

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85BUILTENVIRONMENTEAGLE RANCH RD NW | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $1,458,388 TOTAL LOT SIZE: 3 ACFully developed lots with access and utilities to site.VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERE2519 COORS BLVD SW | ALBUQUERQUEOFFERED PRICE: $825,000 TOTAL LOT SIZE: 2.64 ACPrime M-1 zoned commercial land available in the highly sought-after industrial area of Albuquerque,conveniently located off Coors between Blake Road and Arenal Road. This site is perfect for an owner-userlooking to customize and develop their own space. Surrounded by numerous commercial businesses, includingrestaurants, auto parts stores, landscaping companies, and more, this expansive commercial property presentsan incredible opportunity. Don’t miss out on this exceptional offering this large piece of commercial land won’tbe available for long!VIEW DEAL: CLICK HERESE N. PRINCE & WILHITE | CLOVISOFFERED PRICE: $3,600,000 TOTAL LOT SIZE: 14.79 AC• Trade area population of nearly 130,000 • Site is located in the growing N Prince St commercial area • Signalized intersection • Site can be demisedVIEW DEAL: CLICK HERELAND FOR SALENEW MEXICOUnless otherwise stated, all images on this page are copyrighted to Google Inc.

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BROWNSVILLE, Texas (ValleyCentral) —SpaceX announced the fifth Starship testwill aim to catch the Super Heavy booster atthe launch site and warns of sonic booms.SPACEX WARNS OF‘SONIC BOOMS’ AHEADOF FIFTH STARSHIP TESTFLIGHT AT BOCA CHICABy Steven Masso, KRQE News08/05/2024In a news release, SpaceX said the fifth flighttest will be a potentially major step inbuilding a reusable rocket. For the first time,SpaceX will attempt to catch the SuperHeavy booster after it separates from theStarship vehicle.“In addition to being a pretty spectacularvisual for residents in Cameron County, therocket’s return will be accompanied by asonic boom,” SpaceX stated.Continue reading >Copyright: Canva pro89SPACE NEWSBUILTENVIRONMENT

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HUNTSVILLE — US Space Command’s toppriorities for fiscal 2027 include “spacefires” to enable “space superiority,” and“enhanced battlespace awareness”capabilities, according to its top officer, Gen.Stephen Whiting.Continue reading >‘SPACE FIRES’ TOENABLE ‘SPACESUPERIORITY’ ARE TOPSPACECOM PRIORITIESFOR FY27By Theresa Hitchens, Breaking Defense08/06/2024LOGAN, Utah — German startup Dcubedraised 4.4 million euros ($4.8 million) in aSeries A funding round.Continue reading >Copyright: Canva pro90BUILTENVIRONMENTDCUBED RAISES 4.4MILLION EUROS FOR IN-SPACEMANUFACTURINGBy Debra Werner, SpaceNews08/06/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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92BUILTENVIRONMENTNEWSPACEALLIANCEJoin hundreds of organizations in the national NewSpaceAlliance! Build your knowledge and strengthen yournetwork by participating in ongoing opportunities tolearn, share and engage with space professionals acrossindustry, government and academia. Free to join,NewSpace Alliance members can attend monthly techtalks, industry webinars, networking events, industryforums and our nationally-recognized State of the SpaceIndustrial Base conference. Membership is free.Continue reading >NEWSPACEIGNITORGROW FASTER FROM CONCEPT TO PRODUCT TOSALESContinue reading >CO-INNOVATIONWORKSPACESENewSpace Co-Innovation, or collaborative innovation, iswhen newspace stakeholders work together to discovernew partnerships, explore new approaches, solveproblems, and accelerate growth.Continue reading >PATHWAYS TOTHE STARSACCESS TO WORKFORCE WILL BECOMEEASIER WITH A LARGER, MORE DIVERSESPACE-READY TALENT POOL.Coming next year!Pathways to the Stars will grow the spaceindustry talent pipeline with programming,mentoring, experiential learning and careerconnection services spanning K-12 to earlycareer, with industry involvement and specialattention given to reaching minority populations.Multiple educational partners will providelearning and curriculum, and connection serviceswill connect students to jobs and careers. Weinvite you to participate and inspire students tobecome part of the space workforce of thefuture!Continue reading >ABOUT USWHO WE ARE & WHATWE DOFounded October 2019, NewSpace Nexus is a501(c)(3) non-profit accelerating the pace ofspace innovation by uniting and igniting theindustry. Through the NewSpace Launchpad, afirst-of-its-kind co-innovation hub, stakeholdersgain access to workspaces, equipment,programming, rapid prototyping anddemonstration, and resources needed forinnovation and rapid progress. Services includeaccess to space ecosystem knowledge, publicevents, and networking; navigation services thatprovide tailored guidance and direct assistanceto fast-track business growth; and collaborativeinnovation services...Continue reading >

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00QUICK NEWS LINKS93CONSTRUCTION22New Mexico Tribal Communities Get Long-Awaited Federal Housing Funds >NEW MEXICOMetropolitan Redevelopment Agencyhopes to add new life to CABQ-owned lot >Albuquerque City Council to discuss newindoor sports complex >Mountain States Crane acquired byMemphis company >Over $1.4 million awarded to local entitiesfor broadband expansion >El Mezquite Market to open next year inSouth Broadway neighborhood >North Domingo Baca Park poolconstruction moves forward >Vista de Socorro is ahead of schedule >Truck crashes into Los Lunas Eye Associatesof New Mexico building >Modest July Jobs Gain Fuels RecessionSpeculations >NATIONALPurdue University’s capital plan includes $239Mfor construction and renovation >Hawaii may get 2023 Maui wildfire settlement of$4 billion next week >Military housing presents opportunities andchallenges to its private builders and landlords >Semiconductors’ fragile relationship with watermay be tested >Schiavone Dragados Lane JV Wins $465.6MContract for Hudson Tunnel Project >Rosedale Technical College Announces NewCarpentry Program >BUILTENVIRONMENTNew Swimming Pool Set for Construction inOldest Denver Park >SOUTHWESTColorado Springs City Council ProvidesInitial Green Light to Big Residential andCommercial Project >Denver's Historic Evans School Repurposingin Line for Tax Increment Financing >Tempe Voters to Decide Infrastructure andHousing Bond Questions in November >Voter Input May at Last Determine theFuture of El Paso's Long-Planned Multi-Purpose Arena >Denver's Zocalo Company Set to LaunchNew Affordable Apartment Project >Texas Construction Industry Boomsalongside workforce >What El Paso high school football stadiumreigns supreme? Vote here >Regional Construction Industry Booms,Workforce Gains Can’t Keep Pace >Hotel Construction Seeing Dramatic 2024Growth, Says Report >TRENDSwall Street Sees Sudden Sell-Off, Prompting NewFears of Recession >Encore Wire : Prysmian and Encore WireAnnounce U.S. Industrial & Construction SalesAgencies >New tool helps with selection, installation of heatpump water heaters >US hotel construction pipeline grows to newhighs — again >Are Things Lifting? ARA's Q3 Growth ProjectionSoftens, Yet There is Optimism >Contractors Kept Hiring in July, Adding 25K Jobs >Construction jobs up in 35 states, down in 14states, D.C. >

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0094BUILTENVIRONMENTREAL ESTATE72As Chain Expands, Mister Car WashLocation in Albuquerque is Up for Sale >NEW MEXICOIconic Historic Old Martina's Hall in Ranchode Taos is Up for Sale >As fiscal year ends, grant projects movefoward in Magdalena >City Council approves proposal for $43million affordable housing project >Homelessness increased again across NMsince last year, according to latest ‘point-in-time’ count >Utility rates increasing in Belen >New Mexico Environment Dept. CracksDown On 100 Plus Drinking Water SystemsFor Jeopardizing Customers Health >Water quality commissioner with ties to oiland gas industry won't vote in frackingwaste case> Town raises income cap for workforcehousing >Hearing on proposal for expanded waterreuse continues >Wildlife refuge expansion reignites landconservation debate in eastern NewMexico >Old Town businesses struggle with risingsecurity costs >Precautionary water advisory lifted for theRuidoso Water System >72Former Tucson Tuberculosis Treatment FacilitiesGet Historic Designation >SOUTHWESTNavajo Nation, Havasupai Tribe condemntransportation of uranium ore on tribal land >Apartment giant spends $95M for south Denver-metro property >WillScot Phoenix office up for lease ahead ofScottsdale move >Homeownership Rates For Youngest GenerationSee 2024 Decline, Says New Report >NATIONALFeds to Lease 8,000 Acres at Hanford NuclearWaste Site for Solar Power, Batteries >Eames Institute unveils its new, midcentury-inspired office space in Richmond, California >Union Real Estate Brings Chick-fil-A & Michael'sto University Square in Moon Township, PA >Matrix multifamily report for July shows ‘hopefulsigns’ >August ’24 Economist Snapshot: CommercialReal Estate’s Impending Wall of Debt Maturities >Commercial Property Transactions in JapanDive 25 Percent Annually in Q2 >SPACE INDUSTRY89SpaceX warns of ‘sonic booms’ ahead of fifthStarship test flight at Boca Chica >NEW MEXICODcubed raises 4.4 million euros for in-spacemanufacturing >‘Space fires’ to enable ‘space superiority’ aretop SPACECOM priorities for FY27 >WEEDFEED96Cannabis recalls too slow to recover possiblycontaminated product >NEW MEXICOSenate Committee Keeps D.C. Marijuana SalesBan Intact, While Also Criticizing ResearchRestrictions On Psychedelics And Cannabis >98 Ohio Dispensaries Approved to LaunchAdult-Use Cannabis Sales >

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0095BUILTENVIRONMENTLEGISLATION97One vote short, City Council fails to overridemayoral veto >NEW MEXICOAlbuquerque city council raises concernsover unspent housing dollars >NM politicians respond to Harris pickingWalz as running mate >Fed Rates Remain the Same - SpeculationRampant of September Cut DuringPresidential Campaign >SOUTHWESTBiden-Harris Administration AnnouncesWisconsin Launch of Federal Home EnergyRebates Program Helping Lower Families’Utility Bills >Idaho hangar builder cited for‘irresponsible construction methods’ >ARCHITECTS / ENGINEERS / DESIGN101Obituary: Nabih Youssef, 80, PioneeredPerformance-Based Seismic Design >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALMBMA updates key energy design resourcefor metal building pros >Empty mall to be converted to UCLAResearch Park >The Palmer Museum, with architecture byAllied Works and a landscape by ReedHilderbrand, opens at Penn State University >102VENDORS / SUPPLIERS103Interlock Steel Structures Expands St Joseph,Missouri, Operations >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALHow Automation and Volumetric Data TakeMaterial Management to the Next Level >Trucking carriers haul more retail freight asindustrial demand lags >Structural Truss Systems Builds & Delivers First120-Foot-Long Wood Trusses >105ENERGY INDUSTRY105Vocal advocacy group challenges PNM rateincrease proposal >NEW MEXICO & NATIONALU.S. Senate Energy panel approves bipartisan billstreamlining energy permitting >Feds Award $2.2B in Grants for Transmission Line,Storage Projects >Hitachi Global Air Power Acquires Air Power Sales& Service >One of the country’s first all-electric fire stationswill use no outside energy sources >New Mexico Gas Company to be sold toBernhard Capital Partners >

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CANNABIS RECALLSTOO SLOW TO RECOVERPOSSIBLYCONTAMINATEDPRODUCTBy Crhis Roberts, MJBizDaily08/05/2024Most marijuana recalls are issued too late torecover cannabis products potentiallycontaining unhealthy levels of mold orpesticides, according to analysis byMJBizDaily.Continue reading >NEW MEXICO WEEDFEED96BUILTENVIRONMENTSENATE COMMITTEEKEEPS D.C. MARIJUANASALES BAN INTACT,WHILE ALSO CRITICIZINGRESEARCHRESTRICTIONS ONPSYCHEDELICS ANDCANNABISBy Crhis Roberts, MJBizDaily08/05/2024A Senate committee has approved aspending bill that maintains a controversialrider blocking Washington, D.C. fromlegalizing adult-use marijuana sales, withoutadding any other previously proposedprovisions to advance cannabis reform...Continue reading >Ohio’s adult-use cannabis market willcommence with 98 dispensaries openingtheir doors to those 21 years and older onAug. 6, the state’s Division of CannabisControl (DCC) announced Monday. Thisprogram rollout comes a month ahead of aSept. 7 statutory deadline approved byvoters in the November 2023 election.Continue reading >98 OHIO DISPENSARIESAPPROVED TO LAUNCHADULT-USE CANNABISSALESBy Tony Lange, Cannabis Business Times08/05/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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97ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) –Albuquerque city councilors raised concernsto the Health Housing and HomelessnessDepartment after they say millions ofdollars in funding have gone unspent.Continue reading >ALBUQUERQUE CITYCOUNCIL RAISESCONCERNS OVERUNSPENT HOUSINGDOLLARSBy Isaac Cruz, KRQE News08/06/2024Copyright: Canva proNEW MEXICOLEGISLATIONBUILTENVIRONMENTRunoff elections will still be a regularfeature of Albuquerque city politics after aproposal to lower the threshold to win aCity Council or mayoral election and reducethe need for runoff elections in local racesfailed. Councilors were one vote short ofoverriding Mayor Tim Keller’s veto of themeasure Monday night. Labor unionrepresentatives and open governmentadvocates opposed the measure.Continue reading >ONE VOTE SHORT, CITYCOUNCIL FAILS TOOVERRIDE MAYORALVETOBy Cathy Cook, Albuquerque Journal 08/06/2024Democratic presidential nominee KamalaHarris named Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz asher running mate Tuesday morning.Continue reading >NM POLITICIANSRESPOND TO HARRISPICKING WALZ ASRUNNING MATEBy Nicole Maxwell, New Mexico Political Report 08/06/2024

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98BUILTENVIRONMENTNATIONALLEGISLATIONIn a move that some economists are seeingas a necessary precursor to something moredramatic in September, the Federal Reservehas just announced that it is maintainingcurrent interest rates.FED RATES REMAINTHE SAME -SPECULATIONRAMPANT OFSEPTEMBER CUTDURING PRESIDENTIALCAMPAIGNBy Garry Boulard, Construction Reporter 08/01/2024Copyright: Canva pro"Recent indicators suggest that economicactivity has continued to expand at a solidpace," an official statement released by theFed's Board of Governors said."Job gains have moderated, and theunemployment rate has moved up butremains low," the statement continued,adding that "inflation has eased, but remainssomewhat elevated."The Fed's steady approach, ChairmanJerome Powell remarked in a newsconference, is in response to an economythat is "moving closer to the point where itwill be appropriate to reduce our policyrate."Continues >

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99Short of offering any specifics, Powell added: "That time isdrawing near. That time could be in September if the datasupports that."How close is the country to seeing a rate drop? "It's just aquestion of seeing more good data," was as far as Powellcared to go.The prospect of a September cut is tantalizing the businessworld, promising lower borrowing costs for credit cards,mortgages, and auto loans.Powell's comments, along with the official Fed statement,declared the Financial Times, marks the "clearest sign yet thatthe central bank is readying a policy pivot more than twoyears after ramping up its fight against inflation in earnest."But that September cut, remarks the Wall Street Journal,would inevitably be weighed for its political significancecoming at the beginning of the fall presidential campaign:"The Fed is likely to upset Republicans or Democrats nomatter what it does."The publication added that even though the Fed hasscrupulously tried to steer clear of partisan politics, aSeptember rate cut will put it "on a crash course with thepresidential election.""The Fed's ability to maintain an appearance of independenceahead of the 2024 presidential election will require more duecare than usual," agrees the publication Forbes.A recent study produced by the Mitsubishi UFG FinancialGroup reveals that the Fed cut interest rates two monthsbefore the presidential elections of 1976, 1984, 1992, and2008.Only in 1984 did a cut appear to help the incumbent party,which in that year saw President Reagan successfully runningfor re-election.Rate hikes two months before an election occurred in 1980,just before President Carter was defeated for a second term,and in 2004, when the second George Bush was narrowly re-elected.BUILTENVIRONMENTCopyright: Canva pro

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100Dive Brief:A federal inspection of the jobsite of anIdaho hangar that collapsed while underconstruction, killing three workers andinjuring eight others, has resulted inover $200,000 in initial fines for twocontractors on the project, theDepartment of Labor announcedMonday.Continue reading >IDAHO HANGARBUILDER CITED FOR‘IRRESPONSIBLECONSTRUCTIONMETHODS’By Zachary Philips, ConstructionDive07/31/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTAs part of President Biden’s Investing inAmerica agenda, the U.S. Department ofEnergy (DOE) announced [on Friday] thatWisconsin has launched its first HomeEnergy Rebates program, supported by theInflation Reduction Act. Even more,Wisconsin is the first state in the nation tolaunch the Home Efficiency (HOMES)portion of the rebate program — enablinghouseholds at all income levels, with anemphasis on lower-income households, tosave on energy efficiency improvementssuch as insulation, air sealing, and heatpumps that reduce whole-home energyconsumption.Continue reading >BIDEN-HARRISADMINISTRATIONANNOUNCESWISCONSIN LAUNCH OFFEDERAL HOME ENERGYREBATES PROGRAMHELPING LOWERFAMILIES’ UTILITY BILLSBy Staff, Clean Technica08/05/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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101The Metal Building ManufacturersAssociation (MBMA) has published a newdesign guide, Energy Guide for MetalBuilding Systems: Code Compliance, 2ndEdition. This free publication providesinformation on how to design, construct,and maintain metal buildings to be energyefficient.Continue reading >MBMA UPDATES KEYENERGY DESIGNRESOURCE FOR METALBUILDING PROSBy Staff, Metal Construction News08/05/2024Copyright: Canva proNEW MEXICO & NATIONALARCHITECTS / ENGINEERS / DESIGNBUILTENVIRONMENTNabih Youssef, a leading California-basedstructural engineer and seismic designexpert who was a pioneering advocate forthe use of steel plate shear walls in areas ofhigh seismic risk, died on July 12. He was 80. Continue reading >OBITUARY: NABIHYOUSSEF, 80,PIONEEREDPERFORMANCE-BASEDSEISMIC DESIGNBy Emell D. Adolphus, ENRCopyright: Canva pro

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102UCLA recently acquired a former mall that itwill convert into the UCLA Research Parkthat will house the California Institute forImmunology and Immunotherapy at UCLAand the UCLA Center for Quantum Scienceand Engineering, as well as programs acrossother disciplines. The 700,000-sf property,formerly the Westside Pavilion shoppingmall, is two miles from the university’s mainWestwood campus. Google, whichpreviously leased part of the property,helped enable and support UCLA’sacquisition.Continue reading >EMPTY MALL TO BECONVERTED TO UCLARESEARCH PARKBy Peter Fabris, Building Design + Construction07/30/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTArt may not be among the first things thatcome to mind when you think of StateCollege, Pennsylvania—but perhaps itshould. University art museums are a variedlot: Some are among the grandest you canfind, while others are strange spare roomsfulfilling a musty pledge to a donor to keepthe Dürer etchings on display. Continue reading >THE PALMER MUSEUM,WITH ARCHITECTUREBY ALLIED WORKS ANDA LANDSCAPE BY REEDHILDERBRAND, OPENSAT PENN STATEUNIVERSITYBy Anthony Paletta, The Architect’s Newspaper 08/06/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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103The data revolution is also a revolution infinancial clarity and control. As the toolsbecome more and more powerful, there arefewer parts of the industry left to bedigitized, quantified, and understood. Intoday's economic environment, the asphaltplant that has a grasp on the benefits ofthese tools and utilizes them to their utmostadvantage are going to enjoy certainbenefits over their competition. I like tothink of these as the nickle-and-dimeleverages. Continue reading >HOW AUTOMATIONAND VOLUMETRIC DATATAKE MATERIALMANAGEMENT TO THENEXT LEVELBy Brandon Noel from Stockpile Reports, For Construction Pros08/05/2024Copyright: Canva proInterlock Steel Structures, a structured steelfabrication manufacturer, plans to expandits operations in St. Joseph, Missouri. The$773,000 project is expected to create fourjobs. Continue reading >BUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO & NATIONALVENDORS / SUPPLIERSINTERLOCK STEELSTRUCTURES EXPANDSST JOSEPH, MISSOURI,OPERATIONSBy Staff, Area Development News Desk08/01/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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104Less-than-truckload carriers are handlingmore than their typical share of retailfreight as they confront stagnant industrialdemand, several executives said in Q2earnings calls.Continue reading >TRUCKING CARRIERSHAUL MORE RETAILFREIGHT AS INDUSTRIALDEMAND LAGSBy Colin Campbell, SupplyChainDive08/06/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTFORT MACLEOD, Alberta - Aug. 6, 2024 -PRLog -- With a dedicated in-house designteam and a highly efficient productionfacility, Structural Truss Systems has beenproviding custom solutions for post-frameand residential projects throughoutWestern Canada for over 40 years. Thisyear, that custom solution turned out to be120-Foot-Long Clear Span Trusses. Continue reading >STRUCTURAL TRUSSSYSTEMS BUILDS &DELIVERS FIRST 120-FOOT-LONG WOODTRUSSESBy Staff, Structural Truss Systems, PRLOG08/06/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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105A lopsided vote on the U.S. Senate Energyand Natural Resources Committeeadvanced a bipartisan bill Wednesday tooverhaul the process to gain federalapprovals for energy projects.Continue reading >U.S. SENATE ENERGYPANEL APPROVESBIPARTISAN BILLSTREAMLINING ENERGYPERMITTINGBy Jacob Fischler, Source NM08/05/2024Copyright: Canva proBUILTENVIRONMENTNEW MEXICO & NATIONALENERGY INDUSTRYAn advocacy group that is a frequent andvocal critic of the state’s largest electricutility is challenging a proposal by the utilityto increase rates by 23 percent.Continue reading >VOCAL ADVOCACYGROUP CHALLENGESPNM RATE INCREASEPROPOSALBy Hannah Grover, New Mexico Political Report07/31/2024Eight energy grid projects across 18 statesare set to get a financial boost totaling $2.2billion from the U.S. Dept. of Energy,officials announced Aug. 6—the second...Continuer reading >FEDS AWARD $2.2B INGRANTS FORTRANSMISSION LINE,STORAGE PROJECTSBy James Leggate, ENRCopyright: Canva pro

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106Hitachi Global Air Power is in the process ofbuying Air Power Sales and Service, adistributor of Sullair products. Continue reading >HITACHI GLOBAL AIRPOWER ACQUIRES AIRPOWER SALES &SERVICEBy Gigi Wood from Hitachi Global Air Power, For Construction Pros08/05/2024BUILTENVIRONMENTCharlotte, N.C.’s new Fire Station #30 willbe one of the country’s first all-electric firestations, using no outside energy sourcesother than diesel fuel for one or two of thefire trucks. Multiple energy sources willpower the station, including solar roofpanels and geothermal wells. The two-storybuilding features three truck bays, two firepoles, dispatch area, contamination room,and gear storage.Continue reading >ONE OF THE COUNTRY’SFIRST ALL-ELECTRICFIRE STATIONS WILL USENO OUTSIDE ENERGYSOURCESBy Peter Fabris, Building Design + Construction08/01/2024Copyright: Canva proThe parent company of New Mexico GasCompany announced it has agreed to sell.Continue reading >NEW MEXICO GASCOMPANY TO BE SOLDTO BERNHARD CAPITALPARTNERSBy Nick Catlin, KOAT 708/06/2024Copyright: Canva pro

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108C ON SU M E R P R I C E I N D EX U P DA TE WESTERN REGION STATISTICSBUILTENVIRONMENTIn June 2024, West Region CPI-U fell 0.2%,with a yearly rise of 2.8%. Energy prices fell3.7% monthly but rose 1% yearly. Foodprices increased 2.6% over the year. Shelterand medical care saw annual increases, at4.1% and 5.0% respectively.OVERVIEWJOSH CUTLER, THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT SOURCE: United States Bureau of Labor Statistics SURVEY/PUBLISHED BY: United States Bureau of Labor Statistics SOURCE LINK: CLICK HERERELEASE DATE: July 11th, 2024June 2023 April 2024 May 2024All Items Food Housing Fuels and Utilities Apparel Transportation Motor fuel Medical Care-10.0%-5.0%0.0%5.0%10.0%

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Unemployment rates0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0%July 2023May 2024June 2024July 2024109U NE MP L OY ME N T UP D A T ENATIONALSTATISTICSBUILTENVIRONMENTThe unemployment rate increased to 4.3%in July 2024, up from 4.1% in June. Thenumber of unemployed individuals rose by352,000 to 7.2 million, with notableincreases among adult men and Whites,while Black unemployment remained at6.3%.OVERVIEWJOSH CUTLER, THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT SOURCE: United States Bureau of Labor Statistics SURVEY BY: United States Bureau of Labor Statistics PUBLISHED BY: United States Bureau of Labor Statistics SOURCE LINK: CLICK HERERELEASE DATE: August 2nd, 20243.5%4.0%4.1%4.3%

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McKinley County, New MexicoGROCERY STOREASKING PRICE: $888,300 GROSS REVENUE: $2,404,500CASH FLOW: $92,000 EBITDA: NOT DISCLOSEDINVENTORY: $130,000FF&E: $75,000REAL ESTATE: $428,380Business DescriptionThis grocery store has been in business over50 years! Serves a small community in NewMexico, and this is the only grocery store forabout 20 miles in any direction. Grocery storehas snack bar and take-away-pizza by theslice.Management is in place so this is a greatopportunity for a buyer to own a business thatis pretty turn-key. The real estate is for salealong with two additional lots that arecompletely fenced and secured.2021 Cash Flow was about $230,0002022 Cash Flow was bout $203,000111BUSINESS FOR SALEVIEW BUSINESS LISTING >BUILTENVIRONMENT

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112PERMITNUMBER(CLICK TO VIEW)PERMIT LOCATIONISSUE &EXPIRATION DATEPERMITOWNERTOTALSQ. FEETBUILDINGCONTRACTORBP-2024-227486700 TREE LINE AV NW07/22/2024 - 07/22/2025JL Murtagh900New Mexico Pools andSpas IncWORK DESCRIPTION: Commercial swimming pool. This pool structure and equipment were built under permit BP-2022-04790, but completion was delayedbecause of utility services availability and apartment project delays.BP-2024-225022200 LOUISIANA BLVDNE07/24/2024 - 01/24/2025Mark Kastner4,264MICHIGANCOMMERCIALCONTRACTORS, INCWORK DESCRIPTION: Fastrax-Applicant Work Description: Scope of work - Interior build out of a mercantile space contained within existing shopping center. Construction and installation ofnew non-load bearing partitions, fixtures, finishes, lighting, mechanical, electrical and plumbing.Note:Commercial – Alteration Level 3 – Interior Renovation for New MercantileSeparate permit required for all NEW signs.Separate permit requires for new cases, racks, counters, and partitions over 5 feet 9 inches high. (109.2.1 2024 UAC)ALBUQUERQUE BUILDING PERMITSJULY 22ND - 26TH 2024BUILTENVIRONMENTBP-2024-210671303 4th Street SW. Unit A07/23/2024 - 07/23/2025Norma Estrada3,116A D M CONSTRUCTION CO.WORK DESCRIPTION: change of use No constructionBP-2024-209303030 TODOS SANTOS ST NW07/23/2024 - 01/23/2025Meshach Alvarado4,893ALL-RITECONSTRUCTION INC.WORK DESCRIPTION: Change of use from a Group B occupancy to a Group E occupancy. Not a phased project. There is no construction. This was submitted as achange of use but the reviewers requested drawings and I am opening up a new permit number for this purpose.BP-2024-132002500 CENTRAL AV SW07/25/2024 - 01/25/2025Palindrome2,100DESIGN PLUS LLCPACIFICAPCONSTRUCTION, LLCWORK DESCRIPTION:TENANT IMPROVEMENT (TI) SHELL BUILD OUT OF AN AREA OF APPROXIMATLEY 2,100 SQ. FT. OF THE INTERIOR OF BUILDING 'A' ON THE FIRST LEVEL.THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE EXISTING APARTMENTS AND COMMON AREA RESTROOMS. THE SPACE WILL BE A FOOD COURT TYPE USE FOR FUTUREFOOD PODS AND MOVABLE CHAIRS AND TABLES. THE WORK INCLUDES NEW PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL FOR THE FUTURE FOODPODS AND DINING AREA.BP-2024-117072001 4TH ST SW07/23/2024 - 07/24/2025Penny Dudley2,000G. DONALD DUDLEYARCHITECT, LTD.INSIGHTCONSTRUCTION, LLCWORK DESCRIPTION: Fast Track Project - New 2000 sf metal building that will be used as boiler shed. It will have an occupancy of "U".BP-2024-062885600 Coors Blvd. NW07/24/2024 - 01/24/2025Silver Leaf Ventrures LLC3,397LANDMARKCONSTRUCTION, INC.Wilder Design LLC dbaWilder Design LLCWORK DESCRIPTION: Tenant Improvement for dine in Restaurant.

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113BP-2024-01180250 98TH ST NW07/23/2024 - 01/23/2025Cross Development CCAlbuquerque, LLC (attn:Meagan Vieren)17,855MADEWELLCONSTRUCTION INCWORK DESCRIPTION: Commercial – New Building – Auto Body Repair ShopSeparate permit requires for Signs.Separate Wall Permit is requires for Fences.BUILTENVIRONMENTBP-2023-374358301 Wyoming Blvd. NE07/23/2024 - 01/23/2025Huitt-Zollars57,714BRADBURY STAMMCONSTRUCTION INC.HUITT-ZOLLARSWORK DESCRIPTION: The project is the last piece to complete the North Domingo Baca Park Master Plan. The Aquatic Center will be composed of site upgrades, an indoor pool buildingand outdoor pool with restrooms buildings to support outdoor activities.The site upgrades consists of a new parking lot on the south of the building, main entrance plazas in the south and north of the site, an outdoor spectator patio, anservice yard, bicycle parking areas, new striping at existing east parking lot for motor cycle and accessible parking spaces, and perimeter fencing,The indoor pool building consists of one 60 meter pool, one warm up/cool down pool, locker rooms, building support spaces, pool support spaces, spectator seating,and administration spaces.The outdoor pool area consist of one pool with zero entry, recreational, two water slides landing area, and a lap pool. A restroom building, a check-in building, twocanopies following the shape of the pool, and required plumbing fixtures are also included in the outdoor pool area. The outdoor pool is secured with perimeterfencing.LAS CRUCES COMMERCIAL PERMITSElectricalPlumbingAlterationMechanicalRe-roofCommercial NewAdditionsPERMIT NUMBER(CLICK TO VIEW)PERMIT LOCATIONISSUE DATEPERMIT OWNERBUILDINGCONTRACTOR24OC55044082245 GRIGGS Ave07/23/2024CITY OF LAS CRUCESSOUTHWESTERNREGIONAL HOUSING ANDCOMMUNITY DEVELOPROJECT DESCRIPTION:GAS AIR LINES, SEWER AIRLINES, AND WATER AIRLINE.24OC55044312707 SPITZ St07/24/2024BLUE HORIZONPROPERTIES LLCMADDOX PLUMBING, INC.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:shell building plumbing permit24OC55044332707 SPITZ St07/24/2024BLUE HORIZONPROPERTIES LLCMADDOX PLUMBING, INC.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:shell building plumbing permit24OC55044508993 ROBERT LARSON Blvd07/25/2024MUSKET CORPLIFT ARM CONSTRUCTION LLCPROJECT DESCRIPTION:LA 8993 Robert LarsonBack Flows-23CB050522824OC55044741008 MOTEL Blvd07/26/2024PICACHO LPCAMPOS Y CASAS LLCPROJECT DESCRIPTION:Elda's Restaurant Plumbingnew restaurant plumbiing

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